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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم كتاب مناقب األنصار

باب مناقب زيد بن ثابت ريض الله عنه The merits of Zaid bin Thabit

Name and Lineageزيد بن ثابت بن الضحاك األنصاري  •

Name: زيد بن ثابت بن الضحاك Nisbah: األنصاري Zaid bin Thabit bin al-Dihak al-Ansari

Name:  Zaid bin Thabit bin al-Dihak Nisbah: al-Ansari

Wife أم العالء األنصارية  •

Umm al-`Alaa` al-Ansariyah

Brief Introdcutionرأ عـليه الـقرآن • صـحايب جـليل وكـاتـب الـوحـي، شـيخ املـقرئني، مـفتي املـديـنة، روى الحـديـث عـن الـنبيملسو هيلع هللا ىلص، وقـ

بعضه أو كله.

He is a great companion and scribe of the Divine revelation, sheikh of the reciters and the mufti of Madinah. He narrated many Ahadith from the Prophet ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص and recited some or all (Quran) to the Prophet ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص.

His ageقدم النبي صىل الله عليه وسلم املدينة وهو بن إحدى عرشة سنة وكان يكتب له الوحي [تهذيب التهذيب البن حجر]

When the Prophet ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص came to Madinah, he was eleven years of age and he used to write the revelation for him ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص.- Slightly older than Anas (r)

His acceptance of Islam and the dua of the Prophet (s)يـوم قـدم رسول الـلهملسو هيلع هللا ىلص املـديـنة كـان يتيام فوالـده تـويف يـوم بـعاث وسـنه ال يـتجاوز إحـدى عرشة سـنة، وأسـلم •

مع أهله وباركه الرسول محمد ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص بالدعاء.

The day when the Messenger of Allahملسو هيلع هللا ىلص came to Madinah, he was an orphan. He was not more than eleven years of age when his father had died in the war of Bu`ath. And he became Muslim with his family members and Allah’s Messenger (s) gave him the Du`a of barakah.

Important services An expert of Ilmul Fara’id - the science of inheritcane

زمـان، لهـلك عـلم الـفرائـض، لـقد أىت عىل الـناس زمـان ومـا يـعلمها زهـري لـو هـلك عثامن وزيـد يف بـعض الـ قـال الـغريهام. وقـال جـعفر بـن برقـان : سـمعت الزهري يـقول لوال أن زيـد بـن ثـابـت كـتب الـفرائـض، لرأيـت أنـها سـتذهـب

من الناس

Az-Zuhri said: If Uthman and Zaid both passed away at a time then the entire knowledge of Inheritance would have been lost. There was a time when none but the two of them knew this science. Ja’far b. Barqan said: I heard Zuhri saying: If Zaid b. Thabit had not recorded the knowledge of Inheritance you would have seen this knowledge lost from people. - Two specialties: Expert in Quran and expert in the knowledge of


Above all in knowledge of Quran and Ilmul Faraidقال ابن سريين" : غلب زيد بن ثابت الناس بخصلتني، بالقرآن والفرائض ." •

Ibn Sirin said, Zaid b. Thabit was above others in regards to his knowledge of Quran and knowledge of the science of inheritance

Memorization of Quranحســـب الـــكتب واإلميـــان اإلســـالمـــي، مـــنذ بـــدأ الـــدعـــوة وخـــالل إحـــدى وعرشين ســـنة تـــقريـــبا •

كـان الـوحـي يـتنزل، ورسـول الـلهملسو هيلع هللا ىلص يـتلو، وكـان هـناك ثـلة مـباركـة تـحفظ مـا تسـتطيع، والـبعض اآلخـر مـمن يـجيدون الـكتابـة، يـحتفظون بـاآليـات مسـطورة، وكـان مـنهم عيل بـن أيب طـالـب، أيب بـن كـعب، عـبد الـله بـن

مسعود، عبد الله بن عباس، وزيد بن ثابت.

According to Islamic literature and belief, the period of revelation from its beginning to end was 21 years, and the Prophet (s) would recite the revelation to the people. There was also a blessed group of people who would memorize what they would hear from him (s), and some people knew how to write so they preserved the revelation by recording it. Amongst them are Ali b. Abi Talib, Ubay b. Ka’b, Abdullah b. Masud, Abdullah b. Abbas and Zayd b. Thabit.

