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STUDENT ID: 21838380

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTI would like to sincerely thank all the employees of Square InformatiX Limited for providing me with the wonderful opportunity to gain practical infield experience and work as an industrial trainee at this highly esteemed organization. I would like to specially thank my supervisor, the General Manager of Square InformatiX, Squadron Leader (Retd.) Ahmed U Bhuyian (B.Sc.Engg, MCSE, CCNA) for being so kind and supportive throughout the entire duration of my training and helping me in understanding various sides of communications, networking and engineering fields which would not have been possible without his kind support. I surely hope that I can make use of the immense knowledge I gained through this training.


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TABLE OF CONTENTSACKNOWLEDGEMENT.................................................................................................................................2


NETWORK DEPARTMENT.............................................................................................................................4

VSAT DEPARTMENT....................................................................................................................................4

VSAT ARCHITECTURE..............................................................................................................................5

HUB STATION.........................................................................................................................................6

SATELLITE CONFIGURATION......................................................................................................................9

RADIO AND FIBER DEPARTMENT.................................................................................................................10

FIBER LINK...........................................................................................................................................11

RADIO LINK..........................................................................................................................................11

ISP DEPARTMENT.....................................................................................................................................14

PROJECTS INVOLVED.................................................................................................................................17

FIBER LINK BETWEEN CHQ AND SHAHADAT ASSOCIATES...............................................................................17

SERVER ROOM RACK INSTALLATION AND MASTER ROUTER POWER TESTING...................................................18

MOTOROLLA ONLINE ACADEMY COURSE.....................................................................................................20

MARKETING & MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT...........................................................................................21

OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY PRACTICES.....................................................................................21





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INTRODUCTIONSquare group is one of the leading private companies in Bangladesh. It has more than 30 industries each having a large number of branches, factories and depots. Square InformatiX Limited (SIL) has emerged as a trusted name in the ICT industry. Founded in the year 2000, SIL was initially dedicated to provide software solution and data connectivity for various branches of Square group itself. But later on based on the great success of the dedicated team of SIL it also started providing its services to other corporate clients. SIL can be divided into two sections: network and software. The software section is dedicated for developing effective business application software in order to accelerate time to market, reduce operational cost and empower them to devote more time to their core business. The network section is dedicated for providing data and internet connectivity through satellite, VSAT, radio and fiber links. This internship was conducted fully under the network department. This report is a brief summarized description of how the entire network department of SIL functions to provide effective data and internet connectivity to various branches of the Square group and also to other corporate clients.



Square InformatiX is one of the very few private companies in Bangladesh that provide internet and data connectivity using VSAT as one of the mediums. VSAT stands for Very Small Aperture Terminal. VSAT is generally known as a family of satellite systems and applications, where the terminal equipment use an antenna with a diameter of less than about 4.5 meters, varying down to about 1.2 meters. VSAT systems and applications make use of geostationary satellites (GSO). These are satellites placed in the geostationary orbit over the equator of the earth at an altitude of 35,786 km. Satellites that are placed in this orbit appear to "stand still" relative to any position on the earth and thus can be used to implement communication systems using non-tracking antennas. VSAT systems generally require an earth station which consists of a parabolic antenna with diameter between 7 and 32 meters. SIL has an earth station or the hub station located in Gazipur which is located at outskirts of Dhaka city.

SIL provides data and internet connectivity using VSAT to various remote areas where radio or fiber connection cannot be set up. VSAT connectivity has been provided to various depots of Square Pharmaceutical Limited, the corporate clients apart from Square which took VSAT connection from SIL are mainly banks such as Trust Bank, Sonali Bank etc. These banks having


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branches and ATMs at various remote rural areas of Bangladesh keep track of banking transactions using VSAT and stay connected to their headquarter in the capital city.


The VSAT systems provided by SIL consist of the following hardware components:

Ku or C band antenna with a diameter of 1.2m Outdoor Unit (ODU) containing the RF electronics Inter-Facility Link (IFL) cables (two cables with four connectors) connecting the outdoor

unit to the indoor unit Single-board Indoor Unit (IDU), containing a modulator, demodulator and base band

processing electronics and Ethernet LAN L-band interface for reception of broadcast video and/or audio

Figure 1: VSAT system Outdoor Unit


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Figure 2: VSAT system architecture

IDU: IDU stands for Indoor Unit/ Modem. A satellite modem or sat modem is a modem used to establish data transfers using a communications satellite as a relay.

