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  • Importing and Exporting Data collector files

    Version 4.71 October 2007

  • ADW Software Pythagoras - Importing and Exporting Data Collector files Page 2


    TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................................................................................ 2

    I. GENERAL PRINCIPLES ...................................................................................................................................... 4 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................................... 4 FILE - IMPORT ............................................................................................................................................................ 5

    General guidelines ................................................................................................................................................ 5 Code conversion for data collector files ............................................................................................................... 6 Configuring Pythagoras for importing data collector files .................................................................................. 6 Importing the data collector file. .......................................................................................................................... 9

    ADJUSTING TRAVERSES....................................................................................................................................... 11 Closed traverse ................................................................................................................................................... 13 Open traverse...................................................................................................................................................... 14 Fixed-point text file ............................................................................................................................................. 17

    CALCULATION OF THE ELEVATION OF A POINT (IN REFERENCE TO THE LOCAL COORDINATE SYSTEM)..................... 18 FILE - EXPORT.......................................................................................................................................................... 19

    Exporting a stake out list .................................................................................................................................... 19 II. PRINCIPLES OF EXTENDED CODE CONVERSION ................................................................................. 20

    CODES AND OPTIONS................................................................................................................................................ 20 ABOUT CODES.......................................................................................................................................................... 20

    1. Simple points................................................................................................................................................... 20 2. Simple Lines .................................................................................................................................................... 21 3. Text.................................................................................................................................................................. 21 4. Polylines : lines & arcs connecting a series of points. ................................................................................... 21 5. Points related to a polyline ............................................................................................................................. 30 6. Rectangles ....................................................................................................................................................... 31

    ABOUT OPTIONS....................................................................................................................................................... 32 1. The use of the options of the first group.......................................................................................................... 33 2. The use of the options of the second group..................................................................................................... 37

    III. THE CODE DESCRIPTION FILE.................................................................................................................. 40 PURPOSE .................................................................................................................................................................. 40 STRUCTURE AND SYNTAX OF THE CDF FILE .............................................................................................................. 40 HEADER ................................................................................................................................................................... 41

    LENGTH ............................................................................................................................................................. 41 LENGTH_OPTION............................................................................................................................................. 42 STRINGS............................................................................................................................................................. 42 LINEMODE ........................................................................................................................................................ 42 SIGNCONVENTION........................................................................................................................................... 43 ATTRIBUTES_OF_FIRST_POINT..................................................................................................................... 43 GROUP_TEXT_SYMBOL................................................................................................................................... 43 SYMBOLORIENTATION_TO_NEXT_POINT.................................................................................................... 43 UNKNOWN_ELEVATION.................................................................................................................................. 43

    ABBREVIATIONS FOR OPTIONS ................................................................................................................................. 43 CODES ..................................................................................................................................................................... 45

    Range .................................................................................................................................................................. 45 Error Code .......................................................................................................................................................... 46 Invalid measurements ......................................................................................................................................... 47 Common Attributes ............................................................................................................................................. 47 Attributes for Text (TEXT) .................................................................................................................................. 50 Attributes for simple point codes (POINT) ......................................................................................................... 55 Attributes for simple line codes (LINE)............................................................................................................... 56

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    Attributes for Rectangles (RECTANGLE)........................................................................................................... 57 Attributes for Polylines (POLYLINE) ................................................................................................................. 59 Attributes for POINT_WITHIN_POLYLINE....................................................................................................... 61 Examples of CDF file entries .............................................................................................................................. 63

    IV. EXAMPLES : USING CODES AND OPTIONS............................................................................................. 65 EXAMPLES - USING CODES AND OPTIONS FOR POLYLINES ........................................................................................ 65 EXAMPLES - USING CODES AND OPTIONS FOR A RECTANGLE ................................................................................... 78 EXAMPLES - USING CODES AND OPTIONS FOR A POINT ............................................................................................. 78 EXAMPLES - USING CODES AND OPTIONS FOR A POINT IN A POLYLINE...................................................................... 79

    V. CREATING VALID DATA COLLECTOR FILES FOR USE WITH PYTHAGORAS.............................. 81 TOPCON ................................................................................................................................................................... 81

    Introduction......................................................................................................................................................... 81 FCTE-1 ............................................................................................................................................................... 81 GTS-6 .................................................................................................................................................................. 85 FC-5 & FC-2....................................................................................................................................................... 89 FC-6/GTS-700..................................................................................................................................................... 91

    NIKON...................................................................................................................................................................... 94 Nikon 700 series/AP800...................................................................................................................................... 94 Nikon 800 series.................................................................................................................................................. 98 Nikon 300 ............................................................................................................................................................ 99 Nikon 400 .......................................................................................................................................................... 101

    PENTAX ................................................................................................................................................................. 104 PCS-Series/ R100-Series/ R300-Series ............................................................................................................. 104 ATSTOPO ......................................................................................................................................................... 108 Pentax POWERTOPO....................................................................................................................................... 111

    GEODIMETER ......................................................................................................................................................... 114 SOKKIA .................................................................................................................................................................. 117

    SDRxx series ..................................................................................................................................................... 117 SET 2C,3C,4C II ............................................................................................................................................... 121

    LEICA..................................................................................................................................................................... 122 Invalid measurement ......................................................................................................................................... 126

    ZEISS ..................................................................................................................................................................... 127 REC 500 /REC Elta........................................................................................................................................... 127 Zeiss Elta 40R en Elta 50R ............................................................................................................................... 130 Zeiss M5............................................................................................................................................................ 133

    TDS-48 DATA COLLECTOR ................................................................................................................................... 135 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 135 Job record :....................................................................................................................................................... 135 Header data : .................................................................................................................................................... 135 Record to adjust the height: .............................................................................................................................. 135 Station point:..................................................................................................................................................... 136 Detail point (Side Shot) : .................................................................................................................................. 136 Example: ........................................................................................................................................................... 137 Stake out............................................................................................................................................................ 137

    TRIMBLE DC10 AND DC10.70 FORMAT................................................................................................................. 137 APPENDIX.............................................................................................................................................................. 141

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    I. General principles


    Pythagoras can read files produced by most modern total stations and data collectors. Pythagoras does NOT read directly from the data collector. The files first need to be transmitted to your computer before they can be imported by Pythagoras. Most manufacturers of total stations and data collectors provide communication software that allows you to transmit the data to your computer. Each manufacturer uses a different format to store the data measured in the field. These formats are mostly documented in the manuals that come with the equipment. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the basics of the format used by your equipment. When you ask Pythagoras to import a data collector file, the program will read the file you selected, convert the measurements to coordinates in the drawing, and, if codes are used in the field, generate lines and symbols. However, Pythagoras can only do these steps if the program knows the data structure of the file, the meaning of the values in the file (e.g. is a distance a horizontal distance or a slope distance ...), and, if you used codes, how you would like the codes converted to lines and symbols. The conversion of codes to lines, symbols and text is very powerful. Pythagoras imposes a number of rules about the way codes can be used. However, within this set of rules, Pythagoras gives you the freedom to define your own codes. You may not only define your own codes, but you may add a number of attributes that tell Pythagoras whether to convert a code into a symbol, a line or text. In addition, these attributes can specify the color of the generated objects, the layer, and more. This document explains : 1. How you need to configure Pythagoras so the measurements that you want to import are converted correctly into coordinates in your drawing. 2. The general principles and rules for the use of codes. 3. The format of the Code Description File : the file that contains your code definitions and how Pythagoras needs to convert them into to symbols and lines. 4. Instrument-specific rules that need to be followed, in order to make valid data collector files.

