Download - I::*J:g*. ,,?n,,,o, · FEATURE REVIEW World Electronics Companios FiIe - Elsevier Advanced Technology PERIODICAL REVIEW 5 SAAageM - Systems Educational Associates, Inc. VIEW & REVIEW

Page 1: I::*J:g*. ,,?n,,,o, · FEATURE REVIEW World Electronics Companios FiIe - Elsevier Advanced Technology PERIODICAL REVIEW 5 SAAageM - Systems Educational Associates, Inc. VIEW & REVIEW

Portia Isaacson, Ph.D.

The periodical for executives withvision who plan and build the futureof computers, telecommunications,electronics and office products tech-nology and applications using thebest information they can buy.

rssN 1041-4096

FEATURE REVIEW World Electronics Companios FiIe -Elsevier Advanced Technology

PERIODICAL REVIEW 5 SAAageM - Systems Educational Associates, Inc.



Tlw Chang;ng InJormation Semicq Marleet: fie Role of RBOCs - bcc

Video l4formation Seruices: A Teho Readhwss Suntgt - Magnetic Press

HiTAP: Hi-Tech Ad Placenent R@rt 1989 Mid'Ynr - C Systems, Ltd'

Selthg II.S. Sofiunre inJafun - Sentry Market Research

Intellerttnt Proprty Protection in tlv Elearcnbs Industry - ETP'


Bqond Mailing Lis* -Prospects b2 tlw Database!


THANKS! r3 181 Participating Business Information Publishers - New Ones

BOOK LOOK t4 Tlu Future: Oppnunity Not Destiny - Didsbury

Computer Vhtues, Worms, McAfee & Haynes

NEW r5 Managemcnt Visbn: Notes on Graphical Paradtgry in BusinessPortia-'s useful ideas for drawings, charts and graphs

A FEW WORDS t6 $65 Future Thinlcer Subscriptions and Two New Directories

Future Think, Inc. r6 Whom To Call For What and Who We Think We Are

ADVERTISER INDEX 17 In"dustry Edition and Experts' Editbn Advertisers and Ad-Balcs

HOT SPOT What's Hot in Computer Science?Interview with Ted Lewis, Oregon State University

COMING SOON RcscarchAsiaProfiPublishers - FuturLocal Telecommtmi,Inwnational - ElI n t e l l i g e n c e . . . Y a

I::*"J:g*. ,,?n,,,o,"

O 19S9 by Future Think, Inc. P.O. Box 49248, Colorado Springs, CO 80949' 7191598-9000


Page 2: I::*J:g*. ,,?n,,,o, · FEATURE REVIEW World Electronics Companios FiIe - Elsevier Advanced Technology PERIODICAL REVIEW 5 SAAageM - Systems Educational Associates, Inc. VIEW & REVIEW

How m,uch of yourmtarhet resecrrchcom,es frowt, othercomputer t)endors?

Wouldn't it be better toask the customers?

INTECO does.... . .15,000 of them, annual ly-and we've done so for10 years in the US and Europe.

Many consultants' reports are based only oninformation which comes straight from other vendors.

lf you could use information based on a soundprogram of user research<all us!

l l0RichardsAvenue, Norwalk,CT05584;Tel(203)8554400;FaxQ03)8521599.20RedLionSkeet,LondonWC1R,lPB;Tel(01)8319005;Fax(01)8319590

Page 3: I::*J:g*. ,,?n,,,o, · FEATURE REVIEW World Electronics Companios FiIe - Elsevier Advanced Technology PERIODICAL REVIEW 5 SAAageM - Systems Educational Associates, Inc. VIEW & REVIEW

O 1989 by Future Think, Inc.

o FEATURE REVTEW World Eleclrontcs Componies FileElsevier Advonced Technology

These two charts are just afewtidbits from Elseoin AdaancedTec hnology' s World ElectronbsCompanies FiIe

Since 1978 (Europe only) and1987 (worldwide), this product hasuithstood the test of time.r Eaenmore amruing, it has been managedby the same pnson - PhilipRathkey.z Continuity ofmanagtment acc\unts in part for themeticulous attention to detail such asaariations in exchange rates andfinancial oocabulary

At only $860 the 800 big, data-dense pages plus 800 update pagesduring the subsctiptionyear is anoutstanding oalue and, in m1topinion, should be among the basicinformation library of anltinJormation techno logt companyopnating or planning to opnateintnnationally

This database in print formapproaches a'WorldI nfo rmat io n T ec h nol o gtCompanics Filen and, os a result,should be of broad intnest to mostinformat io n tec hno Io gt c omp ani esparticipating in markets outsidetheir home turf

Not included are software companiesand companies that proaide seraicesand distribulion onlg














F o t u . € T h t n k F T Z I E L S V I

World Electronics 'Top 150'Table(ToP 5 OnlY)

Elsovier Advanced Technology - 44-866-612242





16.9139./ r -





Japan ilctherlend!10/8G 12187

19420 ! , c 17918

7 1 c 6 9

9.6 c 1.9199.2 c 77.1

19206.7 c 1486.68.O c 17.311.7 c 3.16.5 c 8.3

21.1 c 27.O

3.3 c Lo1.8 c 1.7


Jepan W.Germany03/88 o,9t47

174/t8 16848

95 59

2.6 5.1175.2 79.6

4662.8 4023.51E.E 21.15 .4 13 .17.5 12.1

44.3 20.7

9.1 9.31 . 1 1 . 1

a E l e c l r o n l c S a l € s f o r t h e p e r l o d 2 1 N o w m b € t 1 9 8 0 l o3 1 m s r c h 1 9 8 7 r U S $ 7 3 1 3 m l l l l o n ,

c B a s e d o n 1 9 8 6 E x c h o n g s R a l s

Top Australian Electronics CompaniesEls€visr Advancod T€chnology - 44-866-512242


ALCATEL - STC 1987 - A$357.6






IBM AUSTRALIA LTD 1987 - A$1,129



3M AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 1987 - A$179.7



SIEMENS LTD 1986 - A$3O9


uNtsYs 1984 - A$122



F ! l u r e T h r n k F T 2 a E L S v 2

fncludes Comfiuters, Telecom and . . .

The scope of this monthly-updated service is broader than manyof us might grress from the title. As trsed here, 'electronrcs"

inchrdes notbnly electronic components manufacturers, but alsomanufactrrrers of cnd-use equipment such as computers,telecommunications, consltmer electronics and oflice products'

Page 4: I::*J:g*. ,,?n,,,o, · FEATURE REVIEW World Electronics Companios FiIe - Elsevier Advanced Technology PERIODICAL REVIEW 5 SAAageM - Systems Educational Associates, Inc. VIEW & REVIEW

O 1989 by Furure Think, Inc.