HPC: HPC/BUC (block up converter) is a part of the transmit chain of the VSAT system. It converts the modem's L-Band transmit signal into higher frequency C/Ku/Ka -Band signals, then amplifies it before it is reflected off the satellite antenna towards the satellite.

LNB: LNB or low noise block is the device on the front of a satellite dish that receives the very low level microwave signal from the satellite, amplifies it, changes the signals to a lower frequency band and sends them down the cable to the indoor receiver.

OMT: Orthomode Transducer separates different polarization modes selects whether signal move to HPC or LPN.

Feed horn: Gathers signals from the antenna/reflector.

IFL: Interfacing link (generally RJ-11 cables)


The Hub station of Square InformatiX Limited consists of a large parabolic antenna with a diameter of 9.3m. There are three motors connected to adjust the azimuth, elevation and polarization plane. The network engineers at the hub station monitors connectivity and data traffic. They control the angle at which the main antenna is pointing to make the satellite point towards the GSO for maximum data connectivity. They also help in troubleshooting when a particular connection is lost. Besides in case of extreme weather conditions such as heavy rain they boost the signals transmitted to compensate for the loss of signal. The hub station of SIL operates 24 hours round the clock every single day. Since connection losses occur frequently


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the engineers have to be very efficient and quick in re-establishing the connection to keep the clients satisfied.

Figure 3: Parabolic Antenna in the hub station of SIL

There are three main motors that control the elevation, polarization and azimuth angle of the antenna. The antenna is shown from various angles along with the motors in the diagram below for more clarity


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Figure 4: Motors controlling the antenna

The entire process that takes place in the hub station and how signal and data is received and

transmitted is shown in figure 5. When the reflector receives signal from the geostationary satellite the signal is sent to low noise amplifier which reduces and noise and amplifies the modulated signal. It is then passed onto a down converter and splitter which separate different bands of signal according to their frequencies. The signal is then demodulated and thus the original data is decoded in the RX section.

In the TX section the process is completely opposite; at first the data that is to be sent is modulated in a modulator, then it is passed through a combiner where uplift power control ULPC is connected. ULPC increases the power in extreme weather condition such as rain. The modulated signal is then passed onto a high power amplifier which further amplifies the signal since the signal will have considerable loss when travelling through such a long distance.

The entire architecture with various components in the hub station that makes transmission and reception of data by the large parabolic antenna possible is shown in figure 5.


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Figure 5: Hub station RX TX architecture

The hub station also contains a radio tower which is used for data connectivity through radio link to various other BTS towers (mainly Banglalink) and thus radio link is established to various branches of Square group and other clients.

The network engineer at the hub station monitor data traffic and connectivity through the radio link and connectivity issues and troubleshoots whenever the radio link is down. The radio link would be discussed with greater details in later parts of the report.

Figure 6: Radio tower at hub station


The satellite used by Square Informatix Ltd. is called NSS 11 which is owned by an American Company known as SES Americom and SES new skies. It is a geostationary satellite which orbits and travels at the same speed as the earth’s


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rotation. This makes it stationary with respect to the earth itself. The location of the satellite is 0° latitude and 108° longitude. This satellite covers China, Northeast Asia, Philippine and South Asia.

The uplink frequency is 14 GHz and downlink frequency is from 10.9 to 12.75 GHz. There are 28 transponders in number with a bandwidth of 36 MHz. The channel access method or modulation technique used is deterministic TDMA (time determined multiple access). Besides technology such as DVB-S2 (FEC, 16-QPSK, BPSK) and ACM (Adaptive coding and modulation) are used for various constrains including weather change. SIL uses evolution X3 satellite modem and router.

The network management system used in the hub station and VSATs is called iVantage. This is provided by an American Company called iDirect[2]. iDirect provides the entire network management architecture and the license has been bought by SIL. Ut the monitoring and maintenance is done by SIL network engineers themselves to minimize operation cost which would hav been much higher if iDirect provided SIL with yearly maintenance. The software used by SIL is called iDX. iDX releases and integrates both iNFINITI and Evolution onto a single powerful platform, providing unparalleled bandwidth efficiencies with DVB/S2/ACM and offering multiple applications further extending the value of the iDirect Platform.

RADIO AND FIBER DEPARTMENT The radio department of Square InformatiX Ltd. is concerned with various radio and fiber links used for data and internet connection between various branches of Square group and also various other corporate clients.


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Fiber link provides the greatest bandwidth and fastest data connectivity. The connection is also easier to configure. But care must be taken while connection to prevent the fiber to be exposed to various physical constraints which damages the fiber. But the main limitation of fiber link is distance; fiber link can be set up if the distance from the CHQ or the hub station is within a few kilometers. However if the distance is more than a few kilometers, radio link or VSAT is used.


