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Mr. Kim is the Chief Operation Officer and Chief Compliance Officer for Kirr Marbach & Co. LLC, an investment adviser based in Columbus IN. Please visit

Admiral William H. McRaven, a Navy SEAL and commander of U.S. Special Operations Command, was architect of Operation Neptune Spear, the 2011 raid that killed Osama bin Laden. McRaven graduated from the University of Texas at Austin (UT) in 1977 with a degree in Journalism. He returned to his alma mater in May to deliver the commencement address with advice on “if you want to change the world.”Admiral McRaven has graciously allowed me to share his thoughts with you.

He left UT after graduation for Basic SEAL training in Coronado, CA. As a warrior-in-training, it seemed silly the first challenge each morning was a meticulous inspection of his bed. But the wisdom of this simple act would be proven many times over.

He said, “If you make your bed every morning you will have accomplished the first task of the day. It will give you a small sense of pride and it will encourage you to do another task and another. By the end of the day, that one task completed will have turned into many tasks completed.”

“Making your bed will also reinforce the fact that little things in life matter. If you can’t do the little things right, you will never do the big things right. If you want to change the world, start off by making your

bed.” No matter how much effort he put into starching his hat, pressing his uniform and polishing his belt buckle, instructors would invariably find a flaw. The punishment for failing inspection was running fully clothed into the surf and rolling around on the beach until you were a sand-covered “sugar cookie.”

He said, “Sometimes no matter how well you prepare or how well you perform, you still end up as a sugar cookie. It’s just the way life is sometimes. If you want to change the world, get over being a sugar cookie and keep moving forward.”

Each day was filled with multiple physical challenges. Failure to meet performance standards earned you an invitation to a 2-hour “circus” with additional physical activity designed to wear you down and break your spirit. While everyone made the circus list during training, only those who found inner strength succeeded.

He said, “Life is full of circuses. You will likely fail often. It will be painful. At times it will test you to your very core. But if you want to change the world, don’t be afraid of the circuses.”

Finally, he said in SEAL training there is a brass bell that hangs in the center of the compound. All you had to do to quit and make the physical and mental hardships stop was ring the bell. He said, “If you want to change the world don’t ever, ever ring the bell.”

In closing, he advised “Start each day with a task completed. Find someone to help you through life. Respect everyone. Know that life is not fair and that you will fail often, but if you take some risks, step up when times are toughest, face down the bullies, lift up the downtrodden and never, ever give up—if you do these things then the next generation and the generations that follow will live in a world far better than the one we have today.”

Heed life lessons from Navy SEAL training

there is a “tremendous need” to feed the state’s $37 billion agriculture sector with highly-educated talent. The school says, despite the rising average age of farming professionals, the industry is continuing to grow. Purdue University and Ivy Tech Community College are the only institutions in Indiana that currently offer agribusiness programs. Job Creators Investing, Paying More

Indiana’s secretary of commerce says businesses locating or expanding in Indiana are investing more and paying higher wages. Victor Smith says the Indiana Economic Development Corp. has participated in deals involving more than $3.2 billion in capital investment so far this year, which tops the total for all of 2013. He says the 17,040 projected new jobs in the first six months of the year have an average expected hourly wage of over $21, which is more than a dollar higher than the current state average.Developer Proposing Downtown Indy Hotels

More luxury hotel options could be in the works for downtown Indianapolis. A Minnesota-based company has submitted preliminary plans to the city calling for a 15-story development close to Bankers Life Fieldhouse.Hoosier Wines Shine in International Competition

Indiana wineries won more than 200 medals in this year’s Indy International Wine Competition. Tonne Winery in Muncie won Indiana Winery of the Year and its Traminette won Indiana Wine of the Year. Popular Indy Neighborhood In Transition

