Download - iMiiWMtMhn ^VILLAGE AREA NEWS - NYS Historic Ho phdnO or mail orders -»AllSalss finaf Shoo SpccNIisU $1 CHAPEL



,PAGETVI/&;' \ ALTAMONT%t>: Yj.ENTERPRISE'•-- ALBANY 00. ;P6sT,:-FRf^A"Y, JULY 2(5; 1968

S*********** ^ i i i i l l l l ^ . iMiiWMtMhn • T > I i n r umiiHii ' i 'iff ii"**" ii i irivihi


N.Y. Stated m

Routes 1'4Q ftnct SS in tho,T<>wh of Bfethlt&om Will be re'>u:it a t a cost,6f §2A2lffit ULCo iUii tu tin. Stitfe' vtsiJ^Aiuaiii oi liuiibpoilu tiont'

L&vv' bid4w : .1*" iLnau-Utietitm of t f c .*4a.t#-.itfmUi, in Leihtehem is Jam^s 11,, m Uoj- Ine , of Al-ban^ t t^a ,,ih . jab1 j& scheduled foi Com£l6t«j*» by August lt)70

Rowtfe l | © # S l be rccoflstiuctedf for -®)0 .lifife and Route 85 foi four-ti&ttte 41, ^ ijule Route 140 veil! M MabMit along its, present Kt'nwoo4 Avfe alignment ftom Ordhar'a- St., to Cheiiy Ave then noi thwesterly on a nfew alignment to Route &$. at LaGrange Rd

ColftfttfsilO» J Bui Oh Mtfifor-ran said tv^ift 24-foot vtfafe asphalt pavements,, sewn ato« by a 15 foot raisedf nje$ia1* fyril be jbuiit Re cons^fut^i^.6f -Route 8£ will in­volve # Jj^bjft-vMde at-Phatt pave­ment aiion^ fj£. pifoant alignment north a n $ sotitfr of LaGrange Rd Access £<a0 vfoik totaling one mile' wM jjiefa'd'e improvements to portions 6i several local streets

THe' e^f fog bridge over the Delaware • &. Etiidibrt Railrdad tracks an M8ge Sf m $hnger-lancfs Will" m removed and a Hew bridge er&rf.etf fibotif 700 feet east to carry i?d6'«ed Route 140 over t h < t r a c f e t .

i$Wf$$k Um a "vacation eabih" in your back yard? Just make a gazebo-like affair of Doug­las fir posts and beams supporting a trellis-style roof with a small deck 2x4s for the floor Add benches, surround it with thick, tall shrtifos, and you 11 have a real hideaway.

mss 'itiO £|4fe jd'epartoent' Ci£ 'Trans-'

iio'i'taiirtu h;i i it«>biin«l thf-» AlbanV •fnirt OJ, ^U 1 HI is» uid Malice to main, tt K e ttiua stuth tut aft e\-tu i ion oi the Lielai 11 Bvi is>s> from its pi<. cut lenmnut, a t U m Ave L>elm<u

A spukysnian foi the depaittnent smd the bypass is undei? COiiMde*-ation foi intension HI a. wcsteil> direction to 'some\Yhere nectr the P$rnt Central rariioadf in the town of New Scotland'

He said the firm is dou>^ a iimi-lai study of a possible connector road running noith frOm a poinf in New Scotland to me&t <*n e^ten-«ion of the Slingerlands Bypass

The lijmspQitatiCwi deprfUmtnt is also cudcaxoiint'' to yei m a position to open bidb m 1S691 fot TWO moie lanes iojt the Slmgei-lanefs Bypass, g idE the spokes­man I h e bypa$s is' now w o lanes m a single 1 pad way1

The two additional lanes would be separated fi,om the existing lanes The bypass ends a t Mahar Rd but will be extended a short distancf to £a.Giange Rd., in Slmgeriands ripV a d a t road, an& a conneetoi, bttilt from LaGrange to Route 85

Fallowing the location study for extension of the Befonar Bypass; the steps would be survey and rbad design Work said the spokes­man •>