Various types of fiber can be used according to clients’ demands and network architecture for providing connectivity. Cat 5E is used for indoor connection and Cat 6E for outdoor connection. RJ 45 is typically the formal name for LAN wires. RJ 45 can be of two types: straight over and cross over. The two types are differentiated by the sequence in which the 8 internal wires are connected to the LAN pin/clip according to their colors:


1. White Orange 1. White Green

2. Orange 2. Green

3. White Green 3. White Orange

4. Blue 4. Blue

5. White Blue 5. White Blue

6. Green 6. Orange

7. White Brown 7. White Brown

8. Brown 8. Brown

Table 1: Sequence of wiring for straight over and cross over RJ 45 cables.

I worked in a project for designing fiber link connection between one of the LDPs of Square Informatix Ltd and one of our clients namely “Shahadat Associates Ltd.”. This would be discussed in later parts of the report.


Square InformatiX Ltd. provides data and internet connection through radio link to various remote branches of Square group and many other corporate clients. SIL has an agreement with Banglalink, one of the dominating telecom company in Bangladesh. It uses the BTS towers of Banglalink located at various locations and pays a considerable rent on a monthly basis. Since


Figure 7: Illustration of the connection of straight over and cross over RJ 45 cables1

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these BTS towers are located at various locations it is easier to establish a radio link at almost any location under the network coverage of Banglalink. I assisted one of the system administrators of the radio department in setting up a radio link between Dhaka corporate headquarter (CHQ) and Kaliagar depot of the Square group. This provided an overall picture of how radio links are established between various locations by means of BTS towers.

The BTS tower have microwave transmitter and receiver pointed in different angles according to the location of the next BTS tower. A typical BTS tower which was configured is shown in figure 8.

Each tower has a control room which contains all the necessary machineries to keep the network up. The control room is secured and only qualified network engineers can enter the room. The room has a temperature control mechanism. Since all the instruments in the control room is temperature sensitive and tends to get overheated, the room was carefully designed to prevent overheating of any sort. The room has two air conditioners working constantly around the clock which cools the instruments. Besides there is an IRC powertech temperature sensor which measures the temperature and when the temperature is too high (30°C), it turns on two exhaust fan at the side of the control room which are normally off. The control room has battery banks which provides backup power whenever load shedding is taking place (which is very common in Bangladesh) and the battery banks can provide back up power upto 36 hours. The control room has many other important instruments such as: SIEMENS BTS, FCU controller, SIEMENS DDF, AC voltage regulator, rectifier etc. These are shown in figure 9. The flow chart in figure 10 describes how signal is reveived and transmitted through these BTS towers.


Figure 8: BTS tower

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(a) (b) (c)

Figure 9: a) BTS control room with air conditioning units; b) Rectifier used to control voltage; c) Battery banks to provide back-up power

Figure 10: Flow Chart describing the entire Tx Rx architechture using radio link in a BTS.

Cross over cable is used to connect the switch connecting the Corporate Headquarter (CHQ) to the DDF. In the Siemens DDF there are 10 ports numbered from 1, 2, 3… 9, 0 respectively. The ports are allocated for transmission and reception in the following order.

Port State2 Tx+3 Tx-6 Rx+7 Rx-


Figure 11: Siemens DDF

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The ISP department of Square InformatiX Ltd deals with providing internet services to various branches of Square group and other corporate clients. The term ISP stands as ‘internet service provider’. I had the chance to work under the ISP department for more than six weeks. I worked under the supervision of the assistant system administrator in monitoring internet connection and bandwidth availability for various branches of Square itself. SIL takes internet mainly from two IIGs (International Internet Gateway) operating in Bangladesh. These IIGs are: BTCL and Mango. BTCL (Bangladesh Telecommunications Corporation Limited) is the government organization which provides large bandwidth internet to various corporate vendors and charges according to the bandwidth provided. Mango in the other hand is a non-government organization besides BTCL. Taking two different IIGs help in redundancy and thus both IIGs act as each others’ back up.

The ISP department of SIL takes bandwidth of 29936 Kbps from Mango Telecommunications and 39056 Kbps from BTCL. The corporate proxy server uses the highest amongst all branches which is approximately 10,240 kbps. Besides high bandwidth is also provided to youngone group, Mediacom, Square Hospital and Maasranga (television company of Square Group).

