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  • 8/2/2019 Implementing Transparency Report from the NAO


    Cross-government review

    Implementing transparency


    HC 1833

    SESSION 20102012

    18 APRIL 2012

  • 8/2/2019 Implementing Transparency Report from the NAO


    The National Audit Ofce scrutinises public spending on behal

    o Parliament. The Comptroller and Auditor General, Amyas Morse,

    is an Ofcer o the House o Commons. He is the head o the NAO,

    which employs some 880 sta. He and the NAO are totally independent

    o government. He certifes the accounts o all government departments

    and a wide range o other public sector bodies; and he has statutory

    authority to report to Parliament on the economy, efciency and

    eectiveness with which departments and other bodies have used their

    resources. Our work led to savings and other efciency gains worth

    more than 1 billion in 2010-11.

    Our vision is to help the nation spend wisely.

    We apply the unique perspective o public audit

    to help Parliament and government drive lasting

    improvement in public services.

  • 8/2/2019 Implementing Transparency Report from the NAO


    Ordered by the House o Commons

    to be printed on 16 April 2012

    Report by the Comptroller and Auditor General

    HC 1833 Session 20102012

    18 April 2012

    London: The Stationery Oce


    This report has been

    prepared under Section 6

    o the National Audit Act

    1983 or presentation to

    the House o Commons

    in accordance with

    Section 9 o the Act.

    Amyas Morse

    Comptroller and

    Auditor General

    National Audit Oce

    13 April 2012

    Cross-government review

    Implementing transparency

  • 8/2/2019 Implementing Transparency Report from the NAO


    Successive governments have promoted

    transparency by developing legislation and

    routinely releasing more inormation to the

    public. The transparency agenda is a pledge by

    the Coalition Government to make governmentmore open.

    National Audit Ofce 2012

    The text o this document may be reproduced ree o charge in

    any ormat or medium providing that it is reproduced accurately

    and not in a misleading context.

    The material must be acknowledged as National Audit Ofce

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    material has been identifed, permission rom the respective

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    Printed in the UK or the Stationery Ofce Limited

    on behal o the Controller o Her Majestys Stationery Ofce

    2487106 04/12 PRCP

  • 8/2/2019 Implementing Transparency Report from the NAO



    Key acts 4

    Summary 5

    Part One

    Introduction 12

    Part Two

    Progress o implementing

    transparency 15

    Part Three

    Aligning transparency with

    choice and accountability 22

    Part Four

    Aligning transparency with

    economic growth 29

    Appendix One

    Methodology 33

    Appendix Two

    Timeline o transparency

    achievements and uture

    aspirations 34

    Endnotes 39

    The National Audit Oce study team

    consisted o:

    Anthony Byrtus, Milly Cottam,

    Rory Crew, Daniel Lambauer,

    Mohit Parmar, Andrew Sharman

    and Nigel Terrington, under the

    direction o Nick Sloan.

    This report can be ound on the

    National Audit Oce website at

    courtesy o


    For urther inormation about the

    National Audit Oce please contact:

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  • 8/2/2019 Implementing Transparency Report from the NAO


    4 Key acts Implementing transparency

    Key acts

    23 out o 25 commitments or central government, due by December 2011, were

    met by that month

    53,000 to


    is the range o estimated sta costs per department in providing the

    standard transparency releases required o all departments

    84 per cent is the increase in web views to school perormance inormationcompared with the same period in the previous year, since the

    Department or Education published its school compare web tool

    82 per cent o users leave the website directly rom the

    homepage or data page

    78 per cent o data elds or departmental spending data ully comply with

    HM Treasury guidance

    75 per cent o data resources on are machine-readable and

    non-proprietary, attributes sucient or the majority o tasks needed

    to develop applications

    16bnis the Governments

    estimate o the value

    o public sector

    inormation to the UK

    economy in 2011

    7,865data sets were linked

    to the

    website in December 2011

    47mestimated number o

    visits made to the police

    crime map website

    between February and

    December 2011

  • 8/2/2019 Implementing Transparency Report from the NAO


    Implementing transparency Summary 5


    Introduction and purpose o report

    1 Successive governments have promoted transparency by developing legislation

    and routinely releasing more inormation to the public. The transparency agenda is

    a pledge by the Coalition Government to make government more open. The policy

    commitment has been taken orward through three major announcements. The rst

    two were communicated through prime ministerial letters to government departments

    in May 2010 and Secretaries o State in July 2011. Additional commitments were

    announced as part o the ChancellorsAutumn Statement 2011, in November 2011.

    Initial data releases related primarily to accountability or use o resources, with later

    announcements designed to support service improvement and economic growth.

    The Governments objectives or transparency are to:

    strengthen public accountability;

    support public service improvement by generating more comparative data andincreasing user choice; and

    stimulate wider economic growth by helping third parties to develop products and

    services based on public sector inormation.

    2 Good quality inormation is crucial to eective management. Public disclosure o

    that inormation has the potential to improve accountability and support public service

    improvement and economic growth. Gaining value rom inormation, however, requires

    its scope, quality and presentation to be matched to the purposes and circumstances

    o its use. This report reviews early implementation o the transparency initiatives set out

    in the prime ministerial letters, and considers arrangements in place to judge value or

    money, to establish key lessons that the Government should address:

    Part One introduces the background and sets out how transparency is governed.

    Part Two considers the progress o implementation to date.

    Part Three reviews how transparency aligns with choice and accountability.

    Part Four considers the economic growth potential o transparency.

  • 8/2/2019 Implementing Transparency Report from the NAO


    6 Summary Implementing transparency

    Key fndings


    3 The Cabinet Ofce plays the lead role in promoting transparency across

    government. It is responsible or coordinating and monitoring implementation,

    secretariat support to a Public Sector Transparency Board, bringing together ocials

    to embed transparency across government, and providing guidance on some o the

    releases required o all government departments. Many other bodies also play signicant

    roles in implementing transparency, including other departments who are responsible or

    their own data releases, The National Archives, the Inormation Commissioners Oce

    and bodies in the wider public sector.

    4 Governance arrangements have secured coordinated action, but have

    not yet ocused on achieving value or money. The transparency agenda under

    this Government began as a coalition pledge with associated actions required o all

    departments to implement the policy: the Cabinet Oce did not prepare an overall

    policy impact assessment at the outset. As the scope o the transparency agenda has

    developed, the Cabinet Oce has published examples o the benets o public data

    initiatives to support the strategic case or transparency, or example on its Open or

    Business website, but has not yet systematically assessed the costs and benets o

    the Governments specic transparency initiatives. The Government announced in

    theAutumn Statement 2011 the creation o an Open Data Institute. Early plans or the

    Institute include a role to develop a uller evidence base on the economic and public

    service benets o open data.

    Progress o implementation

    5 The Cabinet Ofce, in partnership with departments, has signifcantly

    increased the amount and type o public sector inormation released and met

    a high proportion o its commitments. Twenty-three out o twenty-ve commitments

    or central government in the Prime Ministers letters due by December 2011 had

    been met. The website, launched by the previous Government in

    January 2010, indexes public data releases. The number o data sets catalogued within has grown rom 2,500 in January 2010 to 7,865 in December 2011.

    6 To date, compliance with transparency good practices has been mixed.

    The advisory Transparency Board developed a drat set o public data principles, which

    outline good practice or releasing and presenting inormation. Compliance with some

    principles is strong. Most o the data releases on are openly available

    or re-use, with 86 per cent published under the Open Government Licence and

    three-quarters in ormats whereby data can easily be reprocessed. However, in other

    areas there has been less progress. For example, the Cabinet Oce has not yet dened

    how departments should prepare and disclose data inventories to acilitate wider use.

