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Indicators for Sustainable Urban Transport in Europe

Overview and examples

Henrik Gudmundsson PhD., Chief Advisor, CONCITO

Expert Group Meeting on

Planning and Assessment of Urban Transportation Systems

22-23 September 2016, Kathmandu, Nepal


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• Chief advisor in Cities and Transport at CONCITO Green think tank, Copenhagen

• 10 year as Senior Researcher in transport policy at Technical University of Denmark

• 18 year as head of section/researcher in the Danish Ministry of Environment

• Contributions to several European and national projects, expert groups, scientific publications etc. on sustainable transport

• New book: “Sustainable Transportation - Indicators, Frameworks and Performance Management” Springer 2016 (co-authors, Hall, Marsden, Zietsman)

Henrik’s Background

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1. The role of indicators in Sustainable Transport Assessment

2. The European Union Sustainable Transport policies

3. Examples of European assessment frameworks and indicator systems for urban transport

– City Statistics

– European Green Capital Award,

– CIVITAS indicators

4. Summary


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• Transport systems have multiple impacts of significance for Sustainable Development

• Complete knowledge and models of sustainable transport systems are not available; approximations are needed

• Policy goals and measures for sustainable transport need to be assessed ex ante, monitored in real-time and evaluated ex post

• What is not measured and compared cannot be managed and improved

Indicator systems are essential for Sustainable Transport Assessment


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From ’Dublin Dashboard’

• Indicators are variables that are selected to represent key properties of systems and phenomena of policy interest

• Indicators are measurable using quantitative or qualitative values, but do not provide complete information on systems or phenomena

• Indicators are intended and used for descriptive, normative or prescriptive assessments of sustainable transport

Definition and role of indicators

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Review and Explore – How are we doing?

Account and Compare – Who accomplished what?

Improve and Learn – How can we do better?

Describe and Inform – What is going on ?

Diagnose and Explain – How did we get here?

Plan and Decide – What should we do?

Different applications of indicators

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• Indicators are embedded in frameworks that are conceptual and procedural constructs

• Frameworks organize how indicator systems are designed, managed, and applied

• Frameworks provide focus and structure

Frameworks are essential

ConceptWhat to measure?

IntentionWhy to measure?

ProcedureHow to measure?

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Type Features


• Measuring transport system conditions and performance,

• ‘State of repair’, ‘Traffic vol.’, ‘Mode split’


• Measuring according to Environmental, Economic, and Social impacts of transport

• ‘Emissions’, ‘Costs’, ‘Access’


• Performance compared to specified goals and performance targets,

• ‘reduce delay 10%’, ‘0 fatalities’

Chain • Measuring along causal chain, typically for environment policy

• ’Pressure’, ’State’, ‘ Response’

Some indicator framework types




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“Political decision makers…gather information and do not use it; ask for more information and ignore it; make decisions first and look for relevant information afterwards; and collect and process a great deal of information that has little or no direct relevance to decisions” .

Source: Sager & Ravlum (2005) The political relevance of planners’ analysis: The case of a parliamentary standing committee, Planning Theory, 4(1), pp. 33–64.

Provocative finding…

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Types of use Explanation

Instrumental use To support decisions to act To serve as a signal

Conceptual use

Frame the perception and structuring of a problem with no direct use

Symbolic use Reference without drawing any consequences; decisions already made

Tactical use

Use as an excuse, e.g. to postpone action



Different forms of knowledge use

Sources: Gudmundsson & Sørensen (2013); Weiss, CH (1988)

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• 28 member states

• Annual budget of 145 bill €

• 508 million inhabitants

• 72,3% live in cities, towns and urban areas

• Urban transport in Europe: – 23% of transport CO2

– 69% of traffic accidents

– Many cities exceed air quality limit values due to transport

European Union

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• European Commission proposes European policies and legislation

• Member States (Council) and the European Parliament adopts European legislation

• Member states implement European policies and legislation

• Various institutions monitor European systems, policies and legislation

EU: Complex institutional set-up!