The niceties such as a guide tofinancial tmninologlt, the financialglossarl infour languages, a 10-year history of exchange rates againstthe U.S. dollar, and the Who OwnsWhom table are indicators of thecare taken in the preparation of thisdata and in making the data usable

For: Computer; telecom;electronics and o{Iiceproducts marketing;planning; sales; andgeneral management

Author: Philip Rathkev.Publisher

What: Loose-leaf ServicePages: 800 phrs 800/yearExhibits: File is mosdy data

tablesDate: Updated monttrlyPrice: $8603

3. Includes year's updates, inquiryseryrce, ancl the opportunlty to .request coples ol orrglnal ^stattstrcssuch as company rePorts tor amodest coPyrng lee

You'rc ight, Phil - I am somttimts notcaan undirstood in Connccticut. Bul...25Vo of Future Think's staff is Bitish-bon and aisits Mumm2 in Effcx oJnt

And Review - Monthly updates include all companies withannual reports released the prior month and a brief monttrlyBulletin of worldwide electronics industry news.

This file provides data on 850 companies comprised of thetop 20 in each of the top 30 countries plus additional companiesin the U.S. (top 100), Japan (top 100), UK (top 50), France (top50) and Germany (top 50). For all companies the followinginformation is given: head office location, key executives, majorshareholders, electronics products manufactured, sales by prod-uct, and employees. For the top 150 companies the following ad-ditional information is provided: stock exchange listings, sales bymarket sector, sales by market area, perforrnance of key subsi-diaries, leading financial indicators for 5/10 years, and a list ofmain subsidiaries and/or operating divisions. Several tablesprovide comparisons of top companies. Indices of companies byproduct segment ane very useful.

Countries covered include Australia, Austria, Belgium,Btaztl, Carrada, Denmark, Finland, France, Hong Kong, India,Indonesia, Irish Republic, Israel, Italy, Japan, Malaysia,Netherlands, Norway, Philippines, Singapore, South Africa,South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand,United Kingdom, USA, and West Germany.

Jolty good features - Prepared with care by analysts whounderstand the problems in comparing and amalgamatingfinancial data from many countries.

Limits or not so jolly good features - You may wish for moredepth than the 20 product segments; however, Elesevier hasopted for historical consistency over increased segmentation.

Companion products - Yearbook of World ElectronicsData'and Diikette of Wortd Electroiics Data

These companion publications will be reviewed in FutureThinker next issue if the Royal Mail cooperates.

For Additional Information Contact:

Elsevier Advanced Technolo gyMayfield Ffouse, 256 Banbury RoadOxford OX2 7DH, IJ.K.

44-865-5 1 2242 F ax: 44-865-31 098 1

Phil visi ted rrs here at Future Think this month. He exhibited inrper-turbable British calm during my getting us lost on the way to the hirport.

I appreciated Phil's observation that even though he enioyed them: mycollociriialisnrs. hrrnror and personal references miy not bi dnderstood bvreadeis outside the U.S. Hhving given this inprrt i few days' thought, l 'will respond in Japanese - "I hda"r you. "

1 .

2 .

Page 5: I::*J:g*. ,,?n,,,o, · FEATURE REVIEW World Electronics Companios FiIe - Elsevier Advanced Technology PERIODICAL REVIEW 5 SAAageM - Systems Educational Associates, Inc. VIEW & REVIEW

@ tggg by Future Think, Inc.


I just thoughtI undnstood SAA

You ma1 think yu needn' t beintnested in SAA, but rtnttnber -you don't know whatyou don'lknow. . .

If you use the word 'computnn

more than I I times a day probablySAA is inyourfuture

I undnlined something in eoerytparagraph ofthis article - a oer!lucid explanation of the past, pesentandfuture of SAA and its notnecessarifit oboious relations hip toC L I EN T'/SE RVE R arc hi t ec ture,maintrames, PCs, LANs, dis-tributed data processing, OS/2E8,PM, pogram-to-pogramcommunication, mothcrhood, applepie and othr widgets being meldedinto the dominant computn sltsttmarchitecture of the future

Maybeyu can talk the SAAagefolks into serzding you one of theseissues as a sample, but which onewouldyou choose?

Syslems Educqtionol Associoles, Inc.

Cooperative Processing, CLIENT/SBRVER, . . .

After a couple of weeks of grappling with trying to tell you howinformative and well-written (entertaining even) this newsletteris, I gave up. Why tell you, when I can show you . . .?

- John TibbettsSAAage Columnisthnident, Kinexis, Inc.

Rob GaretsonSAAage Columnist

'I hod a middle-of-the-night reoelation about SAA recently. Itdidn't come t0 mi in a &iam. I do dream regularlt about SAA;

York, the night of the OfficeVision announcanent . . .'

- John Tibbetts,with Barbara Bnnstein

Page 6: I::*J:g*. ,,?n,,,o, · FEATURE REVIEW World Electronics Companios FiIe - Elsevier Advanced Technology PERIODICAL REVIEW 5 SAAageM - Systems Educational Associates, Inc. VIEW & REVIEW

O 1989 by Future Think, Inc.

From the late 1960s 'til the ear[t'80s IBM's S/370 was thedomi nant com put i ng ar c hit ec tur e.Then the prolifration of PCsshiJted the balance in MIPs,stnrage, usns, and inoestment awayfrom mainframes and minis to PCs,making those user-centned liltlegnns at leasl equal| important asmainframes. Mainframes andminis wne sunounded b1t ttrminalsand we eonnected PCs with LANs.As these two approaches mooedtouards one and 0s our buzzwordsbecome client/snon and coopnatioeproussing, IBM junped outfrontwaoing theflag of SAA to lead us tothe promised cra of . . .

Trusting that SAA was IBM'soision and not h1tpe, Chuck startedSAAage early. He belieoes SAA isthe diffrence between IBM'ssuccess orfailure in the 1990s.Looks like IBM is gonna make it soI bet Chuck will too

Excellent clncrage ol SAA technicalconcepts, managmtent issues,strategic directioru, attd, news withintapretation. Would make my listof really important newslettns

For: MIS executives, softwaremanagers, computermanufacturers, andindependent softwaredevelopers

Authors: Chuck BalslyJeffrey StoneMonica BalslyJames FranchJohn TibbettsThomas StockwellGeoffrey StaplesTerry FlanaganBarbara Bernstein

What: NewsletterPases: 16-24/monthExhibits: 4-8lmonthDate: MonttrlyPrice: $250/year

Towards THE Future Computing Architecture?

1 9 6 5F u t u r € T h t n k F T ? e S E A l


Subscriber Mix Reflects the State of SAA

Srrbscribers now are 207o IBMers, l07o consultants, 35 % end-users and 35% software houses. But recently end-usersubscriptions have gone through the roof.

And Review -

Terrific features - Chuck Balsly is a master at getting the mostinteresting, knowledgeable and communicative SAA experts towrite in SAAage.

Limits or not so terrific features - As with many start-ups,SAAage has struggled to keep its schedule (me too). They have agood head of steam now, however, in their new Texas Iocation.

