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Page 1: Image editing


Page 2: Image editing

This image was taken with a plain background so I could easily cut it out later on, I also used a spot light to create a orange warmth to the picture as if he was at a gig and the lights were on him. When I edited my image I cut the background out using a magic wand tool this was so you could see the background of my magazine front cover and it makes it look much more professional. The final stage in the editing of this image was to increase the contrast between colour so you can see the clear differences between the shadows and the light.

Front cover

Page 3: Image editing

For this image again I took it with a plain background but this time and delete it . I also used the spotlight to give the affect him performing at a gig. The editing I did on this image was quite simple as I just turned the image into black and white as I felt it would portray the dark side if my Dubstep magazine but also because it fits in with the colour scheme a lot better on the contents page.

Contents page

Page 4: Image editing

Double page spread

My double page spread picture was to show the artist looking down on his equipment with a spotlight on him. Like my other image I also turned this into black and white as it makes the double page spread look much more professional plus it shows the dark side of Dubstep.

Page 5: Image editing

Overall I didn’t use that many different image editing techniques as I prefer to see more natural pictures rather over edited pictures.