Download - Imaging in Sarcoidosis - in Sarcoidosis.pdf · atypical patterns, the most frequent are multiple large, round nodules and alveolar

Page 1: Imaging in Sarcoidosis - in Sarcoidosis.pdf · atypical patterns, the most frequent are multiple large, round nodules and alveolar

Imaging in SarcoidosisHilario Nunes, M.D.,1 Pierre-Yves Brillet, M.D.,2 Dominique Valeyre, M.D.,1

Michel W. Brauner, M.D.,2 and Athol U. Wells, M.D.3


Sarcoidosis is a multisystemic granulomatous disease of unknown etiology thatmay involve virtually any organ. Pulmonary involvement predominates, but sarcoidosis caninvolve multiple organs, with or without concomitant lung involvement. Aberrations onchest radiographs are present in more than 90% of patients with sarcoidosis. Bilateral hilarlymphadenopathy, with or without lung parenchymal infiltrates, is typical but a wide rangeof chest radiographic patterns may be observed. This article discusses the characteristicchest radiographic features of sarcoidosis and the prognostic value of the radiographicstaging classification as espoused by Scadding more than 4 decades ago. Thin-section high-resolution computed tomographic (HRCT) scans more clearly elucidate the intrathoraciclesions observed in sarcoidosis and may discriminate active inflammation from end-stagefibrosis. Although HRCT is not necessary to manage all cases of sarcoidosis, HRCT maybe invaluable in selected patients with stage II or III sarcoidosis to discriminate alveolitis(which may be amenable to therapy) from fibrosis. Additionally, radionuclide techniquesmay have a role in extrapulmonary sarcoidosis (particularly when central nervous system orcardiac involvement is suspected). We review the salient features and role of magneticresonance imaging and diverse radionuclide techniques to diagnose or follow selected casesof extrapulmonary sarcoidosis.

KEYWORDS: Sarcoidosis, chest radiographs, computed tomographic (CT) scans,

magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), radionuclide scans

Sarcoidosis is a multisystemic granulomatousdisease of unknown etiology.1–3 Multiple clinical phe-notypes are observed as judged by the mode of presen-tation, pattern of organ involvement, disease duration,and severity. Sarcoidosis primarily affects the lungs andthe lymphatic system in more than 90% of patients butvirtually no organ is immune from the disease.1–3 Thediagnosis of sarcoidosis is based upon the association ofcompatible clinicoradiological findings, histologicaldemonstration of noncaseating granulomas, and exclu-sion of other granulomatous disorders.1 However, theclinical and radiological expression of the disease is

remarkably variable, with findings sometimes pathogno-monic but often merely suggestive or markedly atypical.The radiological differential diagnosis is often broad,and because histological confirmation is sometimes elu-sive, a confident diagnosis often requires the amalgama-tion of information from imaging and other tests.Moreover, chest radiographic findings make a majorcontribution to prognostic evaluation. The course andprognosis of sarcoidosis are highly variable.1–3 Althoughspontaneous recovery occurs in nearly two thirds of cases,therapy is necessary in one third of cases, and somepatients experience a prolonged and severe course.

1Services de Pneumologie; 2Radiologie, Hopital Avicenne, AssistancePublique-Hopitaux de Paris, Universite Paris, Bobigny, France;3Interstitial Lung Disease Unit, Royal Brompton Hospital, London,United Kingdom.

Address for correspondence and reprint requests: HilarioNunes, M.D., Service de Pneumologie, Hopital UniversitaireAvicenne, 125 rue de Stalingrad, 93009 Bobigny, France. E-mail:

[email protected]: Evolving Concepts and Controversies; Guest Edi-

tors, Marc A. Judson, M.D., Michael C. Iannuzzi, M.D.Semin Respir Crit Care Med 2007;28:102–120. Copyright #

2007 by Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue,New York, NY 10001, USA. Tel: +1(212) 584-4662.DOI 10.1055/s-2007-970336. ISSN 1069-3424.


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Adverse prognostic determinants applicable to smallgroups of patients include onset of the disease after theage of 40, neurosarcoidosis, cardiac involvement, lupuspernio, sinonasal involvement, chronic uveitis, chronichypercalcemia, nephrocalcinosis, and bone involve-ment.1–3 By contrast, chest radiograph staging is relevantto most patients, and in the remaining cases with a majorextrapulmonic pattern of disease, imaging procedures atother sites are usually central to prognostic evaluationand the formulation of management.

This article reviews our current knowledge andthe emerging concepts in the imaging of sarcoidosis,with a particular focus on pulmonary sarcoidosis and abroader review of other selected sites of involvement.The article describes both typical and atypical featuresand discusses the role of imaging as a diagnostic andprognostic tool in the management of patients withsarcoidosis.

PULMONARY SARCOIDOSIS—CHESTRADIOGRAPHDespite the progress in new imaging technologies, con-ventional chest radiograph continues to have a crucialrole for the diagnosis, prognosis, and follow-up ofsarcoidosis. The chest radiograph is abnormal at somepoint in more than 90% of patients1–5 and is often thefirst investigation to suggest the diagnosis. Up to 60% ofpatients present with asymptomatic chest radiographicabnormalities.2,3

Radiographic Staging

More than 4 decades ago, Scadding classified poster-oanterior (PA) chest radiographic findings as stage 0 (anormal radiograph), stage I [bilateral hilar lymphaden-opathy (BHL), variably associated with paratrachealadenopathy] (Fig. 1), stage II (BHL accompanied byparenchymal infiltration) (Fig. 2), stage III (parenchy-mal infiltration without BHL) (Fig. 3) and stage IV(parenchymal infiltration with overt pulmonary fibrosis)(Fig. 4).1,6 The frequency of each stage at presentation isreported as stage 0: 8 to 16%, stage I: 25 to 65%, stage II:14 to 49%, stage III: �10%, stage IV: �5%.2

Radiographic Features

Sarcoid lymphadenopathy is typically bilateral, symmet-rical, and noncompressive.3,7–9 The most characteristicfeature is BHL, noted in 50 to 80%. In patients withthoracic lymphadenopathy, BHL is present in over 95%of cases, with enlargement of right paratracheal andaortic-pulmonic window lymph nodes also common(> 70%). Subcarinal (21%), anterior mediastinal (16%),and posterior mediastinal (2%) involvement are lessfrequent.9 Lone paratracheal, subcarinal, or mediastinal

enlarged lymph nodes without BHL increases the like-lihood of an alternative diagnosis, particularly lym-phoma. Lymph node size ranges from minimal tomassive and tends to be largest at presentation, withgradual diminution leading, in a majority of cases, tocomplete regression within 2 years. In long-standingcases nodal eggshell calcification may be observed.