For Additional fnformation Contact:

Systems Educational Associates, Inc.Williams Tower,2 5215 N. O'Conner, Suite 200Irving, TX 75039

2141869-1598 Fax: 214/869-4550

Page 7: I::*J:g*. ,,?n,,,o, · FEATURE REVIEW World Electronics Companios FiIe - Elsevier Advanced Technology PERIODICAL REVIEW 5 SAAageM - Systems Educational Associates, Inc. VIEW & REVIEW



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Page 8: I::*J:g*. ,,?n,,,o, · FEATURE REVIEW World Electronics Companios FiIe - Elsevier Advanced Technology PERIODICAL REVIEW 5 SAAageM - Systems Educational Associates, Inc. VIEW & REVIEW

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Page 9: I::*J:g*. ,,?n,,,o, · FEATURE REVIEW World Electronics Companios FiIe - Elsevier Advanced Technology PERIODICAL REVIEW 5 SAAageM - Systems Educational Associates, Inc. VIEW & REVIEW

7 @ 19S9 by Future Think, Inc.

o vrEw & REvtEw The Chonoino Informolion SeryicesMsrket: Tfre Fole of PBOGsBusiness Communicolions Go., lnc.

A Viewof the Future -

According to Leslie Townsend,author of th* report, segmenting theinformation seroicesr market waschallenging. Hn time was wellspent. The segmentation deoelopedby this report gaoe me a betta undn-standing of the many oaried partici-pants, products, seroices and pointsof ttiew in this long talked about,finalQ happening market.According to the report, "Thesefoursegments form a massioe industry ofoon fi10 billion; of this amount,basic transport at 61 % and datasuppu at 297o comprise bltfar thelargest pieees of the market. Theremaining 107o of the industryconsists of largely nascenlsubsegments within which each ofthe RBOCs are focusing multipletrials and research actiaities forexpansion actioities. "

Easily worth the Fice - one mustfrequently reaiew one's positioningin this shifting sands market

For: Information servicesindustry participants

Author: Leslie Townsend

What: Report (G-115)Pases: 184 Exhibits: 73Date: 2/89 Price: $1,950

U.S. Information Services Segment Forecasts1 988- 1 993

Busin6ss Communications Company - 2O3/A63-42a8

ffi Drtr suppty

El Communlcrl lonr 8.rYlc!t

Nl Trrnrrctlonrl S.rYlcra

I Bulc Trrnrport

I Bllllono

And Review - Chapters: Overview, Regulation: The FCCand the DOJ, ONA: Future Gateways for Information Services,Basic Transpoft , Transactional Services Market, Communica-tions Services, Data Supply, The International Arena, Informa-tion Services Organizations: Company Profiles, and RBOCActivities for Diversification. Study is based on RBOC andother vendor interviews and secondary research.

Fine features - Coherent study of a very complex market.

Limits or not so fine features - Depth varies: e.g., voicemessaging analysis is very thorough while videotex is lighter.

For Additional Information Contact:

Business Communications Co., Inc.25 Van Zant Street, Suite 13Norwalk, CT 06855-178L

203/853-4266 Fax: 203/853-0348

l. "Information services' in this report rrfers to publicly available servicesthat provide two-way information transfer beiween the user and the service(e. g. , access to dataliases srrch as NY Times text or airline schedules)dnil/or other users (e.g., electronic mail and voice messaging), toconsumers or busin'esies electronically (e.g., over phone 6r i*o-way cable)from a centralized external source (e.g.', Cohpuse'rve) to the user'sterminal (e.g., TV, telephone or PC)i

Page 10: I::*J:g*. ,,?n,,,o, · FEATURE REVIEW World Electronics Companios FiIe - Elsevier Advanced Technology PERIODICAL REVIEW 5 SAAageM - Systems Educational Associates, Inc. VIEW & REVIEW

@ 19S9 by Future Think, Inc.

vtEw & REvlEw Vid eo I nformotion Servic€s,' IA Telco Reooiness Survey2,3Mcgnelic Press

A Viewof the Future -

Sanford and I une both surprised- Stodglt old Southuestnn Bell isamong the front runners

"Because VIS integrate the olfningsof a numbn of eisting networkprooidns - online snoices,aideoconfrencing networks, bypas sand cable teleoision networks, toname afew - they represent anenlargnnent of the traditionalproaince of the public netuorkproaidn in Amnica: Eaen beforediaestiture A7:8T neon sought toolfn game shows. The expansionhas tuo consequences: first, itmeans that the polential market forVIS is gigantic, and, second,, itmeans that the road to market uillbe uphill and defended by well-entrenched competitors.'

- From the report

Sa4ford proposes an alternatiae,an interactirc Hypermediasystem - decidedly not stale!

. . . Tell me more .

For: RBOCs; cable, broadcast,and gateway operators;service and programproviders; and equipmentmanufacturers

Author: Sanford Bingham+

What: ReportPages: 77 Exhibits: 13Date: 9/89 Price: $595

Telco VIS Market Entry TimetableMagngtic PrcEB - 212/219-2831

Bell Atlantic Bus InessR6s ld€n i la l-eJs tn€ss - -

R€s l d6n I la lBus ln€ssRes ld€n i la lBus lness

-Egs_r99ttl gr_Bus lnsss

_ Ees_r0CqU er_Bus lngss

R € s l d e n I l a l

rr--trT e c h n o l o g y I n l t l a l G e n e r a l

T r l a l s T a r l t t s A v a l l a b i l t t v

F u t u r o T h l n k F T 2 I M A G P

And Review -

Noteworthy features - Good quick look at an exciting oppor-tunity and the regulator-driven, stale thinking of those best posi-tioned to serve it. Has S-year forecast, index and list ofregulators, technologists and telco people interviewed.

Limits or not so noteworthy features - VIS players willinclude cable companies and broadcasters in addition to telcos.This report (as the title indicates) focuses on telcos only withbrief mention of other anticipated competitors.

For Additional fnformation Contact:

. Magnetic Presss503 BroadwayNew York, NY 10012

212/219-2831 Fax: 272/334-4729

1 . Video Information Services (VIS) are the integrated offerines ofbroadband (45 Mbit or sreatir) rietworks. VfS are distinzu"ished bv thefact they can carry hiehJidelity sotrnd. motion imases. an? even hilhdefinition images. Iniludes dita transmission. Trinsmission is 2-iav.Media is expec-ted to be primarily fiber optics.Telcos are the seven RBOCs and GTE.'Sttrvey" here means overview.Sanford is an expert in the convergence ofvideo and telephony.

2 .3 .4 .