Figure 12: ISP department overall architecture

The system administrators of the ISP department of SIL uses a software called WhatsUp Gold to monitor data connectivity and internet bandwidth provided to various clients. WhatsUp Gold is an award-winning network monitoring software, managing over 100000 networks worldwide [3].


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It uses an automated and fast Layer 3 device discovery using multiple types of discovery options including SNMP SmartScan, IP address range scan, single device scan or host file import. Wizard-based tools simplify and make network discovery highly efficient, regardless the size or complexity of the network infrastructure. It also provides hierarchical maps of the Layer 3 view of any network, including a complete representation of the real network and application environment with drill downs to subnets and virtual LANs. Besides the drag and drop icons make it easy to change device positions and attributes and create relationships.

Figure 13: WhatsUp hierarchical map showing the main connections provided by the ISP department to various clients

The ISP department uses another software called MRTG (Multi Router Traffic Gateway). This provides more details about bandwidth allocations from various point to point links. The routers forming the point to point links can be accessed separately which makes it easier to find out any problem or misallocation of bandwidth whenever a link is down. A typical snapshot of using MRTG to analyze a router at the corporate proxy server of SIL is shown in figure 14.


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Figure 14: MRTG used to analyze uplink and downlink bandwidth of a router

The system administrators use another basic approach in monitoring data connectivity. This is using the ‘PING’ command in the command prompt environment. This is the most basic and efficient approach in monitoring connectivity, latency and packet loss of various clients located at various locations across Bangladesh. Different employees of the ISP department monitor different groups of IPs on a daily basis. Whenever a particular link is down the ping does not receive any reply and the system administrator is thus notified immediately about that particular problem. I also monitored connectivity of internal branches of Square Group itself by PING method and whenever a particular link went down; my duty was to immediately inform the system administrator who took actions accordingly. A snapshot of PING method to monitor internet and data connectivity is shown in figure 15. The TTL indicates about the latency of the reply. There are a few standard TTL values which employees have to follow to understand whether a link is actually facing a problem or not. The latency is highest for VSAT connection (TTL≈50 ms), for radio it is slightly lower (TTL≈30 to 35 ms) and for fiber it’s the lowest (TTL<1ms). The system administrator must be very clear about which IP address is indicating which connection (radio, VSAT or fiber) and then analyze the TTL values to determine whether the data trafficking is efficient.


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Figure 15: PING method to monitor internet and data connectivity

In internet and data connectivity industry, a link being down for a few minutes may cause a loss worth millions of dollars. That’s why the system administrator has to constantly find out the reason for links being in the down state and immediately solving them. SIL has various representatives across various locations in Bangladesh. Whenever a particular branch or client faces problems a team is immediately sent to solve the problem and resolving the connection.



Square InformatiX Limited provided me with the opportunity to work in small projects assisting the system administrators of the ISP and radio department whenever a particular situation came up. As a result I went to various sites assisting the administrators whenever a link went down and needed to be resolved or whenever a new connection needed to be set up. This provided me with huge practical experience about setting up radio and fiber links and configuring them.

The first project I was involved in was setting up a radio fiber link between the Corporate Headquarter and Kaliagar depot of Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd located at a remote area in Bangladesh. This is mentioned with greater details in page 11-12.


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Once working under the ISP department I was given a project to set up a fiber link from SIL to a company named Shadat Associates for internet connection. Initially there was a radio link between the CHQ and Shahadat Associates but since the client demanded higher bandwidth internet, which is beyond the capacity of the radio link a fiber link was necessary to be set up. Initially I accompanied a team to the site where the LDP was located in road-28 in Gulshan. After confirmation that this was the LDP Square InformatiX was connected to; the team went to the client’s office to check out the internal network connection. I took pictures of the LDP and the client’s office and noted down all the landmarks around the site so that the office could be easily located in Google Maps. Then I located both the client’s office and the LDP in Google Maps[4] and calculated the distance between them to calculate the length of fiber required for the link to be set up. The distance was calculated to be around 350m. To avoid risk 400m of fiber was ordered from Fiber@home and the connection was set up.