    But we begin by providing a few general guidelines on how to use your instrument and data collector in order to be able to import your field data into Pythagoras.

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    General guidelines

    1. When importing a file, Pythagoras will always handle the complete file (except Leica). If you recorded multiple projects in the same file, this file will first need to be split up into one file per project.

    2. All measurements in the file must have the same format. Pythagoras is not capable of handling files that contain measurements recorded in different formats (e.g. certain records contain only angles, other records contain only coordinates, etc.). If, for some reason, you would like to record traverse data in polar format (angles and distances) and detail measurements (side shots) from the same station (occupation point) in rectangular format (coordinates), it is recommended that you store the traverse data and the data of the detail points each in different files. If a file contains two different data formats, Pythagoras will ask which data need to be read in : polar or coordinate data, depending on the type of data collector used.

    3. If several stations were required for a survey, you may either make one file per station or use 1 file

    which contains a Station record for each new station. a) Each file contains only one station:

    You need to record on paper for each station : - the position (or point number) of the station, - the backsight point. For certain data collectors, you need to reset the horizontal angle to zero while reading the backsight point (Hz = 0.0). Refer to Chapter V for the type of data collector that you are using. In the Pythagoras drawing, you will need to create a coordinate system for each station position. The coordinate system has the station point as the origin, and the backsight point as the reference direction. Each file is then imported relative to the coordinate system for that station position. Note : when using codes, lines may not remain open at the end of a file.

    b) Each file contains multiple stations.

    You need to make sure that the file contains a Station record for each new station. The Station record must contain: - the point number of the station - the backsight point - the instrument height Reset the horizontal angle when viewing the backsight point. (Hz = 0.0) When the backsight point is the first station, the backsight point number must remain empty. Since the first station has no point number (it has not been measured), an empty backsight will tell Pythagoras that the first station should be interpreted as the backsight point. With the information above, Pythagoras can calculate all coordinates. Furthermore, when using the extended coding of Pythagoras, it gives you the ability to leave lines open between station positions. Note : you may omit the Station Records if all of the following conditions are met : - the data are recorded in rectangular coordinates (in the same coordinate system)

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    - all z-values are adjusted by the instrument or by the data collector to adjust for the difference between station height and reflector height

    - Pythagoras does not need to calculate the position of eccentrically measured (offset) points

    Code conversion for data collector files

    Using the data collector in the field, you can add a code to each measurement. There are 3 different ways to have Pythagoras act on this code. A. No Code Conversion

    It can be very useful to import files either without codes, or with codes that are not intended to be "interpreted" by Pythagoras. When you select no code conversion from the menu option Defaults - Configure - Data collector - Coding options, Pythagoras will create a point (cross) for each valid measurement in your Data collector file. If your Data collector contains point numbers, the point numbers in the drawing will match the point numbers used in the field. If a measurement contains additional information (a code), this code will be used as the comment field or description of the point. All points will be placed in the layer that is currently active. The point number and code will appear in the Pythagoras control panel when you move the cursor near a point. B. Basic Code conversion : points and lines

    This Code conversion goes one step further. Pythagoras will again create a point for each measurement using the same rules as if No Code Conversion were selected. However, if you add the point number of a point that has already been measured, as the "second part" of the code, Pythagoras will automatically generate a line between the 2 points. The line will also be placed in the layer that is currently active. If you would like to connect the current point to the previous point, you can also simply enter a period (.) instead of the point number. This will tell Pythagoras that the measured point needs to be connected to the previous point. The delimiter between the code and the point number depends on the brand of the data collector. Please refer to "Creating valid data collector files for use with Pythagoras" for details. If the point number is not known, an error will pop up and the point will simply be created without a line. C. Extended code conversion

    When extended code conversion is selected, Pythagoras will convert the field data into a drawing that contains points, lines, arcs, symbols and text. The rules for this conversion are defined in the Code Description File. The code description file contains a list of the valid codes, and for each code the type of code and its attributes. The type of code defines whether the code needs to generate a line, a point, an arc, a curve or text. The attributes specify the point and line styles, the font, the color and the layer of the objects. More about the Code Description File (CDF) in a later chapter.

    Configuring Pythagoras for importing data collector files

    Before importing or exporting a Data collector file, you first need to configure Pythagoras to use the appropriate brand and model of data collector. In addition, if you use codes in the field, and you would

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    like Pythagoras to convert the codes to lines and symbols, you will need to create a Code Description File. This file needs to be "loaded" in order for Pythagoras to interpret the codes correctly. The 'Defaults' menu in Pythagoras contains the item 'Configure'. The Configure menu contains the menu items 'Data collector' and 'Load Code Description'. A. Configuring Pythagoras for the data collector that you are using

    When selecting the menu option Defaults - Configure - Data collector, a dialog box will pop up. First, select the brand and model of your Data collector. Next, depending on the data collector that you selected, you also need to specify the measurement mode used in the Data collector file and/or the level of code conversion that you would like. MEASUREMENT MODE Most data collectors allow you to record the measurements in rectangular (XYZ, YXZ or NEZ) or polar (HDZ, HVD, HVS) coordinates. Some data collectors (WILD, ZEISS, SOKKIA) provide sufficient information in the data collector file that the interpretation of the values in the file is unambiguous. Others (TOPCON FCTE-1) have a format that does not specify the meaning of the values in the different fields. If your data collector contains sufficient information so that Pythagoras can determine the measurement mode that was used, this item will be disabled. If not, you will need select the appropriate item in the dialog box that pops up when clicking the "measurement mode" button. CODING OPTIONS You always need to specify the type of Code conversion. The different types of conversion are explained in the section "Code conversion for data collector files". Extended coding can only be selected if a code description file has been loaded. (Refer to the Chapter that explains the CDF file) When selecting extended code conversion, make sure you also select the appropriate length unit for distances entered manually in the field. Using a smaller length unit than the length unit used for the measured coordinates or distances can help get more parameters in your Code field of the data collector. e.g. your data collector records the slope distance in meters, but the offsets for the eccentric (offset) points are entered in centimeters, if this is the unit used by the measuring-tape. Certain data collectors do not have a special record for station points. Other data collectors require an additional code to identify station records. If you would like your data collector file to contain multiple station records, you can add a station point code. For more information using multiple station-points, refer to "station-points". Note : For Zeiss data collectors, the length of the point identifier needs to be specified (refer to "Zeiss" in Chapter V). FORCED IMPORT It is possible to ignore the station coordinates calculated by Pythagoras during the import of polar survey data. The calculated coordinates will be replaced by coordinates in a text file. These coordinates may be the result of an adjustment program or can be given GPS points used for the stationing of your

    instrument. This file may contain XYZ, XY or Z coordinates. It is sufficient to mark the check box Allow substitution of station data in the below dialog box. The fixed points mentioned in the coordinate file should be measured in your raw data file. At all time, it should be possible to import the original raw data file on its own. All detail points measured from the station points will be imported relative to the positions of the fixed coordinates.

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    During import, you will be asked to specify the file containing the fixed points and also the file name for the report should be indicated.

    Choosing for this option will automatically disable the internal Pythagoras adjustment possibilities (see Adjusting Traverses) The generated report file will contain dS and dZ values. The differences between the measured values and the fixed values for the coordinates of the used stations will be calculated in XY (dS) and in Z (dZ). The measured values are based on the used backsight direction in a given station point.