Page 11: I::*J:g*. ,,?n,,,o, · FEATURE REVIEW World Electronics Companios FiIe - Elsevier Advanced Technology PERIODICAL REVIEW 5 SAAageM - Systems Educational Associates, Inc. VIEW & REVIEW

O 1989 by Future Think, Inc.

o vtEw &REvrEw

A View

From the 6,223 adantisns tochoose from, I pieked a companyknownfor its excellent graphics soft-ware - Minografx.' Judgingfrom their ad expenditures, they'refaring well and are crtainly a ter-rific pro spect for appropriate booksz

H;TAP is C Systrms' encyclopediaof adantising actioity in the infor-mation technologt industry(computns, telecommunications,electronics, and ffice products).Basic stats are presented on 6,233odaartisers placing 74,514 pagn ofods in 12B publications. Ad pagesare up 9.9% ooa thefirst half of1988. Expenditures by these ad-ontisns during lst half 1989 wnefi760 million - up 257o oon1988. As Jim Callan says: "Thatbults a lot of tamales. " 3

This offthe-shelf report and othnclient-tailored repnrts are the core ofC Slstnns' business. C Systnnshas been tracking informationtec hnologt irtdus try ada ntisingsince 1975

For: Ad agencies, publishers,advertisers

Author: James Callan

What: ReportPases: 484 Exhibits: BDate: 7/89 Price: $395

Hi-Tech Ad Plocemenl Report 1989 Mid.YeorC Systems, Ltd.

H ig h- Tec h "l*,ll""g

g"*er t, :,M icro graf x

PC Computlng


pcr!onal computcrgrephlcr !oltwara

t 1 s

PC tl.g..lNl t r o e

c.P.gortnn Nara

t 3

PC nh.kt 1 2

t C Worldt 9 3

PC W..t(t 6 1

t 3 t

$ 248KJanuary - June 1988

F u t u r o T n r n k F I 2 A C S Y S

t tog$ 532K

January - June 1989

'Cause in the old days they were my neighbor in Richardson, Texas.

In the trade, a "book' is a magazine or tabloid whose major source ofrevenue is advertising.In the vernacular of C Systems'new home state.Also available online from The Telmar Group, New York.

Great features - Easy-to-use, perfect-bound presentation.Essential basic information for the advertising industry.

Limits or not so great features - More detailed information(..g., advertisingby product segments and territory reports) isavailable in reports designed for each client.a

For Additional fnformation Contact:

C Systems, Ltd.P.O. Box 708Winnsboro, TX 75494

214 /342-528+ Fax: 214/342-5385

1 .2 .

3 .4 .

Page 12: I::*J:g*. ,,?n,,,o, · FEATURE REVIEW World Electronics Companios FiIe - Elsevier Advanced Technology PERIODICAL REVIEW 5 SAAageM - Systems Educational Associates, Inc. VIEW & REVIEW

10 @ tggg by Future Think, Inc.


A Viewof the Future -

So little is known about theJapanese compuln market, espe-cial\ the prefnences of the MISexeculiaes, thal this surne! is espe-cially oaluable. There isopportunity, but it is oqt diffnentfrom the U.S. Japanese companiesface the same backlog probltm asU.S. firms in their MIS shops.Eaen so, packaged software is notseen as a solution to the backlognearly as often os it is in the U.S.Bill Gannon, Jr. concludes thatJapanese MIS shops may adopt thenew software tools (e.g., CASE)more rapidly than in the U.5.,especialQ when one considas theiralr e ad1 mor e eng i ne n ing - b as edsociety and strict softwarede o e lo pment ap pro ac hes

Standalone, this data onJapan isexcellent (455 usable replies fromJapanese MIS directors at main-frame sites, 4.57o resfonse rate)

It is ony helpful in this report tohaue related - if not directQ com-parable - U.S. datafrom Sentryexhibited. In future years the twosuroels will be more coordinated -a oaluable sroiceJor our industry

For: Software vendors,computer vendors,software tool suppliers

Authors: Bill Gannon, Jr.Damian RinaldiVirginia Phelan

What: ReportPages: 42 Exhibits: 60Date: 9/89 Price: $129

TRON is not a aifuo gamc

Selling U.S, Softwore in JoponSenlry Mqrket Reseqrch

Packaged Software Market GrowthU.S. versus Japan (End-User Spending)

Packaoeso l t /Sent ry Marke t R6search - 608/368-2031

ffiJrprn f--tlu.s.

Bllllonc ol Oollara'

And Review - A few of the report's topics: hardware instal-lations and market growth, MIS views on packaged software,packaged software penetration, why Japanese corporations havenot installed packaged software, perceived benefits of packagedsoftware, product attributes wanted by software buyers, who isinvolved ih buying software, packaged software puichase plans,Japan's governmental support of software.

Outstanding features - Excellent vahre for data on animportant market about which litde is known.l

Limits or not so outstanding features - Sentry MarketResearch's annual software srrvey2 and PackageSoft Research'ssurvey were done independently, so the data presented in thisrepoft for the U.S. andJapzrn cannot be compared directly.

For Additional Information Contact:

Sentry Market Research1900 West Park DriveWestborough, MA 015B1

508/366-2031 Fax: 508/366-8104

1 .


The-Japanese software market is an important opportunitv. but ir is alsothe 6onre market of an awesome group of potent'iil com#titors for theworld nrarket. According to MITI, sirftwire is one of ohly forrr hish-techareas of the targeted 24 thatJapanese companies do not d6minate."See Future T7tinkcrNovember 8, 1988.

Page 13: I::*J:g*. ,,?n,,,o, · FEATURE REVIEW World Electronics Companios FiIe - Elsevier Advanced Technology PERIODICAL REVIEW 5 SAAageM - Systems Educational Associates, Inc. VIEW & REVIEW

11 o 1989 by Furure Think, Inc.

o vrEw & REvrEw

A Viewof the Future -

This report is just right for theCEO, R8D or marketing exzcutioewho uants to be sure that he or shehas cooned all the bases when itcomes to protecting the compan1'so aluab I es, s putfical ly int e I lec tualpropnty in the electronics industry.This most important matter cannotbe left soleQ to attorneys becauseprofiting Jrom and pro tec tingintellectual propnQ go hand inhand. This report explains in clearbusiness (uasus legal) ttrms theaa ailable protection mec hanisms andtheir relationship to methods ofprofiting from technologt (e. g.,licensing). It should be reod bymanagers neating business, productand technologt strategies based onintellectual poperty before, duringand after working with lawyns onthe plan and its implmtentation

When should lou protect something?According to Gene Selaen, Presidentof Electronic Trend Publications:"Catainfit beforeyou make publicdisclosure, and second, whenyouthinkyou'ae got something of worththat could ultimately be licensed. "

For: IC company executives,CEOs of technologycompanies, R&Dmanagers

Author: Alex C. Tohnson. Tr.

