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IN THE KNOW: Keeping Staff Informed

Volume 15 (8) February 2020

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In this issue:












Increased exposure to ozone may increase the risk of death

Coronavirus: 81% of cases are 'mild,' study says

Wellbeing centre 'red letter day' for health service

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Antidote to pain and negativity? Let it be

More information doesn't necessarily help people make better decisions

Soreness is good and scales are pointless: the 10 biggest myths in fitness

Five ways to improve flexibility

Vitamin Deficiencies Can Mess With Your Mental Health

9 Phrases That Really Bother People With Depression

Mental health: why employees don’t ask for help (webinar)

Cynicism and disrespect: A vicious cycle

Job insecurity negatively affects your personality

Useful links

NHS Website

Mental Health Foundation

World Health Organisation

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Foster carer recruitment for Keys debate

Coroner recommends changes after man's death

New Coronavirus advice issued following Italy outbreak

Minister reveals A&E waiting time figures

What support is there for Manx GP practices?


BBC News

(Asterisked items have been critically reviewed in Behind the Headlines. See below.)

NHS 'took 18 months to help after suicide attempt'

Surgeon who harmed Scots is now working in Libya

Coronavirus: Pregnant nurse 'propaganda' sparks backlash

Scientists discover powerful antibiotic using AI

Dementia: Cancer scanner 'could help early diagnoses'

Coronavirus: Four new UK cases among ship evacuees

Coronavirus: Rapid spread raises fears of global pandemic

Mum's pride at son's Down's syndrome book

FA guidelines: Children to no longer head footballs during training

Down's syndrome: Campaigners say abortions 'need 24-week limit'

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Coronavirus: The race to find the source in wildlife

Coronavirus: Worst-hit countries boost containment efforts

Coronavirus: Tenerife hotel with hundreds of guests locked down

Coronavirus: Britons returning from northern Italy told to self-isolate

Poorest women's life expectancy declines, finds report

Health unions vote to accept government pay offer

Call for Moray maternity concern to be addressed quickly

Cancer: Study into why some patients beat the disease

Drug hope for people with chronic cough

Germany overturns ban on professionally assisted suicide

Coronavirus: Outbreak spreads in Europe from Italy

Coronavirus: Hundreds of flu patients to be tested by UK hospitals

and GPs

Sickest NHS patients 'face hours on trolleys'

Online child sexual abuse 'not given police priority'

Coronavirus: Scottish GPs still waiting for face masks

Coronavirus: How is the UK planning for an outbreak?

Coronavirus: Two new cases confirmed in UK

Hospital waiting lists rise by 8.3% since December

Drug consumption rooms are a 'distraction' says UK minister

Patient safety at Royal Glamorgan Hospital's A&E 'precarious'

Heather Planner died after being given other patient's medicine

Thousands of depression cases 'linked to universal credit'

Northern Ireland diagnoses first coronavirus case

E. coli gut infection linked to bowel cancer

Learning difficulties 'link to brain connections'

Coronavirus: First Welsh case among three new UK diagnoses

NI waiting lists cause patients facing more complex surgery

Edinburgh doctor joins fight against cervical cancer in Malawi in


BBC's Sam Poling kept endometriosis private to hide 'weakness'

Cosmetic surgery: Woman scarred after procedure in Turkey

Fears for future of children's homes as debts rise

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Useful Health Links

NHS Website: A-Z of health conditions

NHS Website

Check NHS standards near you

Cancer Help UK

British Heart Foundation

Health and Care Professions Council

Mental Health Foundation

General Medical Council

Nursing and Midwifery Council

Care Quality Commission


NHS Scotland

Health in Wales

NI Direct

Clinical trials information

Diabetes UK

British Lung Foundation

National Obesity Forum

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Your health, your choices

Behind the Headlines

Do you believe everything you read? The NHS Knowledge Service provides a critical view of current health related news items to critically

analyse their sources, content and findings.