    Sn Sn+1

    The resulting file looks like : Id dS dZ GPS091 0.038 0.117 GPS090 0.008 0.226 GPS016 0.647 1.221 GPS015 3.281 -0.048

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    B. Loading a Code Description File (CDF)

    A Code Description File is a text file that contains a list of valid codes. For each code, the CDF file contains attributes that need be interpreted by Pythagoras. Pythagoras makes use of these attributes to convert them to symbols, lines, text, etc. A CDF file is only needed if you selected extended code conversion. Loading your code description file initializes your own individual codes. If loading the CDF file encounters an error, the CDF file pops up inside a text editor, and an error message appears for the line in which the error was encountered. You can make corrections to the CDF file right there, save it, and then re-load the file. After correcting the error(s), you can also save and re-import the CDF file using 1 simple operation. Select the menu option "File" and select the sub-menu "Redo load CDF file" or simply press the F1 key. The corrected one will overwrite the previously loaded CDF file. Only code description files without any errors are accepted (and loaded) and enable you to use the extended code conversion. For more information on the Code description file, refer to the Chapter on the CDF file.

    Importing the data collector file.

    The data collector file needs to be downloaded to the computer before you can import it into Pythagoras. The import will be relative to the active coordinate system. Field data can be imported in any coordinate system: Global coordinate system, Local coordinate system or a User coordinate system. (note : field data can not be imported in page coordinates). If the current Coordinate system is the global coordinate system, you can only import files that contain rectangular coordinates. In all other Coordinate systems, other conventions can be used. The set of valid conventions depends on the brand and model of the data collector. Refer to the Chapter "Creating valid data collector files for use with Pythagoras." Depending on the type of code conversion, points, lines and text objects can be created in the active drawing (Refer to the section "Code conversion for data collector files"). Each type of data collector requires you to follow a different set of rules in order to provide Pythagoras with field data that can be imported. The global rules are : 1. Only complete measurements can be imported. (Exception : Z values can be omitted when using

    rectangular coordinates) 2. All measurements must be of one single type and convention per line. e.g. mixing rectangular

    coordinates and HVS measurements in the same data collector file is not valid. Combining both types of data in the same record is allowed. E.g. Leica will select rectangular coordinates, when using mixed data

    3. Length and angle units must remain identical, throughout the file. Special rules must be followed if there is more than one station in the survey data file. When occupying a new station, sufficient information must be recorded in the file so that Pythagoras knows: 1. the position of the station (a previously recorded point) 2. the backsight point. 3. the height of the instrument. This information must be stored in a Station Record. For more details on the Station Record, refer to "Creating valid data collector files for use with Pythagoras". When recording polar coordinates (HDZ, HVD, HVS), remember to reset the Horizontal Angle of the instrument.

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    Before importing the file, verify that the preference settings in Pythagoras correspond with the values used in the data collector. E.g. if your data collector file does not contain information on the length unit used in the file, you need to match this unit setting in Pythagoras, with the unit setting used by the data collector. For details, refer to "Creating valid data collector files for use with Pythagoras". When selecting the menu option File - Import - data collector, a dialog box will pop up requesting the name of the file that contains the field data. If importing the data collector file fails, the data collector file will pop up in a text editor and an error message will identify the line in which the error occurred. Unless the error is fatal, you have the choice to continue or to abort the import. You can edit the error(s) right there in the text editor, save the file and re-import it. After correcting the error(s), you can also save and re-import the data file using 1 simple operation. Select the menu option "File" and select the sub-menu "Redo import data collector" or simply press the F1 key. The previously imported data will be removed from the drawing and the corrected data will be re-imported.

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    While importing field data into Pythagoras, you can also have Pythagoras adjust open or closed traverses. Note the following: 1. You need the Pythagoras module Import Field Data 2. The field data need to be in polar data format. For certain instruments, the backsight angle for each

    station needs to be set to 0. Please refer to the manual for your instrument. Pythagoras will determine the points that are traverse points by interpreting their codes (Refer to the chapter that describes the CDF file). There are two types of traverse points: Simple traverse points and fixed points. Fixed points are points that have known coordinates (often orientation points). In order to make use of the traverse adjustment capabilities of Pythagoras, both types of points need to be defined in the CDF file. The codes in the CDF file need to have the following attributes : Fixed (known) point Networkpoint(FP) Traverse point Networkpoint(TP)

    Example: ; Simple traverse point STN = POINT ( LAYER("Adjustment") STYLE(0, 1) COLOR(0) NETWORKPOINT(TP) )

    ; known fixed point GPS = POINT ( LAYER("Adjustment") STYLE(0, 1) COLOR(0) NETWORKPOINT(FP) ) While importing the data collector file, and Pythagoras notices that the file contains traverse points, Pythagoras will display a message box. You can then decide whether or not you would like to have Pythagoras adjust the traverse (in 2D or 3D). Pythagoras will ask you to specify a file name and location for a text file in which the results of the traverse will be saved. In this Traverse Result text file, Pythagoras will provide an overview of the calculated results for the traverse correction. After the results file has been saved, the actual import will begin and the imported points will appear in the Pythagoras drawing (fig. 1). All detail points (side shots) will be imported relative to the adjusted traverse stations. If you would like to view the calculated results of the traverse correction, you can use Pythagoras' built-in text editor (File - Open Text files) or a text editor of your choice, to open the Traverse Result text file that you specified to Pythagoras during the import process (see fig. 2).

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    Fig. 1 Traverse Adjustment Station Observations Unadjusted coordinates Adjusted coordinates H V D N E Z N E Z N-error E-error Z-error (DMS) (DMS) (US ft) (US ft) (US ft) (US ft) (US ft) (US ft) (US ft) (US ft) (US ft) (US ft)

    1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12331'42" 8959'10" 139.59

    2 -77.102 116.364 0.034 -77.102 116.365 0.034 -0.00003 -0.0014 -0.00022 14230'55" 9020'45" 138.49

    3 -67.547 254.524 -0.802 -67.548 254.527 -0.802 0.00085 -0.00334 -0.00044 9551'43" 8905'31" 131.25

    4 63.63 258.888 1.278 63.63 258.896 1.279 0.00028 -0.0073 -0.00065 9159'18" 8945'57" 259.5

    5 81.253 -0.013 2.339 81.26 -0.002 2.34 -0.00685 -0.01112 -0.00106 8606'15" 9138'58" 81.26

    1 -0.007 -0.01 -0.001 0 0 0 -0.00725 -0.00989 -0.00119 000'00" 9000'00" 0 Angle error = 000'07"0 DMS Closure distance = 0.01226 US ft Vertical error = -0.00119 US ft Precision = 1 in 61170 Perimeter = 750.09 US ft Area in sq.ft. = 33242.9 sq.ft Area in acres = 0.76315 acres Area in sq.m. = 3088.4 sq.m