What: ReportPases: 185 Exhibits: 6Date: 1989 Price: $495

You will probabl2find. that this report-saacs )ou nwn! ttmts ils cost tn Ugallus

Inlellecluql Properly Protectionin the Electronics IndustryElectronic Trend Publicotions

Intellectual Property Protection is the First StepElac t ron ic Trsnd Pub l ica t ions - 408 l996-7416

F u t u r . I h l n k F I 2 A E I P

And Review - Covers: reasons for protecting IC technology,forms of intellectual property protection, overview of protectabletechnology, trade secrets, confidentiality and non-competeagreements, utility patents, mask-work protection, copyrights,and intellectual property protection pl anning.

Just right features - This author (his law practice is intellectualproperty in the electronics industry) knows his subject. Thepresentation is in plain business langrrage enabling the managerto review his or her company's approach to intellectual propeftyprotection. The appendices contain useful forms and examples.

Limits or not so just right features - You will still need alawyer, but if you retain one with as much understanding ofbusiness as this author, the pain will be minimal.l

For Additional Information Contact:

Electronic Trend Publications12930 Saratoga Avenue, Suite DlSaratoga, CA 95070

+081996-7+16 Fax: 40B/996-787 |

l. . . . until the bill arrives. This report should be used to draft yourintellectual property protection s*ategy and reqtrirements before yourattorney's nleter starts tlcRlng.

Page 14: I::*J:g*. ,,?n,,,o, · FEATURE REVIEW World Electronics Companios FiIe - Elsevier Advanced Technology PERIODICAL REVIEW 5 SAAageM - Systems Educational Associates, Inc. VIEW & REVIEW

t2 @ tggg by Future Think, Inc.


The core of the marketing and salesoperation of any business informa-tion publisher is its hospectDatabase. Designed artd updatedconectl2, the hospect Database canbe usedfor much more than justproducing mailing labels

The Prospect Database can be usedto gennate form lettns tailored to thespecific prlspect (e.g., diffuent textin lhe lettn depending on what thepnson has alreodlt purchased, his orher interest, an1 prior mailings orthe source of the name)

A hospect Database can be used toaccumulate information about aprospect such as prior contacts,source of the name, notes about pur-chases, segment of the industry, anddates and types of mailings to theprospect. Maintaining such specificinformation about each prospect iseasier thanyou ma! think; e.g., allnames in a database that are toreceioe a particular mailing can becoded at one time when they arepulledfor the mailing

If a prospect has not responded aftnseanal mailings, the name can beretired - a real mone! sat)er

These basic techniques in managinga database, uhether or not formIettns are used, are key tocontroiling marketing expenses andinneasing sales. I spend as muchlime working on Future Think'shospect Databases as I do writingFuture Thinker and I wouldspend more ;f I had it. Back in myFuture Computing days, eaen aftnwe hod oon 100 nnployees, I stillspent a great deal of time ProspectDatabase prowling

Beyond Moiling l,isfs -Prospecfs by ]he Dqlobose,

Company: Apple Gomputer

FN: Angela LNr Smlth

Name: Angela Smlth Salutr Me.

Title: Product Manager

Phone:408/973-2588 Mail ing typer eam$66coDate mail ing: 8lOZl89

Notes: Called about Future Thlnker on 8/5/89. Aleolnterestsd In dlrectorles.

Address 1: O6OO North De Anza BoulevardAddress 2iCity: Cupert lno State: CA Zip: 94014

Count ry :

DB Or ig in : FT Segment : PC


/'\t /

F u l u r o T h l n t F T 2 I U t O

Letters Can Be Effective Marketing Vehicles . . .

Personally, I'm a big fan of individually signed, laser-generatedletters. I think a letter has a much better chance than a brochureof getting past the mail filtering assistant to the executive. Also,the number of prospects for a specific business informationproduct is frequently quite small while it is timely to let prospectsknow that the information product is available - the perfectsituation for letters.

. . . But You'll Need More Than a Mailing List

Most mailing lists are maintained in upper-case only, fixed-length records - a hold over from punch cards. Nice formletters require that the nzune , tide and address be in properupper and lower case and the name broken into separate lastnarne, frrst name, salutation, full name, and title fields.

Recently we at Future Think have traded prospectdatabases with several firms. What we usually get is an old-fashioned mailing list. We have developed a methodology ofturning these lists into proper form letter format. Typically Ispend a few days on each database using Paradox and Wordcapabilities to partially automate the process - quite a chore,but worth it in most cases. I'm open to a better way . . .

Page 15: I::*J:g*. ,,?n,,,o, · FEATURE REVIEW World Electronics Companios FiIe - Elsevier Advanced Technology PERIODICAL REVIEW 5 SAAageM - Systems Educational Associates, Inc. VIEW & REVIEW

13 @ 19S9 by Future Think, Inc.


For more about these Jtrms seeCompanies and Experts, ourdirectories of business informationpublishrs - new ones just outwith 3,624 subject index entries incomputns, telecom, electronics andffice products

'18'l PorticipotingBusiness Informotion Publishing Componies

Of the 234 information technology industry business informationpublishing companies that we have contacted, 181 have agreedto participate in Future Thinlczr reviews. We will publish thecomplete list in an upcoming issue. New since the complete listwas prrblished in Future ThinlecrJune 9 are:

* Advanced Tdevision PubliehingPortland. OR


* CEERIS InternationalOld Lyme, CT

* DMR Group, Inc. USANew York. NY

* Database Reeeanch Group, Inc.Boston, MA

- 6171227-2583

* Fredonia Group, Inc., TheCleveland. OH- 216/921-6800

* Green Street Lab, TheSan Francisco. CA 4l5l39l-9400

* IntelliOuestAustinlIX

* Kessler Marketing IntelligenceNewport, RI

* Lewis Reseanch CorporationSunnyvale. CA

* Management fnformation CorporationCherr! Hill, NJ

- 609/428-1020

* Meckler CorporationWestport, CT 203/226-6967

* MENTOR Market ResearchSanJose, CA 408/268-6333



5 1 2/320-8585

40r/849-677 |



617 t868-4725

* Performamce ComputingChicago, IL

* Pyramid Research, Inc.Cambridge , MARISC Management NewsletterLos Altos Hills. CA 415194l-6065Stanford Resourres, Inc.SanJose , CA 4081448-4440Strateqic Intelligence Systems, Inc.New York. NY

- 212/725-+550

Strategic Market Data, Inc.Santa Barbara. CA 805/964-0570Strategiee UnlimitedMount=ain View. CA 415/941-3+38Telecom Publishing GroupAlexandria. VA 703/683-4100Teleos ResourcesSonrerret, NJ 201/271-ll2l








Page 16: I::*J:g*. ,,?n,,,o, · FEATURE REVIEW World Electronics Companios FiIe - Elsevier Advanced Technology PERIODICAL REVIEW 5 SAAageM - Systems Educational Associates, Inc. VIEW & REVIEW

t4 O 1989 by Future Think, Inc.