Khalifah of Omar in his absenceOmar (r) trusted him a great deal

وكان عمر بن الخطاب يستخلفه إذا حج عىل املدينة، وزيد هو الذي توىل قسمة الغنائم يوم الريموك، •

Omar (r) would appoint him as khalifah in Madina when he would go for Hajj, and in the Battle of Yarmouk, Zaid was given the responsibility to distribute the booty.

The Mufti of Madinaوهـو أحـد أصـحاب الـفتوى السـتة عـمر وعيل وابـن مـسعود وأيب وأبـو موـىس وزيدـ بنـ ثاـبتـ، فامـ کان عمـر وال •

عثامن يقدمان عىل زيد أحدا يف القضاء و الفتوى والفرائض والقراءة، وقد استعمله عمر عىل القضاء وفرض له رزقا.

He was one of the six companions who would issue legal verdicts: They are Omar, ali, Ibn Masud, Ubayy, Abu Musa and Zaid b. Thabit.Both Omar and Uthman would not prefer anyone over Zaid in giving verdicts, knowledge of inheritance and knowledge of recitation. Omar appointed him as judge and fixed a salary for him also.

Scribe of the Divine revelationTo collect the Quran means to memorize it. So he was of those who had memorized the Quran.

Compiler of Quran in the lifetime of the Prophet (s)عن أنس ريض الله عنه جمع القرآن عىل عهد النبي صىل الله عليه وسلم أربعة كلهم من األنصار أيب ومعاذ بن جبل

وأبو زيد وزيد بن ثابت [صحیح البخاری:3810]

Narrated Anas that in the period of Prophet ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص, four people gathered the Quran, and four of them belonged to the Ansar, Ubai (bin Ka`b), Mu`az bin Jabal, Abu Zaid and Zaid bin Thabit رضی اللہ عنہم

Recorded the Quran in writingام قيل أن زيد بن ثابت قال بينا نحن عند رسول الله صىل الله عليه وسلم نؤلف القرآن من الرقاع إذ قال طوىب للش

ولم ذلك يا رسول الله قال إن مالئكة الرحمن باسطة أجنحتها عليها [مسند احمد:21607]

Narrated Zaid bin Thabit: "We were with the Messenger of Allah (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) writing the Qur'an on (pieces of) leather, …..

Well-aware of the intensity of revelationعن سهل بن سعد قال : سمعت زيد بن ثابت يقول:"كان إذا نزل الوحي عليه ثقل لذلك ، و تحدر جبينه عرقا كأنه

الجامن ، و إن كان يف الربد " [السلسلة الصحيحة:2088]

He said, when the Prophet (s) would receive divine revelation, it woul d be very heavy upon him, and he would have sweat trickling from the side of his head, even though it was very cold

Himself experienced the intensity of revelationكينة ووقـع فخـذه عىل فخـذي حني قـال زيـد بـن ثـابـت إين قـاعـد إىل جـنب الـنبي ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص يـومـا إذ أوحـي إلـيه قـال وغشـيته الـسكينة قـال زيـد فـال والـله مـا وجـدت شـيئا قـط أثـقل مـن فخـذ رسول الـله ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص ثـم رسي عـنه فـقال اكـتب يـا زيـد غشـيته الـسفأخـذت كـتفا فـقال اكـتب ال يسـتوي الـقاعـدون مـن الـمؤمنني والـمجاهـدون اآليـة كـلها إىل قولـه أجرا عظيام فـكتبت ذلـك يف كـتف فـقام حني سـمعها ابـن أم مـكتوم وكـان رجـال أعـمى فـقام حني سـمع فـضيلة الـمجاهـديـن قـال يـا رسول الـله فـكيف مبـن ن هـو أعـمى وأشـباه ذلـك قـال زيـد فوالـله مـا مىض كالمـه أو مـا هـو إال أن قىض كالمـه غشـيت الـنبي ال يسـتطيع الـجهاد مـمكينة فـوقـعت فخـذه عىل فخـذي فـوجـدت مـن ثـقلها كام وجـدت يف الـمرة األوىل ثـم رسي عـنه صىل الـله عـليه وسـلم الـسر } قـال زيـد رأ فـقرأت عـليه ال يسـتوي الـقاعـدون مـن الـمؤمنني والـمجاهـدون فـقال الـنبي ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص { غري أويل الرض فـقال اقـ

