Download - In the Presence of Angels September 2008

Page 1: In the Presence of Angels September 2008

guidance & insightinto living a life that is

more holistic, more aware, more angelic

INTHEPresence of Angels


Ask the Angels Column

The Reiki returns home pt 3


Angel image for the month

Teams Work with Nicola Willis

And much more...

inside this issue

Page 2: In the Presence of Angels September 2008

Well well, here we are in Septem-ber already. How is your year of manifestation going so far? Are you becoming too busy to cope or has your journey taken you off course to unexpected places?

Whatever your experience has been so far, we are now to decide what the next steps are. How much more can we analyse our past ac-tions and try to find reasons and causes? Become more aware of this moment right now, the present, and decide if you are looking into the past to take responsibility for something or to find out who you can blame. Be honest with yourself, because at times the difference can be subtle.

The enlightened perpective doesn’t look into the past, for the past doesn’t exist. The enlightened perspective doesn’t look into the future, for the future doesn’t exist.

Take an enlightened perspective by taking responsibility for this mo-ment and what you choose to do with it. How many options do you have for what you could be doing right now? Some of these might be things you can do for other peo-ple and some might be things that progress your own plans. Which-ever you choose make sure that you put your full attention and awareness into the task and you will benefit deeply.

Explore this moment right here for it is so powerful and contains all of the answers you need, even those regarding the past, if you still wish to pursue them. Although once you really get inside the power of the moment, it is unlikely that you will, as problems of the past seem to fall away.

You may wonder why I am feed-ing goats in this picture, or more to the point, why I have included a picture of me feeding goats in this newsletter. This photo is me with my girlfriend’s niece feeding goats at the West Midlands Safari Park.

The thing about these goats is that the more you feed them, the more

they demand of you. In fact, as soon as they realise that you have food, they all come along to har-rass you. They bite at your knees and jump up at you like you owe them something from a previous life. One more karmic debt to set-tle.

I find a similarity when I liken these goats to the problems of our pasts. As soon as they find out we have food for them, they all come at us saying “solve me, solve me, solve me...” They jump up and bite at us, becoming ever more de-manding. How long could we spend mulling over these issues? Spend hours and you have wasted a day,

spend days and you have wasted a week. How long before you have spent years and you have wasted a lifetime?

This year of manifestation is teach-ing us where to place our attention in order to be as effective as we can, acheive as much as we can and anchor as much light as we can.

Explore your moment and mani-fest your dreams one step at a time. September is here. Explore it. Turn away from the past. Do not face the future though, face the present.

- Russell Goffe


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ask the

AngelsWelcome to our new regular feature ‘Ask the Angels. In each newsletter Alison Ward will be channeling answers to questions posed by our readers.

If you have a question please email it to:[email protected]

Dear Angels,I would like to ask how my son is doing as I haven’t seen him in several years. Does he still play football? His name is Jordan and he is 9 years old. Paul in Manchester.

First of all I would like to say that your energy is wonderful Paul and you are opening up wonderfully to the Angels that surround you with love, accept-ance and guidance. Jordan often likes to be called by a different name; maybe a nickname!

He is excelling not just in football but also other sports; cricket, rounders and swimming. His angels are working with him to create more of a balance in his life and he is happy. He often thinks about you and does undertstand many things on many levels. Archangel Uriel is helping him come to terms with his emotions which are settling. He is emotionally advanced for his years. He is a happy, energetic, beautiful soul and so are you Paul. I hope this has helped you. Bless you.

Dear Angels, I have so much that I want to do but there doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day for me to do everything. How can I find more time?From Lucy, 16, in Birmingham.