  • 8/2/2019 Implementing Transparency Report from the NAO


    Implementing transparency Summary 7

    7 The transparency agenda itsel does not defne requirements concerningdata quality disclosure. The Cabinet Ofce has deerred the commitment or

    departments to produce data quality action plans rom November 2011 to

    May 2012, to incorporate them in the next versions o departmental Business

    Plans. Data released under the transparency agenda ranges rom audited gures and

    National Statistics data, subject to data protocols and reviews, through to administrative

    sources o varying status. In some cases, there are judgements to be made between

    speed o release and data quality. For example, the Treasurys guidance on spending

    data publication states that to produce timely data, inormation should be released as

    it was originally recorded in nancial systems, unless there are material changes to the

    data. While the Treasury has urged departments to improve the quality o the spend

    data, and has required all main departments to produce data quality improvement plans,

    it has not required them to disclose the level o data quality to the public. The lack o

    common categorisation o spending, and late publication o data by many departments,

    hinder comparability.

    Supporting choice and accountability

    8 I transparency is to better inorm choice and accountability, appropriate

    data must be available in the frst place. There is variation in the scope and

    completeness o inormation currently available. In some areas this limits the

    potential benefts.

    a With respect to inormation supporting individual choice, in education the

    department collects and reports appropriate inormation to support parents in

    choosing schools. In social care, by contrast, neither the Department o Health nor

    its unded bodies collect and publish appropriate inormation on the comparative

    costs and perormance o providers o community based care services or adults.

    This data could help to support users in choosing how to spend personalised

    budgets. While much o the data in this sector is held by private providers, the

    Governments Open Public Services 2012 White Paper commits to publishing key

    data about public services, user satisaction and the perormance o all providers

    rom all sectors.

    b With regards to community accountability, the police crime map provides much

    more detailed recorded crime inormation than was previously available. However,

    additional inormation is still needed, or example on police activity and resourcing

    locally, or residents to hold neighbourhood police services to account more ully.

    In local government, the Government has discontinued established perormance

    rameworks. The local government sector is leading a new approach to dening

    key indicators. It is not currently clear whether this approach will yield sucient

    comparable perormance inormation to support meaningul public accountability.

  • 8/2/2019 Implementing Transparency Report from the NAO


    8 Summary Implementing transparency

    Stimulating economic growth

    9 The Government estimates that public data currently contributes 16 billion

    annually to the UK economy. While this is the highest o the ew estimates

    available o the scale o the public data market, all suggest that public data

    holds economic value. TheAutumn Statement 2011 announced new transparency

    commitments designed to extract additional economic growth rom public data,

    including open data releases, arrangements or licensing specic large data sets and

    commitments to consult. Commitments include releases o data not previously available,

    and opening access to data previously traded. TheAutumn Statement 2011 also made a

    commitment to establish the Open Data Institute which aims to help businesses exploit

    opportunities created by public data release.

    10 The Governments ability to maximise economic growth rom traded data

    is constrained by current charging and licensing arrangements, and limited

    understanding o potential benefts. Recent academic research indicates that making

    all public inormation that is currently traded available without charge could potentially add

    economic value in the region o 1.6 billion to 6.0 billion a year. The Government has

    identied certain trading unds, such as the Met Oce and Ordnance Survey, as having

    data that could stimulate additional economic growth i it was released as open data. The

    business case or the releases o ree data announced in the Autumn Statement 2011

    estimates net benets o 49 million over 20 years a small proportion o the value

    estimated to be available across the public sector. Estimates o additional value arebased on highly uncertain assumptions about usage, demand and impacts on the

    wider economy.

    Elements needed to assess value or money

    11 Departments have not monitored the costs o implementing transparency,

    and have estimated costs only where associated with investment requiring a

    business case. Estimates provided or this review suggest that the additional sta costs

    o providing standard disclosures o pre-existing data range rom 53,000 to 500,000

    annually by department. Examples, such as the police crime map, where departments

    have repackaged inormation to promote greater accessibility and use has led to

    urther costs: in this case set-up costs o 300,000 and annual running costs o more

    than 150,000. However, there are also cases such as the releases o public weather

    service data where the costs are minimal. While these costs are relatively modest, they

    would be more substantial i additional inormation were collected to secure purposeul,

    standardised inormation to ll the gaps noted in paragraph 8. Pursuit o transparency

    objectives is thereore likely to increase cost pressures.

  • 8/2/2019 Implementing Transparency Report from the NAO


    Implementing transparency Summary 9

    12 Few departments are tracking benefts o transparency a key requirementin monitoring success and learning what works. Public interest in dierent types

    o data release has varied widely. The website has had more than

    1.75 million visits since it was launched in January 2010. However, more than our-ths

    o its visitors leave rom either the home page or the data page on the website. This

    suggests that they are not accessing data during their visit, although it does not take

    account o other potential access points or the data, or example, linked third party

    websites or applications. While many departments told us that there had been limited

    interest in the standard releases, there has been much greater interest in releases

    related to the operation o public services. The police crime map website has had an

    estimated 47 million visits between February and December 2011. The Department or

    Education has reported an 84 per cent increase in the use o its comparative data on

    schools, compared with the same period last year, since it was consolidated in one

    location and data were made more accessible.

    13 Alongside potential benefts rom transparency, departments ace

    risks, including:

    risks to privacy when inormation is provided at more granular levels. Departments

    have conducted privacy risk assessments where they saw privacy as an issue.

    More generally, the Government commissioned an independent review to consider

    how transparency can proceed while privacy is protected. The Cabinet Oce

    intends to respond to its recommendations in a orthcoming White Paper;

    raud risks with increased transparency around contracts and payment details

    raud attempts to a value o 7 million directly related to transparency releases

    have been ound in local government, highlighting the need or eective anti-raud

    measures; and

    other potential unintended consequences o transparency. Given the breadth

    o inormation released as part o the transparency agenda, it is likely that wider

    unintended consequences might result, but the Government has done little to identiy

    or assess the nature and scale o any such eects, either benign or adverse.

  • 8/2/2019 Implementing Transparency Report from the NAO


    10 Summary Implementing transparency


    14 The strategic case or greater transparency is strong. I it is to do more than satisy

    public rights to public inormation, however, and contribute ully to objectives set or it

    including accountability, service improvement, and growth, then the Government needs

    a rmer grip on measuring the success o the initiative. While it has begun to gather

    evidence o usage and benets arising rom the use o open data, it has not yet positioned

    this within a wider, systematic evaluative ramework. Evidence on benets should be

    considered alongside inormation on costs and risks to secure best value rom the large

    stock o public data, match the range and presentation o data purposeully to ull specic

    objectives, ensure that risks are identied and mitigated, and secure value or money.


    a The Government cannot maximise the net benefts o transparency without

    an evaluative ramework or measuring the success and value or money o

    its transparency initiatives. It should build on its plans to identiy economic and

    public service benets and develop:

    a better understanding o the drivers and scale o additional costs o

    implementing dierent types o public sector inormation release;

    clearer means o determining demand to support objectives o greater

    accountability, service improvement and economic growth, to prioritise the

    programme o data release; and

    a structured, objective evaluation o the emerging eects o transparent public

    data, so that eorts are ocused on high-value activities, with unintended

    consequences mitigated.

    b The Government will not maximise the benefts o transparency i it does not

    urther embed good practice principles. While the drat public data principles

    set a useul direction or public bodies, the Government should now dene its

    operational requirements more clearly. Areas such as developing data inventories

    require clear direction so that they lead to benets or developers and the public.

    c Many data releases have no accompanying statement as to their quality or

    reliability running the risk o misleading potential users. The Government

    should develop a simple protocol or describing data sources, control procedures

    and known limitations.

  • 8/2/2019 Implementing Transparency Report from the NAO


    Implementing transparency Summary 11

    d Public service users cannot exercise their choice and hold service providersto account i the Government ails to align transparency with choice and

    accountability. It should:

    review whether current data or choice and accountability purposes are

    adequate, identiying gaps and ensuring that there is a clear strategy to make

    necessary inormation available.

    in developing and operating markets or public services, build requirements

    or greater transparency o nancial and perormance inormation in uture

    contractual arrangements.

    e The Government cannot extract best value rom public sector inormation,i it does not improve on current estimates o the inormations value. These

    estimates vary widely, hindering precise assessment o the various nancial

    and economic actors associated with urther data releases, especially where

    the Government currently charges or inormation. The Government should pursue

    its plans or the development o a research base on the economic and public

    service benets o public data, and use that to target the nature and orm o

    data releases.