فألحقتها فوالله لكأين أنظر إىل ملحقها عند صدع كان يف الكتف [مسند احمد 21664]

Narrated Zaid bin Thabit, he said “I was beside the Prophet (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) when the revelation started to reveal on him and calmness overtook him. When the tranquility prevailed, his thigh fell on my thigh. Zaid said: Thus By Allah! I did not find any heavier thing than the thigh of the Messenger of Allah (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص). Then that condition was gone and he ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص said “Zaid! Write down. I wrote on a bone of shoulder. - Since this bone is wide. And he said: write ال يستوي القاعدون من املؤمنني واملجاهدون the whole verse till I wrote it down on the bone of shoulder. (In this verse) When .أجرا عظيمIbn Umm Makhtum who was blind heard the excellence of the Mujahideen, stood up and said “O Messenger of Allah (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) how is it for that person who is unable to do Jihad e.g blind etc? Zaid said: By Allah! Yet he was not finished with his question or his question was not completed that the tranquility started to overtake him (again), and his thigh fell on my thigh and I found its weight the same way as before then his condition regained, he ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص said to me: recite (that) verse so I recite it to him: ال يستوي القاعدون من املؤمنني واملجاهدون Prophet ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص said: “رر Zaid said: I appended that (verse) to غير أولي الضthis and By Allah!I am seeing, as it were the place where I put it (i.e., the verse) at the crack in the shoulder.- Meaning, I remember that bone and place where I wrote those words.

- Look at how Allah revealed a solution for Abdullah b. Umm Maktum. He was so honest and sincerely desired an opportunity. What do we wish for? Do we honestly, sincerely desire to go ahead in good work? If our desire is sincere, then Allah will fulfill it. He will deal with us according to our sincerity. He will provide opportunities accordingly and if we are now able to do it, at least the reward for the intention will be recorded.

The Prophet (s) gave him responsibility over the matter of the Quranعن الرباء قال لام نزلت{ ال يستوي القاعدون من المؤمنني والمجاهدون يف سبيل الله } قال النبي صىل الله عليه وسلم

واة ثم قال اكتب { ال يستوي القاعدون } [صحیح البخاری: 4990] واة والكتف أو الكتف والد ادع يل زيدا وليجئ باللوح والد

Narrated Bara: When the verse was revealed: ال يستوي القاعدون من املؤمنني said, "Call Zaid to me and let him (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) The Prophet واملجاهدون في سبيل اهللbring the board, the inkpot and the scapula bone (writing equipments)."' (When he came) Then he ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص said, "Write: ال يستوي القاعدون .

The Prophet (s) heard recitation from himعن زيد بن ثابت قال قرأت عىل النبي صىل الله عليه وسلم والنجم فلم يسجد فيها [صحیح البخاری:1073]

On the authority of Zaid bin Thabit, he said: "I recited to the Messenger of Allah (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) (Surat) An-Najm and he did not prostrate in it.”

وقـد قرأ زيـد عىل رسول الـلهملسو هيلع هللا ىلص يف الـعام الـذي تويف فـيه مرتني، وإمنـا سـميت هـذه الـقراءة قراءة زيـد بـن ثـابـت •ألنه كتبها لرسول اللهملسو هيلع هللا ىلص وقرأها عليه، وشهد العرضة األخرية، وكان يقرئ الناس بها حتى مات.

The year that the Prophet (s) passed away, Zaid recited the Quran to him two times. - The year that the Prophet (s0 passed away, Jibril reviewed the Quran

with him two times. And Zaid also reviewed two times with the Prophet (s). This is Allah’s promise to preserve the Quran. ‘Indeed we have revealed the Quran and we will preserve it”.