You do have the time as we all do but are simply making excuses. sounds harsh?? Maybe it does-but your angels want you to wake up to the fact THAT NOT ONLY DO YOU HAVE THE TIME DO WHAT YOUR HEART DESIRES BUT ALSO YOU DESERVE IT TOO. The angels always change my writing to capitals when a point is to be emphasised. Lucy sit down and write down what you wish to do. Look at your list... what can you do today... next week, next month?. Do you need to save up or plan for bigger desires? Simply identify what it is you want.. Once you have identified what it is you truly wish, your angels, God and the Universe can start making it happen for you behind the scenes. In fact the whole programme has already begun with me answering your email. Your angels are saying...”no more procrastinating,... identify what it is that your heart truly desires,say it out loud, write it down and on top of that BELIEVE that you deserve it... and so it is.” Finally on another practical note give yourself an hour a week to further energise your desires by reading out your list and believing in it. Write the day and time down now in your diary and stick to it. Dreams do come true but they take a bit of dream-ing too. Sending you LOVE, STRENGTH AND ARCHAN-GEL JEREMIEL TO HELP RE- SCHEDULE YOUR TIME AND DESIRES.

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Dear AngelsI have recently had contact with my ex-girlfriend from several years ago. We broke up with some negative feelings and even now there is still something between us. However, at present I have lots of things on my mind that I’d rather not spend time thinking about and this feels like just another one of these things. How can channel my thoughts into something more positive and constructive?Anon, Halesowen

Hello and thank you for writing to “Ask the Angels”. There is still some unfinished business with this per-son. Honesty on both parts is important now so you can both move on - with each other or on your own. You are also flattered by this rekindling but if you are honest with yourself would you be “settling” for a relationship that is not on a truly loving and honest footing? The reason that you “have lots of things on your mind that you’d rather not spend time thinking about” is because you have been given nagging doubts about this relationship; your angels will try and connect with you as best they can.

Often if you are not listening to them they will nudge you, give you a tightening feeling around your chest (heart) or tug at your stomach (sacral where you store such issues). I would advise you start listening to these thoughts... how do you do that? simple... just sit quietly in a room that you like, maybe even light a candle then focus on your breathing. Ask your angels to help you channel your thoughts into positive ones and give you guidance. Then sim-ply pay attention to any thoughts, feeling or even dreams - they may come later of course. If your mind starts to wander just bring your focus back to your breathing “in for three out for four”.

Leon your angels LOVE you and want you to have your life full of LOVE, TRUTH AND HONESTY. The great thing about connecting with your angels is that no-one needs to know, you can do it in your head, out loud or by writing it down. Go on, start to reach out for their help and see what changes they can bring about- all for the best I can assure you. With LOVE IN MY HEART I URGE YOU TO LET YOUR ANGELS IN.

ask the Angels contd...

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The final part of Allison Tim-mins’ trip to Japan concludes what we have read in the previ-ous two newsletters.

In the previous article I talked about the profound teachings of the Buddha and how this was an important aspect of my visit to Ja-pan. In this article I would like to focus more on the very essence of the Ascension Reiki and how my trip to Japan is proof that we are all indeed one!

During my stay my Japanese host, Takako, had arranged to visit a spiritual convention, in line with our concept of Mind Body Spirit fairs here. I was really interested to be involved in this as there were going to be over 100 energy workers all in one space, really holding the concept of “Oneness”. I went with the expectation of how this would be a widely accepted way to work, as my experience with the Japa-nese culture so far had been quite extra -ordinary!

I wandered through the many stands of Reiki Masters, psychic mediums, Aura Soma teachers, energy body workers, Aura pho-tographers & many other unusual therapists claiming they were the one!! As many of them did not speak English, and my Japanese was poorer still, conversations were limited, so I had to rely on what I felt and saw within peoples energy.

There were many Reiki Masters claiming that they were channel-ling the purest source direct from Dr Usui and yet many of them did not seem to have a sense that we are all channelling but ONE

source & that is “creation itself”, God. I suddenly felt very sad that many of them had no real concept that we were all one & were chan-nelling through our own unique-ness, known as “the self”. Many of them did not share conversa-tion with their neighbour & in fact seemed to be competing to have the most power. I stood back & asked “how can this be happen-ing in people that hold such a high vibration?”

