Download - تﺎـﺠﺘﻨﻤﻟا ﻞـﻴﻟد - Almarai · 2020-01-09 · Vetal Layered Fruit Yoghurts Strawberry, Black Cherry 140g (x72) 28 days Set YoghurtS trawberry 100g (x72), 150g


Product Catalogueدليـل المنتجـات

Our success is driven by a combination of factors. Our dedicated team under the leadership of our supportive Board and visionary management. Our state-of-the-art infrastructure, incorporating centralized farms and advanced processing plants. And our talent for innovation reinforced by world-class marketing and distribution expertise.

A proud heritage, a positive future and a relentless commitment to quality

Inspired visionOur success story begins in 1977. It was around then that HH Prince Sultan bin Mohammed bin Saudi Al Kabeer, our visionary Chairman, recognized an opportunity to transform Saudi Arabia’s traditional dairy farming industry to meet the needs of a rapidly expanding domestic market.Under his guidance and patronage, numerous agricultural projects were launched to achieve his vision. Starting with fresh milk and laban processing, the scale and scope of these initiatives soon expand-ed to incorporate modern dairy farms and state-of-the-art processing plants.

Commitment through investmentDuring the early 1990s, Almarai entered a period of restructuring and reinvestment that took it from a decentralized structure to a centralized structure. The aim: to establish ourselves as a low-cost producer so that our consumers can enjoy high-quality products at an affordable price.In line with this model, we replaced five decentralized processing plants with our first central processing plant. We also replaced ten small decentralized dairy farms with four large dairy farms in Al Kharj in the central region.In late 2005, we commissioned a second, larger central processing plant, incorporating a new cheese plant. We also commissioned two new super-farms. In the same year, we moved from being a privately owned company to a publicly listed company and now have around 70,000 shareholders. At the end of 2011, our market capitalization exceeded SAR23 billion.

Diversifying successOur growth strategy encompasses diversification through innovation, geographical expansion and organic growth.

BakeryIn 2007, we entered the bakery products market by acquiring Jeddah-based Western Bakeries. Two years later, we started the construction of a new bakery facility in Al Kharj. We continue to develop our bakery portfolio with innovative products and new distribution channels.

PoultryIn 2009, we added poultry products to our portfolio through the acquisition of Hail Agricultural Devel-ment Company (HADCO). After investing in a world-class production facility, we launched the new premium poultry brand – Alyoum.

Geographical expansionPaving the way for geographical expansion beyond GCC, we pooled our respective expertise in dairy and juice with PepsiCo. In 2009, we launched a joint venture together – the International Dairy and Juice (IDJ) Company.Today, Almarai is capable of delivering high quality products to more than 48,000 customers within the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) daily.

Infant nutritionIn 2010, we entered the infant nutrition market with the construction of the region’s first infant nutrition plant at Al Kharj, to be commissioned in 2012. Recognizing that the best way forward involves working with acknowledged experts in this field, we formed the International Pediatric Nutrition Compa-ny (IPNC), a 50-50 joint venture with Mead Johnson Nutrition. Its infant nutrition products will be co-brand-ed under Almarai and Mead Johnson’s flagship range, Enfa.

Positive futureWe continue to invest intensively in technologically advanced production facilities while recruiting high-caliber people with the skills and experience to optimize their performance.




To provide quality and nutritious food & beverages that enrich our consumers’ lives every day.

To be the consumers’ preferred choice by leading in chosen markets with superior food & beverage products.

Adaptable. We are agile and flexible in our work, confidently taking bold decisions that benefit our stakeholders.

Sharing. We work together as one, openly collaborating and sharing skills & knowlege to enable our people to be the best.

Passionate. We are proud of the work we do, and strive for exceptional results.

Innovative. We are driven to improve our business everyday and to maximize the creative potential of our people.

Respect. We earn respect by embracing fairness, trust and integrity in all our relationships.

Excellence. We are diligent in our work and consistently deliver the best quality in everything we do.

Fresh MilkAlmarai understands the importance you place on only giving your family premium quality dairy products. That’s why we set the highest standards possible to put great tasting milk on your table every day. Nurture your family´s health and vitality by making Almarai Fresh Milk part of your daily routine. After all, milk is one of nature’s healthiest, most wholesome foods.

