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Importance of Preventative Dental Care

Page 2: Importance of Preventative Dental Care

Preventive dental care is as important for an attractive smile as it is for your general health. Steps you take at home, along with professional care, can make a big difference to your quality of life, but require little extra effort.

Importance of Preventative Dental Care

Page 3: Importance of Preventative Dental Care

Home Care

Bacteria thrive in the warm, moist conditions of the mouth and some types can cause problems for the teeth and gums. Harmful oral bacteria have also been linked to certain types of heart diseases. Daily brushing and flossing is the most effective daily practice you can use to remove bacteria from teeth and keep your gum shealthier.

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Professional Care

Good oral hygiene at home will go a long way in preventing tooth decay and gum disease, but dental care should not stop there. Professional tooth cleanings remove tartar that may have accumulated, keeping your teeth and gums healthier and more attractive. These cleanings should be scheduled approximately twice a year.

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Professional Care

Since you have one set of natural teeth in your adult life, you owe it to yourself to take the best care of them. The healthier you keep your teeth, the more attractive your natural smile will be, and you may avoid other problems related to poor oral care.

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