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Exclusive competence

Shared competence

Competence to co-ordinate member states

Competence to support member states

• Customs union • Competition rules • Monetary policy

(for euro area • Conservation of

marine resources • Commercial

policy • Certain

international agreements

• Internal market • Social policy • Cohesion • Agriculture and

fisheries • Environment • Consumers • Transport • Energy • Security; Justice • Public health • Research • Development • Humanitarian aid

• Economic policy • Employment • Social policies

• Improvement of human health • Industry • Culture • Tourism • Education • Civil protection • Administrative cooperation

Key European policy areas

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• Decoupling economic growth and environmental impacts

• Modernizing the EU framework for public passenger transport

• Reducing transport energy use and greenhouse gas emissions (new cars: 95 g CO2/km by 2020)

• Reducing pollutant emissions

• Shift towards environment friendly transport modes

• Reducing transport noise

• Halving road transport deaths by 2020 compared with 2011

Some EU Sustainable Transport goals

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Name Focus Frame Type

Transport role

Transport Indicators

EU Transport Scoreboard (2014 -)

Performance of national transport systems and policies

System and goal

Only topic 29

EEA TERM Indicator report (2000 -)

Environmental performance of EU and national transport policy

System chain and goal

Only topic 14

EUROSTAT SDS Monitoring (2005 - )

EU Sustainable Development Goals at EU and national level

Pillar, System and goal

One of 10 topics


EU transport indicator systems : Country level

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EU Transport Scorecard - examples

Employment share in high growth transport enterprises

Quality of railroad infrastructure


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• Limited jurisdiction for the EU level

• ’Subsidiarity principle’

• Soft approach: – General concepts and guidelines

– Support for research

– Financial support to cities

– Support for best practice exchange

• No binding goals (except air quality)

• No bindings urban policies

• No binding frameworks or indicators

EU and Urban Transport

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• ”Strategic plan designed to satisfy the mobility needs of people and businesses in cities and their surroundings for a better quality of life…”

Wefering et al. EU Guidelines, 2014

Key conceptual framework: Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP)

• “Planning for the future of your city with its people as the focus”

• ”Plan for a city our children would like to live in”

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Elaborating a monitoring and evaluation plan

Selecting indicators for goal setting and


Evaluate processes and outcomes

Assess measures and scenarios

Monitor plan implementation

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History of EU SUMP policy

2002 6th Environmental Action Program 2002-10

•Need for ’Thematic strategy’ for the urban environment • Need to tackle rising volumes of traffic, increase share of public transport, walk, cycle’

2004 EU expert group on urban transport and environment

• SUTP concept analyzed • EU SUTP directive proposed

2005 Thematic Strategy for the Urban Environment (DG ENV)

• No directive • SUTP Guidance promised • Support for knowledge exchange

2006 EU Renewed strategy for Sustainable Development

• ”Local authorities should develop and implement urban transport plans..”

2009 Action Plan on Urban Mobility

‘Accelerating the take-up of SUMPs’

2011 Transport White Paper • Goal for Urban Transport • Guidance for SUMP (draft)

2013 ’Urban Mobility Package’ • ‘Encourage the use of SUMP’s’ • “Member States should promote SUMP’s”

2014 Follow-up • Guidance for SUMP (final) • ‘Urban Mobility Observatory’ (ELTIS)

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Types of Indicator applications

Stand alone indicator

Indicator set or system

Systems for ex ante scenario

analysis, SUMP development

Systems for Real time surveillance and monitoring

Systems for ex post project,

SUMP or policy evaluation

Comprehensive or cross cutting assessment systems

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Indicator applications for ST in EU

Stand alone indicator

Indicator set or system

Systems for ex ante scenario

analysis, SUMP development

Systems for Real time surveillance and monitoring

Systems for ex post project,

SUMP or policy evaluation

Comprehensive or cross cutting assessment systems

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Name Focus Frame Type

Transport Role

Transport Indicators

EU City Statistics Quality of Life Ex post Subtopic 10

Ref. Framework for Sust. Cities

Sustainable Urban Development

Ex ante Subtopic 14

European Green Capital Award

Green and sustainable cities

Integrated Subtopic 10


Sustainable Mobility

Integrated Only topic 20

SUMP Self assessment tool

Sustainable Mobility

Ex ante Only topic

100 questions

CIVITAS Capital indicators

Sustainable Mobility

Indicator set Only topic


Urban Transport Scorecard

? ? Only topic


EU transport indicator systems : Urban level examples

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Cost of a combined monthly ticket for public transport for 5-10 km in the central zone

