Download - III Test Booklet Serial No. : TOURISM ADMINISTRATION AND Paper 3/K-111… · Test Paper: III Test Subject: TOURISM ADMINISTRATION

Page 1: III Test Booklet Serial No. : TOURISM ADMINISTRATION AND Paper 3/K-111… · Test Paper: III Test Subject: TOURISM ADMINISTRATION

Test Paper : III


Test Subject Code : K-1115

Test Booklet Serial No. : _______________________

OMR Sheet No. : _________________________________

Roll No. (Figures as per admission card)

Name & Signature of Invigilator/s

Signature : _________________________________

Name : _________________________________


Time : 2 Hours 30 Minutes Maximum Marks : 150

Number of Pages in this Booklet : 24 Number of Questions in this Booklet : 75

K-1115 1 ���������/P.T.O.

Instructions for the Candidates1. Write your roll number in the space provided on the top of this page.2. This paper consists of seventy five multiple-choice type of questions.3. At the commencement of examination, the question booklet will

be given to you. In the first 5 minutes, you are requested toopen the booklet and compulsorily examine it as below :

(i) To have access to the Question Booklet, tear off the paperseal on the edge of the cover page. Do not accept abooklet without sticker seal or open booklet.

(ii) Tally the number of pages and number of questionsin the booklet with the information printed on thecover page. Faulty booklets due to pages/questionsmissing or duplicate or not in serial order or anyother discrepancy should be got replaced immediatelyby a correct booklet from the invigilator within theperiod of 5 minutes. Afterwards, neither the QuestionBooklet will be replaced nor any extra time will be given.

4. Each item has four alternative responses marked (A), (B), (C)and (D). You have to darken the oval as indicated below on thecorrect response against each item.

Example : A B C D

where (C) is the correct response.

5. Your responses to the question of Paper III are to be indicatedin the OMR Sheet kept inside the Booklet. If you mark at anyplace other than in the ovals in OMR Answer Sheet, it will not beevaluated.

6. Read the instructions given in OMR carefully.7. Rough Work is to be done in the end of this booklet.8. If you write your name or put any mark on any part of the OMR

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9. You have to return the test OMR Answer Sheet to the invigilatorsat the end of the examination compulsorily and must NOTcarry it with you outside the Examination Hall.

10. You can take away question booklet and carbon copy ofOMR Answer Sheet soon after the examination.

11. Use only Blue/Black Ball point pen.12. Use of any calculator or log table etc., is prohibited.13. There is no negative marks for incorrect answers.14. In case of any discrepancy found in the Kannada

translation of a question booklet the question in Englishversion shall be taken as final.

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Page 2: III Test Booklet Serial No. : TOURISM ADMINISTRATION AND Paper 3/K-111… · Test Paper: III Test Subject: TOURISM ADMINISTRATION

Paper III 2 K-1115

������ Total Number of Pages : 24

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(A) Y%�/�L�%����������

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2. /����@�����F1��]^������"�/:��� :��R �$��1����1���� 4���E74��*���)�V�E5�������X

(A) 31-5-1953

(B) 29-5-1953

(C) 28-4-1953

(D) 18-5-1953

3. 87��1������(�������E�����4���������^_8��-��A������ ���X

(A) (7�$ (B) 4���7�$

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(C) /������ (D) _ 1������ 1���

5. )� ����������a(�:���(7����4�b�3��c���/1����

(A) 2.4 -����� (B) 4.5 -�����

(C) 3.8�-����� (D) 2.9�-�����

6. ��'�� O����/��:�����:�<���� ��4��7���/[�%�d%�/%�-%��1�������%��%�e%�/%�/%����@4��5��� ����� f��7"���E5����������"�4��&F�%(A) g%�/%�e%�/%(B) d%�/%�e%�/%(C) ���%�/[�%�e%�/%�/%(D) d%���%��/%��%

7. �E���;�F������7Ne(������4���������F��C1� 1�'7#�1���X(A) 1688 (B) 1929(C) 1910 (D) 1520

8. (�������E�������4�������A&��?����;�F�����>&�)O��h������E4��������X(A) ?�7��� Y (B) *4�� D(C) �LM� �7�L� (D) ie

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10. ! :�7���)��5(����� ��� (�������E������� ! .�- ���/ !������"�&H�%(A) -�����V�+��_�������)�V����"

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Page 3: III Test Booklet Serial No. : TOURISM ADMINISTRATION AND Paper 3/K-111… · Test Paper: III Test Subject: TOURISM ADMINISTRATION

K-1115 3 Paper III

������ Total Number of Pages : 24

1. Who introduced the first class Rail travelin the U.S.A. for the first time ?

(A) G. M. Pullman

(B) Thomas Cook

(C) Krapf

(D) Neil Bordes

2. Edmund Hillery and Tenzing climbed theMount Everest on

(A) 31-5-1953

(B) 29-5-1953

(C) 28-4-1953

(D) 18-5-1953

3. Which of the following River of India doesnot form Delta ?

(A) Cauvery (B) Godavari

(C) Damodar (D) Narmada

4. Identify the Indian monument where thefirst ever sound and light show in Indiawas held

(A) Taj Mahal (B) Red Fort

(C) Ellora (D) Jantar Mantar

5. The Height of ‘Kadale Kalu Ganesha’ atHampi is

(A) 2.4 Mtr. (B) 4.5 Mtr.

(C) 3.8 Mtr. (D) 2.9 Mtr.

6. Indicate the Association that wasfounded by merging the two largeWorld Organizations, FIAV and UOTAA.(A) PATA



7. Vatican city became a Sovereign Statein the year(A) 1688 (B) 1929

(C) 1910 (D) 1520

8. Which of the following place receiveshighest rainfall in recent years ?(A) Cherapunji (B) Agumbe(C) Mawsynram (D) Ooty

9. Ashok Institute of Hospitality andTourism Management of ITDC cameinto existence in the year

(A) 1973 (B) 1971(C) 1975 (D) 1980

10. Indicate which of the following is notrelevant to Capital Budgeting ?

(A) Amount to be spent on expansionproject

(B) Amount to be spent onmodernization and diversification

(C) Heavy amount to be spent on givingtraining to the staff for increasingtheir competitiveness

(D) Research and developmentexpenses



Note : This paper contains seventy-five (75) objective type questions. Each questioncarries two (2) marks. All questions are compulsory.