Figure 16: Fiber link distance calculation using Google Maps

SERVER ROOM RACK INSTALLATION AND MASTER ROUTER POWER TESTING Square InformatiX used to have its main server room in the 11 th floor of the Square Corporate Headquarter which is located at a separate building where the software department of SIL is operating. This used to create problem whenever a problem occurred or a new connection needed to be set up because the system administrators had to go to a separate building and fix the wirings in the server room in the CHQ while monitoring from the separate office of the network department. Thus SIL decided to shift the server room to Bay Tower. This needed a lot of planning in advance since the links and servers could not be kept down for a long time. The


Client’s Office LDP

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master router which SIL was using had become very old with time. As a result it was decided to use a newer model of the previous router. The new master router was manufactured by an American company called CISCO Systems [5]. The router bought is a 7200 series VXR Cisco master router. The router previously used was another Cisco router from the 3600 series. So the new 7200 series router had many additional features which are helpful for data trafficking and internet service provision to various clients and branches of Square. The main features of the Cisco 7200 series VXR router is shown in the table below:

Features Benefits

Up to 2 Mpps Processing Capability

Provides high-performance routing and processing performance

Maximum Connectivity Options

Meets a variety of topology requirements with the widest range of port densities and interface options

Breadth of Services Supports QoS, security, MPLS, broadband, multiservice, voice, IP-to-IP Gateway and management features for next-generation networks

Investment Protection

Low initial investment with upgrade and redeployment capability

The Cisco 7200 Series VXR router back up power testing was an important project I was involved in. Since the master router is one of the most important device of a server room it was very important that the powering up and the back up power plan of the router itself is very efficient. The back up power plan designed was 2kV but for test purposes only 1kV was provided and the master router was kept on for over an hour. The test was successful and eventually various servers where shifted from the server room at CHQ to the new server room at Bay tower. There are various other features of the master router which is outside the scope of analysis by an industrial trainee. These can be found from the data sheet [6] of the Cisco website.


Figure 17: Cisco 7200 Series VXR router

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Besides I was involved in many of the other development phases of the new server room of SIL at Bay Tower. The routers were carefully attached to the rack by means of screws which were a normal standard for various server racks. The racks themselves were custom made and the dimensions were designed so that they would perfectly fit in the server room. The racks had exhaust fan at the top to prevent all the devices inside the racks from getting overheated. I was involved in the installation of the web and proxy servers in the new server room.


Square InformatiX Limited is planning in starting a new project with a big budget of installing wimax, which only a few private companies had yet implemented. This project needs huge investment and all the employees of SIL were trained before the devices for starting the project were purchased. SIL is purchasing all the devices from Motorolla. In Bangladesh Motorolla is governed by their branch in Singapore. They sent a network engineer who briefed us about various devices and conducted online tests which was part of the Motorolla Online Academy course. The main product being bought by SIL is the PMP 320 [7]. PMP stands for ‘point to multipoint’. The Motorola wireless broadband Point-to-Multipoint (PMP) 320 is a low-cost fixed licensed outdoor distribution and access solution that delivers fast, affordable connectivity in a variety of environments and applications. PMP 320 is 802.16e based which interoperates with Wimax and CPES. The licenced frequency is from 3.3 to 3.8 GHz. The throughput is upto 45 Mbps.

The main features are:

Reduced backhaul traffic AAA server Uses MIMO technology (multiple input multiple output) nLOS and NLOS


Figure 18: Motorolla PMP 320

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MARKETING & MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENTThe management department of Square InformatiX Limited plays an important role in efficient task allocation and time management of the entire company for the benefit of the company. The marketing team is dedicated for selling the products and services provided by SIL to various other corporate clients besides Square group itself. It is clear that without the marketing and the management department, SIL would not have performed well.

The engineer-marketing relationship is somewhat conflicting. While the marketing team thrives to minimize cost as much as possible the engineering team thrives to maximize performance and reliability. In today’s market to maximize performance and reliability the cost becomes very high. As a result somehow there is a debate between the marketing and the engineering team generally about the cost and both the teams settle down for an attainable cost after prolonged discussions depending on the situation.

The management team whereas keeps track of all the activities taking place and plans the entire schedule of the company in advance. Since network management is an around the clock process duty rosters have to be set up to ensure that the entire network is never left unmonitored. The work-load needs to be spread uniformly. Besides they manage the transportation required constantly by SIL whenever some servers or connection need to be set up or repaired.

OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY PRACTICESSquare InformatiX Limited is dedicated for the proper health and safety of all its employees. There are policies the company strictly follows to prevent any accident from taking place. Since SIL is not dealing power electronics or high voltage equipment except for rectifiers and battery banks located in the server room, inside the server room one employee must be accompanied by another, so that in case of any emergency or accident the other employee can immediately take action. Besides the server room is accessible by only trained system administrators and no-one else. RFID system has been set up to control access to the server room. In the hub station earthing chains must be worn constantly when dealing with sensitive radio equipments to prevent electrical discharge and any damage to the equipment or the employees. SIL provides transportation for all its employees when they are working overtime for their safety. By the help of all these measures and policies, Square InformatiX Limited promotes a healthy work environment for all the employees.