الحليب الطازج تفهم المراعي حاجتك لتقديم أفضل منتجات األلبان ألسرتك و لهذا نواكب أفضل المقاييس العالمية لنقدم لك أشهى أنواع الحليب على مائدتك اليومية؛ عزز صحة و حيوية عائلتك بجعل حليب المراعي جزء

من حياتك اليومية فالحليب من أكثر األطعمة الطبيعية فائدة لصحتك٠

Product Category Variants Size & No. per Case Shelf Life

Fresh Milk Full Fat *1 Gallon (3.78L) (x6), 2.85L (x6), 2L (x10), 1L (x20),

500ml (x28), 360ml (x35), 180ml (x72)

**250ml (x45)

7 days

(5 days in

UAE & Oman)

Low Fat *1 Gallon (3.78L) (x6), 2L (x10), 1L (x20),

500ml (x28), 180ml (x72)

**250ml (x45)

Fat Free 2L (x10), 1L (x20)

Flavoured 360ml (x35), 180ml (x72)

Fresh & Flavoured Milk

*Available in UAE & Oman only

**Available in UAE, Kuwait & Oman only


Fresh LabanMeet the original Laban, enjoyed by millions. Almarai Fresh Laban is not only delicious, it’s good for you as well. A wholesome and natural thirst quencher, our Laban includes a special probiotic culture that makes a positive difference to your overall wellbeing while helping to keep your digestive system in top condition.

اللبن الطازجالظمأ، يروي و ومغذي شهي الطازج المراعي لبن الماليين، يعشقه الذي األصلي اللبن طعم تذوق نظام على الحفاظ في يساعد المراعي لبن للجسم؛ العامة الصحة يعّزز الذي البروبوياتك على يحتوي

هضمي سليم و يمنحك مذاق االنتعاش.٫

Fresh Laban

Product Category Variants Size & No. per Case Shelf Life

Fresh Laban Full Fat 2.85L (x6), 2L (x10), 1L (x20), 360ml (x35), 180ml (x72) 10 days

Low Fat 2L (x10), 1L (x20), 360ml (x35), 180ml (x72) 10 days

Fat Free 2L (x10) 10 days

Flavoured 340ml (x35 ), 180ml (x72) 10 days

Vetal 2L (x10), 1L (x20), 340ml (x35), 180ml (x72) 10 days

Almarai UP 180ml (x72), 200ml (1x6), 200ml (1x12) 21 days

Ayran Laban 2L (x10), 180ml (x72) 21 days

Baladi Laban 2L (x10), 1L (x20), 180ml (x72) 10 days

Product Category Variants Size & No per Case Shelf Life

Long Life MilkAlmarai Long-Life Milk is refreshing and energizing, its essential vitamins and proteins make your body stronger. Simply goodness that tastes great.

الحليب طويل األجل حليب المراعي طويل األجل يمنح جسمك القوة، يحتوي على الفيتامينات األساسية و البروتينات ليمنحك

الشعور بالنشاط و الحيوية؛ إنه طعم النكهة اللذيذة. ٫

Long Life Milk

Product Category Variants Size & No. per Case Shelf Life

UHT Milk Full Fat

Low Fat

Fat Free


1L (x12), 500ml (x24), 200ml (x18), 150ml (x18)

1L (x12), 200ml (x18)

1L (x12)

1L (x12)

6 to 9 months

Evaporated Milk Full Cream

Partially Skimmed

Low Fat

410g (x18)

170g (x36)

170g (x36)

12 months

Lacto Free Lacto Free 1L (x12) 3 months


Condensed Milk


Condensed Milk

397g (x48) 12 months


Product Category Variants Size & No. per Case Shelf Life

Flavoured Long Life MilkDrinking milk is now even more fun with Almarai’s flavoured UHT milk which comes in four tasty flavours: Chocolate, Strawberry, Banana and Vanilla. Our flavoured UHT milk is fortified with calcium and vitamins which makes it a delicious and healthy treat.

الحليب المنّكه طويل األجل يمكن اآلن أن تتمتع أكثر بشرب الحليب مع حليب المراعي المنّكه طويل األجل و المتوفر بأربع نكهاٍت لذيذة: الشوكوالته، و الفراولة، و الموز، و الفانيال. حليب المراعي المنّكه طويل األجل غني بالكالسيوم و

الفيتامينات مما يجعله لذيذ و صحي في آٍن واحد

Flavoured Long Life Milk

Product Category Variants Size & No. per Case Shelf Life

Premium UHT Flavoured Milk Double Chocolate,

Premium Strawberry

200ml (x18) 6 months

Nijoom UHT Flavoured Milk Chocolate, Strawberry,

Vanilla, Banana

150ml (x18) 6 months

Milk PowderOur new fortified MILK POWDER, enhanced with vitamins, offers you and your family only the very best in nutritional benefits that you deserve.

