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Important Reminders for Aspiring Cheer and Dance Coaches

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Are you considering becoming a cheer and dance coach? If you are, then you must be fully aware that it entails a lot of responsibility. Like a teacher in a schoolroom full of students, you must help each and every member of your team to grow not only as a cheer athlete but also as a well-rounded individual. Indeed, coaching is a challenging task but if you love kids and you love what you’re doing, the rewards can be very fulfilling.

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As their coach, the members of your squad will look up to you. So it goes without saying that they will be watching and observing you, your behaviour, and how you deal with things, even those matters that are beyond the realms of being cheerleaders. Keep in mind that young people are very impressionable and they mostly learn by example. More often than not, they will imitate you and follow your lead.

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That being said, you must always set a good example to your squad members. As the saying goes, “One bad apple spoils the whole bunch.” Therefore, you shouldn’t be the “bad apple” that will ruin the attitude and outlook of your cheer and dance athletes. Always remember that you’re a mentor and a role model. Therefore, you must act like one at all times, especially when in front of your team.

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Some Hollywood movies, especially those falling under the sports genre, have scenes where a coach trash-talks his team into becoming better athletes. While such scenes indeed have their entertainment value, it doesn’t really work that way in real life. To get your point across, you don’t have to scream at your cheerleaders or use words that would make angels cry. If what you have to say is very important, focus on the message itself, not the way you say it.

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And speaking of message, you should always be careful on what you say or do because it can potentially have a lasting effect on the members of your cheer and dance team. Science has proven that the reason why teenagers or young people in general are more “angsty,” rebellious, and prone to outbursts is that they are still growing physically and emotionally. Their young minds can’t still handle the pressure of being in a difficult or stressful situation.

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When you say or do something to the members of your cheer and dance team, even if you don’t consider it serious or mentally debilitating, it can still affect them. Therefore, you have to make sure that your words will have a positive impact on your team and they will encourage the kids to become better athletes and members of the society.