    The Government has identifed that protecting personal data is a key risk or

    transparency, commissioning a review to consider the issue. In responding

    to the reviews recommendations, it should set out governance structures andprocesses required to manage this risk eectively.

  • 8/2/2019 Implementing Transparency Report from the NAO


    12 Part One Implementing transparency

    Part One


    1.1 Successive governments have promoted more transparency o public sector

    inormation. This has involved developing legislation, or example on reedomo inormation, and releasing more public sector inormation. Transparency is a

    key component o the current Governments public services reorm programme.

    The benets it expects to achieve include:

    helping the public to hold public bodies to account;

    improving value or money o public services; and

    realising economic benets by helping third parties to develop applications

    and services rom public data.1

    Current government commitments

    1.2 The Government has made three major policy announcements on transparency.

    The Prime Minister wrote two open letters to government departments in May 2010

    and Secretaries o State in July 2011. Figure 1 sets out key releases that all central

    government departments have been asked to provide in these letters. Twenty-three o

    twenty-ve commitments or central government, due by December 2011, had been

    met by that month. The ChancellorsAutumn Statement 2011,2 in November 2011,

    announced additional commitments, specically supporting economic growth

    (see Part Four).

    1.3 Alongside the standard requirements, the Government has also made a series ocommitments about service-specic data releases in areas including crime and justice,

    international development, health, education and transport.3 Examples o recently

    published data include sentencing data by court, and GP prescribing data by practice.

  • 8/2/2019 Implementing Transparency Report from the NAO


    Implementing transparency Part One 13

    Governance arrangements

    1.4 The Cabinet Oce is the lead policy department, with the ollowing main roles:

    Overall coordination and monitoring. This includes dening the scope othe agenda and ormulating next steps. The Cabinet Oce has completed a

    consultation on open data and is preparing a White Paper or spring 2012. It

    monitors departmental compliance with transparency commitments and reports

    progress to the Public Sector Transparency Board.

    Secretariat to the Public Sector Transparency Board. The board advises,

    supports and challenges public bodies in implementing transparency. It is

    designed to ensure that users and experts have a voice in how transparency

    initiatives are implemented.

    Bringing together Whitehall ofcials to embed transparency across

    government. The Cabinet Oce arranges a practitioners group and a senior

    ocials group.

    Shared responsibility with HM Treasury or policy and guidance to

    departments on the standard transparency releases. HM Treasury leads on

    policy or spending-related releases, while the Cabinet Oce leads on the other

    standard releases outlined in the Prime Ministers letters on transparency.

    Figure 1

    Key standard transparency requirements or all government departments

    Commitments in Prime Ministers letter to

    government departments (May 2010)

    Additional commitments in Prime Minister s

    letter to Secretaries o State (July 2011)

    New items o central government spending over

    25,000 published monthly

    All items o spending to include plain English

    descriptions o their scope and purpose

    All new central government contracts and tender

    documents or contracts over 10,000

    Spending on government procurement cards or

    transactions o more than 500

    Names, grades, job titles and pay rates or senior

    civil servants and non-departmental public body

    oicials with salaries higher than 58,200

    All depar tments to work with Cabinet O ice to

    produce an action plan or improving data quality

    and comparability

    Organograms or government departments

    and agencies including all sta positions in a

    common ormat

    Source: Prime Ministers letters to government departments (May 2010) and Secretaries of State (July 2011)

  • 8/2/2019 Implementing Transparency Report from the NAO


    14 Part One Implementing transparency

    1.5 Although the Cabinet Oce undertakes a lead role, other organisations haveresponsibilities that contribute to the agendas success, including other departments

    who are responsible or their own data releases (Figure 2). Responsibilities or some

    important elements o programme management are not clear. The Cabinet Oce did

    not prepare an overall policy impact assessment at the outset, and there has been no

    systematic eort to assess the costs o implementing transparency initiatives or the

    benets that result.

    Figure 2

    Governance arrangements in central government or implementing

    transparencyPublic body Key responsibilities

    HM Treasury Leads on policy and issues guidance or standard spending-related

    transparency commitments.

    Department or Communities and

    Local Government

    Published The Code o Recommended Practice or Local Authorities

    on Data Transparency,1 outlining its expectations o what local

    authorities should publish.

    Selected depar tments Work with the Cabinet O ice to agree scope o commitments in

    Prime Ministers letters on transparency. Responsible or releasing

    agreed data.

    Operate sector-speciic transparency boards, which advise

    departments on implementation.

    The National Archives Has central pol icy responsibility or the re-use o public sector

    inormation. Regulates and sets standards on the use and re-use o

    public sector inormation and inormation management. Promotes

    the re-use o public sector inormation through the UK Government

    Licensing Framework and the Open Government Licence.

    Inormation Commissioners Oice Regulates inormation rights legislation, including the Freedom o

    Inormation Act. In the light o the transparency agenda, the Act is

    being amended as part o the post-legislative review process to

    create a new public right to data.


    1 Department or Communities and Local Government,The Code of Recommended Practice for Local Authoritieson Data Transparency, September 2011, available at


    Source: National Audit Office

  • 8/2/2019 Implementing Transparency Report from the NAO


    Implementing transparency Part Two 15

    Part Two

    Progress o implementing transparency

    2.1 This Part uses the drat public data principles as the basis to consider progress

    o implementing the transparency agenda. The principles are not Government policy,but were developed by the Public Sector Transparency Board in June 2010 to highlight

    areas o good practice, including:

    promoting use o the Open Government Licence enabling unrestricted re-use

    o public data;

    use o a single government portal,, or public data;

    encouraging data release in ormats enabling easy analysis and reprocessing;

    developing data inventories so that it is clear what inormation is available; and

    ensuring releases are demand-led, and thereore responsive to the public.

    2.2 The section also reviews areas o programme management which are crucial

    to securing value or money, including the Governments understanding o the costs,

    benets and risks o implementing transparency.


    2.3 The Government has made signicant progress in developing a non-restr ictive

    Open Government Licence, and encouraging its adoption. Licensing is central to

    promoting access and allowing data to be reused. The Open Government Licence,

    launched in September 2010, orms part o the UK Government Licensing Frameworkand permits ree, permanent, non-exclusive access to material made available under the

    licence. Analysis o data sets catalogued within shows that 86 per cent

    are available under the Open Government Licence (Figure 3 overlea).

  • 8/2/2019 Implementing Transparency Report from the NAO


    16 Part Two Implementing transparency

    Use o a single government portal (

    2.4 To acilitate access to public data, the previous Government launched the website, in January 2010, which indexes data releases in a single

    searchable portal. The number o data sets indexed on has grown

    rom 2,500 in January 2010 to 7,865 by December 2011.

    2.5 Although the volume o inormation catalogued by has expanded,

    realising its intended benets depends on:

    whether the website links to as ull a range as possible o disclosable data. Owning

    public bodies are responsible or linking data to the website. However, due to thelack o publication o data inventories (see section 2.12), it is not possible to assess

    what proportion o the ull range o disclosable data is linked to the site; and

    the structure and design o the website. For example, descriptive inormation about

    each data release is currently not standardised and incomplete. Users will thereore

    nd it dicult to identiy data sets that may be most useul.


    Figure 3

    Licences for data sets on

    Source: Cabinet Office







    UK Open



    Other/unknown Met Office UK

    Climate Projections




  • 8/2/2019 Implementing Transparency Report from the NAO


    Implementing transparency Part Two 17

    Figure 4

    Formats of data resources on

    Machine-readable, non-proprietary

    (e.g. csv) 68%

    Machine-readable, but proprietary

    (e.g. MS Excel) 19%

    Format uses open standards

    from World Wide Web consortium,

    to enable linking (e.g. rdf) 7%

    Non-machine readable

    (e.g. jpeg, pdf) 6%

    Source: National Audit Office analysis of Cabinet Office data

    2.6 Since its public launch in January 2010, has had more than1.75 million visits. However, rom May to November 2011, 82 per cent o all users

    let having only accessed either the home page or the data page.