Two men were, sitting m the bar when one nudged the other and said 'Tell me Sam, after you drink a lot does your tongtte burn *" *T. really don t know," re­plied Sfam Tve never been dfunk eriotigh -to light i t "

. , « , . M . » . , ; II ' ' !•

Breckenndge Village Young-Elder Mobile Home Park

,» Besw^ of your hortle^te Ijeforfryou-buy. Home^andVlies famd$AB« J

•;•;' • t thon? 707-3357


i . » . „ f- • .. t t,„- f. C>[4'.*4 , >j.n -J.,' H\ \\\\ •nj. ^


0 P W € A U B C W r ^ 3 e Closed


JULY and


• 9 f ^ * 4 * « «• UiVA«wAir j Dunng^JUiy .and August


VALLEY OPTICA!/|NC. %r|ng; You* tr^sctlpttdn ^o tfte 3P«,npIe Who Caw"

1 4 # Uiiiwi S i , Schenectady—Pfioite !*&-8&40 , Betiyeph Srandywine Ave and McClellfm S t

Open Monday through Friday, 9 - 5-30, Wednesday to - 8 P. Id. ~iri,nT nr ii infiii'tni i i n ii i i f i iC L rti v . "i m r TI an H B



• <


Out Annual

SUMMER SALE OF SltOE^ Spring and Sumrrter Styles

af Veal iavinga


f I .

Miller Barefoot Freedom Shoes and

Wilber Coon Crickets Values

to $21.95 16.90


bi. w. M. LOCKE

WOMEN'S SHOES Vale* to 9495



On Women's

SANDALS Ho phdnO or mail orders -»AllSalss finaf

Shoo SpccNIisU

$1 CHAPEL ST.* Opposite Ton Eyck

Open Thui-u, 'HI 9 Park & Shop Closed Saturda/s Dm ino July and Augusf

VS*if Y«io Feof Dotior " " ALBANY, H.Y.

• • ( ( ( • • ( • • • • ( • ( •^• •mwi

Personals and Brevities jbdwatd l Newejl ot Wood I c i -

lcice died on «fuly 1& , He w is the husband oi WtarUja Ha^es NfewfeH, fathei ot Stotw Maiy KedempU, K»Wf, Edward t Newell J i , f rid J o ^ h fitciyts Uochei of Mi& Leo Wayes, Mrs Wanen fetevOs Of Nevada, Mis (Seoue feiwmiOns Oi tv\t Edwaid Mi^ James Higgms ot Hfu"cboiit falls , and Lawience H Newell of COlonie Five grand-dnldifew also su ihve Funeial services were heltl fiom the Magm and KOegan Funeraf Jtome Al­bany on Monday morning

Mis F iank t i Collins 70, of 15 Western Ave Sluigerlandsy died! July 17, a t Sf peters- Ijospjial, Albany, aftej. ft long illness Mis COIlms hyed oW Bridge &i, ghng-eilands foi many year$, thOnCe moving to western Ave The tormei Josfephmfe A CratOn, she wds graduated* ^rbm tbjfe p n & n l a Noiriiai sohpol And taught a t the Voorheesvifie Elementary school untd her mairnage in 1923, and was employed by the1 State De­partment of „ taxat ion fropx 1944 wwl 1959 Mrs CoHitis lg surviv­ed by1 a datighter, D/lxs John Travi* son, iWo sons', Francis- J Collins and Kobert J Collins, a|L of Siting-erlands, twb sister^ tf Mrs Ger­trude MUrkeyrand Mrs Mattftew Halsdo^l of Albany, and a brother, John Craton of FOri Lauderdale, Fla Servtefes j-were hgld Monday moirnifig a t the' Appfebee Funeral Home, Ibelmar, an^ later a;t St Tbomas church, Delmar B t o a l was iri Ouff lAty HeJp of Christ­ians cemetery,, Glenmont

Present indications are that gardeners are going fo have trouble with raacoons getting into their sweet COTH patches They have ajready started,, their nud^ night roiunds, destroying ears^be-tOre they jare^ready fof tbe table A moffiey ' 'qoW' with twp or thrfe youngsters can d*o a lSt of damage in foejught „Some t ry pjifeng a l i g h t , e t e ^ r f c l i g g b among the rows This Keeps them aWay for a short time, but they get u$eti to ^tjand soon^ start their havoG all-over ^Spme keep a small radio on Jil). night in the garden

