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Page 2: Inca Civilization: It's Socio-Political and Cultural Aspects

WHO WERE THE INCAS?The Incas were a small tribe of South American Indians who lived in the city of Cuzco, high in the Andes Mountains of Peru. Around 1400 CE, a neighboring tribe attacked the Incas, but the Incas won. This was the beginning of the Inca Empire.

In only 100 years, the Inca Empire grew so big that it expanded into what are now the modern countries of Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Bolivia and Argentina.

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বর্ত� মা�ন পেরুর কু জকোকু� এলা�কু�য় সু প্রা�চী�ন ইনকু� সুভ্য�র্ত�র সু�চীন� হকোয়ছি�লা একুটি উজ�ছির্ত ছিহসু�কোব। এ অঞ্চকোলাই উকুথা�র প্রাথামা সু�� ইনকু� মাং��কো�� ��পা�� ১২০০ ছি&স্টা�কো(র ছি)কোকু কু জকোকু� র�জ� প্রাছির্তষ্ঠা� কুকোরন। রবর্ত+Kv‡j মা�,কোকু� কু��কোকুর উত্তরসু�র�কো)র অধী�কোন আকো0সু ব�র্তমা�লা�র অন��ন� জ�ছির্তকো1�ষ্ঠা2গুকোলা�কোকু ছিনকোজকো)র মাকোধী� ছিনকোয় একোসু এ র�জ�টি ছিবস্তা�র লা�ভ্য কুকোর। ১৪৪২ সু�কোলার মাকোধী�ই র�জ� পা�চ� তি�কো�র অধী�কোন ইনকু�র� র্ত�কো)র সু�ম্রা�জ� )�র) র�কো7 ছিবস্তা8র্ত কুকোর; �চীকু ছির্তকু ন�কোমার অথা�ই হকো9: পা তি�বী� �� �পা�কো�� মাং��ষ। ছির্তছিনই ইনকু� সু�ম্রা�জ� প্রাছির্তষ্ঠা� কুকোরন, যা� কুলাম্বা�কোসুর আকোমাছিরকু� আছিবস্কা�কোরর আকো1 ) ই আকোমাছিরকু� মাহ�কো)কো=র সুব�ব>হৎ সু�ম্রা�জ� ছি�লা।

পেরুর কু জকোকু� =হর। এই অঞ্চকোলাই ইনকু� সুভ্য�র্ত�র সু�চীন� হকোয়ছি�লা

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ÔBbKvÕ kãUvi A_© g~jZ kvmK hv ivRv wKsev †bZv‡K †evSv‡Z e¨eüZ n‡q _v‡K| GwU µgea©gvb KzR‡Kv bM‡ii `je× BbKv †Mv·`i †evSv‡ZI e¨evnvi Kiv nZ| mvgªv‡R¨i DÌv‡bi mv‡_ mv‡_ m‡e©v”P kvmK‡K Ômvcv BbKvÕ Avi AwfRvZ †kªYx‡`i ÔBbKvÕ ejvi cÖPjb N‡UwQj| avibv Kiv nq Gfv‡eB cieZ©x‡Z cy‡iv mf¨Zvi bvg n‡q hvq BbKv mf¨Zv|

Avevi BbKviv wQj cÖavbZ m~h©‡`eZvi DcvmK| m~h©‡`eZv‡K ¯’vbxq fvlvq Zviv ejZ ÔBbwZÕ| GB BbwZ kãwU †_‡K BbKv k‡ãi DrcwË n‡q‡Q e‡jI avibv Kiv n‡q _v‡K|

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•The Incan Empire was located on the western side of South America. Although the Empire was huge, it can be easily divided into three geographical regions –

1. The Andes Mountains 2. The Amazon jungle 3. The coastal desert

The Geographical Map

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The Andes MountainsThe Amazon jungle The coastal desert

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* North to south were the Andes Mountains - home of the Inca civilization.

* The mountains dominated Incan society. • The mountain peaks were worshiped as

gods.  In November 1995 anthropologists announced the discovery of the 500-year-old remains of two Inca women and one Inca man frozen in the snow on a mountain peak in Peru. Scientists concluded that the trio were part of a human sacrifice ritual on Ampato, a sacred peak in the Andes mountain range.

• The Andes created a natural barrier between the coastal desert on one side and the jungle on the other.

* The snow-capped mountains were full of deep gorges.   

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* On one side of the Andes was the Amazon jungle.

