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Program Stage Design (Scenography) Department of Scenography at the Faculty of Architecture and Design consists of five design studios which conduct an interdisciplinary design and artistic educational work directed at conscious and responsible shaping of visual identity of the ‘stage’-the nearest environment. Stage Design and Fashion Design as specializations refer to creating ‘occasional space’ (theatre, TV studio, exhibitions, shows, spectacles, parades etc.). The Department of Scenography was founded in 2005, appointing several already functioning studios as well as tutors actively participating in work connected with theatre, scenography, performance, installation and costume design. An important guideline for the development of the department is the fact that it was founded at the faculty of Architecture and Design. at the same time we search for solutions and inspirations in other domains of art, thus creating a unique viewpoint at scenography. Stage Design specialization consist of three design studios complemented by classes in Scenography Techniques and Technologies, and Television Scenography Design. An important aspect of the classes is their scope: propedeutics of stage management, dramatical literary text analysis, simulation of cooperation with a director, history of drama. I Pracownia Scenografii | Set Design Studio I prof. Wojciech Müller ad. dr hab. Katarzyna Podgórska - Glonti The studio of Stage Design I develops interest in theatre; artistic theatre, theatre in unconventional and open space, experimental theatre. At the Studio we pay particular attention to an artistic concept of the stage narration, to space, colour, material and light. Light, with its physical and metaphorical diversity plays a crucial role in the topics proposed to students.


Our scope of interests includes also a human being-its character, movement and its dynamics. The studio invites recognized artists to cooperate, and it also runs foreign exchange, which results in mutual exhibitions and realizations. Pracownia Scenografii II | Studio of Stage Design II ad. dr hab. Bohdan Cieślak as. mgr Tomasz Ryszczyński At the studio of Stage Design II we research connections and relationships between space and form and a particular story, screenplay or event described through a literary text, a drama or another literary- descriptive form. The scope of observation includes also selected realities containing a time and transformation factor, which are in a way ‘peripheral’ to stage design. Design exercises realized at the studio cover the issues of the so-called exhibition scenography answering particular problem tasks. The studio is above all a design studio, where spatial concepts are developed and prepared as a spatial-compositional ‘script’ in scale and in time, and also in such a way that a specialized executor may carry it out. A significant element of the work is a free-hand sketch transmission, usually the first element of communication taking place between the scenographer and the director, revealing also the character, temperament and imagination of the student. Work at the studio is complemented by workshops and plain-aires, resulting in post-plain-air student exhibitions, for instance at Modrzejewska Theatre in Legnica (participation in two editions of International Theatre Festival


‘Miasto’ in Legnica in 2007 and 2009). Pracownia Zjawisk Teatralnych | Studio of Theatre Phenomena ad. dr Piotr Tetlak as. mgr Martyna Stachowczyk laborant mgr Krzysztof Urban konsultacje reż. Lech Raczak The didactic programme of the Studio is realized through corrections, plain-aires, workshops and participation in cultural events in Poznan, such as performances, installation realizations, performative activities. The Studio is vested with technical and laboratory background, useful for various tasks and working outdoors. Plain-aires at the Studio are conducted in the cooperative theatres and other such places in Poland. After BA graduation the students have gained theoretical and practical knowledge of design, concerning spectacular forms both in open and enclosed untheatrical spaces, and the skill of cooperation within other domains of art. During MA studies the students develop additional design and artistic skills, like cooperation with a director, where the final effect may be a stage design or an artistic expression, e.g. performance. The Studio suggests analysis and synthesis in stage design and design of space at the theatre, in open-air shows and events. We create through experiments, research of matter and of the space we are using. We practise the search for inspiration, supplementing knowledge through specialist literature on theatre, technological solutions, special effects, and


multimedia, as well as philosophical and psychological literature. Apart from the didactic-design programme the Studio arranges a ‘field programme’, which realizes designs for festivals, associations, foundations and also theatres. Department of scenography at the Faculty of Architecture and Design consists of five design studios which conduct an interdisciplinary design and artistic educational work directed at conscious and responsible shaping of visual identity of the ‘stage’-the nearest environment. Stage Design and Fashion Design as specializations refer to creating ‘occasional space’ (theatre, TV studio, exhibitions, shows, spectacles, parades etc.). The Department of Scenography was founded in 2005, appointing several already functioning studios as well as tutors actively participating in work connected with theatre, scenography, performance, installation and costume design. An important guideline for the development of the department is the fact that it was founded at the faculty of architecture and design. At the same time we search for solutions and inspirations in other domains of art, thus creating a unique viewpoint at scenography. Fashion Design specialization consists of two studios of Fashion Design, studio of Textile and Clothing Construction and a laboratory. Specialization activities include also theoretical classes in History of Costume Design. In the design studios we realize topics connected both with stage and utilitarian costume. The designs are made by the students independently, which gives them the direct opportunity to tackle their design concept. Students of the specialization participate in workshops and plain-aires organized by the University of Arts in Poznan, as well as in national fashion and design workshops. Students also have the opportunity to receive training in Poznan theatres. Pracownia Projektowania Ubioru I | Studio of Fashion Design I ad. dr hab. Sławomira Chorążyczewska as. mgr Elżbieta Cios Dress is a way of life, of thinking, of behaviour; it is human emotions and climates. The development of science and technology clears way for changes, and the problems connected with this mission will be the tasks


for a new generation of designers. To cope with these challenges, the Studio I have the pleasure of running, is curricular-experimental in its character. Developing the skills of reading forms, structures, functions, processes and meanings, is the basis for education. Students define a scope of research for a particular problem. They make inquiries and analyses. The work is carried out in the widest possible context; it is the search for relations in reference to fashion as art, and to theatre costume in a particular scenographic space. Dreams are the domain of imagination. The search for harmony between the rational and the empirical and between the beautiful and the human shapes the intellectual horizon of future designers. Direct relationships in the cooperation of scenographer, director, production manager and the student teach responsibility for conscious design. Students search for their original form of self-presentation, inscribing the role of dress in a significant semantic and social context. Pracownia Projektowania Ubioru II | Studio of Fashion Design II ad. dr Anna Regimowicz-Korytowska as. mgr Ewa Mróz The aim of the Studio of Fashion Design is to introduce students to the problems of stage and utilitarian costume design, together with the elements emphasising individuality linked with profession, function, social status etc. We focus on the analysis of a selected topic, make design assumptions, develop a complex concept of the design in a social context and its solution, which results in realization of the designed model.


The topics suggested are different for each year, depending on the commitment of a student. We realize subjects associated with stage costume design, clothes connected with promotion in advertising, clothes perceived as applied arts, answering the needs of everyday life. A man and the context around him is the source of inspiration for creating a form. Students have an opportunity to master the practical skill of transposing and conveying a design concept in several spatial dimensions.