( Mrs )Cha?les E E c h o l s , of 200 South Mam Aye, Albany, died on July; J6 „ Sh^jvas the /ormer Miss Elsie Sageph,da,ugnter, of tne l a t e Mr^ and MES.tjSanfordtSager ,of 13§7 New G o t l a n d R d , gungexv lands Besides j her Jlusb^nd -^he is1 suryive^ by^two^brothejs^ Ralph

« Sager of; % c | j t o v e n , Mf J -XXA (jgO Sydney. Tucker Jones •3rd and h i s ^ f e ? the^ former* lidiss Susan &mg of aS-oyj announce the 'birth" of A daughter S n ^^lstanC iTa^ipai .on July 6 '•Tucket is the s6n of Mr and9\lrs Sydney Tt^ck-e t Jxmes J r of NeVy Scotland Rd-v SimgerMnd^ Lt Jones ?s serving M F # ^ . % y a ^ T a i £hung anff, will probably , be 3 .stationed tiifere unfd December 19B9 „ Mrs Jones is^ Xha daughter of Mr and Mvs ChafleVT&ng ,of Woy They1

are making plans to visit their tiew granddaughter jfa the near future,

J. RoWt Van Alkn [Funeral services for J Robert

Van Allen, 4S, a salesman for Mobile Oil Co, were conducted Tuesday a t the" Applebee Funeral Home, Dehn&r Burial was in

Blair - Rao Miss Domemca Pafrfcia Rao

daughter of Mr and Mrs Natale Raa of Font Grove R d , Slmger-lands, and James Edward Blair son of M r and Mrs James F Blair, 25 Kjdge R d , Prospect Heights, Rensselaer, were married Saturday gftefnoon ih Si Thomas Catholic church Delmar RQV Joseph Oitugno cousin 6i fee bride performed the ceremony

Attending the bride were Mrs1

fWilIiani Schryvef, Mrs Anthony Valenti and Mrs Joseph DiSanto all sisters, and Mjss Kathy Blair sister of the bridegroom - Attending the bridegroom were Robert Sammon, -"--•- * j-, „ „ - . -ammon, coUs'in of the. tested or gwoxn to bfadegrdomu Harold'Blsiir , ftriete ,In w d i t i b n to servn .Of the brMeg]roorr?^An;thoriy Kao siioiistet A * « « hn , brother of the bride, arid P~aul ConvercinD-

After a reception 'at Panetta's Restaurant, ther tfoUple left on a trip to the Pocono Mountains They will live in Font Grove Rd

The b r ^ a graduate of Beth­lehem Central Higli stebOol is a .sietoqgraplher for the State De-partriient of Health, division of

Blmwood cemetery Selkirk i Mir Van Slleh died Saturda;

'Memorial1 hospital aftejf a Briel ness

y a t Brief ill-

was, an .Air > Force veteraij aof World W a r 2!rt ana served i» the Pkeifjo % *-, j ^ | , Hiv Van Allen recently received

an award for 20 "years of service -with the Albany offide of the Mo­bile CO

H e w$s a member of Dehriar Refofmed c&urfeh (and last yea i ser^ect as president of {he Greaf er Cohsisto*y of that church , He was a'lso 4 member of B6"tbleneni L6dge, F&AM

Mr, Van Allefe ^a-g freasurer of the Helderberg- M < e association. vS-here the family has h a d ' a &xtin-me^r home fOr IQ years , ECe leaves hjs Wife* the* former Bleano? H u m p h r y two sons? Gary Rv and John W Van Allen, ithd. One daughter^ Barbara E Vafi Allen, All of jSelkirft Hfe also* leaves msl mother, Mrs Geo*g# fpt ter of Albany, jind pne sister, Mrs Dortald MUhrO 6f DaytOna Beaqh, fries

Hr$* JdlnTfoy Mrs John1 J Barry, 97, of ,330

BelawarO Ave Pelmar, died July lT^after a long illness

BOrn m ^Ibany, Mrs Barry, th^ former Magdalepa Hbltslag, had, lived in Delmar since her hus­bands death in 1045