• The Incas must have entered the jungle occasionally, as they did know about the many valuable things that could be found in the Amazon, like wood and fruit and natural medicines.

• But they never established settlements there. They had no desire to live in the jungle.  

* The Incas expanded north and south instead.

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* Between the mountains and the Pacific Ocean is a coastal desert 2000 miles long and between 30-100 miles wide.

* The desert provided a wonderful

natural barrier.

*There are fertile strips where small rivers and streams run from the Andes mountaintops to the sea.


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INCA GOVERNMENTOne thing that helped the Incas grow so rapidly was their system of a strong central government. Everybody worked for the state, and in turn the state looked after everybody.

Sapa Inca: The head of government was the Inca, sometimes called the “Sapa Inca” (“the Only Inca”). The Sapa Inca was all-powerful. Everything belonged to the Sapa Inca. He ruled his people by putting his relatives in positions of power. Since punishment was harsh and swift, almost no one broke the law.

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Sapa Inca

Supreme Council (4 men)

Provincial Governors Officials (army officers,

priests, judges, and others from the noble

class) Tax collectors

Workers/Common People

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MANCO CAPAC (1022-1107)

• founder of Inca dynasty

• declared himself Sapa Inca, divine son of the Sun

• skilled warrior and leader

• chief religious leader

• exercised absolute power

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PACHACUTI (1438-1471)

• Usurped throne form brother Inca Urcon

• Considered the founder of the Inca Empire

• Skilled warrior and chief religious leader

• Claimed he was divine, son of the sun

• Exercised absolute power

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SERVICE TAX AND HARSH GOVERNMENT CONTROLSLocal officials kept an detailed census. Each common person was listed in the census. Each person listed had to pay a tax.The Incas loved gold and silver, but they had no use for money. The people paid their tax each year in physical labor—serving in the army, working in the mines, or building roads, temples, and palaces.

Laws dictated who should work where, and when. Local officials had the power to make all decisions about the lives of the people they ruled. Inspectors visited frequently to check on things. Breaking the law usually meant the death penalty. Few people broke the law. Tight government controls kept the common people fed, clothed, and enslaved.

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• policy of forced resettlement ensured political stability

• officials collected taxes, enforced laws, kept records on a quipu (collection of knotted colored strings) which noted dates, events, population, crops

• use of road system strictly limited to government, military business

• all land belonged to Inca, crops allotted to specific groups, government took possession of each harvest

• private property forbidden, crime nonexistent, citizens never starved

• no written records; oral tradition preserved through generations

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The Incas were very class conscious and were divided into nobles and common people. The nobles pretty much did what they wanted, while the common people were tightly controlled by the government.

Commoners could not own or run businesses. They could only do their assigned jobs. The law did not allow them to be idle. Even the amount of time they had to sleep and bathe was controlled by a government official.

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Upper Class

• Kings, priests, and government officials made up the Incan upper class.

• Men worked for the government, and women had household duties.

• Sons went to school.

• Upper-class families had many privileges, such as private schools, stone houses, and the best clothes.

Lower Class

• The lower class was made up of farmers, artisans, and servants. There were no slaves in Incan society.

• They worked on government farms, served in the army, worked in mines, or built roads.

• Most children did not go to school but instead learned to farm.


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• The Inca economy was based on agriculture. The Incas had great farmers, they were the first people to ever grow potatoes.

• Incas practiced terrace agriculture. Agriculture was tough business in the Andes. The Incas actively set about carving up mountains into terraced farmlands—so successful were they in turning steep mountainsides into terraced farms, that in 1500 there was more land in cultivation in the Andean highlands then there is today.

• Three main staples: corn, dehydrated potato, pigweed (seeds) . Besides tomatoes, quinoa, cotton, peanuts also grown by the Inca.

• Coca – became a cash crop. Mostly used by the Royalty, nobles to dull pain and hunger. Heavily used by government messengers who suffered from altitude sickness. Also gave them the energy to travel the road systems by foot.

• Sacred chicha beer derived from corn – used by priests for ceremonial purposes

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Andean peoples, like the Inca,developed both cultural and biological adaptations to the high elevations of the Andes, such as terraced agriculture, irrigation,heightened lung capacity, greater amounts of red-blood cells, and chewing cocawith quinoa, to deal with fatique

Coca LeavesMedicinal Plant

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The Inca also raised animals such as dogs, guinea pigs, Llama and alpacas.Incas used Llamas and Alpacas to transport and travel ,for meat, wool, hides, and dung (used as fuel).Most Inca made clothing from llama wool and cotton. The ruler wore clothing Made from the wool of Vicunas.Coastal Incan populations relied on seafood – lots of fishing!