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CONCLUSSIONSquare InformatiX Limited has developed itself to be a trusted name in communication, software and networking department of Bangladesh. With its highly skilled and qualified team operating efficiently in setting up new connections and maintaining a huge number of links, SIL is unparallel in the communication department. It has been a privilege working under the highly esteemed group of employees and it was an experience to be cherished. The practical on field knowledge and skill I gained in these twelve weeks is priceless. The internship will surely help me in my future studies and employment. This industrial training at Square InformatiX Limited was truly successful in developing engineering skills and knowledge by the means of practical training.










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Sunday Political strike – Office closed

Monday Briefing by HRD executive – Introduction to Square Group and Square Informatix Limited (SIL), briefing about rules and regulations and introduction to the rest of the employees at SIL.Briefing by the General Manager of SIL about its networking department.Briefing by the Assistant General Manager about software department of SIL.

Tuesday Government Holiday for Ashura – Office closed

Wednesday Introduction to VSAT Service, I was briefed about how VSAT and earth station is used to make satellite communication possible. How in real life bandwidth is bought from international satellites and used in communication. A practical demonstration was provided on one of the VSAT units in the office. I came to learn about various components of a VSAT and how each work. Later I was briefed about how to make LAN wires and international standards and wire coloring rules inside a LAN wire and different types of wire such as RJ 45, RJ 6, RJ 11, cat 5E and 6E.

Thursday Briefing by Network Supervisor about LAN, WAN and IP addressing. I came to learn about how practically IP address is bought from government bodies for different websites. There was another long briefing about routing and switching techniques used in communication and how different routers can be configured by programming them. I was given a rough knowledge about the programming language used for configuring routers. There was another briefing from another Network Supervisor about MAC address

Friday Weekend – Office closed

Saturday Weekend – Office closed

DATE: 27/11/2011 – 03/12/2011

DATE: 04/12/2011 – 10/12/2011


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Sunday Detailed briefing by the System Administrator about the NSS 11 Satellite used in SIL, bandwidth allocation of uplink and downlink bandwidth, satellite location and range across Asia. I came to understand how a deal is made between international companies governing satellites and SIL and also about the cost regarding the maintenance of a particular bandwidth taken from a satellite. I also gained knowledge about various modulation formats such as TDMA, DVB-S2 and ACM. The network management system iDirect was introduced for the first time.

Monday Briefing by the Network Administrator about troubleshooting tools and various techniques adapted to avoid errors. I was introduced to various software used to maintain signal strength and also how to use command prompt in Windows to trace various IP addresses. There were additional briefings about proxy and DNS servers.

Tuesday Briefing by marketing executive about product orientation of SIL. I came to know about different marketing strategies used by SIL to market their product. I came to know about cost analysis and cost minimization strategies applied by a company in real life scenario for the first time.

Wednesday On job training under ISP (Internet Service Provider) department. SIL receives the main bandwidth for internet from two IIG (International Internet Gateway) which are BTCL and Mango. I was taught how to use ‘Tracer’ software to track IPs and how to use it to understand data trafficking.

Thursday I was monitoring data trafficking with the system administrator helping me in case of decision making. I came across situations where various data packets needed rerouting.

Friday Weekend – Office closed

Saturday Weekend – Office closed

DATE: 11/12/2011 – 17/12/2011


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Sunday Square group has three branches at Savar, Motijheel and Mohakhali. They have respective IP address of, 2 and 3 respectively. I monitored data trafficking for these branches amongst 29 other branches.

Monday A field trip to Gazipur where the earth station of SIL is located was organized; the main antenna was pointed towards the satellite and had a diameter of 9.3 m. Seeing all the equipments practically cleared my whole concept. There was a briefing on internal structure of how signal and data is received and sent through different equipments. The Tx and Rx units were kept in a temperature controlled room where the optimum temperature was kept as 18°C. I came to know about the main duty of the NOC (Network Operation Control) department, and how they use the iVantage network management system to analyze how around 200 VSATs across various locations are monitored and what actions to take when a particular VSAT is not working.

Tuesday I was given projects about drawing and designing backbone network structure using CorelDraw ver. 12 software. The rough network structure was drawn by hand and I used the software to design the network structure using the software. I got stuck a couple of times and was helped by the network supervisor.

Wednesday Continued work using CorelDraw software. Due to company regulations I was not allowed to take snapshots of the designed backbone network structure.

Thursday Further briefing on using Corel Draw, I helped the network supervisor in making a schematic of the entire network architecture of the proxy server.

