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Incorporating Stochastic Lead Times Into the GuaranteedService Model of Safety Stock OptimizationSalal Humair, John D. Ruark, Brian Tomlin, Sean P. Willems

To cite this article:Salal Humair, John D. Ruark, Brian Tomlin, Sean P. Willems (2013) Incorporating Stochastic Lead Times Into the GuaranteedService Model of Safety Stock Optimization. Interfaces 43(5):421-434.

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INFORMS is the largest professional society in the world for professionals in the fields of operations research, managementscience, and analytics.For more information on INFORMS, its publications, membership, or meetings visit

Vol. 43, No. 5, September–October 2013, pp. 421–434ISSN 0092-2102 (print) � ISSN 1526-551X (online)

© 2013 INFORMS

Incorporating Stochastic Lead Times Into theGuaranteed Service Model of Safety Stock

OptimizationSalal Humair

Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts 02115; and School of Science and Engineering,Lahore University of Management Sciences, D.H.A. Lahore 54792, Pakistan, [email protected]

John D. RuarkLogility, Inc., Burlington, Massachusetts 01803, [email protected]

Brian TomlinTuck School of Business, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire 03755, [email protected]

Sean P. WillemsSchool of Management, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts 02215, [email protected]

Effective end-to-end supply chain management and network inventory optimization must account for servicelevels, demand volatility, lead times, and lead-time variability. Most inventory models incorporate demandvariability, but far fewer rigorously account for lead-time variability, particularly in multiechelon supply chainnetworks. Our research extends the guaranteed service model of safety stock placement to allow random leadtimes. The main methodological contribution is the creation of closed-form equations for the expected safetystock in the system; this includes a derivation for the early-arrival stock in the system. The main applied con-tributions are the demonstration of real stochastic lead times in practice and a discussion of how our approachoutperforms more traditional heuristics that either ignore lead-time variability or consider the maximum leadtime at each stage.

Key words : base-stock policy; multiechelon inventory optimization; stochastic lead times; supply chainapplication.

In recent years, supply chain executives have hadto grapple with the increased globalization of their

internal supply chains and those of their customersand suppliers, while also navigating the heightenedvolatility in supply and demand brought about bysignificant economic uncertainty. The effective use ofinventory, both strategically and tactically, is crucialfor success in this global and volatile world. The com-panies that can best manage the trade-off betweencustomer service and inventory are the ones bestplaced to compete and win. Not surprisingly, inven-tory optimization is a top priority for executives asevidenced by a 2012 survey of 153 senior operationsexecutives conducted by Supply Chain ManagementWorld. This report (SCMWorld 2012, p. 11) states:

We asked the supply chain community to identify thespecific areas which they will be targeting for improve-ment this coming year and, with the statistics on

demand and supply volatility in mind, it should comeas little shock that inventory optimisation stands tallat the very top with a substantial 64 percent selectionrate. Not only is this ambition number one overall, itis also well up from last year. As a general remedy tonot only volatile demand and supply, but also increas-ing complexity, inventory optimisation promises leanoperations with high levels of customer service.

This finding echoes that of other surveys, includinga 2011 report by Chief Supply Chain Officer (CSCO)Insights (CSCO 2011) in which 76 percent of respon-dents indicated that inventory management excel-lence was either their top supply chain priority ora highly important one. To truly manage the inven-tory and service trade-off in globally dispersed supplychains, companies must take an end-to-end perspec-tive when determining where to locate their invento-ries and how much inventory to hold. Interestingly,









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Humair et al.: Incorporating Stochastic Lead Times to the GS Model of Safety Stock Optimization422 Interfaces 43(5), pp. 421–434, © 2013 INFORMS

this CSCO report found, on page 10, that the largestbarrier to “more effective cross network inventorymanagement” was that firms “can’t optimize theirnetwork holistically” (i.e., take an end-to-end perspec-tive), with 83.0 percent of respondents reporting thisinability as a medium or high barrier. In addition totechnological and organizational challenges, 73.5 per-cent and 69.5 percent of respondents also identifieddemand and supply volatility, respectively, as impor-tant barriers.

Although network inventory optimization has beenthe subject of academic research for more than50 years (see Simpson 1958, Clark and Scarf 1960),only in the past decade have concerted efforts beenmade to transfer this multiechelon inventory researchto widespread real-world practice. With provableoptimality a common objective in academic research,simplification of reality is a hallmark of academicmodels. Unfortunately, this simplification can be aroadblock to industry adoption. Companies are nottypically concerned with whether a network inven-tory solution gives a provably optimal policy in asetting they perceive to be an oversimplification of thereality they face on a daily basis. They are concernedwith whether the solution can effectively accommo-date enough of their key pressure points so that itreflects their reality with sufficient fidelity. Only thendoes a company adopt the solution and implement itsrecommendations. In our experience with implement-ing network inventory solutions at numerous compa-nies, lead-time variability is one such pressure point.

All supply chains face lead-time variability. How-ever, it manifests itself differently in different partsof the supply chain. For raw material locations, lead-time variability occurs in big chunks of time. It is notthat lead time is 30 days plus or minus five days.It is that lead time is 30 days 60 percent of the time,60 days 30 percent of the time, and 120 days 10 per-cent of the time. For finished goods distribution, thelead-time variability might be two days plus or minusa day; however, at this point in the supply chain, theproduct is at its most expensive and buffering thevariability in time is extremely costly.

In this paper, we extend the guaranteed service (GS)model for safety stock optimization to incorporaterandom lead times in multiechelon networks. This

work on lead-time variability is critical to the wide-spread adoption of the GS approach—an overallapproach that has led to the following documentedbenefits: savings of $100 million by Proctor & Gam-ble, $50 million by HP, and $20 million by Kraft Foods;a 26 percent inventory reduction by Boston Scientific;and a 25 percent finished goods inventory reductionby Black & Decker.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows:We first summarize the GS model for safety stockplacement in the case of deterministic lead times.We then present our modeling approach for stochasticlead times, and then a numerical analysis where wecompare our approach to known heuristics. We alsodiscuss real-world information systems constraintsand model implementation issues. We relegate math-ematical expressions and derivations to the appendix.