    Fig. 2

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    Closed traverse

    The field data will be imported relative to the active coordinate system in the Pythagoras drawing. Before importing the data collector file into this drawing, you will thus first need to create a user coordinate system that has the first station point (occupied point) as the origin, and a reference point as the orientation (Northing). After importing the data collector file into this user coordinate system, you can switch back to the local coordinate system to revert to actual coordinates. Note : If you would like the traverse adjustment to occur not only over distances, but also over angles, you will need to make sure that the data collector file contains a measurement of the backsight point while occupying the first station point. The example below shows a sample data collector file that contains a closed traverse. Importing this data collector file into Pythagoras, results in fig 1 (the Pythagoras drawing that contains the adjusted traverse points) and fig 2 (the Traverse Calculation Result) on the previous page. H HVD,DMS,US_FEET,CW,REL_COORDS S 1 -- 5.0 -- -- -- -- ; Occupy 1st Station point M 5 0 90 100 5.0 TP ; Measure last Station pt as backsight M 2 123.3142 89.5910 139.59 5.0 TP ; Measure 2nd Station point S 2 1 5.0 -- -- -- -- ; Occupy 2nd Station point M 3 142.3055 90.2045 138.49 5.0 TP ; Measure 3rd Station point S 3 2 5.0 -- -- -- -- ; Occupy 3rd Station point M 4 95.5143 89.0531 131.25 5.0 TP ; etc. S 4 3 5.0 -- -- -- -- M 5 91.5918 89.4557 259.50 5.0 TP S 5 4 5.0 -- -- -- -- M 1 86.0615 91.3858 81.26 5.0 TP Where : The H record is specific to the Pentax Powertopo format S records contain station point, backsight and instrument height M records contain detail point number (side shot), Horizontal angle, Vertical angle, Distance, Prism height and the code TP (which was entered in the instrument to identify the point as a traverse point).

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    Open traverse

    Below, you'll find an overview of the cases that are supported by Pythagoras and the way they need to be measured. Case 1: Open traverse, with known first and last station point

    no adjustment over the angles, only over the distances

    Where: S1 and Sn: known fixed points (GPS point,), also traverse points (occupied station positions) S2Sn-1 : traverse points (occupied station positions) (Note : the known points are shown with a round dot point symbol) Method: Occupy S1 with a given instrument orientation. Measure S2 as a simple traverse point with code TP. Then, occupy S2 and back sight to S1. Measure S3 as a simple traverse point with code TP. Do so for all Traverse Stations up to Sn. When measuring Sn, give it the code FP since it is a known point. Occupy Station Sn and backsight to Sn-1. During the import process, Pythagoras will ask you to specify the text file that contains the coordinates of the known points. Before importing, you will first need to create such a text file. Point numbers used in this ASCII text file should coincide with those used in the field. In this example, Pythagoras will be looking for coordinates of the points S1 and Sn. An example of such a fixed-point text file is provided after Open Traverse Case-3. Example S S1 -- 5.00 STN (Occupy Station 1) M S2 90.0000 90.0000 9.90 5.00 TP (Measure point S2) S S2 S1 5.00 STN (Occupy Point S2, backsight to S1) M S1 0.0000 90.0000 10.00 5.00 FP M S3 320.0000 92.0000 55.00 5.00 TP ...

    S Sn-1 Sn-2 5.00 STN

    M Sn-2 0.0000 90.0000 80.00 5.00 TP

    M Sn 208.0000 90.0000 30.00 5.00 FP S Sn Sn-1 5.00 STN S-line = station record that contains station number, backsight point, instrument height and code M-line = detail record (side shot) that contains point number, horizontal angle, vertical angle, distance, refl. height and code Applied codes : TP : unknown traverse point, for the stations S2 till Sn-1 FP : known fixed point, for S1 and Sn

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    Case 2: Open traverse, with known backsight point, known first station point,

    and known last station point no adjustment over the angles, only over the distances

    Where: 0 : known point (used for its direction) S1 and Sn: known fixed points (GPS point,). Also station (occupied) points S2Sn-1 : traverse points (occupied station positions) (Note : the known points are shown with a round dot point symbol) Method: Occupy S1 and measure point 0. This point receives the code FP, since this is a known point. Measure S2 as a simple traverse point and give it the code TP. Occupy S2 and backsight S1. While measuring S1, also give it the code FP, since this is also a known station point. Next, measure S3, and give it the code TP. Do so for all Traverse Stations up to Sn. When measuring Sn, give it the code FP since it is a known point. Occupy Station Sn and backsight to Sn-1. During the import process, Pythagoras will ask you to specify the text file that contains the coordinates of the known points. You will first need to create such a text file. Point numbers used in this ASCII text file should coincide with those used in the field. In this example, Pythagoras will be looking for coordinates of the points 0, S1 and Sn. An example of such a fixed-point text file is provided after Open Traverse Case-3. Example S S1 0 5.00 STN M 0 0.0000 90.0000 95.00 FP M S2 90.0000 72.0000 10.00 TP S S2 S1 5.00 STN M S1 0.0000 89.0000 10.00 FP M S3 225.0000 90.0000 40.00 TP ...

    S Sn-1 Sn-2 5.00 STN

    M Sn-2 67.0000 90.0000 40.00 TP

    M Sn 200.0000 90.0000 65.00 FP

    S Sn S

    n-1 5.00 STN S-line = station record that contains station number, backsight point, instrument height and code M-line = detail record (side shot) that contains point number, horizontal angle, vertical angle, distance and code Applied codes : TP : unknown traverse point, for the stations S2 till Sn-1 FP : known traverse point, for points 0, S1 and Sn

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    Case 3: Open traverse with known backsight point, known first station point, known last station point

    and known foresight (end) point adjustment over the angles, as well as over the distances

    Where: 0 : known point (used for its direction) S1 : known fixed point (GPS point,). Also first traverse (occupied) point S2Sn-1 : traverse points (occupied station positions) Sn : known fixed point (GPS point,). Also last traverse (occupied) point X : known fixed point (GPS point,) (Note : the known points are shown with a round dot point symbol) Method: Occupy station S1 and backsight to point 0. This point receives the code FP since this is a known point. Next, measure point S2 as a simple traverse point and give it the code TP. Occupy station S2 and backsight to S1. S1 also receives the code FP, since it is also a known station point. Measure S3 and give it the code TP. Repeat for all stations until you reach point Sn-1. Occupy Sn-1, backsight Sn-2 and measure point Sn. Sn is a known point and thus receives the code FP. Finally, occupy station Sn, backsight Sn-1 and measure point X as a known station point with the code FP During the import process, Pythagoras will ask you to specify the text file that contains the coordinates of the known points. You will first need to create such a text file. Point numbers used in this ASCII text file should coincide with those used in the field. In this example, Pythagoras will be looking for coordinates of the points 0, S1, Sn, and X. An example of such a fixed-point text file is provided on the next page. Example S S1 0 5.00 STN M 0 0.0000 90.0000 89.90 FP M S2 90.0000 90.0000 10.00 TP S S2 S1 5.00 STN M S1 0.0000 85.0000 10.00 FP M S3 180.0000 87.0000 35.00 TP ...

    S Sn-1 Sn-2 5.00 STN

    M Sn-2 0.0000 90.0000 20.00 TP

    M Sn 90.0000 90.0000 10.00 FP

    S Sn S

    n-1 5.00 STN M S

    n-1 0.0000 90.0000 10.00 TP M X 135.0000 90.0000 70.00 FP S-line = station record that contains station number, backsight point, instrument height and code

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    M-line = detail record (side shot) that contains point number, horizontal angle, vertical angle, distance and code Applied codes : TP : unknown traverse point, for the stations S2 till Sn-1 FP : known traverse point, for points 0 and X, as well as for stations S1 and Sn

    Fixed-point text file

    If Pythagoras encounters any fixed points (i.e. known points) during the import process, the program will ask you to specify the location of the text file that contains the coordinates of these points. This text file could look as follows (where the columns represent the point number, N, E and Z): 1 100.0 10.0 0.0 4 90.0 10.0 0.0 10 85.0 10.0 0.0 As you can see, this list has the same format as a regular coordinate list. If you have not yet created this text file before importing the data collector file, you will need to cancel the import process and create this coordinate list text file first.

