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Id Novel p1Quick note: sentences inside , marks are Ids thoughts T/N: means translators notes, usually on the names of martial arts movements. I also changed the spellings of the characters name so it sounds more similar like how it is pronounced. Chapter 1 Lights are shining everywhere. I cannot feel the weight of my body. After the bracelet emitted a bright light, it swarmed me as a whole. Something went past over my head. What is it? My mind is suddenly slipping away. Drip, drip . . . . I hear the sound of water droplets. From the sound, it seems like this is a cave. " head...this is?" Now that I look around, it is a dark cave. What is this place? 'I remember falling somewhere, but what is this place.' First I realize from looking around that this cave has a very tall ceiling. Also, there is only one direction to go. "I have never seen this type of cave before." I felt stupefied. I went through a cave with light. . . . "Ah, am I dreaming? Ouch . . . it hurts." My cheek hurts after being pinched. Do not think I am stupid. This is because I am so surprised. If you do not understand it, then you should be in my situation too. I examine my body to see if there was anything wrong. It is not, except that the problematic bracelet I was wearing is now gone. 'Since there is only one way, let's go.'

The cave is enormously large and surprisingly it wasn't dark due to a light. The light is coming from a small spherical object on the wall. "How can that small thing. . . anyway, this cave seems very long. . . ." I keep walking. I do not know how long I walked; because I was inside the cave, I lost the track of time. After a long walk, I finally see the end of the cave. It did not, however, seem to lead to outside. And worse. . . . "This sound of breathing seems to come from a large animal. What is it. . . ." I use kyung-gong-sul (T/N: to jump high, in air, etc) to keep my feet silent and look at the end of the cave. And what I see is. . . . 'How is that thing. . . . I have never seen that kind of beast before, what is it?" I carefully reexamine what I am seeing. It had a large body that emitted golden light. From where I am standing, I cannot see the whole body. It has long neck, golden wings, long tails, and four feet. It also has a horn on its head. And it seems to be sleeping, as its eyes are closed and breathing deeply. And in front of its head, there is a small base. And on top of the base is an unusual-looking sword. 'Never seen that kind of sword before and what is that beast; is this not where I live? Just what kind of place am I in right now?' After thinking, I decide to grab the sword so that if that beast attacks, I can fight it . . . although not having a sword would not really matter. . . . 'Since I do not want it to wake up, the least way to reveal my presence is dop-gongneoung (T/L: walking silently in the air, similar to the one before). ' I use gyong-gong to not touch the ground and kick the air to get to the sword. Then I land on the base where the sword is. The sword has a gum-shin (T/N: sword-aura/ki. I will be using the word sword-ki from now on) with a white handle and covered in a red sheath. And on the cover of it is an imbedded jewel that emits an unusual light. As I am looking at that unique sword, I feel a strange stare from the back. 'Shit, is it. . . .' With a trouble thought, I look back and am met with golden eyes. The eyes are calm and wise, unlike that of a beast. For a while, we stare at each other. Then I go through the most dumbfounding experience. The beast can speak! "How did you enter here?"

"It's talking. . . ." "Do you not hear me? How did you come here?" 'Calm down. This is not Joong-won (T/N:Id's hometown). This is a very unique experience.' "Mmm. . . hmm. . . I am Chun Hwa Yeh. And to how I came here, I do not know myself." "Hmm... Seems you are not lying, but your name's Chun Hwa Yeh? I have never heard that kind of name in this world." "If you have never heard it before in this world, then where is this place...." "This is the farthest tip of the land of Gransen, so I do not know your type of name." I feel dumbfounded after listening to his explanation. 'Gransen. . .I have never heard of it. . .Gransen. . .Then How did I. . . Seeing me standing with a spaced-out look, he asks me, "If you are not a human of this world, how can you speak this language?" 'Good question; pretty smart for a beast. ' "I don't know how I am speaking in this language. I can speak it as if I have always used it. After listening to my confused answer, he speaks quietly. "Wake-up." Suddenly my head feels calm and organized. "Is it alright now?" "Yes, my mind feels clear. Did you do it?" "Yes, it is a dragon's magic. Do you not know what magic is?" I nod at his inquiry. I have never heard of it. Then I asked, "Have you really never heard a name similar to mine?" Despite his size, he shakes his head at my question.