A diet high in fruit, veg, fibre and dairy is linked to lower stroke risk, study finds

'Electronic nose' sniffs out condition that can lead to cancer

Sugary fizzy drinks could affect your cholesterol level


(click to open)

Bulletin for clinical commissioning groups (CCGs)

Chief Nursing Bulletin

Chief Scientific Officer Bulletin

Compassion in Practice strategy and 6Cs Live!

Liaison and Diversion Bulletin

Pharmacy and Medicines Bulletin

Primary Care Bulletin

Specialised Commissioning Stakeholder Bulletin

Revalidation Matters

Liaison and Diversion Bulletin

Specialised Commissioning Stakeholder Bulletin

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Health e-News Bulletin/NLH Public Health Newsletter

NICE news February 2020

Adult Protection & Safeguarding Domestic Violence

Family of murdered British backpacker backs domestic violence campaign

Domestic Abuse Recorded by the Police in Scotland, 2018-19


Ecological grief: I mourn the loss of nature – it saved me from addiction

Bring ex-addicts on board to tackle drug deaths crisis, say experts

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Allergists encourage parents of food-allergic kids to recognize their own anxiety

Electron microscopy allows scientists to understand the molecular trigger of allergic reactions

Cardiovascular Disease

Changing what heart cells eat could help them regenerate

Drinks with added sugars linked to lipid imbalance, which increases CVD risk

Slow, steady increase in exercise intensity is best for heart health

Complementary Medicine / Alternative Medicine

Lyme disease treatment: 2 herbal compounds may beat antibiotics

Even a brief introduction to meditation can ease pain

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Critical Care

Clinical course and outcomes of critically ill patients with SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia in Wuhan, China: a single-centered, retrospective,

observational study

Critical Care Bulletin February 2020

Coronavirus: Weakest patients could be denied lifesaving care due to lack of funding for NHS, doctors admit

No capacity in main Dublin hospitals for extra patients needing intensive care


How walking speed and memory might predict dementia

Call for action as care costs for dementia set to rise

Scientists find new way to save neurons in Alzheimer’s disease


Two million in UK at risk of type 2 diabetes as obesity crisis grows

'Pre-Diabetes' Cases Reach Record High – Why Is It Such A Problem?

Insulin signaling suppressed by decoys

Type 1 diabetes cured in mice using stem cells

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Diet, Nutrition and Obesity

People who eat a big breakfast may burn twice as many calories

Mediterranean diet ingredient may extend life

Getting children to eat their greens? Both parents need to set an example

Why is nutrition so hard to study?

The effects of obesity mirror those of aging

Digital Health Technology

New tech takes radiation out of cancer screening

Boots teams up with Doctor Care Anywhere to offer e-prescriptions

What does ‘levelling up’ mean for health and social care?

Mental health trust introduces virtual reality for phobia treatment

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Immunisation and Infection

Pill-sized 'heater' could increase accessibility in diagnosing infectious disease

Adults don't need tetanus, diphtheria boosters if fully vaccinated as children

COVID-19 vaccine development

Learning Disability and Challenging Behaviour

Telford council reviewing services for adults with learning disabilities

Validating Toolbox to evaluate cognitive processing in people with intellectual disability

Learning difficulties due to poor connectivity, not specific brain regions

Men’s Health

Sex-specific traits of the immune system explain men's susceptibility to obesity

Creating nanomaterials for detecting cancer earlier

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Mental Health

Altered potassium levels in neurons may cause mood swings in bipolar disorder

Racism’s rise in football demands harsher sanctions and better mental health support

How use of social media and social comparison affect mental health

Psychiatry: Five clearly defined patterns

Engaging with schizophrenia: Experts argue for new approaches to treatment


Iron in brain shows cognitive decline in people with Parkinson's

Machine learning identifies personalized brain networks in children

'Resetting' immune cells improves traumatic brain injury recovery in preclinical trials