Number of deaths in road accidents

Cost of a taxi ride of 5 km to the center at day time

Number of private cars registered

Length of bicycle network (dedicated paths)

People commuting into the city

People commuting out of the city

Share of journey to work (by mode)

Average time of journey to work (minutes)

Average length of journey to work by private car

City Statistics Transport indicators

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City Transport Statistics illustrated

Number of registered cars per 1000 inhabitants

Number of traffic fatalities per 10.000 inhabitants


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European Green Capital Award

Focus: Environmental performance

Hosted by: European Commission

Coverage: All cities above 100.000 inh. (+20-100.000)

Frequency: Every year since 2010

Type: Integrated ; Competitive

Role of transport: One out of 13 areas (water, air, noise, waste….)

Approach • Indicators are combined with qualitative evaluation of achievements and future plans • Cities are ranked for each area and all ranks added

Transport Indicators

• 4 (5)

Comments: • No follow-up on performance • Not sustainable ‘balance’

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EGCA Transport indicators

Length of cycle lanes (meters/inhabitant)

Share of journeys under 5 km made by private car (%)

Population living within 300 metres of an hourly public transport service (%)

Share of buses classified as low emission vehicles (%)

Transport ton CO2/inhabitant

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Scoring exercise per area

Local Transport assessment for 2014

1 Dedicdated cycle lanes (meter/inh)

2. Share of population near Public transport

3. Car share of journeys under 5 km

4. Proportion of clean buses

CITY 1 0,60 71,0 25,0 0,0

CITY 2 0,02 95,9 50,0 0,0

CITY 3 0,70 94,0 6,4 50,0

CITY 4 0,09 97,5 42,0 0,0

CITY 5 0,04 0,0 9,3 0,0

CITY 6 0,68 98,0 12,0 34,0

CITY 7 0,67 94,4 23,0 77,0

CITY 8 1,40 70,0 48,9 0,0

CITY 9 0,26 91,0 50,0 10,0

CITY 10 0,09 94,3 45,0 0,0

CITY 11 0,72 87,0 36,0 36,0

CITY 12 0,11 90,0 50,0 0,0

CITY 13 0,19 91,0 39,0 39,0

CITY 14 0,02 95,0 50,0 0,0

CITY 15 0,12 99,0 74,5 9,5

CITY 16 0,00 95,0 15,0 0,0

CITY 17 0,10 95,0 35,0 75,0

CITY 18 0,16 95,0 23,0 5,0

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European Green Capital Award

Nijmegen 2018

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Examples of good practices

Copenhagen as World’s best city for bicycles • At least 50% will go to work or school by bike • Number of seriously injured cyclists cut by half • At least 80% of cyclists feel safe and secure • A reduction of transport CO2 by 20%

Aosta Green Logistics ‘Cityporto ‘ • Unloading goods to the city • Distributing goods with low-carbon

vehicles • Streets, squares have greater appeal • The service has created new job


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CIVITAS Capital indicator set

Focus: Sustainable Mobility Planning

Hosted by: CIVITAS

Coverage: All European cities (intended)

Frequency -

Type: •Voluntary Indicator set

Approach •Based on literature review and interviews •Focus on what cities need • Discussed with six cities

28 indicators in Nine topic areas

Travel Patterns; Accessibility; Speed and safety Walking; Cycling; Public Transport; Cars and parking Socio-economic impacts; Environmental impacts

Comments: • Not based in sustainable framework (TBL) • Not applied in full in any city

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Description for each indicator:


Purpose and goals

How to gather data

Example of city use

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• Edinburgh, Copenhagen, Paris, Lyon, Stuttgart and Zurich

• Similar indicators are used, but often not exact same

• Far fewer the 28 indicators are normal

• Main use of data is for planning, policy monitoring, sometime statutory reporting, not benchmarking

• Typical comment: “Interesting set of indicators– but who would pay for costs of extra data gathering?”

