Download - IFPTE petition results Contest for Northwest IFPTE VP ... · Society of Professional Engineering Employees in Aerospace International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers


Society of Professional Engineering Employees in Aerospace International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers (IFPTE) Local 2001 •

Salary charts online – p2

Good to know – Ed Wells – p3

Representing aerospace professionals with competence, integrity and action

Wichita training – p4

April 24, 2015 / No. 2226

Continued on page 2

IFPTE petition results

Contest for Northwest IFPTE VP positions

Members in the Northwest will soon get a ballot mailed to their home to vote for two SPEEA-Area vice presidents.

Northwest IFPTE VP candidates* (vote for two)

• Ryan Rule

• Jimmie Mathis

• Joel Funfar

Ballots will be mailed by May 13 and will be due at SPEEA by May 27. Donna Lehane ran unopposed for Midwest SPEEA-Area vice president.Based on the outcome of the Northwest vote, the SPEEA delegates will formally nominate and elect the SPEEA-Area IFPTE vice presi-dents at the convention in July. A total of 15 members submitted valid peti-tions and will be delegates at the convention.

Convention delegates• Roger Aisaka

• Mike Arrington

• David C. Baine

• Sandy Hastings

• Mohammed Riaz Khan

• Richard Mahoney

• Brent McFarlane

• Judy A. Mogan

• Dan C. Nowlin

• Daniel Peters

• Carrie Rule

• Ryan Rule

• Stan Sorscher

• Nikki Wagener

• Bob Wilkerson

The delegates will represent SPEEA at the convention, which draws hundreds of IFPTE members from across North America. The convention features workshops and training in addition to voting for Executive Council and other business.*Names listed in ballot order determined by the Tellers.

Members vote in Council Rep elections

SPEEA Northwest Tellers counted bal-lots April 22 and 24 to determine win-ners in nine districts with contested

races (results were not available for one dis-trict election at press time due to a change in ballot deadline) . For the Midwest and Spokane con-tested races, candidates withdrew, leav-ing other candidates unopposed in S-12 (Spirit AeroSystems) and W-10 (Triumph

Composite Systems). Vacancies – petitions due May 12If you’re interested in running for a vacant seat, and are eligible, submit your petition and candidate statement to [email protected] by Tuesday, May 12. All Midwest seats are filled.All SPEEA Council Reps will be seated for new two-year terms at the May 14 regional Council meetings.

Northwest Council Rep election results

District # of seats Candidate Vote count

A-10 2 Angel A. Leon 29

Clay F. Deshner 26

Bill Barrett 48

A-30 1 Michael Dickson 8

Douglas A. Brazeal 16

A-40 1 David C. Baine 27

Mike Arrington 9

Members to legislators: Incentives should protect jobs!Council Rep Tony Hickerson, center, talks with Rep. Gael Tarleton (D-Ballard) and Rep. Gerry Pollet (D-Kenmore) during a luncheon information session April 22 regarding the effort to tie Washington's tax incentives to jobs (HB 2147) and wages (HB 1786). More than 30 state representatives and senators stopped by the luncheon to talk with about one dozen SPEEA and IAM 751 members. The bills await action by the House Finance Committee. The effort to bring accountability to the aerospace tax incentive will likely extend into the Special Session.

SEATTLE HALL15205 52nd Ave S • Seattle, WA 98188

M-Th, 8 am to 5 pm • Fri, 8 am to 4:30 pmPhone: (206) 433-0991

1 (800) 325-0811

EVERETT HALL2414 106th St. SWEverett, WA 98204

M-F, 8 am to 4:30 pmPhone: (425) 355-2883

WICHITA HALL973 S Glendale St • Wichita, KS 67218

M-Th, 8:30 am to 5 pm • Fri, 8 am to 4:30 pmPhone: (316) 682-0262


Ryan Rule

Executive Director

Ray Goforth

Executive Board

Bob Wilkerson Treasurer

Jimmie Mathis Secretary

Joel Funfar NW Regional VP

Brent McFarlane NW Regional VP

Shannon Moriarty NW Regional VP

Keith Covert MW Regional VP

SPEEA Council Officers

Vacant Chair

Gordon Yip Treasurer

Theryl Johnson Secretary

Midwest Regional Council Officers

Mark Gayer Chair

Matthew Joyce Treasurer

Jo Miklos Secretary

Northwest Regional Council Officers

Dave Baine Chair

Carrie Rule Treasurer

Rebekah Hewitt Secretary

SPEEA Communications

Bill Dugovich Communications Director

Lori Dupuis Graphic Designer

Karen McLean Publications Editor

Amber Musselman Communications Support

[email protected]

2 • SPEEA NEWS / April 24, 2015 / No. 2226

Sign-up for home email

SPEEA-Boeing salary charts

ONLINEThe 2015 salary charts for the Prof

and Tech job codes at The Boeing Company are now online at www. See the drop-down menu for Member Tools. The charts, accessible to members only, are password-protected. A BEMSID is required for access. A summary of the data will be published in the May SPEEA Spotlite.Salary charts for Wichita engineers and professional and technical workers at Spirit AeroSystems will be published after the data is available.

