Download - IM Goats action plan July 2012 (Mozambique team Version 1)

Page 1: IM Goats action plan July 2012 (Mozambique team Version 1)

IM Goats action planJuly 2012

(Mozambique teamVersion 1)

Page 2: IM Goats action plan July 2012 (Mozambique team Version 1)

Audience (producers and model farmers)

Activity or product (audience)

Who leads it

By when Support needed? (who could help perhaps?)

Four brochures on : animal health, commercialization, management (e.g. comic incl. improved kraal and communal grazing areas) and IP issues

Saskia End of august Technical support from CARE, Graphic designerBirgit for drawings

2 modules on grazing areas and commercialization to be added to existing training materials

Amosse October (before refresher course of paravets)

ILRI will make commercialization moduleCARE will make module on grazing areas, input from Msc student study

Exchange visits between different producers

Amosse Continue until end of project

Technical support depends on theme of exchange of experience

Radio message to producers Roberto In august, October and December

With support from Vitorino (CARE)

Page 3: IM Goats action plan July 2012 (Mozambique team Version 1)

Audience (Buyers)Activity or product (audience)

Who leads it

By when

Support needed? (who could help perhaps?)

Small information note on market location, date and Kg price

IP secretariat

Before next fair

From imGoats project staff.

Radio information session Vitorino Before next fair

Paravets to inform IP about nr of animals

All paravets Before next fair

Meetings with paravets and traders

Amosse Before next fair

Page 4: IM Goats action plan July 2012 (Mozambique team Version 1)

Audience (Paravets)Activity or product (audience)

Who leads it

By when

Support needed? (who could help perhaps?)

Paravet refresher training Amosse 15 October

NOTE: Additional modules need to be developed. (see producer slide)

Visual materials (laminated sheets)on the same topics as brochures

Saskia /Amosse

15 October

Yes: graphic designer, artist

Extension officer visits Majesso /Faustino


Info on nr of animals for fairs to IP secr & interact with community

All paravets

Before each fair

2 exchange visits: in Inhambane other outside province

Amosse 1st: Aug2nd: Oct

Meeting SDAE and paravets on a monthly basis

Amosse to support 1st

17 July

Radio (Availability of inputs) Roberto In Aug, Oct and Dec

Vitorino to facilitate broadcast

Meeting buyers paravets Amosse Before next fair

Page 5: IM Goats action plan July 2012 (Mozambique team Version 1)

Audience (retailer)Activity or product (audience)

Who leads it

By when

Support needed? (who could help perhaps?)

Visits of extension officers Faustino/Amosse


Exchange visits with retailer in Mabote

Amosse August

Selling of products at fairs Retailer Every fair IP secretariat to inform retaiiler

Page 6: IM Goats action plan July 2012 (Mozambique team Version 1)

Audience (Slaughterhouse)Activity or product (audience)

Who leads it

By when

Support needed? (who could help perhaps?)

Invite to IP Amosse Before end of July

Meeting buyers-paravets Amosse Before next fair

Page 7: IM Goats action plan July 2012 (Mozambique team Version 1)

Audience (Prov. Livestock services - SPP)

Activity or product (audience)

Who leads it

By when

Support needed? (who could help perhaps?)

SPP (Dr. Vicente) to visit communities

Roberto TBC, ideally Aug

Film (to be discussed) Roberto End Oct Film available and affordable

Sharing reports, presentation, brochure, success stories

Saskia Ongoing

Participate in IP meetings IP secretariat


Page 8: IM Goats action plan July 2012 (Mozambique team Version 1)

Audience (district authorities - SDAE)

Activity or product (audience)

Who leads it

By when

Support needed? (who could help perhaps?)

Monthly meeting with paravets Amosse to support 1st

17 July

Visit to model farmers SDAE Ongoing

Participation in fairs – inspection, transport licenses

SDAE At every fair

Grazing areas: visit and mark pasture area in each community (cadaster)


1st visit before end of July

CARE will need to support with transport

Share work plan of activities and reports

Amosse Monthly

Small information note on market location, date and Kg price

IP secretariat

Before next fair

From imGoats project staff.

Page 9: IM Goats action plan July 2012 (Mozambique team Version 1)

Audience (district administration)Activity or product (audience)

Who leads it

By when

Support needed? (who could help perhaps?)

Regular meetings to discuss grazing areas and water

Roberto Sept and Dec

Visit to communities IP secretariat

August CARE to provide transport

Page 10: IM Goats action plan July 2012 (Mozambique team Version 1)

Audience (community leaders)Activity or product (audience)

Who leads it

By when

Support needed? (who could help perhaps?)

Small information note on market location, date and Kg price

IP secretariat

Before next fair

From imGoats project staff.

Page 11: IM Goats action plan July 2012 (Mozambique team Version 1)

Audience (local consumers)Activity or product (audience)

Who leads it

By when

Support needed? (who could help perhaps?)

Radio program Roberto In October and December

With support from Vitorino (CARE)

Small study on consumer preferences – by student

1st: Amosse2nd: Birgit


Page 12: IM Goats action plan July 2012 (Mozambique team Version 1)

Audience (donors)Activity or product (audience)

Who leads it

By when

Support needed? (who could help perhaps?)

Success stories Michaela Dec Tezira for editing - Comms for lay out

Factsheet baseline Birgit By end July

Tezira for editing - Comms for lay out

10 min film Saskia Dec ILRI comms – local film crew?

Project website Tezira Ongoing

Page 13: IM Goats action plan July 2012 (Mozambique team Version 1)

Audience (private producers)Activity or product (audience)

Who leads it

By when

Support needed? (who could help perhaps?)

Regular interaction Michaela Ongoing

Invite to IP IP secretariat

Before next fair

Michaela to assist

3 visits from producers to their farms

Amosse TBC Michaela to assist

Exchange of contact details with IP secretariat and private producer with improved breeds

Michaela July