Indianapolis-based Buckingham Companies Vice President Scott Travis says the Broad Ripple neighborhood remains an attractive development target despite a recent spike in crime. The company has completed construction on the first apartment development in the neighborhood in 30 years. Brugge Brasserrie Owner Ted Miller says the crime issue has helped galvanize the neighborhood to look at potential solutions, including diversifying the mix of business. Kroger Opens Little Clinics

Kroger has announced four new in-store health clinics in central Indiana. The grocer and The Little Clinic are planning to open additional locations throughout the state over the next year. Ballard: Crime Cycle ‘Must Stop’

A key part of Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard’s plan to fight the city’s rise in violence is improving access to early education. He proposes spending $25 million over five years to send thousands of children to preschool. The mayor’s “holistic approach,” released this morning, also calls for a study of expelled students and dropouts--as many as 18,000 last year alone. Results of the study would be used to find solutions for the troubled teens and ultimately provide specific recommendations to Indiana lawmakers. The proposal also includes hiring an additional 280 police officers.

Joanna Zhou (周娜),recently moved to Indianapolis with her husband from Beijing, where she worked in human resources for a U.S. fortune 500 company. She is absolutely loving her new life and all her new friends in Indianapolis. IAAT welcomes Joanna as our newest columnist.

Yunnan earthquake updatesWith two more bodies retrieved, the death toll

from the Yunnan earthquake rose to 617 as of Aug 8, 2013. The quake occurred at 4:30 p.m. Sunday with its epicenter at Longtoushan Township.A barrier lake near the border of Ludian and Qiaojia, formed when landslides blocked the Niulan River, still poses a big risk. The water level is still rising. It is difficult to transport large machinery to the site, but the clear-up operation began on Tuesday with three excavators arriving on the scene. “Aftershocks cause frequent landslides, which have affected our work. We have to use dynamite to blow up blockages,” said rescuer Fan Tianyin. Two hydropower stations on the lower reaches have discharged nearly 100 million cubic meters of water and one reservoir on the upper reaches has intercepted more than 10 million cubic meters. The lake has already flooded several villages and forced 8,172 residents to evacuate. Good news is that all but three roads in quake zone had reopened as of 4 p.m. on Friday. 云南地震最新进展2004年8月10日18时26分,云南省鲁甸县、昭阳

区境内发生里氏5.6级强烈破坏性地震。据国家地震台网监测,微观震中位于鲁甸县桃源乡、昭阳区布嘎乡一带,介于北纬27度10分、东经103度36分之间。地震波及昭通市11个县区,造成35个乡镇264个村民委员会4276个村民小组不同程度受灾。鲁甸县桃源回族乡、茨院回族乡、文屏镇、大水井乡、小寨乡和昭阳区布嘎回族乡、守望回族乡、永丰镇、苏家院乡震感强烈,受灾严重,其余各县均有不同程度的震感。目前余震不断,截至8月11日18时,共发生余震115次,其中3级以上余震7次,。云南地震伤亡人数已近600.China’s inflation grows 2.3 pct in July

China’s consumer price index (CPI), a main gauge of inflation, grew 2.3 percent year on year in July, the same pace as a month earlier, official data showed on Saturday. The growth rate was also the same as that of the first half of this year, showing stable pricing in the world’s second-largest economy, according to the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS).

In July, inflation grew 2.4 percent in urban areas and 2.1 percent in rural areas, NBS data showed. Food prices, which account for about one third of the weighting in the CPI calculation, grew 3.6 percent year on year in July, down from 3.7 percent in June. The Chinese government aims to hold consumer inflation at around 3.5 percent this year.中国7月通胀率低于目标中国国家统计局周末发布的数据显示,中国7月