Visibility table at Everett cafeteriaMore than 100 stopped by SPEEA’s visibility table dur-ing a recent lunch period at the Twin Towers in Everett. SPEEA activists handed out fliers, lanyards, buttons, pens and brochures. They also talked to members about becoming more involved. Activists included Council Reps Gail Evert, Ryan Huang, Ray Jensen, and Mike McWilliams, along with Area Rep Rich Mochow. If you’d like a visibility table in your area to help remind members SPEEA is in the workplace, email [email protected].

District # of seats Candidate Vote count

D-1 4 Kathy Low 76

Daniel R. Artz 51

Kerth Downs 45

Jim Lee 75

Phil Songcuan 36

Hugh Glaser 49

E-2 (recount) 1 Ray Jensen 14

Robert Sutton 43

E-12 (new) 1 Dan Torney 19

Tammy Haughey 20

E-30 2 James Applebee 18

Christopher J. Young 27

Lynn Burow 4

Desmond J. Eskridge 17

ES-10 1 Mohammed Khan 6

Bruce A. Liomin 13

R-20 2 Jeff rey L. Forbes 13

Dan Sergent 11

Deena Hougham 51

Charles Tatel 52

Northwest Council Rep election results continued from page 1


Puget Sound

See online calendar for details RSVP where you plan to attend


SPEEA NEWS / April 24, 2015 / No. 2226 • 3

SPEEA is on Facebook

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Spotlite to feature Ed Wells


The May SPEEA Spotlite will feature a package of stories about Ed Wells Partnership, a SPEEA-Boeing contract

benefit for Profs and Techs.

Good to know about Ed Wells Partnership• First-time users get top priority for classes

with waiting lists• No limit on number of courses, BENs,

book clubs • Limit on technical conference grants - one

every three years for Puget Sound, one every two years for Oregon, California and Utah

• On-hours classes and conferences require manager approval to pay for your time.

• 2015 course catalog online (Boeing intranet only) at

See to learn more about Ed Wells Partnership.

Executive Board mini-minutes - March 19 Attendees: Ryan Rule, Jimmie Mathis, Bob Wilkerson, Mike Hochberg, Joel Funfar, Brent McFarlane, Keith CovertCouncil officers: Mark Gayer, Dave Baine, Gordon YipGuests: Tom Buescher, Jeanette Fedele, Roger AisakaStaff: Ray Goforth, Robin Fleming, Steve Spyridis, Bob Brewer, Bob Rommel, Rich Plunkett, Matt Kempf, Bill Dugovich, Pauline Tamblyn, Chelsea Orvella

At their regular meeting, the Board:• Approved sending 16 members to

attend the 2015 IFPTE convention.• Approved the payment of $250 for

NOGLSTP 2015 dues.• Approved the procurement of 250

SPEEA visibility items. • Approved $1,500 for KANSEL 2015,

a Wichita non-profit leader in adult education.

Executive Board mini-minutes – April 2 Attendees: Ryan Rule, Jimmie Mathis, Bob Wilkerson, Brent McFarlane, Keith Covert, Joel FunfarCouncil: Mark Gayer, Gordon YipGuest: Michelle CooperStaff: Ray Goforth, Robin Fleming, Bob Brewer, Pauline Tamblyn, Steve Spyridis, Matt Kempf, Rich Plunkett, Bill DugovichAt their regular meeting, the Board:

• Approved SPEEA time for the follow-ing SPEEA members: Joel Funfar, Suzy Kamiya, Jim Lee, Jimmie Mathis, Brent McFarlane, Judy Mogan, Dan Nowlin and James Raskob to participate in the IFPTE 2015 Legislative Week.