Parenchymal infiltration is noted in 25 to 50% ofpatients with sarcoidosis.3 It is usually bilateral andsymmetrical with a patent predominance for centralregions and upper lobes. The pattern of infiltration istypically micronodular or reticulomicronodular.2,3 Otherwell-recognized radiographic features, including focalalveolar opacities and ground-glass opacities, are lessfrequent. In progressive disease, radiological evidenceof fibrosis becomes increasingly prominent, includingarchitectural distortion, upper lobe volume loss withhilar retraction, masses, coarse linear bands, and bul-lae.2,3 Findings are atypical in�20% of cases10,11 and aremore frequent over the age of 50.12

Either the pattern or the distribution of diseasemay be abnormal.10,11 Opacities may be basal or con-fined to part or all of one lung. Among a multiplicity of

Figure 1 Radiographic stage I. The posteroanterior film showsbilateral noncompressive, predominantly right-sided hilar lympha-denopathy with clear lung fields.

Figure 2 Radiographic stage II. The posteroanterior film showssymmetrical bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy associated withparenchymal infiltration.


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atypical patterns, the most frequent are multiple large,round nodules and alveolar consolidations, named ‘‘nod-ular’’13–15 or ‘‘alveolar sarcoidosis’’16; diffuse ground-glassopacities17; tumorlike opacities15; cavitation4,18; pleuralinvolvement, including effusion,19 pleural thickening orcalcification, and pneumothorax20; and atelectases.21,22

These features may occur in isolation but are oftenadmixed with more typical abnormalities.10,11 Radiolog-ical atypical presentations and complications will bediscussed in the section on computed tomography (CT)because CT tends to be especially helpful when the chestradiographic diagnosis is not immediately apparent.

Diagnostic Role of Chest Radiography

In the absence of histological confirmation, clinical and/or radiological features may be diagnostic in stage I

(reliability of 98%) or stage II (89%), but are less accuratefor patients with stage III (52%) or stage 0 (23%)disease.1 Other important causes of BHL, all muchless frequent than sarcoidosis, are infection (fungal ormycobacterial) and malignancy (lymphoma, broncho-genic carcinoma or extrathoracic carcinoma). In a largereview by Winterbauer et al, symmetrical BHL was themode of presentation in only 3.8% of lymphomas, 0.8%of bronchogenic carcinomas, and 0.2% of extrathoraciccarcinomas.8 Asymptomatic BHL, in association with anunremarkable physical examination or acute symptoms(i.e., uveitis, polyarthritis, or erythema nodosum), wasstrongly indicative of sarcoidosis. BHL indicated malig-nancy when associated with anemia, a pleural effusion oranterior mediastinal mass, peripheral lymphadenopathy,or hepatosplenomegaly.8 Thus histological confirmationcan reasonably be viewed as superfluous in many patientswith stage I disease, provided that disease resolution israpid and spontaneous.1

Prognostic Role of Chest Radiography

The purely descriptive nature of chest radiographicstaging should be stressed. In individual cases, findingsdo not, in themselves, reliably discriminate betweenactive inflammation and fibrosis, but they do identifymajor prognostic differences.1–3,23–25 Spontaneous reso-lution occurs in 55 to 90% of patients with stage I, 40 to70% with stage II, 10 to 20% with stage III, and does notoccur with stage IV disease.1–3,23–25 More than 85% ofspontaneous remissions occur within the first 2 years andare very seldom followed by relapse. Regardless of theinitial stage, the likelihood of remission is reduced after2 years,24 but changes in stage are highly variable. In alarge patient cohort, only 9% of stage I patients hadprogressed to stage II (and 1.6% to stages III or IV) at5 years, with only 5.5% of stage II patients progressing tostage IV.25 Stage I persists after 5 years in up to 10% ofcases, but this is not necessarily indicative of ongoingdisease activity.1–3

Pulmonary function tests (PFTs) are abnormal in20%of patients with stage I and 40 to 70%of patients withstage II, III, or IV, but functional impairment does notcorrelate well with chest radiographic changes.1 Treat-ment is usually introduced because of symptoms or func-tional impairment but radiographic findings per se mayalso prompt therapeutic intervention.26–28 A prospectiverandomized study conducted by the British ThoracicSociety provides some support for long-term corticoste-roid therapy in asymptomatic patients with radiographicabnormalities present for at least 12 months.26 In anotherplacebo-controlled study, patients with newly detectedstage II or III disease and normal lung function indiceswere treated with oral prednisolone for 3 months, fol-lowed by inhaled budesonide for 15 months.27 Radio-graphic benefits were maintained 5 years after cessation

Figure 3 Radiographic stage III. The posteroanterior filmshows parenchymal infiltration without hilar lymphadenopathy,but no obvious fibrotic changes. The parenchymal shadowing ismicronodular and has a predilection for themid and upper parts ofthe lungs.

Figure 4 Radiographic stage IV. The posteroanterior filmshows predominantly upper lobe fibrotic abnormalities with hilarretraction, coarse fibrotic masses (mostly on the left), and bibasalcompensatory emphysema (secondary to the loss of upper lobevolume).


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of therapy but functional differences were small.28 Itremains uncertain whether modest improvements inasymptomatic patients justify the morbidity associatedwith treatment.

A further advantage of serial chest radiography isthe detection of sarcoidosis complications, includingpneumothorax, aspergilloma, bronchial stenosis, andpulmonary malignancy. In this regard, chest radiographyoften serves to prompt CT evaluation.


Standard CT Scanning Protocols

HRCT is now widely accepted as the imaging referencestandard in the evaluation of diffuse infiltrative lungdiseases (DLDs).29 HRCT is undoubtedly superior toconventional CT in delineating the distribution andpattern of pulmonary interstitial lesions. Collimationwidths of 1 to 1.5 mm provide optimal signal. Thus, inroutine diagnostic protocols, 1 to 1.5 mm thin slices areacquired at 10 mm spaced intervals from the apices to thebases at full inspiration.29 For lung analysis, imagereconstruction with a high-spatial-frequency algorithmenhances the definition of fine parenchymal detail.29

Additional sections at end expiration may show airtrapping in patients with small airways obstruction.Administration of contrast agents can be useful to betterdiscern lymphadenopathy and in patients with vascularcomplications, including pulmonary hypertension (PH).Recently, the advent of multidetector CT (MDCT),combining helical volumetric acquisitions and thin slicethickness (0.6 to 1.25 mm), has allowed CT to image theentire lung during a single breath-hold. Postprocessingtechniques are likely to become increasingly useful,especially maximum and minimum intensity projections,which enhance the detection and analysis of micro-nodular structures and areas of increased and reduceddensity.30 However, MDCT acquisitions increase theradiation burden and the routine use of these newtechniques has not been validated in young patientswith sarcoidosis.

