Download - in Higher Education Administration · 2019-11-22 · If you’re passionate about next-generation learning, ... An emphasis will be placed on applying best practices in higher education

Page 1: in Higher Education Administration · 2019-11-22 · If you’re passionate about next-generation learning, ... An emphasis will be placed on applying best practices in higher education

in Higher Education Administration

Page 2: in Higher Education Administration · 2019-11-22 · If you’re passionate about next-generation learning, ... An emphasis will be placed on applying best practices in higher education

Founded in 1905, Concordia University–Portland

is an accredited, nonprofit, Christian university

committed to sharing our Lutheran values of open

discourse, intellectual inquiry, justice, compassion,

diversity, and inclusion to prepare leaders for the

transformation of society.

Concordia University is one of the most respected

names in learning today, developing ethical leaders

who serve with compassion and inspire innovative

solutions. We teach our students to move forward

with purpose, courage, and integrity. Part of an

active, connected network of alumni, Concordia-

trained professionals are positively impacting

communities around the country and the world.

ConCordi a Uni V ErSiT Y ’S M a S TEr of EdUC aTion progr a MS

Our MEd programs offer relevant curricula designed and taught by an engaging faculty that includes practitioners in the field. Our five-week classes can be accessed completely online—anytime, anywhere. That convenience paired with clearly defined coursework, realistic deadlines, and the ability to immediately apply what you learn are what make our degree programs doable and ideal for your busy working lifestyle.

If you’re passionate about next-generation learning, Concordia is the university leading the way and shaping the future of education.


Page 3: in Higher Education Administration · 2019-11-22 · If you’re passionate about next-generation learning, ... An emphasis will be placed on applying best practices in higher education

The MEd in Higher Education Administration

program offers a comprehensive

understanding of current theories, practices,

and trends in higher education. Topics covered

range from student affairs to accreditation

procedures to legal aspects of managing

postsecondary education settings. Through

coursework in this program, you will develop

a comprehensive understanding of issues in

higher education. You will also learn strategies

for building consensus, creating change,

embracing diversity, and influencing beneficial

outcomes for students, communities, and

higher learning institutions.

aT a gL a nCE30 CrEdiT-hoUr prograM

100% onLinE

CoMpLETE in onE YEar (with built-in breaks)


aCCrEdiTEd bY ThE norThwEST CoMMiSSion on CoLLEgES and UniVErSiTiES (nwCCU)

progr a M ob JEC Ti V ESIn addition to meeting the objectives for all Concordia MEd programs, through completion of this program, candidates will:

- Develop an understanding of theories pertinent to adult development, student learning, and student affairs to promote innovative solutions to issues in higher education.

- Develop an understanding of university identity through analysis of institutional profiles, including attention to university classification (public, private, faith-based, etc.), student profile, and mission/vision of the institution.

- Recognize the crucial role of diversity in higher education, attending to the underrepresented needs of diverse college student populations.

- Utilize research methodologies to evaluate program effectiveness, assess institutional strategic priorities, and analyze accreditation practices.

- Demonstrate in-depth knowledge and thoughtful application of legal and ethical practices relevant to professional role.

- Reflect on and use abilities and opportunities to think strategically, build consensus, create change, and influence beneficial outcomes for students, families, communities, and the profession.

LE T’S Ch aT

CaLL: 1-888-986-8148

appLY onLinE: 


EMaiL: [email protected]

in Higher Education Administration


Page 4: in Higher Education Administration · 2019-11-22 · If you’re passionate about next-generation learning, ... An emphasis will be placed on applying best practices in higher education

EdhE 501Educational Leadership in Higher Education3 credits

EdhE 502Law and Policy in Higher Education3 credits

EdhE 503Survey of Research Methodology in Higher Education3 credits

EdhE 504Knowing Adult Learners3 credits

EdhE 505Strategic Planning, Program Development, and Evaluation3 credits

EdhE 506Curriculum Development in the Postsecondary Setting3 credits

EdhE 507Higher Education Governance and Accreditation3 credits

EdhE 508The Practice of Student Affairs3 credits

EdhE 509Enrollment Management and Marketing3 credits

EdhE 510Capstone: Application and Reflection3 credits


h i g h E r E dU C aTi o n a d M i n iS Tr aTi o n


Page 5: in Higher Education Administration · 2019-11-22 · If you’re passionate about next-generation learning, ... An emphasis will be placed on applying best practices in higher education