New study allows brain and artificial neurons to link up over the web

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Some antibiotics prescribed during pregnancy linked with birth defects

MicroRNA regulates process vital to placenta growth in early pregnancy


How cancer cells stiff-arm normal environmental cues to consume energy

New study associates intake of dairy milk with greater risk of breast cancer

Common toxin made in gut can cause bowel cancer, scientists find


New method gives glaucoma researchers control over eye pressure

Vision rehab treatment effective for stroke and injury related blindness

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Fetal balloon treatment for lung-damaging birth defect works best when fetal and maternal care are highly coordinated

Enriching newborns' environment in the right way helps heal young, injured brains

When parents should worry about teen girls' selfies

Weight-based bullying linked to increased adolescent alcohol, marijuana use

Excellent long-term stability of treatment gains of stepwise treatment for pediatric OCD

Patient Safety

Young people put at risk by delays for treatment


Artificial intelligence yields new antibiotic

Leukemia drugs hold promise for treatment-resistant lung cancer

Researchers uncover hidden antibiotic potential of cannabis

Metals could be the link to new antibiotics

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Seniors and Aging

Activities for brain health: It’s the variety that counts

Having an optimistic partner may stave off cognitive decline

Scientists discover new clue behind age-related diseases and food spoilage

How caloric restriction prevents negative effects of aging in cells


How sleep helps teens deal with social stress

More Couples than Ever Before are Choosing to Sleep Separately, Survey Reveals

Sports Medicine/Fitness

Electrolyte supplements don't prevent illness in athletes

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Surgeons successfully treat brain aneurysms using a robot

Nurses to be trained to perform surgery to ease waiting times


England predicted to miss target of becoming smoke-free by 2030

Smokers urged to quit habit in March

Varenicline for Smoking Cessation Not Associated with Increased Cardiovascular Hospitalization

Women’s Health

An apple a day might help keep bothersome menopause symptoms away

World Health Organisation

WHO steps up action to improve access to safe blood

A Joint Statement on Tourism and COVID-19 - UNWTO and WHO Call for Responsibility and Coordination

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Wound Management

A promising new strategy to help broken bones heal faster


Social Care

‘Unsafe’ child protection decision-making sees council downgraded to ‘inadequate’ by Ofsted

Narrative of social workers stifled by admin needs revision, finds study

Children’s services company’s third borough improves to ‘good’ despite turnover issues, finds Ofsted

Meet Social Work England’s ambassadors to the profession

Adult social care: policy developments under the current government (England)

Why we must do more to support care leavers at university

Safeguarding adults who refuse support: how antisocial behaviour legislation may help

Data showing 9% fall in England rough sleeping 'not fit for purpose'

Response to CQC report on promoting sexual safety in adult social care

Council breached Care Act in decision to cut woman’s personal budget

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Key Resources

Social Care TV


Social Care Online

Research Register for Social Care

Social Care Research Ethics Committee

All SCIE resources


Awareness of human factors is a key part of healthcare regulation

NHS response to guests leaving Kent Hill, Milton Keynes

NHS statement on home testing for coronavirus

NHS update on new cases of coronavirus confirmed today

SWASH renews PACS contract with Sectra for eight years

NHS update on new cases of coronavirus confirmed today

NHS response to guests leaving Kent Hill, Milton Keynes

Capital investment: why governments fail to meet their spending


CPCF in 2020/21: frequently asked questions

Doctors who was struck off for misconduct is restored to the register

after changing his ways

EMIS joins Yellow Card Scheme for reporting adverse drug reactions

Government must prioritise funding for the most deprived areas first

Health equity in England: the Marmot review 10 years on

Imprivata launches new identity governance solution in the UK

Junior doctor convicted of dangerous driving in “acutely anxious

state” escapes sanction

Mental health services: meeting the need for capital investment

NHS key statistics: England, February 2020

Pension crisis: 11 medical organisations call on chancellor to find

long term solution

Organ donation: England will have “opt-out” system from May 2020

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Advantage GM: unlocking the longevity economy for Greater


Covid-19: surge in cases in Italy and South Korea makes pandemic

look more likely

How can I tackle microaggressions in the workplace?

