Download - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - · Information Technology & Your Life: The Future Now What is information technology, and how does it affect ... the cardiovascular



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By : Ruktin Handayani, M.Kom







Chapter Topics & Key QuestionsThe Practical User: How Becoming Computer Savvy Benefits YouWhat does being computer savvy mean, and what are its practical payoffs?

Information Technology & Your Life: The Future NowWhat is information technology, and how does it affect education, health, money, leisure, government, and careers?

Infotech Is All-Pervasive: Cellphones, Email, the Internet, & the E-WorldHow does information technology facilitate email, networks, and the use of the internet and the web; what is the meaning of the term cyberspace?

The “All-Purpose Machine”: The Varieties of ComputersWhat are the five sizes of computers, and what are clients and servers?

1Understanding Your Computer: How Can You Customize Your Own PC?What four basic operations do all computers use, and what are some of the devices associated with each operation? How does communications affect these operations?

Where Is Information Technology Headed?What are three directions of computer development and three directions of communications development?


Being computer savvy means knowing what computers can do andwhat they can’t, knowing how they can benefit you and how they canharm you, knowing when you can solve computer problems and when

you have to call for help

How Becoming Computer Savvy Benefits You

Fix Ordinary Computer Problems

Upgrade Your Equipment& Integrate It With NewProducts

Use The Internet Most Effectively

Protect Yourself Against Online Villains

Computer Uses Can Advance Your Career

Make Better Buying Decisions


“Information technology (IT) is a general term that describes any technology that helps to produce,

manipulate, store, communicate, and/or disseminate information”

When computer and communications technologies are combined, the result is information technology

The Future Now

Information Technology & Your Life:


Computers & Communications

The Two Parts of IT:


“A computer is a programmable,multiuse machine that accepts data—raw facts and figures—andprocesses, or manipulates, it into information we can use,“


“Communications technology , also called telecommunications technology , consists of electromagnetic devices and systems for communicating over long distances.



INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYIt is already affecting your life in exciting ways and will do so even more in the future.

Let’s consider how

Education:The Promise of

More Interactive& Individualized Learning

Health:High Tech

for Wellness


the Cashless Society

Leisure:Infotech in

Entertainment & the Arts

Government & Electronic Democracy:Participating in the Civic Realm

Jobs & Careers:


How is information technology being used in education?

reduce the teacher’s workload per student

Ex: email, or “electronic mail,” messages transmitted over a

computer network, most often the internet, are used by students

to set up appointments (62%) with professors, discuss grades

(58%), or get clarification of an assignment (75%).10

allow students to personalize their education

Automate many tedious and rote tasks of teaching and managing classes;


How are computers being used in health and medicine?

01This patient has had a fracture of the femur in the right leg. This computer-based image shows a close-up view of the treated area. A click on the arrow or the highlighted femur would show the pertinent medical information from the record on the right panel. The tool allows doctors to easily zoom in an out on a particular body region or part and choose between many different views, for example, the cardiovascular system, the central nervous system, or the muscular system High-tech medicine

02Open heart surgery is seen on a computer monitor as an Israeli medical team repairs a congenital defect in a boy’s heart at the Wolfson Medical Center in Tel Aviv.


How does information technology facilitate email, networks, and the use of the internet and the web; what is the meaning of the term cyberspace?”

Infotech Is All-Pervasive: Cellphones, Email, the Internet, & the E-World

The Phone Grows UpHow has the telephone changed?

“You’ve Got Mail!” Email’s Mass ImpactWhat makes email distinctive from

earlier technologies?

The Internet, the World Wide Web, & the “Plumbing of Cyberspace”What’s the difference between the net, the web,and cyberspace?

College Students & the E-WorldHow does my use of information technology compare with that of other students?


What are the five sizes of computers, and what are clients and servers?

THE “ALL-PURPOSE MACHINE”:The Varieties of Computers

What kind of services am I apt to get from a mainframe?

Mainframe Computers

How does a microcomputer differ from a workstation?


What are some uses of workstations?

WorkstationsWhat gadgets do I have that might contain microcontrollers?


How do servers work, and what do they do?


Is there a chance I might use a supercomputer?




are high-capacity machines with thousands of processors that can

perform more than several trillion calculations per second.

Mainframe Computersmainframes arewater- or air-cooled computers that cost $5,000–$5 million and vary insize from small, to medium, to large, depending on their use.

Workstationsworkstations are expensive, powerful

personal computers usually used for complex scientific, mathematical,

and engineering calculations and for computer-aided

design and computer-aided manufacturing Microcomputers

Microcomputers , also called personal computers ( PCs ), which cost $500to over $5,000, can fit next to a desk or on a desktop or can be carriedaround.


MicrocontrollersMicrocontrollers , also called

embedded computers , are the tiny, specialized

microprocessors installed in “smart” appliances and automobiles

ServersA server , or network server , is a central computer that holds collections of data (databases) and programs for connecting or supplying services to PCs, workstations, and other devices, which are called clients. These clients are linked by a wired or wireless network. The entire network is called a client/server network.


Where Is Information Technology Headed?

What are three directions of computer development and three directions of communications development?



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1. Di berbagai bidang selain contoh yang sudahdisebutkan.

2. Setiap orang membuat satu contoh.3. Dibuat dalam bentuk artikel lengkap dengan

penjelasan dan cara kerja4. Dikumpulkan paling lambat selasa, jam 16.00 di

ketua kelas

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Task 1 :


Buat Review Film:

1. Sebutkan jenis bidang ilmu yang terdapat di dalamfilm

2. Sebutkan teknologi yang digunakan di dalam film3. Sebutkan profesi yang muncul di dalam film

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Task 2 :