

Cooperative Jamming for Secure Communications inMIMO Relay Networks

Jing Huang, Student Member, IEEE, and A. Lee Swindlehurst, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—Secure communications can be impeded by eaves-droppers in conventional relay systems. This paper proposescooperative jamming strategies for two-hop relay networks wherethe eavesdropper can wiretap the relay channels in both hops. Inthese approaches, the normally inactive nodes in the relay net-work can be used as cooperative jamming sources to confuse theeavesdropper. Linear precoding schemes are investigated for twoscenarios where single or multiple data streams are transmittedvia a decode-and-forward (DF) relay, under the assumption thatglobal channel state information (CSI) is available. For the case ofsingle data stream transmission, we derive closed-form jammingbeamformers and the corresponding optimal power allocation.Generalized singular value decomposition (GSVD)-based securerelaying schemes are proposed for the transmission of multipledata streams. The optimal power allocation is found for the GSVDrelaying scheme via geometric programming. Based on this result,a GSVD-based cooperative jamming scheme is proposed thatshows significant improvement in terms of secrecy rate com-pared to the approach without jamming. Furthermore, the caseinvolving an eavesdropper with unknown CSI is also investigatedin this paper. Simulation results show that the secrecy rate isdramatically increased when inactive nodes in the relay networkparticipate in cooperative jamming.

Index Terms—Interference, jamming, physical layer security,relay networks, secrecy, wiretap channel.


S ECURITY is an important concern in wireless networksdue to their vulnerability to eavesdropping. Traditionally,

security is viewed as an issue addressed above the physical(PHY) layer, and all widely used cryptographic protocols aredesigned and implemented assuming the physical layer hasalready been established and provides an error-free link [1].However, higher-layer key distribution and management maybe difficult to implement and vulnerable to attack in complexenvironments such as ad-hoc or relay networks, in whichtransceivers may join or leave randomly [2], [3]. Therefore,there has recently been considerable interest in physical layer

Manuscript received October 31, 2010; revised February 08, 2011 and April21, 2011; accepted June 19, 2011. Date of publication July 05, 2011; date of cur-rent version September 14, 2011. The associate editor coordinating the reviewof this manuscript and approving it for publication was Prof. Huaiyu Dai. Thiswork was supported by the U.S. Army Research Office under the Multi-Uni-versity Research Initiative (MURI) Grant W911NF-07-1-0318. The material inthis paper was presented at the IEEE GLOBECOM 2010 and at ICASSP 2011.

The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Com-puter Science, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697 USA (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]).

Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available onlineat

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSP.2011.2161295

security, which explores the characteristics of the wirelesschannel to improve wireless transmission security.

The theoretical basis of this area was laid by Wyner, who in-troduced the wiretap channel and demonstrated that when theeavesdropper’s channel is a degraded version of the channel ofthe legitimate receiver, the transmitter can send secret messagesto the destination while keeping the eavesdropper from learninganything about the message [4]. The notion of secrecy capacitywas introduced and defined as the maximum achievable trans-mission rate of confidential information from the source to its in-tended receiver. Later, Csiszár and Körner generalized Wyner’sapproach by considering the transmission of secret messagesover broadcast channels [5]. Recently, considerable research hasexamined secrecy in wiretap channels with multiple antennas[6]–[14]. In particular, the secrecy capacity of the multiple-inputmultiple-output (MIMO) wiretap channel has been fully char-acterized in [10], [11]. With the additional degrees of freedomprovided by multi-antenna systems, transmitters can generateartificial noise to degrade the channel condition of the eaves-dropper while maintaining little interference to legitimate users[13]–[16].

As a natural extension, approaches for physical layer securityhave also been investigated in cooperative relaying networks[17]–[22]. In these cases, relays or even destinations can beused as helpers to provide jamming signals to confuse the eaves-dropper. This approach is often referred to as cooperative jam-ming. In [20], a noise-forwarding strategy is introduced for afour-terminal relay-eavesdropper channel where the full-duplexrelay sends codewords independent of the secret message toconfuse the eavesdropper. A two-stage cooperative jammingprotocol is investigated in [14], where multiple relay nodes actas an extension of the single-antenna source node. In this work,the “relays” only play the role of a helper and do not relay theinformation signals. In [21], three cooperative schemes are pro-posed for a single-antenna relay network, and the correspondingrelay weights and power allocation strategy are derived to en-hance the secrecy for the second hop. An optimal beamformingdesign for decode-and-forward (DF) relays is investigated in[22], but only the scenario where the eavesdropper wiretaps justthe link between the relay and destination is considered.

Unlike the aforementioned work, this paper proposes coop-erative jamming strategies for a half-duplex two-hop wirelessMIMO relay system in which the eavesdropper can wiretap thechannels during both transmission phases. Cases involving bothsingle and multiple data stream transmissions are investigated.Due to the lack of “outer” helpers, the source, relay and desti-nation must rely on themselves for jamming support. This ap-proach guarantees that the eavesdropper is jammed whether it

1053-587X/$26.00 © 2011 IEEE



is close to the source or the destination. In the proposed coop-erative jamming strategies, the source and the destination nodesact as temporary helpers to transmit jamming signals during thetransmission phases in which they are normally inactive. Wedefine two types of cooperative jamming schemes, full coop-erative jamming (FCJ) and partial cooperative jamming (PCJ),depending on whether or not both the transmitter and the tem-porary helper transmit jamming signals at the same time.

