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Astronomy & Astrophysics manuscript no. article c© ESO 2018February 19, 2018

Impact of star formation history on the measurement of starformation rates

M. Boquien1, V. Buat2, and V. Perret3

1 Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge, Madingley Road, Cambridge, CB3 0HA, United Kingdom e-mail:[email protected]

2 Aix Marseille Universite, CNRS, LAM (Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille) UMR 7326, 13388, Marseille, France3 Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Zurich, CH-8057 Zrich, Switzerland


Context. Measuring star formation across the Universe is key to constrain models of galaxy formation and evolution. Yet, determiningthe SFR (star formation rate) of galaxies remains a challenge.Aims. In this paper we investigate in isolation the impact of a variable star formation history on the measurement of the SFR.Methods. We combine 23 state–of–the–art hydrodynamical simulations of 1 < z < 2 galaxies on the main sequence with the cigalespectral energy distribution modelling code. This allows us to generate synthetic spectra every 1 Myr for each simulation, taking thestellar populations and the nebular emission into account. Using these spectra, we estimate the SFR from classical estimators whichwe compare with the true SFR we know from the simulations.Results. We find that except for the Lyman continuum, classical SFR estimators calibrated over 100 Myr overestimate the SFR from∼ 25% in the FUV band to ∼ 65% in the U band. Such biases are due 1) to the contribution of stars living longer than 100 Myr, and2) to variations of the SFR on timescales longer than a few tens of Myr. Rapid variations of the SFR increase the uncertainty on thedetermination of the instantaneous SFR but have no long term effect.Conclusions. The discrepancies between the true and estimated SFR may explain at least part of the tension between the integralof the star formation rate density and the stellar mass density at a given redshift. To reduce possible biases, we suggest to use SFRestimators calibrated over 1 Gyr rather than the usually adopted 100 Myr timescales.

Key words. galaxies: star formation; infrared:galaxies; ultraviolet:galaxies

1. Introduction

The SFR (star formation rate) is a key parameter to understandgalaxy formation and evolution. If it plays such a central role,this is due to its fundamental relation with the stellar mass andthe gas reservoir on which our understanding of galaxy forma-tion and evolution is based. Yet, despite its considerable impor-tance, measuring star formation accurately remains a challeng-ing task (see Kennicutt & Evans 2012, for a recent review).

One of the key assumptions to measure the SFR of a galaxyis its SFH (star formation history). Most classical estimators arebased on the assumption of a constant SFR over a period of100 Myr (e.g. Kennicutt 1998). If this assumption may seem rea-sonable for low redshift spiral galaxies evolving secularly, it isunlikely to hold true for interacting systems or at higher redshiftwhere the SFR necessarily varies on timescales that can be sim-ilar or shorter than 100 Myr. With the increasing availability ofobservations spanning a broad range of wavelengths, one possi-bility to waive the assumption on the SFH is to carry out multi–wavelengths SED (spectral energy distribution) modelling. TheSFH can then be left as a free parameter to compute the SFR.Unfortunately, the SFH is degenerate with other parameters suchas the attenuation. For instance a galaxy can exhibit a red UV (ul-traviolet) slope because it is dusty and actively forming stars, orbecause it is not forming stars any more. If multi–wavelengthsdata partly alleviate this problem when UV and IR (infrared)data are simultaneously available, the SFH still remains poorlyconstrained.

Even if we cannot uncover the SFH of galaxies in detail, it isnevertheless possible to investigate the impact of short and longterm variations of the SFH on the measure of the SFR using nu-merical simulations of galaxies (e.g. Wuyts et al. 2009; Wilkinset al. 2012; Lanz et al. 2014; Simha et al. 2014). However, simul-taneously taking into account both the attenuation and a variablestar formation history makes it difficult to isolate the exact im-pact of the latter on the accuracy of classical SFR estimators.Another potential issue that can be encountered when exploit-ing numerical simulations is the time resolution of reconstructedSFH. If it is not significantly smaller than the typical time a SFRestimator is sensitive to, then short term variations are in effectsmoothed out and their impact cannot be explored and thus re-mains unknown.

The aim of this article is to explore the impact of long termand short term variability of the SFH on the measurement of theSFR using classical estimators, isolated from any other perturb-ing effect. In Sect. 2, we lay out our method, including how wecombine state–of–the–art hydrodynamical simulations of galax-ies with a SED modelling code to generate synthetic observa-tions from which we estimate the SFR. We present our resultsin Sect. 3 before discussing the best course of action to measurethe SFR while taking its variability into account in Sect. 4. Weconclude in Sect. 5.

2. Method

To understand the impact of the variability of the SFH on themeasurement of the SFR, our main guideline is to compare esti-






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mated SFR from synthetic observations of simulated galaxies tothe true SFR we know from the simulations.

In this Section, we first present the set of simulations of highredshift galaxies that provides us with a sample of SFH with atime resolution of only 1 Myr. Then we show how we exploitthese SFH to create simulated observations. Finally, we presentthe set of SFR estimators considered in this study and how theyare applied to estimate the SFR from simulated observations.