Indications for Chest CT

The role of CT in the diagnosis and management ofsarcoidosis continues to be debated. The diagnosticaccuracies of CT and chest radiography, with or withoutclinical information, have been compared in severalstudies of patients with a variety of DLDs.31–36 Whena confident diagnosis can be made from typical clinicaland chest radiographic features, CT appears to addlittle,1–3,37 especially in stage I disease. By contrast,HRCT makes important diagnostic contributions inselected cases with stage II, III, and IV.1–3 Accordingto the American Thoracic Society (ATS)/European

Respiratory Society (ERS)/World Association of Sar-coidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders (WA-SOG) expert consensus statement on sarcoidosis, CTcan be justified in the following circumstances: (1)atypical clinical and/or chest radiograph findings, (2) anormal chest radiograph but a clinical suspicion of thedisease, and (3) detection of complications of the lungdisease.1 CT findings may also discriminate betweenactive inflammation and irreversible fibrosis,38–44 withoccasional influence on therapeutic decisions. Further-more, numerous studies have explored correlations be-tween disease severity on CT and functionalimpairment.40,44–53 However, despite moderately strongfunctional morphological relationships in patient pop-ulations, HRCT makes only, at best, a small contribu-tion to management in most individuals, once thediagnosis is secure.

The CT features of sarcoidosis have been exten-sively depicted in many studies38–60 and have been thesubject of several reviews.61,62 The spectrum of diseaseon CT is extraordinarily variable. Several characteristicCT profiles have now been identified, but in many casesappearances are atypical and not strongly suggestive ofthe diagnosis.

Typical CT Features


Although not necessary in typical stage I disease, CT ismore sensitive in detecting enlarged lymph nodes than aPA chest x-ray.54,57 Hilar or mediastinal lymphadenop-athy is present on CT in 47 to 94% of patients withsarcoidosis, irrespective of radiographic staging.41,44,56–60 Lymph nodes are usually bilateral, most commonlywith right-sided predominance.57–60 The distribution ofthoracic lymphadenopathy, according to the ATS lymphnode map, has been evaluated in two studies.59,60 Themost commonly involved nodal stations, in decreasingorder of frequency, were 4R (right lower paratracheal),10R (right hilar), 7 (subcarinal), 5 (subaortic, i.e., aorto-pulmonic window), 11R (right interlobar), and 11L (leftinterlobar).59,60 The number of enlarged lymph nodesranged from zero to eight with a median of three, andtheir maximum short-axis diameter was � 10 mm in23% of cases and � 20 mm in 16% of cases.60 Althoughoccasionally present in sarcoidosis, the enlargement ofinternal mammary and pericardial lymph nodes requiresexclusion of lymphoma. Sarcoid lymph nodes are usuallynonnecrotic and noncompressive, with calcification fre-quent in longstanding disease. In a study of patientsknown to have had disease for up to 32 years, nodalcalcification (Fig. 5) was noted in 53%, with eggshellcalcification present in 9%.58 In a further report, calci-fication was identified at presentation in 20%, increasingto 44% within 4 years.41


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HRCT identifies parenchymal structures lying below theresolution limits of chest radiography but can, nonethe-less, be normal in patients with histological proof of lunginvolvement.55 The cardinal parenchymal features ofsarcoidosis on HRCT are micronodules and nodules,central peribronchovascular thickening, alveolar or pseu-doalveolar consolidations, septal and nonseptal lines,ground-glass opacification, signs of lung architecturaldistortion, conglomerate masses, bronchiectasis, honey-combing or other types of cyst, emphysema, and thick-ening of the pleural surface.61,62 CT presentation isinfluenced by the radiographic stage and disease chron-icity. Moreover, multiple CT features or patterns may bevariously associated in individual patients and mayevolve over time either spontaneously or with ther-apy.39–41,44,47,53 Interestingly, in the study of Terasakiet al, CT findings did not differ materially betweensmokers and nonsmokers, except that emphysema wasmore extensive in smokers.52

Nodular Opacities Nodules are the hallmark of pul-monary sarcoidosis, seen in 80 to 100% of all patients atHRCT39–42,47,52–56 but less frequently in stage IV.44

Nodular opacities represent aggregates of granulomas,and CT appearances mirror the histological distributionof sarcoid granulomatous reaction.63 Nodules have beendivided into specific categories according to their size:micronodules < 3 mm; nodules: 3 to 10 mm; irregularmarginated nodules: 10 to 20 mm; and alveolar orpseudoalveolar nodules: > 20 mm in diameter.39,47

Most nodules are small, usually between 1 and 10 mmin diameter, and have irregular poorly circumscribedmargins (Fig. 6). Their distribution is widespread butthey tend to have a higher profusion around broncho-vascular structures and subpleurally, along the concavityof the chest wall, the mediastinum and/or the fissures,along the bronchovascular sheath and the interlobular

septa39,41,55 (Fig. 7). Irregularity or thickening of thebronchovascular bundles is widely cited as a secondcardinal sign of pulmonary sarcoidosis.39,44,47 Peribron-chovascular thickening often emanates from the hilarregions in an axial fashion and occasionally gives rise toluminal stenosis.56 Other diseases distributed alonglymphatic channels, such as lymphangitic carcinomatosisand lymphoma, are usually readily distinguished fromsarcoidosis on HRCT.64 Nodularity can result in afissural or bronchovascular ‘‘beaded’’ aspect, which iswidely accepted as virtually pathognomonic of sarcoido-sis (although never formally validated).

Small nodules can coalesce into larger nodulesover 10 mm in size (Fig. 8), which can very rarelycavitate. Alveolar or pseudoalveolar consolidation con-sists of large areas of homogeneous intense increasedattenuation causing obscuration of bronchovascular mar-gins, with or without an air bronchogram, seen in 12 to38% of patients.39,40,42,44,52,53,56 Recently, Nakatsu et alcoined the term sarcoid galaxy to describe a large nodule,usually with irregular boundaries, encircled by a rim of

Figure 6 High-resolution computed tomographic section show-ing widespread nodules more profuse subpleurally on the right.

Figure 5 Computed tomographic section showing focal calci-fication (arrows) of bilateral hilar and subcarinal lymph nodes.

Figure 7 High-resolution computed tomographic sectionshowing micronodules with a typical perilymphatic distribution(i.e., concentrated along the major fissure, the bronchovascularsheaths, and the interlobular septae). There is subtle irregularbeading of the fissure and of the polygonal interlobular septae(arrows).


