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INDUSTRIAL TESTIMONIALS Application: As an additive package to motor oil and fuel in 1,800 Horse Power diesel engine driving 1000 KVA CUMMINS electrical generator: anti-wear protection and reduction in fuel and oil consumption during normal operation. User: Overseas Quarry

This 1000 KVA Cummins Generator driven by 1,800 horse power engine was in service for more than 30,000 hours. According to the manufacturer’s instructions, oil and oil-filters had to be replaced every 250 hours. We started using Bi-Tron Engine Treatment after the generator was in service for about 5,000 hours. Within very short time of using Bi-Tron Engine Treatment and Bi-Tron Fuel Conditioner, we experienced an average of 10% reduction in fuel consumption. Based on

used oil analysis (see tables in the following pages) we decided to extend the oil change intervals to every 1,000 hours and then to every 1,500 hours. Typically, this type of engine is overhauled after 17,000 hours in operation. In this specific case the engine was taken apart after 30,000 hours not because it had to be overhauled but because of penetration of water into its oil system. In spite of the water, there was no indication whatsoever that the engine was deteriorating in performance. Nevertheless, after 100 hours in operation with water presence in the oil system, the general manager of the quarry decided to take the engine apart. “I have seen too many times what presence of water in the oil system can do to an engine, I don’t want to stretch my luck.” The general manager of the quarry was very impressed when he was told by the head mechanic in the repair shop that the engine parts looked like new and that he thought that there must had been a mistake in the paperwork, because the condition of the engine parts didn’t have any indication whatsoever that the engine was in operation for 30,000 hours or water penetrated the oil system. The engine was put together without replacing or machining any parts. According to our most conservative estimate, over 30,000 hours that the generator was in operation, the user saved at least $150,000 on repairs, fuel and oil consumption. User spent only $7,690 on Bi-Tron products, a return of approximately $20 on each dollar invested in Bi-Tron.

More info, Contact Alex W FraserCourtenay, BC Tel# 866-338-6334 or 250-338-6334 e mail bitronworkswell @ gmail.com

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The following pictures demonstrate the outstanding performance of Bi-Tron products.

All the liners were micro-measured. There was no wear whatsoever, all the dimensions were within the manufacture’s specs of a new engine.

In all the liners, you could see distinct traces of the cross-honing pattern of the original bore and the liner surfaces looked polished and shiny

All the liners were micro-measured. There was no wear whatsoever, all the dimensions were within the manufacture’s specs of a new engine.

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In all the liners, you could see distinct traces of the cross-honing pattern of the original bore, and the liner surfaces looked polished and shiny.

All the pistons had piston-skirts and piston rings completely clean of any build-up. The rings looked like new and did not have any wear whatsoever (very unusual phenomenon, taking into consideration that the engine was in service for 30,000 hours and had water in its oil system for more than 100 hours.)

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After 30,000 hours in operation and 100 hours in the presence of water, no piston pins had any traces of wear, looked shiny and new.

Usually, after 17,000 hours in operation there are extensive clearances between the piston pin and piston-pin bearing. In this case, there were no clearances at all in spite of the fact that the engine was in service for 30,000 hours and had water in its oil system for 100 hours while in operation. At the same time, the repair shop had another similar engine that was in operation for 16,000 hours (that did not use Bi-Tron) and broke down because of penetration of water into its oil system. Our customer’s engine with Bi-Tron, was in operation 30,000 hours, and also was taken apart because of penetration of water into its oil system, didn’t break down, and there was no damage whatsoever to its parts. In addition, there were no traces of wear on all the engine parts in spite of the fact that the engine was in operation for more than 30,000 hours.