Page 4: III Test Booklet Serial No. : TOURISM ADMINISTRATION AND Paper 3/K-111… · Test Paper: III Test Subject: TOURISM ADMINISTRATION

Paper III 4 K-1115

������ Total Number of Pages : 24

11. ��(����������7���4��������E�������"��l�����4��:����)��/ ������$?1�7���X

(A) 4�� <��� ̀ ����

(B) ����� ̀ ����

(C) ��)7!������ ��������'&��������7���

(D) -���7=6������7���

12. * � �74���� ��$;�,��b���� (�������4������ �7����1���

(A) �����������Y�b��F�7k�����='+�

(B) ��$�����+��_����='+�

(C) �E���N���� 1�'V�+��_�

(D) ����N���1�����7'I4������"� ��=6�����������1���(7�7:�������

13. ���������^ :�� �����=6V�>��$(��^ :�(,��'��'B���7���E����3��������� ��)��������X

(A) m'e�;���� (B) [' O����

(C) �n�O��F������� (D) �0���������

14. &�SX�",&��E�����(A) o�*pF(��>W�J�k4��'7�����N�������F;�@��(�:��4�����'7�����N��������U`��>(M `�� ���VF#���������%

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(B) (A)���1����(R)���$�E����K�9�*����(R)���-���b������$#������� �

(C) (A)���$9�(R)�1����0

(D) (A)�1����0�, (R)���$�G1����

15. 87��1�������31-12-2014����������@��/;��@��'�� O���7 ��s&(������ ������17V4������"4�����&���7���X(A) 25 (B) 28(C) 30 (D) 32

16. 87��1�����E��(� �7':�H1����'��3����������4� 47��1����� �7���G�7N�����4������7�g1�7��X(A) �7�������1������4����)���(B) �)��(C) �7�������1����5���(D) �7 5O�$

17. ��(�������E����4��������'7�����N����1984���������:���� g(��='�:4�H ���J�k4� 51���X(A) (7N�[n��F�� (B) :���(C) �7N$�� (D) �7���l _��\

18. &�SX�",&��E����� (A) o� ��4�$�(���V��� ���@��>W�J�k��)� ������3�4�������G��K����)74��‘S’�>(�6����������������������4� :���%�,7�R�(R) o�87��1���������4�$�(���V������@���������t�� 1�������4� :���%�� ��#�������H(A) (A)���1����(R)���$�E����1����(R)�(A)

>���"�-�$��(B) (A)���1���� (R)���$�E����K� 9�*���� � (R)

��$�E��(A) >���"�-�$� �(C) (A)���$9�(R)�1��70��(D) (A)�1��70����K��9�(R)���$�E��

19. 87��1������ (�������E�� ��4���4������ �87��1���'7�����N������7'��](��(�u�$4�����A��������X1) O�U2) D 4�������3) �)��4) 4��7)�&�� ��#�������H(A) 1, 2, 3 (B) 1, 3, 4(C) 2, 3, 4 (D) 1, 2, 4

Page 5: III Test Booklet Serial No. : TOURISM ADMINISTRATION AND Paper 3/K-111… · Test Paper: III Test Subject: TOURISM ADMINISTRATION

K-1115 5 Paper III

������ Total Number of Pages : 24

11. Which one of the following Temple is

also known as Seven Pagodas ?

(A) Golden Temple

(B) Sun Temple

(C) Mahabalipuram Shore Temple

(D) Meenakshi Temple

12. Alum Treatment would be part of the

(A) Lake restoration procedure

(B) Environmental planning process

(C) Pollution control project

(D) Preservation and protection of Flora

and Fauna

13. Who were the earliest migrants from

Europe to South America ?

(A) Britishers (B) French

(C) Portuguese (D) Spanish

14. Assertion (A) : Specific contribution of

tourism to the economy can be assessed

by Tourism Satellite Account (TSA).

Reason (R) : National Accounts capture

the total output of Tourism Industry.

Codes :

(A) Both (A) and (R) are True

(B) Both (A) and (R) are True, But (R)

is not the right explanation

(C) (A) is True, (R) is False

(D) (A) is False, (R) is True

15. Indicate the number of Cultural WorldHeritage Sites in India as on 31-12-2014.(A) 25 (B) 28(C) 30 (D) 32

16. Identify the Union Territory where theVana Ganga and Vandhara Gardens aresituated(A) Dadar and Nagar Haveli(B) Delhi(C) Daman and Diu(D) Pondicherry

17. Which city’s tourism was boosted by theOlympic games in 1984 ?(A) California (B) London(C) Paris (D) Los Angels

18. Assertion (A) : The levels ofUrbanization in the advanced countriesfollowed elongated and ‘S’ shapedcurve lines.Reason (R) : The levels of Urbanizationin India has followed almost a straightline.Codes :(A) Both (A) and (R) are Correct and (R)

explains (A)(B) Both (A) and (R) are Correct, but (R)

does not explains (A)(C) (A) is Correct, (R) is False(D) (A) is False, (R) is correct

19. Identify the cities where India tourismregional offices are located,

1) Chennai2) Bengaluru3) Delhi4) Guwahati

Codes :(A) 1, 2, 3 (B) 1, 3, 4(C) 2, 3, 4 (D) 1, 2, 4

Page 6: III Test Booklet Serial No. : TOURISM ADMINISTRATION AND Paper 3/K-111… · Test Paper: III Test Subject: TOURISM ADMINISTRATION

Paper III 6 K-1115

������ Total Number of Pages : 24

20. &�SX�",&��E�����(A) o���F)�b���7Ng��N������������)� 1��������7.7��V7���-�1�7����1����%�*����(������������>���-37 7����1���%

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��$�E��-�$� �(C) (R)���$�A���K��9�*����(A)�1��70��(D) (A)���1����(R)�/��:���1��70�

21. ��'�� O����>1�N 1��G��K�����U�C��7�`�[7�� >���"�&H�%(A) �7N$�� (B) :���(C) ^��4������ (D) ���N�E(�F

22. >&p4�����(�5��>�j������A����)��`��4������"�4��&F�%(A) O7�̀ �(B) (� :�-���� (C) D�(�)�� ̀��(D) `7'�\�� `��)�� ̀��

23. &�SX�",&��E������(A) o�u����74��������'���8��-������'��3����� ������'.7���(U47$(���'��3�7��>W�J�k��)� ��%

�,7�R� (R) o�����'��3���� )?h��� ! :�7��)� ����1���%

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(A) >���"�-�$��(B) (A)���1����(R)���$�E����K�9�*����(R)�(A)

>���"���$�E��-�$� �(C) (A)���$9�*����(R)�1����0(D) (A)�1����0��9�*����(R)���$

24. &�SX�",&��E������(A) o���'7�����N��(U47$(������ 4�����(�6Z�47'R���7"��E:����������1�����v��������;�$4���$����E��)�(��,���:�����������(��7��%

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(A) (A)���1����(R)�/��:�����$�E��

(B) (A)���1����(R)���$�A���K�(R) (A)�>���"��$�E��-�$� �

(C) (A)���$9�*����(R)�1����0

(D) (A)�1����0�9�*����(R)���$

25. &�SX�",&��E������(A) o��787 3������&��G�K�3����;����)�� <��\$4�)O��h�787 3�����"�(�:�������%

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(A) (A) ���1����(R)�/��:���1����0

(B) (A)���$9�*����(R) (A)�>���"�-�$�����������$�A �

(C) (A)���1����(R)�/��:�����$

(D) (R)���$9�*����(A)�1����0

26. A5��-3�C����"� 24��������� ����7"�-87����7��%�A�����> 1���

(A) 10° ��t7 3� (B) 15° ��t7 3�

(C) 20° ��t7 3� (D) 25° ��t7 3�

Page 7: III Test Booklet Serial No. : TOURISM ADMINISTRATION AND Paper 3/K-111… · Test Paper: III Test Subject: TOURISM ADMINISTRATION

K-1115 7 Paper III

������ Total Number of Pages : 24

20. Assertion (A) : The span of managementat upper level is generally narrow whileat the lower level, it is wide.

Reason (R) : Because at the lower level,there are large number of employees,while at the top level there are limitednumber of employees.