"You seemed to be not a person of this land. How did you get here?" "I don't know. I was on a mountain but fell into an unusual light. When I woke up, I was in a cave and when I followed through the cave, I ended up here." "Hmm, I don't know this very much but Chun Hwa, you have crossed a dimension. . . ." What kind of. . . . "Dimension? What does that mean?" "It is hard to explain in a short time. To put it simply, a God has made many worlds and between them He put a wall. This wall would be a dimension." "Then how do I go over the wall again?" "I do not know. Only God of Creation and the Origins of Light and Darkness can cross them. Other than them, Gods or dragon lords cannot cross the dimensional wall . . . maybe not, since you have crossed it and maybe there's a way to go back." I feel disheartened at his words. Just how. . . . Is this God of Creation's prank? No, since he is a God. Ha~ I want to cry. I sit by the base where the sword is and the beast watches me quietly. After calming myself down, I ask him some questions. "Just what are you doing here? Before that, what's your name?" "Ha, you are the only human who's not scared of a dragon. My name is Greydron." "Greydron? Weird name. So, what are you doing here?" Then he points at the sword next to me. "I am protecting that sword. For over ten thousand years now." "Ha~ for what? And so you are over ten thousand years old?" "Correct, but even I don't know my exact age. I'm probably around fifteen thousand years old." "Then do I have to use formal words . . . sir?" "You don't have to. Just speak like what you did before."

For what is he protecting the sword for ten thousand years? I stare at the sword quick and try to hold it. Suddenly, Greydron prevents me from touching the sword. "That sword has its own mind and soul. It will destroy anyone who is not its owner or who is not fit to be its owner." "Ha, ha, it's an amazing sword. Just who made it? No. Who is its owner? No, never mind. You are protecting it because there is no owner. " The dragon gave a huge sigh after my questions and started talking. He must have been bored. . . . "Its name is Lamia. For whom that made it, there were many; first it was me, the Lord of all dragons, then the Dragon Lords, and High Gods of light and darkness. . . First I started making it for my own amusement. I wanted to make the best weapon. "So, I asked the Dragon Lords and other high gods. Then I used the gold metal that had the most magical power, God's metal Eclipse. For the handle I used a part of my dragon heart and used red dragons' king's hide to make a sheath. "Like that, I invested around a thousand years to make the sword. When Lamia was finally finished, I tried to hold the sword but was rejected. Even though I forcefully tried to grab it, its strength was stronger than that of my own. "When I gave Lamia to the High Gods that helped me on making the sword, even they were rejected. Even Gods could not become Lamia's owner because all their and my powers were combined into making it. The only owner for Lamia is probably the God of Creation and the Origin of Light and Darkness. "This is why, unfortunately, Lamia is locked in here. The ones that still remember Lamia is probably me and High Gods, since other Dragon Lords all have probably died of age." He gave a weak glance at the sword after describing Lamia. After listening to Greydron, I carefully looked at the sword. "Is this really that great?" How would I know the value of a sword called Lamia when I do not even know much about this place? I only know it is an amazing sword because Gods helped making it. . . . [...Nim....] (T/N: Nim is like Mr., or when addressing someone formally) I think I heard a small and quiet sound as I looked at the sword. As if I have been hypnotized, I put my hand toward the sword. Even though I hear a sound next to me, I cannot make a word out of it. My mind woke up after realizing that touching it is

dangerous but the body did not. My hand reached for the sword and held on to its handle. Suddenly my eyesight gives away and I hear a beautiful lady's voice echoing in my mind. [I, Lamia, found one fit to be my master, and will make a contract. You, who will be my master, will you be with me, together, forever?] 'What the. . . .' [Will you be with me forever?] It was a same question. 'Huh, what if it will harm me?' [There is no harm to you at all. Will you be with me forever?] The voice is really pretty. . . . 'Yeah, why not' [The life contract has been made. Even God of Creation cannot break it. I am Lamia. Forever I will be at your side. . . forever I will be with you together.] When my eyesight came back, I see a lady with a bright smile and I lose my consciousness. Posted by Jun at 8:13 AM Labels: Id Novel, part 1 14 comments: Anonymous said... good work! April 20, 2010 7:38 AM Selcher said... Yay, I can now read the novel online. I saw the post at Mangafox. It's similar to the manhwa but it's more detailed. I hope you continue with the translation. May 8, 2010 3:32 AM Jun said... Thank you, I will see how popular this gets though :)

June 7, 2010 3:18 AM Anonymous said... awsome July 3, 2010 8:11 PM Anonymous said... keep going! i LUV ID!! July 9, 2010 9:10 PM Anonymous said... Awsome!!! I've been wanting to read Id and now I can! yeah for me! Please keep translating! August 16, 2010 1:15 PM Ariel said... Thank you very much!! September 22, 2010 6:00 PM Anonymous said... thx alot! :D October 28, 2010 1:16 PM Anonymous said... Wow really awesome. thx a lot:) December 12, 2010 11:37 AM Anonymous said... nice December 19, 2010 6:19 PM Anonymous said...

