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IN THE KNOW: Keeping Staff Informed

Volume 15 (12) March 2020

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In this issue:












UK hospitals being sent untested coronavirus protection, say medics

Health forums: Style of language influences credibility and trust

Why social distancing is key in containing the new coronavirus

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Five video conference grooming tips: 'It's really what's above the desk that counts'

'Think about the best-case scenario': how to manage coronavirus anxiety

'Pause, reflect and stay home': how to look after yourself and others in self-isolation

Return of the phone call: why talking beats texting when you're in isolation

The secret of calm: how to de-stress if you have one minute, five minutes – or 14 days

Regulate your breathing – and four other ways to sleep when you're anxious

Screen Fatigue Is Real. Here's How To Keep Tired Eyes At Bay

8 Things People Diagnosed With Coronavirus Want You To Know

How To Switch Off From Work When Home Becomes Your Office

Simple Stretches You Should Be Doing While Working From Home

'Feeling obligated' can impact relationships during social distancing

To stay positive, live in the moment -- but plan ahead

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Useful links

NHS Website

Mental Health Foundation

World Health Organisation


St John Ambulance to start prescription deliveries

Patient transfer office closed to public

'24 hours to change our behaviour'

Listen to public health advice says Manx resident with coronavirus

Coronavirus threat impacts cancer treatments and screening

Charity donates £750k worth of life-saving equipment

Increased demand delaying some Coronavirus tests

Let's applaud our healthcare workers

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BBC News

(Asterisked items have been critically reviewed in Behind the Headlines. See below.)

Coronavirus to be tracked using its genetic code

Coronavirus: Young people are not ‘invincible’, WHO warns

Coronavirus: Blood donors needed after 15% drop, says NHS

Coronavirus: Pandemic is 'accelerating', WHO warns as cases pass


Coronavirus: 'Bin lipstick testers' chemists told

Coronavirus: Hancock admits ‘challenges’ over NHS equipment

Coronavirus: Private clinic defends charging £375 for test

Coronavirus: 'Healthy' man's plea after illness scare

Coronavirus: 'Just stay inside' pleads victim's daughter

Coronavirus: Gtech designs prototype ventilator

'Stay at home' - Doctors and nurses appeal to UK

Coronavirus: Parc y Scarlets and leisure centre offered to NHS

Coronavirus: The new inventions inspired by a pandemic

Coronavirus: Doctors urge conversations about dying

Coronavirus: What is shielding?

Coronavirus: Only go to your job if you cannot work from home -


Coronavirus: Dyson develops ventilators for NHS

Coronavirus: Pandemic is 'accelerating', WHO warns as cases pass


Coronavirus: ExCeL Centre planned as NHS field hospital

Coronavirus: Thousands volunteer to help NHS with vulnerable

Coronavirus: Prince Charles tests positive but 'remains in good


Coronavirus: NHS predicted to cope with increased demand

Coronavirus: Nottingham junior doctor sings advice

Coronavirus: Key workers' families to get priority testing for Covid-19

Coronavirus: Pharmacists face 'abusive' customers

Coronavirus: Continuing issues with protective kit for NHS, says


Coronavirus: Government orders 10,000 ventilators from Dyson

Coronavirus: Home tests not available 'next week'

Coronavirus: 'Frailty score' plan angers special needs parents

Coronavirus: Cancer patient's chemotherapy put on hold

London hospitals facing 'tsunami' of coronavirus cases

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Coronavirus: GPs demand 'clarity' over protective gear guidance

Coronavirus: Robin Swann cannot give commitment on NHS

Coronavirus: NHS field hospital plans for Scotland

Coronavirus: Pregnant women facing 'anxious, worrying time'

Coronavirus: Cancer patients 'could die due to surgery delays'

Coronavirus: Urgent staff call at 'cluster' health board

Useful Health Links

NHS Website: A-Z of health conditions

NHS Website

Check NHS standards near you

Cancer Help UK

British Heart Foundation

Health and Care Professions Council

Mental Health Foundation

General Medical Council

Nursing and Midwifery Council

Care Quality Commission


NHS Scotland

Health in Wales

NI Direct

Clinical trials information

Diabetes UK

British Lung Foundation

National Obesity Forum

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(click to open)

Bulletin for clinical commissioning groups (CCGs)

Chief Nursing Bulletin

Chief Scientific Officer Bulletin

Compassion in Practice strategy and 6Cs Live!