الحليب المجففشركة عن المعروفة الجودة درجات أعلى يقدم بالفيتامينات المدعم الجديد المجفف المراعي حليب

المراعي وأفضل قيمة غذائية تستحقها عائلتك.٫

Product Category Variants Size & No. per Case Shelf Life

Milk Powder Full Cream (in Cans) 2500g (x6), 1800g (x6), 900g (x6),

400g (x12)

18 months

Full Cream (in Pouches) 2250g (x6), 1800g (x6), 25kg (Bag) 12 months

Milk Powder

Fresh MilkAlmarai understands the importance you place on only giving your family premium quality dairy products. That’s why we set the highest standards possible to put great tasting milk on your table every day. Nurture your family´s health and vitality by making Almarai Fresh Milk part of your daily routine. After all, milk is one of nature’s healthiest, most wholesome foods.

الحليب الطازجالعالمية المقاييس أفضل نواكب لهذا و ألسرتك األلبان منتجات أفضل لتقديم حاجتك المراعي تفهم لنقدم لك أشهى أنواع الحليب على مائدتك اليومية؛ عزز صحة و حيوية عائلتك بجعل حليب المراعي جزء

من حياتك اليومية فالحليب من أكثر األطعمة الطبيعية فائدة لصحتك٠

Fresh MilkAlmarai understands the importance you place on only giving your family premium quality dairy products. That’s why we set the highest standards possible to put great tasting milk on your table every day. Nurture your family´s health and vitality by making Almarai Fresh Milk part of your daily routine. After all, milk is one of nature’s healthiest, most wholesome foods.

الحليب الطازجالعالمية المقاييس أفضل نواكب لهذا و ألسرتك األلبان منتجات أفضل لتقديم حاجتك المراعي تفهم لنقدم لك أشهى أنواع الحليب على مائدتك اليومية؛ عزز صحة و حيوية عائلتك بجعل حليب المراعي جزء

س ل و و ر ن ل م ي ر يم ر

من حياتك اليومية فالحليب من أكثر األطعمة الطبيعية فائدة لصحتك٠و و زز و ى ع و ى ىم

Fresh YoghurtMade from 100% pure cow’s milk, Almarai zabadi has a fresh taste and it is preferred by all GCC households.

الزبادي الطازجلدى المفضل الزبادي وهو الرائع بطعمه يتميز , ٪١٠٠ طازجة أبقار حليب من محّضر المراعي زبادي

المستهلكين في دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي.

Plain YoghurtPlain Yoghurt

Product Category Variants Size & No. per Case Shelf Life

Fresh Zabadi Full Fat

Low Fat

Fat Free

10 kg (x1), 4 kg (x2), 2 kg (x3), 1 kg (x12),

500g (x24), 170g (x60)

1 kg (x12), 500g (x24), 170g (x60)

170g (x60)

14 days

Vetal Zabadi 160g (x60) 14 days

Sour Zabadi 170g (x60), 1 kg (x12) 14 days

Zabadi Baladi 150g (x48) 14 days

Greek Yoghurt Plain


150g (x48), 400g (x24)

150g (x48), 400g (x24)

14 days

24 days

Yoghurts& Desserts


Product Category Variants Size & No. per Case Shelf Life

Fresh Cream (Ghista) Full Fat, Lite 100g (x98) 14 days

Fresh Labneh Full Fat, Low Fat 400g (x35), 200g (x70) 14 days

Premium Labneh Full Fat 700g (x21), 400g (x35) 120 days

Sour Cream Sour Cream 200g (x48) 14 days

Dairy Snacks

Product Category Variants Size & No. per Case Shelf Life

Creme Caramel Creme Caramel 100g (x72) 15 days

Custards Chocolate,


100g (x72) 18 days

Vetal Stirred Fruit Yoghurt Strawberry and Cream,

Mango and Peach

120g (x72) 28 days

Vetal Layered Fruit Yoghurts Strawberry,

Black Cherry

140g (x72) 28 days

Set Yoghurt Strawberry 100g (x72), 150g (x60) 14 days

CheeseAlmarai offers many cheese variants, spreadable cheese such as Jar cheese, Triangles or more firmer cheese such as Feta, Halloumi and other. Almarai cheese products are made to the highest quality standard to provide the preferred taste.

الجبن تقدم المراعي العديد من منتجات األجبان، منها األجبان القابلة للدهن؛ كجبنة الكاسات، و جبنة المثلثات معايير ألعلى طبقاً المراعي أجبان تنتج وغيرها. والحلومي الفيتا، القوام؛ كجبنة متماسكة األجبان و

الجودة لتقدم أفضل طعم للجبنة.