wow :D im really happy to see the actual novel being translated :) thanks a lot :) and keep up the good work January 18, 2011 1:11 PM Anonymous said... yea it's realy good i hope you will continue your work March 2, 2011 12:25 PM Anonymous said... army ids us April 9, 2011 12:20 PM Anonymous said... ID is by far my favorite manga / manwha, And i've always wanted to read the novel. However, i only speak english. You are a lifesaver jun, you should be given an award for this! July 7, 2011 6:16 AM

Id Novel p2

Quickly I gain my consciousness and I stand up. In front of me was a middle-aged man. Although he has a gentle face, he also has a strong aura surrounding him. "If you woke up, explain what just had happened." 'This voice belongs to Greydron!' "Don't be so surprised. It's a magic called polymorph." After staring at him for a while, I look down after sensing something on my hand. What I am holding onto is that sword, Lamia. It feels almost weightless. Then I asked Greydron, "Why is this. . . ." "That is what I want to ask! You held it and suddenly there was a light and then you fell. What happened? Did it take you as its master?" "I do not know. There was suddenly a girl's voice and suddenly asked me if I want to be with her forever. So I said that as long as it does not harm me, it is alright. Then, after seeing a girl, I lost my consciousness." After thinking for a while, Greydron looked at me and spoke, "Is that so? Did it finally find its master? Then my problem is solved." "Master? What! Then I just became this sword's master?" Greydron nodded his head. "You are now that sword's master. You now hold an infinite power on your hand." "Hey, hey! I don't need this kind of thing." "That does not matter, as it depends on how you are going to use that power. Sixteen thousand years. . . I went past my body's limit to protect the sword and now I can rest." "Hey! What does that mean? Are you going to die?" "Correct. Average dragon's lifespan is ten thousand years; as a dragon lord, I had extra five thousand years but I have past my limit since thousand years ago. Now I will rest this body of mine." "Then what do I do? The only. . . dragon I know here is you. What am I going to do!" After staring at me briefly, Greydron laughed. "Then I will do this. Because of me, dragons have probably lost few magic and

techniques. I will teach these to you." "What nonsense are you talking about now?" "I will hand my everything to you, including my identity. With it, dragons will treat you as they treat me. All you have to do is go find a dragon lord and teach some few things, although this kind of help should not be asked to anyone." "Alright, I will help you, but since I do not know anyone, you have to guide me; I do not know anything about this world." "Don't worry about it. As I have already said, you will gain everything I know. Although, for it to be yours, there will be some struggles. Oh, and speaking of the directions, I do not exactly know, although I came back here seven thousand years ago in one day. Now, get ready. Ha, ha! Now that I think about it, this is funny. A human with a god's sword, a dragon's intelligence and power. If you do well, you could even be a High God." 'Is he making fun of me. . . as he laugh while looking at me, he quietly chanted a magic spell.' "My everything to you. . . I will re-live inside you." Suddenly Greydron emitted a bright light and my hand suddenly shook. [Master, this is a power transfer magic. Should I block it?] This voice is the one I heard inside the light, but to block. . . . "No. This is not an attack, understand?" [Yes.] The light shrouds my body and I become unconscious. Now that I think of it, I get unconscious too many times, even though my body's not that weak.... I wake up naturally as if I was a sleep. Although the surroundings were filled with light, I did not feel Greydron's presence. "Is this the dragon's absolute magic? Not only his memory, but his skills and abilities have been transferred into me and so I cannot even see his corpse. But this is awkward. What am I suppose to do with the dragon heart?" But with this amount of dragon heart's mana, if I ever mistakenly use magic, a single country could be gone easily. Anyhow, I held the sword up and talked to it. Because no one's here, they can't call me crazy. "It's you who just talked to me right?"

Again I heard the voice. [Yes, master] "Hmm . . . you said your name is Lamia?" [Yes. That's correct, master.] "Don't call me master, just call me Chun Hwa" [ . . . Yes, Chun Hwa-nim.] 'Ha~ this won't work. First, I should get out of here.' "Lamia, do you know a road that leads out of here?" [There is no road here, as this place does not connect to the outside. However, you can use teleportation] 'Is that so? But teleportation is. . . .' "That would be impossible because I still don't fully understand Greydron's memory. It will take some time, so can you do something about it?" [Understood. Then where would you want to teleport to?] "What's around here?" [I will project an image in front of you, Chun Hwa-nim. Image Trap.] In front of me was a picture. Actually, it seemed like I was looking at it directly, just smaller in size. "Hmm, so that red dot is where we are at." Then I pointed at the center of the mountain that's been projected and then pointed at the forest in front of it. "Then let's go here. Small walk from there would lead to a village. Yes, that would be good." [Understood. Transporting to the destination now.] Suddenly a stranger appeared in the center of a giant forest. Looking at the body and face, the person looked to be around 17 to 18 years old. On that boy's waist was a sheath that