Friday Weekend – Office closed

Saturday Weekend – Office closed

DATE: 18/12/2011 – 24/12/2011


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Sunday Watched ISP department monitoring various IPs by PING method. This method seems to be very efficient.

Monday Briefing by the ISP department assistant system administrator about the entire architecture of the ISP department. I learnt how internet bandwidth is divided and how it is monitored.

Tuesday Not much to do today, briefing was postponed to another date because the system administrators had to go fix a fiber link in one of the clients office.

Wednesday Briefing by another administrator of ISP department on how to use and online software called WhatsUp Gold to monitor connectivity and bandwidth allocation to various clients and branches of Square Group.

Thursday Since there was an important meeting between the marketing department and the network engineers. I learnt about how to minimize cost and various sides of the relationships between engineers and marketing and management department.

Friday Weekend – Office closed

Saturday Weekend – Office closed

DATE: 25/12/2011 – 31/12/2011



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Sunday Christmas Holiday

Monday Using the software WhatsUp Gold to monitor IP traffic of all depots of square group. We received a troubleshooting report from Sylhet Branch. Fiber was showing up in the software but the server was still down. The IT representative from Sylhet branch was advised over telephone to reset the media converter which solved the problem.

Tuesday Similar as the previous day, there were no troubleshooting complaints this time. I went through further details of network monitoring using WhatsUp Gold.

Wednesday I learned how to monitor network using PING. The command prompt was used and a table of IP addresses was provided. I used PING and sent a 0 byte data and monitored the time required for the reply from different branches of square group. Pabna Square Pharmaceuticals Limited showed high latency. This was because that branch was located far away and radio transmission was used for data communication.

Thursday I was asked to use both WhatsUp and PING to monitor data traffic between different Square branches. There was a complaint from a client about loss of packets. It was found out that the IDU connected to the VSAT received no power. A separate IDU was sent to solve the problem.

Friday Weekend – Office closed

Saturday Weekend – Office closed


DATE: 1/1/2012 – 7/1/2012



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Sunday I assisted the network engineer in setting up a microwave link connection between Square Corporate Headquarter and Kaliaghar depot. We went to one of the BTS towers of Banglalink (a local mobile operator). The control room adjacent to the BTS tower had loads of equipment for the successful functioning of the tower. The control room had battery banks, SIEMENS BTS, FCU controller, SIEMENS DDF, AC voltage regulator, rectifier, IRC powertech temp. sensor. The temperature of the room was strictly maintained around 18°C for the successful functioning of all the units. The battery banks ensured that unit had power during power failure which frequently happens in Bangladesh due to load shedding.

Monday Worked with the ISP department in monitoring the bandwidth provided using WhatsUp (to monitor connection) and MRTG (multi router traffic grapher to monitor bandwidth). I was briefed about how to check speeds and traffic along the core switch and what actions to take during trouble. Besides it was constantly checked that whether the IIG (Mango Telecom & BTCL) were providing the correct bandwidth.

Tuesday Continued working with the ISP department. I was working under a system administrator for ISP department and used PING, WhatsUp and MRTG to monitor the internet bandwidth we were providing to various branches of Square and other corporate clients. Fiber had the lowest latency, radio had medium latency and VSAT had highest latency. There was a complaint from Moon Telecom regarding packet loss. A team was sent to that office and I stayed back at CHQ monitoring whether the connection was re-established.

Wednesday Learned how to configure Mikrotik router. There are three series of routers: 1100, 450 and 750 each having different number of ports. I learned how to route packets from one router to another using software provided by Mikrotik.

Thursday Learned how to configure VSAT by connecting the IDU (Indoor Unit) to a PC using LAN cable and configuring the IDU using iVantage software and files provided by the hub station.

Friday Weekend – Office closed

Saturday Weekend – Office closed

DATE: 8/1/2012 – 14/1/2012



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Sunday Connected battery bank for the backup power of the new server room. Each batteries were rated to be 2V 200Ah and were connected in series with 24 cells to have a backup voltage of around 50V.

Monday Monitoring data traffic between Square Pharma branches.

Tuesday Square InformatiX purchased a new router to replace their master router. The previously used master router was CISCO 3800 series and the new one is CISCO 7200 series VXR router. I watched the system administrator configuring the router and assisted them in deploying the router in the CHQ server room to test power management of the router. It was decided that the router would be kept in the server room for 3 days before being shifted to the SIL new server room.