Modeling Framework for DeterministicLead Times (GS-DET)As Graves and Willems (2003) define, approaches tooptimize safety stock in networks can be classifiedinto one of two frameworks depending on how theymodel service between stages in the supply chain.Following their nomenclature, we chose to adopt andextend the GS modeling framework. This frameworkis a pragmatic modeling approach that has been suc-cessfully deployed across a wide range of industriesto optimize safety stock quantities and locations incomplex real-world networks under the assumptionthat lead times are deterministic, as Willems (2008),Humair and Willems (2011), and Farasyn et al. (2011)discuss. In this project, we generalize the GS frame-work to allow for random lead times in the network.

Before describing the GS model with random leadtimes, it is helpful to review the most salient fea-tures of the GS model with deterministic lead times(hereafter GS-DET). The reader can also find a moredetailed overview of GS-DET in Graves and Willems(2000). In the GS-DET model, a supply chain ismodeled as a network of stages, where each stagerepresents an item at a processing function (e.g., pro-curement, transportation, production, assembly) anda potential inventory stocking location for the itemprocessed at the stage. All stages are assumed to use








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Humair et al.: Incorporating Stochastic Lead Times to the GS Model of Safety Stock OptimizationInterfaces 43(5), pp. 421–434, © 2013 INFORMS 423

a periodic-review base-stock policy with an identicalreview period. This common review period serves asthe underlying time unit in the model. At the start ofa period, each stage observes its demand and placesan order to replenish that demand. By convention, ifdemand is zero in a period, then an order of zerounits is placed. All stages are assumed to have deter-ministic lead times. As an example, imagine that astage represents an assembly step in which it assem-bles two components—each from a different upstreamstage—and that the assembly stage has a lead timeof L periods. Then, a processing order placed by theassembly stage is completed (i.e., reaches the stock-ing location for that stage) L periods after the orderhas been placed, assuming that the two upstreamstages have adequate inventory so that the assem-bly stage can begin its processing immediately. Notethat the GS framework assumes that a stage sin-gle sources any particular item; therefore, if multipleupstream stages feed a stage, these stages supply dif-ferent components.

The notion of quoted service times is central tothe GS framework. Instead of a stage guaranteeingthat it will provide off-the-shelf service to its directcustomers (i.e., have adequate inventory to fill anorder immediately), a stage quotes an outbound ser-vice time S ≥ 0 and guarantees that it will fill an orderin exactly S periods. Thus, two service times are asso-ciated with each stage. The outbound service timefor a stage, described previously, is the delivery timethat a stage guarantees to its customers (i.e., thosestages that are immediately downstream and adjacentto the stage). The inbound service time at a stageis the maximum delivery time a stage is quoted byits upstream and adjacent supplying stages. The GSapproach assumes that if a stage stocks out, it willtake extraordinary measures (e.g., expediting) to meetits guaranteed outbound service time. Determiningthe percentage of time a stage should have beforeit resorts to extraordinary measures is a managerialdecision. This is captured by a user-defined servicelevel, and safety stocks are set to ensure the out-bound service time is met from inventory with aprobability equal to that service level. An alternativeinterpretation of the guarantee is that managers spec-ify a demand bound and agree that demand withinthe bound is met from inventory, but demand that

exceeds the bound is met by extraordinary measures.These two interpretations are somewhat analogous;however, we adopt the service level interpretation,because we find that practitioners are more comfort-able with the service-level framing.

The GS-DET model determines the amount ofsafety stock required to achieve the quoted servicetime guarantee. If end-customer demands are Nor-mally distributed and independent across periods(which we assume for ease of exposition in thispaper), then for a given set of service times in thenetwork, the GS-DET model sets the safety stockat a stage using Equation (1) in the appendix. Thisexpression is reminiscent of the classical square rootexpression commonly used in practice; however, thisclassical expression is modified to account for theinbound and outbound service times. Instead of thesafety stock being driven by the lead time, it is drivenby the net-replenishment lead time, which is leadtime plus inbound service time less outbound servicetime; the intuition is that safety stock needs onlyto protect against demand uncertainty over the net-replenishment lead time and not the actual lead time.We refer the reader to the appendix for details.

Users can deploy the GS-DET model to determinethe required safety stocks for a set of user-defined ser-vice times. They can also allow the model to minimizethe total network inventory cost by having the modeloptimize the service times in the network. Whenusing the cost-optimization feature, a user must alsospecify per-unit inventory holding costs at each stage.

Inventory Optimization Under RandomLead Times (GS-RAN)Although companies have applied the GS-DET frame-work in many settings, a key barrier to wider adop-tion was its assumption of deterministic lead times.Many users were hesitant to deploy a modelingparadigm that did not capture a key reality—that theyexperienced variable lead times at certain processingstages. To facilitate wider adoption, we had to gener-alize the GS-DET framework to allow for random leadtimes at any stage in the user-defined network. Next,we describe and develop the GS model with randomlead times (hereafter GS-RAN).








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Humair et al.: Incorporating Stochastic Lead Times to the GS Model of Safety Stock Optimization424 Interfaces 43(5), pp. 421–434, © 2013 INFORMS

The GS-RAN model adopts the same modelingparadigm as we describe previously for the GS-DET model; however, it allows any stage to have arandom lead time. This is a very significant exten-sion to the underlying framework and required twokey advancements: (1) the development of an appro-priate safety stock expression for the case of randomlead times in a network, and (2) the ability to opti-mize service times to minimize inventory cost acrossa network with random lead times.

Safety StockWe now develop the safety stock expression for anyarbitrary stage in the network for any given set ofnetwork service times. We assume that replenishmentorders do not cross in time. That is, earlier ordersare always received before later orders. Later in thispaper, we comment on how that assumption mightbe relaxed.