emitted reddish light, and the sword seemed to be longer than the average bastard sword. The handle seemed to be white but the blades were not visible due to the sheath. The boy's clothing was also something you would not see in this Arushan. "Wow~ the trees and the forests are so big." The boy was Chun Hwa. He traveled here using Lamia. He looked around the forest, since he never saw this scale of a forest before. 'Ugh. I cannot believe I have to find Gods in this unknown world. The village was in that direction, I think?' "First I have to pick a destination since I cannot just travel randomly to find the Gods. How am I supposed to find them anyway? Hmm . . . yes, let's visit the temple first. That should be the place to visit to find Gods." While Chun Hwa was finishing his thought, there was an explosion 10 meters away from him. Posted by Jun at 8:25 AM Labels: Id Novel, part 2 6 comments: Anonymous said... Thanks for translating this... you don't know how long I have been looking for this. Anywho, is part 1 chapter 1, part 2 chapter 2... etc? If you could get back to this as soon as possible as a comment perhaps (so everyone can see) that would be greatly appreciated. March 16, 2010 5:15 AM Jun said... I'm writing part 1 and part 2 because I decided not to do it by chapters, but my own pace. Sorry if that's confusing to anyone >_>. June 7, 2010 3:19 AM Ariel said... Thank you very much!! September 22, 2010 6:09 PM

Anonymous said... nice December 19, 2010 6:25 PM Anonymous said... thanks it' s great March 2, 2011 12:30 PM Anonymous said... Thanks for translating this! You've also cleared up the confusion i had after reading the manhwa about the deities in the Id mythos, so thanks again!

Id Novel p3

"Ggwack. . ." ". . .Ch-Ack" "Hey, watch out. Illan, what are you going to do if you blow it up so close?" This seemed to be a voice of a young man, and the middle aged man's voice is soon followed. "Then what am I suppose to do, the spell-casting time is long. Also, to get away from them, I have to run a lot, but I can't do that. Besides, no one got hurt." Then a woman's voice seemed to be arguing with him. "But you should first be careful. This time it was way too close." As the conversation went on, the voices seemed to be getting closer to me. Then the five people group appeared. Four people who are arguing and one aloof lady. . . . 'But the ears are long . . . maybe not a human? Then let's search Greydron's memory. . . . The answer is elf, a high elf, which is a rare type of elf. . . . The ones arguing consisted of a middle aged man with a staff and a teenager with leather armor, a teenage girl and a strange-looking midget, called dwarf in this land--the dwarf talked in the loudest voice among them--and finally, the first one to notice Chun Hwa, elf that did not talk. Maybe because she's a high elf? Then the teenage girl noticed Chun Hwa and told her group. "Oh, we didn't know theres anyone here. Were you not surprised because of the explosion?" The one with leather armor with long sword walked up to him first and talked. Chun Hwa looked at him carefully and answered, "No, I am alright." "Thats good. I am Grey. And this is Hael, my friend. This is Illan and that dwarf is Illan's friend Laindelph. And this elf came with us because of this forest's monsters. Her name is Illina. But where are you from? I have never seen such clothes before." The person named Gray answered things that Chun Hwa didn't even ask easily. And as he mentioned before, what Chun Hwa was wearing was from his hometown. Also, it was a florid clothe and brought many curiosity from the people there. The clothes moved like waves and looked very smooth. 'It seems I cannot use my real name, Chun Hwa, after hearing their names. It will stand out and I doubt they can even pronounce it right.' "Ah, my name is . . . Id (T/N: pronounced Ead). I got this clothe because the one I was wearing was ripped and I happen to pick this up on the way."

The name Id is something Chun Hwa instantly made it up. To be precise, it's a name borrowed from GreYDron. "But coming to this forest alone is very dangerous," said the dwarf Laindelph after glancing at Chun Hwa. Not only was Chun Hwa a stranger, the weird-looking clothes made the dwarf a little suspicious of Id. "Dangerous? What do you mean?" Chun Hwa, who had no idea of the situation, asked Laindelph, and Illan answered his question. "He means that this Sion forest is notorious for monsters. This is why only skilled group of people goes through here. But did you not know anything about this forest?" He slyly hinted that they were skilled fighters. 'He looks like he's good at talking.' "No, I didn't know. I come from a faraway place in a small village and only came here due to some business. So I do not know anything about this forest." Everyone seemed to believe Chun Hwa's instant lies. Then a girl named Hael asked Id. She looks quite pretty. "Then until you get out the forest, come with us." "Yes that would be good. Go with us." Following Hael, Grey also suggested it. To Chun Hwa, it was good news because he didn't know geography or any current situations of this place. 'That's great. I can listen to all kinds of stories and I don't know the way, although Lamia has her Image Trap.' Walking with them, Chun Hwa, or Id, asked, "So where is everyone going?" Grey answered his question. "We are, well. . . . Its a pilgrimage. Hael, as priest of Ilian, is venturing for the pilgrimage and I followed her. Since I can use sword pretty well, I took this chance to train and become her bodyguard. And Illan and Laindelph followed us because they were worried about us." 'Hmm. So in short, they all followed Hael.' He did not say anything about the elf Illina, maybe because he met her in this forest and