2.1. The MIRAGE simulations sample

The use of SFH with plausible variations over all timescales —from rapid stochastic variations to slow variations over long pe-riods — is especially important if we want to provide meaning-ful insight into the impact of the variability of the SFH on themeasure of the SFR. This means that we need SFH generated bymeans of hydrodynamical simulations with a very detailed mod-elling of baryonic physics and in particular of feedback whichcan have a dramatic effect in governing the SFR in galaxies.Following these requirements, we rely on the MIRAGE simula-tions (Merging and Isolated high redshift Adaptive mesh refine-ment Galaxies, Perret et al. 2014). It comprises a set of 20 ide-alised mergers simulations sampling four initial disk orientationsand five total baryonic masses. The whole merger sample is builtusing three distinct idealised disk models G1, G2, and G3 thatare also simulated in isolation with stellar masses respectively oflog M? = 9.8, 10.2, and 10.6. These stellar masses were selectedto sample the stellar mass histogramme of a representative spec-troscopic sample of 1 < z < 2 galaxies, namely the MASSIVsample (Contini et al. 2012). Each model is composed of a stel-lar disk, a gaseous disk, a stellar bulge, and a dark matter halo.The two disk components are built using an exponential densityprofile, while the stellar bulge and the dark matter halo are fol-lowing a common Hernquist (1990) profile. The initial gas frac-tion of the three disk models is fg = 0.65 which is in agreementwith the most gas–rich 1 < z < 2 population observed (Daddiet al. 2010a). These simulations were carried out using the adap-tive mesh refinement code RAMSES (Teyssier 2002), allowingto reach a physical resolution of 7 pc in the most refined cells.The modelled gas physics in the simulations includes metal linescooling, star formation using a local Schmidt law, metallicityadvection as well as a recent physically–motivated implementa-tion of stellar feedback (Renaud et al. 2013) that encompassesOB–type stars radiative pressure, photo-ionization heating andsupernovae. The SFH of each simulation has been obtained bycomputing a mass–weighted histogramme of the age of the starsparticles using a bin of 1 Myr over about 800 Myr.

Because of the high gas fraction of the galaxy models, Jeansinstabilities arise in the first dynamical times of the simula-tions and trigger very high SFR, more than 2σ away from thenormal star formation regime of the simulations. This transi-tory relaxation phase that occurs within the first 250 Myr isexcluded from our analysis to avoid spurious effects due to itsnon–representativeness.

While the physical properties of the three disk models of theMIRAGE sample are defined to be comparable to the propertiesof galaxies observed in the redshift range 1 < z < 2, the star for-mation implementation is not specifically designed to perfectlymatch the normal SFE (star formation efficiency) of the observa-tions. Indeed, MIRAGE simulations display a SFE slightly underthe Daddi et al. (2010b) relation, within 1σ. Nevertheless, thisfeature is not really relevant for this analysis since we are in-terested in the relative SFR fluctuations more than the absolutevalue. Moreover, the merger simulations do not display any SFE

enhancement which is interpreted as a saturation mechanism ofthe star formation in Perret et al. (2014). The remarkable homo-geneity of the observed specific SFR in high redshift galaxies(Elbaz et al. 2007, 2011; Nordon et al. 2012) suggests that thestarburst regime might be infrequent, with most galaxies beingon the main sequence at any given time. The MIRAGE galaxiesalways lie on the main sequence, which is consistent and sug-gests that they do not represent rare objects but rather commongalaxies.

One of the main findings of Perret et al. (2014) is thevariation of the SFR on short timescales, with a dispersionσSFR ' 0.3 × 〈SFR〉. They attribute this to the presence of multi-ple long–lived giant star–forming clumps wandering in a turbu-lent ISM. If they are indeed widespread, these rapid variations ofthe SFR show the importance of fully understanding what theirimpact on classical SFR estimators is.

There are two caveats that should nevertheless be noted.First, because these simulations are computationally very de-manding, galaxies were followed over less than 1 Gyr. Thismeans that we do not have access to SFH on longer timescales,which prevents us from modelling the contribution of an old stel-lar population. Cosmological simulations naturally provide SFHover 13 Gyr if they are ran until z = 0, but by definition suchsimulations (e.g. Pontzen & Governato 2012; Dubois et al. 2014;Vogelsberger et al. 2014) cannot reach the numerical resolutionachieved in idealised simulations (Renaud et al. 2013). A nu-merical resolution that allows to resolve the vertical structure ofthe disk combined to a gas treatment that allows cooling below104 K is essential to understand the nature of star formation.Hydrodynamical simulations of a cosmological volume are ableto display a cosmic SFH coherent with observations (Hopkins &Beacom 2006), but at the scale of individual galaxies the SFH issmoothed because of the lack of both spatial and temporal reso-lution. Using idealised simulations in this analysis, we trade offa realistic long term SFH for more realistic SFR fluctuations onshorter timescales. The second point is that these simulations donot aim at being representative of all main–sequence galaxies atthe aforementioned redshifts. In reality, the global population ofhigh–redshift galaxies is likely to exhibit a broader diversity ofSFH than can be explored here. However the sample we haveadopted is nevertheless very useful to exemplify some of the is-sues with the measurement of the SFR, even if the exact ampli-tude of these issues may, in some circumstances, be dependenton the considered SFH.

2.2. Simulating observations

For each of the 23 MIRAGE simulations, we compute theattenuation–free spectra every 1 Myr from the SFH, foregoingall spatial information. To do so, we use the cigale SED mod-elling code (Boquien et al., Burgarella et al. in prep.). We adoptthe stellar population models of Bruzual & Charlot (2003) witha Chabrier (2003) IMF (initial mass function) between 0.1 M�and 100 M� and a metallicity Z = 0.008, consistent with thesubsolar metallicity of galaxies at the considered redshifts (e.g.Yuan et al. 2013). We will discuss the impact of the metallicityon our results in Sect. 4.2. The emission from H ii regions in-cludes recombination lines and the nebular continuum via free–free, free–bound, and two–photon mechanisms.