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Application: As an additive to motor oil in diesel engine in 800 KVA CUMMINS electrical generator: anti-wear protection during regular operation. User: Quarry: Asphalt production facility (overseas) (Letter written by the General Manager of the asphalt production facility) "Here is one example of "used oil analysis" test results from "Institute of Failure Analysis" based on which we decided to use Bi-Tron Engine Treatment in our diesel generators and extend their oil change intervals. Test No. Generator-

hours Oil-hours

397 9,900 1,050 640 11,150 1,250 2. Motor oil used in the generator was 15W-40 with 10% Bi-Tron Engine Treatment. 3. Spectrometric analysis of concentration of wear-metals and physical characteristics of the used oil have been tested with the following results: Concentration of metals, ppm (parts per million) and the oil physical characteristics Test No Mg Zn Mo Cu Pb Al Ni Cr Fe TBN Viscosity, 100 0C, Cts 397 29 1951 1423 3 2 10 <1 2 14 9.96 12.7 640 35 1970 1579 8 10 9 <1 2 14 9.14 12.7 Conclusions: 1. No wear detected within the period between the first test and the second test (1,250 hours). 2. The characteristics of the oil changed very little within the period between the first test and the second test (1250 hours). We have consistently received similar results on all the generators and decided to extend the oil change intervals 4 times (instead of every 250 hours to every 1,000, although the test results indicated that we could extend them to every 1,750 hours)." (Note from the manufacturer: At the end of 1998 a diesel engine in which Bi-Tron had been used for almost 3 years, was taken apart. No traces of wear were found and the engine parts looked completely clean and almost new). The following pictures are of engine parts of the above referenced generator when it was taken apart after 17,500 hours of operation (which is equivalent to 1 million km) with oil changes every 1,000 hours (versus every 250 hours without Bi-Tron).

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Piston-rod-bearing housing is completely clean of any deposit build-up. The bearing itself is clean of any scoring or scuffing, has its original thickness and its surface looks highly polished.

Cylinder sleeve, completely clean with no deposit build-ups. In most of the sleeves, there were traces of cross honing of the original bore, meaning almost no wear took place. The sleeve walls were highly polished.

The piston-skirt and piston rings are completely clean of any deposit build-ups, and the piston-ring-blades are highly polished (virtually no signs of wear). The build-up you see on the piston top, which is due to deposits from burnt fuel in combustion chamber, could be eliminated by using Bi-Tron Fuel Conditioner.

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The oil baths, valve springs, valve stems and the block surface are completely clean of any deposit build-up. Application: Bi-Tron Engine Treatment as an additive to 15W-40 Motor Oil. User: Drag Racing-Car Driver, Engine Builder and Automotive Instructor. The following are pictures of drag racing-car engine that used Bi-Tron and was taken apart after 350 runs for inspection purposes. Dragster engines take a lot of abuse and are pushed to the limit with extreme torque-loads, and have to be rebuilt with most of engine parts replaced every 70 runs. With Bi-Tron as these pictures indicate, after 350 runs, the engine parts, including those that carry a lot of load, were found in excellent condition, totally clean of any build-up and with virtually no wear. The drag racing car driver has been an automotive instructor and engine builder for 30 years. He has been monitoring the performance of Bi-Tron for more than 3 years getting outstanding results of engine performance and engine life span.

Dragster racing car the engine parts belong to. Dragster engines are known to take a lot of abuse and carry very heavy torque loads. Engine is overhauled every 70 runs.

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After 350 runs, all the valve parts and the block are completely clean. Usually without Bi-Tron, they have all their surfaces covered with a thick layer of carbon deposit.

After 350 runs, Roller parts are completely clean. The rollers are polished and have no signs of wear (yellow arrows). Since rollers carry heavy loads, usually after 70 runs, you can see very heavy signs of wear on the contact surfaces.

After 350 runs, the valve parts are completely clean. The top of the valve stem (purple arrow) is polished and has no signs of wear.

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After 350 runs, Rocker roller that rides on the top of the valve stem is polished and has no signs of wear. The Rocker parts are completely clean.

