Download - IEP 101 2015-2016. Before we get started you need to be reminded of why we are here and how important IEP’s are….

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IEP 1012015-2016

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Before we get started you need to be reminded of why we are here and how important IEP’s are….

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IEP Guidebook

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IEP Checklist

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IEP CHECKLIST 6 Weeks Before IEP Due Date:Email all service providers with 3-4 possible dates and times for annual IEP meetingStart new IEPEnter IEP date, check grade level and demographic information Reserve room if required by building administrator 5 Weeks Before IEP Due Date:Call parents and set date and time for IEP meetingSend Notice of Meeting home confirming date – Use the WebKIDSS form Send notice to all other members of the IEP team (LEA, Gen. Ed. tchr., SW, OT, PT, SLP…)Begin reviewing data collected during the year and the Progress Reports sent homeMeet with the student’s gen. ed. teachers to get their input on strengths, areas of need, appropriate accommodations/modifications After Meeting Date Has Been Confirmed:Students 14+ complete appropriate Transition Assessment for the year if it has not been completed – there is one on WebKIDSS under Forms or you can go to KSDE, as noted on the sample IEP. **Must be updated annually**

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Does My IEP Have…???

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Does My IEP Have……Initial Each Line:_______At least 3-5 Strengths about the student_______Parent Concerns noted or state “Parents expressed no concerns at this time.”_______Evaluation test results from School Psych under General Intellegence if this is an initial/reeval year_______I have PEER COMPARISON in Academic/Comm/Social Emotional sections (appropriate section for student)________Frequency/Location/Duration for ALL services, accommodations/modifications, and assistive technology________Frequency – when this accommodation/modification will be effective. EX: all test, all quizzes, writing assignments longer than half page, reading text longer than 1 page, etc…________Location – what class(es) this accommodation/modification will occur ________Duration – how long this accommodation/modification will be effective________Goals are measurable, use statement of what the student will do, contain 4 Benchmarks (the 4th will be the annual goal repeated), aligned with a KCCRS standard, contains a baseline, and tells how it will be measured_______Stated what subject areas the student will have accommodations on District Assessments_______Stated General Assessment, General Assessment with accommodations, Alternate Assessment has been chosen for state assessments If Alternate Assessment/DLM it is stated why appropriate – Student should be 1st %tile or lower on standardized test (School Psych will have this information) Accommodations/Modifications for all of the following assessments and used all year: Teacher test, Local, District and State Assessments match and are used all school year________Special Education Services, written out, MATCH the Service Chart

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Notice of Meeting Has…_______Been Completed in WebKIDSS_______Date sent home_______Day, Time, Location (school and room)_______Purpose of meeting checked_______Printed 2 copies (1 to send home and 1 to keep for the meeting date for parents to sign)_______IF there is not 10 day notice, Parents checked “Consent to waive 10 day notice” box AND signed the Notice of Meeting.  ***KSDE does NOT want the Waiving to be a standard practice, districts have been dinged when percent of these become TOO HIGH***Placement Form Has…________Been Completed in WebKIDSS________Date of meeting________Parent/student address________Reason for meeting marked________Box “C” checked if any change in service and appropriate box underneath – Change in Service <25% or Material Change in Service >25% of the total school day________Box “D” checked if any change in placement and appropriate box underneath – Change in Placement <25% or Material Change in Placement >25% of the total school day________Box “E” when all services stay the same and only PLAFFP and goals are updated (Boxes A-D will not need to be checked).   State under #1 -  “Update annual Academic Performance/or appropriate areas) and annual  goals to reflect the current demonstrated needs of the student.”________Parents checked “Give Consent” or “Do Not Give Consent” and signedStaffing Notes Contain…________Been Completed in WebKIDSS________Parent, LEA, General Education Teacher, Special Education Teacher, and other participants NAMES________Box checked for:  Parent Rights Offered, Accepted/Declined________Document SAVED________Document FILED

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What To About IEPs?The following slides are from the TASN IEP Boot Camp Presentation found at:

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Preparing for the IEP requires the right mix of…

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Gathering Information

Results of most recent evaluationResults of current assessmentsProgress monitoring dataSamples of student workBehavioral observationsImpact of instructional or behavioral strategiesImpact of accommodations and modificationsReports from parents


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Required Members of the IEP TEAM• Someone to interpret evaluation

results• Student, when appropriate• Others with special knowledge or

expertise about the child, including related services personnel as appropriate and transition services (e.g., outside agency) participants where relevant