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    When converting the instrument data into coordinates in your drawing, Pythagoras will adjust the elevation if needed. It is a given that, if the field data consist of coordinates with correct x, y and z values, Pythagoras does not need to do any adjustments. However, in several situations, e.g. when the input data are in polar coordinates and the instrument height and reflector height have different values, the program will need to take different factors into account to calculate the correct z-value. Pythagoras takes into account the following: 1. The elevation of the coordinate system in which the data are imported. 2. The measured elevation 3. Difference between Instrument height and Reflector height. This difference is only taken into account if no adjustment has been made by the instrument or by the data collector. For more information, refer to "Creating valid data collector files for use with Pythagoras" The elevation of a point in the Pythagoras drawing:

    Z = Zcs + Zm + Zd

    Zcs : the elevation of the origin of the coordinate system in which imported. Zm : measured elevation. Zd : Instrument height - Reflector height.

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    Exporting a stake out list

    Using the menu option File - Export, writes the selected points to a text file. The format of this file corresponds with the stake out file format of the data collector for which Pythagoras is configured, using the menu option Defaults - Configure - Data collector. The points are exported as rectangular coordinates. If the data collector supports both NE and XY and there is no info field in the file format to distinguish between both formats, Pythagoras exports the points in the format that is active at the time of export. So please make sure to verify whether your data collector and Pythagoras are using the same type of coordinates. The same principle is used for length units. If e.g. the data collector accepts meters or feet and Pythagoras is configured for cm, then the coordinates will be in meters. If Pythagoras is configured for miles, feet will be selected. If the data collector file does not store the length units, the units used during export must be the same as the units used in the data collector. Pythagoras will create only a file on your hard drive. You will need a communication program to download this file into the data collector.

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    II. Principles of extended code conversion


    When using codes in the field with the intention of having Pythagoras automatically generate your drawing, you need to enter a code for each measurement. The code specifies the type of point that has been measured (e.g. a corner of a building). Some codes may or must be followed by 1 or multiple options and parameters. These options provide more detailed information for that point. When BD is used as the code for a building, and the letter S means the start of a line, then entering BDS specifies the start of a building. Some options require additional parameters. If you want to generate parallel lines when you measure a curb of a road, the "extra polyline" option will require the relative distances as parameters.


    All measurements recorded in the data collector file must have a code that has been defined in the Code Description File, and, as discussed earlier, the Code Description File must be loaded using Defaults - Configure - Load Code Description. Measurements having not having a code will automatically get the same code as the previous point. Codes are subdivided into the following types:

    - codes for simple point symbols - codes for simple lines - codes for polylines - codes for points which are oriented relative to the polyline to which they correspond - text codes - codes for rectangular objects

    The length of the code (min. 2, max. 8 characters), is specified in the header of the code description file. Codes for polylines and rectangles must have this fixed length. For the other types, the length of the code may be shorter. For example, if the length of the code is 2 characters, then B is a valid code for a simple point symbol but not for a polyline. The codes can either be alpha-numeric or numeric. A measured point can have multiple codes simultaneously. The different codes are separated from one another using a separator-symbol that is determined by the data collector. Not all data collectors support this feature, though. Please refer to Chapter V for the data collector that you use.

    1. Simple points

    This type of code simply creates a point or a symbol. The attributes and layer of the point are defined in the Code Description file. Up to 3 text objects can be added. These text objects can have a fixed or a variable content. The rules for creating these text objects is identical to the rules for creating codes for text objects (discussed further in this manual). The attributes and content of the text objects are defined in the CDF file. The content of the text objects can be fixed, can originate from a table, can be typed into the data collector, or can be the point number or X, Y or Z coordinate.

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    Since these text objects are separate objects, you can move them in the drawing at a later time. By adding the option "group text" in the CDF file, however, text objects can be automatically grouped with a specific point. If the point is not directly visible and the measurement was taken with an offset (the reflector was to the left, right or in front of the point), then the recorded coordinates can be adjusted by Pythagoras. This offset and the position of the reflector relative to the point, needs to be provided in addition to the code. A rotatable point symbol can be oriented in a certain direction by measuring an additional point. Refer to "Options".

    2. Simple Lines

    Pythagoras will create a point for each measurement. The measured point will be created as an invisible point in the layer specified by the "simple line" code. If the code is followed by a valid point number, the two points will be connected by a line. Attributes and layer of this line are defined in the Code description file. You may also define the connection with a previous point without using a point number: a) using a dot (.) : the measured point will be connected to the previous point which has the same code. b) using double dot (..) : the measured point will be connected to the previous point of type "simple line". There is no limitation as to the number of simple lines that can be open at the same time. You may also measure other points while simple lines are open. Contrary to Polylines (discussed later in this manual), you do not need to start or end a "simple line" type. Note : the instruments from Wild (Leica), specify "." by -1 and ".." by -2.

    3. Text

    Using a code of the type TEXT, will result in a text object being placed in the drawing. No point will be created. The position recorded in the data collector record will be the location of the text in the drawing. The attributes of the text and its content are defined in the code description file. The content field may contain a variable part. This variable part can be:

    - text typed into de data collector file directly after the code - text from a string table. The string table is a text look up table defined in the header of the CDF

    file. In this instance, the code typed into the data collector file must be followed by text, which is used as an index to retrieve the variable text from the text look up table.

    The orientation of the text can be horizontal or rotated by a fixed angle. The "Text" type of code can be used to automatically add different types of comments to the drawing.

    4. Polylines : lines & arcs connecting a series of points.

    When measuring streets, one often needs to measure several lines simultaneously (e.g. the curb of the road, houses, utility cables, fences, ...). Pythagoras allows you to have an unlimited number of polylines open at the same time. Contrary to Simple lines, polylines need to be opened (starting point) explicitly.

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    Used feature codes (assigned to the measured points) will be assigned automatically to the created polylines between those points. This simplifies the selection of those polylines and helps you creating thematic maps. Polylines also provide you with the following additional possibilities: 1. Grouping codes : you can use different codes that all belong to the same polyline. 2. Starting point / ending point of a polyline : you can close polylines using a straight line or using a

    tangential curve : circles using 3 points, or rectangles and parallelograms. 3. Polylines that pass through points that have not been measured by the instrument (Points of polyline

    segments perpendicular to, or along the extension of the previous polyline segment.) 4. Arcs and curves can be a part of a polyline. 5. Create perpendicular lines at specific points of the polyline (either to the left or to the right) 6. Create non-perpendicular lines, at specific points of the polyline (either to the left or to the right) 7. Create multiple polylines (up to 6) simultaneously. Each polyline can have a different elevation, and

    be at a varying distance from the original polyline. 8. Create parallel polylines through 1 point : these polylines will remain parallel along the complete

    length of original polyline, and can have a difference in elevation. 9. Text objects can be added to polylines : either in the middle of a line of the polyline, or at a specific

    point of the polyline. 10. Points linked to a polyline : points for which the symbol has a specific direction (rotation angle) in

    reference to the direction of the polyline of which it is a part (e.g. point symbols that have a different direction than the polyline to which they belong (e.g. eddy))