We focus on the design of linear precoding schemesthroughout the paper, and begin with a simple scenario wherethe relay has only a single antenna. In this case, we investigatethe joint design of the jamming beamformer and the powerallocation for two optimization problems: (1) maximizing thesecrecy rate with certain power constraints, and (2) minimizingthe transmit power with a fixed target secrecy rate. Since ajoint optimization of the beamformers and power allocationis in general intractable even if global CSI is available, weuse a suboptimal zero-forcing constraint that the jamming andinformation signals lie in orthogonal subspaces when receivedby the legitimate nodes, and we derive closed-form expressionsfor the jamming beamformers. Based on these results, we findthe optimal solution for the power allocation by utilizing themethod of geometric programming (GP). Then we expand thescope to study the scenario where all nodes have multiple an-tennas, and multiple data streams are transmitted via the relay.A generalized singular value decomposition (GSVD)-based co-operative jamming scheme is proposed and the correspondingpower allocation strategy is discussed. Unlike the single datastream case that uses a zero-forcing constraint, the cooperativeGSVD-based jamming method will not in general producejamming signals that are orthogonal to the desired signal.

Another important consideration is the availability of theeavesdropper’s CSI. If the CSI of the eavesdropper is known,(for example, if the eavesdropper is another active user in thewireless network), the transmitter can optimize its beamformerto enhance the information transmission to intended nodeswhile suppressing or even eliminating the leakage to eaves-droppers. However, in some cases (e.g., passive eavesdroppers),it is impractical to assume known CSI for the eavesdroppers.Since the secrecy rate can not be optimized without knowledgeof the eavesdropper’s CSI, we will follow the approach of[15], [23]–[25], where the transmitter first allocates part of itsresources to guarantee a fixed target rate, and then uses theremaining resources to jam the eavesdropper.

The organization of the paper is as follows. Section II de-scribes the system model considered throughout the paper. InSection III, the cooperative jamming schemes, including thejamming beamformer design and power allocation, is investi-gated when the eavesdropper’s CSI is known. Both single andmultiple data stream transmissions are considered in this sec-tion. Secure relaying under the assumption of unknown eaves-dropper’s CSI is studied in Section IV. The performance ofthe proposed cooperative jamming schemes are discussed inSection V, and conclusions are drawn in Section VI.

The following notation is used in the paper: denotesexpectation, the matrix transpose and the Hermitiantranspose. represents the Euclidean norm, is the abso-lute value, denotes , is the trace operator,

Fig. 1. Relay scenario.

represents the null space, and is an identity matrix of ap-propriate dimension.


We consider a two-phase four-terminal relay system com-posed of a source (Alice), a destination (Bob), a DF relaynode and an eavesdropper (Eve), as shown in Fig. 1. Themessage from Alice is uniformly distributed over the messageset , where denotes the source rate in bitsper channel use. The confidential message is randomly mappedto a length- source codeword and the Relay encodermaps its received signal to codeword , where and

are length-n input alphabets.All nodes are assumed to be half-duplex, i.e., a two-hop time

division multiple access system is considered. Alice transmitsin the first phase while the relay listens, and relay transmits inthe second phase. We assume there is no direct communicationlink between Alice and Bob, except perhaps for some low-ratecontrol or channel state information, and thus Alice and Bobmust rely on two-phase transmissions through the relay. Thisis a reasonable assumption in the type of scenarios where di-rect high-rate communication is too “expensive” in terms of thegiven power constraints, but low-rate control information canstill be exchanged [19]. When Alice transmits a jamming signal,however, its impact on Bob’s received signal must be takeninto account. All nodes in general have multiple antennas. Thenumber of antennas possessed by Alice, Bob, the Relay and Eveare denoted by , , and , respectively. In part of thepaper, we will explicitly consider scenarios where the Relay hasonly a single antenna. We restrict attention to scenarios whereall nodes (including the eavesdropper) employ linear precodingand receive beamforming.

A. Relay Transmission

In the first phase, Alice transmits the information signal to theRelay. Both the Relay and Eve will receive the signal as



where is the information signal vector transmitted by Alice,is the transmit beamformer used

by Alice, and we assume , ,and represents the number of data streams



to be transmitted. The terms and represent naturally oc-curring noise at the Relay and Eve, respectively. For simplicity,we assume that the noise vectors at all nodes are Gaussian withcovariance . In general, represents the channelmatrix from node to , with denoting whichof the four terminals is involved. These channel matrices arefixed over both hops. The signal received by Bob and Eve in thesecond transmission phase can be expressed as



where is the signal vector transmitted by the Relay,is the transmit beamformer used by the Relay,

and represent the noise vectors at Bob and Eve.There is a transmit power constraint on both phases, i.e.,

and . We assume a repeti-tion-coding scheme, where is simply a scaled version of .In particular, we assume and , where

and are diagonal power loading matricesthat ensure the power constraints are met.