• Parents/education advocate• Not less than one regular

education teacher of the child, if the child is or may be participating in the regular education environment

• Special education teacher • Qualified LEA representative


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Who can give consent for educational decisions?Parent is available:Natural (biological) parent(s): Notify both parents unless a court order precludes this from happening. Consent from one parent is sufficient.Adoptive parent(s): If adoption is not final, an education advocate is needed;Guardian: “Letters of Guardianship” issued by a court.Parent is unknown or unavailable (Person acting as a parent):Person Acting as a Parent: A person other than a parent who is legally responsible for the welfare of a child.Education Advocate: Appointment as education advocate completed Foster parent: If appointed as education advocate The student at age 18: At age 18 the student becomes his/her own educational decision-maker unless otherwise determined by a court


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Preparing Notice of Meeting

• Provide 10 calendar day notice• Date, Time, Location of meeting• Purpose of meeting• Titles or positions of people who will attend-

NOT NAMES• Inform Parent of right to invite individuals

whom parents believe to have knowledge or special expertise about their child

• Attempts of notifying, 3 tries by 2 different methods


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Developing a Vision for the Student


For students who need secondary transition planning, the students’ strengths, needs, preferences, and interests must be considered in the development of the IEP

There must be documentation that the parent’s concerns were considered when planning the IEP.

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Preparing for the IEP

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Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFPs)

3 types of information needed:• Current performance• Impact of the

exceptionality• Baseline data for identified



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PLAAFPsPresent Levels of Academic Achievement

& Functional Performance (PLAAFPs):a) are the way you identify and prioritize

needs andb) establish baseline performance in order

to develop an individualized and meaningful plan.

c) identify degree of match between skills & environment

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PLAAFPs Must Include



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(AND other performance skills)




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Learning Strengths Strengths and Weaknesses

Standardized Assessments Vocational/Career Interests

Instructional Preferences Skills related to Interests

Learning Rate Independent Living Skills

Social/emotional Issues



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2) IMPACT OF EXCEPTIONALITYWhich Standards are Appropriate Birth-6 Curriculum Measures

Instructional Level Routines-Based Assessments

Reading Level District Assessments

State Assessment Performance on Classroom Tests

How Behavior affects ability to progress or access general curriculum


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Linking to Standards

2) IMPACT OF EXCEPTIONALITYDescribe the degree of match between the student’s performance and the expectations of the standards.

This has to be determined for each academic domain: Reading, Math, Written Language, Science and Social Studies. For preschool, this will include information related to development.


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Words Read Correctly Mean Length of Utterances

Correct Responses Percent Correct

Number of Times Behavior Occurs Correct Math Problems

Correctly Answered Questions Running Records

Error Analysis



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Evaluating PLAAFPs


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Measurable Annual Goals


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There are many ways within the IEP to address needs identified in the PLAAFPS

— Non-Special Education Supports — Program Modifications— Supports for School Personnel— Assistive Technology— Supplementary Aids & Services— Positive Behavioral Supports— Transition Services— Related Services — Measurable Annual Goals for specially designed



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Measurable Annual Goals

Measurable Annual Goals describe the anticipated progress that will result from specially designed instruction the student will receive.


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Measurable Annual GoalCharacteristic #1

Based on data contained in the PLAAFP


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Measurable Annual GoalCharacteristic #2

Has 4 Components:

a. Behavior

b. Conditions

c. Criteria

d. Timeframe


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Measurable Annual GoalCharacteristic #3

Can pass the “Stranger Test”


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Measurable Annual GoalDevelopment Step 1

Identify and select a need from the PLAAFP.


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Measurable Annual GoalDevelopment Step 2

Consider the general education standards and curriculum for the student’s grade level

and age/grade expectations for other performance skills.


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Measurable Annual GoalDevelopment Step 3

Identify the performance to be measured.



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Measurable Annual GoalDevelopment Step 4

Specify how the progress toward the goal will be



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Measurable Annual GoalDevelopment Step 5

Determine to what level the behavior must occur.



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Measurable Annual GoalDevelopment Step 6

Specify amount of time that will be required for the student to attain the criterion.



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Goal: By April 30, 2014, given a mixed 4th grade level math calculation probe of 25 problems, Jeff will correctly solve 95% of all problems presented. What’s the behavior?What’s the criteria?What’s the condition?What’s the timeframe?