The luminosity in individual bands is computed by integrat-ing the spectrum in the corresponding passbands except for thenumber of Lyman continuum photons which is an output param-eter of the model, and for the TIR luminosity, which is computed


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by integrating over the entire spectrum, based on the assumptionthat the galaxy is entirely buried, following Kennicutt (1998).

An example of a MIRAGE merger SFH and the correspond-ing spectra from the Lyman break to the U band is shown inFig. 1 for three different times. While the details of the SFHdiffer somewhat from one simulation to another, for instance interms of normalisation, they are qualitatively similar. There isno long term trend after the initial star formation episode due tothe relaxation and peak–to–peak variations are of the order of afew. Overall, the SFH shown in Fig. 1 is typical of the MIRAGESFH. In terms of relative scatter we find σSFR ' 0.36 × 〈SFR〉versus 0.34 ± 0.06 for the entire sample starting from 250 Myr.All the SFH are shown in Fig. 7 in Perret et al. (2014).

2.3. Star formation rate estimators

2.3.1. Converting a luminosity to an SFR

The computation of the SFR from the luminosity in a given bandrelies on several assumptions such as a proper correction for par-tial obscuration by dust, an IMF, a metallicity, and as we havementioned in Sect. 1, an SFH. Because we want to completelyisolate effects due to the variability of the SFH from other ef-fects, the simulated observations and the SFR estimators mustbe generated with the exact same set of parameters and models.We therefore refrain from adopting SFR estimators from the lit-erature but we rather devise a fully consistent set of estimators.As we will see in Sect. 2.3.2, different SFR estimators probedifferent timescales. A constant SFR over 100 Myr or 1 Gyr isoften assumed (e.g., Hao et al. 2011). We choose the formeras our baseline because it typically corresponds to the age atwhich a constant SFR produces 90% of the steady state lumi-nosity (Kennicutt & Evans 2012; Boissier 2013) and it is widelyused in the literature.

To summarise, we compute the SFR estimators building asynthetic model with the following assumptions: 1) constantSFR over 100 Myr, 2) a Chabrier (2003) IMF between 0.1 M�and 100 M�, 3) a metallicity Z = 0.008. The calibration coef-ficients are presented in Appendix A. Conceptually similar SFRestimators spanning a broad range in terms of age and metallicityhave been presented in Otı-Floranes & Mas-Hesse (2010).

In the context of this study, we consider 5 of the most popularSFR estimators: the GALEX FUV, GALEX NUV, and BesselU bands which trace the photospheric emission from massivestars, the Lyman continuum which is responsible for ionisingthe hydrogen in star–forming regions and which can be tracedthrough recombination lines or free–free emission, and the totalIR emission from dust in a completely buried galaxy.

2.3.2. A short note on timescales probed by SFR estimators

Different SFR estimators are generally not sensitive to the samestellar populations. For instance recombination lines are due tomassive stars that live of the order of 10 Myr. However, starsthat dominate the UV domain live up to a few hundred Myr. Yet,these timescales should rather be seen as an indication of thetime required to reach a luminosity steady state for a constantSFR. To quantify what is the typical age of stars dominating theluminosity in a band for a given SFH, we introduce luminosityweighted ages:

∑t t×L(t)∑

t L(t) , with t the age and L(t) the luminosity of asimple stellar population of age t in a given band. In practice wesum over t, with each t representing a bin of 1 Myr. In Fig. 2, wepresent the luminosity weighted ages versus the wavelength for

a constant SFR over 100 Myr and over 1 Gyr. We find that there

100 150 200 250 300 350 400Wavelength [nm]







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Fig. 2. Luminosity weighted ages versus the wavelength for aconstant SFR over 100 Myr (solid lines) and 1 Gyr (dashedlines). The magenta (respectively red) line indicates the lumi-nosity weighted age for the Lyman continuum (resp. the TIR fora completely buried galaxy). We see that the typical timescaleprobed is not only strongly dependent on the estimator and onthe wavelength, but also on the SFH, with longer wavelengthsand the TIR being the most sensitive to the duration of star for-mation episode in this simple scenario.

is a strong dependence of the luminosity weighted ages on thelength of the star formation episodes. Unsurprisingly, an episodeof 1 Gyr systematically leads to larger ages than in the case of100 Myr. This also depends on wavelength: longer wavelengthbands yield larger ages and on average the TIR is more sensitiveto older stars than the UV or the Lyman continuum. This showsthe importance of older stellar populations for dust heating whenconsidering timescales longer than 100 Myr, in line with well–known results (e.g., Lonsdale Persson & Helou 1987; Sauvage& Thuan 1992; Bendo et al. 2010, 2012; Boquien et al. 2011;Crocker et al. 2013).

Even for a naıve SFH, we see the complex relation there isbetween 1) the length of the star formation episode, 2) whichstars contribute most to a given tracer, and 3) the strong dif-ferences from one tracer to another in terms of age sensitivity.More realistic SFH certainly render these relations even morecomplex. This shows that the presence of long–lived stars alsohas an impact on SFR estimates. We will examine these issuesin detail over the following Sections.