This qira’ah is known as the qira’ah of Zaid b. Thabit because he wrote it for the Prophet (s) and recited it to him. The final review of the Quran that the Prophet (s) was made to do (with Jibril) was attended by Zaid b. Thabit also, and that is the qira’ah in which he would later teach people until he passed away.

Knowledgeable of the background of revelationعـن زيـد بـن ثـابـت قـال كـان رسول الـله ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص يصىل الظهـر بـالـهاجرة ولـم يـكن يصىل صالة أشـد عىل أصـحاب رسول الـله ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص مـنها

الة الوسطى) وقال « إن قبلها صالتني وبعدها صالتني .[سنن ابو داود:411] لوات والص فنزلت (حافظوا عىل الص

Narrated Zaid bin Thabit that the Messenger of Allah (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) used to offer the Zuhr prayer in afternoon; and no prayer was harder on the Companions of the Messenger of Allah (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) than this one. Hence this verse came down: " الة الوسطى لوات والص Be guardians of حافظوا على الصyour prayers, and of the midmost prayer". He (the narrator) said: There are two prayers before it (`Isha and Fajr, the night ones) and two prayers after it (`Asr and Maghrib, the day ones).

His relationship with the Prophet ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص He would eat the suhoor meal with the Prophet (s)

يام فأطـعمني شـيئا قـال فـجئته حـر يـا أنـس إين أريـد الـص عـن أنـس قـال قـال يل رسول الـله صىل الـله عـليه وسـلم وذلـك يف السن بـالل فـقال يـا أنـس انـظر إنـسانـا يـأكـل مـعي قـال فـدعوت زيـد بـن ثـابـت فـقال يـا رسول الـله بـتمر وإنـاء فـيه مـاء بـعد مـا أذـر مـعه وصىل يام فتسح يام قـال رسـول الـله صىل الـله عـليه وسـلم وأنـا أريـد الـص بة سـويـق وأنـا أريـد الـص بت رش إين رش

الة [مسند احمد:13033] ركعتني ثم خرج فأقيمت الص

It was narrated that Anas said: "The Messenger of Allah ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص said, at the time of Sahur. 'O Anas! I want to fast, so give me something to eat.' So I brought him some dates and a vessel of water. By then Bilal had given the Adhan. - This adhan was not of Fajr, but of Tahajjud. Even now when you go to

the Haram, there is adhan made for tahajjud: so people who wish to pray tahajjud can do so and those who wish to fast may eat their food.

He ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص said: 'O Anas, find a man to come and eat with me.' So I called Zaid bin Thabit, who came and said: "I drank some Sawiq and my intention is to fast.' The Messenger of Allah ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص said: "My intention is to fast too.' So he ate Sahr with him, then he got up and prayed two Rak'ahs, then he went out as the iqamah for prayer was called to.”- These two raka’h were of Sunnah. It is best to pray sunnah prayers at


Well-aware of the Prophet (s)

بري أن رسول الـله صىل الـله عـليه وسـلم صىل عـندهـا ركعتني قـال سـمعت قـبيصة بـن ذؤيـب يـقول إن عـائـشة أخربت آل الـزبـعد العرص فـكانوا يـصلونـها قـال قـبيصة فـقال زيـد بـن ثـابـت يـغفر الـله لـعائـشة نـحن أعـلم بـرسول الـله صىل الـله عـليه وسـلم ول الـله صىل الـله عـليه وسـلم بهجري فـقعدوا يـسألـونـه ويـفتيهم وا رسـ راب أتـ ـا كـان ذلـك ألن أنـاسـا مـن األع مـن عـائـشة إمنه لـم يـصل بـعد الظهـر ذكـر أنـ حـتى صىل الظهـر ولـم يـصل ركعتني ثـم قـعد يـفتيهم حـتى صىل العرص فـانرصف إىل بـيته فـهام بـعد العرص يـغفر الـله لـعائـشة نـحن أعـلم بـرسـول الـله صىل الـله عـليه وسـلم مـن عـائـشة نهـى رسـول الـله شـيئا فـصال