BOOK rOOK The Fuiure:

Lookfor good ideas olfour beatentrack in these acodnnic pubs of theWorld Future Societlt (that's wh1 Ihaoe a Comprehensioe Mtmbn-ship). This oolume is from theI{FS's Sisth Gencral Assembly.It is a collection of 23 articles thatare all oon the map in subjects andquality. I like Factories of theFuture by Albnt Madwed andExplaining and ImplementingFutures Research: Part II -More Architectures forA nt ic ip at iw M anai eme nt

Author: Howard F. Didsbury, Jr.Pages: 301 Exhibits: 30Date: 7/1989 Price: $16.95

World Future Society4916 St. Elmo AvenrieBethesda, MD 20814-5089

Opportunity Not Desliny

An Overview of the Strategic Intelligence CycleTho Futuro: Opportunlty No, D..tlny

F u l u r € T h l n r f I 2 e E O O K T


Are computn oiruses news media@pe? No. For example, the fi98million that recoonlt trom theIntnNet oirus cost was cntainly nothype. If you are a CIO, MIS man-agn, serious usr of computns,computfr manufac turr, networkoptrator, or software publishn; thisbook is required reading. Theauthors could not be better qualified.John's business is oiruses -tracking thnn, analyzing thcm anddestroying them. Colin made thereading easy

Authors: John McAfeeColin lfavnes

Pages: 235 Exhibiis: 15Date: 9/1989 Price: $24.95

St. Martin's Press175 Fifth AvenueNew York, NY 10010

Compyler Viruses, Worms, Dolo Diddlers,Killer Progroms, ond Other ThreolsIo Your SIsfem

Computer VirusesNew Computers Infected Each Month

Computar Vlruo.a, Wrma, D.!. Dlddl.ra, Klllcr,aod Othct Thta.ta to \tbur gy.tcm


1 988'Nowmber Flgurcs Inctude the lntetnet tntecuon

Page 17: I::*J:g*. ,,?n,,,o, · FEATURE REVIEW World Electronics Companios FiIe - Elsevier Advanced Technology PERIODICAL REVIEW 5 SAAageM - Systems Educational Associates, Inc. VIEW & REVIEW

BIS CAP Internationalhwilbrs 6 Dscasia. Cri6,qlWmain

Solving the information needs of thousandsof business leaders throughout the world.

Mark€t Coverrg€

Upcoming Events for 1989

Eurofax'89 Amsterdan LU3o -lul

loin omdors and u*rs of t'acsimile and image communicntiontc&rnlogies, systems, products, and supplies to explorecritiml te&nical anil marleting issua in facsimile. Interactwith an impressioelitu-up of unrldwiile industry experts.

Small Business/Home Office Orlando 1216-8Market ConferenceVmdors and end userswill iliscuss citical proiluct,markctand distribution issues,and wiII u* this int'onnation todmelop makeor-break nurketing strategia for the 7990s .

P.O. Box 68

ASICTechnology Driver of the 1990's

Covering.. .Gate ArraysStandard CellsPLDsSilicon Compilersand @er 1fi)Vendor Profiles

ASIC OUTLOOK 1990the ASIC Annual Report...

the definitive rcference for anyoneassociated with the ASIC industry.

Price-$485, U.S.,$505, InternationaUCanada

-l l- El- - rINTEGRATED CIRCUIT E}IGINEERII||G CORFORATION15022 N. 75th Sr€et. Scotlsdal€, Arizona62*2476

Teleohone: 602-99&9780 . Fax: 602-948-1925

Benefit from IPC's

. &rvic€s and product offerinos

. Plannlng tor the tutuc ol thisexciting industry

ieries of, Expos!

Applicotiont iind Incgrotion of Messogin! Produas, systems ond S"r"i.etNovember 6-8, 1989 . Nar. York Hilton, Nelv York City

, . , ' ' ;

vlIS-Ill_'glgVoice Informotion Services & Tele-Medio Applicotions

Confererce & Exposition'Lounching the VIS/9OO Services Era"

November 6-8, 1989 o New York Hilton, New York City

_l,eorn the slrolegies-. exomirc fie oplims ond opporfunities.These inbrmolbn ond enlertoinmenl services con moke you fth!

Hottest 900 numbersAd supported VIS numbersWhat the ad agencies say

Cen{erence & Exposifion

Page 18: I::*J:g*. ,,?n,,,o, · FEATURE REVIEW World Electronics Companios FiIe - Elsevier Advanced Technology PERIODICAL REVIEW 5 SAAageM - Systems Educational Associates, Inc. VIEW & REVIEW

Conference Calendar Classifieds - October 9, 1989

ocToBER 1989

hepfig fo, 1992: MatkethqTelecommtmications hoducts U fuvicesin Eutop. New York, NY Oct. 15-17.BIS CAP International - 617/891-1550.

Comfutet In&srl1t Trends. Oct. 24-25.Cambridge , MA. INTECOCorporation - 203/866-4400.

Entnptise Netuork Stmtqies Confa-s?ce. Phoenix, AZ. Oct.30-31. Gart-ner Group - 203/967-6855.


6th Annrml Local Aru CommunicationsConfercnce. Phoenix, AZ. Nov. l-3.Gartner Grorrp - 2031967-6855.

IntaTainment '89. New York, NY.Oct. 30 - Nov. l. Alexande r &Associates - 2L21382-3929.

Vistml Inspction Citeria for ICs andHybids. Boston, MA. Nov. 9-10.Integrated Circuit EugineeringCorporatiou - 602/99B-9780.



Basic Technolop. Sunnyvale, CA -

Jan. 16; Scottsdale, AZ - Jan. 23;Dallas, TX - Jan. 30. IutegratedCircrrit Enginee ring Corporation602/998-9780.


Applications Connectiuitlt and BusinessTrends. Felr. 2t-22. Sarr Jose , CA.INTECO Corporatiorr 2031866-4400.

Forecasting Fuhne TechnologtAdtnnces. Febnrary 11-16. - Sea Islaud,GA. Te chnology Future s. 800/832-3887.

Innotntion By Design. Feb. 1l-14. SeaIsland, GA. Techuology Futrrres.800/832-3887.

MARCH 1990

IdoText'90. Las Vegas, NV -Jan. 23-24. INFOTEXT PUBLISHING. INC.-7 r+t+93-2+3+.

Sta'hts 1990. Sunnyvale, CA -Jan. 17;Scottsdale, AZ - Jan. 24; Dallas, TX -

Jau. 31. Irrtegrated Circrrit EngineeriugCorporation - 602/998-9780.

APRIL 1990

Worlduidz Trends in ComPuterConnectiaig. April 19-20. K.yBiscayue, FL. INTECO Corporatiou- 203t866-4400.