3. Results

3.1. Comparison of estimated and true star formation rates

For each of the 23 simulations, we have estimated the SFRusing the conversion factors devised in Sect. 2.3.1 and listedin Appendix A which assume a metallicity Z = 0.008, aChabrier (2003) IMF between 0.1 M� and 100 M�, and a con-stant SFR over 100 Myr. We compare SFR(estimated) withSFR(true) for one of the simulations in Fig. 3. We find thatSFR(Ly) follows very closely SFR(true) and is able to cap-ture all but the highest frequency variations for which it suffersfrom a short time delay. Conversely, SFR(FUV), SFR(NUV),


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Fig. 1. Left: SFH of the MIRAGE G2 G2 90 90 90 merger simulation (Perret et al. 2014). The time resolution is 1 Myr. The first250 Myr are not shown as the initial relaxation is handled (Sect. 2.1). The coloured arrows at 400, 500, and 600 Myr indicate atwhich time we compute the spectra shown in the right–hand panel from the Lyman break to the U band. These spectra are createdwith the cigale SED modelling code (Boquien et al., Burgarella et al. in prep.). In the present case we assume a Chabrier (2003) IMFand a metallicity Z = 0.008. Nebular emission is also included. It takes into account recombination lines and the nebular continuumfrom free–free, free–bound, and two–photon processes. The continuum contributes most in the red part of the shown spectra. Wehave computed the spectra for all 23 MIRAGE simulations (3 isolated galaxies and 20 interacting galaxies) every 1 Myr.

300 400 500 600 700Time [Myr]









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Fig. 3. Left: SFR(true) (black), SFR(Ly) (magenta), SFR(FUV) (blue), SFR(NUV) (cyan), SFR(U) (green), and SFR(TIR) (red) forthe MIRAGE G2 G2 90 90 90 simulation (Perret et al. 2014). Note that SFR(true) and SFR(Ly) are nearly blended. Right: zoombetween 350 Myr and 450 Myr. We see that SFR(Ly) follows extremely well the variations of SFR(true) even for high frequencyvariations. SFR estimators at longer wavelengths are not able to capture these variations though, leading to important discrepancieson the estimates of the instantaneous SFR. Beyond the capture of short term variations, we see that there is also a systematic offsetthat is visible in the FUV and NUV bands but which is especially prominent in the U band. For the present simulation we have〈[SFR(FUV) − SFR(true)] /SFR(true)〉 = 0.27 ± 0.30 between 250 Myr and 790 Myr with a peak of ∼ 1.5. For the U band we have〈[SFR(U) − SFR(true)] /SFR(true)〉 = 0.70 ± 0.46 with a peak of ∼ 2.8. This is representative of the entire MIRAGE sample as canbe seen in Fig. 4.

SFR(U), and SFR(TIR) do not properly capture these varia-tions lasting no more than a few tens Myr. A related and im-portant question is whether the SFR(estimated) are accurate onaverage on long timescales for which the short term variationscould be averaged out. We find that in reality SFR(estimated)systematically overestimate SFR(true). If the overestimate isvery small for SFR(Ly) it is clearly visible for SFR(FUV)and SFR(NUV), and it is particularly strong for SFR(U): wefind 〈[SFR(FUV) − SFR(true)] /SFR(true)〉 = 0.27 ± 0.30 and

〈[SFR(U) − SFR(true)] /SFR(true)〉 = 0.70 ± 0.46 between250 Myr and 790 Myr (we forego the first 250 Myr to avoid be-ing affected by the highly transitory nature of the onset of starformation). To examine this issue further, in Fig. 4 we com-pare the ratio of the difference between SFR(estimated) andSFR(true) to SFR(true) versus time for the entire sample. Wefind that this excess can also be retrieved when considering theentire sample:


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Fig. 4. Ratio of difference between SFR(estimated) andSFR(true) to SFR(true) versus time for the entire MIRAGE sam-ple. The solid lines indicate the mean value across all simula-tions whereas the shaded areas of the same colour indicate thestandard deviation. The dashed lines indicate the mean value be-tween 250 Myr and 790 Myr. The colour coding is the sameas for Fig. 3. We see that except for the Lyman continuum, theSFR is systematically overestimated, from 24% on average forthe FUV band to 65% on average for the U band. Peak relativedifferences reach ∼ 0.7 for the Lyman continuum, ∼ 1.9, ∼ 2.1,and ∼ 3.2 for the FUV, NUV, and U bands, and ∼ 2.0 for theTIR.


SFR(Ly) − SFR(true)]/SFR(true)

⟩= 0.02 ± 0.11

– 〈[SFR(FUV) − SFR(true)] /SFR(true)〉 = 0.24 ± 0.26– 〈[SFR(NUV) − SFR(true)] /SFR(true)〉 = 0.33 ± 0.29– 〈[SFR(U) − SFR(true)] /SFR(true)〉 = 0.65 ± 0.42– 〈[SFR(TIR) − SFR(true)] /SFR(true)〉 = 0.38 ± 0.29

This means that except for the Lyman continuum, classical es-timators calibrated assuming a constant SFR over 100 Myr allclearly overestimate the SFR. We will discuss the origin of thiseffect in Sect. 4.1 and its impact in Sect. 4.3.

3.2. Timescales

We have seen in Sect. 2.3.2 that the typical timescales probedby different estimators are strongly dependent on the durationof the star formation episode. However, we examined the caseof a constant SFR over a long period. It is unclear how thesetimescales compare with those for more realistic SFH. In Fig. 5,we have computed the luminosity weighted ages versus the sim-ulation age and versus the wavelength. There is a generally pro-gressive increase of the luminosity weighted ages with time.However, after 400 Myr, FUV progressively reaches a steadystate. When considering longer wavelengths, the weighted ageskeep increasing because of the continuing accumulation of long–lived stars. Short term variations of the SFR seem to have littleoverall impact. At 790 Myr, the Lyman continuum has a lumi-nosity weighted age of ∼ 3 Myr, the FUV band ∼ 40 − 60 Myr,the NUV band ∼ 60−90 Myr, and the TIR and the U band tracersmore than 100 Myr. Finally, when comparing to Fig. 2, we findthat the dependence of the ages on the wavelength is remarkablysimilar to the case of a constant SFR over 1 Gyr.

