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Page 1: In Press School Magazine Annotations

Masthead; The masthead for the ‘in press’ is simple,

yet bold and professional. Written in white the title appears to be plain, clear and pure.The use of the title ‘in press’ is very similar to the word ‘impress’, it could be considered to be a pun, used to give a positive

message about the academy.

Images; The image for this edition of ‘in press’ is the main focus, the

background has been blurred so the people on the front will receive the most attention and will draw people into the


Fonts; The font is clear and easy to see/read. The titles and headlines are written in a slightly larger font to attract people to read more

of the magazine by showing them whats inside.

Colour scheme; The colour scheme is consistent throughout the cover page, with white and different shades of green being the main colours. With

green also being the academy colours.

Coverlines; The cover lines are separated from main story and are at the

bottom of the page.

Language; The language used, praises students and staff for their achievements, which makes the academy sound impressive, that pupils and staff are constantly at the top of their game, which links to the title ‘In Press’ and

its almost pun ‘impress’.

Layout; The layout is very similar to ‘Rolling Stone’ magazine. Like ‘Rolling

Stone’ magazine there is a picture on the cover of the magazine which is the main focus, with some writing at the side, and little bits of


Content; The content of ‘In Press’ is positive and shows the

achievements made at Corby business academy, which will make people want to come and be a part of it.

Slogan; The slogan is ‘CBA students & their future… In press’ which sounds like it’s saying CBA students and their futures are

impressive. This makes the school look better, and encourages people to come here to receive an education.

Date/ issue number; The date/ issue number is common in most magazines and is also in ‘In press’ which is good because people

can see that the magazine is consistent

Page 2: In Press School Magazine Annotations

Colour scheme; The colour scheme consists of black, white and green with white and black being the main colours. The colours are used to make certain words stand out such as ‘principle’ and to separate the


Images; There is two images on this page, in the first section is the

principle and some pupils which then leads into a ‘Letter from the Principle’. The second picture is in the third section and shows group pf pupils an some employees holding certificates and

celebrating, the picture was taken to show the academy’s achievements.

Language; The language is similar to as it was on the front cover, it is still positive

and boasting the academy’s achievements which will appeal to a reader who would be interested in enrolling their child.

Layout; The layout is clear and straight forward, the page is split into three

parts each with different information and covers more than just one part of the academy, each faculty gets recognition.

Coverlines; The cover lines stand out and are bold, they catch the readers

eye which means that they can navigate easily through the magazine picking what to read and what not.

Fonts; The font is quite small but because the colour of the font tends to

be opposite to the back ground colour in the second and third section it is readable and looks smart.

Content; The content is a letter from the principle where he is giving

praise to different parts of the academy and giving the reader an overview of what has been happening in the


Page 3: In Press School Magazine Annotations

Masthead; The mast head does not stand out and is not creative, it tells the reader

where the magazines from and that it is a newspaper. The masthead also shows the school logo.

Images; There is two pictures on the cover page, the first is a picture of the school, and the second is an advert for a summer show, the advert for the show is bright and eye catching which will entice

the reader.

Colour scheme; The colour scheme starts off as purple and grey in the first

section, in the middle there is no set colour scheme, and in the last section the headline is purple. There is no real consistency.

Language; The language is simple so that anyone can understand what the cover says. The sentences and paragraphs are short and easy to

read which allows the reader to quickly read the information .

Layout; The cover is quite crowded. Nothing stands out to the reader and there is too much writing on the cover which makes the reader disinterested

because it doesn't really have an appeal.

Coverlines; There is not really cover lines to separate each part of the cover, blocks are used instead which makes each part seem important

instead of it flowing.

Fonts; The font is quite small throughout the cover which makes it hard to read, especially in the summer show advert, an improvement

would be to make the font bigger and expand information throughout several pages.

Content; The content is about what is happening in the school, it

informs the reader. The cover has diary dates, an advert for a summer show, and two informative paragraphs.

Date/ issue number; The cover has a date but no issue number. Having a date is good because it allows the reader to know how recent

the new is.

Page 4: In Press School Magazine Annotations

Masthead; The masthead is simple

and clear, the reader knows exactly what the magazine will offer. The masthead stands out and is eye-catching because it is written in white on an

orange background, it draws the reader in.

Images; The image for this magazine is in the middle of the page.

Because the picture is showing the pupils enjoying themselves and having fun the publisher wants it to be one of the first thing

that the reader will see, so that the school will seem more appealing.

Colour scheme; the colour scheme is consistent throughout the cover page;

orange,white,black and blue, being the colours that there is most of. All the colours are light and relaxing, yet gets noticed without

being too in your face.

Language; The language is enthusiastic and gets the reader excited, making them want to read more. A headline on the front page saying ‘New Era Begins at School’ makes the school seem different from others and can offer something different to what has been offered before.

Layout; The cover is split into three parts, the first being the masthead with the

issue number, date and a website address, the second part is an image of pupils enjoying themselves, the third part is some information

about the first day of school, the logo, and advertising their twitter.

Coverlines;The first cover line is just a white line spearing the masthead from the image, the second cover line is a wavy line that separates the image from the information, the wavy line keeps the cover flowing

and each part moves into the other.Fonts;

The larger font is more eye catching and clear, whereas the smaller font is not so easy to read and would be the last thing the

reader will see on the cover.

Content; The content of ‘Corby Technical School News’ is about the

school, what goes on, and how the pupils feel about it.

Date/ issue number; The date/ issue number is common in most magazines and is also in ‘Corby Technical School News’ which is good because people can see that the magazine is

consistent, but unfortunately for this school their magizines/newsletters are not consistent with the last one

released December 2013, issue 3.

Page 5: In Press School Magazine Annotations

Images; There is two images on this page, the first being the principal and the second being a pupil entering the school, the images

are good because it allows the reader to see who is in charge of the school and the other image allows the reader to see a bit of

what the school looks like and the uniform.

Colour scheme; The colour scheme is grey, orange and beige. It is simple and

not too in your face which some readers may prefer.

Language; The language is enthusiastic and welcoming to the reader, because the principle seems optimistic and cheery, the reader will feel the same and

will want to send their children to the school.

Layout; The layout is a cover line, letter from the principle, and then an image. The layout is simple, clear, and easy to read, which encourages the

reader to keep on reading through the magazine.

Coverlines There is only one cover line on this page, the cover line says

‘Welcome’ which makes the reader feel as though they are being directly spoken to, which makes reading the magazine more

personal to them.

Fonts; The font is a perfect size, it’s not too big or too small and can be read by the majority of people. The font size allows the principles

letter to fit just right in the first section.

Content; The content of this page is about the opening of their new school, initiatives, and some of the pupils achievements, which gives a positive message that the school is always