She was a member of St An­thonys Guild, the Daily Mass .League and Thomas the Apostle ehuich in Delmar

She leaves five metf^ and five nephews all of this <>re i

lunOial services weie conduct­ed i t 9 i u n Saturday a t tho Ap^ plehce Funeral Home m D<?lma* arid at 10 diA in St Thomas chureh Buru l was in St Agne^ cemtteiy, M^enand

Jiamoniie t$|fciffer l0Mrd0r^ectori

:,' WiUiuiu -L.„ PteU'fer. of, Siintieiy

inp-a Bank, h i s been ej Ud lj Uie Iwattl oi da etws ol Uiiti^omt 1M tc inaUuiiol C o i f

l^teutu seives on Oi bocut|s ut dutetois o i Continental Copiei i . fctetl Coi j XuU.lUa.Ue(ial L isw Leonouiy Coip , md ihi lnstatu* tional Invebtpii Mutual 1 und Juc H<* is a ltiembei of tin, Sai?tl0t,a Spunks AuLhonty, a {mstee oi Albany ivicilieal C o l l e t , has been as&ooialed with Albany Savings Bank sinee i9oo and is aetive i« sCveial tivic Oitanuations He has held \ anous r?ew Yoik State positions

Well known m New Yoik State polities for m6ie than 30 yeais Pteiflei was eha^mlctn of the State Republican Committee from 1949 to 1&53 beesfn^ dUte GOP upstate finance committee chair­man in l9j& and was campaign manager foi Governor Rockefel­ler m 19b2 He was chief strate­gist fw the relection of governor Rockefellei in ,the campaign two yeafe ago, bm be def ined fee Rockefeller offer to participate m his presidential campaign this year due to "personal obligations and" COmtaitmentSr-'

Iris Auction

i Ti | IIIJI i, iiiiriiiw»<pfy%«iyii)|iii)i»ii) •! iiniiii , . l

fcber of Squadron Winning W i t t r d

kV.A Aiv Fyree, 1st Lt.,', Gordon 1V£ girtifh. &oh -6i ft - i » | fi/W. Ewart G Smith of 7 LaGrange Rd Delmai is a member of the 4758th DL.£LIH,<2 Svstfenii, Lv<ilm tion Syuaitton at Holluman A1B JNf M, that has Oained the Aeio space Pei tnse Comrnahd ( A D O A Awaid

The s^uadtion won At>Cs higli-e&l unit awaid fOi dfe(in«ni and iriaintamiBb d lij/^h Abyivti of op-eiational leasiness, duiun, a Oi e-year puiod Confubuting t o the et-feetiveness of the aeiospace foiee guarding th« nation *-

The uml also iteew«d the an­nual «*u foice zero detects await)* in recoj-niUon of consistently e£-fieient and t u o i - u e e woik

Lt Snmth- afa eleetiomc,vvaifaie of|lieei is u feiaduatfe of Kenmore (N Y } West Jaeiiioi Xiigh sehpol He received hit. &$/ degiee I n nr\athenia£iCi, in I9b6 from Alle­gheny College Meadville P a , where he was commissioned* upon cOmpleUon of the An 1'oiee R t " seive Officers Tiaming Coips pio-gram and ifi a jnembei of Phi Gamma Delta

His Wife Susan is thfe daughter of Mr and Mis John Mkbee of 4 Cuthbel*t S t , Scoija

Military Ballot Forms Available To Servicemen

Applications for military ballots are now available from the De­partment of State's Division- for Servicemen s Voting m AlbanV,, Deadline for filing appheations is Obt 24 \

To obtalm a milifary ballot for the November election, a service­man may1 file kn appiifeation o^ write a letter giving his1 fair name and rank, home address a n d mill-' tary address Applications "and* letters, acCordirig to fjie dfi^ision ofiice, must be sigrted by th^ ser^ Mceman but^do hot need fQ^be at»