    Point style - line style

    Pythagoras will create the points using the style specified in the Code Description File. If no style is specified, the point will be invisible. The 2nd and subsequent points will be connected to their predecessor in the series of points. The connection can be a line, a curve or an arc depending on the options specified after the code. Symbols at the points which belong to a polyline, can be oriented (rotated) in the direction of either the previous or the next point. Groups

    The codes for Polylines and Points related to a line can be divided into groups. (The subdivision in groups is specified in the Code Description File). While in the field, you may measure points of different lines simultaneously, as long as the codes for these lines belong to different groups. For example you can measure points in the following sequence: Point Code Description 1 WAS Start of a wall 2 BDS Start of building 3 BD 2nd. point of building 4 BD 3rd. point of building 5 DH Door of building 6 BDE Last point of building 7 WAE End of wall

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    Note : in this example the code BD is a polyline code for buildings, DH is a code for a "Point related to a line", and WA is the polyline code for a wall. The codes BD and DH belong to the same group (e.g. the group "Buildings"), code WA to another group (e.g. the group "Walls"). Pythagoras will generate the lines for the building connecting points 1, 2 and 5, and will generate a line from point 3 to point 6 representing a wall. For point 4 Pythagoras will generate the appropriate symbol in the direction of the line connecting points 2 and 5. When different codes of the type polyline belong to the same group, they can be mixed when measuring a sequence of points, but they are assumed to belong to the same polyline. The code will be used as follows : 1. Line, tangential arc or curve : 2 points are needed to create a line or a tangential arc or curve. The attributes and layer of the line, arc or curve connecting the two points is determined by the first point, if this point is used for the orientation, OR by the second point. 2. Arc : 3 points are needed to draw an arc. The attributes and layer of the arc are determined by the first point, if this point is used for the orientation, or by the third point. The points themselves are created in the layer determined by the code. Starting point and Ending point of a polyline - "Closing" a polyline

    a. The first point of a polyline must be identified as the starting point, and (optionally) the last point can be identified as the ending point. If BD is the code used for building and S and E are the options identifying starting point and ending point, then code BDS identifies the starting point of a building and BDE identifies the ending point. Although it sounds logical to measure the S-point of a line first and to measure the E-point last, Pythagoras allows you to work the opposite way. This is done because of historical reasons. In the first implementation, the two end points of the polyline were called Left and Right. Left and right meaning as you were facing the front of the building. So the first point of a polyline started with a code that specified the side of the building from the measurement started. If you would prefer to work this way, it would be better to use other characters to specify start and end. Note that you don't really need to end a polyline explicitly. A new starting point of a polyline that has the same code, automatically ends the previous polyline of the same type. A warning will be given to confirm that a new polyline was started without specifically ending the previous polyline. b. Closing a polyline (i.e. connecting the last point of the polyline to the first point of the polyline) can be done by adding a specific option to the code. If the code is used once (e.g. "C"), the polyline will be closed with a straight line. If the code is used twice (e.g. "CC"), circles, closed curves, parallelograms and rectangles can be created by measuring only 3 points.

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    Visible and invisible points in a polyline

    a. Measuring points using offsets Visible points are points for which coordinates have been measured. Invisible points are points that have not been measured using the total station, but that have been measured using, for example, a measuring-tape. In order to specify that the point is to the left, to the right or an extension of the previous line of the polyline, you can make use of the "eccentric" (i.e. offset) option. You simply specify a distance directly after the code. The invisible points are recorded in the data collector, but Pythagoras will ignore their coordinates. The line segment created by connecting the invisible to the previous point of the polyline, must be perpendicular to, or an extension of the previous line segment. The direction and the length are given as an option to the code. The possible directions : a. Perpendicular to the previous line. - to the left - to the right b. An extension of the previous line. Meaning of Left - Right A point is left of a polyline if it is at the left side of the last segment of a polyline. Note : The first 2 points of a polyline can not be invisible points. Example: Point Code Description 1 BDS Start of building 2 BD 2nd point of building 3 BD L200 3rd point of building perpendicular to, and to the left of line 1-2 4 BD R250 4th point of building perpendicular to, and to the right of line 2-3 5 BDE Last point of building Line 2-3 is 200 cm to the left and perpendicular to line 1-2. If the line were perpendicular in the other direction, BD R200 would have needed to be entered. The above definition is valid if the Header of the CDF file contains LINEMODE(START_END). For historical reasons, and for compatibility with older versions of Pythagoras, the default is LINEMODE(LEFT_RIGHT). If the LEFT_RIGHT mode is still used, then you will normally use 1 character to specify perpendicular. The sign will specify whether the line will be in the positive or the negative direction. The most important difference between both modes is the following: START_END : the direction is relative to the last line. LEFT_RIGHT : the perpendicular direction is relative to the first line. Note : When using CDF files and data collector files made for Pythagoras 4.5x and older, the imported results with the newer versions of Pythagoras will be identical. We recommend that you use LINEMODE(START_END) since this method is easier to use in the terrain.

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    b. Measuring points using right angles Another possibility for measuring invisible or difficult to reach points is making use of the option connect using a right angle or "connect using an alternate right angle". If you add the option "connect using a right angle" to a point, Pythagoras will connect this point to the previous point using a right angle. This right angle will be determined as follows : One line will be perpendicular to the line that was measured last, and will start at the point that was measured last. The other line will be drawn parallel to the line that was measured last, and will start in the point that received this code. If you add the option "connect using an alternate right angle" to a point, Pythagoras will also connect this point to the previous point using a right angle. But this time, the right angle will be determined as follows : One line will be parallel to the line that was measured last, and will start at the point that was measured last. The other line will be drawn perpendicular to the line that was measured last, and will start in the point that received this code. c. Measurement using invisible points Invisible or difficult to reach points can also be created as follows : 1. Adding an invisible point in a measured direction and distance or 2. Determining the point of intersection of 2 measured lines Also refer to Chapter IV for a detailed drawing. Arcs

    Arcs (circular curves) are identified by adding the arc option to the code of a polyline. An arc is defined by at least 3 points in sequence. The first 3 points make an arc. The subsequent points are tangential to the previous arc. Thus, several arcs that are connected, but have a different radius, can be measured. * Measuring several arcs with a straight line in between them: The end of an arc is identified using the option "end arc" for the last point of the arc. Then, a straight line is created up to the next arc-point. * Measuring 2 sequential arcs that are non-tangential: For the ending point of the arc, use not only the option "end arc", but also the option "arc". Now the end of the first arc will also be the start of the second arc. * Exception : when measuring a circle that goes through 3 points : refer to "Closing" in the section above. Curves (Splines)

    Curves (Splines) can be created by adding the option "curve" to the code of the polyline. A curve is identified by using at least two points in sequence. The beginning/end will be tangential to the previous/next line, curve or arc of the polyline. * Measuring several curves that have a straight line in between them:

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    The end of the curve is identified by adding the option "end curve". A straight line will then be created up until the next point of the curve. Perpendicular line to the polyline

