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Page 1: Increasing and Sustaining Dryland Agricultural Productivity in Africa: Challenges, Experiences, Principles

Increasing and Sustaining Dryland Agricultural Productivity In Africa

Challenges, Experiences, Principles

World Resources Institute Roundtable

May 15, 2013

Mike McGahuey and Jerry Glover, USAID

Page 2: Increasing and Sustaining Dryland Agricultural Productivity in Africa: Challenges, Experiences, Principles

Agricultrual Productivity: Drivers of Progress

• Where have yields increased and to what degree?

• Where has resilience been strengthened?

• What problems did they overcome?

• What practices and principles did they use?

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Key Challenges: Low Rainfall-use Efficiency

• “(Experts) estimate that only 10–15% of the rainfall is used by the vegetation.”*

• Rainfall Characteristics– Intensive rainfall events ➠ 25-50% runoff rates**

– Long intervals between events ➠ Frequent need to replant ➠ Shortened Season

– Periodic droughts ➠ Crop failure for annual staples

*Doumbia, M. (2008) Sequestration of organic carbon in West African soils by Aménagement en Courbes de Niveau Agron. Sustain. Dev., 2008

**Stroosnijderi, L., & Hoogmoed, W. (1984). Crust formation on sandy soils in the Sahel, Il Tillage and its effect on the water balance. Soil & Tillage Research, 4, 321-337.

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Key Challenges: Weathered Soils and Loss of Coping Strategies

1. “Africa is the world's most ancient land mass.”*– “Only 10 percent of the soils are relatively young and still have

nutrient-rich sediments.” – “The soil organic matter content is low.”*

1. Soil are Characterized as – Nutrient poor ➠ Requires external inputs– Low inherent capacity to retain nutrients applied in fertilizers (low

fertilizer-use efficiency) ➠ Fertilizers often not economical unless soil organic matter content is amended

1. Demographic Pressure has reduced options for soil regeneration and coping with drought and pushed people to the margin


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Soil Organic Matter (SOM) and Fertilizer-Use Efficiency

• “in the Sudano-Sahelian zone, the effective cation exchange capacity (ECEC) is more correlated to organic matter than to clay,”*

• Recovery of N-fertilizer as related to SOM:*– Infields (high SOM): 34% - 37%– Outfields (low SOM): 17% - 23%

• ”in the surface horizons of tropical African soils, soil organic matter contains practically all of nitrogen and about 20±80% of phosphorus.”

Bationo, A., F. Lompo, S. Koala (1998) Research on nutrient Flows and balances in West Africa: state-of-the-art; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 71 (1998) 19±35

*Bationo, A,, 2006. African Soils: Their Productivity and Profitability of Fertilizer Use. Background paper prepared for the African Fertilizer Summit. The International Fertilizer Development Center.

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Returns to Fertilizer as a Function of SOM

Estimated marginal value product of nitrogen fertilizer (Kshs/kg N) conditional on plot soil carbon content*

*Marenya, P.P. and C.B. Barrett (2009) State-conditional Fertilizer Yield Response on Western Kenyan Farmers; Amer. J. Agr. Econ. 91(4) (November 2009): 991–1006*Marenya, P. P., C. B. Barrett (2009) Soil quality and fertilizer use rates among smallholder farmers in western Kenya; Amer. J. Agr. Econ. 91(4) (November 2009): 991–1006

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Addressing Biophysical Challenges

Producers use practices and systems that do the following:

1. Reduce rainfall run-off and increase infiltration

2. Build up soil organic matter– Increases soil’s moisture retention capacity in crop’s root zone

(retains up to 90% of its weight in moisture)*– Increases soil’s fertilizer-use efficiency

1. Use fertilizers and improved seed in tandem with above

2. Diversify farming systems to include crops less vulnerable to drought and other shocks (e.g., tree crops in a mixed annual-perennial system) and avoid selling productive assets in order to eat!!

*Wood, Sebastian, Scherr (2000) Pilot Analysis of Global Ecosystems—Agroecological Systems; World Resources Institute

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Soil Organic Matter By Continents

“Africa is the world's most ancient land mass.” Breman

While Increasing Fertilizer Use in Dryland Africa is Essential, increasing SOM is Essential for FUE

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Reducing Runoff and Reclaiming Land at Scale

Central Plateau, Burkina Faso: 200,000 ha.Tahoua Region, Niger 100,000 haReij, C., G. Tappan, M. Smale (2009) Agroenvironmental Transformation in the Sahel: Another Kind of “Green Revolution; IFPRI Discussion Paper 00914, November 2009; Prepared for the Project, Millions Fed: Proven Successes in Agricultural Development