    This indicates that they did not nd the inormation they were seeking, although

    this does not refect other potential access points or the data, or example linked

    third party websites or applications. The Cabinet Oce has received user eedback

    that the websites navigation and interace lack usability and appeal. It is currently

    upgrading, to include better search unctionality, a clearer standard

    taxonomy o the inormation held and designing the catalogue entry process to limit

    the scope or errors.

    Format o data releases

    2.7 How ar data can be easily analysed, reused and linked to other data sets depends

    on its ormat. Three-quarters o the 13,000 data resources held on are in

    a machine-readable, non-proprietary ormat, meaning that they can be easily reprocessed

    (Figure 4). Developers advised us that these attributes are sucient or the majority o

    tasks they would normally need to undertake to develop applications.

  • 8/2/2019 Implementing Transparency Report from the NAO


    18 Part Two Implementing transparency

    Compliance with specifc guidance on data sets

    2.8 Standardising data enables comparative analysis. The Government has provided

    guidance on the various standard data releases to encourage common structures.

    One example is HM Treasury guidance on monthly itemised spending data, which

    species content and provides direction on the timing o release, redactions, internal

    review processes and data hosting arrangements. Mandatory content includes correctly

    ormatted dates, amounts, expense types and suppliers.

    2.9 Departments have complied with most mandatory elements o this guidance.

    O 100 departmental spend data sets we reviewed, 78 per cent o the mandatory data

    elds were ully compliant. The vast majority o non-compliant elds related to ormatting

    issues. Other non-compliance related to expense types and expense areas not being

    easily understood, hindering comparative analysis.

    2.10 According to Treasury guidance, spend data should be published by the last

    working day o the month ollowing the month to which the data relates. However, by the

    end o 2011, 11 o 17 departments had not published data or November 2011 and seven

    had not yet published the spend data or October 2011.

    2.11 From September 2011, the updated guidance requires departments to include

    brie plain English descriptions explaining the purpose o all transactions, to give more

    contextual inormation. In the December 2011 releases, 8 o 11 departments included

    a description eld in some orm in their releases but only our ully met the plain Englishrequirement by providing a clear description o all items listed.4

    Using data inventories

    2.12 The drat public data principles state that public bodies should maintain and

    publish inventories providing accurate, up-to-date records o data holdings, including

    inormation on ormats, accuracy and availability. Without these inventories, users

    will not know the ull range o data collected and potentially available or release. The

    Cabinet Oce has not yet provided operational guidance on how data inventories

    should be developed. HM Revenue & Customs was the only department we identied

    that has published a comprehensive list o data holdings with inormation on ormats,

    accuracy and availability.5

    Responsiveness to demand

    2.13 The drat public data principles set a clear expectation that data releases, and

    their ormats, should be demand-led. Nine departments told us that they have actively

    considered public demand, or example through ormal consultations, orums on

    websites including, and analysis o correspondence, parliamentary

    questions, media enquiries and Freedom o Inormation requests. There are some

    examples o departments specically engaging with developers, or example throughworkshops or representation on some sector boards.

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    Implementing transparency Part Two 19

    2.14 The Cabinet Oce did not engage with the public to establish demand orthe standard data releases outlined in the Prime Ministers letters, but did consult

    with developers and industry to identiy the additional releases announced in the

    Autumn Statement 20116 (see paragraph 4.1).

    2.15 None o the departments reported signicant spontaneous public demand or

    the standard dataset releases. For example, page views or transparency data on the

    Ministry o Justice website represented just 0.02 per cent o the overall site trac rom

    April to September 2011. Service-specic releases have attracted greater interest. The

    Department or Educations school website tool has received on average 45,000 views

    per month in the rst two months since its release in September 2011. By comparison,

    the transparency page on the Departments website, which includes links to its standarddata sets, received on average 600 views per month in the period rom April 2011

    to October 2011. However, departmental gures do not include users o third party

    websites or applications.

    Understanding costs and benefts


    2.16 Dierent types o data release have dierent cost implications, but neither the

    Cabinet Oce nor other departments routinely collect data to monitor the additional

    costs o transparency initiatives. The Government has assumed that the standard

    releases required o all departments incur zero or very low costs, because they are

    releasing inormation already held. Although this report does not estimate total costs,

    this section illustrates some o the departmental and central costs incurred.

    Departmental sta costs or standard releases

    2.17 Departments noted that the biggest cost or standard releases was sta time

    and that they had no systems to record that sta time oten a small element in many

    ocials jobs. Eight departments, however, provided estimates o sta costs associated

    with preparing and publishing the standard transparency requirements in 2011-12.

    The costs range rom 53,000 to 500,000. These represent a lower bound or thecost o standard releases because they only capture sta costs and do not include,

    or example, costs o upgrading IT systems or payments to contractors. While these

    costs are low, relative to the total spending o the departments, they are incurred by

    administrative unctions, such as Human Resources and Finance, where costs are

    being cut signicantly.

  • 8/2/2019 Implementing Transparency Report from the NAO


    20 Part Two Implementing transparency The website was originally run by the Central Oce o Inormation

    and received unding o 1.2 million in 2010-11 rom the Department or Business,

    Innovation and Skills. In 2011-12, the project was brought within the Cabinet Oce, and

    urther engagement activity with stakeholders increased the annual running costs to

    2 million. The Cabinet Oce hopes that improvements to the website (see paragraph 2.6)

    will increase eciency and lower costs.

    Costs o service-specifc releases

    2.19 In addition to the costs o implementing standard requirements, departments with

    sector-specic transparency commitments incur additional costs. Examples include:

    the National Policing Improvement Agency produced street-level crime maps at a

    cost o 300,000 and estimates the annual running costs or hosting, supporting

    and maintaining the crime map site at more than 150,000.7 The Agency has

    budgeted 216,000 in 2011-12 to urther develop the website, including linking

    crime data to police and justice outcomes; and

    the Department or International Development estimates that to deliver the

    commitment to provide ull inormation on international development projects

    with a value o more than 500 by January 2011, it incurred capital costs o

    250,000, administrative set-up costs o 156,000 and has ongoing annual

    running costs o 64,000.

    2.20 While the above examples incurred relatively modest additional costs to make

    existing inormation more publicly available, greater costs would be associated with

    substantially developing new systems to provide public inormation where there are

    currently gaps. The case examples in Part Three illustrate that in many sectors existing

    inormation does not currently support individual choice or promote accountability.


    2.21Although the Government has wide-ranging objectives or transparency, ew

    attempts have yet been made to monitor emerging benets. In its Making Open Data

    Realconsultation, the Cabinet Oce identied six categories o potential benetsrom transparency,8 and its Open or Business website provides some examples o

    businesses beneting rom open data.9 However, it is not yet using the six categories to

    set out what would constitute success, to systematically track benets, or to promote

    rigorous measurement, including identiying unintended consequences.

    2.22 We asked all departments whether they had identied emerging benets rom

    the transparency agenda. Seven departments told us that benets had materialised,

    although they could not quantiy them. Examples include cost reductions in travel and

    subsistence spending and identiying and resolving data quality problems.

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    Implementing transparency Part Two 21

    Risks and unintended consequences


    2.23 Linking data sets is central to the transparency agenda. While it can be expected

    to generate benets, it might also mean that personal inormation is disclosed without

    consent. The Government commissioned a review to consider the compatibility o

    transparency and privacy.10 The review made 14 recommendations, or example, about

    governance processes and research into anonymisation techniques. The Government

    has not yet responded to the review.