Codes :(A) Both (A) and (R) are True

(B) (A) is Right, but (R) is not the Correctexplanation for (A)

(C) (R) is True, (A) is False

(D) (A) and (R) both are False

21. Point out the World’s Longest RailwayPlatform.

(A) Paris (B) London

(C) Kharagpur (D) New York

22. Hotels where guests stay for shortdurations are called

(A) Chalet

(B) Condominium

(C) Bouquet Hotel

(D) Transient Hotel

23. Assertion (A) : Chhota Nagpur Plateauregion has developed as a majorIndustrial Region.

Reason (R) : This Region has adequateavailability of Capital.

Codes :

(A) Both (A) and (R) are True and (R)explains (A)

(B) Both (A) and (R) are True, But (R)does not explains (A)

(C) (A) is True, but (R) is False

(D) (A) is False, but (R) is True

24. Assertion (A) : It is the right time for

tourism industry to ensure gender

sensitization and equal rights to women

and men in the Industry.

Reason (R) : Tourism Industry has a

strong female presence.

Codes :

(A) Both (A) and (R) are True

(B) Both (A) and (R) are True, but (R) is

not the right explanation

(C) (A) is True, but (R) is False

(D) (A) is False, but (R) is True

25. Assertion (A) : The object of dividends

policy is to pay higher dividends to


Reason (R) : Because when the

company makes more profit,

shareholders get more dividends.

Codes :

(A) (A) and (R) both are False

(B) (A) is True, but (R) is not the correct

explanation for (A)

(C) (A) and (R) both are True

(D) (R) is True, but (A) is False

26. The whole World is divided into

24 different Time Zones each, after an

interval of

(A) 10° Longitude (B) 15° Longitude

(C) 20° Longitude (D) 25° Longitude

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27. 1897 �������7N$�����4�' B7 ������-_����4�����7�E'_N����!4w��(U�!��)���������(�����"�(� :��R5����� 51����)�������"4�����&�%

(A) ���)����:�-:� (B) �7!`�F����

(C) [����F����#�P� (D) :�-:�������\

28. ��e@��xI����"���e@��xII����P�1�)� �����$�E��G1��������"�(��4�(�e@������� (�1�4�H ���*$�%


Z&���[ Z7,\],;[

a) :�7�(�F 1) 7��F

b) �n��7N :� 2) )�\ =

c) y���7N :� 3) Q����

d) �7F 4) (�����)�4���

�� ��#�������H

a b c d

(A) 3 1 2 4

(B) 4 1 2 3(C) 4 2 1 3

(D) 4 2 3 1

29. 87��1����(7F�������'7�����N����� 17' ����aaA��('5!���A 5��cc�/ !��DU��>g��(�;�����7'�� 8���E5���K��E74��X

(A) ��@ !���2014 (B) �EO�F�2014

(C) 5� !���2014 (D) *4���@��2014

30. UNWTO�-3�C���'7�����N������(,���5����-;����aa��$�� �o�:z- 4��g����> :�:� ��� `��cc�/ !������E���;�F(,/ !������"�4�����&��X

(A) 2015 (B) 2016

(C) 2017 (D) 2018

31. l�\+� `���E���N� `�\��> :��*(7F�7Y(����U`�\��> :��$����\��*N(�@���7�����E5���K

(A) 1958 (B) 1968

(C) 1978 (D) 1988

32. aa�����Ccc��7qr����G�7N���A������7_N����"4�����&�%

(A) G1���7^ :� (B) O�&����4���

(C) ��.�N���'��3� (D) G1�������'��3�

33. ��e@�xI����"���e@�xII����P�1�)� �����$�E��G1��������"�(��4�(�e@������� (�1�4�H ���*$��o

��IJ�YI �������IJ�Y�II

ZD�����#���E�([ Z���&���[

a) D':��D7�,`� 1) ����7"

b) m4��4��L� 2) �@g���

c) -�(\:��[7-�F 4� 3) �z$���

d) �EN=\���L� 4) ��� 47������'��3�


�� ��#�������Ha b c d

(A) 3 2 1 4(B) 3 1 2 4

(C) 4 1 2 3(D) 4 2 1 3

34. ��(�������4��������E�����l���U��4����m������PF4�G��+���������� (�1�4�����X

1) J 2) I

3) Z 4) M

�� ��#�������H

(A) 1, 3, 4 (B) 2, 3, 4

(C) 1, 2, 3 (D) 1, 2, 4


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27. Identify the name of the scholar whofound the manuscript in Paris library in1897 about Vijayanagara Empire.

(A) Mr. Senhor David

(B) Mr. Robert Sewell

(C) Mr. Ferno Nuniz

(D) Mr. David Lopes

28. Match List-I with List-II selecting thecorrect answer using codes :

List-I List-II

(Country) (Capital)a) Denmark 1) Warsaw

b) Poland 2) Helsinki

c) Finland 3) Oslo

d) Norway 4) Coppenhagen

Codes :

a b c d(A) 3 1 2 4

(B) 4 1 2 3

(C) 4 2 1 3

(D) 4 2 3 1

29. When did the Ministry of Tourism, Govt.of India, launched “Incredible India”mobile application ?

(A) September 2014

(B) March 2014

(C) December 2014

(D) August 2014

30. Identify the year for which the UNWTOhas given the following theme for WorldTourism Day.“Tourism : Driving Peace andDevelopment”.