Consider the inventory level at some stage atsome arbitrary period. The inventory level equals thestarting inventory that is given by the base stocklevel, plus the cumulative replenishments receivedup to and including that period, less the cumulativedemand filled up to and including that period.We define the shortfall as the difference between whatthe stage has shipped out and what it has replenished.Unless extraordinary measures are taken, a stockoutwill occur if the shortfall exceeds the base stock level.Because demands and lead times are random, theshortfall itself is a random variable. Intuitively, safetystock, which inflates the base stock level, is a bufferthat accommodates this randomness in the shortfall.As long as the randomness does not result in an exces-sively large shortfall, the safety stock can fully absorbthe shock and prevent a stock out. Characterizing theshortfall expression and its associated statistics is cen-tral to developing a safety stock expression.

Let us first consider the case where the inboundand outbound service times are both zero. As weshow in the appendix, the shortfall is the cumulativedemand over the most recently realized lead time,and standard approaches can be used to derive theshortfall statistics. If one models the shortfall as hav-ing an approximately normal distribution, then thesafety stock at a stage is given by Equation (2) inthe appendix. The reader might recognize this as the

commonly prescribed single-stage safety stock expres-sion when lead times are random. Many classic opera-tions management textbooks, such as Nahmias (1997),Silver et al. (1998), and Hopp and Spearman (2008),include this expression or close variants of it.

In the case of a multistage network, we cannotsimply adopt the commonly used single-stage safetystock prescription, because it implicitly assumes thata stage quotes a zero outbound service time andexperiences a zero inbound service time. In a net-work, a stage may quote a positive outbound servicetime and (or) experience a positive inbound servicetime. Therefore, we have to develop a general safetystock equation for random lead times when servicetimes can be positive. The appendix shows the math-ematical development of the shortfall expression, itsassociated statistics, and an appropriate safety stockexpression. The result is the safety stock expressiongiven by Equation (5). This generalized safety stockexpression in Equation (5) is structurally similar to thewell-known single-stage expression given in Equa-tion (2). The only difference is that the mean andvariance of the lead time are replaced with whatare essentially the mean and variance of the net-replenishment lead-time random variable, conditionalon its being positive. That is, the single-stage expres-sion is modified by replacing the lead-time statisticswith the equivalent statistics for the positive part ofthe net-replenishment lead-time random variable.

When the inbound and outbound service times areboth zero, the general safety stock expression givenin Equation (5) is identical to that in Equation (2).That is, we obtain the widely used single-stage safetystock expression as a special case of our generalexpression. This is beneficial from a user-adoptionperspective because (1) we can relate the generalexpression to an expression familiar to practitioners,and (2) the generalization has an intuitive explana-tion: the lead-time statistics in the familiar expressionare simply replaced by the equivalent statistics forthe positive part of the net-replenishment lead time.For the deterministic lead-time model, GS-DET, wesee earlier that the general safety stock expressionis identical to the classic single-stage expression,but with the net-replenishment lead time replacingthe lead time. By analogy, for the case of randomlead times, one might be tempted to generalize the








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Humair et al.: Incorporating Stochastic Lead Times to the GS Model of Safety Stock OptimizationInterfaces 43(5), pp. 421–434, © 2013 INFORMS 425

single-stage safety stock expression in Equation (2)by replacing the mean and variance of the lead timewith the mean and variance of the net-replenishmentlead time. That approach is flawed, however, becausethe shortfall is positive only if the net-replenishmentlead time is positive. Using the mean and variancefor the net-replenishment lead time can lead to signif-icant errors in setting the safety stock, especially if theprobability of a negative net-replenishment lead timeis nontrivial.

We remind the reader that the aforementioneddevelopment is predicated on the assumption thatreplenishment orders do not cross in time. That is,an earlier replenishment order never arrives after alater replenishment order. Ruling out order crossingby either assumption (e.g., Kaplan 1970) or by con-struction (e.g., Song and Zipkin 1996) is quite com-mon in the operations management literature. How-ever, certain papers have explicitly considered ordercrossing (e.g., Zalkind 1978, Hayya et al. 1995, Bradleyand Robinson 2005). If order crossing is of concern,then an alternative safety stock expression to Equa-tion (5) could be developed by adapting the single-stage approach in Bradley and Robinson (2005) to thecase of positive inbound and outbound service times.

Early-Arrival StockAn interesting phenomenon can occur in a networkwith random lead times. If a stage’s outbound servicetime exceeds its inbound service time, then some lead-time realizations may result in a replenishment orderarriving at the stocking location before the associatedcustomer order has shipped. That is, the stage hasreplenished more demand than it has shipped out.This can only occur if the outbound service timeexceeds its inbound service time, and even then onlyif the realized lead time is lower than the differencebetween outbound and inbound service times; stockarrived earlier than needed to fill customer demand.

For practical reasons, this early-arrival stock can-not be simply passed on to a stage’s downstreamcustomer(s). Recall that a downstream stage operatesunder the assumption that items from an upstreamstage will be available exactly S periods after theywere requested, where S is the outbound service timequoted by the upstream stage. For reasons includ-ing storage constraints or coordination requirements,

the downstream stage might not be willing to takeownership of this early-arrival stock until the agreed-upon time. Even if the downstream stage is willingto take the items earlier than planned, it may notbe able to start processing them until the originallyplanned time. In either case, the early-arrival stockwill exist somewhere in the system in practice. In theappendix, we develop an expression for the averageearly-arrival stock at a stage; see Equation (6).

Network Inventory OptimizationIn the GS model, inventory optimization implies find-ing an optimal combination of service times in thenetwork, because inventory levels, and hence costs(the objective function), are driven by service times.The problem is usually formulated as a nonlinearoptimization problem with linear constraints. Fre-quently, the optimization must be carried out in thepresence of constraints on the amount of safety stockthat can be carried at a stage. Any constraints on car-rying inventory are incorporated as constraints on thenet-replenishment lead times allowed at stages.

For the GS-DET model, the objective function is con-cave and the feasible region is a polytope. This leads tothe well-known property that the optimal solution isan extreme point; that is, each stage sets its outboundservice time either to zero or to its maximum allow-able service time (i.e., the sum of its inbound servicetime and its lead time). To solve GS-RAN, we devel-oped a new optimization algorithm to handle costfunctions that employ stochastic lead times in generalnetwork topologies. Humair and Willems (2011) reportthe details of the algorithm. In this paper, we focusonly on the reasons that necessitated the developmentof a new algorithm.