الة بعد العرص [مسند احمد:21612] صىل الله عليه وسلم عن الص

The Prophet (s) taught him dua and encouraged him to memorize it

عن زيد بن ثابت أن النبي صىل الله عليه وسلم علمه دعاء وأمره أن يتعاهده ويتعاهد به أهله اللهم إين

ة النظر يف وجهك أسألك الرضا بعد القضاء وبرد العيش بعد الموت ولذوشوقا إىل لقاك [السنة:426]

Zaid bin Thabit said: The Prophet ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص taught him a Du`a and ordered him to be remember it and teach it to the family members also: O Allah! I ask You to make me pleased with that which You have decreed and for the coolness of life after death. And I askYou for the sweetness of looking upon Your face and a longing to meet You. - What a beautiful dua that we should also memorize. If we memorize it

then we can read it. At least write it and put it up somewhere so you can remember to say it.

- Ustadhah has shared that she has put up the dua ‘Rabbibni lee indaka baytan fil jannah’ - so as soon as she enters she sees it and remembers to make it. We forget, but we should overcome this weakness by reminding ourselves. Forgetting is not an excuse.

- In the dua: asking Allah for contentment with His decree: because there are so many things that happen against our will. And until we accept decree, we cannot be happy. Once we accept it, we can be at peace. WE ask Him for happiness after death, and the biggest blessing: seeing Allah’s Face and attaining His approval. Some people will be deprived from it. At the time of death the believer longs to meet Allah. And if a person has livedin disobedience then the frightening, harsh angels that will come at the time of death, the person will dislike to meet Allah.

Removed the doubts of people in the best wayء مـن الـقدر فأتـيت زيـد بـن ثـابـت فـسألـته فـقال سـمعت رسول الـله ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص يـقول لـو أن الـله يـلمي قـال وقـع يف نفيس يش عـن ابـن الـدبـهم غري ظـالـم لـهم ولـو رحـمهم كـانـت رحـمته لـهم خريا مـن أعاملهم ولـو كـان لـك جـبل أحـد ب أهـل سامواتـه وأهـل أرضـه لـعذ عـذأو مـثل جـبل أحـد ذهـبا أنـفقته يف سـبيل الـله مـا قـبله الـله مـنك حـتى تـؤمـن بـالـقدر وتـعلم أن مـا أصـابـك لـم يـكن ليخـطئك وأن مـا

أخطأك لم يكن ليصيبك وأنك إن مت عىل غري هذا دخلت النار [مسند احمد:21611]

It was narrated that Ibn Dailami said: "I was confused about Divine Decree (Qadar). So I went to Zaid bin Thabit and asked him. He said- We read this hadith yesterday also. Every companion that he went to

gave him the same response that satisfied him and removed his doubt.

: 'If Allah were to punish the inhabitants of His heavens and of his earth, He would do so and He would not be unjust towards them. And if He were to have mercy on them, His mercy would be better for them than their own deeds. If you had the Uhad Mount or equivalent of Mount Uhud which you spent in the cause of Allah, that would not be accepted from you until you believed in the Divine Decree and you know that whatever has befallen you, could not have passed you by; and whatever has passed you by, could not have befallen you; and that if you were to die believing anything other than this, you would enter Hell.

Taught others the knowledge of hadithء سـألـه عـنه فـقمت إلـيه اعـة إال ليش أن زيـد بـن ثـابـت خـرج مـن عـند مروان نـحوا مـن نـصف الـنهار فـقلنا مـا بـعث إلـيه الـس الـله فـسألـته فـقال أجـل سـألـنا عـن أشـياء سـمعتها مـن رسول الـله ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصسـمعت رسول الـله صىل الـله عـليه وسـلم يـقول نرضه رب حـامـل فـقه لـيس بـفقيه ورب حـامـل فـقه إىل مـن هـو أفـقه مـنه رأ سـمع مـنا حـديـثا فـحفظه حـتى يـبلغه غريه فـإنـ امـثـالث خـصال ال يـغل عـليهن قـلب مسـلم أبـدا إخالص الـعمل لـله ومـناصـحة والة األمـر ولـزوم الجـامعـة فـإن دعوتـهم تـحيط نـيا وهـي راغـمة ومـن كـانـت نـيته ه اآلخرة جـمع الـله شـمله وجـعل غـناه يف قـلبه وأتـته الـد مـن ورائـهم وقـال مـن كـان هـمالة الـوسـطى وهـي نـيا إال مـا كـتب لـه وسـألـنا عـن الـص نـيا فرق الـله عـليه ضـيعته وجـعل فـقره بني عـينيه ولـم يـأتـه مـن الـد الـد