That night as I pondered on this

and many profound things came to me. The concept of “oneness” is actually quite unique. Unique to “In the Presence of Angels”. I had come to realise that in the early days of working with this energy I was channelling source and in that moment I came to realise that I had actually become source! As we go through the process of integration we go beyond being a reflection of source energy, we actually become it! We become the Angel, the Creator, the God orGoddess Self.

The Reiki Returns HomePART 3 by Allison Timmins

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“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us, it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, We un-consciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automati-cally liberates others.”

This is really “returning home”.

I knew then why I was in Japan, as part of the human empowerment experience to spread this energy further to let others experience beyond their own reflection and become at “one” with the self. Without this, the “one-ness” concept will not be grounded into our conscious-ness and all the channelling in the world does not hold the vibration until we can truly understand & accept this into our being. This was a very profound realisation that I had travelled many thousands of miles to realise!!

I felt for many of the therapists in the hall at the spiritual convention, because whilst they are spreading light, they are becoming one with source and may be missing this in their consciousness. At least now the Ascension energy is within Japan, and Takako is continuing the work of “In the Presence of Angels”, anchoring the light more and joining us together in the beautiful world wide web of oneness!!

To finish, I would like to quote the words of Nelson Men-della from his inaugural speech in 1994, A quote from the chapter ‘Return To Love’ by Marianne Willamson.

Perhaps the Reiki returns home is all about Reurning to Love after all!

Lots of love, light & oneness in your heart xxxxx

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Where has Ascension Reiki & Anglic Hosts of Light travelled?As a follow up to ‘The Reiki Returns Home’ by Allison Timmins, we would like to show you where in the world our Ascension Reiki has travelled and also ask you, if you are a Master in our system, where you have taken it.

It is fantastic that in just a few years the energy of Ascension Reiki and Angelic Hosts of Light, channelled by our founder Jacqueline Phillips, has travelled across the globe. Jacqueline has a clear lineage from Dr Usui, who originally channelled Reiki energy, and has a fantastic story of how she came to channel a new form of Reiki. Perhaps she will write this into a future newsletter. Watch this space...

That we are currently aware of, Reiki Masters have taken the Ascension Reiki to the following countries:

Australia• England • Japan• New Zealand• Slovakia• Spain• Thailand•

If you are a Master in this form of Reiki please let us know if you have attuned other Masters and where they have taken this energy. For our forthcoming website we are trying to put together a map of where this energy has been anchored.

Please email [email protected].

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Recently I have received training at In the Presence of Angels to refresh my Ascension Reiki and Angelic Hosts of Light Skills so that the services I offer are truly holistic.

It was a timely reminder how easy it is to fall into pat-terns of behaviour where you think your living the Reiki Principles in everything you do and say, but on closer reflection and inspection things may have “slipped” a bit, after all, we are human. And that’s possibly the point. It’s the trying and the learning from the experi-ence, which assists us in our development, moving us onto the next level.

There is a model used in teaching and training which talks about progressing from being consciously incom-petent when learning new skills or knowledge until, with practice it becomes second nature until you become unconsciously competent.

For those of you new to the Reiki way of living, you may at times look forward to the day when setting up your protection before you go out in the world, taking time for self healing, using the symbols, or meditation becomes second nature. This is the phase when you are probably developing the most. Don’t rush it, enjoy this wonderful learning experience.

“Real generosity toward the future lies in giving all to the present” Albert Camus (1913-60)

As part of your development it is important to interact with individuals from our community, because we are a community. This helps us all to continue to learn and grow by giving and receiving of feedback, supporting and encouraging each other.

So take the time to attend your Reiki share groups, be around positive people, those who build you up and not bring you down. This is vitally important when energies are shifting so much and affecting our emotions and psychology.

As for me I have taken my Reiki training folders from the shelf in my study and am reacquainting myself with what I learned some years ago.

Everything in life operates as a cycle and our spiritual development is no different.