Optimizing supply chains with stochastic leadtimes entails several complications. First, the objec-tive function is no longer constrained to be concave;therefore, the optimal solution may lie in the inte-rior of the feasible region. Second, the objective func-tion may not be smooth (e.g., the lead times mayhave a discrete probability mass function (PMF) thatcannot be approximated by a normal distribution).Hence, standard nonlinear optimization approachesthat rely on differentiability to characterize optimalsolutions (e.g., Bazaraa et al. 1993) cannot be used.Third, as previously described, random lead times








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Humair et al.: Incorporating Stochastic Lead Times to the GS Model of Safety Stock Optimization426 Interfaces 43(5), pp. 421–434, © 2013 INFORMS






–3 2 7 12 17

Safety stock

Safety, early arrival and total on-hand stockfor stochastic lead times

Early arrival stock

Total on-hand stock

Figure 1: The function that describes expected total inventory at a stagecan be nonconcave.

can lead to early-arrival stock in the network, a fea-ture of the optimal solution that does not arise in theGS-DET model.

For a given pair of inbound and outbound ser-vice times, the average inventory at a stage is thesum of the safety stock and early-arrival stock, givenby Equations (5) and (6), respectively. With increas-ing outbound service times and fixed inbound ser-vice time, safety stock decreases and early-arrivalstock increases. With fixed outbound service timeand increasing inbound service time, the safetystock increases but early-arrival stock decreases. Thisbehavior leads to the nonconcavity of the objectivefunction (see Figure 1). In addition, if the lead timehas an arbitrary discrete distribution with spikes inprobability at different times, the objective functioncan become nondifferentiable (see Figure 2).

Quantifying this objective function for GS-RAN,and developing an algorithm to optimize it for gen-eral networks is a key contribution to GS modelingliterature, and to the adoption of the GS model amongpractitioners.

Numerical Analysis of StochasticLead TimesTo demonstrate the value of our approach, we con-sider 12 real-world supply chains documented inWillems (2008). Willems (2008) presents 38 supplychains from 22 companies. The company’s lead







–3 2 7 12 17

Safety stock

Safety, early arrival and total on-hand stockfor stochastic lead times

Early arrival stockTotal on-hand stock

Figure 2: The function that describes expected total inventory at a stagecan be nondifferentiable when the lead time has a discrete distribution.

modeler, as representative of that company’s busi-ness, identified each of these supply chains. Of the38 chains, 26 use stochastic lead times that are solvedusing the approach we present in this paper. The sup-ply chains represent industries as varied as phar-maceuticals and farming equipment. We considerthe first 12 supply chains from Willems (2008) thatemploy stochastic lead times (see Table 1).

We begin with the smallest network examplefrom Willems (2008). Chain 01 is a chemical indus-try supply chain that consists of eight stages and10 links. Furthermore, the analyst that created thismodel chose to model only stochastic lead times ata single raw material stage, which represents thekey ingredient to the process. This simple exampledemonstrates how our stochastic lead-times approachproduces inventory levels that differ from the alterna-tive approximations sometimes used in practice. Someof the approximations, although they may appearconservative at face value (e.g., fixing the lead timeto its maximum possible value), can give mislead-ing results.

Figure 3 presents Chain 01’s supply chain map.All three retail stages have a lead time of zero daysand both manufacturing stages have a lead time of10 days. Supply stages Part_0002 and Part_0003 havelead times of 15 and 10 days, respectively. Part_0001,however, can have a lead time of 20 days or 25 days,each with probability 40 percent, or a lead time of50 days with probability 20 percent. Table 2 shows theremainder of the network data.








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Humair et al.: Incorporating Stochastic Lead Times to the GS Model of Safety Stock OptimizationInterfaces 43(5), pp. 421–434, © 2013 INFORMS 427

Chain SIC Average Maximum No. of normal No. of discrete Total Totalname code SIC description chain length chain length stage times stage times stages arcs

1 2869 Industrial Organic Chemicals, Not ElsewhereClassified

38 38 — 1 8 10

3 3577 Computer Peripheral Equipment, Not ElsewhereClassified

77004 7908 — 8 17 18

5 2099 Food Preparations, Not Elsewhere Classified 45028 47035 7 9 27 316 3421 Cutlery 88035 96 16 — 28 287 3531 Construction Machinery and Equipment 81014 85 38 — 38 788 3845 Electromedical and Electrotherapeutic Apparatus 91004 91004 — 23 40 489 2043 Cereal Breakfast Foods 44032 47038 9 2 49 52

10 5064 Electrical Appliances, Television, and Radio Sets 116097 162 21 — 58 17611 3531 Construction Machinery and Equipment 55089 60 39 6 68 10812 2043 Cereal Breakfast Foods 105003 10806 16 12 88 10714 4731 Arrangement of Transportation of Freight and Cargo 90012 131063 36 — 116 11915 2841 Soap and Other Detergents, Except Specialty

Cleaners21072 26 77 — 133 164

Table 1: The table shows summary data for the first 12 chains from Willems (2008) that employ stochastic leadtimes.

When all service times are zero, some commonapproximations are to assume Part_0001’s lead timeis fixed at its mean value, or at its maximum possiblevalue. In either case, the resulting supply chain hasdeterministic lead times and we can use GS-DET tooptimize its safety stock. These two heuristic solutionprocedures, however, significantly underestimate andoverestimate inventory levels at Part_0001. Table 3shows that fixing the lead time to its mean under-estimates the safety stock at Part_0001 by approxi-mately 7,400 units, which is very large compared tothe average demand seen at that stage (418 units).Fixing the lead time to its maximum value still









Figure 3: Supply chain 01 from Willems (2008) is an industrial chemicalproduct for which the analyst modeled only stage-time variability for asingle raw material Part_0001.