Wednesday Briefing by network administrator to clarify any doubts regarding various concepts about networking. IP addressing was the main highlight of the discussion. I came to know about various servers such as proxy, DNS, Web and came to understand each of their functioning and configuration.

Thursday Went on field to calculate the distance between LDP and one of our clients “Shahadat Associates”. The ISP was providing internet through radio but since they demanded higher bandwidth so a fiber connection was necessary. As a result a fiber had to be drawn from the nearest LDP. I designed the entire link. Initially went to the spot to check about how to deploy the connection and went to the client’s office to check where the fiber will be connected. Later used Google Satellite Map to calculate the distance between the LDP and the client office. The distance came out to be around 330m and for safety purposes it was decided to purchase 400m of fiber, the connection was planned to be made in upcoming weekdays.

Friday Weekend – Office closed

Saturday Weekend – Office closed

DATE: 15/1/2012 – 21/1/2012



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Sunday Public Holiday

Monday Learned to operate Nagios XI software. It is similar to WhatsUp but it is Linux based. As a result it is easier for router configuration since routers are generally configured in Linux operating systems.

Tuesday Square has decided to implement WiMax connection in many of its branches and launch WiMax commercially. The project is net worth of 300 crores taka. All the equipments will be bought from Motorolla Singapore. I attended a briefing arranged by a local Motorolla technical engineer about the equipments and general functioning of WiMax.

Wednesday The Technical expert from Motorolla continued the briefing and conducted an online course on PMP 320. There were various tests to help understand the contents of the course more clearly. The main highlighted product was PMP 320 which 802.16e based but since it is not mobile and since it doesn’t have ASN gateway so it is not ieee 16e based. I came to understand various features of the product.

Thursday Monitoring IP traffic for square branches but there was no troubleshooting.

Friday Weekend – Office closed

Saturday Weekend – Office closed

DATE: 22/1/2012 – 28/1/2012



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Sunday Motorolla technical expert conducted another meeting about the cost effectiveness of PMP 320.

Monday Monitored internal branches of Square using WhatsUp. Maasranga mail server was rebooted which caused it to be down for around 2 hours.

Tuesday Went to a biscuit company which is one of SIL’s new clients. Fiber link was already there but reconfiguration was done to increase the bandwidth which they demanded.

Wednesday Monitoring internal branches of Square. There were no troubles or complaints surprisingly.

Thursday Meeting held by senior system administrator about various concepts of LAN and WAN. I learned different servers such as proxy, web, DNS, mail etc. and about their architecture.

Friday Weekend – Office closed

Saturday Weekend – Office closed

DATE: 29/1/2012 – 4/2/2012



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Sunday Power back up testing for the new master router Cisco 7200 series VXR. The router was taken to CHQ server room where it was connected to an IPS and seen whether it runs or not. This was the first time I went to the main server room and then we planned on when to move what things to the new server room at Bay tower from the old server room.

Monday Political strike

Tuesday The master router was brought back from the CHQ to the new server room where I assisted in attaching the master router to the main rack. It was very heavy and the entire process of attaching the master router to the rack by means of screw was laborious. Two servers were tested using the master router and it worked perfectly fine.

Wednesday Power back up testing for the master router was done. The designed back up power is 2kV but 1kV was provided for over an hour. The back up power worked perfectly.

Thursday Maasranga mail, proxy and DNS server were shifted from the CHQ server room to Bay Tower server room. Sun Microsystem switches were used.I assisted in setting up all these servers.

Friday Weekend – Office closed

Saturday Weekend – Office closed

DATE: 5/2/2012 – 11/2/2012



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Sunday Worked under ISP department in monitoring data traffic between internal Square branches. Pabna depot was facing a bit of latency and they were complaining about that. The IT specialist in the depot was instructed by the system administrator to reset the router and the problem was solved.

Monday Same monitoring job as the previous day. There were no problems surprisingly.

Tuesday My supervisor, the general manager asked me to submit a report to him about the entire industrial training (the one I am supposed ot submit to Monash), since there were not so many things to do as the new server room was also set up, he gave me till week 12 to finish the report and submit to him. This report submission is also a part of the industrial training.

Wednesday Report writing

Thursday Report writing

Friday Weekend – Office closed

Saturday Weekend – Office closed

DATE: 12/2/2012 – 18/2/2012



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Sunday Report writing.

Monday Report writing.

Tuesday Report writing.

Wednesday Meeting with the GM about my progress and formal submission of the report.

Thursday Meeting with the GM and the HRD, submission of ID. I received my industrial training certificate.

Friday Weekend – Office closed

Saturday Weekend – Office closed