份居民消费价格同比上涨2.3%,涨幅与6月份持平,也符合市场预期中值.通胀受到抑制令中国领导人有余地实施更多促增长措施,此前政府已推出加快铁路建设投资、释放出更多资金用于放贷等刺激政策来应对今年稍早的经济减速。苏格兰皇家银行(RBS)表示,8月8日发布的中国7月份进口意外下降多少反映出投资不振。通胀数据发布后,高盛高华宋宇等经济学家在报告中指出,7月份的通胀数据应能缓解此前决策者和投资者对经济增长反弹之际通胀将持续上升的担忧。报告显示,食品与非食品CPI的下行趋势将为决策者留出空间,他们可以在近期维持扶持政策。Innovation societies gain popularity in China’s vocational colleges

An increasing number of China’s vocational school students are joining student societies focused on innovation in hopes fostering fresh ideas, a recent survey by China Youth Daily found. According to the survey, nearly 82 percent of vocational college students interviewed said there were student societies dedicated to innovation at their schools. More than 86 percent of respondents said they had participated in scientific research or innovation-oriented activities at school. Innovation societies are student organizations which are funded by schools to encourage students to take part in scientific research and innovation activities.81.8%受访高职生表示所在学校有科研创新类社团据中国青年报最近的一项调查显示,高职院校的


助的学生组织,旨在鼓励学生参与科研或创新活动中。China’s “silicon valley” to expand

Zhongguancun, China’s iconic technology park, is to expand out of the capital under the coordinated development initiative for Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei.A recent agreement between Beijing and Tianjin should mean construction of the Binhai-Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park in Tianjin Binhai New Area, a special economic development zone, can get underway. The park will combine Zhongguancun’s innovation drive and Binhai New Area’s policy priority. Another Zhongguancun science and technology park is being considered in Qinhuangdao, a port city in Hebei Province.Zhongguancun was China’s first high-tech park. Over the past 20 years, nearly 20,000 enterprises have registered there, with total revenue of 2.5 trillion yuan (406 billion U.S. dollars) last year.北京部分产业转移到天津河北 去年11月30日,天津市宝坻区人民政府与中关村

科技园区管委会、中关村发展集团签署了战略合作框架协议。这在当时被视为“打造京津同城发展桥头堡、京津冀一体化先行区”的重大突破。 这并不意味着中关村要搬迁,可以肯定地说,中关村不可能搬迁。但是会和天津、河北联手共建一些科技园。”国家规划专家委员会委员杨开忠近期表示。中关村是北京创新战略的核心,北京每年的经济增长,中关村贡献了两成。如果要转移中关村的部分产业,有专家建议北京和天津、河北三地分工合作,北京可定位为总部发明和研发地,把科技创新的应用部分更多地放在天津和河北,这两地更多地侧重研发的产业化,也可以考虑将高端制造业转移到天津和河北。”Taiwan gas blast still under investigation

Taiwan prosecutors are still investigating the cause of an underground gas explosion which left 30 dead and 310 injured. The blasts hit the southern city of Kaohsiung at about midnight on July 31, ripping up roads and overturning cars. Kaohsiung Major Chen Chu said on Wednesday that the city government will go to court to apply to freeze the assets of LCY Chemical Corp. LCY is suspected of being responsible for the accident after the initial investigation. Supplies of water to 560 households, electricity to more than 600, and gas to 4,000 are yet to be restored. Gas leaks were reported in the city’s Cianjhen District at 8:46 p.m. on July 31, leading to multiple blasts at about midnight that affected a three square km area.高雄燃气爆炸 检方:涉公共危险罪 将予以调查据台湾“中央社”报道,台湾高雄市凯旋路和

三多路1日凌晨发生燃气爆炸,造成严重伤亡。高雄检方今天表示,这起气爆案涉及“刑法”的公共危险罪。凯旋路接三多路的L型路面,长约1公里的摩托车慢车道被炸翻,停在路旁的汽车和摩托车也遭殃,居民形容就像电影场景被原子弹炸过一样。高雄地检署表示,这起大规模气爆,泄漏瓦斯或石化原料导致爆炸失火,涉及公共危险罪,目前先了解状况和情况稳定后,调查相关刑事责任。受灾户表示,昨晚就发现水沟冒出白色泡沫,居民都闻到类似瓦斯的臭味,并通报警消等单位处理,但却未实时关闭开关止漏,才造成深夜的爆炸。McDonald’s July sales performance worst in ten years