• Appointed the following to the Executive Board committees:– Communications: Jimmie Mathis, Ryan

Rule, Shannon Moriarty and Keith Covert

– Finance: Bob Wilkerson, Shannon Moriarty, Keith Covert and Joel Funfar

– Grievance Review: Shannon Moriarty, Keith Covert, Joel Funfar and Brent McFarlane

– Legislative Action: Jimmie Mathis, Keith Covert, Joel Funfar and Brent McFarlane

– Organizing: Jimmie Mathis, Ryan Rule, Brent McFarlane and Joel Funfar

– Policy: Jimmie Mathis, Keith Covert and Bob Wilkerson

– Staff Negotiations: Ryan Rule, Bob Wilkerson and Brent McFarlane

Robert’s Rules of Order - Basic

Tuesday, May 12 at 5 p.m.SPEEA Tukwila

Wednesday, May 13 at 4:30 p.m.SPEEA Everett

Robert’s Rules of Order - Advanced

Tuesday, May 19 at 4:30 p.m.SPEEA Everett

SPEEA Tukwila date to be scheduled

Grievance HandlingTuesday, May 19 at 5 p.m.

SPEEA Tukwila from

Wednesday, May 27 at 4:30 p.m.SPEEA Everett

SPEEA benefits meeting/Spirit open enrollment

Tuesday, April 28IPB III Auditorium at 11:30 a.m.

and at SPEEA offi ce at 5 p.m.

Wednesday, April 29Nacelle Bldg., Room 200 at 11:30 a.m.

and at SPEEA offi ce at 5 p.m.

Spring Family FestSaturday, May 2 at noon

SBEA Lake, Wichita

Free - RSVP by April 29 – [email protected] or call (316) 682-0262. Bring your own lawn

chairs and fi shing equipment.

Hosted by the Midwest Membership Activities Committee (MAC)

Got the Speea App?iPhone–Kindle–Android



Week of April 27, 2015

Monday, Apr. 27 5:00 p.m. NW Legislative & Public Aff airsTuesday, Apr. 28 4:30 p.m. Women’s Advocacy CommitteeThursday, Apr. 30 4:00 p.m. Diversity Committee

Week of May 4, 2015

Tuesday, May 5 5:00 p.m. Leadership Development & TrainingWednesday, May 6 4:30 p.m. ACT CommitteeThursday, May 7 4:00 p.m. Executive Board

Week of May 11, 2015

Tuesday, May 12 4:30 p.m. Tellers CommitteeThursday, May 14 TBD Council Meeting

Week of April 27, 2015

No Meetings Scheduled

Week of May 4, 2015

Thursday, May 7 4:30 p.m. MW Membership Activities CommitteeThursday, May 7 6:00 p.m. Executive Board

Week of May 11, 2015

Thursday, May 14 4:30 p.m. Council Meeting

SPEEA NEWS / April 24, 2015 / No. 2226 • 4

Puget Sound staffing changesBob Rommel, SPEEA assistant executive director/contract administrator, and Dean Tudor, contract administrator are retiring. Due to the retirements and other depar-tures, SPEEA welcomes new contract administrators Tina Coggin, Jason Collette, Mike Hochberg and Brent Young. Dawn Hanks, receptionist and accounting support, is also leaving next month. Jessica Bonebright, SPEEA staff at Ed Wells Partnership, recently retired. Jerry DiLeonardo is the new SPEEA staff at Ed Wells as a program administrator.

Wichita training for activists

At a recent training, several SPEEA Council Reps and activists, includ-ing those who recently ‘stepped up,’

learned more about the roles and responsi-bilities of a Council Rep, Area Rep and the Executive Board. SPEEA will host other training sessions in Wichita with possible topics such as the

roles/responsibilities of Council and commit-tee officers and how to run a meeting with Robert’s Rules of Order.They also discussed having more in-depth training on particular issues such as a funda-mental understanding of the National Labor Relations Act and the Family Medical Leave Act.

Steve Spyridis, contract administrator and Leadership Development &Training Committee focal, led training in Wichita (shown above). The training was geared toward newer activists who recently ‘stepped up’ their involvement in SPEEA.

Teaming up for KANSEL

SPEEA members and their spouses/guests formed two teams at the 14th annu-al Trivia Night April 17 in support of

KANSEL, a non-profit focused on adult edu-cation. SPEEA was one of the sponsors of the fundraiser.The teams included: Aaron Kitterman, SPEEA Council Rep, his wife, Emily, Emily Forest, who will be a new Council Rep next month, and her husband, Doug, Dan Thurnau, member, and his wife, Karen, Pat Clough, Council Rep, and wife, Cyndi, Daryl Doshier, Council Rep, Sarah Calhoon, Sue Abbott (husband Joe Abbott is a Council Rep), and Miranda Lower. KANSEL is geared toward job skills, tutoring and support for those preparing for the exam to earn a Kansas high school diploma and those who are learning ‘survival’ English to participate more fully in the community.

Bob Rommel, left, with wife Irene, and past SPEEA presidents Tom McCarty and Craig Buckham.

Jessica Bonebright, right, with Maria Nelson, SPEEA co-director of Ed Wells Partnership.