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numerous tiny satellite nodules.65 In their series of 59patients with sarcoidosis, 16 (27%) had large nodules,and the ‘‘sarcoid galaxy’’ sign was found in all; sarcoidgalaxies were multiple in all but one case, most were 10to 20 mm in diameter and two contained cavitation.Histologically, a sarcoid galaxy represents innumerablecoalescent granulomas that are more concentrated in thecenter of the lesion.65 It is likely that sarcoid galaxylesions overlap with large nodules that were previouslynamed ‘‘irregular marginated nodules’’ or to sphericalalveolar or pseudoalveolar consolidation.62

Linear Opacities Nodules are the only HRCT abnor-mality in approximately one third of patients but aremore often associated with other patterns.40,47 Thick-ened interlobular septae or septal lines are frequent, witha wide reported prevalence range (26 to 89%),39–42,44,47,53,55 and are usually less profuse than nodules.Nonseptal lines are less frequent and encompass hilarperipheral lines (which are distinct from bronchovascularbundles) (Fig. 9), subpleural lines (which are curvilineardensities paralleling the pleura), and other translobularlines without a precise topography.39–42,44,47,53,55Fi-brotic lines are often irregular or distorted or both.Linear opacities are sometimes organized as a polygonalconfiguration in a reticular network, with or withoutground-glass44,47,55 (Fig. 10).

Ground-Glass Opacification Ground-glass opacifi-cation is defined as hazy areas of slightly increasedattenuation in which vessels and bronchi remain visible.The frequency of ground-glass has a wide reported range(16 to 83%).39–42,44,47,52,53,56 Ground-glass seems to bemore common at presentation than later in the diseasecourse.47 Although occasionally the predominant abnor-mality,47,48,50,51,53,66 ground-glass is usually multifocal

rather than diffuse. The histological significance ofground-glass attenuation is varied because granuloma-tous and fibrotic lesions alike can give rise to this HRCTfeature.63

Scarring and Fibrosis Lung architectural distortionincludes abnormal displacement of hila, fissures, bron-chi, or vessels and distortion of secondary pulmonarylobules. Lung architectural distortion is invariable instage IV disease,44,47 and, overall, is reported in 20 to50% of patients.39–41,47,56 Bronchi may be deformed,angulated, crossed, or stenosed.44 Bronchial distortion istypically shown by posterior displacement of the main orupper lobe bronchus. This sign, as well as distortion ofthe major fissure, is likely to indicate loss of lung volume,especially in the posterior segment of the upper lobe.44

Conglomerate masses are defined as large opacitiesgreater than 3 cm in diameter that often surround andencompass the bronchi and vessels (Fig. 11). Althoughsometimes difficult to identify, due to amalgamation

Figure 8 High-resolution computed tomographic sectionshowing poorly defined small nodules with larger nodules anddense consolidation at the lung periphery. There is narrowing ofthe middle lobe bronchus (arrow) and atelectasis due to right hilarlymphadenopathy. Bilateral pleural thickening is also present.

Figure 9 High-resolution computed tomographic sectionshowing a linear pattern, consisting of irregular, mainly hiloper-ipheral lines (arrows). Multiple calcified lymph nodes are alsopresent.

Figure 10 High-resolution computed tomographic sectionshowing septal reticulations, ground-glass attenuation, and peri-bronchovascular thickening, as well as bilateral hilar lymphadeno-pathy.


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with vascular structures, conglomerate masses are afrequent feature in stage IV disease (60%) and are usuallycentral and associated with bronchial distortion.44 Peri-hilar conglomerate masses may be indistinguishablefrom lymphadenopathy.44

Traction bronchiectasis, honeycombing, othertypes of cystic destruction, paracicatricial emphysema,and bullae are relatively rare in sarcoidosis, althoughmore frequent in chronic fibrotic disease. Abehsera et al,in a study of 80 patients with stage IV disease, identifiedbronchiectasis in 40% and honeycombing in 32%(Fig. 12), with a lower prevalence of cystic abnormalities(19%) and emphysema (12%).44 Three distinct patternsof distribution were recognized. A bronchial distortionpattern (47%), with or without coexistence masses, wasusually central. A honeycombing pattern (29%) waslargely peripheral and often occurred predominantly inthe upper lobes. A linear pattern (24%) was mainlydiffuse.44 Nodules were less evident in association witha honeycombing pattern, whereas peribronchovascularthickening commonly accompanied bronchial distor-

tion.44 In the serial HRCT study of Akira et al,ground-glass and consolidation tended to evolve intofibrotic disease, with significant increases in bronchialdistortion, honeycombing, traction bronchiectasis, em-physema, and parenchymal bands,53 in variable combi-nations (Fig. 13).

Airways Involvement Air trapping manifests onHRCT as areas of decreased attenuation, essentially ina mosaic pattern, containing pulmonary vessels of re-duced caliber. Air trapping is often obvious on inspir-atory images and is enhanced on expiration. Since firstreported by Gleeson et al,67 increasing attention hasbeen devoted to air trapping in sarcoidosis.48–50,52,68–70

Subsequent studies suggested that expiratory air trap-ping was common on HRCT, being identified in 83.3 to98% of patients,48–50,52,70 and sometimes providing thesole CT evidence of pulmonary sarcoidosis.50,67 Theprevalence and extent of decreased attenuation do notvary according to the chest radiographic stage,48 thepredominant inspiratory CT pattern,50 or smoking sta-tus.52 It has been suggested that air trapping reflectssmall-airway obstruction by peribronchiolar or intra-luminal granulomas. However, it should be stressedthat expiratory air trapping is a nonspecific HRCTsign that is not infrequent in healthy subjects71; thusthe clinical significance of limited mosaic attenuation isoften difficult to interpret.

Bronchomalacia in sarcoidosis has recently beenreported in a small series based on volumetric expiratoryHRCT images.70 Lenique et al investigated bronchialappearances on HRCT in 60 patients with sarcoidosisand found that increased bronchial wall thickness andother luminal abnormalities were present in 65% and23%, respectively, with a positive association betweenbronchial abnormalities and the presence of mucosalgranulomas.56

Figure 11 High-resolution computed tomographic sectionshowing deformation and angulation of bronchi (arrow); withposterior displacement of the main and upper lobe bronchi (dueto segmental volume loss), fibrotic conglomerate masses, andenlargement of the main pulmonary artery.

Figure 12 High-resolution computed tomographic sectionshowing honeycomb change.

Figure 13 High-resolution computed tomographic sectionshowing a combination of bronchial distortion and linear opacitiesin the left lung and bullae in the right upper lobe. There is also leftpleural thickening (arrow).