    2.24 Some existing releases, such as reoending data in criminal justice and GPprescribing data by practice, are based on individual-level data sets. For these releases,

    the Ministry o Justice and the Department o Health respectively have carried out privacy

    impact assessments to identiy and manage risks. Published data has been aggregated to

    protect anonymity by banding data and so protecting individuals identities.


    2.25There are raud risks related to the release o itemised spending transaction data.

    For example, raudsters can draw on such inormation in attempting to redirect payments

    made to legitimate suppliers. The Audit Commission has reported that councils detected

    rauds o this type amounting to 7 million in 2010-11. Such risks can, however, bemitigated by eective nancial controls which oiled 20 million o raud attempts in the

    same period.11

    2.26The Government has taken steps to raise the prole o raud prevention in local

    government, including the publication o a raud prevention strategy addressing the need

    or better prevention and enorcement.12 In addition, the Department or Communities and

    Local Government has reerred local authorities to raud prevention advice published by

    the Chartered Institute o Public Finance and Accountancy.13

    Data quality

    2.27The Cabinet Oce requirement or all departments to produce data quality action

    plans by November 2011 has been deerred. The overall transparency agenda involves

    public bodies releasing multiple types o inormation. The range covers data approved

    as ocial statistics, which are subject to data protocols and reviews, to data sets taken

    directly rom operational systems. There is variation in the intended accuracy o data sets,

    and degrees o control. In some cases, there are judgements to be made between the

    speed o release and data quality. The Treasurys guidance on itemised spending data

    states explicitly that to produce timely data, inormation should be released as it was

    originally recorded in nancial systems, unless there are material changes to the data.

    Disclosures about data quality or these releases are not required.14 However, in January

    2011 the Treasury required all main departments to produce data quality improvement

    plans outlining steps to improve the standardisation and quality o spend data.

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    22 Part Three Implementing transparency

    Part Three

    Aligning transparency with choice andaccountability

    3.1 The Governments reorm programme promotes greater choice and accountability.

    Transparency is central to these reorms and the Government has said that it will

    ensure that key data about public services, user satisaction and the perormance o all

    providers rom all sectors is in the public domain in an accessible orm. This will include

    data on user satisaction, spending, perormance and equality.15

    3.2 To support individuals in choosing appropriate providers and holding public

    bodies and providers to account, we consider that the ollowing types o inormation

    are needed:

    Descriptive inormation about providers, or example location and provider type.

    Objective, standardised activity and perormance inormation that sets out the

    levels o services provided and their quality.

    Inormation about perormance based on peoples experiences, or example user

    satisaction inormation.

    Inormation on spending, enabling analysis o links between spending

    and perormance.

    Contextual inormation about data, including quality disclosure, to

    assist interpretation.

    3.3 The current state o inormation release, according to these criteria, is patchy. There

    is variation in how ar current data helps people to make inormed choices, and helps

    communities and neighbourhoods to understand the perormance o public services in

    their area. The ollowing examples illustrate this variation.

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    Implementing transparency Part Three 23

    Choice in individual services

    Inormation to help choose schools

    3.4 The Government stated in its recent schools White Paper that parents ability

    to choose a school will be enhanced by more standardised inormation on schools.16

    The Department or Education (the Department) has developed a schools per ormance

    web tool that brings together established and new data releases in a single location

    on its website.17

    3.5 The website helps parents to compare schools at the same stage o education,

    based on most types o inormation needed to support choice as set out inparagraph 3.2. The tool provides:

    key descriptive inormation, including school type and capacity, pupil and

    workorce characteristics;

    comparable inormation on school perormance, including exam results or all key

    stages and new data on pupil perormance, by low, middle and high attainers.

    The site also links to Osted reports and inspection results; and

    inormation on school nances. The tool provides income and spending data, or

    example, spending on teaching sta.

    3.6 The website does not provide parents or childrens eedback on their experiences

    o the school. Users can, however, access Osted inspection reports, which oten

    contain summaries o the views o parents, children and governors. Osted also

    launched its Parent View website in October 2011 to collect and report parents

    eedback on schools.18

    3.7 The inormation provided is standardised and comparable across all schools in

    England, with the ollowing exceptions:

    Spending data or academies is not recorded according to the categorisation

    used or school-level nancial data included in the tool. The Department intends

    to publish academies nancial data on a comparable basis in 2012. Where

    academies are ederated under one academy trust, the data will be made

    available at academy trust level rather than individual school level.

    The Department does not col lect or publish certain data or independent schools,

    or example on key stage 2 attainment (because key stage 2 tests and external

    marking are optional), or pupil characteristics.

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    24 Part Three Implementing transparency

    3.8 To support parental choice, the school perormance tables provide in one placepreviously diuse perormance data. The level o public interest in that inormation

    has increased. The Department has reported that interaction with the website tool

    increased by 84 per cent in the last year, with 2.43 million views rom September to

    November 2011, compared with 1.3 million views or the corresponding inormation

    in the same period o 2010.

    Inormation to help choose care services

    3.9 The Governments objective is or all those eligible or ongoing community based

    social care to be provided with a personal budget by April 2013, to give publicly

    unded users o social care services greater choice and control over their own care.With personal budgets, eligible recipients requiring community based care services

    can purchase services rom public, private or third sector providers. With access to

    the right inormation, it can be expected that care users, or those choosing providers

    on their behal, can make better use o the discretion inherent in personal budgets.

    This is particularly important, given recent reports raising concerns about some users

    experiences o care.19

    3.10 Many adult social care users do not currently have all the necessary inormation to

    make inormed choices about care providers. This includes:

    Basic inormation about care providers. This data is currently provided by localauthorities and the Care Quality Commission.

    Comparable inormation about the quality o providers. The Care Quality

    Commission registers and inspects social care providers based on 16 minimum

    essential standards o quality and saety. The Commission publishes results or all

    providers on its website. However, the standard inormation does not dierentiate

    on the basis o quality, beyond the minimum standards.

    User eedback on providers. Some local authorities are providing, or are planning

    to provide, websites that capture and share users experiences o care. However,

    not all authorities provide this inormation and it is not standardised.

    Inormation about the price o care services. It can be dicult to provide price

    inormation, because prices dier across the country and vary according to the

    specic, and oten complex, care needs o the individual user, as well as the

    service oered by the care provider. One local authority we visited is planning to

    provide inormation on price ranges on their website. Another will ask users o

    their web tool to rst sel-assess their needs and care budget and then suggest

    providers that provide services within these budgets.

    3.11 Inormation supporting choice o community based care services is very varied

    across local authorities. There is currently no standard inormation on the relative quality

    o registered providers. I expanding user choice is to result in more cost-eectiveservice provision, users will need a broader range o comparable inormation

    to inorm their choice.

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    Implementing transparency Part Three 25

    Accountability or neighbourhood and community services

    Police crime map

    3.12 In June 2010, the Government announced that it would publish crime data at street

    level to allow the public to better hold the police to account. 20 The police crime map

    website was launched on 31 January 2011 to ull this commitment.21

    3.13 The crime map website provides the ollowing inormation:

    Basic inormation about neighbourhood policing team and local police orce.

    The crime map proles members o local neighbourhood police teams and

    provides contact details and inormation about beat meetings, where residents

    can communicate directly with their neighbourhood team.

    Comparable inormation about crime levels. The crime map provides monthly data

    or 11 crime categories or each street with eight or more postal addresses, unless

    there are additional privacy concerns. Users can compare crime levels with other

    neighbourhoods, police orce areas or national averages. The Government has

    pledged to develop the crime map urther so that by May 2012, the public can

    see police actions taken and justice outcomes or each crime.

    Links to Her Majestys Inspectorate o Constabulary police orce proles, which

    include victim satisaction scores, and details o nances and spending, or eachpolice orce. However, this inormation is not broken down to ward level and the

    public is not able to compare spending inormation at the neighbourhood level to

    consider neighbourhood resourcing and deployment decisions, and to compare

    these with perormance.