B. Cooperative Jamming

In the most general case, the signals transmitted by Alice inthe first phase may contain both information and jamming sig-nals, and Bob may also transmit jamming signals at the sametime. Thus the signals received by the Relay and Eve in the firstphase will be given by



where and are jamming signal vectors transmitted by Aliceand Bob, respectively, and and are the correspondingtransmit beamformers. In this paper, and could be chosento project the jamming signals on the subspace orthogonal tothe information signals, or they could allow a small amount ofinterference leakage to the legitimate receiver while producingmore interference power at Eve, as will be discussed when theGSVD-based transmission strategy is used. We refer to the casewhere both and as full cooperative jamming(FCJ). If either of them is zero, we refer to it as partial coop-erative jamming (PCJ). FCJ will not be considered in the sce-nario where Eve’s CSI is known, since in this case splitting thepower between data and jamming signals at Alice is known tobe suboptimal. However, when Eve’s CSI is known, we will stillstudy the PCJ scheme where Bob uses part of the global transmitpower to produce jamming signals. When Eve’s CSI is not avail-able, FCJ should be used, as will be discussed in Section IV.

In phase 2, the signals received by Bob and Eve are given by



where is the information signal vector of the Relay withtransmit beamformer , and are jamming signal vec-tors transmitted by the Relay and Alice, respectively, andand are their corresponding transmit beamformers. Note

that, although there is no direct link for the information signal,Bob still sees the jamming signal from Alice. For a global powerconstraint, we have

We will also investigate scenarios with individual powerconstraints, i.e. , ,

, and .

C. Performance Metric

MIMO wiretap channels have been extensively analyzed inrecent work, and the achievable secrecy rate has been shown tobe [10], [11]


where is the mutual information from the source to the des-tination, is the mutual information from the source to theeavesdropper, and the maximum is taken over all possible inputcovariance matrices. For the half-duplex two-hop relay channel,the achievable secrecy rate was found in [26] to satisfy the sameexpression as in (9), where amplify-and-forward, decode-and-forward, and compress-and-forward relaying modes were all in-vestigated. Equation (9) was also used as a performance metricto evaluate cooperative jamming schemes for half-duplex relaynetworks in [21]. In general, to obtain the maximum secrecyrate, one must construct an optimal coding scheme, althoughpotentially suboptimal Gaussian codebooks are assumed in [8],[21], [26]. In Section III, we will follow the convention adoptedin [21], [26] and use (9) as our metric for evaluating the achiev-able secrecy rate, assuming Gaussian inputs. Note that (9) wasshown to be valid for both independent and repetition codebooks[26], although we will only focus on repetition coding (e.g. [27]and [28]) at the relay since independent codebooks are expectedto result in smaller secrecy rates when the encoding schemes andrelay protocols are public information [26].

The discussion above applies to the cases where the eaves-dropper’s CSI is known or at least partially known (e.g. thecase where only statistical channel knowledge is available andergodic secrecy rate is studied [8], [29]). However, when theeavesdropper’s CSI is completely unavailable, (9) may not rep-resent an achievable secrecy rate. Some recent progress has beenmade on finding expressions for the achievable secrecy rate incertain scenarios where the eavesdropper’s CSI is completelyunknown [30], but the derivation of such an expression for therelay network considered here is still an open problem. Nonethe-less, the difference in the mutual information between the de-sired receiver and the eavesdropper is still a valid metric forevaluating the relative security of competing physical layer ap-proaches. While the transmission parameters cannot be chosento optimize (9) when the eavesdropper’s CSI is unknown, theapproach of [15], [24], [25] can be followed in which attentionis restricted to obtaining a certain desired QoS for the legiti-mate receiver, and then finding a robust strategy for using theremaining resources to jam potential eavesdroppers. This is theapproach adopted in Section IV, with (9) as the performancemetric.




In this section, we assume that Eve’s CSI (ECSI) is availableto the relay network. We will begin with the simple case wherethe Relay is equipped with only a single antenna, then a morecomplicated scenario with a MIMO relay will be investigated.

A. Single Data Stream Relaying

We begin by assuming a single-antenna DF relay ,where only one data stream can be transmitted via the Relay.Under the PCJ approach, the signals received in each phase canbe expressed as






where , , ,and . This is the PCJ form of (5)–(8) with

and . Since in this case, we can de-sign such that the jamming signals are completely nulledat the Relay, i.e., . For the transmit beamformerin the first phase, we choose the generalized eigenvector of thepencil with the largest gener-alized eigenvalue, which achieves the secrecy capacity for thesingle-hop MISO wiretap channel[13]. For the second phase,we design such that is orthogonal to the one-dimen-sional signal subspace , so that the jamming does notimpact Bob’s reception of the information signal.

1) Maximum Secrecy Rate With Power Constraints: Next, wewill discuss the design of the jamming beamformers and powerallocation for maximizing the secrecy rate under both globalpower constraints ( in the first phase and

in the second phase) and individual power constraints.For a two-hop DF-based relay channel, the mutual informationbetween Alice and Bob through the relay link can be written as[31]


where appears because the relay transmission is divided intotwo stages, and is the SINR at node for the signal fromnode . Eve receives data during both phases, and the mutualinformation is


Thus, the secrecy rate can be expressed as


(16)Since the rate of the relay link is limited by the SINR of theinferior phase, for a single data stream the transmit power forAlice and the Relay should be adjusted such that for

power efficiency. Thus will be usedas the objective function in the remainder of this section, as aresult of the power adjustment.