One-half of a piston-rod bearing. The friction surface is polished and has no signs of wear. In all the bearings, after 350 runs, you can still find traces of the original brake-in coating (purple arrow).

The piston on the left was taken out of a dragster engine after 70 runs without Bi-Tron. The piston skirt has a severe scuffing. The piston on the right was taken out of an engine after 350 runs with Bi-Tron. The piston has no signs of wear, is completely clean, and all the friction surfaces are polished.

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Crankshaft area on which the piston-rod bearing slides. After 350 runs the surface is mirror-polished and has no signs of wear.

A close-up of an upper end of a piston after 350 runs with Bi-Tron Engine Treatment. Since in Dragsters it is prohibited to use any fuel conditioners, only Engine Treatment was used. As you can see, there is carbon deposit above the upper ring, but none under it and lower. The ring surfaces are polished and clean. The cylinder skirt is completely clean. Because of the polishing effect of Engine Treatment, the tighter seal of the piston rings prevented the penetration of combustion gases into the oil system.

A close-up of a liner wall of one of the cylinders. After 350 runs, totally clean and polished. No signs of wear (scoring or scuffing). In all the cylinders you can find traces of cross honing pattern of the original bore, indicating that virtually no wear took place.

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Application: Improvement in mileage and reduction in maintenance costs. User: Cab Company in California State. (Reference letter written by the company's Maintenance Manager) "As you know, we have been incurring serious maintenance problems with our fleet of 200 cab vehicles. On average, we have had 13 cabs per day in for an engine overhaul or replacement. The down time, parts and labour costs have been excessive. In an effort to reduce these costs we began to experiment with various oil additives in the hope of reducing wear and improving performance. We tested Slick 50, T-Pluss, Microlon, Duralube, System 48 and a few others. Compression readings were taken prior to the adding of the various products mentioned. After two or three days no improvement in compression or overall performance was noted. In fact, several of the tested engines incurred build-up, pitting and/or had clogged oil filters. Our drivers reported that there were no fuel savings or improvement in performance. We still had an average of 13 cabs down each day. We then tested your Bi-Tron Engine Treatment in nine of our units. To say the least we are quite pleased with the results. Before adding Bi-Tron, the compression reading of each vehicle was taken and found to be between 90 and 150. All had engines with problems or expected to have a maintenance problem in a short time, with poor performance and fuel consumption. The cabs were treated with Bi-Tron according to instructions and road-tested for two days with the following results: 1. Compression readings ranged between 149 and 154 (Note: 154 is equivalent to that expected from a brand new engine). 2. Increased power and performance were reported by the drivers. 3. The Bi-Tron treated cabs ran quieter and smoother. 4. The average operating temperature was reduced by 20 degrees (190 to 170). 5. Drivers reported mileage improvement. 6. An engine treated with Bi-Tron was disassembled and inspected. It was found clean, had no build-up and the surfaces appeared to be polished. As a result of the above, we are now using your product in our entire fleet." (Second reference letter written by the Maintenance Manager of the above Cab Company after 6 weeks of using Bi-Tron products). "We feel an update on the use of your Bi-Tron is in order. As you know we used to have an average of 13 cabs down for engine overhauls or replacement each day. Since using Bi-Tron (now going on seven weeks) we have not had one engine go down. When considering these vehicles are driven an average of 500 miles per day, under the most severe of conditions, the results are nothing less than remarkable.

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We had one cab lose all its oil at LAX. The driver was unaware of the situation because the oil pressure light was not working, and drove back to our facility without incident. Our mechanic after noticing that there was some oil dripping, found that there was no oil and that the oil pan was slashed. The pan was replaced, new oil installed and the engine started right up. This cab is still in daily operation." After several months we have inspected 5 engines. The following pictures demonstrate the dramatic effect Bi-Tron had on our car-engines. The pictures were taken from the same engines before we started using Bi-Tron (pictures on the left), and after using Bi-Tron for several months (pictures on the right)

Sludge and carbon build-up we always found on cylinder walls of all our car-engines before we started using Bi-Tron

With Bi-Tron, the cylinder walls are always clean from any build-up, and look highly polished (blue arrows).