(A) 2015 (B) 2016

(C) 2017 (D) 2018

31. The Ancient Monuments andArcheological Sites and Remains Actwas passed in

(A) 1958 (B) 1968

(C) 1978 (D) 1988

32. Identify the State where “Dudhwa”National Park is located

(A) Uttarkhand

(B) Chattisgarh

(C) Madhya Pradesh

(D) Uttar Pradesh

33. Match List-I with List-II and select thecorrect answer using the codes givenbelow :

List-I List-II

(Economy base) (Regions)

a) Bread Basket 1) Savanna

b) Big Game 2) Steppes

c) Mixed Farming 3) Prairies

d) Maximum 4) Monsoon

Biodiversity lands

Codes :

a b c d

(A) 3 2 1 4

(B) 3 1 2 4

(C) 4 1 2 3

(D) 4 2 1 3

34. Which of the following representbusiness class codes used by Airlines ?

1) J 2) I

3) Z 4) M

Codes :

(A) 1, 3, 4 (B) 2, 3, 4

(C) 1, 2, 3 (D) 1, 2, 4

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35. �������:7N�L���E����3����������� !������"4�����&��X(A) )7� :� (B) D�{�� (C) 87��1� (D) A��

36. ��e@�xI����"���e@�xII����P�1�)� ��%��IJ�YI ��������IJ�Y�II

Z7, _̂���G&, �������[������Z7,\ �����[

i) (���|���7qr��� 1) 1�-�����7:��G�7N��

ii) A ��7�47 j 2) O�&����4����7qr����G�7N��

iii) ��)71���47 j 3) ��.�N���'��3��7qr����G�7N��

iv) D7�(�!(���7qr��� 4) > :��E��G�7N�� ��1���


�� ��#�������Hi ii iii iv

(A) 2 4 1 3(B) 3 1 4 2(C) 4 2 3 1(D) 1 3 2 4

37. �7@ZNO���*[���!eF��7�F_�(��-�(�6b41��7����;�F(A) 1885 (B) 1860(C) 1886 (D) 1874

38. ��e@�xI����"���e@�xII����P�1�)� ��%���$�E��G1����4������"�(��4�(�e@������� (�1�4�H ���*$�$%

��IJ�YI ��IJ�Y�IIZ%;\�����[ Z'�E������[

a) ���U`� 1) 17��'b) O7��,��U�U`� 2) �������� c) D7(\ZU`� 3) (�m}Vd) ���P�U�`� 4) > �N-����

�� ��#�������Ha b c d

(A) 1 3 2 4(B) 3 1 4 2(C) 3 4 1 2(D) 1 2 4 3

39. ��� � �7qr�������NY�-� ='�E�+��_�> ��(���V7����;�F%(A) 1992 (B) 2002(C) 1979 (D) 1983

40. ��'�� O�������>&�/1����7���(��@:��!�P�F^��[7���/1����(A) 828 -��% (B) 920 -��%(C) 948 -��% (D) 980 -��%

41. I���1����II���e@��������������"�)� ���!�#�$�o��IJ�Y�I ��IJ�Y�II

Z&�"��,`�������[ Z��̀�������[i) ��37�17�������7��� 1) 47C�����ii) P�(���� ��� 2) ��)7!������ iii) 3����� ̀ ���� 3) 1� P7�n���iv) !J)���3�C�������7��� 4) �+��4���

�� ��#�������Hi ii iii iv

(A) 4 1 2 3(B) 3 4 1 2(C) 2 3 4 1(D) 1 4 2 3

42. aa�E(Fe 4��-�(�\�cc�3�!K����"���$O�#��������(A) P7���B7������ (B) P7����������(C) y����(������ (D) �����D��:�\F

43. ��(��(� :���4��������E������87��1����E���\�4��� ! j���X(A) G1�������1������=6V�.��'�4��������� 0������

7����&������A����������(7��V(B) R�E ������F1����1����eD̀ �

��'���8��-�4�����71�'���m������7���-4>:�<�7��������$ ��

(C) `�'�n�0��$����� 0�������P`���r��L�&���4������$ ��

(D) l;7N�̂ :����-37 1���1����R ������)7�74���4������ �G `74����G;�~1� ��1���1�V~474������'�EV����N17N��


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35. Identify the country in which Madurodamis situated(A) Holland (B) Belgium(C) India (D) Italy

36. Match the items in List-I with the items inList-II :

List-I List-II(National Parks) (States)

i) Kanha 1) Tamil NaduNational Park

ii) Indira Gandhi 2) ChattisgarhNational Park

iii) Mahatma Gandhi 3) MadhyaNational Park Pradesh

iv) Black Buck 4) Andaman andNational Park Nicobar


Codes :i ii iii iv

(A) 2 4 1 3(B) 3 1 4 2(C) 4 2 3 1(D) 1 3 2 4

37. The Statue of Liberty was opened topublic in the year(A) 1885 (B) 1860(C) 1886 (D) 1874

38. Match the List-I with List-II and select thecorrect answer using codes given below :

List-I List-II(Ores) (Metals)

a) Limonite 1) Copperb) Chalcopyrite 2) Uraniumc) Bauxite 3) Irond) Monazite 4) Aluminum

Codes :a b c d

(A) 1 3 2 4(B) 3 1 4 2(C) 3 4 1 2(D) 1 2 4 3

39. First National Wild Life Action Plan wasadopted in the year(A) 1992 (B) 2002(C) 1979 (D) 1983

40. The height of the Burj Khalifa, which isthe tallest building in the World is(A) 828 Mts. (B) 920 Mts.(C) 948 Mts. (D) 980 Mts.

41. Match the followingList-I List-II(Temples) (Places)

i) Dasavatara 1) Gwaliortemple

ii) Jelika Mandir 2) Mahabalipuramiii) Shore temple 3) Thanjavuriv) Brihadiswara 4) Deogarh


Codes :i ii iii iv

(A) 4 1 2 3(B) 3 4 1 2(C) 2 3 4 1(D) 1 4 2 3

42. The term “Marketing mix” wasintroduced by(A) John Thomson (B) John Sullivan(C) Philip Kotler (D) Neil Bordes

43. Which of the following factors are relatedwith the origin of Indian Monsoon ?(A) The existence of upper air

circulation over North and Southpoles

(B) The role of the position ofHimalayas and Tibet Plateau asmechanical barrier

(C) The Circulation of the upper airJet-Streams in the Troposphere

(D) Differential heating and cooling ofhuge mass of Asia and IndianOcean

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44. &�SX�",&��E�����(A) o���� �������

�� O�7qF(��+��_����>�j������1���D�&

��:���)74���>)�F1#�������E����� ������ ���(���1#� �����'7�����N��


�,7�R� (R) o� ��3���� �E���� �� ������ ����"������F(�7��!���(�������������%

�� ��#�������H

(A) (A)���1����(R)�/��:�����$

(B) (A)���1���� (R)�/��:��� ��$9���1���� (R)

