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1) Career counselling sessions should be organised at school levels

2) Students must try to analyse their core interest3) Teachers must motivate the students4) Students must carry out peer discussions to get

acquainted with different opportunities they could have

5) School should organise various co-curricular activities from time to time encouraging more number of students to participate

6) Students should also participate in all the school activities with full enthusiasm

7) Some stage shows must be organised to make the students acquainted with some real life situations

8) Debates and public speaking sessions must be held at school as well as college level to invoke confidence in students

9) Students must keep themselves updated about day to day happenings

10)Students should read newspaper daily to make themselves updated about current affairs

11)Students should practice and learn atleast 10 english words daily in order to improve their vocabulary

12).A student should make a proper time table for doing his/her work to make oneself punctual.13).a student must practice the skill of time management14).School must organise students in different clubs such as environmental club,humanities club,sports club,music club etc in order to enhance the talent of each student15).Students should discuss important topics of day to day events among their group of friends as well as with teachers and parents16).Parents should regularly meet the teachers of their wards to keep themselves acquainted about their wards progress17).School as well as college authorities should organise educational trips from time to time which gives students new opportunities to visit more places and learn about different scenarios18).The school administration should organise some resourceful seminars by outsourcing some graet people who have a richer experience19).Teachers must acquaint the students of various carreer oppurtunities and their scope in future as well the means of indulging in them20).Students should have an internet connection with them so that they can regularly surf the internet for all the updates

21).Parents should also organise counselling sessions with their wards to know if their wards are having any problem in their studies as well as personal life22).The colleges should provide a quality education to the students instead of just focussing on earning money through the students fee23)Since the person I interviewed is a mechanical engineer,so the mechanical engineering department should help the students of their course in every possible way they can24).College should organise some training and practice sessions on personality development25).College should also organise some technical as well as some

cultural festivals26).Some quizzes should also be organised at college level27).Various projects should be undertaken by the college involving students in large strength28).The students in college must be trained for some real life job interview experience29).The college should develop an easy path for its students to excel in a particlar field f students interest30)For this they can organise training sessions in college itself so that students can prepare for the future entrance exams31).The college should make themselves aware to different companies so that those companies would find interest to visit the college campus


32).The colleges itself should start some advanced specialised courses so that students need not think much once after they complete their graduation33).The students should effectively use each and every opportunity on their way to success34).The students should follow the lesson of optimism35).The students must follow the path of team leadership36).The studentsa should not hesitate talking to their parents37).The college as well school authorities should provide scholarships to the deserving candidates38).The colleges should set up well equipped high tech laboratories so that students would get some hand on experience in those equipments before they start working I a professional environment39).Various awards should be given at regular intervals to the deserving students to motivate other students in heir group40).Vocational training should be provided to students in their respective field at specialised places41).Students must be given a chance to teach their fellow friends sometimes42).Talent shows must be organised with active participation of students43),Group discussions and personal interview sessions must also be organised in college as well as school44).The students should not be criticized on the basis of their aceademics45).The teacher should try to approach each and every student personally to help him remove his hesitation

46).The college authorities should help students to enhance their confidence in whatever way they can47).The college authorities should also keep a watch on the working of college staff48).The students hostel must be equipped with all the latest facilities such as interner connectivity,televisions,newspaper availability,library,etc.49).The college as well school authorities should also focus on sports activities50).Deserving students must be provided by some financial aid from the government