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Modification in Incinerator Plant

Satyajeet S. NaibAsst. Manager (Electrical)

IFFCO Phulpur Unit

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Contents…1. Introduction2. Problem Faced3. Implemented Suggestion4. Tangible Benefits5. Calculations6. Rewards & Recognition

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IntroductionIFFCO Phulpur Unit Phase-II has a Carbon Di-Oxide recovery

unit installed in 2006 based on the proprietary KS1 solution.This provides auxiliary supply of CO2 to boost the urea production

in the plant. KS1 Solution is an Amine based CO2 solvent that can absorb CO2

at atmospheric pressure.To dispose of the used/waste KS1 solution we burn it in an

incinerator which is based on RLNG burners.In this plant & MCCs of other plants also had one common

problem of loose jaw contacts.

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Problems faced – Part 1There were certain motor

in the Incinerator Group that need to operated independently without starting the other motors.

But there was only a provision to run all the motors in the incinerator group at once along with the RLNG gas burners.

This caused a loss of Rs 1 lac in cost of RLNG and Rs 5 lacs in cost of Electricity every year.

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Problems faced – Part 2

Feeder Trolley

Incoming Bus bar

Outgoing Bus bar

Incoming Jaw Contact

Outgoing Jaw Contact

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Problems faced – Part 2

Feeder Trolley Burnt Feeder Trolley

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Total Problems Faced…

Plant downtime due to flashoversLoss of energy

and inconvenience

Great inconvenience

Increase in


Plant downtime of 6 days a year =

Loss of 1.97 Crore Rs

No provision to run motors independently

Loose jaw contacts

No control drawings

existed Mistakes in old rough control drawings

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Implemented Solution Part 1

Interfacing details added

Now chattering contactors wont cause damage

Motor can now run independently

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Implemented Solution Part 2

There was loose contact in the jaw contacts of feeder trolleys resulting in frequent flashovers.

This problem was innovatively solved by adding modified spacers as shown above. This resulted in reduction in downtime of 6 days in a year causing huge savings.

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Implemented Solution Part 2

This is the jaw contact before and after the said modification

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Tangible benefits

Due the facility to run motors independently there is a huge savings in RLNG burners.

The electricity used to run motors that are not used while a particular required motor is running is also saved.

The flash overs caused due to loose jaw contacts have been avoided permanently and this has caused a reduction in plant downtime of about 6 days of Phulpur Unit 2 which manufactures 3030 TPD of urea at profit of Rs. 1050 rs/Tonne

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Tangible benefits calculation….Savings in RLNG Rs. 1,00,000

Savings in Electricity Rs. 5,37,000Total Savings in 2014-15 Rs. 6,37,000

Total Profit in Selling Urea Rs. 1050 per Metric Tonne

Savings of days in Downtime Up to 6 days every year since 2014-15

Total Savings per day of downtime in 2014-15 = 1050x(3030 tons/day)x6

Rs. 1,90,89,000

Total Yearly Savings Rs. 1,97,26,000

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Rewards & Recognitions I was awarded 2nd Prize at

INSSAN Creativity Meet in November 2015 at IFFCO Phulpur.

As recognition for my effort and successful implementation of my suggestion, I will be awarded by Hon. M.D. of IFFCO on 26th Jan-2016.

I have been considered for award of flat 1% of the savings due to my suggestion as prize money as per new IFFCO Norms.

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