CoUrSE dESCrip TionS

EdhE 501Educational

Leadership in Higher Education

3 credits

This course will introduce students to different theories of leadership and how those theories can be applied to the higher education setting. Course will examine principles of change management and leadership development in the modern college or university.

EdhE 502Law and Policy in Higher Education

3 credits

Course addresses the laws and policies that govern higher education. Students will examine issues such as student privacy, life on campus, justice and equity, freedom of expression, the relationship with employees and faculty, and the implications of in loco parentis. Issues will be examined through the lens of state and federal law and policy.

EdhE 503Survey of Research

Methodology in Higher Education

3 credits

Course will provide an overview of the types and uses of research common in higher education. Course requires students to identify the basic components of academic research literature, how research is used to contribute to the body of knowledge, and the role and purpose of a literature review.

EdhE 504Knowing Adult

Learners3 credits

EdhE 505Strategic

Planning, Program Development, and

Evaluation3 credits

How does learning change from childhood into adulthood? Course addresses the nature of learning in adulthood and how it is different from learning in childhood. Course describes conditions that need to be present for effective adult learning activities and how to develop those conditions. Course will address types of learning in adulthood and the nature of adult motivation.

Course will establish the role of strategic planning, program development, and evaluation in the management of the modern higher education institution. Course will examine the role and types of data used in strategic planning. The impact of planning and evaluation on leadership will be explored.

CrE d iT- h oU r pro g r a M

Concordia University-Portland’s Master of Education in Higher Education Administration is a 30 credit-hour degree program.

h i g h E r E dU C aTi o n a d M i n iS Tr aTi o n


Page 6: in Higher Education Administration · 2019-11-22 · If you’re passionate about next-generation learning, ... An emphasis will be placed on applying best practices in higher education

CoUrSE dESCrip TionS

CrE d iT- h oU r pro g r a M

Course will address the conditions for effective curriculum development in the postsecondary setting. Course will expose students to instructional design theories and best practices. A review and evaluation of assessment processes will be conducted.

EdhE 506Curriculum

Development in the Postsecondary

Setting3 credits

EdhE 507Higher Education

Governance and Accreditation

3 credits

Course addresses the role of state and federal government and the regional accrediting bodies in the governance of colleges and universities. Course will examine who is responsible for defining “quality” for student-consumers and how and where that definition is applied.

EdhE 508The Practice of Student Affairs

3 credits

This course provides an introduction to the role of student affairs professions in the development of a college or university student. Course will address issues around diversity, the law, ethics, and identity in student development.

EdhE 509Enrollment

Management and Marketing

3 credits

EdhE 510Capstone:

Application and Reflection

3 credits

Course will review the variables that influence the higher education market, including financial aid, marketing, and enrollment trends. Course will examine current issues related to enrollment and diversity, nontraditional learners, and underserved populations.

This course creates opportunities for students to critically reflect on their learning in this program and apply that learning to real world problems. An emphasis will be placed on applying best practices in higher education and using the research and literature to propose a solution.

CaLL: 1-888-986-8148

appLY onLinE: 


EMaiL: [email protected]

h i g h E r E dU C aTi o n a d M i n iS Tr aTi o n


Page 7: in Higher Education Administration · 2019-11-22 · If you’re passionate about next-generation learning, ... An emphasis will be placed on applying best practices in higher education

Even as an online student,

I feel part of something

larger than myself.

Concordia has developed

a supportive educational

environment that has made

a difference in my life.