Marmot 10 years on: austerity has damaged nation’s health, say


NHS team reports potential for AI in rapid detection of lung cancer

Older people’s hospital admissions in the last year of life

NHS failing stroke patients with 'postcode lottery rehabilitation'

Productivity of the English National Health Service: 2017/18 update

Revised Government spending plans for 2019/20

UK strategy for rare diseases: 2020 update to the implementation

plan for England

What does it take to be a leader in evidence-based healthcare?

Locked out?: prisoners’ use of hospital care

Primary Care Networks: briefing paper for VCSE sector organisations

Specialised services: transforming delivery for patients

Transform ageing report: supporting people in later life through

social entrepreneurship, community and design


How does miscarriage affect partners?

What you need to know about bowel screening

How to help your child build self-esteem


The Care Quality Commission

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BMJ Evidence Updates

BRASH syndrome

Fibromuscular dysplasia presenting with a deep vein thrombosis

Cardiac amyloidosis presenting with recurrent ischaemic strokes

Persistent sore throat: a case of laryngeal mucous membrane pemphigoid

Complications of retained cardiac defibrillator coil left in situ

Head and neck cutaneous metastasis of testicular choriocarcinoma

Morel-Lavallée lesion of the anterior leg: a rare anatomical presentation

Intraparotid lymph node metastasis from a nasal septal carcinoma: an unusual source of the unknown primary

Implant-supported fixed hybrid acrylic complete dentures opposing fully restored mandibular metal ceramic restorations

Catastrophic vision loss from radiation-induced optic neuropathy

Unexpected combination: DiGeorge syndrome and myeloperoxidase deficiency

Late-onset mania associated with corticosteroids and small cell lung carcinoma

Behçet’s disease presenting as recurrent oral aphthosis in a 9-year-old boy from Greece

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Regular (ICSI) versus ultra-high magnification (IMSI) sperm selection for assisted reproduction

Means restriction to prevent suicide by jumping

Metal tubes (stents) or surgery (endarterectomy) for treatment of carotid stenosis

Telerehabilitation for people with low vision

Cognitive training interventions for dementia and mild cognitive impairment in Parkinson's disease

Biologics for people with chronic rhinosinusitis

Membrane sweeping for induction of labour

Interventions to facilitate delivery of local anaesthetic in children and adolescents during dental treatment

Heart failure drugs in people with chronic kidney disease

Advance care planning for adults with heart failure

Using a vitamin and mineral powder, mixed into complementary foods, to improve health and nutrition in children under two years of age

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NICE Clinical Knowledge Summaries provides primary care practitioners with a readily accessible summary of the current evidence base and

practical guidance on best practice in respect of over 300 common and/or significant primary care presentations.

The service is being regularly maintained and upgraded as and when significant new evidence emerges and up to 10 new topics will be added

each year. You can access the service here.

To suggest a new topic, please contact us.

National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Health Technology Assessment

Sugar tax had no lasting negative impacts on the UK soft drinks industry

Childhood eczema cannot be prevented by daily moisturiser use study finds

First new cough treatment in 50 years as trials show significant reduction in symptoms

DoH Press Releases/New Publications

Secretary of State makes new regulations on coronavirus

UK strategy for rare diseases: 2020 update to the implementation plan for England

COVID-19: Health Secretary's statement to Parliament

NHS primary medical services directions

CMO for England announces 2 new cases of novel coronavirus

Cross-government approach promised to tackle drug misuse following independent review

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Nurse numbers increase by 8,570 in the past year

Coronavirus (COVID-19): latest information and advice


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week. If you need any help locating or accessing any of the items included in this issue, please contact the library staff on 642993/642974.

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any other observations. If you know of anyone else who might like to receive the bulletin, or you would like your name removed from the

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