��$�E���-���b�> �

(C) (A)���$9�*�����(R)�1����0

(D) (A)�1����0�9�*����(R)���$

45. I���1����II���e@�����"�)� ���!�#�$�o

��IJ�Y�I ��IJ�Y�II

ZE�@a�����[ Z7,\ �����[

i) >;�@! .����)�!} 1) ��]h���! 47��

ii) A ��7���nP7 2) 1�-�����7:��


iii) ?&�U�)�!} 3) m)7��

iv) !���k��_�� & 4) * .�'���'��3�

�� ��#�������H

i ii iii iv

(A) 4 3 1 2

(B) 4 1 2 3

(C) 3 2 4 1

(D) 2 4 3 1

46. ��e@�xI�)74�����e@�xII����"�)� ���!�#�$%

��IJ�YI ��IJ�Y�IIi) )���E����� 1) 1� P7�n���

�� D�

ii) >(�}����� D� 2) :��

iii) &������U�7��(�

��)��� 3) *47'

iv) ������C&���)���

4�' B7 �� 4) ��.���U

�� ��#�������H

i ii iii iv

(A) 4 3 2 1

(B) 1 4 3 2

(C) 2 3 4 1

(D) 3 2 1 4

47. ��(��(� :���4��������E������P7R�7&���( ��� ���X

(A) 47')�(�$4��ER&�(�:�������

(B) 47')�(�������������������

(C) 47')�(����^$����7��B�NF����"�>B�F�E5(����������

(D) 47')�(������������^$����E:� �P7�g��������

48. l;7N����������75���_ ��N�����!)���7��%l( ���

(A) �������(7�(��)74���(�5��A���-(

(B) ���F1����'��3�4������:���A������'���8��-�4����

(C) ���4�����E4�F4�������:�<�7���������

(D) A����>&���:�<��̂ :�7��������$ ��

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44. Assertion (A) : The tourism industryfaced a big setback in meeting thedemand for qualified and trained humanresources during the first three-five yearplan periods.

Reason (R) : The human resource in thecountry was not used optimally.

Codes :

(A) Both (A) and (R) are True

(B) Both (A) and (R) are True and (R) isnot the right explanation

(C) (A) is True, but (R) is False

(D) (A) is False, but (R) is True

45. Match the items in List-I with the items inList-II :

List-I List-II

(Festivals) (States)

i) Ashtabandhana 1) West Bengal


ii) Indira Puja 2) Tamil Nadu


iii) Chithirai 3) Bihar


iv) Buddha Jayanthi 4) Andhra


Codes :

i ii iii iv

(A) 4 3 1 2

(B) 4 1 2 3

(C) 3 2 4 1

(D) 2 4 3 1

46. Match the items in List-I with the items inList-II :

List-I List-II

i) Humayun’s 1) Thanjavoor


ii) Akbar’s Tomb 2) Delhi

iii) Thirumalai 3) Agra

Nayaka Mahal

iv) Saraswathi 4) Madurai

Mahal Library

Codes :

i ii iii iv

(A) 4 3 2 1

(B) 1 4 3 2

(C) 2 3 4 1

(D) 3 2 1 4

47. Which one of the following is not afunction of advertising ?

(A) Informing the customer

(B) Persuading the customer

(C) Understanding the buying capacityof the customer

(D) Reminding the customer for a repeatpurchase

48. Why does Asia have large areas of InlandDrainage Systems ?

(A) Rainfall is seasonal and scanty

(B) There are a number ofInter-Montane Plateaus

(C) River channels are big

(D) It is very large Continent

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49. ��e@����Y I���1������e@��Y�II���������������"�)� ��!�#�$�o

��IJ��Y I ��IJ��Y II

Z�� ��b���<��&� Z�� @ ]�"�)&�.[ ��IJ7��"��&��[

1) ��'�4�F�x�a/c i) >�70�jGH�����-��7

2) ��'�4�F�x�amc ii) �7qr����-��7

3) ��'�4�F�x�a�c iii) l���n�`�F`7'�\̀ ��-��7

4) ��'�4�F�x�a5c iv) `7'�\̀ ��-��7

�� ��#�������H

1 2 3 4

(A) iii iv i ii

(B) iv i iii ii

(C) i iii ii iv

(D) ii iii iv i

50. ��e@�xI���1������e@�xII����"�)� ���!�#�$%


Z&�"��,`�������[ Z��̀�������[

i) ����7_�����7��� 1) (7 ?������

ii) 7���������7��� 2) (���7(�F

iii) �����F�����7��� 3) ?�� !��

iv) (U�7���7B������7��� 4) =P7 �����

�� ��#�������H

i ii iii iv

(A) 3 4 2 1(B) 2 3 4 1(C) 4 2 1 3(D) 1 3 2 4

51. ��e@�xI���1������e@�xII����"���$�G1����� ���)� ��!�#�$%

��IJ�YI ��IJ�Y�IIZ�� ��̀�����[ Z�� &��

�,�)�5��[i) d%����%�/��% 1) ����L�

�e%�g%��%ii) d%��%/%��% 2) ���N�E(�Fiii) /%�/��%�e%�/% 3) )�4�iv) ���%�/[�%e�%�/%/% 4) �E e'+����

�� ��#�������Hi ii iii iv

(A) 1 4 2 3(B) 3 4 2 1(C) 2 3 4 1(D) 4 2 3 1

52. �� 4���(� ����>B�7�(����04� ����� ��������71�1�CG1������������7��%�>��(A) ��47�p(��>�j���>�3�;�4����

��1��E�(B) O�$1'���n�F��������;�N���>����� _����=,(C) (��7NI�O7 �(�N���37������=,�(D) (��� !�*HC(�37������=,�

53. ��]h���������g���)O��h����3�4����> 1����7qr����7N�7��������>j(�7�>� m1�7������(7��V(A) >��4��������@��_���7 ��'1

)� ��������$ ���)O��h���*)7������"*�������E5(�����1��

(B) >��4�����&������'��3�4������")� ��������$ ���> 1����7qr���7N�7��(,�+��4�N7��

(C) >��4�����>j(��(U47$(7��3�4��7��������$ ���)O��h(�O7h�����4�������'�� O����/�7���874�4�H ��D�5(�A�������$ ��

(D) �7'�� 8�� �� ������3�4����> 1����7qr����7N�7��������� O��I����


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49. Here is a List of two items. Match an itemin List-I with an item in List-II. Choose thecorrect answer from the codes givenbelow :

List-I List-II

(Type of Schengen visa) (Refers to)

1) Category ‘A’ i) Short termstay visa

2) Category ‘B’ ii) National visa

3) Category ‘C’ iii) Airport transitvisa

4) Category ‘D’ iv) Transit visa

Codes :