Following a 2.5 percent decrease in July, McDonald’s has reported its worth monthly calendar-adjusted global sales for ten years.The fast food giant said Friday that its global sales forecast for 2014 was at risk after a food scandal that involves its China operations. McDonald’s same-restaurant sales in Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa, fell 7.3 percent in July. Analysts say that the figures could lead to the first full-year global sales decline for the U.S. Company since 2002. Before its problems in China, the company was already fighting to improve its U.S. business, where monthly sales at established restaurants have been declined or remained the since last November. McDonald’s shares rose slightly after the sales news, but stock fell 6.5 percent in the past month, mostly because of the food scare in China.麦当劳7月销售额骤降 创10年来最大下降幅度麦当劳公布了7月份的同店销售数据。数据显

示,7月份麦当劳全球同店销售下降2.5%。 这个月中,麦当劳亚太、中东和非洲地区(APMEA)的同店销售下滑7.3%,主要反映了该公司及其他食品公司在中国市场上所面临的来自于上海福喜的食品质量和安全问题的影响;这个问题所带来的结果是,麦当劳在中国、日本及其他特定市场上面临负面影响。受影响的市场在麦当劳全球系统销售额中所占比例大约为10%,对这一地区业务7月份同店销售所造成的负面影响超过了700个基点。麦当劳表示,未来该公司将采取复苏战略以恢复消费者信任和信心。

Commercial Real Estate at ‘Pre-Recession Levels’

The regional vice president of research at Cassidy Turley says new commercial real estate numbers indicate a transition from recovery to a full-fledged expansion. Jason Tolliver says Indiana’s industrial sector strengthened in the second quarter in all 92 counties for the first time since before the recession. The company’s quarterly report suggests every aspect of commercial real estate is experiencing growth.IU Details Legislative Capital Request

Trustees at Indiana University have approved a $203 million legislative capital request for the 2015-2017 fiscal years. The school says the money would support projects including a plan to turn the former Wishard Hospital campus in Indianapolis into a hub for its life science and health programs and the Evansville medical research campus. IUPUI Approves $45 Million Project

IUPUI’s board of trustees has approved moving forward with a $45 million residence hall. The school says construction on the 700-bed dorm would wrap up in 2016. The project still needs state approval. Gifts Help IU Counter Law School Trend

The Indiana University Maurer School of Law says interest in its program remains strong, despite a drop in law school applications nationally. Dean Austen Parrish says one program which counteracts the negative trend is IU’s Conservation Law Center, which allows students to practice pro bono law for environmental organizations. The center recently received a big boost from gifts totaling $3.25 million. The donations will also help provide scholarships to high school students.Mayors, Business Community Rally For Rail

Eight mayors from Indiana and Ohio have taken another key step in a plan calling for high-speed rail service between Chicago and Columbus, Ohio and running through northern Indiana. The group has issued a memorandum of agreement to develop the Northern Indiana/Ohio Passenger Rail initiative with freight rail operators and right-of-way owners along the existing lines. They are pushing for an environmental impact study for the project. The total cost of the proposal is estimated at more than $1 billion.Huntington U.: Degree to Feed Ag Need

The president of Huntington University believes a new agribusiness program will be a signature feature of the school and the region. Sherilyn Emberton says

The International Center Welcomes Chinese Professor


Since its establishment in 1970s, The International Center has been dedicated to strengthening Indiana’s global connections. The most recent example of their activity in this area was a training program on American business and culture from July 27th to August 7th, organized jointly by The International Center and Pathway Higher Education Service, and participated by ten college professors from China.