Product Category Variants Size & No. per Case Shelf Life

Spreadable Cheese Cream, Cheddar

Reduced Fat

Low Cholesterol

120g (x12), 200g (x12), 500g (x12), 900g (x6), 1100 (x6)

200g (x12), 500g (x12)

200g (x12), 500g (x12), 910g (x6)

12 months

Cheese Slices Burger, Sandwich,

Cheddar, Fat Free,

Low Free

200g (x12), 400g (x12) 12 months

Cheese Triangles Full Fat 120g (x24), 240g (x24), 360g (x18), 480g (x16) 12 months

Cheese Portions Full Fat

For Dessert

108g (x16), 216g (x10), 432g (x16)

108g (x16)

10 months

10 months

Tinned Cheese Full Fat, Low Fat 56g (x36), 113g (x24), 200g (x24) 12 months

Cheese Block Full Fat, Low Fat 454g (x12) 12 months

Halloumi Full Fat, Low Fat 225g (x38) 12 months

Mozzarella Cheese Shredded -

Full Fat, Lite

200g (x12), 500g (x8), 1 kg (x6) 6 months

Feta Cheese Full Fat, Lite 200g (x27), 400g (x18), 16kg 12 months

Feta Cheese Tub Full Fat 200g Cubes (x40), 400g Block (x24) 4 months


Butter, Creams & GheeOur Butter, Cream and Ghee products are equally irresistible. So, whether you’re snacking, cooking or simply indulging yourself, Almarai is the best companion for serving flavorful meals time after time.

الزبدة، السمن، الكريمات و زيت الزيتون نقدم منتجات الزبدة والسمن النقي و الكريمة التي التقاوم من المراعي. مهما كانت المناسبة، سواء لتناول وجبة خفيفة أو للطهي أو ببساطه إذا كنت تريد أن تدلل نفسك، منتجات المراعي هي أفضل

خيار لتقديم وجبات لذيذة مرة بعد مرة. ٫

Product Category Variants Size & No. per Case Shelf Life

Butter Unsalted, Salted 100g (x40), 200g (x20), 10gx100 (x4),

400g (x20), 1 kg (x9), 25kg(x1)

12 months

Ghee - 400g (x6), 800g (x6), 1.6 kg (x6) 12 months

Whipping Cream Full Cream, Lite 1L (x12), 500ml (x18), 250ml (x18) 6 months

Cooking Cream Full Cream, Lite 1L (x12), 500ml (x18), 250ml (x18) 6 months

Gaimar Thick Cream - 250ml (x18), 125ml (x18) 12 months

Long Life (Sterilized) Cream Full Cream, Lite 170g (x48) 18 months

Butter, Creams & Ghee

Fresh MilkAlmarai understands the importance you place on only giving your family premium quality dairy products. That’s why we set the highest standards possible to put great tasting milk on your table every day. Nurture your family´s health and vitality by making Almarai Fresh Milk part of your daily routine. After all, milk is one of nature’s healthiest, most wholesome foods.

الحليب الطازجالعالمية المقاييس أفضل نواكب لهذا و ألسرتك األلبان منتجات أفضل لتقديم حاجتك المراعي تفهم لنقدم لك أشهى أنواع الحليب على مائدتك اليومية؛ عزز صحة و حيوية عائلتك بجعل حليب المراعي جزء

من حياتك اليومية فالحليب من أكثر األطعمة الطبيعية فائدة لصحتك٠

Fresh MilkAlmarai understands the importance you place on only giving your family premium quality dairy products. That’s why we set the highest standards possible to put great tasting milk on your table every day. Nurture your family´s health and vitality by making Almarai Fresh Milk part of your daily routine. After all, milk is one of nature’s healthiest, most wholesome foods.

الحليب الطازجالعالمية المقاييس أفضل نواكب لهذا و ألسرتك األلبان منتجات أفضل لتقديم حاجتك المراعي تفهم لنقدم لك أشهى أنواع الحليب على مائدتك اليومية؛ عزز صحة و حيوية عائلتك بجعل حليب المراعي جزء

س ل و و ر ن ل م ي ر يم ر

من حياتك اليومية فالحليب من أكثر األطعمة الطبيعية فائدة لصحتك٠و و زز و ى ع و ى ىم

h MJuiceWelcome to Almarai’s colorful world of fruity delights! We’re globetrotters and adventure seekers, going from one country to another to source the best fruits and bring you the tastiest juices out there! Our mission is to offer a uniquely refreshing flavor for every taste, mood and gathering whether you like to enjoy your Almarai juice at home or on the go, alone or with friends and family.We will follow you with our iconic bottle wherever you go in your life journey, to make your days colorful, every day!

العصائر أهًال بكم في عالم عصائر المراعي النابض بألوان الحياة والنكهات اللذيذة! نحن نهوى السفر والمغامرة،أن العصائر! مهّمتنا لنأتيكم بأشهى الفاكهة أنواع بحثاً عن أفضل آخر إلى بلٍد الذهاب من وال نخشى نوّفر لكم طعماً فريداً ومنعشاً يلقى إستحسان جميع األذواق، ويناسب جميع اللحظات واإلجتماعات سواء كنتم تحّبون اإلستمتاع بعصير المراعي داخل المنزل أو خارجه ، بمفردكم أو مع األهل و األصدقاء!

