Download - In The End All You Really Have Is 21/Sea Cliff NY News/Sea... ·  · 2013-05-29Piano solos were play ... room to support this important drive.

Page 1: In The End All You Really Have Is 21/Sea Cliff NY News/Sea... ·  · 2013-05-29Piano solos were play ... room to support this important drive.



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(Continued from Faze 1.) the war, they have always displayed a splendid community spirit and pa­triotism, doing everything required of them in meeting national emerg­encies as they arose. The big na­tional emergency now is jobs for veterans, and I feel confident that the same employers will do every­thing within their power to provide suitable openings for the men and women who are now seeking secur­ity and prosperity in a peacetime world.

"We have, plenty of applicants of every type with experience in every type of work. If employers will make it a point to notify us inv mediately of any present or pros­pective job openings, we will make every effort to supply the right person for the right job—the pri­mary objective of the United States Employment Service."

Mr. Lloyd quoted Joseph B. O^Connor, Regional USES Director, as saying that "finding jobs for veterans is today the most import­ant, the most vital employment problem facing the country. Let us be ready to cooperate in every way with community groups and private industry to return as many veterans as possible to civilian employment in the shortest possible time."

Girl Scout Notes

Ice cream is known to have been served in America as early as 1808 in the City of New Orleans.

Troop 43 Troop 43 held a Clothing Drive

party at Mrs. Munson's residence. Games were played and refresh­ments served. Last Saturday the Troop attended Sonja Heme's ice show at Madison Square Garden.

Scribe, Ruth Afessi.

Troop 4 This is just a little word from

Troop No. 4. We had a grand time working and playing at Scouts.

Scribe, Carol Really.

Troop 25 We had our first meeting since

the Christmas vacation. Most of the time was spent getting our busi­ness in order. We read a play which we would like to give on St. Valen­tine's Day.

Scribe, Pamela Huke. Brownie Troop 42

On Monday, January 21st, Brownie Troop No. 42 which is under the leadership of Mrs. Floyd Cheshire and Mrs. Andrew Sommer, met at the firehouse. Pour of the Brownies Xande Post, Sandra Lippner, Ruth


Lana Turner and Van Johnson form an exciting new romantic team in "Week-end at the Waldorf" M-G-M's all-etar hit in which they appear with Ginger Rogers and Walter Pidgeon. The film will be shown at the Cove Theatre Sunday through Wednesday.

GUjftatmas (Ulitb Now Open

The State Bank of Sea Cliff Member

Federal Reserve System—Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

Boxes $3.00 Per Year and Up 35=

Danancher and Jerry D'Alessio flew up into Girl Scout Troop 27 of which Mrs. Sam McConnell is lead­er. Seventy people attended this meeting. Members of both troops entertained. Piano solos were play­ed by Susan Deakins and Betty Stepulkowski. Janet Pecan danced and sang several songs. Kay Boyce and Marilyn Whitehill, in costume, entertained with several tap dances. Refreshments were served. We had a very good time.

Scribe, Susan Deakins.


The appointment of four of the ten section chairmen in the Village Canvass Division of the 1946 Red Cross Fund Drive was announced to­day by Henry B. Roberts, of Free-port, head of Village Canvass in the County.

Mayor Arthur Aitkenhead, of Glen Cove, Wharton B. Allen, of Farm-ingdale, and Arthur H. Wright, of Manhasset, have been named to head their sections again this year, and Albert W. Price, of Freeport, will lead the section in which he was district captain in the two prev­ious Red Cross drives.

If You Live In Sea Gliff

You Need the

CLIFF NEWS Published Every hriday

F .A Complete Record of the

Official, Religious, Civic, Fraternal and Social Life of One Square Mile

Red Cross Drive Opens On Saturday, February 16, at

eight in the evening in the High School auditorium, the 1946 Ameri­can Red Cross Campaign will open with* an entertainment including the Ralladeers, school talent, and a spe­cial guest entertainer.

Tickets are sixty cents including tax and will be sold by students. You can help by buying a ticket to­day!

Student Council

The regular Student Council meet­ing was called to order by Bob Goodwin last week. Several matters of business were discussed.

Council decided to apply to the National Honor Society for member­ship for the school. The cheer­leaders were asked to find a new plan for the selection of members since there has ben quite a con­troversy about the subject this year. The Council will also award sweat-ters to the Seniors graduating from school with nine letters in sports.

Sea Cliff Drops One to Westbury

Sea Cliff met WesUbury last Fri­day night on the Westbury court. The CUffmen lost a hard-fought battle 20-90.