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INCA RELIGION•Polytheistic religion. Pantheon headed by Inti-the sun god. They believed their kings were related to the sun god.

•Combined features of animism, fetishism, worship of nature gods.

•The Inca believed that certain objects and locations were sacred.These sacred locations and objects were called huacas. A huaca could be a river, a rock, a great stone temple, or a small charm or amulet. Each Inca family kept a huaca in their home. They made offerings to the huacas to keep the gods happy.

•The Inca also believed in reincarnation. Death was a passage to the next world that was full of difficulties. Most Incas imagined the after world to be very similar to the Euro-American notion of heaven, with flower covered fields and snow capped mountains.

• Inca religion included a large number of priests. The priests performed live sacrifices to the gods. The sacrifices were usually animals, but human sacrifices were made on special occasions, or in times of disaster.

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Important Deities:

•Viracocha – Creator of all things

•Inti – Sun God, father of first emperor

•Chiqui Illapa – thunder God, worshipped for rain

•Mama Quilla, Mother Moon

•Pachamama, Mother Earth

- worshipped by farmers

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View of the cosmos:

• World divided between earth and sky

- Things of space - Things of the earth

• Humans as the mediating element between earth and the sky

• Also, world divided between all things male and all things female.

-Feminine aspects – moon, earth, sea, women

- Male aspects – sun, lightning, thunder, men

• Relations between men and women - cooperative roles

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INCAN ASTRONOMY•The Inca used astronomy to plan their crops.

•The terraces were at different altitudes, or heights.

•They planted crops at the correct time for the height of the terrace.

•Pillars on the hills around Cuzco, the capital city, helped them time their planting.

•When the sun rose or set between sets of pillars, it was time to plant crops at certain altitudes.

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•When some Inca were not farming, they made pottery, textiles, and even practiced surgery.

•Some Inca also did metalwork and created tools and jewelry.

•Music was also created, but was mostly used for religious ceremonies.

•Developed important medical practices- surgery on human skull, anesthesia

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Inca textile fragment

Musical Instruments* They invented many

wind and percussion instruments. 

* Drums and flutes were very popular. 

*  The panpipe was the most popular. 

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• The Inca made many discoveries in medicine.

• Surgical operation were performed on the skull, broken bones were set, and fillings were put in teeth. However, survival rates rose to 80–90% during the Inca era.

• The sophistication of Inca administration, calendric, and engineering necessitated a certain facility with numbers. These numbers were stored in base-10 digits and used in administrative and military units.

Inca Medicine

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• The Incas adopted Quechua as their official language.

• Quechua is still spoken by many indigenous populations all over South America.

• There are many dialects.

• Quechua is an oral language and there is a lack of written material.

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QUIPU•The Inca had no writing. Instead they kept records using a quipu.•A array of small cords of various colors and lengths, all suspended from a thick cord.

•By tying knots in the small cords, Inca could record statistical information.

•Sometimes the knots were color coded to mean different things. •Though simple at first glance, the quipu could transmit intricate messages.

•The quipu could record: Population including Birth/death rates Food supply: harvest/livestock Military strength/casualties/deaths Dates / Important Events

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• Of all the urbanized people of the Americas, the Incas were the most brilliant engineers.

• The Incas , like the Mayas , build massive CITIES , constructing both round and square buildings ,with cobblestone domical roof.

• the Inca built massive forts with stone slabs so perfectly cut that they didn't require mortar—and they're still standing today in near-perfect condition.

• Inca architecture was the rectangular building without any internal walls and roofed with wooden beams and thatch .

• American archaeologist John H. Rowe classified Inca fine masonry in two types: coursed & polygonal.

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Inca wall in Cuzco

Cyclopean polygonal masonry The Inca constructed stone temples without using mortars yet the stones fit together so well that a knife would not fit between the stones.