We assume Eve uses beamformers and to receive thesignals from Alice and the Relay in the first and second phases,respectively



and we assume that Eve can compute the beamformers whichyield the best SINR



where and . With theabove assumptions, the secrecy rate can be written as






and we aim to find the joint optimal solution for the jammingbeamformers , the covariance matrices , andthe transmit power vector in order tomaximize the secrecy rate .

We will first consider optimizing the jamming beamformersand covariance matrices. For and , the problem of min-imizing the SINR at Eve can be written as



Although problem (25) can be formulated as a semidefinite pro-gram (SDP) that can be solved efficiently (see Appendix A),we can not directly obtain an analytical solution that is usefulfor optimizing the global power allocation. Therefore, we willmake use of the following lemma, a proof of which is providedin Appendix B.

Lemma 1: The covariance matrix that minimizes (25a)is rank one.

According to Lemma 1, we know that a one-dimensional jam-ming signal is optimal for the case of single data stream trans-mission: . Under the constraint that , anddefining as an orthonormal basis for , the jammingbeamformer from Bob can be written as , for someunit-length vector . Equation (23) becomes




where the second equality holds due to the matrix inversionlemma [32]. The optimization problem is equivalent to maxi-mizing the second term in (26), which can be formulated as


where and . The max-imum value of the Rayleigh quotient in (27) is the largest gener-alized eigenvalue of the matrix pencil ,and the vector that achieves it is the corresponding generalizedeigenvector [33]. Since is rank one, the solution can bewritten as


and becomes

(29)Similarly for the second phase, the SINR for Eve is rewritten



Using the same method as in (26)–(28), Alice’s jamming beam-former is given by


where is an orthonormal basis for ,, , and becomes

Next we find the power allocation that maximizes the secrecyrate. Note that the jamming beamformers are not independent ofthe jamming power, and thus we need to jointly optimize overboth quantities. In general, (21) is not convex with respect to ,so instead we maximize the following lower bound for :






Over the range of practical transmit powers, and canbe accurately approximated as linear functions of and ,which we denote by and . Notethat according to (34), as increases, the second term can onlyincrease in size, which means decreases, and hence in-creases, which implies that is positive. As approaches zero,the second term approaches zero, but the first term is nonnega-tive, so that implies that . Thus and are both positiveconstants. Similarly, we can see that and in (35) are alsopositive constants.

Using this approximation, the rate maximization problemunder a global power constraint becomes one of minimizing

in (32)





where (36b) and (36c) are derived from and, and (36d) is the optimal power adjustment for

the two hops used to guarantee that . The optimizationproblem stated above is in the standard form for Geometric Pro-gramming (GP) problems, with (36a), (36b), and (36c) as posyn-omial and (36d) as monomial constraints. GP problems are aclass of nonlinear optimization problems that can be readilyturned into convex optimization problems, and hence a globaloptimum can be efficiently computed [34]. If individual powerconstraints are employed, we can also use GP to solve the fol-lowing similar optimization problem:






Remark 1: As discussed in the beginning of this section,we choose the principal generalized eigenvector of the pencil

as the information signaltransmit beamformer . However, the allocated power isunavailable before the optimization algorithm starts. Therefore,iterations will be needed for computing the beamformers,initialized with , where is the maximum transmitpower. Based on our numerical experiments, the algorithmusually converges with very few iterations, and introduces littlecomplexity to the overall algorithm.

Remark 2: For the case where does not have full columnrank, i.e., , an alternative would be to choose tolie in the null space . This beamformer will in gen-eral be different from the one we propose, and will result in asolution where Eve will not receive any information signal in



the first phase and hence the jamming from Bob is not neces-sary. However, based on our numerical experiments, the solu-tion we propose yields a larger secrecy rate. This is mainly dueto the fact that although may allow a small amount of infor-mation leakage from Alice to Eve, the rate improvement in thelegitimate channel outweighs that of the wiretap channel, giventhe cooperative jamming support from Bob and the optimizedpower allocation.

2) Minimum Transmit Power With Fixed Secrecy Rate: Theproblem of minimizing the transmit power under a certain fixedsecrecy rate is similar to the problems discussed above. We stillchoose jamming beamformers that lie in the subspace orthog-onal to the intended channels. As before, for the first phase wewill have , where is a scalar that maintainsthe unit norm of . We aim to minimize the norm of undera fixed target secrecy rate . According to (27) and (32), theproblem can be formulated as


where is a function of and independent of .The solution is again seen to be the generalized eigenvector ofthe pencil corresponding to the largest

eigenvalue. Since it is a rank-one Hermitian matrix, has thesame solution as shown in (28). Similarly, for the second phase,we also have the same beamformer as (31). Considering thetransmit power of all the nodes, we can now formulate the opti-mization problem under the global transmit power constraint as


where is given in (32). This is also a GP problem. To min-imize individual transmit powers, (39) should be rewritten as


B. Multiple Data Stream Relaying

Since ECSI is known to the relay network, Alice and theRelay can utilize certain beamformers to perform multiple data-stream relay transmission and reduce information leakage toEve as well. The GSVD has been employed for the traditionalMIMO wiretap channel [13], and it operates by dividing thechannels from the transmitter to the intended receiver and theeavesdropper into a set of parallel subchannels.