don't know much about her. "And we are right now going to a temple because the healing potions have been all used. Where is Id-nim going?" "That's great. Although my reason is different, I am also trying to find a temple. If it's alright, I would like to go with you guys." No one seemed to have problem with going with Id. "But where is the high elf going?" She seemed very surprised at Id's comment because a normal person cannot tell the distinction between an elf and high elf easily. Of course the others were equally surprised. "High elf? Then Illina is a high elf?" Illina quietly asked Id, "How did you know I am a high elf? Normal person cannot recognize that!" "Ah, that's because I know another high elf. That's how I was able to tell." 'I think this might be an obvious lie.' Illina turned her head away from Id after listening to his excuse. It seemed she didn't believe him completely. 'Even I wouldn't believe that. You cannot tell the difference just by knowing another high elf (after searching Greydron's data). ' "But what temple are you looking for?" The priest-apprentice Hael asked Id, since it was related to the temple. "There is no particular temple I am looking for. I just want to find the temple's highest priests or the temple that directly serves the highest Gods." After listening to Id's explanation, there might be many who would be curious. Simply, the three Gods Id is trying to find are almost never heard of, and so no temple serve these gods. Of course, this is also from Greydron's data. "So what are you going to do after finding the priests?" "I am going to find out where the ones I am trying to find are. And rather than asking the priests, I am rather directly going to ask the gods they serve." She, no not only her, but everyone seemed to be surprised at Ids comment. "Just who are

you trying to find that you have to ask the gods directly and expect an answer? Besides, no gods have directly answered to people in the last 100 years." 'Should I explain? Although I could, it would be too long to explain.' "Ha ha, it's a secret so try to understand." After talking about other things for a while, the group exited the forest and arrived at a town called Slahn. The next day, we stopped in the front of the town. Although the destination has been chosen, Illina's destination was not finalized. "I think I should say goodbye here." Id asked Illina, "Where are you going?" She looked at Id and answered with a smile. "I am going to find the golden dragon's refuge. He has an item that I need to retrieve." Hearing the word dragon, everyone except Id looked at Illina with a dumbfounded face. How could she say that she's visiting a dragon as if she's going on a vacation? Must be because she's an elf, was everyones thoughts. But to Id, this was good news since he had to find a dragon one day. "Illina, then go with me later, as I also have some business with dragons." After listening to Id, Laindelph cut in. "Hey, just what do you think dragons are? You cannot just see them just because you want to. Also, meeting them is like putting your lives on the line. Especially you, Id. Although high elf has some chance, how could a human like you could meet a dragon?" 'Ugh, his voice is really loud.' "Hey look, the dragons are wise, so they will at least listen to me. Also, they will be happy to receive something that I brought for them." "Are you not listening to me? Dragons live alone and they are beasts. They will not listen to you quietly and will kill you instantly when you enter their boundaries." "Anyway, I am alright. So how about it, Illina? Will you go with me?" Laindelph shouted at Illinas direction. "Hey elf, are you crazy? Just what are you going to do after finding a dragon? Even if you are a high elf, those proud dragons will not even going to bother with you." "I don't think you have to worry about that. The dragon that I am searching for has some relations with my race. That's why it is okay."

After Laindelph stopped talking, Illina looked at Id and answered his question. "If Id's alright with it, then we will go together." Although Illina doesn't completely trust Id, she was still curious after he found out that she is a high elf. Also, Illina was not in a rush to meet with a dragon and therefore decided to go with Id. After finally deciding, the group headed out to Kelvin, a city with a temple. However, the group had to stop in less than an hour due to the 20 people in front of them. With everyone holding swords, axes, and other weapons, they seemed to be bandits. Posted by Jun at 8:33 AM Labels: Id Novel, part 3 5 comments: Anonymous said... thank you for your hard work! Moar please! April 20, 2010 8:01 AM Anonymous said... thanks a lot, keep up the excellent work =D July 10, 2010 8:45 PM Ariel said... Thank you very much!! September 22, 2010 6:09 PM Anonymous said... niice December 19, 2010 6:32 PM Anonymous said... thanks!!

Id Novel p4Illan first raised his voice, "What are you doing?"