سنرافقكم بعبواتنا الشهيرة أينما ذهبتم، ونلون لكم الحياة بعصائرنا الطازجه كل يوم. ٫


100% Premium Range

Product Category Variants Size & No. per Case Shelf Life

100% Premium Range 100% Orange 1.5L (x12), 1L (x15), 300ml

(x24), 200ml(x24)

30 days

100% Orange with pulp 1.5L (x12), 300ml (x24) 30 days

100% Apple 1.5L (x12), 1L (x15), 300ml

(x24), 200ml(x24)

30 days

100% Grape 1.5L (x12), 300ml (x24),

200ml (x24)

30 days

Prod ct Categor Variants Si e & No per Case Shelf Life


Nectars Range

Product Category Variants Size & No. per Case Shelf Life

Nectars Range Mixed Orange 1.5L (x12), 200ml (x24) 30 days

Mixed Apple 1.5L (x12), 200ml (x24) 30 days

Mixed Berry 1.5L (x12), 200ml (x24) 30 days

Alphonso Mango with pulp 1.5L (x12), 300ml (x24) 30 days

Mango 1.5L (x12), 1L (x15),

200ml (x24)

30 days

Mango Mixed Fruit 1.5L (x12), 300ml (x24),

200ml (x24)

30 days

Mixed Fruit 1.5L (x12), 1L (x15),

300ml (x24), 200ml (x24)

30 days

Pineapple & Orange 1.5L (x12), 200ml (x24) 30 days

Strawberry with pulp 1.5L (x12), 300ml (x24),

200ml (x24)

30 days

Guava with pulp 1.5L (x12), 300ml (x24),

200ml (x24)

30 days

Product Category Variants Size & No. per Case Shelf Life

Drinks Range Lemon & Mint 1.5L (x12), 1L (x15),

300ml (x24), 200ml (x24)

30 days

Kiwi & Lime 1.5L (x12), 300ml (x24),

200ml (x24)

30 days

Nijoom Kids Juice Range Njoom Orange 180ml (x24) 30 days

Njoom Apple 180ml (x24) 30 days

Njoom Mixed Fruit 180ml (x24) 30 days

Drinks Range & Kids Juice

Joosy Life (Long Life Range)

Product Category Variants Size & No. per Case Shelf Life

Joosy Life Cartons Orange 250ml (x18) 9 months

Mango 250ml (x18) 9 months

Apple 250ml (x18) 9 months

Joosy Life Cans Orange 300ml (x24) 1 Year

Mango 300ml (x24) 1 Year

Lemon 300ml (x24) 1 Year

Product Category Variants Size & No. per Case Shelf Life

Almarai Super NFC Juices Pomegranate 1L (x6) 6 months

Grapes - Berries 1L (x6) 6 months

Almarai Super Juice Range

Fresh MilkAlmarai understands the importance you place on only giving your family premium quality dairy products. That’s why we set the highest standards possible to put great tasting milk on your table every day. Nurture your family´s health and vitality by making Almarai Fresh Milk part of your daily routine. After all, milk is one of nature’s healthiest, most wholesome foods.

الحليب الطازجالعالمية المقاييس أفضل نواكب لهذا و ألسرتك األلبان منتجات أفضل لتقديم حاجتك المراعي تفهم لنقدم لك أشهى أنواع الحليب على مائدتك اليومية؛ عزز صحة و حيوية عائلتك بجعل حليب المراعي جزء

من حياتك اليومية فالحليب من أكثر األطعمة الطبيعية فائدة لصحتك٠

Fresh MilkAlmarai understands the importance you place on only giving your family premium quality dairy products. That’s why we set the highest standards possible to put great tasting milk on your table every day. Nurture your family´s health and vitality by making Almarai Fresh Milk part of your daily routine. After all, milk is one of nature’s healthiest, most wholesome foods.

الحليب الطازجالعالمية المقاييس أفضل نواكب لهذا و ألسرتك األلبان منتجات أفضل لتقديم حاجتك المراعي تفهم لنقدم لك أشهى أنواع الحليب على مائدتك اليومية؛ عزز صحة و حيوية عائلتك بجعل حليب المراعي جزء

س ل و و ر ن ل م ي ر يم ر

من حياتك اليومية فالحليب من أكثر األطعمة الطبيعية فائدة لصحتك٠و و زز و ى ع و ى ىم

esh MilkL’usineFresh. Delicious. Nutritious. These are the qualities that have made our irresistible bakery products firm favorites among families throughout the region. Its diverse range of quality baked products includes breads, ready-to-eat pastries and other baked confectionaries. The L’usine brand is built around four core strengths: freshness, quality, consistency and wholesome nutrition for everyone, every day.