Stage Demand Demand Max service Service Lead-timeStage name cost average std. dev. time level (%) average

Manuf_0001 39 10Manuf_0002 36 10Part_0001 12 28Part_0002 5 15Part_0003 9 10Retail_0001 0 253 36062 0 95 0Retail_0002 0 45 1 0 95 0Retail_0003 0 75 2 0 95 0

Table 2: The table shows the data for supply chain 01, that Figure 3presents graphically.

underestimates the safety stock by approximately7,300 units, but overestimates the pipeline stock byabout 9,200 units, overestimating the total inventoryat Part_0001 by about 1,900 units.

These overestimates and underestimates producean −18 percent and +4 percent difference in totalinventory investment in the supply chain (i.e., overthe value obtained under our stochastic lead-timesapproach).

Table 4 summarizes the results for all 12 chains.We focus our attention on Chain 12, an end-to-endsupply chain for cereal that consists of 88 stagesand 107 arcs. Of the 88 stages, 16 employ Normallydistributed lead times and 12 employ discrete stochas-tic lead times. Figure 4 depicts the supply chain.








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Humair et al.: Incorporating Stochastic Lead Times to the GS Model of Safety Stock Optimization428 Interfaces 43(5), pp. 421–434, © 2013 INFORMS

Stock level GS-RAN GS-DET with mean LT GS-DET with max LT

Safety 71724 319 427Pipeline 111704 111704 201900

Total 191428 121023 211327

Table 3: This table reports the resulting quantities of each inventory typefor three solution approaches—our approach (GS-RAN), and two heuristicapproaches that convert the problem to a deterministic formulation thatallow GS-DET to be solved. These heuristic approaches significantlyunderestimate the expected safety stock for Part_0001. LT = lead times.

No. of stagesChain Early-arrival No. of stages holding with stochastic Totalname Solution approach Pipeline stock Safety stock stock Total stock safety stock lead times stages

01 GS-RAN 261334 81351 341685 5 1 801 GS-DET using mean LT 261334 946 271280 5 1 801 GS-DET using max LT 351530 11054 361584 5 1 803 GS-RAN 511723 151744 671467 9 8 1703 GS-DET using mean LT 511723 51004 561728 7 8 1703 GS-DET using max LT 651157 51546 701703 7 8 1705 GS-RAN 412001254 110431257 512431511 25 16 2705 GS-DET using mean LT 412001254 6301507 418301762 22 16 2705 GS-DET using max LT 418351046 6781482 515131529 22 16 2706 GS-RAN 114611409 501062 171838 115291310 16 16 2806 GS-DET using mean LT 114611409 805 114621215 22 16 2806 GS-DET using max LT 115391907 864 115401772 22 16 2807 GS-RAN 21058 363 18 21441 34 38 3807 GS-DET using mean LT 21058 265 21324 19 38 3807 GS-DET using max LT 21268 279 21548 19 38 3808 GS-RAN 7751578 461030 601691 8821300 5 23 4008 GS-DET using mean LT 8051525 411180 8461706 4 23 4008 GS-DET using max LT 8491073 401050 8891123 3 23 4009 GS-RAN 313481802 3851497 317341300 35 11 4909 GS-DET using mean LT 313481802 1061308 314551110 24 11 4909 GS-DET using max LT 314391581 1131757 315531338 24 11 4910 GS-RAN 311698 41890 17 361606 55 21 5810 GS-DET using mean LT 311698 31939 351637 52 21 5810 GS-DET using max LT 331219 41024 371244 52 21 5811 GS-RAN 21393 490 7 21891 48 45 6811 GS-DET using mean LT 21393 402 21795 36 45 6811 GS-DET using max LT 21784 442 31227 36 45 6812 GS-RAN 919211038 115111516 1011743 1115341298 80 28 8812 GS-DET using mean LT 919211038 112551293 1111761331 75 28 8812 GS-DET using max LT 1015721177 112641372 1118361550 75 28 8814 GS-RAN 6421693 61002 11576 6501272 84 36 11614 GS-DET using mean LT 6421693 21926 6451620 55 36 11614 GS-DET using max LT 6481425 31237 6511662 64 36 11615 GS-RAN 116841500 7751010 214591510 77 77 13315 GS-DET using mean LT 116841500 5111227 211951727 77 77 13315 GS-DET using max LT 211511861 5801678 217321540 77 77 133

Table 4: The table shows the resulting quantities of each inventory type for three solution approaches—our approach (GS-RAN), and two heuristicapproaches that convert the problem to a deterministic formulation that allows GS-DET to be solved. LT = lead times.

We again compare our stochastic lead-time ap-proach to the heuristics of replacing a stage’s lead-time variability with the average lead-time value orits maximum lead-time value.

As in the case of Chain 01, the average lead-timeheuristic underestimates total inventory required andthe maximum lead-time heuristic overestimates totalinventory required by −302 percent and 2.4 percent,respectively. Of even greater significance, the optimalinventory locations change for the heuristic solutions








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Dist_0004 Dist_0005



Dist_0016 Dist_0017 Dist_0018 Dist_0019 Dist_0020





Dist_0028 Dist_0029




Dist_0047 Dist_0048 Dist_0049 Dist_0050 Dist_0051


































Figure 4: Chain 12 from Willems (2008) is a cereal supply chain comprised of 88 stages and 107 arcs. Of the88 stages, 28 employ stochastic lead times.








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Humair et al.: Incorporating Stochastic Lead Times to the GS Model of Safety Stock Optimization430 Interfaces 43(5), pp. 421–434, © 2013 INFORMS

versus the stochastic lead-time solution. For theheuristic solutions, 75 stages hold safety stock; how-ever, in the stochastic lead-time solution, 80 stageshold safety stock. Intuitively, chains that properlymodel stochastic lead times have more stages thathold inventory to avoid early-arrival stock. By assum-ing deterministic lead times, the heuristics assumeaway this problem, which allows fewer stages to holdinventory. In effect, stochastic lead times can breakthe power of pooling over stages, because the early-arrival stock ramifications make this type of poolinguneconomical.

Real-World ConsiderationsCompanies that implement a sufficiently large, auto-mated, repeatable GS model into their planningprocess typically do not already have the lead-timeinput parameters required for the GS-RAN model.In particular, although analysts have often calculatedlead-time variability for strategic inventory projectsvia tools such as spreadsheets and desktop databasesystems, very few companies have these data calcu-lated and stored in the centralized enterprise resourceplanning (ERP) or data warehouse systems that nor-mally provide the other data required for large-scaleGS model implementations.