"Did you just really ask me that? I know you have a lot of money after liquidating those precious gems. If you just give me the money, I won't spill your blood." 'So they are just mountain bandits that are going to kill us if we won't give them the money. Then the answer's simple. . . . ." Now this requires some explanation. The day before, Id traded the gems he brought out of Greydron's cave since he didn't have any money. Those gems, however, happened to worth so much that he traded it for all the money the store had, which was approximately one billion shilling. And after this news got out to the bandits, they waited for Id and his group out on this road. "We can't do that. Besides, aren't you guys the one at a disadvantage? We have a magician on our side." Grey was insulting them on how they would be knocked out by a single spell. "Thanks for worrying about us, but we got our own ways to deal with it." Then the bandit with a long sword received a staff embedded with a fist-sized marble from one of the guys at the back. It was Illan who first noticed what it was. "That's . . . that can stop a spell." "It seems you know what it is. I luckily got my hands on this and found that it had a despell magic on it." As Id was listening to the bandit, he complained, 'I don't like how he talks. I should just. . . .' But that was only how Id felt. Other people of the group who didn't know of Id's skill felt differently. Illan whispered to his group, "Watch out everyone! That thing can really casts de-spell around this area for, maybe, 20 minutes. But they can defeat us by that time with that many people." Listening, Illina commented, "Although it's a de-spell, it can only control spell magic, not spirit summons. Also, from looking at it, de-spell seem to only work on things that are 6level class or under. Whoever made it was pretty skilled." "Illina, you can sense such things? Amazing, but I don't know any 7-level class magic. Do you, Illina?" "Yes, although my mana control and usage are still unstable. It's better if I just summon a spirit." As Id watches the group talking to each other, Id thought of a simple idea, "Hey, I think it's just easier to break that guy's staff."

Illan shook his head at Id's suggestion. "Id, that's impossible. First, if you go near it, other people would protect it. That itself is challenging. Also, how could a person move that fast? Even if you go near it, the staff has a protector spell on it. It won't break with a small force." But that's not a problem for Id. 'Hmm is that so? But it seems possible to me. It's really simple to go near it and I have a great sword with me. Should I just do it?' "Then wait. If that's all I have to do, it's not much of a problem." "But Id, that's impossible." Grey shook his head. "Don't worry, just watch." After saying that, Id walked up to the bandits and suddenly disappeared and suddenly reappeared in front of the bandit with the staff. Then using Lamia, he destroyed the marble. Finally Id appeared back in front of his group. Lamia seemed to not have been moved at all, just staying on Id's hip. Except for the elf, no one saw Id's movement. Of course even Illina couldn't see Id's movement clearly. When Id came back to where he was, no one said anything and soon the bandit with the staff fell onto his knees and came back to his sense. Maybe that bandit was smart, since others would still fight and come back to sense after being beaten half to death. Soon all the bandits dispersed and the group started asking Id some questions. "Id. Just how did you-" "You, how did you move like that?" The first ones to ask were Grey and Illan and Id couldn't answer right away. 'How am I suppose to explain this . . . oh, shit.' After thinking for a while, he answered, "well this is . . . I combined a unique walking skill with mana (ki)." However, these answers didn't help either of them. Then, suspicious, Illan asked again, "Id, what are you talking about? I've never heard of such thing and you didn't even seem like you used any magic." 'Sigh, he doesn't trust me. Oh well, I guess it's okay.' "Illan, anyway my movement is definitely possible. If you're really suspicious, I can even

teach you." After Id said he could teach it to Illan, Grey was the first one to respond. "Id, then teach me that too, okay?" As Id promised to Grey that he'll teach him, other members also wanted Id to teach them and so he made a promise to everyone that he would. 'Maybe I shouldn't have said it. I think it will be hard if I have to teach all these people.' Around the lunch time, the group sat down near the river, eating lunch while listening to Id's explanation. After listening to him, there were two people who were trying especially hard: warrior Grey and dwarf Laindelph. This was because Grey uses a sword and Laindelph has a short leg that made him unable to move fast. "Hmm . . . first I will tell you how I move, then whenever I have time I will teach you. Ah, and I don't know how long it will take, since it depends on an individual. First you have to know how to use ki, which is something like mana. However, ki has both similarity and differences from mana. Since Illan knows much about mana, please explain to them about it." "Yes. The mana's an energy that's spread around everywere and something that a life form needs to live. However, it's not definite on what exactly mana is. We magicians also only use mana." 'Is that all the people here know? Good thing I didn't explain what Greydron knew. It would've been a disaster.' As Id listened to Illan's explanation, he looked up on Greydron's memory and found a lot more specific descriptions. Then again, the dragon has been living for a long time. As Illan stopped talking, Id continued. " As you've heard, mana is a power that's dispersed around. Ki, however, comes not from outside the body but from within. And using that, you can bring out Gumki (T/N: Sword aura, literally translated as sword ki). You know what sword aura is, right? "Of course I know, My dream is to be a sword master that can use it. But it's so hard that here in Ilinas, there are only three sword masters. Even other countries have only that much. But what about it?" As a sword warrior, Grey knew a good about about that sort of things. "So, that sword aura is using a sword to bring out ki, but how about using inside of your body to bring out that ki?"