لوزين طازجة، لذيذة ومغذية.. تلك هي الصفات التي جعلت معّجناتنا ال تقاوم، وجعلتها المنتجات التي يفّضلهاالتي المخبوزات منتجات أجود من متنّوعة مجموعة إنها المنطقة. كل في العائلة أفراد من فرد كل فهي آخر، منتج كأي ليست لوزين الحلويات. أنواع مختلف وكذلك الجاهزة المعّجنات الخبز، تشمل

العالمة التجارية التي تتميز بأنها: طازجة، عالية الجودة، متناسقة، ومغذية للجميع كل يوم

Bread & Pastries

Product Category Variants Size & No. per Case Shelf Life

Sliced Bread White, Brown, Multigrain, Milk 600g 7 days

Bread Squares White, Brown


42g (x6)

42g (x2)

7 days

Arabic Bread White 500g 7 days

Minis Croissant

Arabic bread



7 days

Sandwich Roll White, Brown, Milk 50g (x4) 6 days

Burger Bun Plain, Sesame Seeds 67g (x6) 6 days

Puff Cheese, Apple, Chocolate, Cheese & Zataar 70g (x35) 12 days

Premium Snacking Butter Croissant

Pizza Puff

Tripple Cheese Puff




12 days

11 days

12 days

Jumbo Sandwich Cream Cheese Sandwich

Multigrain Cheese Sandwich



5 days

Croissants Plain, Cheese, Zataar, Zataar & Cheese 50 & 60g (x35) 12 days

Cupcake Strawberry, Chocolate*, Caramel*, Vanilla* 60g (x2)

540g (x18)

90 days

Product Category Variants Size & No. per Case Shelf Life

Sliced Bread White, Brown, Multigrain, Milk 600g 7 days

Bread Squares White, Brown


42g (x6)

42g (x2)

7 days

Arabic Bread White 500g 7 days

*Chocolate, Caramel and Vanilla Cupcake shelf life for export is 179 days.


Pastries Range

Product Category Variants Size & No. per Case Shelf Life

Croissant(For GCC Only)

Chocolate, Strawberry

Chocolate, Strawberry,Toffee, Vanilla,

Vanilla & Cherry, Vanilla & Chocolate

Hazelnut & Cocoa

44g (x34)

55g (x36)

100g (x22)

45 days

Strudel Apple with Cinnamon, Apricot 55g (x45) 45 days

Cake Range

Product Category Variants Size & No. per Case Shelf Life

Cake Bar Vanilla, Strawberry, Chocolate 25g x 12 (x12) 90 days

Coated Cake Bars Vanilla, Strawberry 40g x 10 (x8) 90 days

Swiss Roll Vanilla, Strawberry, Chocolate

Vanilla, Chocolate

20g x 12 (x12)

55g x 6 (x12)

90 days

Coated Swiss Roll Orange 38gx10 (x8) 90 days

Bake Rolls Range

Product Category Variants Size & No. per Case Shelf Life

Bake Rolls Chili 175g (x12)

80g (x15)

210 days

Pizza 175g (x12)

80g (x15)

210 days

Zaatar 175g (x12)

80g (x15)

210 days

Salt 175g (x12)

80g (x15)

210 days

Product Category Variants Size & No. per Case Shelf Life

Bake Rolls Chili 175g (x12) 210 days

Fresh MilkAlmarai understands the importance you place on only giving your family premium quality dairy products. That’s why we set the highest standards possible to put great tasting milk on your table every day. Nurture your family´s health and vitality by making Almarai Fresh Milk part of your daily routine. After all, milk is one of nature’s healthiest, most wholesome foods.

الحليب الطازجالعالمية المقاييس أفضل نواكب لهذا و ألسرتك األلبان منتجات أفضل لتقديم حاجتك المراعي تفهم لنقدم لك أشهى أنواع الحليب على مائدتك اليومية؛ عزز صحة و حيوية عائلتك بجعل حليب المراعي جزء

من حياتك اليومية فالحليب من أكثر األطعمة الطبيعية فائدة لصحتك٠

Fresh MilkAlmarai understands the importance you place on only giving your family premium quality dairy products. That’s why we set the highest standards possible to put great tasting milk on your table every day. Nurture your family´s health and vitality by making Almarai Fresh Milk part of your daily routine. After all, milk is one of nature’s healthiest, most wholesome foods.

الحليب الطازجالعالمية المقاييس أفضل نواكب لهذا و ألسرتك األلبان منتجات أفضل لتقديم حاجتك المراعي تفهم لنقدم لك أشهى أنواع الحليب على مائدتك اليومية؛ عزز صحة و حيوية عائلتك بجعل حليب المراعي جزء

س ل و و ر ن ل م ي ر يم ر

من حياتك اليومية فالحليب من أكثر األطعمة الطبيعية فائدة لصحتك٠و و زز و ى ع و ى ىم

ALYOUMALYOUM means “Today”, and as such our brand name embodies our commitment to produce and deliver fresh premium Saudi poultry on a daily basis, to you wherever you are.