Definition 1 (GSVD Transform): Given two matricesand and ,

there exist unitary matrices , and, and a non-singular upper-triangular matrix

such that

where , are nonnegative diagonalmatrices with , the diagonal elements of

are ordered as , and the diag-

onal elements of are ordered as.

It has been shown [7] that, for the standard Gaussian MIMOwiretap channel, using the GSVD-based beamformer

to transmit the desired signals along dimensions whereachieves the secrecy capacity in the high SNR

regime with uniform power allocation. In this section, twotransmission strategies based on the GSVD will be investi-gated for the two-hop relay channel. In the first strategy, eachtransmission phase is treated as a standard wiretap channel,and Alice and the Relay will use GSVD-based transmit beam-formers in the first and the second phase, respectively, withoutany cooperative jamming from inactive nodes. In the secondstrategy, a cooperative jamming scheme is proposed in whichBob and Alice also transmit jamming signals based on theGSVD transform in a reverse manner.

1) Simple GSVD-Based Relaying: To begin, we consider thecase where GSVD-based beamforming is used without jam-ming. According to Definition 1, the MIMO channels in phase1 and phase 2 can be decomposed as


where ,representing the maximum possible number of data streams.Alice and the Relay transmit signals with the following twobeamformers, respectively



Proposition 1: When (40) is used for transmit beamforming,the secrecy rate under the simple GSVD-based relaying schemecan be expressed as


where and are the transmit power for the th parallelchannel from Alice and the Relay, respectively.

The proof of Proposition 1 is given in Appendix C. Next, wewill investigate the power allocation for the above transmissionscheme. Maximizing the rate in (41) is generally a nonconvexoptimization problem. However, applying the single condensa-tion method for GP [35], the posynomial in the numerator of (41)



can be accurately approximated as a monomial, and we can stillsolve this nonconvex problem through a series of GPs.

Lemma 2: Let


We have


where . The inequality becomes an equality whensatisfy


in which case is the best local monomial approx-imation of near .

Proof: We can rewrite as



where (46) holds according to the arithmetic-geometric meaninequality. Noting that and are both positive coeffi-cients and , , the proof of equality is straight-forward by inserting (44) back into .

Similarly for the second phase, given the posynomial


we have the approximation




The approach corresponding to these results is outlined in thefollowing algorithm:

Algorithm 1: Single condensation method for power allocation

Initialize and , .

For iteration :1) Evaluate posynomial and ,

according to (42) and (47).2) Compute and


3) Condense posynomials and into monomials and, according to (43) and (48).

4) Solve the GP



5) Apply the resulting and to step 1 and loop untilconvergence.

The GP problems in this successive optimization method canbe solved using interior-point methods with polynomial-timecomplexity [36], and it has been proven in [35] that the solutionobtained using successive approximations for the single conden-sation method will efficiently converge to a point satisfying theKarush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions of the original problem.Note that (51a) is refered to as a generalized posynomial [36]since it is formed from posynomials using a maximum oper-ation, and can be easily converted to the standard posynomialform as




2) GSVD-Based PCJ: A GSVD-based, partial cooperativejamming scheme is proposed in this subsection. In this case,Alice and the Relay will still use the same transmit beamformersas in the case without cooperative jamming. Since Bob andAlice are normally inactive in phase 1 and phase 2 respectively,they can act as temporary helpers to help improve the secrecyrate. As before, however, the power used for jamming must



come from the total power budget of in each hop. A GSVD-based beamformer for the jamming signal is used by Bob in thefirst phase, due to the assumption that ECSI is available. TheGSVD is implemented in a reverse fashion, since Bob in phase1 considers Eve as the intended receiver of the jamming andwants to avoid leaking interference signals to the Relay. Simi-larly in phase 2, Alice treats Eve as the intended receiver. Thesignal model for this scheme is given in Section II-B.

Performing the GSVD for the channels from Bob to Eve andthe Relay according to Definition 1, we have

where . Bob and Alice use the fol-lowing jamming beamformers to implement the reverse GSVD:

and, unlike the simple GSVD-based relaying scheme, there willbe jamming energy present in the signals received by the Relayand Bob. For Eve, the received signal is given by

Employing the above jamming beamformers, the mutual infor-mation between Alice and Bob is


where , and

The mutual information for Eve’s link is



To maximize the secrecy rate, we then have the following opti-mization problem:


where and is the global power constraint.Remark 3: The secrecy rate in this case does not have a form

similar to (41), and finding the optimal power allocation for thiscase is generally intractable. Therefore, we will use Newton’smethod initialized with the optimal point from the GSVD-basedrelaying algorithm. Though this may not find the global op-timum, we can at least gain insight into this strategy. The globalpower constraints in (55) are set for fair comparison with thecase without cooperative jamming.


In this section, we assume that ECSI is unknown to the relaynetwork. Thus, Alice and the Relay can no longer use beam-forming methods like those based on the GSVD to selectivelytransmit information away from and jamming signals towardsthe eavesdropper. However, cooperative jamming can still beused to improve the secrecy of the information in the two-hopnetwork. As described below, the approach we take to achievethis goal is to first meet a fixed target rate for the relay link,and then allocate all remaining resources to wide-area jamming,while guaranteeing that the jamming signal has no impact on thedesired information.