The program was largely made up of themes and topics about which The International Center itself has multiple programs. The center’s own Global Competency Officer, Ansuyah Naiken and Protocol Officer, Peter Kirkwood presented on cross-cultural communication, including an introduction to the state of Indiana and American etiquette. The lecture on Business English Language Pedagogy, one of the most important topics to the internationally-driven professors, was presented by Beth Barich and Christine Burns, who represented The International Center’s International Visitor Leadership Program. The International Center also invited professors from both IUPUI and IU Bloomington to give lectures on language teaching and research to improve teaching and research techniques for Chinese professors.

In order to enrich the professors’ knowledge

about American business culture and apply it within their own classroom, The International Center not only invited two professors from IUPUI Business School to present topics on International Business Environment and the Global Workforce, but also arranged the delegation’s visit to Butler University Business Consulting Group and the Kelley Business School at Indiana University Bloomington. During their visits, the delegation had many engaged discussions

with business professors, students and staff on business education models between the U.S. as well as China and Chinese business students career development in the U.S. Toward the end of their visit, the Chinese professors continued their training by visiting two American businesses with global experience, Elanco Animal Health and Telamon Corporation. The visitors were also able to visit a number of local restaurants and partake in local activities like the Connor Prairie Interactive History Park and their evening outdoor concert.

“They cherished their visit very much and were so eager to learn!” said Lei Wang, The Center’s Project Manager - China. “All the instructors were very impressed with their fluent English and thoughtful thoughts. Sometimes, the discussions were so engaged that I, as a time keeper, hated to stop them!”

“I have learned so much about cross-cultural communication and this experience really enhanced my awareness of American culture. It will be very helpful in my teaching!” One Chinese professor said. Another professor added, “I wish I could stay longer to learn more!”



中心国际竞争力培训讲师(Global Competency Officer)Ansuyah Naiken女士和礼仪干事(Protocol Officer)Peter Kirkwood先生向学员们讲授了包括印第安纳州和印第安纳波利斯市历史,美国商务礼仪文化等跨文化传播课程。内容生动活泼,深受学员好评。作为本次培训活动的重点内容之一,印州国际中心国际访问接待部门经理 (International Visitor Manager)Beth Barich女士和该部门实习生 Christine Burns女士与学员们分享了商业英语教学法的知识和心得。本次培训活动得到了印州著名高校和跨国公司

的大力支持。来到印州的第一天,学员们就参观了 IUPUI的理学院, 工程学院, 商学院, 图书馆和学生活动中心。在随后的培训过程中,来自IUPUI和 印第安纳大学布卢明顿校区(Indiana University Bloomington)的教授们为来访的中国学员们讲授了关于国际商业环境、全球劳动力变化以及英语教学研究方法等课程。学员们还参

观了巴特勒大学 (Butler University) 商学院和第安纳大学凯莱商学院,并和教师和学生就中美教育模式,中国留学生在美就业情况等问题进行了热烈的讨论。作为培训项目的一部分,学员们还参观了礼来公司动物保健部(Elanco Animal Health)和Telamon 集团,并同公司管理层就MBA 的培养与招聘,中西方商业管理理念等进行了交流。除此之外,本次培训还安排了参观印第安纳波利斯市 Connor Prairie互动历史公园,Eiteljorg 美洲印第安人博物馆等,让学员们多方面了解美国历史与文化。Pathway高等教育服务机构总裁及首席执行官陆


ACSI Summer Social Cheering for Indy Eleven

The America China Society of Indiana (ACSI) hosted its annual Summer Social with the Indy Eleven soccer team on Wednesday, August 6th. With 43 members in attendance, guests were able to mingle during a networking session before Indy Eleven took on the Fort Lauderdale Strikers in front of a sold-out crowd at IUPUI’s Carroll Stadium. Despite the lack of goals in the 0-0 result, everyone had a great time making new friends during the cool, evening weather.

2014 年 08月15日星期五 Friday, August 15, 2014 Business/Perspective 经济/論談 7

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