Next, we detail some challenges encountered inmeasuring lead-time variability.

How to Determine Lead-Time VariabilityLead-time variability, or a lead-time PMF, is mostreadily calculated from transactional data available inthe ERP system. For some item locations, shipmentsoccur often enough to a stocking location that takingthe most recent history of shipments, either over afixed time frame or a count of shipments, is sufficientto provide a suitable sample for estimating an averageand standard deviation or for generating a histogramthat can serve as a PMF.

For other item locations, usually those with longreview cycles or with intermittent demand, the indi-vidual shipment history does not provide enoughdata points for a valid sample. In these cases, itemscan be partitioned by a common characteristic intobuckets, and the lead-time distribution is calculatedon shipment history for all item locations within eachbucket. An example of a partitioning scheme is to

bucket all items at each stocking location by supplier.This might be appropriate when few suppliers pro-vide many items to the location, and each supplier’sshipment characteristics are independent of whichitems are being shipped. For example, this can applyto transportation within the company’s own distribu-tion network from central to regional distribution cen-ters, where goods are normally batched together intoheterogeneous truckloads.

Another technique to account for insufficient datais to carry forward the lead-time parameters used pre-viously for an item location or its bucket. Typically, ifthe number of available shipment transactions for anitem location is less than a specified threshold, thenthe shipment history of that item location’s bucketwill be used. If the history is also less than the thresh-old, then the prior lead-time parameters for the itemlocation will be used. If a set of prior parametersexists, then the prior specified coefficient of varia-tion (COV) can be applied. The prior COV can becalculated before implementation based on historicalbehavior of similar items for the business.

Outlier DetectionOnce all the data have been collected, investigatingwhether all the data should be used to calculate lead-time variability or whether some outliers should beremoved is a valuable exercise. Safety stock require-ments increase significantly as a function of lead-timevariability. If specific outliers are true once-off orexception events, then pruning them from the data setis often advisable.

Calculating Lead-Time Variability at the RightLevel of the Supply Chain HierarchyInventory targets are calculated at the stock-keepingunit (SKU) location level; therefore, lead-time variabil-ity must ultimately be specified at the SKU locationlevel. However, first calculating lead-time variabilityat a higher level in the product hierarchy and thenpopulating the SKU location level can be useful. If asingle shipment is delayed, then only the SKUs onthat shipment will have lead-time variability. In thiscase, aggregating all the lead-time information for theentire product family and then using the resultinglead-time data for each SKU in the product family arebetter actions to take.








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Frequency of Updating Lead TimesFor the purposes of setting safety stock levels,updating lead-time variability with the same fre-quency with which inventory targets are updateddoes no harm; however, it also provides little benefit.Whereas inventory targets are often updated weeklyor monthly, updating lead-time variability quarterlyor semi-annually seems to balance the effort with thereward.

ConclusionIn this paper, we extend the GS modeling frameworkto incorporate stochastic lead times. The primarymodeling challenge involves properly characteriz-ing inventory requirements at a stage when it facespositive inbound and (or) outbound service times.When placed in a multiechelon supply chain, thisrequires properly characterizing both safety stock andearly-arrival stock. We compare our approach againsttwo reasonable heuristics and find that our solution(1) more accurately calculates total inventory levels,and (2) produces a different inventory stocking strat-egy; stochastic lead times make it optimal to havemore stages hold safety stock in the supply chain.Because most ERP systems do not include variabil-ity information, determining the inputs for stochasticlead times presents some real-world challenges; how-ever, these challenges are solvable.

The solution procedure we describe in this paperrepresents a pragmatic solution approach to a hardsupply chain problem, namely, optimizing safetystock levels and locations in a multiechelon supplychain that faces both demand and supply variability.


Deterministic Lead-Time Safety StockWe assume that all stages have deterministic lead times;we denote stage k’s lead time as Lk, where stage k is anyarbitrary stage in the network. If end-customer demandsare normally distributed and independent across periods(which we assume for ease of exposition in this paper), thenfor a given set of service times in the network, the GS-DETmodel sets the safety stock at stage k as

SFTYk = zk�dk

SIk +Lk − Sk1 (1)

where zk is a safety factor that reflects the service level atstage k; that is, zk = normsinv4servicek5, �d

k is the standard

deviation of demand at stage k, Sk is the outbound servicetime quoted by stage k, and SIk is the inbound service timeexperienced by stage k (i.e., the maximum of the servicetimes quoted by stage k’s direct supplier stages). In Equa-tion (1), we note that SIk + Lk − Sk ≥ 0, because it is nevernecessary in GS-DET to quote an outbound service time thatexceeds the sum of the inbound service time and the leadtime. The service level and demand standard deviation forinternal stages (i.e., stages that do not directly serve end-customer demand) can be imputed from the service levelsand demand characteristics of the end-customer stages.

Defining the net-replenishment time for a stage asNRLTk = SIk +Lk −Sk is instructive. The safety stock expres-sion in Equation (1) can then be written as SFTYk =


NRLTk. When the inbound (SIk) and outbound (Sk)service times are both zero, then NRLTk = Lk and the safetystock expression takes on the exact form of the widely-usedsingle-stage expression (i.e., SFTYk = zk�


Lk). When eitheror both of the service times can be positive, then the net-replenishment lead time simply replaces the lead time inthis widely-used expression.

Random Lead-Time Safety StockAs we describe in the main body of this paper, safety stockis a buffer that absorbs randomness in the shortfall, wherethe shortfall at time t is the difference between what a stagehas shipped out and what it has replenished. For any arbi-trary stage k, we define REPLk4t5 as the total replenishmentorders received by stage k from period 1 up to and includ-ing period t, and we define SHIPk4t5 as the cumulativedemand filled by stage k from period 1 up to and includ-ing period t. It then follows that SHORTk4t5 = SHIPk4t5 −

REPLk4t5. Characterizing the shortfall expression is centralto developing the safety stock expression. To promote clar-ity, we first consider the case of instantaneous inbound andoutbound service times, and then move on the case of gen-eral service times.

