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Page 1: In what ways does this media product use

In what ways does this media product use, develop or challenge forms of real

media products

Martelle Kumar

Page 2: In what ways does this media product use

Frame 1

The first shot is of the production logo as it shows who made the film to the audience and gives credit. Conventionally production logos are at the beginning of the film. Most action movies have all of their production companies showcased at the beginning and then a black screen before the moves starts.

Adrenaline uses a 3 colour strong pallet and uses a motion effect. This attract the audience.

If this was shown in motion it would pump like blood.

In what ways does this media product use, develop or challenge forms of real media products

Page 3: In what ways does this media product use

Frame 2

Shot two establishes the setting typically in a film opening the first few minutes show setting. This shot shows the convention setting, the mis en scene is authentic.

I challenged the convention of time spent of introducing the set as I only had 2 minutes.

The use of prop-pillow case- is effective in this. The hidden identity of the protagonist (Maria) makes adds suspense, usually in action movies the protagonist isn't shown straight away often they build characters profiles and then they introduced as the protagonist. This shot portrays the protagonist as a victim by tilting down at the protagonist which challenges the genre as the dominant character is often seen as the most powerful.

In what ways does this media product use, develop or challenge forms of real media products

Page 4: In what ways does this media product use

Frame 3

This shot introduces violence which is a major convention in the action film genre.

The space between the protagonist and antagonist show that there is no relation between them.

The stance of the antagonist is typically for action movies, he is very straight and shows power.

This representation is set in this scene as it shows danger

In what ways does this media product use, develop or challenge forms of real media products

Page 5: In what ways does this media product use

Frame 4

This shot showed the protagonist being victimized by the hooded thug.

The mis en scen is powerful in this shot as it shows what is around.

The costumes are seen fully and clearly in this frame. The dark clothes are typical as it symbolises power and strength.

The long shot shows the antagonist above the protagonist. In most action movies this is extremely unusual but in this narrative it shows a bit about the characters profile.

In what ways does this media product use, develop or challenge forms of real media products

Page 6: In what ways does this media product use

Frame 5

This shot shows the title ‘A Martelle Kumar Film’. I used a transition which pulls the audience into the text and fade out the background. This isn’t typically used in action movies as they're is usually a need to show plot. I challenged this convention as the director it added suspense to my opening and also as a audience member titles are not often given enough attention, I think it was important to give credit.

The font I used is fairly conventionally as its edgy, but the font in white and black isn’t. The black outline showed cracks in the white writing which went with the theme.

In what ways does this media product use, develop or challenge forms of real media products

Page 7: In what ways does this media product use

Frame 6

This shot is one from the fight. The metal pole shows the level of violence with this stunt it made the opening look real.

In what ways does this media product use, develop or challenge forms of real media products

Page 8: In what ways does this media product use

Frame 7

This shot shows the protagonist leaving in a fast car the kidnap setting.

Fast cars are a major convention in the action genre. Showing the car in the centre of the shot shows that Maria (the protagonist) is the main character.

The shot shows the conventional location. Locations like warehouses and garages appear often action genres use similar locations at some point in the action film. Using this made the opening look real.

In what ways does this media product use, develop or challenge forms of real media products

Page 9: In what ways does this media product use

Frame 8

This shot show the title. Like many action movies I have made the font much bigger. The title was put at the end of the opening sequence as the narrative of the opening was coming to a end. Titles are often placed at the end opening sequences or in the middle. I chose to put it at the end as it concluded all the titles and showed that if the film continued it would of carried on.

In what ways does this media product use, develop or challenge forms of real media products

Page 10: In what ways does this media product use

Frame 9

This final shot showed the antagonist left unconscious on in the garage.

I chose to end with this frame as it makes the audience want to know what will happen next.

Normally in action movies when a antagonist who is uncurious aren’t referred to after the protagonist has left. I chose to show him again as it developed the story and added suspence

In what ways does this media product use, develop or challenge forms of real media products