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Page 1: India, Cdm And Kyoto Protocol

Kyoto Protocol 1


Presented by:

Ratnesh Jaiswal(50803030)

Sachin Bhardwaj(50803031)

MBA (Energy)

L.M Thapar School of Management

Thapar University

14 April 2009

Page 2: India, Cdm And Kyoto Protocol

Kyoto Protocol 2

Reduction of 6 major GHGs, as defined by IPCC

i. Carbon dioxide (CO2)

ii. Methane (CH4)

iii. Nitrous oxide (N2O)

iv. Hydro fluorocarbon (HFCs)

v. Perfluoro carbon (PFCs)

vi. Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6 )

By 1997, 186 nations signed Kyoto Protocol (KP)

What is Kyoto Protocol

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Kyoto Protocol 3

Annex I : Leading industrialized countries (41 nations)

Annex II : Wealthy countries in Annex I (24 nations)

Non-Annex I : Developing countries (145 nations)

Three categories

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Kyoto Protocol 4

Annex I: Cut GHG emissions by 5.2% below 1990 level (during

2008- 2012) Help non-Annex I countries to tackle climate change

Annex II: Additional financial & tech. supports to Non-Annex I

countries Non-Annex I:

No commitment


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Kyoto Protocol 5

Industrialized countries

Financial aids Tech. Transfer

Developing countries Total 186 nations


Annex I41 Countries

Annex II24


Non-Annex I145 Countries

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Kyoto Protocol 6

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change agreed to a set of a "common but differentiated responsibilities." The parties agreed that:

The largest share of historical and current global emissions of greenhouse gases has originated in developed countries;

Per capita emissions in developing countries are still relatively low, and

The share of global emissions originating in developing countries will grow to meet their social and development needs

Common but differentiated responsibility

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Kyoto Protocol 7

China, India, and other developing countries were not included in any numerical limitation of the Kyoto Protocol because they were not the main contributors to the greenhouse gas emissions during the pre-treaty industrialization period.

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Kyoto Protocol 9

Clean Development Mechanism (“certified emission reduction” credit)

Emissions Trading (“Carbon Market”)

European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) since January 2005

Joint Implementation

Kyoto Mechanisms

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Kyoto Protocol 10

Both JI and CDM ,are project based mechanism that are included in KP under Article 6 and Article 12,respectivily.

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Project Based Mechanism

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Kyoto Protocol 11

The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), defined in Article 12 of the Protocol, allows a country with an emission-reduction or emission-limitation commitment under the Kyoto Protocol (Annex B Party) to implement an emission-reduction project in developing countries. Such projects can earn saleable certified emission reduction (CER) credits, each equivalent to one tonne of CO2, which can be counted towards meeting Kyoto targets.

It is the first global, environmental investment and credit scheme of its kind, providing a standardized emissions offset instrument, CERs.

Clean Development Mechanism

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Kyoto Protocol 12

Out of the total CDM projects for registration under Kyoto Protocol across globe, 32.86% projects are from India, followed by Brazil with 17.12%, China 7.59% and Republic of Korea 1.95%, while other countries collectively account for 19%.

Currently, the rate of one carbon credit is 13 euro

The carbon credit market was $25 billion last year and It is growing at tremendous space

There is a demand to reduce 1 billion tonne of carbon emissions in the world, so that threats like global warming could be mitigated

14 April 2009

Over 200 Indian company apply for CDM in race for carbon credit

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Kyoto Protocol 13

If India meets one fifth of carbon emission reduction demand, it works out to be 200 million tonne of carbon emission reduction. With this the Indian entities can earn 2 billion euro by the year 2012.

Gujarat has also remained a leader in registering CDM projects as Gujarat Flour chemicals Ltd (GFL) was among the early birds to register CDM project.

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Kyoto Protocol 14

JI enables countries with specific emission reduction targets under the protocol (that is, the industrialized or ‘Annex B’ countries which were also referred to above as Annex 1 countries !) to obtain credit for implementing GHG reduction projects in other Annex 1 countries.

JI is set forth in Article 6 of the KP.

A JI project might involve, for example, replacing a coal-fired power plant with a more efficient combined heat and power plant

Joint Implementation

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Kyoto Protocol 15

Emission reductions are awarded credits called ERUs.

One ERU represents an emission reduction equalling one tonne of CO2 equivalent

The ERUs come from the host country's pool of assigned emissions credits, known as Assigned Amount Units(AAUs)

Each Annex I party has a predetermined amount of AAUs, calculated on the basis of its 1990 greenhouse gas emission levels

Emission Reduction Units

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Kyoto Protocol 16

India has the world’s second largest population and the world’s sixth largest emitter of CO2

It is estimated that India emitted 908 million tones of CO2 in 1998, 4% of the world’s total(UNEP 2002)

The rate of growth of GHG emission in India is 4.6% annually, compared to a 2% world average.

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GHG Emissions in India

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Kyoto Protocol 17

Its Main Findings were: CO2 emissions account for 53% of the total emissions

CH4 and N2O contribute 39% and 8% respectively.

Energy sector is the main emitter of CO2 accounting for 87% of total CO2 emissions the remaining coming from the Cement Industry(4%), and land conversation (9%), and biomass burning and agriculture sector are the main source of CH4 and N2O with small portion contributed by the transport sector.

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Cont ….

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The main benefits that can be expected from the project-based Kyoto mechanisms are, on the one hand, that they potentially reduce industrialized countries’ costs of meeting the Kyoto Protocol targets, whereas, on the other hand, they are to support the host countries objectives regarding sustainable development.

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Kyoto Protocol 19

With the help of CDM, countries which have set themselves an emission reduction target under the Kyoto Protocol (Annex I countries) can contribute to the financing of projects in developing countries (non-Annex I countries) which do not have a reduction target. Contributing to the sustainable development of the host country, the project should reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. The achieved emission reductions can be used by the Annex I country in order to meet its reduction target.

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Kyoto Protocol 20


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