    3.14 Although the crime map allows the public to view more detailed inormation on

    the location o criminal activity than ever beore, there are two key concerns about the

    quality and accuracy o the data:

    To protect privacy, street-level crime maps aggregate crime data and map it to

    an anonymous point, typically the geographical centre o a street. For example,

    where there are ewer than eight postal addresses on a street, the crimes may be

    repositioned to a nearby street. This can be misleading i crimes are attributed to

    a dierent location rom where they were reported, or example a nightclub. To

    mitigate this problem, the crime map has, since January 2012, included locations

    such as nightclubs to which crimes can be attributed.

    While the Home Oce sets central standards governing how the police should

    record crime, several reports have highlighted concerns about lack o consistent

    recording o crime across police orces.22 As the data on the crime map is provided

    by each police orce, any quality issues with the way the crimes are recorded are

    replicated within the crime map. The crime map website includes a disclaimer

    about these general data quality issues, but does not link to specic inormation

    that enables a user to judge the robustness o recorded crime data in their area.

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    26 Part Three Implementing transparency

    3.15 Beore the launch o the crime map, the National Policing Improvement Agencyconducted research, which showed that people ound local police inormation and

    crime maps inormative, and that greater knowledge o recorded local crime would not

    increase ear o crime. However, while the Home Oce is taking steps to monitor and

    support the development o the crime map, it is not undertaking a systematic evaluation

    to determine its impact. Given the nature o the crime map, it may potentially drive wide-

    ranging behavioural responses. Existing sources may permit some relevant analyses:

    the British Crime Survey, or example, provides the Home Oce with an opportunity to

    analyse any dierences in peoples experiences or reporting o crime, depending on

    their reported awareness or use o crime maps.

    3.16 The police crime map represents a signicant step in providing inormation thatcan support better local accountability o police services. There has been a high level

    o demand rom the public with an estimated 47 million visits between February and

    December 2011. Closer alignment between the crime maps and reporting o police

    activity and resource use would tighten accountability urther. Evaluating the maps

    eects intended and unintended would help assess the benets and manage risks.

    Local government accountability

    3.17 Under the Coalition Government, the Department or Communities and Local

    Government has prioritised decentralisation and localism. The Department expects local

    communities and individuals to hold local public service bodies to account or theiruse o resources.23 There have been signicant changes in the types o inormation

    that communities and individuals can access. Local authorities have been encouraged

    to make new inormation transparent, while established rameworks or collecting and

    reporting perormance inormation have been discontinued.

    Transparency in local government

    3.18 The Governments approach to encouraging transparency in local government is

    set out in its Code o Recommended Practice or Local Authorities on Data Transparency,

    which it published in September 2011.24 It sets out minimum expectations or data release

    among local public bodies. With respect to the requirement to publish expenditure over

    500, all councils have published data on their spending transactions with one exception,

    Nottingham City Council. We reviewed how ar other key elements o theCode have been

    adopted, based on a sample o more than 200 English councils (Figure 5).

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    Implementing transparency Part Three 27

    3.19 There is variation in how ar councils provide relevant inormation. To an extent,

    this refects that some Code elements were not part o the drat Code, and thereorethe Governments expectation o publication o these items is more recent. However,

    even or items where inormation is published, many o the releases do not include all o

    the inormation set out in the Code. For example, although 88 per cent o councils have

    published senior pay inormation, more than hal o these releases do not describe the

    numbers o sta reporting to them or the budgets that they control.

    3.20 We also reviewed whether councils had published their expenditure data over

    500 timeously and in machine-readable ormats. O the 202 councils we reviewed,

    89 per cent have published the data by month, with one example o weekly releases and

    91 per cent have published data in a non-proprietary, machine-readable ormat. At the

    time o our review, 80 per cent had produced data rom the previous month, though in7 per cent o cases, spending transaction data were our or more months old.

    Figure 5

    Proportion of local authorities releasing data in the

    Code of Recommended Practice



    1 Based on a review of 202 local authority websites undertaken in November 2011.

    2 Tender and contract information includes information published on external websites.

    Source: National Audit Office analysis

    0 20 40 60 80 100

    Asset register

    Organisational charts



    Senior pay

    Committee minutes

    Election results

    Constitution 98








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    28 Part Three Implementing transparency

    Perormance inormation in local government3.21 While the Government has encouraged greater transparency in local government,

    it has discontinued many o the existing arrangements or perormance reporting.

    For example, the Government has stopped the National Indicator Set, along with some

    o its component data collections such as the Place Survey. Existing repositories o

    comparative data, such as the Audit Commissions OnePlace website, are no longer

    supported or updated.

    3.22The Department or Communities and Local Government (the Department) has

    published a Single Data List cataloguing all o the data that councils must provide to

    central government. However, the Department considers that the publication o this

    inormation is not currently done in a way that allows or easy comparison betweencouncils across a range o service areas, making it hard or residents to assess relative

    perormance and value or money.

    3.23The Departments preerred approach is or the local government sector to address

    this gap. The Local Government Association (LGA) in conjunction with local authorities is

    developing an online tool, LG Inorm, which draws together comparative data to enable

    perormance benchmarking and other analysis. The LGA expects to make the service

    available to the public in September 2012. The tool currently includes approximately

    750 metrics in total, covering a range o services.

    3.24 In the uture, LG Inorm will allow local authorities to add voluntary additional datato the system. This is consistent with the principles o localism and reducing centrally

    prescribed perormance data. However, voluntary data will need to be managed

    careully i it is to provide meaningul inormation or perormance measurement and

    accountability. For example, there is a tension between local bodies developing

    their own measures o perormance and user satisaction, and the demands o the

    public and local perormance managers or comparable, benchmarked inormation.

    Such inormation requires uniorm standards and denitions.

    3.25 Implementing greater transparency in local government provides new items

    o nancial and operational inormation or the public. However, although the Code

    o Recommended Practice provides direction, there are still signicant variations inhow councils report this inormation. The Government has discontinued established

    perormance rameworks. It considers that it is primarily or councils themselves

    to respond to citizens requirements, and or the sector as a whole to develop an

    appropriate system to allow or perormance benchmarking. Through the LGA, the local

    government sector is leading on a tool, LG Inorm, to address this issue, but this will not

    be available to the public until September 2012. It is too early to determine whether this

    will meet the perormance inormation needs o residents.

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    Implementing transparency Part Four 29

    Part Four

    Aligning transparency with economic growth

    4.1 A key objective o releasing more public sector inormation is to generate economic

    growth. The Government made a series o announcements relating to this objective initsAutumn Statement 2011,25 including:

    new open data commitments, such as real-time running inormation on trains

    rom Network Rail, to support developing web-based applications enabling more

    productive use o passengers time;

    new commitments or licensing large data sets, including the Clinical Practice

    Research Datalink service which will provide linked, non-identiable patient level

    primary and secondary health data. The Government expects this to promote

    growth in the lie sciences research sector, or example, by reducing the costs

    o clinical trials;

    commitments to consult, or example, on linking welare data to other public

    and commercial data to develop data and analytics markets relating to

    customer inormation;

    new governance arrangements to oversee access to data held by trading unds

    (see paragraph 4.7); and

    establishing an Open Data Institute to develop business innovation and exploit

    commercial opportunity rom releasing public data. The institute will receive

    10 million unding rom the Technology Strategy Board over the current spending

    review period, with matched unding rom industry and academia.

    4.2 While most announcements were or uture commitments, the Government made

    a series o data sets available with theAutumn Statement 2011, or example, detailed

    weather observation and orecast inormation (see paragraph 4.11). However, many

    outlined measures continue to be developed. It is thereore too early to conclude on

    their likely success. This section instead considers the variations in estimates o the

    economic value o public sector inormation and reviews some o the arrangements the

    Government has announced to stimulate growth rom public data.

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    30 Part Four Implementing transparency

    Estimates o economic value o public sector inormation

    4.3 Few studies have attempted to estimate the economic value o public sector

    inormation. Studies that have been carried out suggest a strong strategic economic

    case or enabling greater access to public sector inormation. However, the scale o

    the various estimates varies widely, owing to dierences in approaches to benets

    estimation and the assumptions o the economic models used.