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What’s Missing?

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Measurable Annual Goals


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Documentation Required for AssessmentsFor a student with a disability who is NOT taking the regular state assessment, a statement on the student’s IEP must address:1)Why the student cannot participate in the regular state assessment. AND2)Why the DLMassessment is appropriate.


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Consider and document on the IEP which state assessment the student will take

• Student participation in the DLM is determined by the IEP team

• A student that takes the DLM must take the DLM assessment in all content areas

• DLM participation criteria:The student has a significant cognitive disabilityThe student is learning content linked to (derived

from) the KCCRSThe student requires extensive direct individualized

instruction and substantial supports to achieve measurable gains in the grade-and age-appropriate curriculum• Student’s participating in the DLM must have 4

benchmarks for each goal44

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Annual Goals



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Special Education Services

Related Services

Supplementary Aids and Services

Program Modifications

Supports for School Personnel



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Special EducationSpecial Education is specially designed instruction that meets the unique needs of a student with a disability and which ensures the student has access to and/or benefit from participation in the general education curriculum.


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Supplementary Aids and Services, and Other SupportsSupplementary Aids and Services, or other supports (including accommodations) are provided to the student with a disability in• the general education classroom, or• other education related settings, to enable the student to be educated with nondisabled peers to the maximum extent appropriate.


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Supplementary Aids and Services, and Other Supports: Accommodations

Accommodations are small changes in procedures that do NOT change what is being taught or measured.


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Supplementary Aids and Services, and Other Supports: Accommodations

REMEMBERIf a student uses an accommodation on a state assessment, that accommodation must be used in classroom instruction and assessment .


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Program ModificationsProgram Modifications are alterations in procedures that DO CHANGE what is being taught or measured.


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Supports for School Personnel

Supports for school personnel are professional development or training for staff members that is beyond what is provided to all staff. • consultation with an itinerant teacher, • learning a communication program that the

student uses, • materials, and • modifications to the environment.


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Supports for School Personnel

Remember:If a student has supports for school personnel identified on his/her IEP, the types of training and/or supports need to be documented on the student’s IEP, with projected starting date, and frequency, location, and duration.


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The law mandates that a student’s IEP MUST have the:FrequencyLocationDurationProjected date for beginning of serviceExtent to which the student with disabilities will not participate in instruction

with his/her nondisabled peers in the regular classFor all:1)Special Education Services,2)Related Services, 3)Supplementary Aids and Services4)Program Accommodations, 5)Program Modifications, and6)Supports for School Personnel

Frequency, Duration, and Location


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Identifying Frequency, Location, Duration, Start Date and Extent

Johnny will receive reading and writing instruction in the resource room each day during the language arts block. He will not be participating with his peers in the 4th grade classroom during this block since he will be receiving individualized instruction in the resource room.


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Service Decisions

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Special Factors/Considerations


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Considerations by the IEP team that must be documented (but not necessarily on the IEP)

Strengths of the ChildConcerns of the Parents for enhancing the education of their child Results of the Initial Evaluation or most recent Reevaluation Academic, Developmental and Functional Needs of the ChildBehavioral ConcernsLimited English ProficiencyBraille (for children with disabilities)Communication Needs of all Children with ExceptionalitiesCommunication Needs of Children who are Deaf/Hard of Hearing Assistive Technology (for children with disabilities) Extended School Year (for children with disabilities)Notification to Kansas Rehabilitation Services (for children with disabilities) Physical Education Needs (for children with disabilities)Placement Determined AnnuallyPotential Harmful Effects (for children with disabilities)


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We are going to focus on these two Special Factors(i) positive behavioral interventions, supports, or strategies to address behavior (in the case of students whose behavior impedes learning or the learning of others);

(v) needs for assistive technology devices and services.


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Behavior Intervention Plan

• If the behavior is impeding the learning of the student and/or peers:– Specify intervention strategies, including positive

behavioral interventions, strategies, and supports– Use a BIP to specify the strategies needed to address

the behavior that is impeding learning• Understand the function of the behavior• Describe the environmental changes that are needed• Describe the functionally equivalent behavior that

needs to be taught– Attach the BIP to the IEP as a supplementary aid and

support to maintain the LRE


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Behavior Intervention Plan and ESI Issues

An Emergency Safety Intervention should not be a planned intervention for a specific student under foreseeable circumstances. This means an ESI would not be a part of a Behavior Intervention Plan. The BIP should focus on planned interventions designed to prevent the need for use of an ESI.If you’re planning for it, it means you can see it coming. If you can see it coming, every effort should be made for prevention.