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INCA CITY � জকো�� (Cuzco)

মাং�চ� তিপাচ� (Machu Picchu)

তি�ল��বী�ম্বা� (Vilcabamba)

তি�ট�স (Vitcos),

চতি�উ� ইর�ও (Choquequirao)

পা�ইতি�তি� (Paititi)

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‡FŠ‡MVWJK AE¯’VB 13031j A¶vsk I 710 58j

`ªvwNgvs‡k KzR‡Kv bMixi Ae¯’vb| mgy`ªc„ô †_‡K cÖvq 11, 200 dzU Dc‡i GB bMix Aew¯’Z| cwð‡g cÖkvšÍ gnvmvMi I c~‡e© Avw›`R ce©Z gvjvi gv‡S †ciyi Ae¯’vb| GB †ciyi c~‡e© KzR‡Kv bMix Aew¯’Z|

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KZR‡KV কু জকোকু� পের্ত ছি�লা অছির্ত সু সু,1ঠির্ত একু পেকুন্দ্রী�য় সুরকু�র। ইনকু� সুম্রা�টও কু জকোকু�কোর্তই থা�কুকোর্তন । ছির্তছিনই পেDষ্ট ইনকু�। সুকোF�চী� =�সুকু। সুম্রা�কোটর অধী�কোন ছি�লা অছিভ্যজ�র্ত1ন; এর� ছি�কোলান ছিবচীক্ষণ, ইনকু� সুভ্য�র্ত�র প্রা�ণ। পেসুকু�কোলা কু জকোকু� ছি�লা একু অর্তIলান�য় ইনকু� �থারন1র।এ ন1কোর ব�সু কুরর্ত ধীন�র� ।

এখা�কো�ই স ত্রপা�� হকো#তি$ল ই��� স�%��র।

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Sacsahuaman, fort-like temple crowning the heights of the imperial capital; made by a rotating force of 20,000 corvée laborers over several decades

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• The most important structure in Cuzco was The Temple of the Sun – dedicated to Inti, the Sun God.

• The exterior walls were covered with heavy gold plates. The inside was also coated with gold (thought to symbolize the sun).

• Inside the temple, you could find idols of gold and silver as well as the mummified bodies of past rulers and their wives.

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Which way to Machu Pichu?

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INCA ROAD SYSTEM• The Incas had an incredible system of roads. They built

a massive road network through mountains and across rivers and gorges.

• Since the Incas lived in the Andes Mountains, the roads took great engineering and architectural skill to build. Their roads show their ability as great builders.

• The Inca built a paved road system that included more than 10,000 miles of paved roads.

• They had long north-south roads that ran along the coast and inland

• One road ran almost the entire length of the South American Pacific coast.

• On the coast, the roads were not surfaced. • The Incas paved their highland roads with flat stones

and built stone walls to prevent travelers from falling off cliffs.

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The Incas built bridges across the gorges so they could reach all parts of their empire quickly and easily. If an enemy approached, the Incas could burn the bridges. They made suspension bridges from rope, pontoon bridges from reed boats, and pulley baskets from vines. The Incas did not discover the wheel, so all travel was done on foot. To help travelers on their way, rest houses were built every few kilometers. In these rest houses, they could spend a night, cook a meal and feed their llamas. Their bridges were the only way to cross rivers on foot. If only one of their hundreds of bridges was damaged, a major road could not fully function; every time one broke, the locals would repair it as quickly as possible.

Uniting the Empire

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30,000 to 40,000 km (18,600-24,800 miles)of thoroughfares and trunk lines

Major Roads of the Inca

Empire Inca tunnel

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Inca bridges

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Machu Picchu

Inca road

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Start Journey From this Way

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Keep Going

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We Almost Reach

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Machu Picchu, the Versailles-like rural palace and estate

made by the emperor Pachacuti,

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মাং�চ� তিপা�চ� (পেকুচীIয়�: Machu Pikchu মা�চীI ছিকুK চীI অথা��ৎ " র�কোন� চীLড়া�") ব� মাং�চ� তিপাচ� (পেNন�য়: Machu Picchu মা�চীI ছিচীI) কুলাম্বা�কোসুর আকোমাছিরকু� আছিবষ্কা�কোরর আকো1র সুমায়কু�র একুটি ইনকু� =হর, সুমা দ্র>ষ্ঠা পেথাকোকু যা�র উচ্চর্ত� ২৪০০ ছিমাট�র (৭,৮৭৫ ছিUট)। এটি পেরুর উরুব�ম্বা� উর্ত�কু�র (Valle de Urubamba) ওকোর একুটি ব�র্তচীLড়া�য় অবছিVর্ত।