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Atypical CT Features


Lymphadenopathy may be unilateral or localized in anunusual site. Extrinsic compression by enlarged adjacentlymph nodes and/or mediastinal fibrosis is reported in ahandful of cases, with compression or distortion ofbronchi,56,72 large pulmonary arteries,73 the superiorvena cava,74 the esophagus,75 the left recurrent nerve,76

or the thoracic duct.77


‘‘Nodular’’ or ‘‘Alveolar’’ Sarcoidosis A predomi-nance of multiple large nodules or an alveolar or pseu-doalveolar consolidation (‘‘nodular’’13–15 or ‘‘alveolar’’sarcoidosis16 on chest x-ray) can mimic organizingpneumonia or malignancy. The presentation is acuteand the prognosis is excellent. Johkoh et al, in a CTevaluation of 10 patients with this appearance, reportedhomogeneous opacities between 10 and 40 mm indiameter, located along the bronchovascular bundles orsubpleurally pleural and characterized by ill-definedcontours and many small nodules in the surroundinglung.78 An air bronchogram was sometimes present, andother CT abnormalities considered typical of sarcoidosiswere usually present.

Necrotizing Sarcoid Granulomatosis Necrotizingsarcoid granulomatosis (NSG) is characterized histolog-ically by a sarcoid-like granulomatous reaction withvasculitis (involving both arteries and veins) and non-caseating necrosis.79 NSG and ‘‘nodular’’/‘‘alveolar’’ sar-coidosis share many clinical and radiological features butappear to be separate entities, nonetheless. In a recentstudy of 14 patients with NSG, the most common CTfeature was alveolar opacities, seen in seven cases (50%),and these were mainly subpleural without predilectionfor any single lobar site; other variable findings includeda bronchogram, a solitary nodule, bilateral/multiplenodules, cavitation, bilateral hilar or mediastinal aden-opathy, and pleural thickening.80

Cavitation Cavitation is more easily diagnosed on CTthan on chest radiograph and must be distinguishedfrom cystic bronchiectasis and bullous change(Fig. 14).47,54 Because primary cavitary sarcoidosis israre, superimposed infection, and Wegener’s granulo-matosis should always be excluded. The development ofsarcoid cavities is believed to result from either ischemicnecrosis (with extrusion of hyaline material from con-glomerate sarcoid granulomas) or vasculitis. The fre-quency of cavitation in a chest radiographic study was0.8%,4 and in two CT studies, cavitation of nodules wasseen in three of 44 patients (6.8%) and in two of59 patients (3.4%), respectively.47,65 Based on a handful

of case reports,81–85 cavitation usually develops insidenodules or alveolar condensation and may be seen on CTfollowing presentation with a pneumothorax.83,85 In ourexperience, cavitary lesions are usually small, thin walled,and, although occasionally found in isolation, morelikely to be multiple and bilateral, although seldompresent in large numbers.

Sarcoidosis Mimicking Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibro-sis The typical CT appearances of fibrotic sarcoidosisand idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) are very dissim-ilar. Honeycombing is rare in sarcoidosis and, whenpresent, usually affects the upper and perihilar regions.44

Interestingly, in a few cases of histologically confirmedsarcoidosis, honeycombing had a striking prominence inthe lower lung zones with a peripheral and subpleuraldistribution, or was diffuse. This pattern has beenreported in a total of six patients.44,86

Other Atypical Parenchymal Lesions and PatternsNodules may be sparse in distribution rather than wide-spread. They may be dispersed throughout lungs withoutany topographic predilection47 or may very rarely have ahematogenous or centrilobular distribution (rather thana perilymphatic distribution), mimicking miliary tuber-culosis and hypersensitivity pneumonitis, respectively.87

Masslike solitary nodules and alveolar consolidation at asingle focus are exceedingly rare in sarcoidosis.88–90 Onepatient presented with diffuse ground-glass attenuationon CT, which oddly shifted to the peripheral lung zonesand later developed both micronodular lesions andenlarged thoracic lymph nodes.91 A ‘‘halo sign,’’92 a‘‘fairy ring’’ sign,93 and profuse micronodular calcifica-tion have also been described.94


Pleural involvement is better detected on CT than onchest x-ray.95 Pleural effusions may result from pleuralgranulomatous involvement or from the blockage of

Figure 14 High-resolution computed tomographic sectionshowing cavitation in a large nodule with multiple confluent smallnodules in the surrounding lung. This appearance required theexclusion of bacterial infection, aspergilloma, tuberculosis ornontuberculous mycobacterial infection, and Wegener’s granu-lomatosis.


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interlobular septal lymphatic channels by granulomas.Apparent pleural thickening often represents inwardretraction of extrathoracic soft tissue and extrapleuralfat, rather than a true pleural abnormality.62 Pleuralinvolvement is rare in sarcoidosis, with pleural effusionsobserved in less than 5% on chest radiography.10,11 InCT studies, pleural thickening surface is present in 11 to27% of patients.41,47,54,56 However, in the recent studyof Szwarcberg et al the frequency of pleural involvementreached 41%, including thickening in 32.8% of cases,mainly associated with pulmonary fibrosis, and a limitedeffusion in 8.2% of cases.95

Diagnostic Role of CT

The diagnostic superiority of CT over chest radiographyin DLD has been clearly demonstrated.31–36 Whenstudied populations were grouped, the overall diagnosticsensitivity of CT for pulmonary sarcoidosis was 78% asopposed to 70% for chest radiography.61,62 Grenier et alevaluated supplementary information yielded by CTafter taking into account clinical data and radiographicfindings.35 Computer-aided diagnoses were made byapplying a Bayesian model in a large population of 308patients with DLDs, including 121 with pulmonarysarcoidosis. For sarcoidosis, the overall sensitivity (uti-lizing two observers) was 76 to 83% with clinical dataalone, 80 to 88% with clinical and radiographic findings,and 85 to 90% with the addition of CT. The percentagesof correct diagnosis with a high level of confidence wererespectively 33 to 42%, 52 to 76%, and 78 to 80%.35 Thisrelatively small difference emphasizes the fact that CTadds little when clinical and radiographic presentation istypical of sarcoidosis, understates the true diagnosticvalue of CT in other, less straightforward cases.

In atypical variants, CT often increases the diag-nostic likelihood of sarcoidosis, especially when unusualfeatures are associated with more characteristic patterns:atypical CT features seen in isolation makes the diseasedifficult to diagnose.