The gathered group was dumbfounded at Id's proposal and so Illan asked Id, "Hey Id, are you saying that that's possible? I've never heard of such thing to be possible to do." Illina soon followed Illan's question, for even an elf like her couldn't understand what Id was saying. "Illan's right. Id, even I haven't heard anything like that. Could you explain what you've just said?" 'Sigh, why is it that even though there's such a thing as magic here, they don't know what I'm talking about? It's amazing that there are actually people who can use sword aura. Of course a low-level swordsman can use a little of it after practicing swordsmanship for a long time, but not very efficiently.' "That's . . . does anyone here know or heard anything about 'blood spot (T/N: i.e. acupuncture points)'?" However, as Id predicted, the party just looked at each other with clueless eyes and looked back at Id and shook their heads. After looking at his clueless party members, Id lost his strength and felt his body becoming heavier as Id was thinking about teaching them from the very beginning. 'This isn't going to work. I have to find another way.' Posted by Jun at 3:07 AM Labels: Id Novel, part 4 11 comments: Anonymous said... Thank you!!!!!! June 11, 2010 10:12 AM ZaX said... Thanks so much for the translation! Been wanting to read this for a long time =D By the way are the 'blood points' the equivalent to pressure points from Chinese martial art novels? June 13, 2010 8:13 AM Kemm said...

Thank you very much! They should build you an altar an adorate you. June 13, 2010 9:47 PM Anonymous said... Nice translation, though it differs from the manhwa. Thanks. June 18, 2010 6:03 PM Jack said... awesome seeing ID try to explain his techniques and give us a lot more info about where his skills are coming from July 12, 2010 5:36 AM Anonymous said... thank you! July 30, 2010 3:19 PM Fantasydotcom said... lol! I'm reading Id on Mangafox, and I'm glad that someone is translating the novel usually mangakas add or miss bits out - so this is really good! The translation is brilliant - although how can I compare when I haven't read other translations lol. But to me its good! Keep posting..I'm a definite reader! Fantasydotcom (Same username on Mangafox) August 2, 2010 12:58 PM Anonymous said... Are you gonna give us part 5? August 19, 2010 11:17 AM Ariel said... Thank you very very much!!! I'm looking forward for your next update!!

September 22, 2010 6:14 PM Anonymous said... niiice December 19, 2010 6:38 PM Anonymous said... it's great

Id Novel p5Id tilted his head down and fell into a deep state of thought. All the other members of the party just stood by and were looking at Id, curious to know what he is thinking. Illina was

especially closely watching Id. 'I suppose I will have to teach them bobeop (T/N: a way of walking), since it itself is quite useful. And I suppose I will use that to teach them on how to use ki.' Id lifted his head back up after finishing his thought and said to the party, "Now that I think about it, I think that its better to teach bobeop first and then the next steps later rather than explaining it. Let's start moving first." The party agreed and packed their belongings and put them on top of their horses. As they were riding on their horses, Illan asked Id, "Id, you are still so young. Who taught you all those?" "There wasn't really a specific person who taught me. It is mostly from the books that I've read. Oh, and also it's impossible to find those books here." "What do you mean it's not possible to find them here?" 'Wow he asks a lot of question. Should I just tell him?' "Sorry Illan, but that would be a secret." The party finally entered a small village around dinner time. Here they rented the only inn's rooms and gathered at the backyard of the inn after dinner. Id first compressed energy around his feet and walked along the yard. Everybody was amazed as they were watching Id's footprints being imprinted deeply into the ground. After, Id pointed at the footprints he made and told others, "You see the footprints I made? Follow them exactly. It won't be confusing since they are easy to see." And soon Id had to do it again because Laindelph's short legs could not reach the first footprints Id made. Id could not help but laugh as they practice, especially when an unathletic magician Illan falls continuously when his feet tangles up. But as there are bad students and good students, elf Illina excelled with her amazing reflexes and athletic ability. It was only long after that everyone learned how to do the basics of bobeop that Id erased the footprints. For days Id taught everyone many ways of bobeop, but it was no easy tasks for the party since they had to keep on moving and do it fast. This was especially true for Illan and Laindelph because the magician had weak constitution and the dwarf had short legs. Soon the group arrived at their destination, Kelvin. Kelvin is one of the three great cities of Ilinas and as such it is a big city and has many magicians and oracles. This of course meant different magic academies.