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Needs for Assistive Technology Devices and ESI Issues

Any assistive technology device that is a type of supplementary aids and services must be documented on the IEP.

Mechanical restraint means any device or object used to limit a student’s movement. It is prohibited unless ordered by a person appropriately licensed to issue the order for the device, for a specific student.

Consider these questions:Does the device/equipment limit the student’s movement?Has the device/equipment been ordered for use by a person appropriately licensed to issue the order?Is the device/equipment being used in a way that is consistent with the orders for use?


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What are the greatest IEP issues for Kansas?Was the notice of the IEP meeting given to the parents

(and student if 18 years or older) at least 10 calendar days before the IEP meeting?

Did an LEA representative attend the IEP meeting?Does the IEP include the projected date for the

beginning of services, including special education services, related services,

and supplementary aids and services; program accommodations; modifications; and/or supports for school personnel?

Does the IEP include the anticipated frequency, location, and duration of services and modifications?


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What are other IEP problems for Kansas?Providing a laundry list of accommodations and failing to describe frequency, location, and duration for each accommodation listed.For example: when is “extended time” allowed?Have you described this with sufficient specificity that parents and teachers agree on how/when/where/under what circumstances the accommodation of “extended time” is used?

Failing to write measurable post-secondary goalsFailing to write measurable goals for students identified as gifted


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Oh no!!!! It’s time for my first IEP of the year!!! How do I start it???

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How to Start A New IEP

• Go to the• Click on the WebKIDSS word at the top of the page- I made

this a favorite so I could skip steps in the future.• Log In to WebKIDSS

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How To Start An Annual IEPOn your home page of WebKIDSS, after you have logged in, you will choose Edit IEP StudentsChoose the student name from the drop box that will appear on the page you are taken to.

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Select the Student’s name that you want to add an IEP too.

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You will choose the 3rd button on the right side. It says: Add New/Amendment IEP Record

If Amending – choose the 3rd button on the bottom – Add Amendment IEP

If Starting NEW IEP – choose middle button – Add New IEP

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Put the date of the IEP meeting, as confirmed with parents, and Initiation Date as that day or the following day.

Click Add IEP button

Use the Forms on WebKIDSS for your Notice of Meeting, Placement Form, and Staffing Notes. To do this you will click on the dropdown menu and select Enter IEP Forms Data

Next click on the dropdown menu and select ***Select a Form***

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The forms you will use, as a Special Education Teacher are:• Notice of Meeting• Notice of Meeting Parent 2 will print

the names and addresses in column 2 of the Demographic page

• Placement Form• Staffing Notes (for note taker to take

notes during the meeting)• Summary of Performance (can be

used for students that are graduating)• Transportation Request (if the student

is one that requires special transportation)

• IEP• Consent to Invite Non-School

Members to IEP• ECO – Early Childhood Outcomes• Medicaid Parental Consent• AND MORE

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Notice of Meeting Form (Steps to fill out any form): You will type ALL required information on this form. Some information is automatically imported from the IEP and you will double-check the accuracy of the information.

If the parent agrees to waive 10-day notice by phone, you may check the box for Consent to Waive 10 day Notice before parent signs (3rd box under ACKNOWLEDMENT)

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Complete the Placement Form with information that is not automatically filled in

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At the meeting, have a person take notes on the WebKIDSS form (you will need your computer at the meeting for this). Make sure the following is completed:• All persons there typed in• Box checked for Parent

Rights Offered• Box checked for Accepted

or Declined• Purpose of Meeting stated

(annual IEP, Amendment, 3 year reeval, Initial Eval and IEP, etc…)

• What was discussed? If the student is 14+ make sure to note Transition Plan discussed.

• Their name as note taker

• If you rather do this in handwritten form, print this form and then GO FOR IT.

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What Forms Must I Have?

For any IEP meeting you must have:● Notice of Meeting (with @ least 10

days notice)● Placement Form● Staffing Notes● Signature page from the IEP

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What Is In The Resource Section?

1. IEP Checklists2. Indicator 13 Checklist3.Present Level Information4.Annual Goal Information5.Accommodation/Modification

Information6.Helpful Websites