We always found sludge and carbon build-up on oil filters of all the engines before we started using Bi-Tron. Usually we had to replace them every 2,000 miles with every oil change (because of the harsh stop-and-go driving conditions).

With Bi-Tron the oil filters are clean of any sludge or carbon deposits, in spite of the fact that oil change intervals were increased from every 2,000 miles to every 10,000 miles.

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Heavy carbon deposit on a piston top, on and around piston rings, which caused the rings to "freeze" and even break. On the average, we had to overhaul engines every 60,000 miles because of the harsh stop-and-go driving conditions.

This picture represents a typical condition of pistons and piston rings we observed in our car-engines after we started using Bi-Tron products. (5 engines were taken apart, first time after 60,000 miles and the second time after 150,000, with oil and filter change intervals of every 10,000 miles). Because of using Bi-Tron Fuel Conditioner, the piston top, is clean of any deposits. Because of using Bi-Tron Engine Treatment, the piston-skirt and rings are completely clean of any deposits, and the piston-ring-blades are highly polished.

Bi-Tron - effect on emission gases A series of emission tests were conducted to demonstrate the ability of Bi-Tron products to reduce harmful automobile emissions. Five automobiles were involved. Four of the automobiles were tested before adding Bi-Tron Fuel Conditioner, the other have already been treated. The four automobiles tested before using Bi-Tron failed at idle. After undergoing an emission test using a Snap-on-Five Gas Analyzer, the Fuel Conditioner was added according to instructions. The four newly treated automobiles were re-tested after a short period of driving along with the fifth automobile. Four of the five that were treated passed not only the test at idle, but also the 18/18 test that is expected to be used in the mandatory tests in some areas. This test is conducted on a threadmill for 18 seconds at 1800 rpm. The following levels for Carbon Monoxide and Hydrocarbon are typical and expected: CO (Carbon Monoxide) maximum allowable = 1.25 ppm (parts per million) HC (Hydrocarbons) maximum allowable = 225 ppm (parts per million)

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The following tables include the test results indicating the effect of Bi-Tron on emission gases:

Vehicle : 1979 Silverado Variable without Bi-Tron

(ppm) with Bi-Tron (ppm)

(idle) with Bi-Tron (ppm)

(18/18) HC 434 167 132 CO 3.45 0.48 0.93

Oxygen 0.48 0.39 0.00 Carbon Dioxide 12.5 13.7 14.7

A/F Ratio 13.3 14.6 14.2 The tests results indicate that the vehicle did not pass without Bi-Tron Fuel Conditioner. Major drop in HC and CO emissions with Bi-Tron and the vehicle passed the test. (Just 48 miles were driven with Bi-Tron Fuel Conditioner before the test).

Vehicle : 1985 Celebrity Variable without Bi-Tron

(ppm) with Bi-Tron (ppm)

(idle) with Bi-Tron (ppm)

(18/18) HC 413 124 35 CO 4.23 0.31 0.38

Oxygen 5.08 2.85 0.56 Carbon Dioxide 10.3 12.5 14.4

A/F Ratio 15.9 16.6 14.9 The tests results indicate that the vehicle did not pass without Bi-Tron Fuel Conditioner. Major drop in HC and CO emissions with Bi-Tron and the vehicle passed the test. (Just 125 miles were driven with Bi-Tron Fuel Conditioner before the test). Application: As an additive to motor oil in diesel engine: engine protection in case of loss of oil User: Fleet of Delivery trucks of a major chain of retail stores overseas. (Reference letter written by the General Manager of the Shipping Department) "In November 10, 1995, one of our Mitsubishi delivery trucks that was treated with Bi-Tron Engine Treatment 2 weeks before, had cracked an oil filter, which caused a complete loss of oil. When the driver noticed what happened, she drove the truck without oil about 20 km, directly to a repair shop. After the oil filter was replaced and the engine inspected, it was found that the engine was not damaged. I have to note that a month before this incident, similar thing happened to another vehicle that was not treated with Bi-Tron Engine Treatment, after 2 km driving without oil the engine seized-up and had to be completely overhauled."