4. Discussion

4.1. Why the SFR is overestimated

We have found that except for the Lyman continuum, other SFRestimators systematically overestimate SFR(true) over long pe-riods, from 24% on average for the FUV band up to 65% for theU band. We examine here the fundamental reasons for this dis-crepancy and under which conditions standard estimators couldprovide reasonably unbiased results.

Intuitively, SFR estimators sensitive to short timescales suchas SFR(Ly) provide us with accurate estimates because theytightly follow the variations of SFR(true) both when it increasesand when it decreases, albeit with a slight delay. However, asother tracers are sensitive to longer timescales we are facing thecombined impacts of short and long term variations of the SFR.To investigate these issues, we have decomposed the MIRAGESFH into low and high frequency components using a FastFourier Transform. While the choice of the threshold in termsof variation period between these components is somewhat arbi-trary, we have chosen a separation period of 40 Myr, as it is sim-ilar to the FUV age–weighted luminosities. That is to say thatall variations faster (resp. slower) than a timescale of 40 Myrare assigned to the high (resp. low) frequency component. Fromeach of these two SFH we have recomputed SFR(estimated)independently. We show the Fourier–filtered SFH along withthe corresponding recomputed SFR(estimated) for one of theMIRAGE simulations in Fig. 6. Note that the SFR(estimated)are not Fourier–filtered, they are only computed from Fourier–filtered SFH.

First, we only consider the high frequency component.We see that only SFR(Ly) can follow the rapid variations ofSFR(true). But even then, there is always a slight delay. Othertracers cannot follow rapid variations accurately but no system-atic bias is visible. If we look at the entire sample between250 Myr and 790 Myr, we find:


SFRHF(Ly) − SFRHF(true)]/SFR(true)

⟩= 0.01 ± 0.11

– 〈[SFRHF(FUV) − SFRHF(true)] /SFR(true)〉 = 0.03 ± 0.17– 〈[SFRHF(NUV) − SFRHF(true)] /SFR(true)〉 = 0.03 ± 0.18– 〈[SFRHF(U) − SFRHF(true)] /SFR(true)〉 = 0.03 ± 0.17– 〈[SFRHF(TIR) − SFRHF(true)] /SFR(true)〉 = 0.03 ± 0.16

On average, the bias due to rapid variations of the SFR is limitedto 3% and even just 1% for SFR(Ly). However, rapid variationsof the SFR increase the scatter on the instantaneous SFR as eventhe SFR(Ly) cannot follow the variations closely enough. If wecompare these values with those obtained in Sect. 3.1, it appearsthat rapid variations are responsible for nearly all of the scatterfor SFR(Ly). However for other tracers, this is not true as thescatter due to rapid variations of the SFR alone cannot explain allof the total scatter. This suggests that low frequency variationsplay an important role.

If we now consider only the low frequency component, wecan see two main features. First, in the right panel of Fig. 6we see is a clear offset between the extrema of SFR(true) andthat of SFR(estimated). This delay is as expected minimal forSFR(Ly), around 1 Myr. For other estimators it is typically de-layed by a few Myr. This delay appears remarkably independentof the wavelength from SFR(FUV) to SFR(TIR). The secondobvious feature is that except for SFR(Ly) there is an excess inSFR(estimated). It appears that tracers having longer timescaleshave a stronger excess. If we consider the entire sample, we find:


SFRLF(Ly) − SFRLF(true))/SFR(true)

⟩= 0.00 ± 0.03

– 〈[SFRLF(FUV) − SFRLF(true)) /SFR(true)〉 = 0.21 ± 0.17


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Fig. 5. Left: Luminosity weighted ages versus the simulation time. The solid lines indicate the mean value of for the 23 simulationsand the shaded areas of the corresponding colours indicate the standard deviation. The colour scheme is the same as that of Fig. 3.Right: Luminosity weighted ages versus wavelength (black) for a simulation age of 790 Myr. The values for the Lyman continuumand the TIR at 790 Myr are also indicated. For comparison, the corresponding values for a constant SFR over 1 Gyr shown in Fig. 2is indicated in dashed lines.

300 400 500 600 700Time [Myr]











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360 380 400 420 440Time [Myr]










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Fig. 6. Left: Fourier–filtered SFH of the MIRAGE G2 G2 90 90 90 simulation (black lines) along with SFR(estimated) recomputedfrom each of the two filtered SFH.The top (resp. bottom) lines represent the low (resp. high) frequency component. The coloursfollow the same scheme as that of Fig. 3. Note that SFR(true) and SFR(Ly) are nearly blended. Right: zoom between 350 Myr and450 Myr. We find that if there can be important discrepancies in the SFR, on average at high frequency SFR(true) and SFR(estimated)give similar results, both close to 0 Msun/yr. The behaviour at low frequency is markedly different. We see that SFR(estimated)show both a systematic overestimate and a delay in time from the extrema of SFR(true). The smallest delay occurs for SFR(Ly).Conversely, SFR(FUV), SFR(NUV), SFR(U), and SFR(TIR) all show approximately similar delays of a few Myr.

