Download - Industrial 20 Industrial Weighing News · The Digitization of Production Enabling Profitable Growth 20 Industrial Weighing Industrial formance is a critical aspect of com-plying with

Page 1: Industrial 20 Industrial Weighing News · The Digitization of Production Enabling Profitable Growth 20 Industrial Weighing Industrial formance is a critical aspect of com-plying with


The trend towards digitalization will

allow fully integrated production-control

strategies, end-to-end supply chain in-

tegration and reduced qualification ef-

forts. But how will it help to put these

into practice?

Date Analytics

With more complex supply chains and

higher customer expectations, tight pro-

cess control is the key. The ability to

gather, analyze and access relevant pro-

cess and product data is the basis for

this control, but transferring data from

multiple sites is still a challenge for many.

Predictive maintenance

Controlling and monitoring device per-

More companies are being challenged to implement increasingly stringent operational controls

while remaining reactive to quickly changing market demands. Digitalization is one of the key le-

vers to improve plant efficiency and implement true manufacturing-control strategies. The right in-

vestments in sensor technology, interfaces and software make implementation easier.

The Digitization of Production Enabling Profitable Growth

20Industrial Weighing


formance is a critical aspect of com-

plying with local weights and measures

authorities. Built-in predictive mainte-

nance and condition monitoring sim-

plify maintenance and compliance ac-

tivities to ensure critical measurements

are reliable.

Modular Production

Modular production allows manufactur-

ers to create standardized production

units giving them the flexibility to adjust

capacity according to rapidly changing

market demands. A reliable automation

process and standardized interfaces be-

tween modules along with plug-and-

play principles help realize this concept.

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METTLER TOLEDO Industrial News 20

Three Investments that Pave the Way for Digitalization

Many manufacturers are already planning or experimenting with the implementa-

tion of digital concepts into daily operation. When it comes to measurement tech-

nology however, there are a few basic principles that are here to stay: when up-

grading existing manufacturing sites or working on Greenfield projects, investing in

the right sensors, interfaces and software will help you to fully leverage the poten-

tial of digitalization.

Digital sensors Sensors are the foundation of a digital world. To play this critical role, they must provide more than simple analog signals. Signal conversion built into sensors improves signal quality signifi-cantly, while monitoring environmental parameters such as temperature or sensor condition are the basis for predictive maintenance. Stored calibration data speeds up sensor installation and replacement.

Standardized interfaces With an increasing number of devices and sensors in production plants, data processing and transfer can be a painful process not only in automated systems but also when communicating to ERP systems. Innovative new interfaces hold the promise to make modularization possible and integration faster.

Smart softwareIncreased data volumes require smarter, faster selection and processing. Lags in making collected data

available can create production bottlenecks. New software can simplify information gathering and impro-

ve data-processing speeds. Data visualization supports process insights, cloud services ensure uptime

and data collection software increases production efficiencies.

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3METTLER TOLEDO Industrial News 20

Learn about connectivity Efficient transfer of weighing process data to more

advanced MES or ERP systems results in a more

transparent manufacturing process.

Download the white paper

Save up to 50% in

maintenance costs with POWERCELL®-based scales

Integrate your PLC up

to 10x faster with the

ACT350 transmitter

Reduce data collection

and reporting costs up to

70% with ProdX and


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METTLER TOLEDO Industrial News 20

Historically, equipment in production has been integrated into the plant IT infrastructure following the

automation pyramid (ISA95). In most cases, sensors provided only simple data. Today sensors can

provide more robust data, such as status monitoring, predictive diagnostics and calibration alerts. In-

tegration choices are driven by the kind of data required, the existing infrastructure and the type of data

network available. Sensor data is complemented by prioritized information such as alarms and condi-

tion data.

Moving toward Industrial Ethernet

Industrial Ethernet (IE) is the use of Ethernet (IEEE 802) in an industrial environment with protocols that

provide determinism and real-time control. Examples such as PROFINET, EtherNET/IP, EthernetTSN are

replacing classic fieldbuses and serial communication when connecting with automation systems be-

cause they provide more flexibility and are easier to install, troubleshoot and replace.

OPC-UA brings another level of standardization

OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA) is a machine-to-machine communication protocol for industrial

automation developed by the OPC Foundation. It focuses on communicating with industrial equipment

and systems for data collection and control, is freely available without restrictions or fees, is not tied to

one operating system or programming language and is one of the leading standards for cloud connec-

tivity inside and outside the facility. Combined with IE, it becomes the basis for future industrial devices.

Learn how to reduce installation effort when connecting to PLCs:

Future Gateways to the Digital World Standardizing Industrial Connectivity

While an increasing number of devices and sensors are being used in production

plants, data processing and transfer in automated systems that must communicate

with ERP and MES systems can still be painful. Modern interfaces and open data stan-

dards hold the promise to make interoperability possible by extending the amount and

type of valuable data available.

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Data protocol Industrial EthernetPROFINET, EtherNet/IP, EthernetTSN

OPC UA Server or Gateway OPC UA

Classical Data IntegrationRS232 (for PC systems)4-20mA (DCS, PLC)

Advantage Standardized robust network Standard for data transfer Installed base

Disadvantage Relative newness Requires a server Limited data availability

Control strategy Centralized/decentralized Centralized/decentralized Centralized

Layout Network Network Point-to-point

Transfer rate 1ms NA 100ms

Bandwidth High High Low

Determinism High High Low

Installation effort Medium Low Medium-high

Use in industry Growing Growing Stable

Component cost Low-to-medium Low Low

Use in hazardous areas

Through fiber optic or increased


NA Use of 20ma, 4-20ma and

Profibus PA

Typical use Tank-weighing system; filling

machine integrated into plant

automation system

Scales connected to cloud system

for documentation and tracking pur-

poses, process inspection solutions

Traditional integration either to au-

tomation systems or data-collection


Example Transmitters with IE, ACT350 with OPC UA `

Classic terminals

OPC UA RS232Industriel Ethernet

METTLER TOLEDO Industrial News 20

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Define Expectations

A producer of herbal sweets that exports more than 60

different lines of lozenges and teas to over 50 countries,

wanted assurance that they were working with equipment

that could maintain efficiency, optimize production and re-

duce waste. They asked themselves:

• Can we further optimize processes and reduce waste?