Business fnformation Classifieds - October 9, 1989


Database of 845 influential consultantsarld analysts iu coruputer, telecont,electrouics and office productsiudustries. Ideal for use by consultantsrelations departruents in vendor or PRfinus or by business infornration buyerswho are looking for an expert on aspecific subject. On IBM 5 l/4 or 3 ll2diskettes in delimited ASCII or Paradoxformats. Most entries indude: name,corupaDy, address, phone, fax, subjectexpertisc (rp to 5), who theirinfornration is for (who thcy inlluence),arrd a rccent publication (title, type andpnce). Exfuts Datafuse includes 290-page Exprts Dbectoty with 3,624srrbject index entries. Er$ts Databrc- $500. Subscription to ruouthlyupdates available for diskette version.Exptts Ditectory ouly - $295. FutureThirrk. Inc. 719/598-9000.

New Comfaaies Arectory proliles 230market research and consulting firmsthat publish business information in the

coruputer, telecoru, electronics andoffi& products iudustries. SubjectIndex has 3,624 entries. Most profilesilclude: company Darue, addre ss,phouc, f*, contpany's Prolilestatement, subjects tracked (up to 20),who their infonuatiou is for (who theyiufluence), types of iufomrationproducts (e.g., report), cxample leadinginformation product (title, type andpricc), and rcferences to Fuhne Thinketreviews or profiles. 290-page directory- $195. Also available on diskette -

$300 (includes print directory).Subscription to ruonthly uPdates ofdiskette version available. FutureThink. Inc. 719/598-9000.

FIBER-TO.THE-HOME MARKETprovides iute rviews with 2+ nrajorielephoue conrpatries. Issrtes addrcssedin this report include: startirrg dates,network architectures, cost targets,eqtripnrent starrdards, single rnode vs'ruulti-mode, capacity reqttirelttettts,power and tttaitrtenauce. Prrblished byTrans-Formatiou. Iuc. 30-DAYSATISFACTION GUARANTEE.


$995.00. FOR MOREINFoRMATION: TEL: (918) 250'5250; FAX: (918) 250-3958.

Page 19: I::*J:g*. ,,?n,,,o, · FEATURE REVIEW World Electronics Companios FiIe - Elsevier Advanced Technology PERIODICAL REVIEW 5 SAAageM - Systems Educational Associates, Inc. VIEW & REVIEW

October 9, 1989

Portia Isaacson, Ph.D

Mqnqgement VISION- Noles on Grophicol Porodigms in Business -


We krnut - and tlure isinefutable eaidence - that thecommunicatbn of business ideasis profoundly improwd. uith theuse of data and concept drau-ings that help the read,n/audienceund,erstand and rnnnnbn. We be-lieae that graphical$ fluent man-agas haoe an edge. Drawings eaenhelp us bettn undnstand our ownanalyses and sometimes result inuniquely neatioe insights

For ooer l0yars I haoe cataloguedthe use of graphical paradigms inbusiness.t I hawfoldersfull ofuhat I call "graphicalforms'that are used ouer and oueragain fut tailoring thcmfordffirent busincss situations.Some are ideas for representing data.Most are ideas for representingconcepts common to many industriesand business situations. Some Ihaoe inaented mysel"f. I constantlyIook for new forms and reoccuningconcepts for which I can creategraphical forms

With personal computn graphics,drawings can be mad,e inexpensioelyin the extcutioe's area, but thtre isstill a banin - most managershau a uery limited graphicaluocabulary (ypes of drawings usedoan and oan again). And becausemost graphics artists haae littlebusiness background, they cannotre c ommend appro priate gr ap hi c alforms for business, especiallyconcepts, although they are some-times helpful at presenting data andenhancing the appearance of aconcept drawing

Call orfax to subscibe -We'lt billyou when thefirstManagement Vision Notes aremailed in Noonnbn

Why you should subscribe toManagernent VI S I O N Note s rM

Graphical Literacy in Business -- A Mustl

F u l u r e l h l n k F T 2 I M V

' t--;:l F;==-rm,,-J , : ! ' \1 f - -An f i r . f= l l[M i l "*,i,, ""'' I E @ LL=[..!]| .".\AJ' l- l'::,::,r \=L,z I

You'll Become a Graphical Winner!... ft's Easy with Portia's Management Yision NotesYou will increase your graphical vocabulary by several formseach month. Each graphical form is presented as aNote com-prised of a sheet of grridelines and examples and a sheet formaking copies to tailor the form to your specific ideas. Thesheets are subject-coded ready for filing and you can add yourown subjects. The index lists business subjects (..9., MarketSegments, Change, Financials, etc.) alphabetically and refer-ences tllre Forms appropriate for each. You'll also get occa-sional Notes on graphical paradigms in business, interviewswith visionary executives, and recommendations of books,computers, software, services and other graphical goodies.

Charter Subscriptions - fil}llYearA Charter Subscription is only $135 - $195later. TheManagernent Visbn Libraryw on diskette is separately priced.

Order Managernent Vision Notes From:

Future Think, Inc.P.O. Box 49248Colorado Springs, CO 80949

719l598-9000 Fax: 719/598-6537

1. And be fore that in computer science - my Ph.D. disse rtation in 1974was Picture System MoilekJor Computer System Daign.

Management Visionft October 9. 1989 O 1989 by Future Think, Inc. - 719/598-9000

Page 20: I::*J:g*. ,,?n,,,o, · FEATURE REVIEW World Electronics Companios FiIe - Elsevier Advanced Technology PERIODICAL REVIEW 5 SAAageM - Systems Educational Associates, Inc. VIEW & REVIEW

16 O 1989 by Future Think, Inc.

A FEWWORDS $OS Future Thinker Subscriptionsqnd Two New Directories

Who We Think We Are -

We're rather simple really. FutureThink publishes the magazineFuture Thinker in two editions;the Companic^s directory anddiskette database of market researchfirms, othcr business informationpublis hcrs and s elected influentialconsultingJirms; and the Expertsdirectoryt and diskette database ofintluential analysts and consultants.The scope of all these publications isthe computtr, telecom, electronics,and office products industry that wecollectioely refn to as the informa-tion technology industry. FutureThinker Industry Edition goes tooan 3,000 buyns of business in-formation. A limiled number ofinoited subscriptions are aoailable.for $05 to qualified buytrs ofbusiness information. FutureThinkcr Experts' Edition is fruto qualified expnts

Future Think, Inc.The only source for impartial information

about marke? regearch in the computer, telecom,and electron ics industries.

Future Thinker --monthly magazine that reviewsmarket regearch publicatione fromover 180 firma

Directorieg of owr 230market regearch firms andover 850 €xpertgexteneively indexed by eubject

Diskette databases ofmarket regearch companiesand experts

F u t u r e T h i n k - 7 1 9 , / 5 9 8 - S O O O

Ada n ti s ing informat io nSubsniptionsTo order anythingFor consultingTo submit material for a reoiewTo be in directories

Future Think, Inc. - CalI

Judi Ray or Portia IsaacsonKathi BoboKathi Bobo orJudi RayPortia Isaacson

Judi Ray or Portia Isaacson

Judi Ray

Us, Please

Future Thinlcer is published bv Future Think. Inc. Copvrirpart of this publicition mav bb rrproduced. stored in a'retri:lectronic, inechanical or 6therwise; without the prior wristatistical data contained herein have been obtained from rwarranted by us as to accuracy or completeness. We do nopinions. Firture Think.,.Inc., its affiliates, and any oftic,fdmilies, may have a posiiion in and mav from tlme to tlm(referred to iri this newiletter, or own secririties of their comlone or more of such companies.