– 〈[SFRLF(NUV) − SFRLF(true)) /SFR(true)〉 = 0.30 ± 0.20– 〈[SFRLF(U) − SFRLF(true)) /SFR(true)〉 = 0.62 ± 0.33– 〈[SFRLF(TIR) − SFRLF(true)) /SFR(true)〉 = 0.35 ± 0.20

This suggests there is an impact due to the long term variationsof the SFR and/or a contamination from stars living longer thanthe calibration timescale, here 100 Myr. To investigate the lat-ter possibility, we have computed the fraction of the luminos-ity contributed by such long–lived stars for the entire sample inFig 7. We find that except for the Lyman continuum, long–livedstars can account for a sizeable fraction of the luminosity in starformation tracing bands. The typical contribution ranges fromslightly more than ∼ 10% for the FUV band to ∼ 35% for theU band. While such a contribution is not sufficient to explain the

full extent of the bias shown in Sect. 3.1, it already explains atleast half of the observed bias. We show SFR(estimated) aftercorrection for the presence of long–lived stars for one MIRAGEsimulation in Fig. 8. We find that the SFR are in better agree-ment once they are corrected for the contamination by starsliving longer than 100 Myr. The change is the most spectacu-lar for the U band. To examine this issue further, in Fig. 9 wecompare the ratio of the difference of contamination–correctedSFR(estimated) with SFR(true) to SFR(true) for the entire sam-ple. We find that the bias is strongly reduced:


SFR(Ly) − SFR(true)]/SFR(true)

⟩= 0.02 ± 0.11

– 〈[SFR(FUV) − SFR(true)] /SFR(true)〉 = 0.07 ± 0.20– 〈[SFR(NUV) − SFR(true)] /SFR(true)〉 = 0.08 ± 0.21


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300 400 500 600 700Time [Myr]









R [




360 380 400 420 440Time [Myr]







R [




Fig. 8. Same as Fig. 3 with the SFR(estimated) corrected for the contamination by long–lived stars. For reference uncorrected lumi-nosities are indicated with dashed lines. We see that once corrected, SFR(estimated) are in much better agreement with SFR(true)and that a large part of the bias has been eliminated. This is especially visible for the U band.

300 400 500 600 700Time [Myr]









n o

f lu



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d b

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Fig. 7. Fraction of the luminosity in star formation tracing bandscontributed by stars living over 100 Myr versus simulation time.The colour scheme is the same as that of Fig. 3. The contribu-tion of long–lived stars is negligible for the Lyman continuumbut reaches upward 10% in the FUV, a small but non–negligiblefraction. The contamination is stronger for the NUV and TIRtracers, and it is maximum for the U band with a typical value of∼ 35%.

– 〈[SFR(U) − SFR(true)] /SFR(true)〉 = 0.09 ± 0.22– 〈[SFR(TIR) − SFR(true)] /SFR(true)〉 = 0.05 ± 0.18

Of the remaining bias, a third to a half of it is due to rapid vari-ations of the SFR. The rest of it is probably due to slower devia-tions from the assumption of a constant SFR.

As a summary, except for the Lyman continuum, standardSFR estimators calibrated over 100 Myr provide us with biasedresults: from ∼ 25% for SFR(FUV) to ∼ 65% for SFR(U). Thisis mainly due to the accumulation of stars living over 100 Myr.After correction for long–lived stars, the bias is smaller than 10%on average. The scatter is due to the combination to short termand long term variations of the SFR. These results are in linewith the recent findings of Johnson et al. (2013). Reconstructing

300 400 500 600 700Time [Myr]





















Fig. 9. Same as Fig. 4 with SFR(estimated) corrected for the con-tamination by long–lived stars. We see that the bias and the scat-ter are strongly reduced in all bands. This is especially visible inthe case of the U band.

SFH from colour–magnitude diagrammes of a sample of nearbydwarf galaxies, they found that long–lived stars contribute fromless than 5% to 100% for the FUV luminosity.

4.2. Effect of the metallicity

We have carried out the present study for Z = 0.008. However,the metallicity has a direct effect on stellar evolutionary tracksand on stellar atmospheres. To understand the exact impact of themetallicity on our results, we have recomputed SFR(estimated)at different metallicities. All estimators have been systemati-cally recalibrated for each metallicity to ensure the study re-mains self–consistent. We find that on average, as the metallic-ity decreases the bias increases. For the FUV (resp. U) band,the relative bias ranges from 0.19 ± 0.23 (resp. 0.57 ± 0.38) forZ = 0.02 to 0.37 ± 0.32 (resp. 0.87 ± 0.52) for Z = 0.0001.Because low metallicity stellar populations tend to be bluer than


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more metal–rich populations of the same age, at low metallicitythere is probably an increased accumulation of long–lived starscontributing to star–formation tracing bands. However, for suchextreme metallicities, the time from the onset of star formationis necessarily much smaller than at 1 < z < 2 so the time avail-able to accumulate long–lived stars is shorter and the metallicityrapidly increases, limiting the impact of the contribution of suchstars.

4.3. Impact on practical measurements of the SFR

In the ideal case we have considered, we find that tracers basedon the Lyman continuum, such as free–free emission or recom-bination lines estimate the SFR very accurately, within 2%. Thereason is that tracers based on the Lyman continuum provide theinstantaneous SFR, or the rate at which massive stars are beingformed within a time lapse of a few Myr, while other tracersare giving the SFR averaged in a complex way over the typicaltimescale of the stars producing them. If all estimators are af-fected in reality at various degrees from dust obscuration or as-sumptions on the IMF, the Lyman continuum faces specific prob-lems. The first issue is that it is difficult to measure observation-ally in the context of large surveys of high–redshift galaxies, beit from free–free emission for lack of sensitivity or from recom-bination lines. Indeed, measuring recombination lines requiresspectra or specific narrow–band filters which severely limit theredshift range. In addition, at high redshift the Lyα line is theonly widely usable line but it is very sensitive to resonant scat-tering by neutral hydrogen (e.g., Hayes et al. 2013), inducinglarge variations in the line strength even at fixed SFR. Anotherissue that has surfaced in recent years is the sensitivity of SFRcalibration to models. In particular, the inclusion of stellar rota-tion can have a strong impact on the production of Lyman con-tinuum photons (Levesque et al. 2012). If unconstrained suchissues may outweigh the strong advantage of the Lyman contin-uum outlined in this paper, in which we have avoided the issueof model uncertainties on purpose.