Inbound and Outbound Service Times (BothZero). Because stage k quotes an outbound service time ofSk = 0, at time t, it will have shipped out all the demandsit received in periods 11 0 0 0 1 t (i.e., SHIPk4t5 = d1

k + d2k +

· · · + dtk). Let pk4t5 denote the period in which stage k

placed its most recently replenished order. Then, becausereplenishment orders do not cross, stage k has replenishedall the demands it received in periods 11 0 0 0 1 pk4t5, that is,REPLk4t5= d1

k + d2k + · · · + d

pk4t5k . Because stage k experiences

an inbound service time of SIk = 0, it can start processing areplenishment order immediately and then take the randomlead time L̃k to process the replenishment order. Therefore,the period in which the most recently replenished order wasplaced is given by pk4t5= t− lk4t5, where lk4t5 is the realizedlead time of the most recently replenished order. BecauseSHORTk4t5= SHIPk4t5−REPLk4t5, it then follows that




dt−ik 0








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That is, the shortfall at time t is the sum of the most recentlk4t5 periods of demand. Applying results from statisticsfor the random sum of random variables (e.g., Drake 1967,p. 112), the standard deviation of the shortfall at stage k is



dk 5

2 + 4�dk5

24� lk5


where �dk and �d

k are the mean and standard deviation ofthe demand at stage k and �l

k and � lk are the mean and stan-

dard deviation of the lead time at stage k. If one models theshortfall as having an approximately normal distribution,then the safety stock at stage k should be set as

SFTYk = zk


dk 5

2 + 4�dk5

24� lk5

21 (2)

where zk is a safety factor reflecting the service level atstage k (i.e.,zk = normsinv4servicek5).

General Inbound and Outbound Service Times.Because stage k quotes a service time of Sk ≥ 0, at time t,it will have shipped out all the demands it received inperiods 11 0 0 0 1 t − Sk (i.e., SHIPk4t5 = d1

k + d2k + · · · + d

t−Skk ).

Let pk4t5 denote the period in which stage k placed itsmost recently replenished order. Then, because replenish-ment orders do not cross, stage k has replenished all thedemands it received in periods 11 0 0 0 1 pk4t5 (i.e., REPLk4t5=

d1k + d2

k + · · · + dpk4t5k ). Now, stage k cannot start processing

any replenishment order until all input items are available,which occurs exactly SIk ≥ 0 periods after the replenishmentorder is placed, and it then takes the random lead time L̃k

to process the replenishment order. Therefore, pk4t5 = t −

4SIk + lk4t55, where lk4t5 is the realized lead time of the mostrecently replenished order.

By definition, the shortfall at time t is SHORTk4t5 =

SHIPk4t5 − REPLk4t5, which is positive when stage k hasfilled some demands that it has not yet replenished. That is,the shortfall is positive when the demand associated withthe most recently replenished order has not yet been filled(i.e., when pk4t5 < t − Sk). Because pk4t5 = t − 4SIk + lk4t55,the condition that pk4t5 < t − Sk is equivalent to lk4t5 >Sk − SIk. Now, if lk4t5 = Sk − SIk, then pk4t5 = t − Sk, stage khas replenished and filled exactly the same set of demands,and SHORTk4t5= 0. However, if lk4t5 < Sk −SIk, then pk4t5 >t−Sk and stage k has replenished all the demands that it hasfilled and also some demands it has yet to fill. The shortfallis negative in this case, showing that the stage has had morereplenishments come in than orders it has shipped out.

Observe that when inbound and outbound service timesare both zero (i.e., Sk = SIk = 0), then we can never havea negative shortfall because lead times are nonnegative,which rules out the scenario lk4t5 < 0. With general servicetimes, however, it may be possible for a lead-time realiza-tion to be low enough such that lk4t5 < Sk − SIk. Definingthe realized net-replenishment time for the most recentlyreceived order as nrltk4t5= SIk + lk4t5− Sk, we then see that

the shortfall is positive if nrltk4t5 > 0, the shortfall is zero ifnrltk4t5= 0, and the shortfall is negative if nrltk4t5 < 0.

Define SHORT+

k 4t5 as the positive part of SHORTk4t5and SHORT−

k 4t5 as the negative part of SHORTk4t5;that is, SHORT+

k 4t5= max8SHORTk4t5109 and SHORT−

k 4t5=

min8SHORTk4t5109. From above, SHORTk4t5 ≥ 0 if andonly if nrltk4t5 ≥ 0, and SHORTk4t5 ≤ 0 if and only ifnrltk4t5 ≤ 0. Applying SHORTk4t5 = SHIPk4t5 − REPLk4t5, itthen follows that


k 4t5=



dt−Sk−ik 1 nrltk4t5 > 03

01 nrltk4t5≤ 03



k 4t5=



dt−Sk+ik 1 nrltk4t5 < 03

01 nrltk4t5≥ 00


That is, the positive shortfall at time t is the sum ofthe nrltk4t5 periods of demand counting back from t − Sk(assuming that nrltk4t5 is positive) and the negative short-fall at time t is the negative sum of the −nrltk4t5 periods ofdemand counting forward from t−Sk (assuming that nrltk4t5is negative). For completeness, we note that SHORTk4t5 =


k 4t5+SHORT−

k 4t5.A stockout occurs only if the shortfall exceeds the base

stock level. As such, a stockout cannot occur at time t ifthe shortfall at time t is negative. Therefore, we are onlyinterested in the positive shortfall when developing a safetystock expression. In particular, we are interested in thestatistics of the positive shortfall. We develop the shortfallstatistics making no assumption on the lead-time distribu-tion and define the following expressions based on the lead-time distribution for stage k:

H 1k 4T 5=



P6Lk = l71

H2k 4T 5=



lP 6Lk = l71

H 3k 4T 5=



l2P6Lk = l71

where P6Lk = l7 is the probability that the realized leadtime for stage k equals l. If instead of specifying a gen-eral discrete distribution, the user wishes to specify acontinuous distribution, then these expressions becomeH1

k 4T 5 =∫ T

l=0 fLk 4l5 dl, H2k 4T 5 =

∫ �

l=T lfLk 4l5 dl, and H 3k 4T 5 =

∫ �

l=T l2fLk 4l5 dl, where fLk 4l5 is the lead-time density function.