Djenne, Mali, Chris Reij, 2008

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“Sustainable Intensification”: Microdose in Tandem with Zai’s

Millet: One week after seeding—Early establishment correlated to higher yields


Treatment Yields

Control 0 to 400 kg/ha

Zai + microdose 900 kg to 2000 kg/ha


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Ridge Tillage in Mali: Increasing Rainfall-use Efficiency

Increased:•Infiltration by 66%•Average Soil moisture by 17% but 39% in the 20-40 cm zone at end of season•Soil C by 12-26%•Fertilizer-use Efficiency by 30%

➠• 30-50% yield increase• Water table recharged

-Doumbia, M. (2008) Sequestration of organic carbon in West African soils by Aménagement en Courbes de Niveau Agron. Sustain. Dev., 2008 -Kablan, R., (2008) '"Aménagement en courbes de niveau," Increasing Rainfall Capture, Storage, and Drainage in Soils of Mali', Arid Land Research and Management, 22:1, 62 – 80

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Dry Season Gardens: A Dividend of Rainwater Management

• Higher water table allows dry season irrigation;

• Higher prices for counter-season produce;

• New and additional sources of revenue and nutritious foods.

• Resilience Strengthened

Sorofin Diarra irrigates her garden while daughters Batama, Youma and Nieba observe. Currently, 80% of Siguidolo households have gardens compared to one before ACN was introduced12 years ago . (ACN Brochure, Soils Management CRSP)

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REJUVENATED LAND: Dr. Doumbia (left) and farmer Zan Diarra observe a baobab tree that regenerated following the establishment of ACN.

High-Value Field Trees: Additional Dividend of Rainfall Management

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Weathered Soils & Integrated Soil Fertility Management (ISFM)

ISFM: “combined use of locally-available organic resources and the judicious use of mineral fertilizer …”

Farmers’ practices After 4 yrs of ISFM

Cereal Yield* VCR**Fertilizers

Cereal Yield VCR Fertilizers

Maize; outlying field

750 --*** 2,750 4

Maize; compound

3,000 --*** 4,600 12

Sorghum 1,000 --*** 2,000 8

Cotton 1,150 5 2,000 8

*kg/ha; **Incremental value/fertilizer cost; ***No fertilizer used

H. Breman, A. Gakou, A. Mando and M. Wopereis (2004) Enhancing Integrated Soil Fertility Management Through the Carbon Market to Combat Resources Degradation in Overpopulated Sahelian Countries; Regional Scientific Workshop on Land Management for Carbon Sequestration; Bamako (Mali), February 27-28, 2004

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ISFM Principles Applied Over Time

*Source: Sedogo (1993); Bationo, “Technologies for sustainable management of sandy Sahelian soils,” in FAO, “Management of tropical sandy soils for sustainable agriculture.” **Wopereis, M., A. Mando, B. Vanlauwe Agro-ecological principles of integrated soil fertility management – a guide with special reference to sub-Saharan Africa;mIFDC Technical Bulletin Series

•“Treatments using only inorganic fertilizer often show a decline in yield after time….”

•Acidification•SOM decline

• Soil organic matter improves• Cation exchange (CEC)• Water retention capacity • Soil structure.**

Sorghum grain yield as affected by mineral and organic fertilizers over


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ISFM: Challenges of Soil Organic Matter

Nyankpala region (Northern Ghana): Compost heap (after a practical class by researchers from SARI and development workers from MoFA)

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Mature Faidherbia albida Parkland: Peanut Basin, Senegal (Tappan)

•Soil Carbon: Increase between 40% and 269%* •Cation-Exchange Capacity (CEC): 120% increase•Soil-water Holding Capacity: Significant Increase •Microbial activity: Significant Increase•Yields: Increased from 500 (+/- 200) to 900 kg/ha (+/- 200)

“State of the Art: Acacia albida,” Peter Felker, 1974

FMNR: Source of Soil Organic Matter and Other Benefits

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Diversified Systems to Sustain Productivity and Build Resiliency

Animal fattening operation based primarily on pods from field trees

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Diversified Systems to Sustain Productivity and Build Resiliency

Fuel Wood and Construction Poles

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A Conclusion

• Based on current evidence, many farmers in dryland Africa can double or triple yields, in a cost-effective and sustainable manner, and can strengthen resilience by– Investing in fertilizers and improved seeds in tandem with

practices that increase rainfall and fertilizer-use efficiencies and

– Diversifying their production systems to include crops and sources of livelihoods that are less vulnerable to climatic and market shocks than annual staples.

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Doubled-up legume systems

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Multiple benefits from perennial pigeonpea (P.P.) shrub-diversified maize

Snapp et al. 2010 PNAS

P.P. + ½ F