Even though it is much more sensitive to the variation ofthe SFR than the Lyman continuum, the FUV emission providesus with the second most accurate SFR estimator of the set weconsider. This being said, on average for the simulated SFH itoverestimates the SFR by ∼ 25% on average. The origin of thisexcess provides us with two important lessons to keep in mindfor measuring the SFR in large surveys. First, unless the galaxyis currently undergoing a strong episode of star formation thatcompletely outshines older stellar populations in star formationtracing bands, these long–lived stars need to be taken into ac-count. In the case of the MIRAGE simulations, correcting for thepresence of stars living more than 100 Myr lowers the bias by afactor ∼ 3 in the FUV band and by a factor ∼ 7 in the U band. Wetherefore recommend to adopt SFR estimators calibrated overtimescales longer than 100 Myr as is usually done. As we can seein Fig. 10, taking SFR estimators computed assuming a constantSFR over 1 Gyr would lower the bias from ∼ 25% to ∼ 10% inthe FUV band as the difference in the calibration coefficients is∼ 10%. In the U band the difference is even more important, thecalibration coefficient differing by ∼ 50%. The second lesson,in link to the first one, is that the assumption of a constant SFRproves to be too simple. In the MIRAGE simulations there is astrong initial episode of star formation. This rapidly accumulateslong–lived stars that contaminate star formation tracing bandsfor hundreds of Myr afterwards. Even if we have discarded thisinitial burst, it shows that strong episodes of star formation havelasting effects on the measure of the SFR. This exemplifies that

300 400 500 600 700Time [Myr]





















Fig. 10. Same as Fig. 4 with SFR estimators calibrated over1 Gyr rather than 100 Myr. We see that this strongly improvesthe agreement between the SFR(estimated) and SFR(true) andprovides estimates nearly as good as when correcting for thepresence of stars older than 100 Myr. The remainder of the dif-ferences is likely due to variations of the SFR.

variations of the SFR break the assumption of a constant SFRover long periods and that this has clear consequences. This callsfor more realistic SFH to be considered or systematic biases maybe left uncorrected. In other words, this recommendation to useSFR estimators calibrated on long timescales is valid for mainsequence galaxies with long star formation episodes and not forstarbursting galaxies for which the relative contamination willbe much lower and for which calibration on short timescales areadequate (Otı-Floranes & Mas-Hesse 2010). That is, we stronglyrecommend that SFR estimators are calibrated assuming a SFHconsistent with the one expected for the sample under study, oth-erwise biases and errors will be introduced.

If random errors can be a problem for the measurement of theSFR in individual galaxies, over large samples they will averageout. However such large samples will remain affected by system-atic biases. There has been a long–standing, redshift–dependent,tension between the integral of the SFR density of the Universecorrected for the return fraction and the stellar mass density.In their review, Madau & Dickinson (2014) found an excess of0.2 dex for the integrated SFR density. Numerous explanationshave been put forward involving biases on the measurementsof either quantity or in the extrapolation of luminosity func-tions (see the aforementioned review). The excess we find in thepresent study would explain a part of the discrepancy though notnecessarily the entirety. They adopt SFR estimators calibratedover 300 Myr which reduce the bias we find but do not elim-inate it. However, the relatively smooth variations of the SFRover long periods in the MIRAGE simulations likely provide uswith a lower bound of possible biases, with more violent varia-tions yielding larger biases that cannot be corrected for by sim-ply changing the assumption of the duration of the star formationepisode. The use of numerical simulations such as the presentones may prove to be useful for determining new, statisticallyaccurate SFR estimators across various redshifts and galaxy pa-rameters. Such an approach was for instance adopted by Wilkinset al. (2012) using a semi–analytic model. Interestingly, contraryto what we find here they have determined that standard estima-tors from the FUV, NUV and u bands provide unbiased estimates


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at z = 0, although with an uncertainty of 20% at z = 0, and30% at z = 6. However they find an evolution of the UV cali-bration coefficient with redshift, which may be due to the sameprocesses that we have shown in the current study. Direct com-parison between the two studies is difficult though. The funda-mental difference is that they obtained the SFH of a large numberof galaxies using the galform semi–analytic model (Cole et al.2000; Baugh et al. 2005) and computed average calibration fac-tor at a handful of redshift whereas we followed a small sampleof galaxies with their SFH determined over nearly ∼ 700 Myrthrough the means of state–of–the–art hydrodynamical simula-tions with highly refined baryonic physics.