মাং�চ� তিপাচ�ই সুম্ভবর্ত ইনকু� সুভ্য�র্ত�র সুবকোচীকোয় ছিরছিচীর্ত ছিন)=�ণ, যা�কোকু প্রা�য়=X ইনকু�কো)র হ�র�কোন� =হর বলা� হয়। এটি ১৪৫০ সু�কোলার ছি)কোকু ছিনছিমা�র্ত হয়, ছিকুন্তু এর একু= ব�র র ইনকু� সুভ্য�র্ত� যাখন পেNন দ্বা�র� আক্রা�7 হয় র্তখন এটি ছিরর্ত��ক্ত হকোয় কোড়া। কুকোয়কু= ব�র অজ্ঞা�র্ত থা�কু�র র ১৯১১ সু�কোলা হ�ইর�মা ছিবঙা�মা (ই,কোরছিজ: Hiram Bingham) ন�কোমা একু মা�ছিকু� ন ঐছির্তহ�ছিসুকু এটিকোকু আব�র সুমাগ্র ছিবকোcর নজকোর ছিনকোয় আকোসুন। র্ত�রর পেথাকোকু মা�চীI ছিচীI যা�টকুকো)র কু�কো� একুটি আকুর্ষ�ণ�য় )=�ন�য় V�ন হকোয় উকোeকো�। এটিকোকু ১৯৮১ সু�কোলা পেরুর সু,রছিক্ষর্ত ঐছির্তহ�ছিসুকু এলা�কু� ছিহকোসুকোব পেf�র্ষণ� কুর� হয়। ইউকোনকোস্কা� ১৯৮৩ সু�কোলা এটিকোকু র্ত�কো)র ছিবc ঐছির্তহ�ব�হ� V�কোনর র্ত�ছিলাকু�য় অ7ভ্যI� ক্ত কুকোর।

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‡FŠ‡MVWJK AE¯’VB মা�চীI ছিচীI ইনকু�কো)র র�জধী�ন� কু জকোকু�

পেথাকোকু ৭০ ছিকুকোলা�ছিমাট�র উত্তর-ছিhকোমা সুমা দ্র>ষ্ঠা পেথাকোকু ২৩৫০ ছিমাট�র (৭৭১০ ছিUট) উচ্চর্ত�য় ১৩.১৬৩১° )ছিক্ষন ও, ৭২.৫৪৫৬° ছিhমা দ্র�ছিfমা�,কো= মা�চীI ছিচীI বকোর্ত� র চীLড়া�য় অবছিVর্ত।

†h Di“ev¤^v b`x n‡Z 400 wgUvi Dc‡i gvPz wcPz Aew¯’Z †mwU gvPz wcPz cvnv‡oi Kv‡Q †hLv‡b ûqvbv wcPz bv‡g Av‡iKwU cvnvo mshy³ n‡q‡Q †mLvb †_‡K ইs‡iwR ‘C’ AvK…wZ‡Z evuK wb‡q‡Q| cy‡iv kniwUi f~wgiƒc n‡jv cve©Z¨ A‡j †ewóZ, Lvov cvnvo Gi gv‡S GKUz mgZj f~wg Zvici Avevi cvnvo|

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gvPz wcPzi †fŠ‡MvwjK Ae¯’vb

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ছির্তন জ�ন�লা� ছিবছি=ষ্ট মাছি0র

ছির্তন জ�ন�লা� ছিবছি=ষ্ট মাছি0র

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সু�যা�মাছি0র ইনছির্তহুয়�ট�ন�

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বসুর্ত ব�ছিড়া

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Now how do we get down from


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Machu Picchu

Inca road

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• � জকো�� (Cuzco),The Former Capital of the Inca Empire

• মাং�চ� তিপাচ� (Machu Picchu), "The Secret Inca City“• তি�ল��বী�ম্বা� (Vilcabamba), "The Last Stronghold of the

Incas"• তি�ট�স (Vitcos), "The Last Capital of the Incas"• চতি�উ� ইর�ও (Choquequirao), "The Sacred Sister of

Machu Picchu“• পা�ইতি�তি� (Paititi), the Hidden Inca City With

Tremendous Treasures

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�&তিমাং�ম্প স�মাংল�কো� যকো�� কৌ�*শল

পেরু খ বই ভ্যL ছিমাকুম্পপ্রাবণ অঞ্চলা। ইনকু�কো)র fরব�ছিড়াগুকোলা� পে)খকোলাই পেব�ঝা� যা�য় পেযা ওর� ছি�কোলা� একু একুজন �কু� ইছিmছিনয়�র। মা�চীI ছিচীI =হকোরর ব�ছিড়াগুকোলা�ই র্ত�র বড়া প্রামা�ণ।