Art event to which uiuny Karden--era in Albany and -sun-oundiiiK counties have looked forward for \veek$ will take place at the home. of Dh ahtl Mrs. JrMn A, Com'oe, X^oiif Grove Rd., SlinEerlandSi. oti Sunday; July 28. when t h e tjapifai*. JIudsoiX' Area of the Iriuxpite^ Stuti* Ida.-Society wiH'"hoia, jLtgr- a»fi«al,;

auction and sale of surplus irises. These irises 6cc Overstock con­tributed ', by Kdfieify meriibers or grovVn-. espetiiaily;. w tH6 i several fl.yr>+io«s *hi<Qughf»ii ''' t ^e s<a'1'p-They represent ^ome of the latest and newest vaueties a j woll as dozens Ot the old-time ins favOi-ites l h e inoi<? bjvpfepsive niscs will be uuetioned off 41 two o -•cloek in the aftenioon, the le s ex­pensive ones will be avadabifc on bajgnin tabids, beginning at 11 6'eloek in the morning

lmaiedicitel> preceding the auc­tion itseU theie will be a piciue IuneheQii loi anVO/ic wishing to participate Pienieket's will bung ihen own fOo f but beveiages will be furnished by the iris society Ample facilities will be available for all wlio choose to* u&e them

la s t yeai hundiecl* of 4<*idtn-fers attended the sale and/0i tlie auetipn, wheie th^y were able to ieleefc jnses langwg from 50 cents to tljiee doll u s at onlj a frac­tion Of their cost On -the auction block many of the ^0 dollai nises went foi a tenth Of then Catalog value Fo i those not mteiested m names of mses but m then coloia theie w.ill b& collections available at a, fraction of then vjjilue Colors will range tlnolugh-out ifhe s^eofrum m all tints, hues, blendff and contrasts There Will be black itises, pure white irises irises with r^d beards, yellow beards white beards, blue Ueards, dw?irf irises* medial irises aad a fe\y Siberian irises Auetion-goers Will have uhusUal opportunity to jOUrchase a whole garden eolled-tiort of irises a t prices fax1 below those found m ins catalogs or ant6ng m s dealers Furthefmore, ,fhey can ^ p e n e n c e t h e fun and reraixatien, of a pjcnic on,the cool, spacioiiisMSwTis Of the Confoes and visit Vmtth other gardehfers and wou!4JberJ ^ard^hei?sr « -

Once again ftte date" is Sub-day, Jttly 28 the^tune will be from 11Am to 6 pri*. the place v iii be the Conro6 home, F ont Grove Rd, Slmgerlands

Wayne M,; Davis of Slbigerlands; an assistant' Attorney general from' 1962 unijl, th&. year, has opwned'ti law,office at.9,0 State St . . Albany,-i&fr. Oavis, w^ho was a Riipuh«c«ji nominee. for:.delegttt«, to the ,1967

— to servicenien, tneir spouses', parents or emTdren ac­companying them Way vote by military ballot *

A speoial f^rm qf apphcatioii is provided for milifary1 ^ r sonn je l serving outside tfte cohtinfental Uinted States and m a * be signed by the^s&rvicenfan'S spouse, jpai?-$ht adult child, brother o r sister That applications' signature, how-"ever must be -made and sworn- to

laboratories a n ^ tesearch Hei .«|>ofore a notary public or^othei* ofj

at Newport R I i i

Christian Science Church ] f — _ _ _ '

• Church service and ('Sunday school on- Sunday a t 11 a jn &t Fi r s t Chu£ch\ of Christ Scientist, 555~ Delaware Ave^, Delmar 7i Meetings, including testimonies pf ChMStito Science healing, ever^' Wednesday a f S p m

* * * * ,i i'^fe. shall know the truth,*,and* fhfe truth shall make ybu free?" Tfes'e words of tTesus as recorded in the Gospel oFVTflhh are part of th& lesson-ermon titled "Truth" to be r read ^ n Chrisfya'n Science churches this Sunday <,