We propose a cooperative jamming strategy in which thesignal space is divided into two orthogonal subspaces, aninformation subspace and a jamming subspace. Both PCJ andFCJ approaches can be applied in this scenario. For PCJ, anyavailable jamming power will only be allocated to informationtransmitters, while Bob (phase 1) and Alice (phase 2) remain in-active. For FCJ, both the transmitter and the temporary helperscan perform cooperative jamming in the jamming subspace,which will allow the legitimate receivers to use beamformingto reject interference from this subspace. Note that when usingFCJ, cooperative jamming requires the receiver to broadcastthe jamming subspace so that the interference can be alignedat the desired receiver without a loss of information. AlthoughEve may also be aware of this subspace, she can not removethe jamming signal since she sees different channels from thetransmitters and jammers.

In phase 1, assume, where is no greater than the max-

imum possible number of data streams, andform an orthonormal basis. The information and jammingsubspaces are defined to be and , respectively, where

and . Assuming the re-ceive beamformer matrix at the Relay is ,the signal received by the Relay is




where , is the information signal vectortransmitted by Alice with covariance , , and are jam-ming signals transmitted by Alice and Bob, with covariance ma-trices and , respectively. The transmit beamformersare chosen such that , and ,

. The signal received by Eve in phase 1 is


where .In phase 2, signal and jamming subspaces are chosen

from , and similar to phase 1, the signals at Bob andEve are



where , , and, is the information signal

transmitted by the Relay with covariance , , andare jamming signals transmitted by Alice and the Relay, withcovariance matrices and , respectively. As before,the beamformers and force , and

, .The cooperative scheme outlined in this section involves the

allocation of power and the number of dimensions for the in-formation and jamming subspaces. If the MIMO channel is richenough, more dimensions allocated to the signal subspace in-creases the amount of power available for jamming, but leadsto a smaller dimensional jamming subspace for both transmit-ters and cooperative jammers. More antennas for Eve usually re-quires a higher dimensional jamming subspace, especially whenECSI is unknown to the transmitters. One of the advantagesof FCJ in this case is that in addition to the preassigned jam-ming subspace of dimension (for phase 1), the helpersprovide jamming support in additional dimensions due to thefact they have different channels to Eve. Taking the transmis-sion in phase 1 as an example, assuming dimensions are as-signed to the information subspace, the jamming subspace seenfrom Eve will be greater than . In particular,

.Therefore, the tradeoff between power and allocation of the

jamming subspace dimension needs to be considered. In thiscase, we propose to use an approach similar to that in [24]and minimize the product of the power allocated to the infor-mation signal and the dimension of the information subspace,

, such that the fixed target rate for the relay trans-mission is achieved. We then allocate all the remaining dimen-sions and power for jamming. Since the ECSI is not known, thejamming power will be uniformly distributed among all avail-able dimensions at the transmitters and cooperative jammers.Assuming the target rate for the relay transmission is , wehave the following FCJ algorithm:

Algorithm 2: FCJ with unknown ECSI

1) Initialize and.

2) While• Let , ,

, .• Let , .• Let ,

, and ,.

• Solve the following problem:

where the water filling algorithm is used to determineand .

3) Find , and determine allbeamformers for the resulting .

4) Allocate to , and to usingwater filling.

5) Uniformly allocate to , andto .

The PCJ algorithm in the unknown-ECSI case is similar tothat for FCJ, except that jamming support will not be providedby Bob (in phase 1) and Alice (in phase 2), and thus the beam-formers and in step 2 will not be used. In step 5, whenthe necessary amount of power for information signals is as-signed, all remaining jamming power will be used by Bob andAlice in phase 1 and phase 2, respectively; i.e., the power

and will instead be assigned to and. In either approach, the optimization problem in

step 2 can be solved with a simple line search. If the minimumrate cannot be achieved with the available power, the linkis assumed to be in outage. In this algorithm, we assume thatthe Relay uses the same information dimension as Alice, as dis-cussed in Section II. However, using different information di-mensions for the two phases with a more complicated codingscheme may also be an interesting case to consider for futurework.


In the following simulations, the elements of all the channelmatrices are assumed to be i.i.d. complex Gaussian. As shownin Fig. 2, Alice, Bob, the Relay and Eve are assumed to be lo-cated at ( 0.5, 0), (0.5, 0), (0, 0), respectively, wheredistances are expressed in kilometers. We adopt a simple trans-mission model in which the standard deviation of each channelcoefficient is inversely proportional to the distance between twonodes. We assume a path-loss coefficient of 3, and the same



Fig. 2. Simulation scenario showing locations for Alice(A), Bob(B), Relay(R),and Eve(E).

background noise power at all nodes. All re-sults are calculated based on an average of 3000 independenttrials.

For the known-ECSI case discussed in Section III, we ex-amine the performance of the following three schemes: PCJ forsingle data stream relaying (Section III-A), simple GSVD-re-laying (Section III-B-1) and also GSVD-PCJ (Section III-B-2)for multiple data streams. For the unknown ECSI case discussedin Section IV, both the FCJ and PCJ approaches are simulated.For each of these schemes, we also examine the impact of bothglobal and individual power constraints. For the case of indi-vidual power constraints, we assume the total transmit powerto be evenly distributed to all transmit nodes. Furthermore, inorder to examine the performance gain of the proposed cooper-ative jamming schemes and optimization algorithms, we also in-vestigate cases using uniform power allocation, as well as casesinvolving conventional relay transmissions without jamming.