After a slow beginning Sea Cliff picked up speed in the third quarter but not in time to wear down the substantial lead that their opponents had built up in the first half of the game. Welz led the scoring for Sea Cliff with eight points followed by |fhur with five points.

The line-up: I Sea Cliff (20)

onur . . . . .^. . .>**>.»«« .« • • • .» . o Well 8 Goodwin 4 Grilln , 8

dents. The grade bulletin boards sport colorful paintings by the kindergarten. One board publicizes the Clothing Drive by means of vivid posters.

Clothing Drive The Clothing Drive which began

January 11 win continue till Wed­nesday the 30th. Speeches have been made in each individual class room to support this important drive. Over 100,000,000 pieces of clothing are needed. Both summer and winter clothes can be of great help.

Well, good citizens, if the school children call help these poor foreign people, how about YOU!


Advertisements J AU

must be paid far in ty cents for the first and 25 cenU for big

WANTED: Woman, full or port time, to work (for nationally known firm. Training and equipment sup­plied. Write Box B, See Cliff News, Sea Cliff, for details.


Report for the week ending Janu­ary IS.

Admissions, 74; operations, 24; out patients, 15; ambulance calls, 8; births, 13.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Halven-sen, Glen Cove, a daughter, Janu­ary 9th.

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Brownell, Great Neck, a daughter, January 9.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Dowling, Bayville, a son, January 9.

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick D. Volino, Glen Cove, a son, January 10.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Dade, Roslyn Heights, a son, January 10.

Staff Sergeant and Mrs. Thomas J. Rohan, East Williston, a daugh­ter, January 11.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Coles, Glen Head, a daughter, January 15th. *

Staff Sergeant and Mrs. Edward E. Johnson, Glen Cove, a daughter, January 13.


Mailed to any address at $1.50 Per Year

i • *

Telephone your.Subecription to Glen Cove 615


20 Westbury (30)

Fnrvni^lr A

Zitiino • • . . . . . . . . . • • • • . . . . . . . . . . Xv

vaoiion • . . . . . . . . . . ( . . . . . . , . , . . o Donahue 5 r luBgeraio o lanconne • • • • . • . • • • . • > > . . . . • . « • v B. Fitzgerald 0

, 80 Carpe Diem

v Send the Sea Cliff News Ea** Week to: . * •

w i n

second meeting of Carpe for the month was held Wed-

nesday, January 16, at eight p. m. The speaker was Mr. Edwin Nelson of tiie Commerce Department who had Just returned from service in the United States Army. Mr. Nel­son spoke of his school and college experiences.

After this very interesting talk there was dancing in the gym and refreshments were served to nbbut thirty-five Juniors and Seniors.

Bulletin Boards

Report for week ending January 20.

Admissions, 72; operations, 21; out patients, 8; ambulance calls, 5; births, 16.

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Pearsall Roslyn Heights, a son, January 14.

ARM 3/c and Mrs. Howard T. Beatty, Westbury, a son, January 14.

Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph E. Bach-man, Locust Valley, a son, January 15.

Mr .and Mrs. Dominic J. Massa, Oyster Bay, a daughter, January 15.

Mr .and Mrs. John Mahoney, Oys­ter Bay, a son, January 15.

Mr. and Mrs. John E. Kilibasa, Glen Cove, a daughter, January 16.

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Putten, Oyster Bay, a son, January 17.

Mr. and Mrs. George F. Macfar-lane, Bayside, a son, January Iff.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. James, Oyster Bay, a daughter, January 17.

Mr. and Mrs. Prank J. Higgins, Oyster Bay, a son, January 17.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. McLaugh­lin, Oyster Bay, a daughter, Janu­ary 18.

Mr. and Mrs. George J. Wedley, Oyster Bay, a daughter, January 18.

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Nusso, Glen Cove, a daughter, January 18.

HELP WANTED: Stenographer. Typing, dictation and general office work. 5 days, 40 hour week. Ap­ply in person—Pilot Packing Co., Inc., 235 Glen Cove Avenue, Sea Cliff. 1-18-lc

WANTED—Woman for part-time work cleaning 4 room apartment. TeL Glen Oove 2978. 1-11-tfc

HELP WANTED: Part time house­keeper, afternoons through dinner hour. Small family of adults. Call evenings—Glen Cove 2586-W.

^ 1-lG-tfc I

ACCOMMODATIONS WANTED by couple. House, bungalow or apart­ment Furnished or unfurnished. Write Box G, Sea Cliff News.