1 2 3 4

(A) iii iv i ii

(B) iv i iii ii

(C) i iii ii iv

(D) ii iii iv i

50. Match the items in List-I with the items inList-II :

List-I List-II

(Temples) (Places)

i) Nataraja Temple 1) Kanchipuram

ii) Vamana Temple 2) Konark

iii) Sun Temple 3) Chidambaram

iv) Kailasanatha 4) Kizhavellur


Codes :

i ii iii iv

(A) 3 4 2 1

(B) 2 3 4 1

(C) 4 2 1 3

(D) 1 3 2 4

51. Match the items in List-I with the items inList-II :

List-I List-II(Organization) (Headquarters)

i) IUNTPO 1) Romeii) ICAO 2) New York

iii) ASTA 3) Hagueiv) UFTAA 4) Montreal

Codes :i ii iii iv

(A) 1 4 2 3(B) 3 4 2 1(C) 2 3 4 1(D) 4 2 3 1

52. Sanganakallu or Kuppagallu is anArchaeological excavation site where

(A) Remains of Megalithic period werefound

(B) Prehistoric man’s skeletons werefound

(C) Inscriptions of Kalyani Chalukya’swere found

(D) Inscriptions of Kadamba rulers werefound

53. Most of the West European Countrieshave a high dependence on Internationaltrade as

(A) They are densely populated andhave to import Food

(B) They have the ideal conditions forInternational Trade due to theircoastal location

(C) They are highly Industrialized andrequire raw materials from all overthe World

(D) International Trade of theseCountries has been welldeveloped since very early time

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54. ��(��������e@� xI���1���� ��e@� xII�4������ �A����-�E����7$4���1����>��4������F;�@���� (�1�4������")� �����$�G1�����!�#�$%

��IJ�YI ��IJ�Y�IIZ<"�)����,.��[ Z;(�8�J���� ��#������[

1) P̀ ��l����� i) ���/��2) ]'� (7�l���U��\ ii) /U3) y��l�� iii) :�!��ZN/��4) �M1���@��l���U��\ iv) 9:�!��ZN

�� ��#�������H1 2 3 4

(A) iv ii iii i(B) ii iii i iv(C) iii iv ii i(D) iv i ii iii

55. P̀ ��-�E�����O�U���4�������"�6.55�4� ̀����)������)7 (�(7 4����4�������"�(+8.00) 14.554� `�>�������� 1� ����1���%�-�E����E����>�j�����"��(�,�E5���$�G1�������5%(A) 4.30 4� ̀4����(B) 6.30 4� ̀4����(C) 7.30 4� ̀4����(D) 5.30 4� ̀4����

56. ��e@�xI���1������e@�xII����"�)� �����$�G1��������"4��&F�%

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i) �%�/%�/%��% 1) �E��,�ii) (%�/��%�/�L�% 2) m�Y 4�iii) >� ̀���� 3) )�4�iv) l���[n��`� 4) ����L�

�� ��#�������Hi ii iii iv

(A) 2 1 4 3(B) 3 4 1 2(C) 2 3 4 1(D) 4 2 3 1

57. ��(������ �U ��*��4�������'�� O�������� �������e@����������F:�E���(�'������"�4��&F�%

I) :7YF� 4�����F1�����U�CII) �� �$����F1�����U�CIII) (7 ,�x�]������U�CIV) �%�/��%�e%���� DU

���"���� !� �H(A) I II III IV(B) I III II IV(C) I IV II III(D) IV III II I

58. OU�7���3���������(��(� :��> 3�4��������E�������$�A������ ���X

(A) ����3����'�� O����>&��)O��h_���� tN�����"��)� ����1���

(B) 8��-�����b�������'�� O����������� (3)

�7�������"���:����1���(C) D��7��(,�+��4�N7�����'��3����OU�7

��3�������>��$(7��� ���(����� �7�����D��7�����'��3����>.�F=, 1��(�5�A��������

(D) OU�7���3����)O��h� �_���� tN�D���I4��'�EV�A��������

59. ��(��(� :��4��)4��������E�������)7�7;�r�7_N������(� :���!���������X

1) �7 :�������4��)4����

2) (��|�$�4��)4����

3) _��7"���4��)4����

4) t7 :��$�4��)4����

�� ��#�������H

(A) 1 3 4

(B) 1 2 4

(C) 1 2 3(D) 2 3 4

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54. Here is a List of Airlines and theirdestinator codes. Match an item in List-Iwith an item in List-II. Choose the correctanswer from the codes given below.

List-I List-II(Airlines) (Destination Codes)1) Jet Airways i) UL

2) Srilankan Airlines ii) AY3) Finnair iii) WN

4) South West Airlines iv) 9W

Codes :1 2 3 4

(A) iv ii iii i(B) ii iii i iv

(C) iii iv ii i(D) iv i ii iii

55. Jet Airways flight leaves Chennai at6.55 hrs. and reaches Hongkong(+8.00 hrs.) at 14.55 hrs. same day.Calculate the flying time.(A) 4.30 hrs. (B) 6.30 hrs.

(C) 7.30 hrs. (D) 5.30 hrs.

56. Match the items in List-I with the items inList-II :

List-I List-II(Airlines) (Headquarters)i) CAAC 1) Moscow

ii) KLM 2) Beijingiii) Alitalia 3) Hague

iv) Aeroflot 4) Rome

Codes :i ii iii iv

(A) 2 1 4 3(B) 3 4 1 2

(C) 2 3 4 1(D) 4 2 3 1

57. Identify the order in which the followingRailway properties appeared in theWorld heritage in the list.

I) Darjeeling Mountain Railway

II) Nilgiris Mountain Railway

III) Kalkha-Shimla Railway

IV) CST Mumbai

Order :





58. Which among the following is not true ofChina now ?

(A) It is the most populous Country inthe World

(B) It ranks third in area in the World

(C) Cultivable land in China is less thanhalf that of USA

(D) China has a very high growth rateof population

59. Which of the following caves are locatedin the State of Maharashtra ?

1) Pandulena Caves

2) Kanheri Caves

3) Junnar Caves

4) Khandagiri Caves

Codes :

(A) 1 3 4

(B) 1 2 4

(C) 1 2 3

(D) 2 3 4

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60. ��I~������5(4��������> (7$(�7�?&'����������"�l� ����(�����7���X(A) ���R�� (B) 47'ye(C) ��@(�� (D) �`�'47'ZN[�

61. &�SX�",&��E�����(A) o�87��1����! ̀@���(U47$(����(U��4�w��(U47$(���G170���� 30���'&3�1��A��������%

�,7�R�(R) o�87��1����(7F�����(U��4�wG1�0��"4������"�)?h���-��]�-���������"�� �7��� ����[�����E:� ����'��&"���&���������%

�� ��#�������H

(A) (A)���$9�*����(R)�1��70��(B) (A)���1����(R)�/��:�����$�E����K����1���

(R)���$�E���-���b�E������� �(C) (A)���1����(R)�/��:�����$���1�����(R)