5. Conclusion

In this paper we have investigated the impact of the SFH proper-ties on the measurement of the SFR in galaxies through clas-sical estimators. To do so, we have used the state–of–the–artMIRAGE sample which consists of a set of 23 detailed hydro-dynamical simulations of gas–rich mergers and isolated galax-ies, including highly refined star formation prescriptions. It isdesigned to reproduce the characteristics of MASSIV (Continiet al. 2012), a spectroscopic sample of 1 < z < 2 galaxies.Passed the initial relaxation, the SFH show little to no long termevolution but have rapid variations of the SFR with an amplitudeof σSFR ' 0.34 ± 0.06 × 〈SFR〉. Peak–to–peak variations are ofthe order of a few. We have then combined the simulated SFHwith the cigale SED modelling code (Boquien et al., Burgarellaet al., in prep.) to compute the global spectrum for each simu-lation every Myr in an ideal case in order to isolate the impactof the variation of the SFR from any other potential effect: wetook into account stellar populations and nebular emission freeof dust obscuration while assuming a perfectly known IMF andno intrinsic uncertainties from the models.

Considering five different SFR estimators (Lyman contin-uum, FUV, NUV and U bands, and the TIR emission of buriedgalaxies), we have found that:

1. On average all estimators except for the Lyman continuumoverestimate the SFR from typically ∼ 25% for SFR(FUV)to ∼ 65% for SFR(U), when such estimators have been cali-brated assuming a constant SFR over 100 Myr. This is chieflydue to the contribution of stars living longer than 100 Myr.

2. Rapid variations of the SFR contribute to an increase of theuncertainty on the instantaneous SFR but have little longterm effect on the measurement of the SFR.

3. Slow variations of the SFR on timescales of a few tens ofMyr and longer lead both to an increase of the noise on themeasurement of the instantaneous SFR, and to systematicoverestimates of the SFR for all tracers except for the Lymancontinuum.

4. The amplitudes of the systematic overestimates depend onthe metallicity. For the same SFH, more metal–poor galaxieswill be the most affected.

Finally, if we find that the Lyman continuum is the best tracerin the ideal case we have considered, it nevertheless suffers fromspecific uncertainties and observational difficulties. The widelyused rest–frame FUV suffers for biases if applied naıvely. Thesebiases can be at least partially compensated for by using spe-cially tailored SFR estimators for given redshifts and galaxyproperties. At the very least, for main sequence galaxies we sug-gest adopting SFR estimators calibrated over 1 Gyr rather thanthe commonly used 100 Myr to take into account contamination

by long–lived stars. Shorter timescales may still be consideredfor starburst galaxies or star–forming regions within galaxies forwhich the relative contamination from old stars should be lower.

Acknowledgements. We are particularly grateful to the referee for constructiveand insightful comments that have helped clarify the article. We would like tothank Paola di Matteo for interesting discussions at the origin of this paper. MBwould like to thank Robert Kennicutt and Michele Trenti for useful discussionsthat have helped improve this article.

Appendix A: SFR estimators

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Z Lyman continuum FUV NUV U TIRlog[M� yr−1/(photons s−1)] log[M� yr−1/(W Hz−1)] log[M� yr−1/(W Hz−1)] log[M� yr−1/(W Hz−1)] log[M� yr−1/W]

10 Myr0.0001 −53.427 −20.923 −20.818 −20.705 −36.5640.0004 −53.301 −20.927 −20.825 −20.680 −36.5030.004 −53.252 −20.910 −20.829 −20.760 −36.5000.008 −53.198 −20.922 −20.845 −20.760 −36.4860.02 −53.093 −20.905 −20.856 −20.771 −36.4480.05 −52.924 −20.901 −20.878 −20.755 −36.422

50 Myr0.0001 −53.439 −21.139 −21.031 −20.897 −36.6970.0004 −53.310 −21.127 −21.030 −20.892 −36.6460.004 −53.256 −21.098 −21.027 −20.948 −36.6400.008 −53.201 −21.093 −21.034 −20.956 −36.6220.02 −53.095 −21.053 −21.021 −20.944 −36.5780.05 −52.925 −21.015 −21.014 −20.920 −36.535

100 Myr0.0001 −53.439 −21.200 −21.101 −20.990 −36.7440.0004 −53.310 −21.177 −21.088 −20.976 −36.6890.004 −53.256 −21.144 −21.081 −21.020 −36.6820.008 −53.201 −21.134 −21.084 −21.026 −36.6620.02 −53.095 −21.090 −21.066 −21.008 −36.6150.05 −52.925 −21.042 −21.049 −20.980 −36.569

500 Myr0.0001 −53.439 −21.279 −21.206 −21.169 −36.8270.0004 −53.310 −21.247 −21.185 −21.162 −36.7810.004 −53.256 −21.202 −21.160 −21.175 −36.7710.008 −53.201 −21.182 −21.152 −21.166 −36.7440.02 −53.095 −21.127 −21.123 −21.132 −36.6930.05 −52.926 −21.064 −21.087 −21.086 −36.643

1 Gyr0.0001 −53.439 −21.296 −21.238 −21.242 −36.8600.0004 −53.311 −21.261 −21.211 −21.232 −36.8170.004 −53.256 −21.209 −21.176 −21.228 −36.8070.008 −53.202 −21.186 −21.164 −21.211 −36.7780.02 −53.095 −21.128 −21.130 −21.168 −36.7270.05 −52.926 −21.064 −21.090 −21.115 −36.681

Table A.1. Decimal logarithm of the calibration coefficient for the 5 star formation tracers considered in this study for a Chabrier(2003) IMF between 0.1 M� and 100 M�, each metallicity available in the Bruzual & Charlot (2003) stellar populations models,and for a constant SFR over 100 Myr and 1 Gyr. For reference, we have also included calibrations for a constant SFR over 10 Myr,50 Myr, and 500 Myr. Calibrations on short timescales have been studied in detail Otı-Floranes & Mas-Hesse (2010) for instance.