    4.4 A recent review o the literature on reusing public sector inormation put the value

    o public sector inormation in the European Union at around 140 billion a year. The

    author based the estimates on extrapolating rom studies o the total economic impacts

    o geospatial inormation in Australia and New Zealand.26 Based on this review, the

    Government derived an estimate o 16 billion or the current total economic value o UK

    public sector inormation.27

    4.5 The Oce o Fair Trading produced an earlier study in 2006 on the commercial use

    o public sector inormation.28 They surveyed more than 400 public bodies to identiy

    the income generated rom public data release. They also commissioned research to

    estimate the economic value o UK public sector inormation. Based primarily on the

    survey results, the contractors estimated this value to be about 590 million in 2005.

    4.6 Both studies have limitations. The Oce o Fair Trading report notes that top-down

    approaches, such as that used in the EU-wide estimate, tend to overstate the economic

    value o public service inormation. This is because they do not actor in reasonablesubstitutes available i that inormation does not exist or is prohibitively expensive.29

    Furthermore, the assumption o similar public sector inormation markets is crude given

    signicant known dierences between countries. However, the Oce o Fair Trading

    report is likely to understate the economic value o public sector inormation. Their

    survey, and thereore the economic estimate, did not include all bodies likely to hold

    data o economic value or example NHS trusts and local authorities. The Oce o Fair

    Tradings report also pre-dates the extra datasets that have been released since 2006

    as open data. When estimates o economic value vary this widely, it is dicult to assess

    the scale o eort or targeting needed to best build on that value.

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    Implementing transparency Part Four 31

    Getting extra value rom public sector inormation

    4.7 Data expected to have economic value includes data that has not previously

    been made available, and data that has been traded but could be released under

    less restrictive terms. Examples o the ormer include the healthcare inormation to

    be made available to support the lie sciences sector and other health services. The

    Department o Healths business case or a new Clinical Practice Research Datalink

    estimates benets o 446 million, with costs o 275 million over ten years. The benet

    gure mainly comprises eciency savings rom reducing the costs o medical studies

    and does not include wider economic benets, such as potential job creation in the lie

    sciences industry. The Government intends to charge users to cover the costs o the

    data linking process.

    4.8 For the release o practice level prescribing data, the impact assessment estimates

    the costs o the publication to be 450,000 in the rst year and 100,000 in subsequent

    years. The Government expects that the release will lead to increased innovation in the

    pharmaceutical industry. It also expects that publication will generate eciency savings

    as increased transparency o prescribing patterns encourages better prescribing.

    However, the impact assessment does not monetise the economic benets, describing

    them as dicult to measure and speculative.

    4.9 Data known to have economic value include those already traded. Data held by

    the Ordnance Survey, Met Oce, Land Registry and Companies House trading unds

    accounted or 60 per cent o all income received or public data in 2006. A recent

    academic paper, based on the 2006 Oce o Fair Trading survey o income earned rom

    public data, estimates potential gains rom moving rom charged-or to an open data

    regime in the UK o between 1.6 billion and 6.0 billion a year.30 Their data are particularly

    economically valuable and are oten reerred to as core reerence data. This includes

    maps, address databases, land records and weather data, which provide opportunities

    or linking to other data sets to enhance their value. However, established licensing

    arrangements can provide barriers to use, limiting the potential or economic benets.

    4.10 Trading unds must break even over a time period specied in their Trading Fund

    Order. Current revenue rom selling data, as opposed to other services, varies by

    trading und. A 2008 study commissioned by the Department or Business, Enterprise

    and Regulatory Reorm (now the Department or Business, Innovation and Skills) and

    HM Treasury estimated that the Met Oce would lose around 1 per cent o its revenue

    were it to make raw data available or ree, while at the other extreme, the Ordnance

    Survey would lose 26 per cent o its revenue rom data sales to non-government

    sources.31 The potential nancial implications o ree data release thereore vary widely

    across the unds.

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    32 Part Four Implementing transparency

    4.11 As a rst step, the Government has announced some releases rom these tradingunds as open data. Examples include weather orecast and real-time observation

    datasets, and prices paid or residential property in England and Wales. The business

    case or this release estimated economic benets o 60 million, with additional wider

    social welare benets o between 6 million and 27 million, over 20 years. This

    compares with costs o about 11 million over that period. Releasing the Met Oce

    weather data sets make up 84 per cent o the total economic benets.32 We tested

    whether the business case complied with good practice in central government, and

    ound that:

    neither the Met Oce nor the Cabinet Oce has assessed the impact o releasing

    weather data as open data on the wider market, so the benets included in thebusiness case are highly uncertain;

    it does not cover costs other than implementation costs and the loss o income

    due to ree release o data sets previously charged or. For example, additional

    revenue loss may be expected rom increased service competition rom new

    commercial applications; and

    or the nancial year 2012-13, the estimated revenue losses or the trading unds lie

    between 5,000 or the Met Oce and 600,000 or the Land Registry. Based on

    revenue currently obtained rom statutory and commercial data sales, this suggests

    that the planned releases represent only a part o the economically valuable data

    sets held across the our trading unds.

    4.12 The Government announced in itsAutumn Statement 2011 new governance

    arrangements or the our trading unds. They will orm a Public Data Group and

    continue their trading unctions. A separate Data Strategy Board will promote release o

    open data. It will receive at least 7 million in the current spending review period to buy

    data rom the Public Data Group or wider public sector or ree release. In uture, the

    Data Strategy Board will seek to agree a proportion o dividends rom the Public Data

    Group, to increase its unding. The Cabinet Oce has not yet produced broader policy

    on open data rom trading unds.

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    Implementing transparency Appendix One 33

    Appendix One


    Method Purpose

    Survey o and interviews with 16 departments33

    and wider stakeholders described in Figure 2

    To collect inormation on transparency arrangements

    Interviews with the Cabinet Oices

    Transparency team

    To determine the Cabinet O ices role in the

    transparency agenda, and to collect inormation on the

    progress o implementation

    Document review o central and departmental

    strategic and operational plans or transparency


    To supplement interv iew evidence

    Case studies. Analysis o schools, community

    based care services or adults, police, and local

    government sectors

    To review case examples o how inormation is

    provided to the public or accountability purposes, and

    in support o wider reorms

    Consultation with developers and the media To understand the perspectives o intermediaries in

    realising potential beneits o transparency

    Review o central and local government

    data releases

    To assess compliance with Treasury guidance on

    departmental spending data, and or councils with the

    Department or Communities and Local Governments

    Code o Recommended Practice

  • 8/2/2019 Implementing Transparency Report from the NAO


    34Appendix Two Implementing transparency

    Appendix Two

    Timeline o transparency achievements anduture aspirations

    Prepared by the Cabinet Ofce

    The Transparency Agenda is a coalition pledge championed by the Prime Minister to

    make the Government more open. Every department o state and each arms-length

    body shares responsibility as part o this Governments drive to make public sector

    organisations more accountable to the British public. Much has been achieved since

    we have gone about opening up Whitehall and the wider public sector, changing the

    relationship between the citizen and state by giving people access to data that matters to

    them. Greater transparency enables accountability, improves choices, increases public

    service productivity and quality as well as encouraging social and economic growth.

    As a result o the work so ar the public now has unprecedented access to data in

    government spend, transport, health, justice, crime and education. Much o this

    inormation is available on, one o the largest government data

    resources in the world. We have also positioned Open Data as an integral part o the

    UKs economic growth strategy, announcing an ambitious package o measures in the

    ChancellorsAutumn Statement 2011.

    Transparency and Open Data represent new ways o doing government. Thereore,

    as this agenda develops, we will continue to build the economic benet case,

    demonstrating how these core operating principles can lead to new economic growth

    and greater eciency within the public sector.