Interviews with ‘advanced’ cities

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Ranking indicators using 5 criteria

C1: Relevance for one or more of the sustainability dimensions (environment, social, economic), or measuring key transport system features

C2: Representation of all urban modes, especially SUMP compatible modes such as walking, cycling and public transport, but also motor vehicles C3: Alignment with data and indicators that many cities use already C4: Easy data collection, preferably with standard concepts and methods C5: Actionability and decision relevance for a city, including for urban planning, financial allocation, and communication

C6: Support reporting for key European urban transport policy goals, such a GHG emissions, alternative fuels, traffic safety, congestion, ICT/ITS deployment

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Indicators with highest scores

Category Indicator with highest score

Travel Patterns Modal split

Accessibility Density (land use)

Speed and safety Safety – people killed and seriously injured

Walking Accessibility of outside built environment

Cycling Extent of on-street cycle network

Public Transport Public transport service per capita

Cars and parking Car ownership

Social impacts Citizen satisfaction with transport system



CO2 emissions from transport per capita

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• No ‘official’ European monitoring of urban transport (yet)

• Not ‘mandatory’ set of indicators or index for Sustainable transport in European cities

• Several voluntary assessment frameworks are offered by the European Institutions and professional bodies – General Sustainable Development/Quality of Life frameworks

– Specific sets of indicators for urban transport

– Assessment and scenario tools to support development of new plans

– Self-evaluation tools for sustainable urban transport plans

• Will the EU deliver an Urban Transport Scoreboard?

Summary EU

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City Statistics (Urban Audit) Reference Framework for European

Sustainable Cities (RFSC)

European Green Capital Award (EGCA)

Transport system

Number of private cars registered Number of personal cars per adult

Length of bicycle network (dedicated cycle paths

and lanes)

Bicycle lanes and paths proximity Length of cycle lanes (meter/inhabitant)

Percentage of pedestrian streets and walkways

Accessibility to public transport stops Population living within 300 metres of hourly

public transport service

Roads maintenance

Investment in transport infrastructure

Travel patterns and behavior factors

Share of journeys to work by mode Traffic modal split for persons Share of journeys under 5 km made by private car


Modal split of freight transport

Average time of journey to work (minutes) Congestion index

Average length of journey to work by private car


People commuting in and out of the city

Cost of a combined monthly public transport ticket

in the central zone

Passenger transport prices

Cost of a taxi ride of 5 km to the centre at day time

Satisfaction with level of public transport services Satisfaction with level of public transport services

Transport impacts

Number of deaths in road accidents

Transport energy consumption Transport ton CO2/inhabitant

Traffic light using LED

Number of companies with Green Travel Plans

Share of buses classified as low emission vehicles


Limited integration across frameworks

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• Program to promote cleaner, better transport in cities.

• Started 2002

• Over 200 cities have been involved

• Good Practice exchange, guidance and research

Communicative Frameworks


• ’Urban Mobility Observatory’

• Website and knowledge hub

• Started 2004

• Training material, case studies, guidance on SUMP

• Urban transport News

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• Cities need and use indicators but not always the same

• The need for indicators depend on purpose and applications

• Large variation in how much cites use indicators

• Limited interest in benchmarking and comparison

• New issues such as Smart City will require and allow new types of indicators

Summary for European cities

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Advanced city example


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• If indicators are too simple -> They may be misinterpreted

• If indicators are too complex -> They may not be applied

• If indicators are too few -> They may be misused

• If indicators are too many - > They may be ignored

• High agreement regarding domains; Medium agreement about topics; Limited agreement about specific indicators

• What is the role for local, national, regional or global frameworks?


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Target groups

• Media

• General public

•Decision makers

• Stakeholders

• Policy experts

• Scientists

Aggregation and Communication

Compo- Site (1)

Key indicators (5-15)

Broad Indicator sets (15-200+)

Data, Observations, Records (10.000+ > entries)

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Type Strengths Weaknesses

System • Direct focus on transport systems

• Exploits transport agency data

• Not addressing sustainability

• Ignores wider interactions

Pillar • Clear conceptual relation to sustainability

• Holistic; Simple

• Not all transport impacts allocate to one pillar

• May show conflicting results

Goal • Political relevance

• Good for steering

• Organizational basis

• No-goal impacts may be lost

• Focus on incremental change

• Risk of silo thinking

Chain • Supports different steps of planning process

• Possibility for deeper analysis

• Complex, data and resource demanding

• Imitates modelling without the underlying knowledge

Use for Sustainable Transport


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Monitoring EU SDS Strategy

Source: EUROSATAT 2015

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Based on statistics from each EU state

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Combining surveys

Proportion of people satisfied with public transport services and the quality of air in their city. Source: Urban Europe EUROSTAT (2016)