To guarantee consistent quality and highest freshness, we apply strident controls throughout our fully owned supply chain. From cage-free raising to 100% vegetable feed, our chicken get the maximum care in bio-secured farms to provide a completely healthy and antibiotic free product.

From processing and slaughtering according to Sharia law, to our ultra-modern packaging facilities all the way through distribution ALYOUM provides you with a range of fresh & frozen poultry products, varying from whole birds to a wide choice of cut-up portions and marinated products, all packed to the highest hygiene standards.

The result is ALYOUM’s renowned ultra-tender meat and fantastic taste.

اليوم يعكس اسم «اليوم» معناه، حيث تجسد العالمة التجارية التزامنا بإنتاج دواجن سعودية فاخرة تصلكم بأعلى جودة

عبر سلسلة تضمن أفضل معايير التوريد لعمالئنا. ـ

خالية وهي .٪١٠٠ بنسبة الخضروات على وتتغذى بيولوجًيا مؤمنة مزارع في أقفاص بدون اليوم دواجن تربى الحيوية وتذبح وفق أحكام الشريعة االسالمية وتعبأ وتغلف بمعايير تضمن بقائها طازجة حتى من المضادات

وصولها إلى مقركم. ـ

تقدم اليوم مجموعة من الدواجن الطازجة والمجمدة، وتتنوع ما بين الدجاج الكامل وقطع الدجاج أو مجموعة من األجزاء المقطعة أو المنتجات المتبلة لتساهم في تقديم أشهى وأفضل األطباق. ـ

Fresh Whole Birds

Product Category Variants Size & No. per Case Shelf Life

Fresh Whole Birds Bulk Pack Weight range:

800 – 1400g, (x10)

with sealed inner lining

7 days

Bag Pack Weight range:

800 – 1400g, (x10)

7 days

Shrink Pack Weight range:

800 – 1400g, (x8)

7 days

Tray Pack Weight range:

800 – 1400g, (x8)

7 days

Twin Pack Weight range:

700 – 1000g, (x4)

7 days

Fresh Whole Birds


Fresh Boneless Chicken

Product Category Variants Size & No. per Case Shelf Life

Fresh Boneless Portions Breast Fillet 450g (x18) , 1000g (x8) 7 days

Thigh Fillet 500g (x18) , 1000g (x8) 7 days

Fresh Minced Meat Minced 400g (x12) 7 days

Fresh Offal Liver 400g (x18) 7 days

Hearts 300g (x18) 7 days

Gizzard 300g (x18) 7 days

Fresh Boneless Chicken

Fresh Bone-in Chicken

Product Category Variants Size & No. per Case Shelf Life

Fresh Bone-in Portions Mixed Parts 1000g (x8) 7 days

8 Piece Cut 1000g (x8) 7 days

Wings 500g (x12)

1000g (x8)

10Kg (2x5kg) Bulk Box

7 days

Whole Legs 1000g (x8) 7 days

Thighs 500g (x12) 7 days

Drumsticks 500g (x12)

1000g (x8)

7 days

Skinless Drumsticks 400g (x12) 7 days

Skinless Thigh 400g (x12) 7 days

Fresh Ready-to-Cook ChickenFresh Ready-to-Cook Chicken

Product Category Variants Size & No. per Case Shelf Life

Slice & Dice Shawarma 400g (x12) 7 days

Kebab 300g (x12) 7 days

Marinated Whole Chicken Spicy 800g (x12) 7 days

Curry 800g (x12) 7 days

BBQ 800g (x12) 7 days

Mexican 800g (x12) 7 days

Marinated Whole Leg Curry 600g (x12) 7 days

BBQ 600g (x12) 7 days

Marinated Wings Curry 600g (x12) 7 days

BBQ 600g (x12) 7 days

Frozen Chicken

Product Category Variants Size & No. per Case Shelf Life

Frozen Whole Birds Shrink Pack Weight range:

800 – 1400g, (x10)

12 months

Frozen IQF Thighs 10Kg (2x5kg) Bulk Box 12 months

Drumsticks 10Kg (2x5kg) Bulk Box 12 months

Wings 10Kg (2x5kg) Bulk Box 12 months

Minced Meat Minced 10Kg (2x5kg) Bulk Box 12 months

Offal Liver 500g sealed tray (x18)

10Kg (2x5kg) Bulk Box

12 months

Hearts 500g sealed tray (x18)

10Kg (2x5kg) Bulk Box

12 months

Gizzard 500g sealed tray (x18)

10Kg (2x5kg) Bulk Box

12 months

Fresh MilkAlmarai understands the importance you place on only giving your family premium quality dairy products. That’s why we set the highest standards possible to put great tasting milk on your table every day. Nurture your family´s health and vitality by making Almarai Fresh Milk part of your daily routine. After all, milk is one of nature’s healthiest, most wholesome foods.