1-25-tfc FOR SALE: Automatic temperature

controls for coal burning steam furnace. Used two months. Com­plete $22. Tel. Glen Cove 2669.


AVAILABLE: Nice, cosy room in comfortable private home. Suit­able for one person. Write Box K, Sea Cliff News. 1-25-lc

WANT TO BUY: House or bunga­low, either one or two family dwelling within five miles of Glen Cove. Will pay cash $10,000 or less. Write Box 981, Glen Head, New York. 1-25-lc

WANTED: Old curio cabinet, bric-a-brac, china, silver and elassware. Will pay highest cash prices. All transactions confidential. J. F. Hass-inger, 263 Glen Cove Avenue, Sea Clin*. Tel. Glen Cove 2978.


PAINTING AND DECORATING^ B. C. Krygar, 76 Laurel Avenue, Sea CHff. Tel. Glen Cove '3232.


TREE WORK: Pruning and topping s specialty. Lawns, gardens. Lloyd Huffer Sr. Tel Glen Cove 395-J.

5-18-5p « — — — — — ^ - ^ — — T w I M | „ •• • . in - i i [• i iwi .j i i | | i i l . . . i ] lL-ir .- .IIJIII "I i .ii mi u ••••- | M n a n r

MISCELLANEOUS FURNISHINGS for sale including—Steel bridge set, $15; drop leaf table $8; 2 4 x 6 ft. rugs, 85 each; 9 x 12 ft.

^ rngf HO; large victrola, $15; small radio, $10; maple Welsh cupboard, cocktail and lamp tables, dinette table, mirrors, pictures, lamps, drapes, extra flue mahog­any buffet, love sest, etc. J. F. Hsssinger, 261-268 Glen Cove Ave­nue, Sea Cliff. Tel. Glen Cove 2978. 1-11-tfc

REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: &en Cove vicinity. 7 room house new­ly decorated, 2 car garage, $6,-000. 6 room bungalow, garage, $4,500. 4 family house, $15,000. Also secluded summer cottage of 2 rooms, $2,500. Acre plots $1,500 each. Many other 1 istings. R. E. Christensen, 63 School Street, Glen Cove 454. 1-25-lc




137 Seventh Ave., Sea Cliff, N. Y.

PROMPT SERVICE Iiawn Mowers Sharpened and Repair ed. Keys made. Skates ground. Sawi tiled. General grinding (tools and

household items)


821 Sea Cliff Ave. Tel. Glen Cove 15t

bulletin boards this week are both interesting and attractive. The high school boards display the pro­grams of current plays on Broad­way and also feature news high­lights of 1946. The latter display is n collection of magazine head­lines mounted on colored paper and arranged around a central figure representing John Q. Public.

The Hbrary bulletin board has a aiful display of book covers h should be of interest to stu-

Phone 240 Box 882 Glen Cove ROBERT F. PATHtSON & SON

General Repair Shop Lawn Mowers Ground and Repaired.

Ail Parti Kept in Stock Pump Motor Work Acetylene Welding

15 Maple Avenue, Glen Cove, L. I.


11 Preston Avenue or Porter Place South See COS

Visits By Appointment

Tele phone Glen O r e 2179 , ^ ^ — ^ — — — — — " ^ — — — • — — • m

Telephone Glen Cove 1822-R


Plumbing and Heating

Estimates CheerfuHy Given

lll-14th Avenue, Sen Cliff, N. Y.

Telephone Glen Cove 2058


P. Carlson, Prop.

Onsult en about y e w landscaping

50 Cromwell Place, Sea Cliff, N.

Tel. Glen Cove 1579


Cesspools Cleaned and Built Cellars Pumped

Hillside Avenue Glen Cove, L. L



Office Hours: 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. Glen

Sea Cliff New York


Real Estate and General

CHff, N. Y.

Telephone Glen Cove 848

GEORGE G. T O W W S V V n i \J if n oturi u

Seel E*tste — North Share Properties %

Pnone 90 or 2018 " — " 4 West Glen S t Glen Cove, M. Y.

"to Be Sure -


Sen CHff, N. Y. ;• I offer honest, reliable end

service in my solicitation of Building Construction, Alteration or Ihjinlri tf any nature. Telephone Connection,


Repairs of all kinds of Stoves, Furnaces, Boilers end Get Hsngei. Roofing of all kinds.

Telephone Glen Ceve 4844


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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069