Download - Influences and intentions - Alex Major

Page 1: Influences and intentions - Alex Major

Influences and Intentions

Page 2: Influences and intentions - Alex Major

• From studying the music video “Its Time” it has given me the

idea of using symbolism as a part in my video, it is based on

dark and light in their video, but our song is called “Silver

Light” therefore in the video we have to make the new

equilibrium be the silver light, but since it is very difficult to

make actual silver light we need to come up with a

personification or in the form of a symbol as the silver light. A

line in the lyrics is “ We take turns so no one was alone” by

making an object silver, we could turn that object into

someone that the singer is missing, such as a previous lover

etc. but in the form of a object or symbol.


Page 3: Influences and intentions - Alex Major


• Colours are very important in our video but we will only use

black, white and silver as the main colours in the video but the video

will not be in black and white just these colours will be the most

important in the video.

• For some of the locations we will be using my farm , some of the video

will be slow zoomed in panned shots of aesthetic objects such as a

field, trees, the sky and the sun to achieve lens flares but also I want

some darker objects such as a rusted oil barrel, broken walls, bits of

scrap etc. And by doing this I balance the light and the dark evenly.

Page 4: Influences and intentions - Alex Major

• The first 40 seconds of the video will have pure atmospheric shots as

there is not any singing for the first 40 seconds. The shots will be of

just objects , fields , broken walls , berries etc. And these shot types

will be extreme close ups of them with slight blurs as the camera

zooms in and out on the object or place.

• These are some of the examples I would want to try and achieve for

a field shot. They have close ups, bright sun light, extreme close up

and blurred out of focus lights.

Shot Types