Among related 'passages to be rea"d fro§: the denojounational text­book Scifence and Hrealth With Key to the* Scriptures'' by Mary Baker Eddy, is tft)s ,'We classify disease as errof which nothing biit Trtfth or MwA cah Jieal,xand this Mind must be J""*>" x*>«+ human 1 divine,

i hot

Skultety - Rappe ,MisS Karla t)iedri Rappe

dkU^htei of Mr add Mrs Cairl W Jfeagpe J r , 2 GreShwobd Lane Delmar, Saturday beqame fbe bride of .Thomas Colman Skultet^ sorfof Mr afld Mrs J^Man Thomas SJkulfety of,/Hastings-on-Hudson m Christ-fiUtheran chuVch

.Rev Pau l Gassman performed the ceremony f T

Mis? KnStyn Elajne Rappe was njEiid Of hoonr, and Mrs, Kathryn Van Hoese> a sister was matrpn of honor* Bridesmaids we£e the Mlss;6S- Kerwlyn Ra|ipe Beverls SKuilteiy Keryl Rappe and Nancy SRultety " ,

f&ufeg Daniel Dynko was best tna% Ush^fs Were Williahi Mar­shall, Stephen Marshall, Al Koval Richard Tuman and Michael Skul tety .

After a reception a t the North Albany Airienean Legion Polt, the cbup^e left on st ttip »to the Adi-r6nd^6ks They will live m Fort Caisson, Colo '

{The bnde, a gractUate of Bethle-hlm' Central SSgh sehool arid the Memorial Hospital School of Nurs­ing, is a gegistered nurse Her husband, a graduate or Hastmgs-on-Hudson High school is serving in the1 Army, stationed af Fort Carson

Serves In Air Force — , — >

Airman First Class Gary Piafilb, son df Mr, and Mrs Albert J Pis-till? of 96 Dumbarton D r , Delmar hps arrived for duty at ^Fmiey Air Station, N D

Airmail Pistilh, a l ada r operat­or, is assigned to the 7S5th Radar Squadron t

Ho pieviously setved at Clark AB, Philippines

The ilrman is a giaduate" of Da^tridto High School, Rochester

Sufcciibe, to the Altnnaont En­terprise — ? 3 50 wei y&u:,

Pilms At Rensselaerville Institute July 29-August 2 A provocative seraeg of cjocu-

mentary^fiimsw reeentiy produced by the j National,. Film Board! of Canada, jwill be presented ahd commented Upon by four film of-ficeSis who Will come frops M^on-ireal to participate in the* .filial Week or the- Rensselagrville Insti­tute s summer sessions

,Fori ftve days* begifmiftf^ WtoA* day July 29, a t 1:6*30 a m , there" are scheduled morning lefcture-and-film piesenfatforis- by Wessrsf DOpald. Dupreyy' Paul „ Aisifoff WilhSms Nemfiri ! an^ G6rdoh Marfan At & p m e^ch evening, one or more fifins bf .Unbsu^i sub­stantive ahd t e e h n & ^ A f t t f e s t will be shown in Conkling half

Campaign Headquarters n —^—

The Cohoes campaign heEfdqhar-tfers of Arnold W^Pfoskin, Repiib-liean-AIM' candidate for district attorney m AlbanV coOnt*; is scheduled for its grand opejhirtg at 9 30 a m, Saturday at 35 Reinsert S t Cohofes I t i sant i&pated ' that

^among the 100 or s ^ people ex" pected t6 attend will he the; Albany County Republican chairman tfos--1

eph C Frafogella and t h e chair­man of the Albany Independent Moyenienf James Gallagher i Mr Prdskirt wilt torie;*ly address

those present and answer any ' questions fifottl tti& press1 o r from those in attendance

Family Fun Night Plan to attend the speqal fam­

ily night at> the Delmar Public Library At 8 p-m, WOdenesday July 31, there will be music atjd

'films foi? the whole family on the, library lawn jLOcal talent will supply the mtf^fc t

riims" will include ' T h e Gener­al, starring Buster KeatQn and Marcel Marceau short film

Honored On Anniversary Mr and Mrs J Henry Itorn. of

11 Plymouth Aye, E l s m ^ e , were g^en a party in honor of their 50th wedding anniversary Ju ly 13 by their children Mr and Mrs Wilham l£ MilleiS J r