• How do we know we are using the right scales for the

processes that we are running?

• How can we ensure high performance and consistent


Perform a Risk-based Verification

The company then performed a GWP® Verification on 12

scales to evaluate if every scale in production was the op-

timal solution for the specific process step in which it was

being used. GWP Verification is based on a comparison

between the documented measurement uncertainty from

calibration (under scale production conditions) and the

required accuracy, weighing process requirements, the

weighing process risk and defined tolerances.



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Are Your Scales Running at Peak Performance?A Risk-Based Approach Reduces Cost

A cough-drop manufacturer wanted assurance that it was running optimized processes. A simple risk-

based test provided guidance on how management could reduce maintenance cost and confirm that

all of the company’s scales were fit for purpose with regards to accuracy. See how you can benefit

from this service and remain in line with your quality requirements.

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Benefit from Reduced Calibration Costs

GWP Verification showed all scales were well-placed and

running optimally within their predefined process toler-

ance. However, the test also provided clarity on which ser-

vices and effort would be required to maintain this level of

performance. The outcome resulted in a clearly defined

program for routine testing between an optimized calibra-

tion service. As a consequence, the herbal producer could

significantly reduce calibration costs and steadily ensure

high process consistency for the future.

Discover GWP® VerificationVisit our GWP library to see how Good Weighing Practice can help you opti-mize routine testing, simplify compli-ance, and maintain overall equipment effectiveness (OEE).

3Learn More

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A Be

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Innovative New Tank Calibration Easily Improve Accuracy and Traceability

Gone are the days of various types of time-consuming and expensive calibration meth-

ods with unsatisfying accuracy and traceability results. The new innovative Force Cal-

ibration method offers economical and fast calibration without using huge amounts of

test weights and liquids.

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Planning a new tank installation?Contact METTLER TOLEDO for consulting!

Visit our

Higher accuracy and assured traceabilityUsing the force applied by hydraulic cylinders and monitored by reference load cells, it

is possible to reach a high level of accuracy. The S-type reference load cells are trace-

able to test weight standards and provide accuracy and traceability comparable to cal-

ibration with physical weights.

Up to 32 tons full capacityMETTLER TOLEDO service offers calibration for tank scales with capacities from 1 to 32

tons, where using test weights is time consuming and cumbersome. Regular re-cali-

bration can be scheduled to comply with quality systems. Furthermore, for weights in

excess of 32 tons, a material substitution calibration is possible using the calibration

technology offered by our service team.

Saves thousands of dollarsTraceability to the international weight standard is best ensured by frequent calibration

with certified test weights. However, the test-weight method is expensive for large ca-

pacities. Instead of traditional calibration services, you can use this innovative solution

to maintain traceability at lower costs.

Minimum time investmentForce Calibration can be performed at any time with a minimum amount of preparation.

The calibration is done quickly, thanks to equipment portability. Moreover, the whole cal-

ibration process is significantly faster than calibration with test weights. This lowers the

effective downtime of your production facilities dramatically over the course of a year.

No wasted waterMaterial substitution calibration requires a huge amount of purified water in this ca-

pacity range. Consuming this valuable resource for a one-time purpose creates a lot of

waste and can be prevented easily. By using Force Calibration, not a single liter of pu-

rified water is wasted. This helps to increase both the efficiency of the calibration cycle

and the sustainability of the ecological footprint.

Avoid contact with tank contentsThe tedious emptying and cleaning of tanks during substitution calibration can be

avoided by applying this new method. For certain weighing applications, such as food

or pharmaceutical processing, the risk of tank contamination is eliminated and the cost

of extra pure material is saved.


attachment points

Reference S-type

load cells

Hydraulic cylinders

Floor attachment points

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Pharma Workflow

Improve Productivity and SafetyInnovative Weighing Solutions Across Your Processes

PowerDeck™ Floor ScalesPowerDeck™ digital floor scales offer many benefits, including real-time operator guid-ance, reduced maintenance cost – and more!

1 2Bench ScalesOur high precision compact scales with global Ex approvals provide safety and performance – where it matters most.




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Pharma Workflow

Improve Productivity and SafetyInnovative Weighing Solutions Across Your Processes



Weigh ModulesPrevent costly bad batches and rework by monitoring the performance of your tank-weighing systems in real-time.

Formulation SoftwareAutomating your process with formulation soft-ware eliminates the number one cause of quality issues – human error in manual work flows.

5Weighing TerminalsOur user-friendly terminals help to reduce the overfilling of drums by up to 40% – and higher speeds increase efficiency.

POWERCELL® PDX® Load CellsReduce maintenance costs by up to 30% and avoid costly downtime with our POWERCELL® PDX® truck scales.

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For more information

METTLER TOLEDO GroupIndustrial DivisionLocal contact:

Subject to technical changes©09/2018 METTLER TOLEDO. All rights reservedDocument No. 30403374MarCom Industrial

Proven POWERCELL® technology has been helping customers worldwide to maximize their yield for over 30 years.

3 Ways to Maximize Your Yield With POWERCELL® Technology

1 2Improved reliability with


Truck Scale.

3Elimination of bad batches with

PowerMount™ Load Cells for

Tanks Scales.

Increased operator guidance

with PowerDeck™ Digital

Floors Scales.