Download - In the picture above this cycling path curves in three different ......In the picture above this cycling path curves in three different directions. Soon after joining the pedestrian

Page 1: In the picture above this cycling path curves in three different ......In the picture above this cycling path curves in three different directions. Soon after joining the pedestrian

Written evidence from Muhammad Absar Asif (CYS0092)

Cycle Safety Evidence The reason I am writing to you, is to share my experience as a motorist, cyclist & the accident victim at the Controversial Bow Roundabout. I would try to be as brief as possible in explaining my view points. I have driven on the UK roads for a long time and recently took up bicycling. Indeed, UK has got a best & safe transport system. Whereas, for the cyclists it is not as safe as many other developed contries. This has to be experienced as a bicyclist, only than it becomes clear. A few days ago, Cycle Superhighway2 (CS2) has been officially opened by the Mayor of London. But there are concerns about it's safety. It has proven true that the blue lines, lull cyclists into a false sense of security. Cyclists are at risk even after they follow 'Blue markings' properly. 1) Potential dangers:

• Parked vehicles on those tracks blocked their lanes. • Overtaking parked vehicles, leave Cyclists at risk from the traffic from behind. • Buses block the cycle lanes, when stopping or leaving at bus stops. • Lanes are not segregated from the main traffic.

The list goes on .. 2) Planning Cycle paths: These are a few pictures taken from online maps of the Bow Roundabout. I would like to point out some aspects of planning Bicycle lanes. Also, the priority shift towards the motorists.

Image 1: Poles on Bicycle Lane

Page 2: In the picture above this cycling path curves in three different ......In the picture above this cycling path curves in three different directions. Soon after joining the pedestrian

In the picture above this cycling path curves in three different directions. Soon after joining the pedestrian footpath, there are two poles in one side of the cycling lane. The (Image 1) is from the flyover to see it clearly. If an unfortunate cyclists hit these poles, could get injured or end up on the main road.

Image 2: New Bike lane

In the picture above, this track further down is sloped, where cyclists move a little faster than usual. While, the fast moving traffic follows from the roundabout. The left-turn seen in the (Image 2) is curved, where the Motor vehicles have the priority. The curved Give-way line, makes it easier for the motorists to turn fast. Also the Red-lines end right at the same spot! What about the cyclists? they could not see the vehicle approaching on the main road but the motorists from behind can clearly see them. This makes the situation, a lot dangerous for the cyclists.

Image 3: Old cycle Lane

While, capturing the images from the maps, I found an old picture of this road from a reverse angle, but the difference is quite clear. The old image above shows that the new Cyclist

Page 3: In the picture above this cycling path curves in three different ......In the picture above this cycling path curves in three different directions. Soon after joining the pedestrian

Superhighway (CS2) has made it hard for the cyclists at this very position. It is taken before the new (CS2) track was laid-out. There is no Give-way lines in the cyclists way. In addition, there are double red lines, from the roundabout that follows further down the road, for the motorists turning left. 3-a) Accident at Bow Roundabout (Personal experience): On 30th October, when I was riding towards British Library, wearing bright white helmet, hi-viz belt. I took the exit at Bow roundabout (Image 2), where there was no one infront of me or on my right-hand side. Suddenly, a van came from behind me on my right-hand side, with indicators off. The driver took a sharp left-turn, I reacted and pressed the brakes in-time, flipped and hit in the middle-side of the van's body. After, I landed on the road, the Van carried on moving. My legs were in parallel position, the rear lefft wheel ran from my feet up to my knees and landed few inches away from my face. It all happened in seconds! Thankfully I was safe. Passersby helped me, so did the Paramedics up arriving. Police took witness statements. I appreciate all their help, they were wonderful. Some facts about the accident.

• It was a Giveway, but I hope you'll agree that driver could not take advantage of it. This is by driving fast & carelessly on Giveways. Rules aren't there to take advantage off, otherwise all the giveway could become 'Killing points'.

• In particular, such giveways that are dangerous for the cyclists, like the one I had the accident on. It is right after the slope, and the right-hand traffice is not in a clear view. Whereas, the bicyclists are in clear view by the approaching motorists from behind.

• The bicyclist would definitely be at risk, by the traffic coming from the round-about. It is very clear if you compare the new Bicycle track and the old one, in (Image 2 &3) to see the difference of Giveway & Red lines.