الظهر [مسند احمد:21590]

At one occasion he was asked by Marwan about some matters, so Zaid (r) narrated some hadith to him. He asked asked about this later and he said, I heard the MEssenger of Allah (s) say, May Allah keep the face of that person fresh - who narrates from us something exactly as he heard.

Ensured that people followed the sunnah

عـن مـروان بـن الـحكم قـال قـال يل زيـد بـن ثـابـت مـا لـك تـقرأ يف الـمغرب بـقصار وقـد سـمعت الـنبي صىل الـله عـليه وسـلم يقرأ بطوىل الطوليني [صحیح البخاری:764]

Narrated Marwan bin Hakam, he said: Zaid bin Thabit said to me, "Why do you recite very short Surahs in the Maghrib prayer while I heard the Prophet (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) reciting the longer of the two long Surahs”- - we should not always recite short surahs in maghrib, it is sunnah to

recite longer surahs in maghrib also.

اخالق و صفات Good manners and Qualities

An important position amongst the scribes of wahyقال عبد الله قرأت من يف رسول الله ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصسبعني سورة وإن زيد بن ثابت له ذؤابة يف الكتاب [مسند احمد:4218]

One who respected the elderlyرجـله فـنزع رأسـه فـقال عـن زيـد بـن ثـابـت:أن عـمر بـن الخـطاب جـاءه يسـتأذن عـليه يـومـا،فـأذن لـه ورأسـه يف يـد جـاريـة لـه تـ

عمر:دعها ترجلك فقال:يا أمري املؤمنني!لو أرسلت إيل جئتك فقال عمر:إمنا الحاجة يل".[صحیح األدب املفرد: 1302]

Zaid ibn Thabit reported that 'Umar ibn Khattab came to him one day and asked fot permission. He gave him permission while his head was in the hands of a slavegirl of his who was combing his hair. He drew away his head and 'Umar said to him, 'Let her comb it.' He said, 'Amir al-Mu'minin, if you were to send for me, I would have come to you.' ''Umar said, 'It is my need.’- - The humility of the companions: They never dealt with others by

their positions only. they never behaved as if they were superior to others because of their position / status.

Accepted his faultعـن طـاوس قـال كـنت مـع ابـن عـباس إذ قـال لـه زيـد بـن ثـابـت أنـت تـفتي أن تـصدر الـحائـض قـبل أن يـكون آخـر عهـدهـا ـا ال فسـل فـالنـة األنـصاريـة هـل أمرهـا بـذلـك الـنبي صىل الـله بـالـبيت قـال نـعم قـال فـال تـفت بـذلـك فـقال لـه ابـن عـباس إم

عليه وسلم فرجع إليه زيد بن ثابت يضحك ويقول ما أراك إال قد صدقت [مسند احمد:3256]

Tawus reported: I was in the company of Ibn Abbas when Zaid bin Thabit said: Do you give religious verdict that the woman who is in menses is allowed to go without performing the last Tawaf of the House? He said: Yes and (Zaid) said: Not to give this Fatwa. Ibn `Abbas said to him: Ask such and such woman of the Ansar that if the

Prophet (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) had commanded her this? Zaid bin Thabit came to (Ibn `Abbas) while smiling and said that I believe you to be truthful.- He smiled and accepted his fault. This is also from humility.