The secrecy rate as a function of transmit power is shown inFig. 3 for a case with known ECSI, where Alice and Bob bothhave four antennas, and the Relay and Eve each has one. Eveis assumed to be located closer to the Relay at (0, 0.5), which(as will be seen in the next example) is usually the worst-caseassumption for the relay link. This will be the default assump-tion unless otherwise specified. Compared to traditional DF re-laying, the PCJ schemes provide a significant improvement interms of secrecy rate in the medium and high SNR regime. Thebenefit of having the flexibility associated with a global powerconstraint over fixed individual power constraints is clearly ev-ident. Also, the performance gain of using geometric program-ming for power allocation is obvious, compared to the uniformpower allocation scheme. We can also see that even the con-ventional relaying scheme is better than PCJ schemes with in-dividual or uniform power allocation when the transmit poweris low. This is because, with a less flexible power adjustment, afraction of power that could have brought higher secrecy rate ifused for data transmission is wasted on jamming signals. Thisillustrates the importance of an efficient power allocation if co-operative jamming support is applied.

Fig. 4 presents the impact of Eve’s location on the transmitpower fraction for both the information and jamming signals, as-suming that the global transmit power is limited to 10 dBm. Un-like the settings in Fig. 3, Eve has four antennas in this scenario,which provides her with increased eavesdropping abilities. Inthis case, we plot the secrecy rate performance as Eve movesfrom to (1, 0.5). The secrecy rate is smallest whenEve is at the midpoint (0, 0.5), and increases in either directionaway from (0, 0.5). Note also that the fraction of the transmit

Fig. 3. Secrecy rate versus transmit power for � � �, � � �, � � �,� � �, and Eve located at (0, �0.5).

Fig. 4. Secrecy rate and transmit power fraction versus eavesdropper locationfor � � �, � � �, � � �, � � �, global power constraint � ��� ���, and Eve’s location varies from ������� to (1, �0.5).

power devoted to jamming also decreases as Eve moves awayfrom the midpoint. This behavior is due to the fact that, whenEve is closer to either Alice or Bob, most of her informationabout the desired signal comes from only one of the hops, due tothe fact that the other hop is farther away and can be effectivelyjammed with minimal power by the transmitter she is closest to.This is the primary benefit of the cooperative jamming supportprovided by PCJ.

The performance of GSVD-based relaying without coopera-tive jamming and GSVD-based PCJ strategies, where the relaylink transmits multiple data streams, is shown in Fig. 5. Herewe see that cooperative jamming with global power allocationprovides considerable gain in secrecy rate over other schemes.However, the use of individual power constraints significantlydegrades the benefit of the jamming signals, although it stillapproaches and even surpasses the performance of GSVD-re-laying with optimal power allocation when the transmit poweris higher. In addition, we also see the benefit of Algorithm 1 for



Fig. 5. Secrecy rate versus transmit power for � � �, � � �, � � �,� � �, and Eve located at (0, �0.5).

power allocation in the GSVD-relaying scheme, compared withusing simple uniform power allocations.

Finally we consider examples for the case where ECSI is notavailable. The transmit power is set to be 15 dBm in these ex-amples. In Fig. 6, all nodes are equipped with four antennas, andthe secrecy performance is given as a function of the rate con-straint at Bob. For purpose of comparison, a naive PCJ schemethat uses the criterion (instead ofas discussed in Section IV) is also simulated. It can be seen thatif no jamming signals are used, there is little difference betweenthe mutual information at Bob and that at Eve, and thus we ex-pect the secrecy of the message to be low. Similar to Fig. 3, theindividual power constraint will reduce the secrecy performancedue to the inefficiency of the power assignment. We can see thatFCJ achieves a big performance gain compared with PCJ asincreases, since FCJ leads to a higher dimensional jamming sub-space than PCJ, although they transmit with the same jammingpower. In addition, the performance of PCJ begins to level offand even drop for high , since more power is allocated to in-formation signals, and the protection from eavesdropping is re-duced.

Fig. 7 provides a detailed look at how the number of eaves-dropper antennas affects the performance of the different coop-erative jamming schemes. In this case, we fix the target rate forrelay transmission to be . Alice, Bob, and theRelay are equipped with four antennas, and the number of Eve’santennas increases from one to eight. It can be seen that whenEve has only one antenna, little advantage is observed for FCJsince Eve only receives single-dimensional signals. However, asthe capability of the eavesdropper increases (i.e., when Eve hasmore antennas), the relative gain of FCJ over PCJ increases, al-though the performance of all methods decreases.


In this paper, we have proposed partial cooperative jam-ming (PCJ) and full cooperative jamming (FCJ) strategies fortwo-hop DF relay systems in the presence of an eavesdropper

Fig. 6. Secrecy performance versus rate constraint for relay link when ECSIis unknown, � � �, � � �, � � �, � � �, Eve located at (0, �0.5),� � �� ���.