They also haye a son, Raymond J jfcorn of Lynchburg, Va«, and, six grandchildren and fwo great . grandchilduen

Robert E DeitSs' J r , son, 6f ilti sand Mrs* Robert E^ Deitz, 69 Har­rison Ave , Delmar-, a student a t Isftirwicte rUniversity, Nortnfteld, ,Vt, i^ Attending Arnry Reserve Officers' Uramihg Corps summer cdrhp The course began June 15 a t Indiantown Gap Military Reser­vation, -AMisviiia F £ \ *

t#Wbng the efieamlanerff nVis1

rfc&ftfigf slS wekS pf trdinmg- ift J-Wad;6Mii]b, .riflejiirikrisiriansbip,

phy§j6al conditionfilg a'nd othe^

tlpon succes*sftir ^ompl^ort of Summer camp aftd graduation tioxn college, he is! eligible to be commissioned as a second heutfe'n-

Died NICHOLS — Elsife Sager Nj{

chols, of 200 So Mam Ave , Al­bany July 16, wife of Charles E Nichols sister of Ralph J Sager of Albany and William H Sager Of Beaeh Haven N , J Funeral services wcie held puvulely at Marshall W TebbUt's Sunt,, Al­bany

Enterprise acfo pay—try. thom.

C'uiwtitutioiial Conventien .fevm A i b a w arid Schoharie cbUutfe's, Fe-rvecl: a s a tri;ll.,}awycr,.jn,.<to Bureau of Cl'aims and Litifeation h i ' t h e State Department of La\v |>Eioi'*'to'-''hi , rtoiignitoii.^ •' ; ».< ; V^ib'sEriW'W.tuo' Altaiirpnt Eftv terpiise ~ $3.50 per year. ,



Banlc Finurnciha — Three years to paly.

hm®& STtfdK O F N E W ANiy vism INSTBiUMKlfTS

Columbia, fet., oft $18. Peftrl — ALfeANY - HO &

WtftiQi #tft £¥$ F O f i -

Dianionds - Jewelry « CSf%;;" Wtttthes - Hallmark Card|

Costume Jewelry Watdli and Jewelry Repairing

stoid Engraving . i Harry L JBrown, Jeweler « Prifp

%ty&th mix m® 3$3 BELAWAB4J AVE. " **Jtt the Fofo? Comers"


, , v Pho ie HE &iJKSJ:;r- , *30&W Pf^pf . - 9?30 h m. tei'SiSO p- rft. [ ^ ; • ' ,

FB^b^Y — 9.30 a, rr». to 9 p . rru , / ^ .;>"-.'; - * - p - *«aMUiia(Ut#MMM

Bonds & Insurance * . - » — - • * • - - - * -

Old Line or Mutual

Automobile and Fire

CLY0E t . BALL, P H O N E 872-0031

jii\ ill in n i i ' n Trr igliiiliiilll


T^E l^f'lfW ***$$$«

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In the Delaware Shopping Plaza - ELSME!

THE JOE DI LORENZO tR^- :' ^For Your EntertbiUneM'

*• y. FRID'AY and SATt/RDAY T; tm

iJ t, t


f ' 'J .1'

OPEN D A I L Y - 12 rW6n foS^M. Phonfe 43ff-

gtbp in andMeet Youl" New Ho$te


ttmtmtm - 1 : . : •..v.atj


< W W !

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> A r f ^ . v ^ * W ^ i . i E £ i U t i * « t ^

WOLBgRG'S Glowing; Sale

Bbid Handc«afted wrotight-ii!orf clfalfdehers Barrihial splendor ltf yOur dmmg r66"mi.

Warmth aM charni of GQlmtry *Manor Anticiuerf brai» «n& oledv glais Ohihineiys,

A hue colonial chandelier. With brass arms, smoke glass chimneys and distressed wood spindle,

Perfect for den or sec mom Snetle-bWe Lancelot pulldown1*

PRICED REDUCED 4 0 % Featuring fashionably ©morns lighting*

Open Daily 8*5

Mdnday Thru Soiurdfay' WOLBERG'S WORLD t>f LIGHT

35 Industrial Park Road (At Foot of Watervliot Ave.) 489-8451