الحليب الطازجالعالمية المقاييس أفضل نواكب لهذا و ألسرتك األلبان منتجات أفضل لتقديم حاجتك المراعي تفهم لنقدم لك أشهى أنواع الحليب على مائدتك اليومية؛ عزز صحة و حيوية عائلتك بجعل حليب المراعي جزء

من حياتك اليومية فالحليب من أكثر األطعمة الطبيعية فائدة لصحتك٠

Fresh MilkAlmarai understands the importance you place on only giving your family premium quality dairy products. That’s why we set the highest standards possible to put great tasting milk on your table every day. Nurture your family´s health and vitality by making Almarai Fresh Milk part of your daily routine. After all, milk is one of nature’s healthiest, most wholesome foods.

الحليب الطازجالعالمية المقاييس أفضل نواكب لهذا و ألسرتك األلبان منتجات أفضل لتقديم حاجتك المراعي تفهم لنقدم لك أشهى أنواع الحليب على مائدتك اليومية؛ عزز صحة و حيوية عائلتك بجعل حليب المراعي جزء

س ل و و ر ن ل م ي ر يم ر

من حياتك اليومية فالحليب من أكثر األطعمة الطبيعية فائدة لصحتك٠و و زز و ى ع و ى ىم

NuralacAlmarai Nuralac offers a comprehensive range of world - trusted & tested nutritional solution for optimum growth, development & vitality not only for children but also for pregnant & lactating mothers. It is supplemented with NuraComplete system of advanced nutrients, made by Almarai Baby Food Company (Almarai Subsidiary), the 1st Infant Formula manufacturer in the region with global quality and safety standards.

نيوراالك يوفر المراعي نيوراالك مجموعة متكاملة من الحلول الغذائية الموصي بها طبياً في تحقيق النمو الصحيالحمل واإلرضاع, من خالل الصغار وكذلك لألمهات في مرحلتي والحيوية لألطفال الذهني والتطور نظام التغذية المتكامل نيوراكومبليت, يتم إنتاجها بمواصفات عالمية بواسطة شركة المراعي ألغذية األطفال(إحدى شركات المراعي) بالتعاون مع خبراء تغذية األطفال حول العالم وبأعلى جودة معتمدة

في أول مصنع إلنتاج حليب األطفال بالمنطقة. ٫

Infant Formula

Product Category Variants Size & No. per Case Shelf Life

In-Hospital Use Nuralac Newborn RTF

Nuralac Premature RTF

70ml (1x6x8) 12 Months

Routine Infant Formula


Nuralac Stage 1

Nuralac Stage 2

Evolac Stage 1

Evolac Stage 2

(0-6 Months)

(6-12 Months)

(0-6 Months)

(6-12 Months)

400g (x12), 900g (x6),

105ml (1x6x4)

400g (x12), 900g (x6),

200ml (1x6x4)

400g (x12), 900g (x6)

24 Months for

powder form,

12 Months for liquid

24 Months

Growing Up Milk Range Nuralac Plus Stage 3

Evolac Plus Stage 3

(1-3 Years)

(1-3 Years)

400g(x12), 900g (x6),

250ml (1x6x4)

400g (x12), 900g (x6)

24 Months for

powder form,

12 Months for liquid

24 Months

Special Formulas Nuralac Comfort, Nuralac AR,

Nuralac LF, Nuralac Premature

Evolac Comfort, Evolac AR

Evolac LF, Evolac Premature

400g (x12) 24 Months

Toddler Supplement Nuralac Plus SureGrow


400g(x12), 900g (x6),

250ml (1x6x4)

400g(x12), 900g (x6)

24 Months for

powder form,

12 Months for liquid

24 Months

Infant Cereals 5 Flavors (Wheat Milk, Rice Milk,

Wheat-Milk-Honey, Wheat-Milk-

Fruits, Wheat-Milk-Dates)

400g(x12) 18 Months

Nutritional Supplement

for pregnancy and


NuraMama 200ml (x24) 12 Months

Infant Nutrition

Notes :

Almarai CompanyPO Box 8524 , Riyadh 11492 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Tel: +966 11 470 0005 Fax: +966 11 470 1555

Almarai © 2018-V2-FH

شركة المراعيص.ب 8524، الرياض 11492

المملكة العربية السعوديةهاتف: 0005 470 11 +966فاكس: 1555 470 11 +966

Quality you can trustجودة تستحق الثقة

[email protected]