Thoracic lymphadenopathy on CT is usual insarcoidosis but is not a specific CT feature. Niimi et alfound that lymphadenopathy was also common in colla-gen vascular disease (70%), IPF (67%), extrinsic allergicalveolitis (53%), and organizing pneumonia (36%).However, the number of enlarged nodes was higher insarcoidosis than in other DLDs (mean 3.2 vs 1.2), and allpatients with nodes � 20 mm in short-axis diameter hadsarcoidosis.60

Conversely, the pattern and distribution of lymphnode calcification may be an important ancillary diag-nostic sign on CT to distinguish between sarcoidosis andan alternative DLD associated with. a previous episodeof tuberculosis. Gawne-Caine and Hansell showed thatthe mean diameter of calcified nodes was significantlylarger in sarcoidosis (12 mm vs 7 mm); calcium deposi-

tion was more commonly focal in sarcoidosis (58% vs23%) and diffuse in tuberculosis (27% vs 62%), and,when present, hilar nodal calcification was more likely tobe bilateral in sarcoidosis than in tuberculosis (65% vs8%).58



Ascertaining the diagnosis of sarcoidosis is sometimesproblematic when sarcoidosis is confined to one organ.CT may facilitate the diagnosis when standard diagnos-tic tests are negative or equivocal (as is commonly thecase in uveitis) or when a biopsy of an extrapulmonic siteis considered too risky (as in central nervous systeminvolvement). In one study of uveitis, CT was especiallyuseful in elderly women with normal chest radiographicappearances.96


The value of CT in the detection of complications hasnever been formally quantified but is amply validated byclinical experience, especially when there is unexplainedworsening of respiratory symptoms, hemoptysis, dispro-portionate impairment of PFTs or airflow obstruction,uncertain chest radiographic abnormalities, aspergil-loma, or PH.1,97

Aspergilloma Mycetoma formation is a frequent com-plication of stage IV disease, particularly in patients withadvanced fibrocystic or cavitary disease.5,98 Aspergillomais more readily visualized using CT, which generallyreveals a cavity containing a well-defined homogeneousnodule, with or without a characteristic air crescent(Fig. 15).99 Fungus balls can be mobile, as judged bymovement within a cavity with a change from the supineto the prone position. Aspergillomas are often associatedwith thickening of the cavity wall and adjacent pleura,which is sometimes the earliest sign before any visible

Figure 15 High-resolution computed tomographic sectionshowing an aspergilloma (arrow) in a cavity with a characteristicair crescent.


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changes are seen within the cavity.99 Aspergilloma maybe multiple and bilateral, and this is best appreciated byCT and imperative to recognize before surgery.

Pulmonary Hypertension PH is not uncommon inadvanced disease100 and is usually attributed to thedestruction of the distal capillary bed by fibrotic processor to chronic hypoxemia or both. However, it has alsobeen reported in the early stages of the disease withmarginal or no pulmonary involvement,73 suggestingalternative pathogenetic mechanisms, including extrinsiccompression of large pulmonary arteries (Figs. 16 and17) by enlarged lymph nodes or mediastinal fibro-sis101,102; specific granulomatous vascular involve-ment,101,103 which sometimes simulates secondarypulmonary veno-occlusive disease104; and pulmonaryvasoconstriction by vasoactive factors.105 Contrast-en-hanced CT may raise the possibility of PH when themain pulmonary artery is larger than 30 mm in diameterand may also help to identify underlying mechanisms,73

but pulmonary angiography is often required to confirmcompression by extravascular structures.73

Bronchial Stenosis Symptomatic bronchial stenosis israre and may develop at any stage of the disease.56,72

Obstruction may be the consequence of endobronchialgranulomatous involvement, external compression byenlarged lymph nodes, or severe architectural distortion.For anatomical reasons, the right middle lobe is mostoften affected.72 Apart from showing atelectasis, CT issometimes useful in determining the extent and natureof bronchial stenosis.56

Prognostic Role of CT

Correlations between CT findings and classic markers ofsarcoidosis activity, including serum angiotensin-con-verting enzyme (ACE) levels, bronchoalveolar lavage

findings, and gallium scan signal, have been inconclusiveor discrepant.31,38,40,42,43,47 Much more has been learnedfrom studies of the reversibility of CT features (with orwithout treatment) on serial scanning.39–41,53 Architec-tural distortion, traction bronchiectasis, honeycombing,and bullae are consistently irreversible. Micronodules,nodules, peribronchovascular thickening, and consolida-tion are wholly or partially reversible in most (but not all)cases. The evolution of ground-glass attenuation andlinear opacities is more variable. Ground-glass opacitiesmay steady, worsen, or improve over time, with orwithout treatment,39–41,53 reflecting the fact that groundglass may represent either granulomas or fine fibro-sis.63,66 As in other DLDs, a coarse texture or concom-itant traction bronchiectasis increases the likelihood ofunderlying fibrosis.66 Similarly, septal thickening fromintense granulomatous infiltration is likely to reverse, butother linear opacities are more likely to be fibrotic.

Discrimination between active inflammation andirreversible fibrosis with CT is appealing in theory butseldom employed in practice, perhaps because decisionson the need for treatment are straightforward in mostcases. However, CT may occasionally be helpful whenthe decision to initiate or continue potentially toxictreatment is marginal. For instance, in stage IV diseasea trial of therapy might be warranted if a potentiallyreversible component is visible on CT.44



Correlations between CT findings and PFTs have beenexamined in many studies40,44–53 with variable results,

Figure 16 Enhanced computed tomographic section from apatient with moderate pulmonary hypertension showing extrinsiccompression of the main right artery by lymphadenopathy (ar-row). There is prestenotic enlargement of the right pulmonaryartery.

Figure 17 Pulmonary angiogram from a patient with moderatepulmonary hypertension confirming the presence of concentricstenosis of the intermediary pulmonary artery consistent withextrinsic compression (arrow).


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probably reflecting the diversity of CT scoring systems.In most reports, the degree of functional impairment, asassessed by gas transfer levels and spirometric volumes, isusually linked to an overall CT score,40,44–53 but mostcorrelations are weak45–47,51 and CT is not consistentlysuperior to chest radiography.45–47,51 Hansell demon-strated that the extent of reticular abnormalities wasstrongly and independently associated with several in-dices of airflow obstruction.29 Abehsera et al. showedthat in stage IV disease, bronchial distortion was asso-ciated with lower expiratory airflow rates, honeycombingwas associated with restriction and lower diffusing ca-pacity for carbon monoxide (DLCO), but functionalimpairment was relatively minor when nondestructivelinear abnormalities predominated.44 Air trapping isassociated with evidence of small-airway obstruction,including maximal midrespiratory flow rates at 25 to75% of the vital capacity (MMEF25–75), residual vol-ume (RV), and/or RV/total lung capacity (TLC),48–50

although this was not the case in one report.52

OTHER IMAGING TECHNIQUESMagnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is seldom useful inevaluation of the lung parenchyma because of imaginglimitations, due mainly to the composition of lung tissueand physiological motion (cardiac pulsation and respi-ration). Despite these inherent pitfalls, several authorshave studied thoracic MRI in sarcoidosis106,107 or DLDat large.108–111 All studies but one used unenhanced T1-and T2-weighted MRI106–110 with unconvincing re-sults,112 and MRI was inferior to HRCT.109 Morerecently Gaeta et al first used gadolinium-enhancedthoracic MRI in a DLD cohort including 10 patientswith sarcoidosis111 and showed enhancement of pulmo-nary lesions in five of seven patients with active disease.However, it appears highly unlikely that MRI willsupplant HRCT in the foreseeable future.