Liaison and Diversion Bulletin

Pharmacy and Medicines Bulletin

Primary Care Bulletin

Specialised Commissioning Stakeholder Bulletin

Revalidation Matters

Liaison and Diversion Bulletin

Specialised Commissioning Stakeholder Bulletin


Adult Protection & Safeguarding Domestic Violence

Warning over rise in UK domestic abuse cases linked to coronavirus

Coronavirus: Fears raised about increased abuse of the elderly

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How bacteria form communities on the human tongue

Commonly used mouthwash could make saliva significantly more acidic, change microbes


Inflammation in the brain linked to several forms of dementia

Alzheimer's disease: Inflammation triggers fatal cycle

Evidence review on dementia care and caregiving intervention now available for public comment


Coronavirus: UK in lockdown – what does it mean for you?

Checklist issued to treat inpatients with diabetes and COVID-19

Coronavirus: I have diabetes, am I at a greater risk?

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Diet, Nutrition and Obesity

Could probiotics treat obesity?

Too much salt weakens the immune system

Diet, nutrition have profound effects on gut microbiome

Analysis predicts purified fish oil could prevent thousands of cardiovascular events

Digital Health Technology

NHSX working on coronavirus contact tracking app

GoodSAM app being used to recruit NHS volunteers

Frimley Park Hospital installs new ‘deep learning’ CT scanners

King’s College London launches Covid-19 symptom reporting app

Covid-19: Video consults require ‘major changes to a complex system’

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Immunisation and Infection

Coronavirus SARS-CoV2: BESSY II data accelerate drug development

Blocking sugar structures on viruses and tumor cells

Graphite nanoplatelets on medical devices kill bacteria and prevent infections

Learning Disability and Challenging Behaviour

My sister has a learning disability and I can’t visit her because of coronavirus

Avoid frailty score in Covid-19 guidance when assessing LD patients

Mental Health

Looking After Your Mental Health In Self-Isolation

Anxious about COVID-19? Stress can have lasting impacts on sperm and future offspring

Heat takes its toll on mental health

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Device brings silicon computing power to brain research and prosthetics

New brain reading technology could help the development of brainwave-controlled devices

New brain disorder discovery


Genetic signature may identify mothers at risk for preeclampsia

Breast milk may help prevent sepsis in preemies

Benefits of fish in moderation while pregnant outweigh risks for child

A critical enzyme for sperm formation could be a target for treating male infertility


New technology helps in hunt for new cancer drug combinations

Loss of protein disturbs intestinal homeostasis and can drive cancer

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Childhood obesity linked to higher risk of anxiety, depression and premature death

Mother/infant skin-to-skin touch boosts baby's brain development and function

Clinical and epidemiological features of 36 children with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Zhejiang, China: an observational cohort study

Patient Safety

Hospices Strategize to Assure Patients that Care Is Safe During Pandemic


New understanding of immune modulator interleukin-2 guides drug discovery

Cannabis helps fight resistant bacteria

New device quickly detects harmful bacteria in blood

Patients at risk of drug-induced sudden cardiac death in COVID-19

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Seniors and Aging

Community characteristics may affect life expectancy

Vitamin D boosts chances of walking after hip fracture


Past your bedtime? Inconsistency may increase risk to cardiovascular health

To sleep deeply: The brainstem neurons that regulate non-REM sleep

5 expert tips to protect your sleep while working from home

Sports Medicine/Fitness

Walking more linked with lower blood pressure

Patients with exercise-related hyponatremia advised to 'drink to thirst'