Subscriptions (12 issues): U.S. and Canada - $395/year Outside the U.S. and Canada - $495/year (airmail)

Future Think, Inc. P.O. Box49248, Colorado Springs, CO 80949, 7191598-9000

Page 21: I::*J:g*. ,,?n,,,o, · FEATURE REVIEW World Electronics Companios FiIe - Elsevier Advanced Technology PERIODICAL REVIEW 5 SAAageM - Systems Educational Associates, Inc. VIEW & REVIEW

t7 O 1989 by Future Think, Inc.

Call us for Future ThinkerIndustry Edition ad rates andspecs or see the back cooer of FutureThinker Experts' Edition. Foron$ $500 (or less with discount)our Success offer includ,es afullpage ad and the mailing list of oon3,000 buyns of businessinformation in the computer,telecom, electronics and fficeproducts industry to which theFuture Thinku IndustryEdition issue in which the adappears is mailed

Call for ttd rates and specs forFuture Thinker Experts'Edition that is read by oan 1,000influential expnts in the computtr,telecom, electronics and ofJiceproducts industrlt. For only fi1,000pn issue (or less uith discount), ourInJluence ofJn includes afull pagead and our Companies diskettedatabase and directory of marketresearch companies and our Expertsdiskette database and directorlt ofinfluential anafitsts and consultants


Oclobet 9, 1989

Future Thinker Industry Edition

INTECO- Inside Front Cover

Systems Educational Associates ---------------'----- 6a

Learning Tree International ------------ 6b

Integrated C ircuit Engineering Corp. - -- - - - - - - - - - - - | 4a

BIS CAP International ---------- --'----- r4a

Information Publishing Corp. ----'----- l4a

Electronic Trend Publications --------------- Inside Back Cover

Gartner Group -----------Back Cover

Business l4formation Class{fuds -------- 14b

Future Think, Inc.Trans-Formation, Inc.

Conference Calendar Classifuds- -------- 14b

Alexander & AssociatesBIS CAP InternationalGartner GroupINTECO CorporationIntegrated Circuit Engineering Corp.Technology Futures

Future Thinker Experts' Edition

SIMPACT Inside Front Cover

Page 22: I::*J:g*. ,,?n,,,o, · FEATURE REVIEW World Electronics Companios FiIe - Elsevier Advanced Technology PERIODICAL REVIEW 5 SAAageM - Systems Educational Associates, Inc. VIEW & REVIEW


A Viewof the Future -

Ted says that each of these researchareas are really hot in aeadnnia andthat each will someday result inprofound impact on clommrcialcomputers, software andapplications. I listened withfascination as he expounded oneach:3

t We hear a lot about objcct-oirntcdprogramming, but o bj e c t- oim U ddatnbascs arc diffcrmt sincc tlualgoithmfor opcraling on tfu dan isactual$ storcd with lhc dan andactiuatcd whm tlu dnta is ancsvd.

r Thc cconomics mabling parallelcomputing hardwarc hasfar out-stippcd our ability to crcatc programsfor it.

r Multi-paradigm prograns will mablcthc drsign of programs inaolaing thcaastl2 dffirmt wals-of-thinking ofdia crsc programming latryuagcs (c. g.,enabling COBOL and C to bc uscdforcrcating difcrnt parts of a program).

/ C omputcr - supportcd ai su.alization4(just think of all tlu possiblc simulatcdworlds!) is a hot bcd of actiaiE.Compuhr scimtists think it's computcrgraphics, chcmists and ph2sicists thinkit is modtling ph2sical objccx and pro-gramnurs think il is aisual pro-gramming.5

r Qualintiac rcasoning in AI is a rcalslcepcr and, somtday computcrs thatgu.css will bc making man2 importantdtcisions.

/ Bcttcr softwarc tools is a uast arca ofre scarc h, a significant commtrcialopportunity and a rcquircmtnt forcontinutd ada ancaunl in commtrcialapplicalions.

/ Rcscarch in rcaltimt and controlsoftwarc s)stcflis has bem nadt highpioig b2 industry and DARPA.

t A particularl2 intcrcsting arca inmultimedia is tlu multimtdia clcctronicassistanl.

Whql's Hot in Compuler Science? IInlerview wilh Ted LewiszOregon Advqnced Computing InsliluleOregon Slole University

Hot Academic Comouter Science Research Areas(lhat are or wlll b€ r,ery lmportenl commerclally)

P.of€sso. Ted Lewis - 603/737-3273

F u l u r . T h l n k F T 2 8 H O I

Qualltatlve neesonlngln Al

For Additional Information Contact:

Professor Ted Lewis, Ph.D.Oregon Advanced Computing InstituteOregon State UniversityCorvalis, OR 97331

503/737 -3273 Fax: 503/737 -301+

l . Actuallv I asked Ted to tell me about those research areas in academia thathe thinks will sonreday (if not today) be very important in the computerindustry in developing products or'ipplications.Ted is one of those rare academics who spends time in the real world ofcomputem especially with PC nranufactdre rs. I've known Ted since thelate t70s wheir we irivested much volrrnteer time as editors of Combutermagazine, the IEEE publication that does such a rrniquely good job ofbridging academic computer science/engineering and industry.There's just not enough space here. Maybe Ted will write a paper . . ..

Ted says that these grolrps arc all doing the same thine - exercising thenon-liilear, visual t[inki]ng part of orrrftlves that we cill the right uiain -which has been starved sin"c'e words and writing werr inventedl I've said itmyself. In fact, I would add to his list much of the reason for the explosionin'desktop publishing and business graphics.

2 .

3 .+.

5 .

18 @ tggg by Future Think, Inc.

Page 23: I::*J:g*. ,,?n,,,o, · FEATURE REVIEW World Electronics Companios FiIe - Elsevier Advanced Technology PERIODICAL REVIEW 5 SAAageM - Systems Educational Associates, Inc. VIEW & REVIEW

Check the reports thatinterest you. Give us acall, fax us your request,or mail it to us. We'l l sendyou a FREE 6-8 pagesynopsis of the report.Look it over before youorder the report.

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A Technology Market Research Company12930 Saratoga Avenue, Suite D1Saratoga, CA 95070Tel: 408-996-7416Fax: 408-996-7871

fl RISC lmpact on the Computer MarketA comprehensive market report for both users and manufacturers. ltanalyzes the market, applications, and competition for RISC technology.204 Pages $1250

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