“Though we travel the world to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not”Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)

In Love, Light and Peace

Marcia Ore x

Let us Help One Another

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TEAMSWORKThe following is an article about teams, initiated by Nicola Willis, our Head of Development at In the Presence of Angels and Centre Manager of our flagship centre in Sedgley. Nicky wanted to write something for the newsletter about teamwork and wrote the following text (in green) asking us to proofread and amend spelling and grammar for her. I have included both Nicky’s original text and the amended version to demonstrate Nicky’s point further, about how teams works together, and to show how Nicky is aware that her role is not to be proficient in these things, because she can trust a member of her team whose strength it is.

I would like to tell you a short story, when my son was rushed into hospital, right from the start of going into the hospital, from signing him in with the reception to seeing nurse in a clean room, then the doctor to the surgeries ,it made me realise and truly see if they did not work has a team that the hospital simple would not be, and that every job role has an important part to play one no bet-ter or less then another, if one of them did not do their job the other could not do there’s or strug-gle to be. Therefore the doctor with out the nurse, with out support from the cook to the cleaner to the staff and volunteers they reality of it would be no hospital, this example so short but so clear to see if we do not work together has a team and honour everyone gifts, that if we don’t work togeth-er there is nowhere for use to be, and that we cannot do everything ourselves the reason so we can learn to work has a team that with out all of use together it simple will would not be, can you all see with out you all playing a part of team there would be nothing to see so look into inside and see what angel do you want to play and you we will all see. Head of development in the presence of angels.

Love and blessing Nicky xxx

I would like to tell you a short story about when my son was rushed into hospital. The whole expe-rience, from signing him in with the reception to seeing nurse in a clean room, then the doctor in the surgery, made me realise and truly see that if they did not work has a team, the hospital simply would not be. That every job has an important role to play and no-one is better or less then anoth-er. If one of them did not do their job, others would struggle to do their jobs. Therefore, in a reality where the doctor receives no support from the nurse, or the cook, or the cleaner, or the staff, or the volunteers, there would be no hospital. This example is so short, but it is so clear to see that if we do not work together as a team, honour everyone’s gifts and work together, there is nowhere for us to be. We cannot do everything ourselves, the reason for this is so that we can learn to work as a team. We can learn that without all of us together, it simply would not be. Can you see that without you playing your role in the team there would be nothing to see? So look into inside, ask yourself what angel you want to play, and we will all be able to see.

Love and blessings Nicola Willis, Head of Development xxx

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10% DISCOUNT ON FOLLOWING WORKSHOPS:13/09/2008 Healing with the Angels Normal price £60.00An excellent opportunity to align you with the Angelic Realms and work with them for personal and therapeutic healing. This workshop is great for both healers and non-healers. On the day we will cover; various types of Angels and their job descriptions; meditations to connect with the healing Angels; discovering contractual agreements placed in the etheric to work with the Angelic Realms; hands on experience of heal-ing with the Angels.

20/09/2008 Learn to Read the Tarot Normal price £60.00A great one-day workshop to learn how to read the Tarot, either to assist you, or others with those times in our lives when we look for some kind of direction. The following will be covered on the day; history of the tarot, a healing tool; the differ-ence between a psychic and clairvoyant reading; the Major and Minor Arcana Cards; meditation to align you with your Spirit Guides.


NEW VOLUNTEERS REQUIREDAt In the Presence of Angels we have a great relationship with our volunteers. Our volunteers join us for many reasons:

Gain valuable work experience;• Fill some spare time;• Meet a new group of people;• Be in the healing energy of In the presence of Angels;•

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, whether you can offer a few hours or a few days each week, please contact:[email protected] or call the centre on 01902 882 187.

BUY 1 GET 1 FREE ON GIFTS Buy any two gift items and get the cheapest for free when you buy in-store at the Sedgley Centre in September. This could be a great opportunity to get a headstart on Christmas or for an up-coming birthday.

This offer open until 20 September 2008.