- CHristinE C. FolEy, ‘18, MEd in C&i: stEAM

LE T’S Ch aT

CaLL: 1-888-986-8148

appLY onLinE: 


EMaiL: [email protected]


Page 8: in Higher Education Administration · 2019-11-22 · If you’re passionate about next-generation learning, ... An emphasis will be placed on applying best practices in higher education

LE T’S Ch aT

CaLL: 1-888-986-8148

appLY onLinE: 


EMaiL: [email protected]

U. S . CiTiz EnS or pErM a nEnT rESidEnTS

Completed online application:

Applicants must have earned a bachelor’s degree or higher from a regionally accredited institution

official transcripts from a regionally accredited college/university with posted bachelor’s or master’s degree. For your convenience, please sign the transcript release form if you would like Concordia University-Portland to request official transcripts on your behalf.

Work History Form

Applicants must have a cumulative undergraduate GPA of 2.8 or higher*

statement of intent that addresses the following:

Briefly introduce yourself to the Graduate Admissions Office and College of Education teams by discussing your professional background and your interest in pursuing a Master of Education at Concordia. (~75–100 words)

Describe your professional goals and their alignment with your chosen program and to Concordia’s overall mission. Illustrate how your strengths and experiences have prepared you for success in the program. (~200–250 words)

Discuss an immediate, real-world challenge in the professional field to which your degree aligns (e.g. PK-12 education, higher education, corporate training). Provide an example. What action should educators or professionals take to address this challenge? (~200–250 words)

For candidates who earned under a 2.80 GPA, please explain what led to the low GPA and how you will succeed in an academically challenging graduate program today.

* Standard admission may be granted to students who meet all the admission requirements of the specific program to which they are applying. Conditional admission may be granted to students who do not meet specific admission requirements; however, additional material and documentation will be requested. GPA and other criteria vary by degree program; please review the specific requirement listed and contact an Enrollment Specialist if you have additional questions or need more information.

Our Enrollment Specialists are always available to answer any questions you may have. But, it’s ultimately up to you to determine whether a degree program meets your needs. The MEd in Higher Education Administration is designed for those interested in or already working in a higher education setting like a college, university, adult education program, or other similar institutions/organizations.

Completing a Master of Education degree program does not lead to state certification or licensure. The MEd is not designed or intended to lead in any way toward a teaching license, endorsement, or administrative credential.

a dMiSSion rEQUirEMEnTSh i g h E r E dU C aTi o n a d M i n iS Tr aTi o n


Page 9: in Higher Education Administration · 2019-11-22 · If you’re passionate about next-generation learning, ... An emphasis will be placed on applying best practices in higher education

LE T’S Ch aT

inTErn aTion a L S TUdEnTS

International students (anyone who is not a U.S. citizen or permanent resident) will need to fulfill the following requirements to be considered for admission into any of our online programs.

the same requirements as U.s. citizens/permanent residents, plus the following additions:

Proof of a bachelor’s or master’s degree that is recognized by the Ministry of Education from that country and that is equivalent to a bachelor’s or master’s degree in the United States

Your university or college transcripts will need to be evaluated by an approved transcript evaluation partner to assess equivalence to a degree from the U.S.

Proof of English proficiency may be fulfilled by a required writing sample. The English proficiency requirement may be waived if a student attended their last two years of undergraduate schooling in the United States, Canada (English-speaking provinces), the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, and/or South Africa. Students born in one of these countries, yet educated elsewhere, are still required to satisfy the English proficiency requirement. If the writing sample does not prove a sufficient mastery of English, the student may be asked to submit scores from the TOEFL or ILETS exams.

International students enrolled in an online program will not be issued an I-20 from Concordia University-Portland and will not be eligible to receive an F-1 student visa to study in the United States.

CaLL: 1-888-986-8148

appLY onLinE: 


EMaiL: [email protected]

h i g h E r E dU C aTi o n a d M i n iS Tr aTi o n


Page 10: in Higher Education Administration · 2019-11-22 · If you’re passionate about next-generation learning, ... An emphasis will be placed on applying best practices in higher education



MEd in higher Education administration | 10/15/19