    In order to create a perpendicular line at a particular point of a polyline, you will need to add a perpendicular line option to the code of that particular point where the line should start. There are 2 codes to define a perpendicular line, one code for a line to the left, and one for a line to the right. The line type will be defined by the code. The length of the perpendicular line is either defined in the CDF file, or can be added to the code as an additional option. Thus, you can create a perpendicular line that has a measured length. If the CDF file does not specify the length of this perpendicular line, a default line length of 5 meters will be used. This type of perpendicular line is particularly useful if you need to measure the starting point and ending point of a house (e.g. the front side), but you don't want to measure the complete house (e.g. the rear side). 1st possibility The line type of an automatic created line is defined by the code that belongs to measured polyline. 2nd possibility A construction code is used. This construction code refers to a previous defined global or extended option in the heading of the CDF. This allows you to define for each particular perpendicular line attributes like option, layer, width, length of the perpendicular line, style, scale and color. The end points of the perpendicular line will remain invisible When an option is used that is predefined in de header of the CDF, but when there are no attributes defined in the code for this option, the same attributes of the measured polyline line will be used. This means that several perpendicular lines can be created to a polyline (e.g. facade line) with their own characteristics. E.g. a perpendicular line to the left and a perpendicular line to the right starting in the same point. Examples: Extension in the heading of the CDF : L = GLOBAL_OPTION(PERPENDICULAR_LEFT) R = GLOBAL_OPTION(PERPENDICULAR_RIGHT) T = GLOBAL_OPTION(PERPENDICULAR_LEFT) P = GLOBAL_OPTION(PERPENDICULAR_RIGHT) L = EXT_GLOBAL_OPTION(EXCENTRIC (PERPENDICULAR _LEFT)) R = EXT_GLOBAL_OPTION(EXCENTRIC (PERPENDICULAR _RIGHT)) T = EXT_GLOBAL_OPTION(EXCENTRIC (PERPENDICULAR _LEFT)) P = EXT_GLOBAL_OPTION(EXCENTRIC (PERPENDICULAR _RIGHT) Description of the codes :

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    GB = POLYLINE ( LAYER("Building") STYLE("Example" , "wall") WIDTH(1) COLOR(GREEN) LENGHT(5.00) CONSTRUCTION ( OPTION(L) LENGTH(7.00) LAYER (construction facade) WIDHT(1) COLOR(RED) ) CONSTRUCTION( OPTION(T) LENGTH(3.00) LAYER (common wall) WIDHT(1) COLOR(BLUE) ) ) Examples of inserted codes: GBST will create a perpendicular line on the left of the main polyline GB. The length of this perpendicular is 3m and the color = blue. GBE L1000 will create a perpendicular line at the left of the main line; length = 10m, color = red Remark: Because of the use of these constructions, the attribute Separator will not be used anymore.

    Non-perpendicular line to the polyline (extra line)

    In order to create a line that starts at one of the polyline points, but goes in specific direction, you will need to add the "extra line" option to the code that goes with the point that determines the direction of the line. This will allow you to create lines that are not perpendicular to the polyline. Automatically generated extra polylines

    1st possibility A maximum of 6 additional (extra) polylines can be generated concurrently while generating a polyline. The additional polylines will be created along the complete length of the polyline.

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    You can provide up to 6 values that specify the distance of the extra polylines (this includes the code for the starting point of a polyline). A positive value normally means that the additional polyline will be created at a distance that is to the left of the measured polyline. A negative value will result in an additional polyline to the right of the measured polyline. Note: you can change the meaning of LEFT = POSITIVE to LEFT = NEGATIVE by placing the parameter SIGNCONVENTION(RIGHTPOS) in the header of the CDF file. The default value SIGNCONVENTION(LEFTPOS) The polyline may contain arcs. In this case parallel arcs are generated. The parallel arcs/lines are automatically joined at their intersections. The extra polylines do not need to remain parallel over the complete length of the polyline. The distances may vary between points. Every time the distances vary, you need to add all the new distances. If no distances are added, the previous distances will continue to be used. Example : Code1 Code2 CB 20+45 -120 lines will be created at 20 cm, 45 cm and -1.20m of the measured point. CB 20+45 -100 lines will be created at 20 cm, 45 cm en -1.00m of the measured point. The last line will not be parallel but will be at a distance of 1.20m of the first point, and 1.00 m. of the second point. Note : in this example, the length unit for this option is set to cm. But it could, for example, just as well be inches. Characteristics of those extra polylines : By default, those extra polylines will get the same characteristics as the measured base polyline. However, it is possible to specify in the CDF file the characteristics of maximum 6 extra polylines : 2nd possibility When measuring a polyline maximum 6 extra polylines can be created at the same time. These extra polylines can be created for the whole polyline. You can define up to 6 values which will determine the length of the extra polylines together with the code of the starting point o f a polyline. A positive value means that the parallel polyline will be on the left of the measured line. A negative value means that the parallel polyline will be on the right of the measured polyline. Note: u can change LEFT = POSITIVE into LEFT = NEGATIVE by defining this in the heading of the CDF: DIRECTION (RIGHT POS). This is default DIRECTION (LEFT POS) The polyline can contain arcs. In this case parallel arcs will be created. These parallel arcs will be automatically shortened by their intersection points. The extra polylines dont have to stay parallel. The distances in between the measured points can vary along the polyline. Each time the distance between 2 points changes, all new distances need to be defined. When the distance is not defined, the previous defined distance will be used. A construction code is used. This construction code refers to a previous defined global or extended option

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    in the header of the CDF. A construction code allows you to use and mix more (max. 6) global/extended options of the same types. This allows you to determine individual attributes such as option, layers, width, style, scale, length of perpendicular line and color for each parallel polyline or perpendicular line. The points of a polyline are always invisible just like the endpoints of a perpendicular line. When using an option that is predefined in the header of the CDF, but when there where no attributes defined in the code, the same attributes of the measured polyline will be applied. This means that different parallel polylines can be created, with their own graphical attributes. You can mix those different options. Conclusion of 1st and 2nd possibility: or all parallel polyline will have the same attributes as the measured polyline, or they can have all different attributes using construction codes. For each different parallel polyline an option need to be coded. Examples Extension in the heading of the CDF : P = GLOBAL_OPTION(PARALLEL_POLYLINE) Q = GLOBAL_OPTIONPARALLEL_POLYLINE) P= EXT_GLOBAL_OPTION(PARALLEL_LINE) Q=EXT_GLOBAL_OPTION(PARALLEL_LINE) Description of the codes : BS = POLYLNE ( LAYER("Border Street") WIDTH(1) COLOR(GREEN) CONSTRUCTION ( OPTION(P) LAYER (Fencing) WIDHT(1) COLOR(RED) ) CONSTRUCTION ( OPTION(Q) LAYER (Pavement) WIDTH(1) COLOR(RED) ) ) Examples of inserted codes : BSS +10-25-35 This example is according the first possibility. 3 parallel lines are defined, all with the same graphic characteristics as the main polyline BS. Only condition: in de code BS you need to define that the only able option is the parallel line option. BSS P10Q-35Q-100 This example is according the second possibility. 3 parallel polylines are defined: a first at 10 on the right of the main polyline, with characteristic according construction code P, a second polyline on 35 cm on

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    the left of the main polyline, with characteristics according construction code Q and a third parallel polyline at 100 cm on the left of the main polyline, with characteristics according construction code Q Mixing these 2 possibilities like e.g. in BSS P10-25-35 is not allowed. Remark : The previous attribute parallel wont be used anymore because of these constructions.. Automatically generated parallel polylines

    A parallel polyline through a point : the difference in elevation between the measured point and the projection of this point on the polyline, determines the elevation difference between the parallel polylines. The perpendicular distance between the measured point and the polyline, determines the distance between the parallel polylines. A parallel polyline with a given elevation difference : the difference in elevation between the polylines needs to be entered as a specific value (in addition to the distances) for each polyline (a maximum of six). Text objects

    Just as text objects can be added to simple points, text objects can also be added to points or lines of a polyline. You simply need to specify, in the CDF file, whether the text belongs to a point or to a line of the polyline. Text that is added to a line will be placed in the middle of the line. For text that is added to points, you can specify, in the CDF file, an offset that determines the position of the text relative to the point. Text objects can be added to points and lines for a particular polyline code. Text objects can have any attribute. Aligned text objects will receive the same orientation as the line or as the symbol to which they belong.