The lung clearance of inhaled technetium-99mlabeled diethylene triamine penta-acetic acid (99mTc-DTPA) has been studied in pulmonary sarcoidosis.113–120 An increased rate of lung clearance has been asso-ciated with disease activity in some studies113,114 but notin others,115,118 and with functional deterioration.116

DTPA clearance sometimes returns to normal withcorticosteroid therapy.116,118 However, the role of thistest in the management of sarcoid patients remainslargely speculative.

CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEMSARCOIDOSISCentral nervous system (CNS) involvement occurs inless than 10% of patients with sarcoidosis.1,5,120

Although any part of the CNS can be affected, sarcoi-dosis has a strong predilection for the base of the skull,

hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and optic chiasma.112,121

The development of neurosarcoidosis is primarily lepto-meningeal and vascular (Fig. 18) in nature. It may followdisruption of the leptomeningeal blood–brain barrier,permitting the spread of the granulomatous process tothe brain parenchyma along the so-called perivascular orVirchow-Robin spaces that accompany the penetratingarteries up to the capillaries.112,121 As a consequence, twotypes of lesion are observed: coalescent intraparenchymalgranulomas and small ischemic foci.107,108 Imaging ispivotal for the diagnosis of CNS sarcoidosis, especially inpatients without systemic evidence of disease, becauseCNS biopsy is seldom justifiable.


Contrast-enhanced brain CT is insensitive, with normalappearances in up to a third of patients with definiteCNS sarcoidosis, especially when lesions are confined tothe cranial or peripheral nerves or brainstem.62 CNSsarcoidosis may still be imperceptible at MRI in somepatients with cranial nerve or neuroendocrine symp-toms122 but is clearly more sensitive than CT.112,121,123

Thus gadolinium-enhanced MRI is the diagnostic in-vestigation of choice in suspected CNS sarcoidosis.

Leptomeningeal involvement, the most frequentfeature, may not be apparent with nonenhancedMRI.124,125 It typically manifests as thickening andenhancement of leptomeninges on T1-weighted images,usually at the base of the skull. The abnormal signal maybe diffuse or nodular112,121 and is indistinguishable fromabnormalities seen in tuberculosis or malignancy.112,121

Focal dural masses may also mimic meningio-ma.112,121Intraparenchymal involvement is usually evidenton MRI as multifocal periventricular, subcortical, ordeep white matter lesions (Fig. 19).112,121 These

Figure 18 Axial contrast-enhanced T1-weighted brain mag-netic resonance image showing a typical multifocal enhancementafter gadolinium in the periventricular zone and along the pene-trating arteries.


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abnormalities are nonspecific and may be identical tothose seen in vascular disease or multiple sclerosis.112,121

Multiple or solitary space-occupying lesions, usuallywithout central necrosis, are not infrequent and maysimulate malignancy due to extensive surroundingedema.112,121 Intraparenchymal lesions are frequentlyclustered near regions of leptomeningeal involvement.Recent and active inflammatory lesions usually enhanceafter gadolinium injection on T1-weighted images,whereas irreversible lesions do not enhance and typicallydisplay hyperintense signal on T2-weighted image-s.122,126,127Hypothalamus and pituitary infiltration(Fig. 20) ranges from a thickening of pituitary infundib-

ulum, indistinguishable from findings in Langerhans’cell hystiocytosis, to an intra- or suprasellar mas-s.112,121Intramedullary lesions manifest as a fusiform en-largement of the spinal cord in the cervical or upperthoracic level (Fig. 21), appearing in weighted imagesand after gadolinium injection, depending upon thestage of disease stage.112,121,128 Neurological complica-tions, such as an obstructive or communicating hydro-cephalus, may also be disclosed by MRI.121 Despite thehigh frequency of histological vasculitis in CNS sarcoi-dosis, large brain infarcts are rare.121

Unfortunately, MRI manifestations are not path-ognomonic of sarcoidosis.127,129 However, the enhance-ment of intraparenchymal lesions and the coexistence ofleptomeningeal enhancement are highly suggestive in anappropriate clinical context.112 MRI may also have aprognostic role: lesions enhancing with gadolinium aremore likely to regress with therapy.122,126,127 SequentialMRI is sometimes useful in monitoring patients withCNS sarcoidosis,126,127 but symptomatic improvementoften correlates poorly with MRI change,122 especially inspinal cord disease.130

CARDIAC SARCOIDOSISClinical evidence of cardiac involvement is present in�5% of sarcoidosis patients,1,5,131 although cardiac ab-normalities are more prevalent in Japan.1,131 Histologi-cally, the myocardium is most frequently involved, butgranulomas may also be found in the pericardium,myocardium, and endocardium. The predominant sitesof myocardial involvement, in decreasing order of fre-quency, are left ventricular free wall and papillary

Figure 20 Midsagittal contrast-enhanced T1-weighted brainmagnetic resonance image demonstrating a gadolinium-enhan-cing mass of the floor of the third ventricle and hypothalamus(arrow).

Figure 21 Sagittal T1-weighted magnetic resonance image ofthe spinal cord showing an intramedullary gadolinium-enhancingmass responsible for cordal enlargement (arrow).

Figure 19 Coronal proton density-weighted brain magneticresonance image demonstrating hyperintense deepwhitematterlesions that did not enhance after gadolinium and infiltrativelesions in the chiasmatic area (arrow).


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muscles, the intraventricular septum, the right ventric-ular wall, the right atrium, and the left atrium.131 Thediagnostic evaluation of cardiac involvement is undeni-ably one of the most challenging management issues insarcoidosis. No diagnostic reference standard exists be-cause endomyocardial biopsy is invasive and lacks sensi-tivity as a result of sampling error. Official guidelinesfrom the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfareinclude the results of histological analysis, electrocardio-gram (ECG), echocardiography, thallium-201 (201Tl) ortechnetium-99m (99mTc) myocardial scintigraphy orgallium-67-citrate (67Ga) scan, and cardiac catheteriza-tion.131 However, these guidelines have never beenprospectively validated and they predate the advent ofnewer techniques such as 67Ga plus 99mTc-MIBI132 andsingle-photon emission computed tomography.132,133

Moreover, there is emerging evidence that cardiacMRI (CMR)112,131,134–141 and fluorine 18 fluorodeox-yglucose (18FDG) positron emission tomography(PET)142–144 may be clinically useful.