For certain distributions (e.g., normal), closed-form expres-sions exist for these Hk functions.

For any given pair of inbound and outbound servicetimes (SIk and Sk, respectively), the realized positive short-fall at time t, SHORT+

k 4t5, is given by Equation (3). UsingEquation (3) and recalling that �d

k is the mean demand








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for stage k, and nrltk4t5 = SIk + lk4t5 − Sk is the realizednet-replenishment time, then the mean positive shortfall isnrltk4t5�

dk if the realized net-replenishment lead time is non-

negative, but the mean positive shortfall is 0 if the realizednet-replenishment lead time is negative. Using the condi-tioning identity that E6X7 = E6E6X � Y 77, where X and Yare random variables and E6 · 7 denotes expectation, we canexpress (after some algebraic manipulation) the mean posi-tive shortfall as

�s+k4SIk1 Sk5=�d

kQ4max8Sk − SIk10951

whereQ4T 5=H2

k 4T 5− T 41 −H 1k 4T 55

is the expected value of the positive part of the net-replenishment lead time when T = max8Sk − SIk109. UsingEquation (3) and recalling that �d

k is the standard deviationof demand for stage k, then the variance of the positiveshortfall is nrltk4t54�

dk 5

2 if the realized net-replenishmentlead time is nonnegative, but the variance of the positiveshortfall is 0 if the realized net-replenishment lead timeis negative. Using the conditioning identity that V 6X7 =

E6V 6X � Y 77+ V 6E6X � Y 77 where V 6 · 7 denotes variance, wecan express (after some algebraic manipulation) the stan-dard deviation of the positive shortfall as:



Q4max8Sk−SIk10954�dk 5



where Q4T 5 is given above, and where

R4T 5 = T 2H1k 4T 541 −H 1

k 4T 55− 2TH1k 4T 5H

2k 4T 5

+H 3k 4T 5− 4H 2

k 4T 5521

is the variance of the positive part of the net-replenishmentlead time when T = max8Sk − SIk109. We note that Q405 =

�lk and R405 = 4� l

k52; therefore, in the special case in which

SI = S = 0, we obtain �s+k40105=


dk 5

2 + 4�dk5

24� lk5

2.If one models the positive shortfall as having an approx-

imately normal distribution, then the safety stock at stage kshould be set as

SFTYk4SIk1 Sk5

= zk√

Q46Sk − SIk7+54�d

k 52+ 4�d

k52R46Sk − SIk7

+51 (5)

where 6Sk −SIk7+ = max8Sk −SIk109, and where zk is a safety

factor reflecting the service level at stage k; that is, zk =

normsinv4servicek5. Adopting a normal approximation forthe (positive) shortfall may not be reasonable in all circum-stances; for example, if the lead-time distribution is verybimodal. A more robust general safety stock expressioncan be developed by adapting the single-stage convolutionapproach in Eppen and Martin (1988) to the general servicetime case by recognizing that the positive part of the net-replenishment lead time takes on the role of the lead time.

Early-Arrival StockAs we discuss in the main body of this paper, the early-arrival stock at stage k at time t is the positive part of thedifference between the cumulative replenishments and thecumulative shipments. Equivalently, the early-arrival stockat time t is zero minus the negative part of the shortfall attime t. For any given pair of inbound and outbound servicetimes (SIk and Sk, respectively), the realized negative short-fall at time t, SHORT−

k 4t5, is given by Equation (4). UsingEquation (4) and recalling that �d

k is the mean demandfor stage k and nrltk4t5 = SIk + lk4t5 − Sk is the realizednet-replenishment time, then the mean negative shortfallis −nrltk4t5�

dk if the realized net-replenishment lead time

is nonpositive, but the mean negative shortfall is 0 if therealized net-replenishment lead time is positive. Using theconditioning identity that E6X7 = E6E6X � Y 77, where X andY are random variables and E6 · 7 denotes expectation, wecan express (after some algebraic manipulation) the meannegative shortfall as

�s−k4SIk1Sk5 = �d






where Q4T 5 is given above. Because early-arrival stockis zero minus the negative part of the shortfall, we can writethe average early-arrival stock as




Q46Sk − SIk7+5−�l

k + 6Sk − SIk7+)

1 (6)

where 6Sk −SIk7+ = max8Sk− SIk109. We note that Q405=�l


and therefore EARLYk4SIk1 Sk5 = 0 if Sk ≤ SIk; that is, wehave no early-arrival stock unless the outbound servicetime exceeds the inbound service time. Because single-stagemodels are associated with zero inbound and outbound ser-vice times, it follows that early-arrival stock only becomesrelevant in multistage networks.


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Salal Humair is a research scientist at the Harvard Schoolof Public Health, and an associate professor at the School ofScience and Engineering, Lahore University of ManagementSciences in Pakistan. He received his doctorate in opera-tions research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.His research interests are in applying Operations Researchto large-scale systems such as healthcare and water systems.

John D. Ruark is Chief Technology Officer, InventoryOptimization Solutions, at Logility, Inc. and was CTO andcofounder of Optiant, Inc., an award-winning provider ofmultiechelon inventory optimization applications. He re-ceived a PhD in operations research from the MassachusettsInstitute of Technology.

Brian Tomlin is an associate professor of business admin-istration at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth.His research focuses on operations strategy and supplychain management. Brian received his PhD from MIT’sSloan School of Management, where he was awarded theZannetos PhD Dissertation Prize. His undergraduate degreeis from University College Dublin in Ireland. Prior tobecoming an academic, Brian worked full time for a num-ber of companies, including General Electric and the BostonConsulting Group.

Sean P. Willems is associate professor of operationsand technology management at Boston University’s Schoolof Management. His research focuses on supply chaindesign and optimization problems. Sean received his BSEin decision sciences at The Wharton School, University ofPennsylvania, and his master’s in operations research andPhD in operations management from MIT.








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