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Bi-Tron - effect on air tools The decision was made to mix Bi-Tron Engine Treatment with our industrial oil, fill all of our air tool oilers, and measure the effect on repair. The amazing results below show a very gratifying savings. Without Bi-Tron: For six months of 1996 -January to June 30th, cost of spare parts for air tools was: $ 862.00 per month Labor for repair was: $1,506.00 per month _________________ TOTAL : $2,369.91 per month (or $28,438.92 per year). With Bi-Tron there has been no maintenance performed but to fill the oilers. Taking into consideration the cost of Bi-Tron that was used per year the savings for the year was $25,300. Without Bi-Tron: The oil temperature of PAC 250 screw compressor was running 192 degrees, and its air up to 240 degrees and than shutting off. We had the air and the oil coolers of the compressor serviced, but it continued to automatically shut-off about every one and a half hours. It than stayed off until it cooled down, about one and a quarter hours. The compressor holds 180 quarts of premium oil to the full mark, priced at $7.08 per quart (so the cost of an oil change was $1,274.40). We were changing the oil very often to reduce the down time. With Bi-Tron: We replaced the premium oil with a mixture of industrial oil (165 quarts, $0.88 per quart) blended with approx 8% of Bi-Tron (15 quarts, $20 per quart). The total cost of the replacing mixture of the industrial oil and Bi-Tron was: industrial oil - 165 quarts x $0.88 = $145.20 Bi-Tron - 15 quarts x $20.00 = $300.00 ____________________________________ TOTAL = $445.20 The oil temperature was reduced from 192 to 160 degrees and the air temperature was reduced from 240 to 200 degrees, and no more shutdowns occurred.

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The cost of the replaced oil was 165 quarts x $7.08 = $1,274.40 each oil change. Since the industrial oil and Bi-Tron Engine Treatment mixture lasted 15 times longer before we changed it, the savings on the oil alone was more than $19,000, in addition to the considerable savings as a result of almost complete elimination of down time. Bi-Tron - Effect On 15 Ton Overhead Crane I drive a 15 ton overhead crane and my primary operation is to service the Furnace Department s Melting furnace. I service many of the functions, such as loading the 3 ton electric furnace, tapping the furnace and transferring molten metal from the furnace to the pouring floor. In all of these functions the crane is exposed to extreme temperature ranging from 2950 to 3200 degrees. I have worked for about one year at this occupation and from the very start the crane performed very sluggish and moved slowly making my job more difficult and less accurate in performance. Since Bi-Tron Grease was injected into all the moving parts of this crane I have experienced very gratifying happenings, it moves much easier , coasts farther, is much more responsive to control and direction, which gives me more control and accuracy of operation and higher degree of safety in job performance. The findings by the supervision department indicate reduction in killowatt hours (electrical energy consumption) used in one year per crane and the considerable reduction in maintenance and repair of the electric motors. Application: Bi-Tron Grease and Penetrating Lubricant in plant machinery (Orimpers 6 WB and others) User: Automotive production facility in San Antonio, Texas. (Reference letter written by the Maintenance Manager) My responsibility here is to primarily make sure all our equipment is operating efficiently. Our main client is the biggest car company in the world and we cannot afford costly down time. We makes a machine called Orimper 6 WB which we use in our plants. Our maintenance personal usually change lubrication on these machines after about one week's worth of operation. I used Bi-Tron Grease and the results were incredible. Lubrication was changed after 4 weeks. We were impressed that Bi-Tron Grease did not break down for such a long time, causing much less production down time. We also used Bi-Tron Penetrating Lubricant spray throughout the plant with too many success stories to recount here. Maintenance Manager

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BI-TRON - in machine shop Our company is a major producer of high precision multiple spindle drill heads for the machine tool industry. Our equipment is used by a wide variety of high production companies including, but not limited to:

General Motors Corporation Ford Motor Company Chrysler Corporation General Electric Dana Corporation Whirlpool Navistar Caterpillar Briggs and Stratton.

