Download - Inclusion Criteria The Trauma Audit & Research Network (TARN) Data Collection session.


Inclusion Criteria

The Trauma Audit & Research Network (TARN)

Data Collection session

The decision to include a patient should be based on the following 3 criteria being met:

1. Trauma patients: Irrespective of age

2. Who fulfil one of the following length of stay criteria: In hospital for >3 days Admitted to a Critical care area (regardless of LOS) Transferred out for specialist care or repatriation* (total LOS >3days) Transferred in for specialist care or repatriation* (total LOS >3days) Deaths (including deaths in ED, even if COD is medical)

*Patients admitted under care of Rehabilitation team only: Not included in TARN

3. AND whose isolated injuries meet one of the following criteria>>>

HEAD Injuries

Include Exclude (in isolation)

Skull fracture Scalp injuries

Traumatic haemorrhage Spontaneous haemorrhage (stroke, aneurysm )

Brain Contusion Loss of consciousness

Brain Laceration/penetration

Traumatic Brain swelling

Vascular injury

Nerve injury

Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI)

FACIAL Injuries

Include Exclude (in isolation)Unstable fracture

(usually fixed in theatre)Skin injuries

Orbital Blow out fracture Closed/stable fracture/s (even if multiple)

Le fort fracture (I, II or III) All other injuries to eye

Pan-facial fracture All injuries to ear

Vascular injury

Nerve injury

Eye Avulsion

Traumatic Retinal detachment

Globe rupture

NECK Injuries

Include Exclude (in isolation)Vascular injury Skin injuries

Organ injury Nerve injury

Hyoid fracture


Include Exclude (in isolation)Vascular injury Skin injuries

Organ injury

Rib fracture/sFlail chest (unstable chest wall)

Haemothorax (blood in thorax)

Pneumothorax (air in thorax)

Haemomediastinum (blood in mediastinum)

Pneumomediastinum (air in mediastinum)

Sternum fracture


Include Exclude (in isolation)Vascular injury Skin injuries

Organ injury (contusion, laceration, transection, avulsion,

perforation, rupture) Retroperitoneal haemorrhage

SPINAL Injuries

Include Exclude (in isolation)Vertebral fracture Spinal strain


Vertebral dislocation Ligament

Disc injuryNerve root injury

Cord injury

FEMORAL Injuries

Include Exclude >65 years old

Hip fractures: Neck of Femur, Intertrochanteric, Pertrochanteric

or Greater trochanteric: Aged <65yrs old

Hip fractures: Neck of Femur, Intertrochanteric,

Pertrochanteric or Greater trochanteric: Aged >65yrs old

Distal or Proximal or Shaft or Subtrochantic #: Any age

Femoral Vessel injury

Femoral Nerve injury


Include Exclude >65 years old

Acetabulum fracture Single pubic rami fractureIschium, Sacrum, Coccyx or Ileum

Single pubic rami fracture <65Multiple pubic rami fractures Symphysis pubis joint injury Sacro-iliac joint injury (SIJ)

Lateral compression fracture (LC1-LC3)

Anterior posterior compression fracture (AP1-AP3)

Open Book fractureVertical Shear fracture

Malgaigne fracture

UPPER LIMB or LOWER LEG InjuriesExcluding hands & feet

Include Exclude (even if multiple)Open fracture Closed fractures &/or dislocations of 1 limb

(even if multiple)

Total Crush injury All other Nerve injuries

Traumatic Amputation Muscle injuryMultiple limb fractures &/or dislocations Tendon injury

Transected vessels Ligament injurySciatic Nerve injury Sprain

HANDS & FEET Injuries

Include Exclude (even if multiple)Crush of entire Hand

(including carpals, metacarpals and phalanges)Hand or Foot fracture/s

Crush of entire Foot (including tarsals, metatarsals and phalanges)

Crush: Digits alone

Amputation: entire Hand or entire Foot

Amputation: Digits alone

All other digit injuries

Crush = Total destruction of bones, vessels/nerves & soft tissue

BURN or INHALATION InjuriesInclude Exclude (in isolation)

Full thickness burn (Not treated at Burns unit)

Any burn (Treated at Burns unit)

>10% TBS burn (Not treated at Burns unit)

Inhalation injury(Treated at Burns unit)

Inhalation injury(Not treated at Burns unit)

<10% burn


Include Exclude (in isolation)Electrocution injuries Bruises

Full thickness Frostbite Abrasions

Asphyxia (hanging or strangulation) Minor Skin lacerationsDrowning Minor Penetrating Injuries to skin

Skin lacerations: Blood loss >20% Hypothermia

Penetrating injuries to skin: Blood loss >20%

Once one injury is TARN eligible. All injuries must be documented in the submission.

Inclusion Criteria: Quiz 1. Should you include?50 year old Tripped Injuries: Closed fractured tibia & fibula on leftDied after 2 days

Answer: No

Injuries must meet criteria, regardless of outcome

Answer: Yes

65+ Neck of Femur # with any other (non Hand or Foot) fracture is included.

2. Should you include?67 year oldFall over rug In hospital for 4 daysInjuries: Right # Neck of Femur & Right Radius #

3. Should you include?28 year oldCrushed fingers in lift door In Hospital for 6 days Injuries: Fracture to Metacarpals 2+3 on left.

Answer: No

Injuries to digits alone are not included in TARN (including crush)

Inclusion Criteria: Quiz

Answer: No:

Only include if definitely Traumatic, with Date & mechanism of trauma.

Any ambiguity as to Traumatic or Spontaneous - exclude

4. Should you include?70 year old Frequently faller over past weeks : No definite date of fall. Collapsed with possible stroke or traumatic Subarachnoid haemorrhage

5. Should you include?45 year old admitted to hospital on 20th February 2015 with medical condition. Fell on Ward on 1st March 2015 & sustained Fracture to skullDischarged on 10th March 2015

Answer: Yes as injury is TARN eligible

Date of Arrival & Date of incident should be the date the Trauma occurred in hospital (1st March), not the original medical admission date.