    5. Points related to a polyline

    These types of code may only occur while measuring a polyline of the same group. The point will be related to the line / arc / curve that is formed by the previous and the following point of the polyline. Again a point will be added to the drawing, but if the point symbol is rotatable it will be rotated parallel to the related line / arc / curve or it will be drawn and rotated by an additional angle in reference to this reference line/arc/curve. Point style

    Pythagoras will create the points using the style specified in the Code Description File. If no style has been specified, the point will be represented by a small cross. Symbol to the left or to the right of the polyline

    If the point style is a symbol that is not symmetrical, it may be necessary to add a direction to the code. If you do not specify a direction, the symbol will be placed to the left of the line. Adding the option RIGHT will place the symbol to the right of the polyline.

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    Point projected on the polyline

    If desired, instead of the measured point, the projection of the measured point onto the related line will be placed into the drawing. To use this feature, you need to specify the parameter PROJECTION in de definition of the code, in the CDF file. Text

    When creating a point, Pythagoras can place up to 3 text objects in the drawing. The content and attributes of the text objects depend on the corresponding attributes for the code in the CDF file. The content of the text objects can be fixed, can originate from a table, can be typed into the data collector, or can be the point number or X, Y or Z coordinate. The CDF file defines whether the text object will be placed horizontally, at an angle (oblique), or at an additional angle in reference to the line. The position of the text in the drawing is determined as follows: 1. The definition of the point in the CDF file may contain a parameter : POSITION(x, y). This parameter defines the position in mm (page units) of the starting position of the text relative to the point. 2. The position of the text in the document will be calculated relative to a coordinate system that has the coordinates of the point as the origin, and the direction of the related line (or the tangential to the related arc/curve) as the X-axis.

    6. Rectangles

    When measuring rectangles, it is not required to measure the 2 points that determine the rectangle, in sequence. Other points, polylines, and other codes may be used in between the measurement of the first point and the second point of the rectangle. These 2 points will create one side of the rectangle. The first point must be identified as the starting point, the second point must be identified as the end point. The width or length of the rectangle can be specified by adding it (as a parameter) to the code that is given to the first point. If no width or length is specified, the width/length specified in the CDF file, will be used. If the CDF file does not specify a width/length, a default value of 5 meters will be used. The width can be positive or negative. If positive, the rear of the rectangle will be to the left of the front of the rectangle (when looking from the starting point to the end point). Note 1: you may alter the meaning of LEFT = POSITIVE to LEFT = NEGATIVE by placing the parameter SIGNCONVENTION(RIGHTPOS) in the header of the CDF file. The default is SIGNCONVENTION(LEFTPOS) Note 2: You may also first measure the ending point before measuring the starting point, as long as both ending point and starting point are specified. The 4 points of the rectangle will be created as invisible points in the drawing. The points that have not been measured will have no point number. The attributes and layer of the lines will be determined by the rectangle code in the CDF file. The CDF file also defines the type of rectangle that needs to be created. The type will determine whether the rectangle will contain 1, 2 or no diagonal lines.

    Another option is adding text. Text will always be placed parallel to the rectangle. The starting position of the text will be the middle of the side of the rectangle that has not been measured. The attributes, content, position and layer of the text are defined in the code description file.

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    When using codes (simple point, polyline, etc), additional options can be added to the code. The available options depend on the type of code used. The number of characters used for options is specified in the header of the CDF file. The default length for options is 1 character. All options MUST use the same amount of characters. The code separator, however, must always be only 1 character. Abbreviations used for options can either be numeric or alpha-numeric. When numeric abbreviations are used, the *- sign can not be used anymore in the extended option parallel polyline and should be replaced by a letter or number. Using abbreviations for options that are 2 characters long, is not recommended. A detailed description of the use of options follows, but first, a short introduction on the concept "groups". There are two "groups" of options : 1. The First group called Global options (keyword GLOBAL_OPTION) in the CDF file. The first group of options have no parameters (no additional values). The option is specified by one character. A code may be (but must not be) followed by one or multiple options.

    - START option : identifies the starting point of a polyline or rectangle - END option : identifies the end point of a polyline or rectangle - ARC option : identifies the point in a polyline as an arc point - END_OF_ARC option : identifies the point in a polyline as the last point of an arc/curve - CURVE option : identifies the point in a polyline as a point of a curve - PERPENDICULAR_LEFT option : creates a line to the left of a polyline and perpendicular to

    the polyline. The same option may be used for points related to a polyline, to specify whether the symbol should be placed at the left of the polyline

    - PERPENDICULAR_RIGHT option : creates a line to the right of a polyline and perpendicular to the polyline

    - CLOSE option: closes polylines. The end point will be connected to the starting point - PARALLEL_POLYLINE option : creates a polyline that is parallel to the polyline, along the

    complete length of the polyline, and goes through a point - EXTRA_LINE option : creates a line (not perpendicular) starting in the specified point - INVISIBLE_CORNER option : creates an invisible right angle - CORNER option : creates an additional angle - SYMBOL_ORIENTATION option : orients (rotates) a point symbol - CODE_SEPARATOR option : a separator symbol used in between different codes for the same

    point - 2D_MEASURING-option: used to ignore the height of a measured point.

    These options can be added to the code assigned to a measured point, without using a delimiter. (Leica is the only exception). Several of these options may be combined and the sequence in which they are used, may be random.

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    2. The Second group called Extended global options (keywords EXT_GLOBAL_OPTION) in the CDF file. The second group of options require one or more additional values (parameters). A parameter can be a string, a point number, a distance or an elevation difference. The length unit of these distances and height differences can be selected in the code options dialog box and needs to be identical for both. Refer to "Configure Data Collector". The type of code determines whether 1 or multiple options can be used. Moreover, you can specify, in the CDF file, whether a specific code is only allowed to have one option. If the definition for a particular code allows multiple options, an additional parameter (always 1 character) will be required to specify the option that will follow the code. The CDF file defines these abbreviations. Refer to EXT_GLOBAL_OPTION parameters. If the code allows only one type of option, the abbreviation must be omitted and only the parameter can be added to the code, separated by the appropriate delimiter for your brand of data collector. If the code allows multiple options, the parameter must be preceded by the abbreviation in order to identify the option. The available options of this type are:

    - TEXT option : the parameter is a string. This string is either the text that needs to appear in the drawing, or an abbreviation that is used to retrieve the text from a STRING table

    - POINTID option : the parameter is a point number

    - ECCENTRIC (INVISIBLE POINT) option : either the option IN_EXTENSION,

    PERPENDICULAR_LEFT or PERPENDICULAR_RIGHT can be used to modify the measured coordinates, if the real point is eccentric to (offset relative to) the measured coordinates. For points of a polyline, the eccentric (offset) option specifies the position of invisible points of a polyline. (Refer to the section about "Invisible points")

    - WIDTH option : the parameter must be a distance. It is only used to specify