Understood matters very well رسـول الـله صىل الـله عـليه وسـلم قـام خـطباء األنـصار فـجعل مـنهم مـن يـقول يـا معرش عـن أيب سـعيد الخـدري قـال لام تـويفالـمهاجـريـن إن رسول الـله صىل الـله عـليه وسـلم كـان إذا اسـتعمل رجـال مـنكم قرن مـعه رجـال مـنا فرنى أن ييل هـذا األمـر رجـالن ول الـله صىل الـله عـليه أحـدهام مـنكم واآلخـر مـنا قـال فـتتابـعت خـطباء األنـصار عىل ذلـك قـال فـقام زيـد بـن ثـابـت فـقال إن رســا اإلمـام يـكون مـن الـمهاجـريـن ونـحن أنـصاره كام كـنا أنـصار رسول الـله صىل الـله عـليه وسـلم فـقام وسـلم كـان مـن الـمهاجـريـن وإمن

أبو بكر فقال جزاكم الله خريا من حي يا معرش األنصار وثبت قائلكم [مسند احمد:21617]

At the death of the PRophet (s), some Ansar suggested that there should be two Khalifahs: one from the muhajireen and one from the Ansar. There was minor dispute over this. Zaid stood up and said, the Prophet (s) was from the Muhajirren so the Khalifah will be from the Muhajireen also. We supported the Prophet (S) and we will continue to support his Khalifah also. - In this manner, he beautifully resolved the dispute.

Businessmanقـال زيـد بـن ثـابـت قـدم رسول الـله صىل الـله عـليه وسـلم الـمديـنة ونـحن نـتبايـع الثامر قـبل أن يـبدو صالحـها فـسمع رسول مـان والـقشام فـقال رسول الـله صىل الـله عـليه وسـلم خـصومـة فـقال مـا هـذا فـقيل لـه هؤالء ابـتاعوا الثامر يـقولون أصـابـنا الـد

الله صىل الله عليه وسلم فال تبايعوها حتى يبدو صالحها [مسند احمد:21662]

Zaid bin Thabit said, "In the lifetime of Allah's Messenger (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص), the people used to trade, before the ripening of the fruits. Once a sort of this case was brought, for the hearing of Prophet ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص. So he asked: What is the matter? It was told that the people had purchased the fruit and now they are saying that they got the rotten and useless fruit. Allah's Messenger (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) said, "Do not sell the fruits before their benefit is evident.

His beautiful manner of writing lettersعـن أيب الزنـاد أنـه أخـذ هـذه الـرسـالـة مـن خـارجـة بـن زيـد ومـن كرباء آل زيـد:بـسم الـله الرحـمن الرحـيم لـعبد الـله؛ مـعاويـة أمري املؤمنني، مـن زيـد بـن ثـابـت، سالم عـليك أمري املؤمنني ورحـمة الـله ؛ فـإين أحـمد إلـيك الـله الـذي ال إلـه إال هـو. أمـا بـعد: فـإنـك تـسألـني عـن مرياث الجـد واإلخوة… فذكـر الـرسـالـة ونـسأل الـله الهـدى والـحفظ والـتثبت يف أمرنـا كـله، ونـعوذ بـالـله أن

نضل، أو نجهل، أو نكلف ما ليس لنا بعلم، والسالم عليك أمري املؤمنني ورحمة الله وبركاته ومغفرته [األدب املفرد:865]

Ibn Abu Zinad said that he got this letter from Kharija bin Zaid and from the great members of the family of Zaid: In the Name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the Most بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم " Merciful. To the slave of Allah, Mu'awiya, the Amir al-Mu'minin, from Zaid bin Thabit, Peace be upon you, Amir al-Mu'minin, and the mercy of Allah. I praise Allah in front of you. - Usually we praise people for who they are, but here he praises Allah

before the Khalifah. There is no god but Him. Following on from that, you asked me about the inheritance of the grandfather and brothers (and he mentioned the letter). And we ask Allah for guidance, preservation and firmness in all our affairs. We seek refuge with Allah from being misguided or ignorant or taking on what we have no knowledge of. Peace be upon you, Amir al-Mu'minin, and the mercy of Allah and His blessings and His forgiveness. - What a beautiful letter: Praise, answer, dua.

His death The testimony of the companions regarding him

تـويف زيـد بـن ثـابـت سـنة 45 هـ يف عهـد مـعاويـة. وعـند مـوتـه قـال بـن عـباس :((لـقد دفـن الـيوم •

علم كثير )).وقال أبو هريرة : مات حرب األمة ! ولعل الله أن يجعل يف ابن عباس منه خلفا. Zaid bin Thabit died in the Caliph period of Mu`awiyah in 45 Hijri. Ibn `Abbas said at his death: Today a large knowledge has been buried in the dust. Abu Hurairah said: The scholar of this Ummah has died and may Allah replace him with Ibn `Abbas as a good replacement.- Because Ibn Abbas was also a great Scholar: Hibrul Ummah.