Fig. 7. Secrecy performance versus eavesdropper antenna number when ECSIis unknown, � � �, � � �, � � �, Eve located at (0, �0.5), fixed targetrate � � � ����, � � �� ���.

that can wiretap both transmission phases. Both single and mul-tiple data stream transmission scenarios were considered. Forsingle data stream relaying, the system design was conductedfrom the perspective of secrecy rate maximization and transmitpower minimization. By adopting the zero-forcing constraintthat the jamming signals be nulled out at the intended receivers,we obtained closed-form expressions for the jamming beam-formers and the corresponding power allocation. For the case ofmultiple data stream transmission, we proposed a GSVD-basedrelaying scheme without jamming, as well as a GSVD-basedPCJ scheme. The latter shows a significant performance im-provement even though only a potentially suboptimal powerallocation scheme is used. We also studied the secure relayingproblem when the eavesdropper’s CSI is unknown. Insteadof maximizing the secrecy rate, a more reasonable relayingscheme with both PCJ and FCJ is proposed in which a target



QoS for the relay network is met, and only the remainingresources are used for jamming. These schemes are shown toprovide large gains in terms of the difference in the mutualinformation between the desired receiver and the eavesdropper.In particular, FCJ is shown to be a better choice when theeavesdropper’s CSI is unavailable since the ability to exploitadditional jamming subspace dimensions is preferable whenthe transmitters possess no information about the eavesdropper.


Let , where is normalized such that. Problem (25) is equivalent to




Using the Schur complement [32], constraint (60b) can bewritten as


Combining (61) with the trace constraint and the semidefiniteconstraints on , the equivalent problem becomes




This is an SDP that consists of a linear objective function, alinear equality constraint, and a set of linear matrix inequalities(LMIs) [34], and thus can be solved efficiently, and can beobtained via the eigenvalue decomposition of .


Given any jamming beamformer , (25) becomes



and the Lagrangian of (63) is

(64)where is the Lagrange multiplier associated with theinequality constraint , and is the Lagrangemultiplier associated with the inequality constraint .Next, we can obtain the necessary conditions for the optimal

by using the KKT conditions:





where is obtained by differentiating with respect to, and is given by

Since is a vector, it is obvious that is a rank-one negativesemidefinite matrix.

For the case that , according to (68), we have .Since has a negative eigenvalue, will also have a negativeeigenvalue, which contradicts the fact that is positive semidef-inite. Thus can only be positive. For , according to (68),we know that is a positive definite matrix. Therefore,has at least positive eigenvalues, i.e., ,in order to keep .

Assuming and , are eigen-values of and , respectively, in nonincreasing order, anddue to the fact that and are both positive semidefinite ma-trices, we know that[37]. Combining this observation with (66), we have


Thus we can conclude that , since otherwiseall eigenvalues of are zero and no jamming signals aretransmitted. Combining this conclusion and the observation that

, we can conclude that. Therefore, according to (69), we have and

, which indicates that , and theproof is complete.


According to the signal model given in Section II-A, the sig-nals received by Eve during both phases can be combined to-gether as


where and .Using the transmit beamformers in (40), and denoting

,, the mutual information between Alice

and Bob is








For Eve, we have




and according to the same secrecy constraints in (16), the se-crecy rate (41) can be obtained.


The authors would like to thank Dr. L. Dong for his helpfulcomments on an earlier draft of this work. They would also liketo thank the anonymous reviewers for their insightful commentsand suggestions.


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Jing Huang (S’10) received the B.S. degree incommunication engineering from Jilin University,Changchun, China, in 2006, and the M.S. degree incommunications and information systems from Bei-jing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Beijing, China, in 2009.

He is currently working toward the Ph.D. degreeat the Department of Electrical Engineering andComputer Science, University of California, Irvine.His research interests include cooperative commu-nications, applied signal processing, and resource

allocation in wireless networks.

A. Lee Swindlehurst (S’83–M’84–SM’99–F’04) re-ceived the B.S. (summa cum laude) and M.S. degreesin electrical engineering from Brigham Young Uni-versity, Provo, UT, in 1985 and 1986, respectively,and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering fromStanford University, Stanford, CA, in 1991.

From 1986 to 1990, he was with ESL, Inc.,Sunnyvale, CA, where he was involved in the designof algorithms and architectures for several radarand sonar signal processing systems. He was onthe faculty of the Department of Electrical and

Computer Engineering, Brigham Young University, from 1990 to 2007, wherehe was a Full Professor and served as Department Chair from 2003 to 2006.During 1996–1997, he held a joint appointment as a visiting scholar at bothUppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, and at the Royal Institute of Technology,Stockholm, Sweden. From 2006 to 2007, he was on leave working as VicePresident of Research for ArrayComm LLC, San Jose, CA. He is currently aProfessor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Universityof California at Irvine. His research interests include sensor array signalprocessing for radar and wireless communications, detection and estimationtheory, and system identification. He has more than 200 publications in theseareas.

Dr. Swindlehurst is a past Secretary of the IEEE Signal Processing Society,past Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN SIGNAL

PROCESSING, and past member of the Editorial Boards for the EURASIP Journalon Wireless Communications and Networking, IEEE Signal Processing Maga-zine, and the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING. He is a recipientof several paper awards: the 2000 IEEE W. R. G. Baker Prize Paper Award, the2006 and 2010 IEEE Signal Processing Society’s Best Paper Award, the 2006IEEE Communications Society Stephen O. Rice Prize in the Field of Commu-nication Theory, and is coauthor of a paper that received the IEEE Signal Pro-cessing Society Young Author Best Paper Award in 2001.