3-b) Blaming & doubting the Victims: It is generally accepted that the bicyclists are irresponsible, and it is their mistake that causes accidents. This Blaming & doubting victims is not going to help in resolution but makes it worse for the victims. In a result of an accident, a victim may face Blame & doubt throughout their experience. We all make mistakes but focusing, on the bicyclists, distracts attention from the motorists mistakes. I respect all those who were present there to help me. But the fact is that it was annoying to persuade at every level that I was ran over by the van. If it's not a common experience, to see a person without broken legs, after such an accident. I guess you would agree that a Victim do not have to expect any bad to prove their statement, true. It may be because of the 'System' or it's 'Abusers' that a victim has to face all this terrible experience of blame game & doubt. I agree that

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doubt might lead to a better investigation by the Police, but doubting may also take the investigation into a very different direction. Investigation common question was, "I hit into the van or the van hit me?" A single statement could change the investigation's focus. The Van came from behind and turned Left when it was still on my Right-hand side. It definitely would be hitting me & pressing me under it's wheels. I reacted and pressed the brakes in-time, flipped and hit into the turning Van. What makes the difference is, how quickly I reacted and applied the brakes. If I didn't apply the brakes in-time, it could have been worse. Then the statement would have been "The Van Hit me!" I reiterate, that I have a lot of respect the Medial treatment I receive at the scence and the hospital. But there are some sad facts about doubting, which should not be ignored. It was severe pain in my knees, could harldly stand. My legs bore the weight of a small van, internal injuries were not visible. Knee Bones were parallel, that took the weight of a small van. I was feeling extreme pain, on all four sides of the knee bones. The pain has no visible shape, otherwise I could have proven that moment. It was extremely painful indeed, and many weeks to come. However, the discharged report states some ridiculous descriptions of my condition. I have no words to express my feelings about them, because they were false. (I've attached a copy herewith). For example.

• Isolated Pain in knees (Mild). • Subtle Tenderness over medial aspect joint. • No other bony tenderness. • No effusion. • No swelling • Imp - Soft tissue injuries to both knees only.

I wondered what was going on? Who is to benefit from this wrong description? Why the treatment is based on doubt? Is it because I was a bicyclist? or something to do with the ethnicity? But no .. reasoning started from my accident, investigation, treatment and ended with the Insurance Companies! (This is where the problem lies)

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Page 7: In the picture above this cycling path curves in three different ......In the picture above this cycling path curves in three different directions. Soon after joining the pedestrian

4) Recommendations:

• Tough Penalties "Saving human life is more important, even if it has to come at the cost of prosecuting the motorists." The bicyclists are vulnerable, whereas motorists are in protected metals. So, they have extra responsibility. Because if a mistake is made by the bicyclist, it could come at a huge cost. The figures also show the high number of HGV's are involved in the accidents, when they are turning left. Bicyclists do not risk their life intentially. Law must be followed by all road users. Bicyclists also want to be home safe like all others! The Insurance companies could pay for the damages, but they could not bring a life back. So, the careless motorists must be given tough punishments by the law. "Taking a life of someone is a serious crime, but taking it on the road is not .. Why?" A motorist has the responsibility to look for the bicyclists. If a bicyclist makes a mistake, motorists has the responsibility as a human beings to care for others. It is a moral responsibility to be vigilant at all times, so the lives could be saved. "Even if a bicyclist makes a mistake, it should not be at the cost of his/her life!" "Size of the vehicles & educating the drivers, plays a very important role in reducing the fatalities. Not every driver has the experienced of riding a bicycle to understand they vulnerability of the riders. "The driver of the Vehicle must be responsible to look after all the less vulnerable, so on and so forth."

• Rear View Mirrors (Cyclist versions): In many third world it is quite a common site to see, cycles fitted with read view mirrors on the handles. One main reason is that, those countries do not even have a good traffic system. That is not even safe for Motorists, let alone the cyslists.

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In such a chaotic situation, Cyclists use whatever they possibly can, for their own safety. Most of the safety equipment is not available, and what is available is at a very high cost. But these Rear-view mirrors, is what they could easily afford.

• However, in a developed country like the UK, where the traffic system is brilliant. A nicely designed easy to mount Side mirrors could also help cyclists, to spot approaching vehicles from behind. It could also be designed in such a way to pick-up blind spot, from a cyclist's view. This could help, save lives.

• Bicycle Indicators:

Many Cyclists in the United States use, electric wireless indicators when riding. The indicators are set-up at the front and the back. The panel that controls fit on the handle, in reach of the thumb to press the buttons. 5) Learning from Netherlands:

• They wear casual, formal clothing when cycling. They feel safe, they know they are! • The cyclists don not use Hi-vis clothing, lycra, cycling helmets etc. • Cycling reduces health-care costs. (It is estimated that NHS could save 1.6 Billion)

If the cyclists are given priority on the road, it could make a huge difference in the motorists attitude towards them. In fact, it's not discriminating but considering the vulnerability of the bicyclists, there is no alternate. It could save many more lives on the roads.

The signs in the picture reads "Cars are Guests" So the motorists know their place really well.

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Segregated roundabouts for the cyclists

Hovering roundabouts for cyclists

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Cyclists Underpasses

I am sure you are doing you best to make UK Roads safe cyclists and all others. I urge you to please look deeply into the issues I've mentioned here. I hope it would be of some use. I wish you all the very best. Thank you. December 2013