Higher daily step count linked with lower all-cause mortality

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Blood platelets trigger events that cause organ damage after heart surgery

'I'm very frightened': lives on hold as NHS surgery postponed due to Covid-19


Q&A on smoking and COVID-19

Smokers likely to be more at risk from coronavirus: EU agency

World Health Organisation

Pass the message: Five steps to kicking out coronavirus

Ensuring continuity of TB services during the COVID-19 pandemic

New WHO recommendations to prevent tuberculosis aim to save millions of lives

Wound Management

How skin cells prepare to heal wounds

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Social Care

Covid-19: Social Work England starts drive to temporarily register up to 8,000 former practitioners

Covid-19: Social Work England starts drive to temporarily register up to 8,000 former practitioners

Covid-19: how has social work responded to the coronavirus crisis?

Councils given £1.6bn to deal with impact of coronavirus on social care and vulnerable people

Social work and social care staff on list of workers whose children can go to school during Covid-19 crisis

Over 1,600 social workers have taken part in accreditation as scheme costs hit £24m

DfE issues guidance on managing isolation in children’s homes during coronavirus outbreak

Social work diary: ‘It’s hard for anyone to know what to do with the situation changing daily’

Covid-19: increased isolation ‘risks worsening level and severity of domestic abuse’

Coronavirus Bill: MPs back legislation to allow ministers to suspend key Care Act

‘Exploitation does not stop at 18’: chief social workers highlight gap in support for young adult victims

‘It has never been more important to come together and support each other’

Key Resources

Social Care TV


Social Care Online

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Research Register for Social Care

Social Care Research Ethics Committee

All SCIE resources


Blog: Coronavirus

COVID-19 guidance for NHS workforce leaders

Covid-19 mass testing facilities could end the epidemic rapidly

Covid-19: 15 000 deregistered doctors are told, “Your NHS needs you”

Covid-19: control measures must be equitable and inclusive

Covid-19: GPs can stop health checks for over 75s and routine medicine reviews

Covid-19: medical students to be employed by NHS as part of epidemic response

Hospitals get ramped up for delivery of protective kit to staff fighting coronavirus

Mental Health Network comments on Coronavirus Bill

NHS Digital brings on security software firm to shore up NHSmail

NHS strikes major deal to expand hospital capacity to battle coronavirus

We need every doctor, every nurse and every clinical facility

Pregnant healthcare staff under pressure to work during Covid-19 crisis

New NHS nightingale hospital to fight coronavirus

‘Your NHS Needs You’ – NHS call for volunteer army

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COVID-19 coronavirus: what is an underlying health condition?

How to stay healthy while working at home

COVID-19 coronavirus: what is shielding and who needs it?

NICE Clinical Knowledge Summaries provides primary care practitioners with a readily accessible summary of the current evidence base and

practical guidance on best practice in respect of over 300 common and/or significant primary care presentations.

The service is being regularly maintained and upgraded as and when significant new evidence emerges and up to 10 new topics will be added

each year. You can access the service here.

To suggest a new topic, please contact us.

National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Health Technology Assessment

COVID-19 vaccine and therapies research boosted by six new projects in £10.5 million rapid funding round

Industry partnership aims to tackle key areas of health research

NIHR partners with the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene to fund global health early career researchers

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DoH Press Releases/New Publications

Crucial medicines protected for coronavirus (COVID-19) patients

Major new measures to protect people at highest risk from coronavirus

COVID-19 essential travel guidance

New regulations created by Secretary of State for business closure (COVID-19)

UK launches whole genome sequence alliance to map spread of coronavirus

New technology challenge to support people who are isolating

Vaccine trials among recipients of £20 million coronavirus research investment

Coronavirus (COVID-19): letter from the Minister of State for Care to recruitment agencies

Covid-19: Support for businesses

Government launches Coronavirus Information Service on WhatsApp

Government to provide free car parking for NHS and social care staff


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