Download - Imp Stat Banking Rbi

  • 8/18/2019 Imp Stat Banking Rbi




    Indian Banking Sector at a Glance

    Amount in ̀ Billion

     Year Items AmountOutstanding


    1 Balance Sheet Operations

    1.1 Total Liabilities/assets 120342 9.6

    1.2 Deposits 94351 10.6

    1.3 Borrowings 11498 4.4

    1.4 Loans and advances 73882 9.7

    1.5 Investments 31695 9.9

    1 .6 Off- ba la nc e s he et e xp os ure ( as p er ce nta ge o f o n-b al an ce s he et l ia bi li ti es ) 1 24 .8 -

    1.7 Total consolidated international claims 4053 7.3

    2 Profitability

    2.1 Net profit 891 10.1

    2.2 Return on Asset (RoA) (Per cent) 0.8 -

    2.3 Return on Equity (RoE) (Per cent) 10.4 -

    2.4 Net Interest Margin (NIM) (Per cent) 2.6 -

    3 Capital Adequacy

    3.1 Capital to risk weighted assets ratio (CRAR) @ 12.9 -

    3.2 Tier I capital (as percentage of total capital) @ 79.7 -

    3.3 CRAR (tier I) (Per cent) @ 10.3 -

    4 Asset Quality

    4.1 Gross NPAs 3243 22.7

    4.2 Net NPAs 1761 23.5

    4.3 Gross NPA ratio (Gross NPAs as percentage of gross advances) 4.3 -

    4.4 Net NPA ratio (Net NPAs as percentage of net advances) 2.4 -

    4.5 Provision Coverage Ratio (Per cent)** 44.2 -

    4.6 Slippage ratio (Per cent) 3.2 -

    5 Sectoral Deployment of Bank Credit #

    5.1 Gross bank credit 61023 8.6

    5.2 Agriculture 7659 15.0

    5.3 Industry 26576 5.6

    5.4 Services 14131 5.7

    5.5 Personal loans 11664 15.5

    6 Technological Development

    6.1 Total number of credit cards (in million) 21 9.9

    6.2 Total number of debit cards (in million) 553 40.3

    6.3 Number of ATMs 189279 17.0

    7 Customer Services*

    7.1 Total number of complaints received during the year 85131 11.2

    7.2 Total number of complaints addressed 84660 7.5

    7.3 Percentage of complaints addressed 96 -

    8 Financial Inclusion

    8.1 Credit-deposit ratio (Per cent) 78.3 -

    8.2 Number of new bank branches opened 8975 -20.7

    8.3 Number of banking outlets in villages (Total) 553713 44.3

    1 Balance Sheet Operations

    1.1 Total Liabilities/assets 109759 14.5

    1.2 Deposits 85332 14.9

    1.3 Borrowings 11013 9.0

    1.4 Loans and advances 67352 14.5

    1.5 Investments 28833 10.3

    1 .6 Off-ba la nce sh ee t e xp osu re (a s p erce nta ge o f o n-b al an ce sh ee t l ia bi li ti es) 1 22 -

    1.7 Total consolidated international claims 3777 14.0

    2 Profitability

    2.1 Net profit 809 -11.2

    2.2 Return on Asset (RoA) (Per cent) 0.8 -



  • 8/18/2019 Imp Stat Banking Rbi



    2.3 Return on Equity (RoE) (Per cent) 10.7 -

    2.4 Net Interest Margin (NIM) (Per cent) 2.7 -

    3 Capital Adequacy

    3.1 Capital to risk weighted assets ratio (CRAR) @ 13 -

    3.2 Tier I capital (as percentage of total capital) @ 77.5 -

    3.3 CRAR (tier I) (Per cent) @ 10.1 -

    4 Asset Quality

    4.1 Gross NPAs 2644 36.2

    4.2 Net NPAs 1426 44.5

    4.3 Gross NPA ratio (Gross NPAs as percentage of gross advances) 3.8 -

    4.4 Net NPA ratio (Net NPAs as percentage of net advances) 2.1 -

    4.5 Provision Coverage Ratio (Per cent)** 44.7 -

    4.6 Slippage ratio (Per cent) 3.3 -

    5 Sectoral Deployment of Bank Credit #

    5.1 Gross bank credit 56208 14.0

    5.2 Agriculture 6660 13.5

    5.3 Industry 25165 13.6

    5.4 Services 13375 17.1

    5.5 Personal loans 10097 13.1

    6 Technological Development

    6.1 Total number of credit cards (in million) 19 -1.9

    6.2 Total number of debit cards (in million) 394 19.2

    6.3 Number of ATMs 161750 40.4

    7 Customer Services*

    7.1 Total number of complaints received during the year 76573 8.6

    7.2 Total number of complaints addressed 78745 12.9

    7.3 Percentage of complaints addressed 96 -

    8 Financial Inclusion

    8.1 Credit-deposit ratio (Per cent) 78.9 -

    8.2 Number of new bank branches opened 11315 43.0

    8.3 Number of banking outlets in villages (Total) 383804 43.0

    1 Balance Sheet Operations

    1.1 Total Liabilities/assets 95900 15.2

    1.2 Deposits 74297 15.1

    1.3 Borrowings 10104 19.7

    1.4 Loans and advances 58798 15.9

    1.5 Investments 26131 17.0

    1 .6 Off- ba la nc e s he et e xp os ure ( as p er ce nta ge o f o n-b al an ce s he et l ia bi li ti es ) 1 38 .3 -

    1.7 Total consolidated international claims 3312 17.9

    2 Profitability

    2.1 Net profit 912 11.5

    2.2 Return on Asset (RoA) (Per cent) 1 -

    2.3 Return on Equity (RoE) (Per cent) 13.8 -

    2.4 Net Interest Margin (NIM) (Per cent) 2.6 -

    3 Capital Adequacy

    3.1 Capital to risk weighted assets ratio (CRAR) @ 13.9 -

    3.2 Tier I capital (as percentage of total capital) @ 74.1 -