ثنا شعبة عن قتادة عن أنس ثنا يحيى حد ار حد د بن بش ثني محم 3810 - حدريض الله عنه جمع القرآن عىل عهد النبي صىل الله عليه وسلم أربعة كلهم من

األنصار أيب ومعاذ بن جبل وأبو زيد وزيد بن ثابت قلت ألنس من أبو زيد قال أحد عمومتي

Narrated Qatada: Anas said, "The Qur'an was collected in the lifetime of the Prophet (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) by four (men), all of whom were from the Ansar: Ubai, Mu`adh bin Jabal, Abu Zaid and Zaid bin Thabit." I asked Anas, "Who is Abu Zaid?" He said, "One of my uncles.”- So this shows us that at the time of the Prophet (s), the Quran was

already being preserved and recorded. - The word jama’a: Allah also promises in the Quran: إن علينا جمعه وقرآنه:

Indeed, upon Us is its collection [in your heart] and [to make possible] its recitation.

- How did this happen?- In the lifetime of the Prophet (S): The QUran was recited,

memorized, written. This was done by many companions, but especially these four companions from the Ansar.

- The Arabs paid a lot of attention to memorization: There are people even today who have memorized the entire Sahih Bukhari. They will memorize entire books. And this is not just limited to the Arabs. In African countries, the Shanaqitah (Shniqiti’s) teach their children books from a young age. And they give a lot of importance to memorization so they do not let their children eat sour foods, like oranges, because they say its affects the ability to memorize. This is an Islamic tradition that began in the lifetime of the Prophet (S), with the Quran

- These four companions and some others had completely memorized the Quran. Many had partially memorized. Hundreds of qurraa / huffaadh were martyred in one of the battles int he time of ABuBakr (r) because of whih the Quran was recorded in writing.

- AbuMusa (r) would recite very beautifully. He (s) said about him, he has been given an instrument from the instruments of the family of Dawud (a). MEaning, he recited beautifully.

- So the Quran was preserved in two ways:- In the hearts: through memorization- In the books: through writing

- At the age of 11, he was the scribe of the Prophet (s). He was an orphan, the Prophet (S) gave him such an important task. The Prophet (s) heard Quran from him, what an honour! we underestimate our children, they have the ability but we dont think this way.

- He did not just learn ilmul Faraid but he also recorded it in writing. It is so important to write.

- Dua for Ikhlas: say to Allah what you are saying to me regarding Ikhlas, ask in your own words.

- Your homework from today: You must memorize something, dua, a verse, hadith, etc. And review what you have memorized also. Your parents make you memorize when you are young, but what happens when we grow older? We stop reviewing even. So set some targets for yourself. Even if you can memorize a few surahs that would be excellent, you never know because of them you might be asked to recite and ascend.

- There is an affect of memorizing the Quran also: It is in books, but when it comes in your heart it will impact you.

- It sharpens the mind. - If a person can memorize the Quran, then learning other things is a

piece of cake. - One of the companions would recite the entire Quran daily, so the

Prophet (S) forbade him from that, and told him to read it in one month. Why? One of the reasons: you should do what you can continue to do for your entire life. IT is not good to do a lot of good deeds at one point in your life and then do nothing later. To remain steadfast.

- Very soon inshaAllah we will begin an Ijazah program at Alhuda also.

- When we memorize, we recite an ayah over and over again: This repetition will encourage, motivate and remind you to act upon it also.

- One big lesson, key point of his life: About every companion you should know one key point at least. About Zaid b. Thabit: That we should also develop expertise in the Quran, not just to be called an Alim, but to truly gain and benefit from its knowledge. We do have the time for Quran, give it its haq: This book is blessed: because of it you will have barakah in your time, health, childre, welath…. so give time to this Book.

- WE make time for useless talk, we should also find time for the Quran. Make time for it now.