Cardiac MRI

CMR has a unique ability to provide detailed anatomicalinformation and, also, to quantify global and regionalventricular function by means of cine sequen-ces.112,131,134 CMR typically shows zones of thinningand segmental myocardial wall motion abnormalitieswith increased signal intensity (Fig. 22), more pro-nounced on T2-weighted images because of associatededema, and variably enhancing with gadoli-nium.112,131,134 The pattern of enhancement followsthe histological distribution of granulomas and differs

from that seen in ischemic disease.112,131,134 The sen-sitivity and specificity of CMR remain uncertain. Sme-dema et al evaluated the accuracy of CMR in a series of58 patients with suspected cardiac sarcoidosis, using theJapanese guidelines131 as a ‘‘gold-standard,’’ and founda sensitivity and specificity of 100% and 78%, respec-tively.139 In a further study, Smedema et al comparedCMR with standard assessment in 55 patients withpulmonary sarcoidosis who were investigated becauseof cardiac symptoms or for screening purposes.141

CMR was abnormal in all 13 patients diagnosed withcardiac sarcoidosis by the standard assessment anddetected six additional patients in whom ECG, ambu-latory ECG, Doppler-echocardiography, and 201Tlscintigraphy were wholly normal. Thus CMR maydetect early cardiac involvement when a conventionalapproach fails to do so.137 However, the clinical rele-vance of limited CMR abnormalities was difficult toquantify as patient follow-up, though short, was un-eventful.141 The extent of enhancement correlated withdisease severity, especially ventricular dilatation, func-tional impairment (Fig. 23) and the presence of ven-tricular arrhythmias.141

Serial studies show that enhanced areas markedlyregress or normalize completely with corticosteroidtherapy135,137 in parallel with clinical improvement.137

The major drawback of CMR is that it cannot be usedin patients with cardiac implantable devices, which arefrequently required in cardiac sarcoidosis.112,131 Fur-ther systematic multicenter studies are required toconstruct a clinically useful diagnostic algorithm forCMR in the detection and management of cardiacsarcoidosis.

Figure 22 Delayed enhanced cardiac magnetic resonance imaging [short axis view (a)] demonstrating a transmural late enhancementof the anterolateral area (long arrow) and a subepicardial late enhancement of the inferoseptal area (short arrow). Single photon emissioncomputed tomography [short axis (b) and vertical long axis (c) views] demonstrates perfusion abnormalities in the same areas.


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18FDG PET18FDG PET has been compared with 67Ga,142–144201Tl,142 and 99mTc-MIBI scintigraphy143,144 in patientswith cardiac sarcoidosis according to the Japaneseguidelines. The sensitivity of 18FDG PET was 100%,which was higher than that of the other methods.128,129

By contrast, its specificity was slightly lower at 81.5 to90.9%. Yamagishi et al showed that 18FDG uptakeseither diminished in size and density or disappearedunder corticosteroids.142 Further studies are still neededbefore any definite statement can be made on the exactrole of 18FDG PET.

Other Imaging Techniques

Other imaging techniques have been tested in cardiacsarcoidosis but data are sporadic: myocardial scintig-raphy with the use of iodine-123-labeled 15-(p-iodo-phenyl)-3R,S-methylpentadecanoic acid,145 a creativetechnique of ultrasonic tissue characterization, whichnoninvasively measures acoustic properties of themyocardium,146 and contrast-enhanced mutlisliceCT.147


67Ga Scanning

The sensibility of 67Ga scan in detecting pulmonarysarcoidosis ranges from 60 to 90%.112 The character-

istic appearances of 67Ga uptake in sarcoidosis has beenreferred to as the ‘‘lambda’’ and ‘‘panda’’ patterns.112,148

The lambda pattern consists of bilateral symmetricaluptake in the parahilar and infrahilar lymph nodes,together with right paratracheal lymph node uptake,and may be observed even when the chest radiograph isnormal. Symmetrical uptake in the parotid, lacrimal,and salivary glands with normal nasopharyngeal captureproduces a picture similar to the face of a panda.112,148

The ‘‘lambda plus panda’’ pattern, and the pandapattern coupled with bilateral hilar lymphadenopathyor bilateral parenchymal infiltration on chest radiogra-phy, are believed to be highly specific for sarcoidosis.However, a panda pattern in isolation lacks specificity,occurring as in other clinical contexts including lym-phoma.112,148–150 It has been argued that the presenceof the lambda plus panda pattern may obviate a tissuediagnosis.1

Uptake of 67Ga is seen in a variety of extrapulmo-nary sites,151 in addition to normal uptake in the liverand spleen, but the low sensitivity and specificity ofabnormal uptake limits the value of 67Ga scintigraphyin the evaluation of specific organ involvement. Theusefulness of 67Ga scan as an index of activity has beenexamined in several studies,152–157 but despite correla-tions with serum ACE levels154–156 and bronchoalveolarlavage findings,152,153,157 the results have been incon-clusive or conflicting.112 Similarly, 67Ga scan is notbelieved to be useful in prognostic evaluation or mon-itoring.112

Figure 23 Three-dimensional breath-hold cardiac magnetic resonance (short axis) in diastole (a) and systole (b) demonstrating septalthickening and functional impairment in the inferoseptal area (arrows) with corresponding perfusion abnormalities at single photonemission computed tomography [short axis (c) and vertical long axis (d) views].


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Recently, several reports on 18FDG PET in sarcoidosishave appeared. 18FDG is taken up in several sites insarcoidosis but the sensitivity and specificity of abnormalsignal is uncertain. 18FDG may be most useful indiagnosing cardiac sarcoidosis.142–144 Brudin et al com-pared regional pulmonary 18FDG metabolism withPFTs, chest radiography, and serum ACE (SACE)levels, initially and after corticosteroid therapy, in sevenpatients with sarcoidosis.158 The degree of 18FDGuptake correlated well with SACE levels and diseaseextent at different stages and normalized during treat-ment.158 Yamada et al evaluated the uptake of 18FDGand carbon-11 labeled methionine in 31 patients withintrathoracic sarcoidosis lymphadenopathy. By using theratio of 18FDG to methionine in pretreatment evalua-tion, they were able to predict posttherapy improvementas assessed clinically and by chest radiography. In the18FDG dominant group (ratio � 2), the response ratewas 78% but in the methionine dominant group (ratio< 2) it dropped to 38%.159 Enthusiasm for 18FDG PETshould be tempered by concerns over its radiation doseand cost.


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