Page 11: In the Presence of Angels September 2008

FOR MORE INFORMATIONAlison 01564 778 712 / 07876 330 238

[email protected]

10.00 Welcome - opening meditation

10.30 Invoking the Archangels.

11.15 BREAK

11.30 How to be an angel. Have you given your power away to the Angels?

11.40 How to stay in flow energy.

12.00 Introducing In the Presence of Angels with Allison Timmins.

12.30 Angel stories to share

1.00 LUNCH

2.15 Questions and answers - clairvoyance and mediumship with Alison & Paul.

3.00 Toning accompanied by musician Shaun Frearson and channelled attunement.

3.30 Coming to a close.

Page 12: In the Presence of Angels September 2008

Would you like to work at a therapeutic level with

children & families?The following 2 courses are offered by our sister

company, Holistic Children & Family Services.

Holistic Child & Family Therapist (HCFS)This professional course is designed for anybody that wishes to work in an holis-tic, therapeutic way with both children and caregivers. It is ideal for those currently working with children in any child-centred environment, and for those wishing to

work purely in a therapy setting with children, families and caregivers.

Module 1: Ascension Reiki & Angelic Hosts of LightModule 2: Living Soul Therapy

Holistic Therapeutic Teacher (HCFS)This qualification provides the tools needed to mainstream and special needs teachers, to use holistic practises within their work environment to fulfil the ‘whole’ needs of the child. Through our Therapeutic Teacher Training programme you will be taught the skills needed to ensure you are able to bring an holistic approach

to the children in your care.

Module 1: Ascension Reiki & Angelic Hosts of LightModule 2: Living Soul Therapy

For those wishing to study either of these courses we havedates forthcoming in September. Please apply directly to:

[email protected].

Page 13: In the Presence of Angels September 2008

VISIT THE SITE NOW 0845 22 42 568

In the Presence of Angels presents...

We are very pleased to announce the launch of our new website design and development compay, In partnership with one of our affiliate companies, ISH Global, we are able to offer well-priced and high quality websites to clients across the world. Of course the holsitic ap-proach underpins our offering and all of our websites are designed from an intuitive perspective.

Fast turnaround times

We have fine-tuned the process with our affiliate company to be able to turnaround websites in 14 days; just 3 days for the design and 10 days for the development with a day for approvals. Along with our holistic approach and competitive prices this should help us to attract business and start creating websites that are holistic in nature. Of course this will also spread the In the Presence of Angels healing energy further afield, as it moves in every area of our work.

Need a website?

Would you like to be one of our first customers? The above is a screenshot from the website that shows our current prices. If you, or anyone you know, is setting up an online store then our offer of £999.999 is a great deal when compared to competitors. Our custom-built content-management systems (CMS) allow you to be in complete control over the content of your site at a lower price than other companies can offer.

Get in touch now to find out more...

Page 14: In the Presence of Angels September 2008

Angel Image for SeptemberThose of you that have been to our centres or on our website will be familiar with our angel images. These channelled images are designed for specific healing and when used in meditation they are

very powerful.

This month allow yourself to bond with the Elementals. Take the time to create a relaxing space with candles, scents or music and gently gaze upon the image. State your wishes and then allow the healing energy to come from the image and pass through you as you and the angel become


The Elementals guide us in an unexpected, playful way. They can be cheeky and off-the-wall and may even take us on a roundabout trip to acheiving our goals, as they just want us to have some fun along the way. As you begin to tune in to the elemental realm, you will see find them cropping

up everywhere. Enjoy a day of elemental guidance today.

Go to our website or into one of our centres to purchase this image in A5 or pocket-sized format and to see our full range.

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Contact In the Presence of AngelsGeneral enquiries: [email protected]

Newsletter enquiries: [email protected]

Products: [email protected]

Holistic Children & Family Services: [email protected]

NEXT MONTHThank you for taking the time to read this September is-sue of our newsletter. We hope you enjoyed it! We have re-ceived some great contributions so look forward to putting some of this content out in the coming months.

if you want to see your words in print in this newsletter then please get in touch.

Have a great September from all of us at In the Presence of Angels!

In the Presence of Angels Ltd. Registered Cardiff 5543246Holistic Children & Family Services Ltd. Registered Cardiff 6570631