In the production of our product, we employ standard equipment to machine cast iron, aluminium, steel alloys and bronze. Recently we started to utilize Bi-Tron products in our plant both as a lubricant and as a cutting fluid. The results that we have had with the penetrating lubricant have been nothing short of amazing. We have been able to increase feeds and speeds in some cases as much as 50% and at the same time, improve surface finish and extend tool life by up to 3 times. Probably the most dramatic result we have experienced is the elimination of aluminium bonding to cutting tools even when cutting dry (i.e. no coolant). Bi-Tron Penetrating Lubricant and Engine Treatment in machine shop applications. 1. Swiss Precision Parts. Operation - Special Grooving O.D. Material - 52100 Die Tool Steel Coollant - Oil Requirements - Must hold Tolerance of 0.0002 in on diameter and 64 microns in on Finish. Customer usually maintained these parameters for 1 shift - 8 hours - 2200 pcs. After applying a few drops of Bi-Tron Penetrating Lubricant on the cutting edge of the carbide tip, the customer cut metal and held all parameters for 2.5 shifts - 20 hours - 7800 pcs +. 2. Aluminum Brake Piston Parts.

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Material - Cast Aluminum. Operation - Drilling. Tool Used - # 64 Drill, Tin coated. With coollant , customer normally ran 2800 to 3600 pieces before drill would dull. After spraying drill with Bi-Tron Penetrating Lubricant, he drilled 8600 holes without using coollant. He is presently using the Penetrating Lubricant on all drilling, tapping and turning. 3. Various Parts. Material - Stainless Steel (300 & 400 Series). Machine tool - Bridgeport Milling Tool Used - Insertable Face Mill & End mill. Machine shop owner with 40 + years as machinist, is getting 30% to 40% better life of H.S.S. tools as well as on carbide with very good finish on flat parts. 4. Aluminum Rails for Packing Conveyor. Operation - Side Milling. Part - 86" long. Problem - excessive build-up on tool. Operator would have to stop every 12" to 18" to "knock off" or remove material that had welded or galled to the cutting tool. After spraying Bi-Tron Penetrating Lubricant on end mill, he machined 4 pcs (total of 344 inches) with minimal buildup and also a 30% increase in production. 5. Turning of Diameters on an Open Lathe. Material - Aluminum 12" Dia. Problem - Finish requirement on part. Coollant splashing everywhere. After spraying Bi-Tron on the carbide insert, operator turned off coolant and started to machine again. The finish on the part was greatly improved and had 30% to 35% increase on tool life. 6. Grinding between centers. Machinists will normally have to put a small amount of grease on the centers of the grinding machine to keep heat and squealing down to a minimum so they can keep their part running longer. This is a coolant problem, especially for spindle manufacturers where high and close tolerances have to be met. Spraying Bi-Tron lubricant directly on

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the nose of the centers, operators received 30%-35% better wear life, hence better productivity and lower downtime. 7. Carbide Insert. MFG: Carboloy, grade 370 Using Bi-Tron resulted in: a) Improved finish of parts. b) Increased life of the inserts. c) Lower machining noise. d) Reduces temperature of material during machining. 8. Tapping. Material - 316 Stainless Steel. Operation - hole tapping. Without Bi-Tron was getting 12-14 holes tapped before tap would dull. Now oiling the taps with Bi-Tron, the same taps are used for 150 holes with higher speed and improved finish that translated to considerable increase in productivity and net profit.