��$�E���-���b�E��(D) (A)�1����0�9�*����(R)���$

62. -_����4���� �7�E'_N����"� 230��;�F4���� (7 /;��@��� 3�_����*H�7K��X(A) 6�� 3������� (B) 4�� 3�������(C) 3�� 3������� (D) 7�� 3�������

63. O� :��E���1����1������'&O�(�'71�4�����(� :��!�����)�7�E�������$��&4������"���$-���b�A�����G1�����*+�,�E5%(A) /��:���)�7�E��4����� ��'O� :�� )74��

*8�F�7���������(B) /��:���)�7�E��4�������4��7����1��(C) O� :��E���1�4�������'O� :��)�7�E������"

)� ����1������1������'&O�(�'71������ ����7���)�7�E������"���:����1���

(D) O� :��E���1��)�7�E�������4��7����K��'&O�(�'71������'O� :��)�7�E������")� ���������

64. a-�$(��c�/ !��$.7���A��������(A) G1����t7 :�(B) >���b7O� ���'��3�(C) �=, (D) �747�7N :�

65. ������,������ �������������������/;��@����3�4�����g04���5�_�������>� m�������17$�^��15,*4���@��2014�����4�������N�7����17���X(A) 191 (B) 188

(C) 177 (D) 204

66. &�SX�",&��E������(A) o�87��&������ ��s&�����^N�> 3��U-.�N������� ��'�7�����1���>��4��������7F�j������-�� ��7�������7����1���%�,7�R�(R) o�A&)7������E�����>�j�� ���� ��s&�������E_�Y�������$�&�E��%

�� ��#�������H

(A) (A)���1���� (R)� /��:��� ��$9�*���� (R)

��$�E���-���b�� �(B) (A)���1����(R)�/��:�����$���1����(R)

��$�E���-���b(C) (A)���$9�*�����(R)�1����0(D) (A)�1����0�9�*����(R)���$

67. ���E4����_ �71����/1����(A) 48�-����� (B) 93�-�����(C) 51�-����� (D) 80�-�����

68. 4�4������)���� (��7F�(�����E��Y�������)��$��X(A) �7��O����� (B) -_�������(C) D��47- (D) 4���4�

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60. Decorative scribbling found on theearthen pots are called

(A) Menhir (B) Graffiti

(C) Stucco (D) Petrograph

61. Assertion (A) : The Handloom Industryaccounts for 30% of the total textileproduction in India.

Reason (R) : The Government of Indiatries to develop handloom sector to earnmore Foreign exchange by way ofexports.

Codes :

(A) (A) is True, but (R) is False

(B) Both (A) and (R) are True and (R) isnot the correct explanation

(C) Both (A) and (R) are True and (R) isthe correct explanation

(D) (A) is False, but (R) is True.

62. Identify the number of Dynasty’s, whoruled Vijayanagara empire for 230 years ?

(A) Six Dynasties

(B) Four Dynasties

(C) Three Dynasties

(D) Seven Dynasties

63. Compare the weather conditions ofcyclones and Anticyclones and select thecorrect explanation.

(A) Both indicate a stormy weather

(B) Both indicate a fair weather

(C) Cyclones have stormy andanti-cyclones have a fair weather

(D) Cyclones have a fair andanti-cyclones have stormyweather

64. The Hill station ‘Mirik’ is located in

(A) Uttarakhand

(B) Arunachal Pradesh

(C) Sikkim

(D) Nagaland

65. Number of State parties who have signedthe UNESCO Heritage Convention andhave become member of the GeneralAssembly as on 15th August 2014 are

(A) 191 (B) 188

(C) 177 (D) 204

66. Assertion (A) : The main features ofIndian Culture are plurality of traditionsand their assimilation over a long stretchof time.Reason (R) : Culture is the way of lifeof a society at any given time in history.

Codes :

(A) Both (A) and (R) are True, but (R) isnot the correct explanation

(B) Both (A) and (R) are True and (R) isthe correct explanation

(C) (A) is True, but (R) is False

(D) (A) is False, but (R) is True

67. The height of Niagara falls is

(A) 48 meters (B) 93 meters

(C) 51 meters (D) 80 meters

68. Name the district in which Gagana Mahalis located in Karnataka ?

(A) Raichur (B) Vijayapura

(C) Belagavi (D) Gadag

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69. 87��&�����74�$�(�����(�������E���'��3�����"���'�3���E:� ��A��"���U����-�F`���d%�/��%�g%��>�3�N(�-���1����X

(A) > :��E�����1�����(��D7��

(B) (�6�C���

(C) _��������1����(7]����

(D) -�P���7�L�

70. aalY 4��3:��N��cc����?��������%

(A) ���5�����! :�7�����F)�b

(B) �7�E������e@����F)�b

(C) )�V���F)�b

(D) !��D�(7���D7=���F)�b��(��4�(��@��7(�N������)�����"�(�� (��;�7��Q���'3"�71�$ ���75�����4����(��7���G1�����!�#�$%

���",��#,R&��"������$� ������'7��17V�/�7���87��7��$4�>���(�� (��0�(�:����G�K�3�� �����'7�4������"�G��O�$���1���%A����������>���(�� ����H���$4��G��N�4��)74��*�7���1����1���%�� ������'7�����N�������&��'7�4�$4�*&B�N�(�:�������87��7��$4�4�$;�T>���(�� �*4���������P�149�(��;�T����(7�71��(����$b7��*4��� 1����5(����D�(��%�� �����������'7�����N������&���'7�4�$4�4��b71��(��>���8���(�:���������P�14���H���$4��78�(���7���D�(��%�>�����P�14���'7�17V�����$����9��7�EY(��)74����7 ��s&(������4�'14.�(,�E4��� 1����5(����D�(��%��'7�����N�������&�����"����g���74����'7��17V(,��'���^7��*.�N1�����"�(�:�D�(��%���'7��17V����F)�b�>&���� =�VF7����K��)� ���*�E��4�H ��!�������7 ���"��87#���D�(74��1���%���'7��17V��[� 1���:��D�(7��K����/��:����7'B�-�(��;���1�����"�n�U��D�(��%�A�����0.7F1��(�7��)74����������1#� ��A��D�(��%���'7��17V���0.7F1��(�7���D�(7���

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� ������'7��17V�����[� ���F)�b�������7�� ��$(�7N�7$���F)�b���(M3� ���P�14���$������F)�b����7��B�FN����"���$���D�(��%�>��4�����E��� ���9���'7��17V���>W�J�k4�(M3� ���(��+��_�����g�����������'7��17V����"��E�7��E:�������9�4��b71��(���������"���'7�4�$4������� ��E������ ��&������F)�b9�GH����� ��&����P�14)�V(7������ ��1�����"��������F(�7��P��5���7 ��(��7�EB�NF����"�)?h����'7�4�$4���$�E����N��������"������������9���$�������F)�b��7�EB�NF9���'7�17V����7�����1�N47$(4�>1�N�3�N(�7��%�A&��?�����4���������'7��17V����7�����1�N47$(�-�7���4� :����'7��17V����7�EY(��)74����7 ��s&(������4�'1����F)�b�����"�����4� 5���1���%���'7��17V����E����� ������ ���������F(����F)�b�A���������$���1���%���E������ ������ �����F)�b�/��:���874�����")� ��%���'7�4������F)�b�)74������H������F)�b> &��7����'7��17V����� ������ �>W�J�k��)74���� ������ ��7�����1�N47$(��ER&�1� 1�'P7�����F)�b+� �4�P��5�����>�3�N(�1�A�%�*4���E1�'��'7��17V���[� 1�����"���:�������������3��C�E4��1���%

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69. Inner Line Permit (ILP) is required forIndian citizens to enter which of thefollowing area ?(A) Andaman and Nicobar(B) Lakshadweep(C) Jammu and Kashmir(D) Mizoram

70. “Ageing schedule” refers to(A) Working capital management(B) Inventory management(C) Cash management(D) Receivables management

Read carefully the following passage andanswer the question no. 71 to 75 with referenceto the passage.

Destination VisionA tourism destination hosts visitors in order toprovide over all benefits to the stakeholders.The direct benefit is employment and incometo the local community. The tourism policyseeks to ensure that visitors are hosted in away that maximizes the benefits to thestakeholders while minimizing the negativeimpact. A good tourism policy seeks to providehigh quality visitors experiences that areprofitable to local community, while ensuringthat the destination is not compromised in termsof environmental, social and cultural integrity.

While framing a tourism policy, the destinationhad to be given top priority. The task ofdestination management is a complex andmulti-dimensional challenge. There are twoprimary parameters that must be satisfied if thedestination is to be successful. These arecompetitiveness and sustainability. Thecompetitiveness of a destination refers to itsability to compete effectively and profitabilityin the tourism market. When inclusive growth

concept is adopted it becomes easy for thedestination to get competitiveness.Sustainability refers to the ability of adestination to maintain the quality of itsPhysical, Social, Cultural and Environmentalresources for a very long period, while itcompetes in the market. Many destinations arecompletely spoiled by over exploiting thetourism resources for short term economicgains. In other words, sustainability refers toutilization of all resources at present makingfull provision for future use.A successful tourism destination managementinvolves traditional business management skill,balanced with environmental managementcapabilities. They include strategic planning fordestination development, the marketing ofdestination, the human resourcesmanagement to deliver quality service tovisitors, financial resource managementcapabilities to coordinate other resources witha sound organisational capability to deliver.The environmental management, capabilitiesare pre-requisites for effective destinationstewardship. Recently the concept stewardshiphas been expanded to encompassmanagement practices, designed to enhanceand maintain the commemorative, social andcultural integrity of the destination. It alsoincludes the ability to effectively manage thehuman presence within the boundaries ofdestination. This human presence has twocomponents-visitor management and localcommunity management. Finally, the task ofresource development and resourcestewardship are linked by the need for tourisminformation management. Then only adestination can become successful.

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71. ��(��(� :���4������ ��'7�� 17V���>W�J�k4�E������>1�N�3�N(�� ���X

(A) 87���7��$4�>���(�� ����"������������

(B) ���H���$4�G��N�4��������������

(C) ��'7�4�$4�8���'1�)74��������(�61�����"������������

(D) ��'7��17V���>W�J�k����������H��������"��$�(����������

72. �� ! .����e@ ������������"�4�����&�%

(A) ��$�����>���&

(B) �7 ��s&(������4�'1

(C) G1�����4��V���@�����'7�4����>���8��

(D) ��'7�����N���������U&(�1

73. ��'7�����N�������0.7F�7��B�NF�)?h�������(,�E���������^N��E���� :�7���X

(A) ��'7��17V���>W�J�k4�����4�'�+��_����g��������

(B) ��'7��17V���>W�J�k���������H�����874��R���-(

(C) ����4�'�>W�J�k��1�1�C����"���'7��17V��>W�J�k������>���5��������

(D) ��'7��17V���+��_��)74��>W�J�k��������'7�����N����87���7���� �4����7�]F��������

74. ��'7��17V����������1���(��(� :���E����������>� !��E���X

(A) G1�����4��V���@�����'7�4������"*(�qF�����������

(B) ��$��������"���=6��������

(C) /�7�����'7���� ��1�����"�-�1�7�G��+������������)74������ ���G��+��4�(,��7(�;��@��A:�������

(D) ��'7��17V���8M&(�9� �7�EY(��)74���7 ��s&(�� (�6V4������"���=6��������

75. ��'7��17V�����$b7��(7$��7�����1�N47$(4A��������^N�>�3�N(�14������"�&H�%

(A) �7 �7'�7#�(��(M3� �)74�����$������F)�b����7��B�NF����")� ���������

(B) ��'7��17V���>W�J�k4�(��3� ��F)�b����7��B�NF�)� ���������

(C) ��'7��17V����7 ��s&(�9��7�EY(�)74�����$���������4�'1���P�14��E����� ������ �����$�E���G��+��4�

(D) ��'7�4�$4�>����1��>���8���(���@>������"����������'7�4����7"��E:�������

Paper III 22 K-1115

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71. Which may not be a pre-requisite for a

destination development ?

(A) Providing benefits to stakeholders

(B) Providing employment to local


(C) Providing safety and security to


(D) Involving local community in

destination development

72. Identify the odd one

(A) Environmental degradation

(B) Cultural Integration

(C) High quality visitor experiences

(D) Ethics in tourism

73. What is the main criterion for enhancing

competitiveness of a destination ?

(A) Well planned development of a


(B) Involving the local community is

destination development

(C) Inserting inclusive growth concept

in destination development

(D) Consulting all the stakeholders of

tourism industry in destination

planning and development

74. Sustainability of a tourism destination

depends upon

(A) Its capacity to attract high quality


(B) Protect ecology and environment

(C) Utilizing all the tourism resources

economically and making sufficient

provision for future use

(D) Protection of physical, social and

cultural features of the destination

75. Indicate the pre-requisite for effective

destination stewardship

(A) Possessing traditional skill and

environmental management

(B) Capacity to make strategic planning

for destination development

(C) Maintaining social, cultural,

ecological and environmental

integrity of the destination with

proper human presence

(D) Providing rich experiences to

visitors and make them repeat


K-1115 23 Paper III

������ Total Number of Pages : 24


Page 24: III Test Booklet Serial No. : TOURISM ADMINISTRATION AND Paper 3/K-111… · Test Paper: III Test Subject: TOURISM ADMINISTRATION

Paper III 24 K-1115

������ Total Number of Pages : 24

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