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    Implementing transparency Appendix Two 35


    May 2010 First Prime Minister let ter on transparency which included commitments or

    departments to publish senior sta salary details and data on central and local

    government spending.

    June 2010 Public Sector Transparency Board, chaired by Minister or the Cabinet O ice

    and consisting o public sector data specialists, meets or the irst time to drive

    orward transparency agenda.

    February 2011 Launch o by the Home O ice which gives the public unprecedented

    access to crime data across the whole o England and Wales. Over 47 million

    visits since inception.

    July 2011 Second Prime Minister let ter on transparency which set out commitments to

    publish data across public services including health, transport and criminal justice.

    The letter also included measures to improve the quality o government data.

    Data on apprenticeships paid or by the Government released by Department

    or Education.

    August 2011 Launch o Making Open Data Real consultation which set out proposals or the

    Governments Transparency and Open Data Strategy.

    AugustOctober 2011 Nearly ive hundred responses to the Making Open Data Real consultation received

    rom a variety o sectors such as health, industry, local and central government.

    October 2011 Reo ending rates data published by Ministry o Justice.

    Free government data sets rom Transport Direct published alongside road works

    data on strategic road network published by Department or Transport.

    Hospital complaints data published by NHS Inormation Centre.

    November 2011 Launch o Open Data Measures in the Autumn Statement. These included

    establishing a Data Strategy Board and a Public Data Group that will maximise

    the value o the data rom the Met Oice, Ordnance Survey, the Land Registry

    and Companies House.

    Sentencing by court data made available by Ministry o Justice.

    December 2011 7,865 data sets on

    Twenty-three out o twenty-ive commitments or central government in the Prime

    Ministers letters due by December 2011 are met.

    Inaugural meeting o the Transparency Senior Oicials group which coordinates

    progress o transparency agenda across individual government departments.

    Publication o prescribing data by GP practices by NHS Inormation Centre.

    Publication o clinical outcomes data by NHS Inormation Centre.

    Real-time data on strategic road network (speed congestion) and weekly rail

    timetable data released by Department or Transport.

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    36Appendix Two Implementing transparency

    Achieved continued

    January 2012 Publication o summary o responses to Making Open Data Real consultat ion

    alongside substantive consultation responses.

    Department or Education brings together school spending data, school

    perormance data, pupil cohort data and Osted judgements, in a parent-riendly

    portal, searchable by postcode.

    March 2012 Cabinet O ice and Department or Business, Innovation and Skil ls publishes the

    terms o reerence or Data Strategy Board.

    Department or Transport releases a range o highways and traic data via the

    Roadworks website, which includes data to help reduce congestion and enable

    business to make more predictable travel and logistics decisions.

    Publication oOpen or Business which set out how open data is already

    uelling UK businesses, creating jobs and supporting economic growth. This

    was accompanied by an interactive site to enable other organisations to tell

    government how they are using public data to create innovative new business

    models, products and services.


    April 2012 Network Rai l and the Traveline will work with the transpor t industry to make

    available timetable and real-time train and bus inormation to support the

    development o innovative applications to improve passenger journeys.

    Publication o the business plan or the Open Data Institute (ODI). The ODI willinnovate, exploit and research the opportunities or the United Kingdom created

    by the Governments Open Data policy. In addition the ODI will develop the

    economic beneits case and business model or Open Data.

    United Kingdom to take over co-chairmanship o the Open Government

    Partnership rom the United States. The Open Government Partnership is a

    multilateral initiative with more than 50 member countries that aims to secure

    concrete commitments rom governments to promote transparency, empower

    citizens, ight corruption, and harness new technologies to promote prosperity

    and reduce inequalities.

    Department o Health to release data about the quality o postgraduate

    medical education.

    Clinical audits and NHS sta satisaction data released by Department o Health.

    Mid-2012 Cabinet O ice to publish Transparency and Open Data products set ting out

    the Governments vision or embedding Transparency and Open Data as core

    operating principles o the public services. These products will include a ormal

    response to the Kieron OHara report on privacy and transparency.

    Cabinet Oice will continue to build an evidence base to demonstrate how

    increased transparency can promote economic growth and greater eiciency

    within the public sector.

    Individual departmental Open Data Strategies due or publication. will be rereshed alongside ongoing work with government

    departments to help them improve quality o their metadata (inormation about

    the data) and to increase the portolio o their published datasets.

    Home Oice to release Crime Mapper to Justice Mapper data.

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    Implementing transparency Appendix Two 37

    Planned continued

    June 2012 Depar tment or Education to open up access to anonymised data rom the

    National Pupil Database.

    September 2012 Health and Social Care Inormation Centre will provide a service link to primary

    and secondary healthcare datasets to reinorce the UKs position as a global

    centre or research and analytics and boost UK lie sciences.

    NHS Inormation Centre will publish urther prescribing data.

    Open Data Institute due to open.

    During and

    beyond 2012

    Department or Work and Pensions and Cabinet Oice via the new Welare

    Sector Transparency Board will consider opportunities or securely linking welare

    datasets to other government and commercial datasets to increase their value to

    the industry.

    Department or Work and Pensions will consult on the content o anonymised

    it note data rom 2012 to drive innovation in the occupational health sector and

    improve management o sickness absence.

    Department or Work and Pensions will design the Universal Credit system so that

    aggregate beneits data can be published during the irst year o the live running o

    the system.

    Department or Health will ensure all NHS patients can access their personal GP

    records online by the end o this Parliament.

    Department or Transport plans to legislate to give the Civil Aviation Authority thepower to publish data on the perormance o aviation service providers.

    The Cabinet Oice will set up an Open Data User Group (ODUG) to support the

    work o the new Data Strategy Board (DSB). The ODUG will advise the DSB on

    public sector data that should be prioritised or release as open data.

    Note: planned release dates are correct at the time o going to press.

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    38Appendix Two Implementing transparency

    Specic responsibilities o departments are set out in a number o documents, includingthe Prime Ministers letters o May 2010, and July 2011, and in departmental Open Data

    Strategies which detail current and planned data releases that departments themselves

    are responsible or delivering. Open Data Strategies are due or publication or the rst

    time later in the year and will be included in departments business plans and rereshed

    yearly thereater.

    The Cabinet Oce also has a small strategic team that aims to provide strategic

    leadership on this agenda, and specically is responsible or:

    Bringing together ocials rom across government to help promote and deliver

    transparency agenda.

    Advising the Government on the progress o the transparency agenda.

    Providing a secretariat to the Transparency Board.

    Providing guidance and approving departmental Open Data Strategies.

    Managing and developing the website.

    Working with other departments such as the Ministry o Justice to look at the

    legislative landscape around transparency agenda.

    Setting up the Open Data User Group to provide advice on release o Open Data to

    the Data Strategy Board.

    Setting up the Open Data Institute.

    Developing policy in areas specied in the timeline.

    Cabinet Ofce

    April 2012

  • 8/2/2019 Implementing Transparency Report from the NAO


    Implementing transparency Endnotes 39


    1 Cabinet Oce, Transparency-overview.


    2 HM Treasury,Autumn Statement 2011, available at


    3 Prime Ministers letter to Cabinet Ministers on transparency and open data,July 2011, available at


    4 By February 2012, six departments had not yet provided their spending data or

    December 2011.

    5 Available at

    6 HM Treasury, Autumn Statement 2011, available at


    7 This excludes sta costs o the National Policing Improvement Agency crimemap team.

    8 Cabinet Oce, Making Open Data Real: A Public Consultation, August 2011.

    9 The website is available at

    10 K OHara, Transparent Government, Not Transparent Citizens: A Report on Privacy

    and Transparency or the Cabinet Ofce, Cabinet Oce, 2011.

    11 Audit Commission, Protecting the public purse, 2011, p. 21.

    12 Home Oce, Fighting Fraud Locally: The Local Government Fraud Strategy,

    April 2012, available at

    bodies/na/ghting-raud-locally-strategy/. The Department or Communities and

    Local Government also