Download - Increase Website Traffic That I Will Never Forget

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increase website traffic

By: Business Dude

that I will

never forget

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I’ve asked hundreds of people what holds them back in their business and over and over again I hear ONE word…

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T R A F F I C !

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Yes – it’s like crack cocaine and all marketers seem to be addicted to it.

The more you have – the more revenue you generate.(Well, not always! But that’s a conversation for another day.)

But the fact of the matter is that traffic is the lifeblood of EVERY online business. Without it – your business dries up like a pothole in the Sahara desert.

Unfortunately, I see most people wasting their time with some REALLY ineffective website traffic strategies.

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You’ve probably heard of some of these…

Blog commenting (Uhhhhhh – is that really how you should be spending your time?)

Article Submissions – Can we say – soooooooo 2004.

YouTube Marketing – Yes, this can be a great source of traffic but that little video you made on Animoto just ain’t gonna cut it.

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So I hear a lot of people who ‘say’ that they’re doing all sorts of things to try increase their website traffic but in reality they’re focusing their efforts in all the wrong places.

I’ve created this article to create a SHIFT in the way you think about traffic. Over the past couple years I’ve focused on simplifying my business. Zoning in on the critical few tasks that create the MOST results for myself AND (more importantly) for our clients.

Zoning in the critical few tasks that create 80% of our results.

While most marketers are trying to cram MORE and MORE into their day – I’m hacking away all the extraneous fluff.

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We want a business that is simple and fun. And so that’s what I’m going to teach you as well.

So forget writing 100 articles. Instead I’m going to show you how to get 1,000+ visitors to just ONE article.

So without further ado, here are my favorite techniques to increase website traffic that You and I will never forget.

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One of the best things you can do when starting your business is to create a 100% commission affiliate program.

This alone will create a perpetual traffic machine in your business. Create a high-quality product and give away 100% of the profits to your affiliates.

Sounds a bit crazy right?

Well – it added over 30,000 subscribers to our list and continues to drive traffic to our site to this day.

1. Affiliate Program

Turning Your Idea into Cold, Hard Cash – the EASY way

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I created a product called the ‘Traffic Dashboard’ and gave away 100% commissions.

I can tell you right now that when you give away 100% commissions – it’s becomes VERY easy to recruit affiliates ;)It’s like a moth being attracted to the light.

We had over 2,400+ people sign-up for our affiliate program.So I’m pretty sure you can get a couple hundred people to join your 100% commission affiliate program. It’s a pretty easy sell ;)

So now you have hundreds of affiliates sending traffic to your website day in and day out.

Include an exit page off of your sales letter that collects subscribers. Now your adding hundreds (if not thousands) of subscribers to your list each month.

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Awesome Product + 100% affiliate program + high-converting sales letter = Perpetual Traffic Machine

And just in case you’re wondering… it’s pretty easy to create a high-converting sales letter because this is a low-priced entry product. ($17-$39)

So here’s my secret formula…

NEW Technology Runs All Your Sales Funnels Drag-N-Drop Style

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This has become my own little treasure trove.

Facebook is a marketers dream. You can pinpoint and target EXACTLY who you want to add to your list.

Want to build a list of teachers? Facebook will allow you to put your ad directly in front of people who have declared their profession on Facebook as a ‘teacher’. In fact, you can get super specific and just target science teachers, english teachers, or math teachers.

In a matter of weeks you can build a group of fans.You can also drill down to the exact age group you want. Male. Female. Married. Single. Choose to your hearts desire.

2. Facebook Ads

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Want to advertise to people who are fans of Jillian Michaels? You can do it! And build a targeted list of fitness/ weight loss prospects at the same time.

Looking to build a list of yoga enthusiasts? You can do it in record time on Facebook by advertising to fans of related yoga pages.

Facebook is quickly becoming one of the best places to build and grow your business. Plus, we haven’t even talked about how quickly your content can spread on Facebook.More for another day :)

F a c e bOOk

FB Ad Queen- Boost Your List Fast With Facebook Ads

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ALL of your marketing efforts should be working towards putting people on your subscriber list. That means AT LEAST 80% of your traffic should be directed to a squeeze page where you give people a valuable free gift in return for their name and email.

The other 20% of your traffic will go towards your blog.

Traffic from sites like Facebook and Twitter are a perfect example. Just make sure your blog is designed to convert visitors into subscribers.

We’ll talk more about that in upcoming articles. But the point here is that your subscriber list is THE #1 asset in your business. If you’re not building a subscriber list – you’re not building a business.

3.Email Marketing

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80 – 90% of your profits are made on the BACKEND via your follow up emails.

TRUST is the foundation for every sale.  And one of the best ways to create that trust is by sending 2-3 fun, entertaining, value-driven emails every week to establish preeminence in your market.

You become the trusted advisor in your market. With an engaged list of subscribers – you now have traffic on tap.

We personally drive thousands of visitors EVERY time we send out an email. THAT’S the power of email.

YOU OWN THE TRAFFIC.How to Generate a Massive Responsive List of 1,000's and Unique Targ

eted Traffic with Your Messages Being Read within 10 Minutes by 97% of Your Audience.

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You now have an incredible opportunity online to quickly and easily spread your content and your message to thousands of people.

With the explosion in popularity of sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus – it’s now easier than ever before to spread your content and get more website traffic.

4. Multiple Platform Presence

You can then turn those subscribers into Super Fans by combining the power of…

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Social media has ‘supercharged’ traditional word-of-mouth.Now… that doesn’t mean it’s going to happen overnight.

But – if you have great content. If you’re providing lots of value (on a consistent basis) then social media is one of the most powerful distribution points.

It’s doubly powerful when you combine it with email. When you integrate 2-3 weekly emails, plus engaging with your audience on sites like

Facebook and Twitter – that’s when you create Raving Super Fans!!

Connect and engage daily on at least 3 different platforms.

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One of those MUST be email.Here are a few powerful combos I recommend:

Email + Facebook + TwitterEmail + Facebook + Google PlusEmail + Facebook + Pinterest

Now – which 3 you choose is going to depend largely on your particular market. WHERE exactly are your people hanging out online?

The Truth About Pinterest Traffic and How To Profit From It

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For example, if you have a scrapbooking site then your tri-combo should include Email, Facebook, and Pinterest because those are the MAIN platforms where women scrap bookers are hanging out.

But when you start creating content and engaging with your fans on a DAILY basis, that’s when you’ll start gaining momentum.

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increase website traffic

By: Business Dude

that I will

never forget