• ছিসুকোমান্টজ�র্ত�য় ছিমাDকোণর 1o�থা ছিনর চী�ইকোর্ত �থাকোর �থার বছিসুকোয় তৈর্তছির 1o�থা ছিন অকোনকু পেবছি= ভ্যL ছিমাকুম্প প্রাছির্তকোর�ধী�।

• ইনকু�কো)র তৈর্তছির ব�ছিড়ার সু�ক্ষ নকু=� পে)খ� যা�য়। এই সু�ক্ষ নকু=�গুছিলাই ভ্যL ছিমাকুকোম্পর সুমায় পে)য়�লা ধ্বকোসু ড়া� অকোনকু�,কো= পের�ধী কুকোর।

• সুবগুকোলা� পে)য়�লা একু)মা পেসু�জ� নয়। পে)য়�লাগুকোলা�র একুট� সু�ছির অন� সু�ছির পেথাকোকু একুটI পেহলা�কোন�। এর Uকোলা পে)য়�লাগুকোলা�র ভ্য�রসু�মা� রক্ষ� হকোয়কো�, Uকোলা ভ্যL ছিমাকুকোম্প এগুকোলা� সুহকোজ ধ্বকোসু ড়াকোব ন�।

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ভ্যL ছিমাকুম্প প্রাছির্তকোর�ধী� V�ন�

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পা��র পা�হ�কো, উঠকোল� তি���কোবী !এরকুমা বকোড়া� বকোড়া� �থার �হ�কোড়ার চীLড়া�য় পের্ত�লা�র জন� =ছিক্ত=�লা� আধী ছিনকু

কুকোর্ত� যান্ত্র�ছির্তর )রকু�র হয় ! অথাচী পেমাছি=ন পের্ত� )�কোর থা�কু, ইনকু�র� কুখনও র্ত�কো)র কু�কোজ কুকোমা� চী�কু�ই ব�বহ�র কুকোরছিন ! র্ত�হকোলা ছিকুভ্য�কোব ওর� একোর্ত� বকোড়া� বকোড়া� আকু> ছির্তর একোর্ত�গুকোলা� �থারখণ্ড �হ�কোড়ার একোত্ত� উtচীIকোর্ত উe�কোলা� ? পেসুটি আসুকোলাই একুট� রহসু�। ছিবজ্ঞা�ন�র� এর পেকু�ন সু র�হ�-ই কুরকোর্ত �কোরন ছিন। পে=র্ষকোমা= র্ত�র� ধী�রণ� কুকোরকো�ন, =র্ত =র্ত Dছিমাকুকোকু কু�কোজ লা�ছি1কোয় �হ�কোড়ার ঢা�লা পেবকোয় পেবকোয় �থারগুকোলা�কোকু উকোর পের্ত�লা� হকোয়ছি�কোলা�।

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Fall of the Inca

• The Inca emperor was decimated by a smallpox pandemic in the 1520s,which triggered a seven-year civil war between the two sons of the king, Atahualpa and Huáscar. Atahualpa eventually won the war but the infighting had weakened the empire.

• During this time a group of Spanish conquistadors led by Francisco Pizarro arrived in the empire.

• As Atahualpa marched south to claim Cuzco, he was intercepted, kidnapped and ransomed by Francisco Pizarro’s forces.

• The Incas tried to free Atahualpa by offering the Spanish a roomful of gold and silver, but the Spanish killed Atahualpa anyway.

• The Spanish defeated the last of the Incas, and the empire fell in 1537.

Francisco Pizarro

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• 1438: Manco Capac established capital at Cuzco (Peru)

• 1400-1500: Pachacuti gained control of Andean population about 12 million people

• 1525: Emperor Huayna Capac died of plague; civil war broke out between two sons because no successor named

• 1532: Spanish arrived in Peru

• 1535: Empire lost

1527: Pizarro wanted to discover wealth; embarked on his third voyage to the New WorldSept. to Nov. 1532:The Cajamarca massacre- Pizarro led 160 Spaniards to Cuzco, slaughtering over 2,000 Inca and injuring 5,000November 16, 1532: Atahualpa captured by Spaniards, offered gold for his freedom.Pizarro accepted more than 11 tons of gold ($6 million+) baubles, dishes, icons, ornaments, jewelry, & vases, but never released Atahualpa.July 26, 1533: Atahualpa was killed

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Hope you Enjoy the Journey!