They are mainly separated by class differences: one was for the nobles and the other one was for the commoners. Originally there was only one magic academy but the nobles could not let their children learn with the commoners and set up a new one. This did not give good impression to people since the academic curriculums were the same. Of course just because the academy was called commoner's academy did not mean only commoners attended. In fact many nobles who got along well with the commoners went there and therefore the differences of the two magic academys number of students were significant. Whether it was by luck or not, the arts festivals were being held by these two academies when Id and his party arrived at the city Kelvin. Despite the fact that these festivals were hosted by schools, they were large in scale with lots to see and therefore were one of the biggest attractions of the city. "Then should we see a bit before we go?" asked Grey after answering Id on why there are so many people out in the street. At his question, the most elder of the group, Illan, answered. "Lets first get a room at a near by inn and put our luggage away. It seems there are a lot of good attractions to see," said Illan as he looks around. Watching him, Hael asked, "Illan did you also attend a school here to become a magician?" "Ha-ha. No, I learned from my master because here they only teach you basics. To learn higher level magic you either have to study on your own or find yourself a good master. With this many people learning at the same time . . . it's not possible." "There's a good looking inn over there with a restaurant," said Laindelph after finding an inn. After Grey looked at the inn he replied, That looks good. But do you think they have any rooms available? There are a lot of people because of the festivals." "What can we do? Rey, let's go there first." Hael was calling Grey with his nickname that she used since they were little kids. As the group entered the inn, a good looking man welcomed them. "Welcome, would you like a dinner, or something else?" "Ah, we would like to see if there's room available?" asked Hael genially. "Yes, there are two three-people rooms open right now. It's a good thing you came here since other inns are probably full." The group had to talk over since there were two women and four men. However, they

could not risk going to other inns and not even get a room. "Then lets first rent the rooms and decide on the arrangement later," said Illan and asked the owners for the rooms and dinner to be ready. "Great! The guests' rooms are at the second floor. Lia, lead the guests to their rooms." "Yes, father." A cute looking girl who was serving food at one side came over. She seemed to be 18 years old with red hair. "Please follow me," said Lia and led the guests to their rooms. After getting rid of his bags, Id quickly went down to the restaurant. Soon Lia approached him and asked, "What would you like to order? I recommend today's duck dish called Elminine." "Hm . . . then three Elminine, six stewsanyone who wants to order more, order more with beer. . . . Id and Illina, would you like to drink a beer also?" "No, thank you. I would like a white wine" Suddenly Id did not know what to order because he did not know the two drinks they ordered. 'How am I to know the types of drinks they have here?' "Uh, what would be good for me?" Then Lia answered Id with shocking words. "Then the lady should have a wine also." At Lia's words, couple people started laughing and Grey had to explain to Lia. "Lady, this Id here is not a lady but a guy. Although even we were stunned too . . . anyway he's a guy. Hey Id, drink some cool beer, it's good. So give us five beers and one white wine." Lia quickly apologized after taking Grey's order and retreated quickly. Like at the first town they stayed at, where Id was mistaken as a girl and almost went to girls' side of the bath accidentally, there were many other incidents where Id was mistaken as a girl. However, Id did not get angry because this happened quite often even at his hometown. 'This is all because of Suhnyuh Okhyoung-gyul* and also Okryongshim-gyul*. . . . I must have been crazy, why did I learn them to get myself in this situation.' (T/N: Go to the bottom for the explanations) When Id was at his hometown, he learned Suhnyuh Okhyoung-gyul from a book. Then slowly his outer features turned more woman-like. Although Id tried to stop these effects, it proved to be impossible because it actually not only changes the outer appearance of the user but also the user's skeletal structure.

Besides, Suhnyuh Okhyoung-gyul was intended for women to learn. That's why Id learned something intended for men: Okryongshim-gyul. However, something unexpected happened after learning this. Because Okryongshim-gyul caused the effects of Suhnyuh Okhyoung-gyul increase and Id's outer appearance became a lot more feminine, beautiful enough to cause the downfall of a country (T/C: Helen of Troy?). Plus Id's long hair that reaches his hips because he did not want to cut his hair only added to his feminine side. "Ids so lucky to look as pretty as a woman." 'That Grey must want to die.' "You! You don't want to learn bobeop huh?" "Ah, no, I meant that you look great. You are misunderstanding. . . ." 'If he's going to say that why is he trying to make me mad?' As a swordsman, Grey especially wanted to learn Id's bobeop because no one else knows about it. Of course that's why Grey is saying that. Soon Lia arrived with beer and later Elminine, the duck dish, came out. Then as Lia was setting down the dish, she took another glance at Id, tilting her head as if to say that no matter what, Id looks like a girl. 'That girl . . . If I said I am a guy then I am a guy, just let it go.' After finishing their meal, the party discussed the day's plan over beer. 'Mmm, this thing called beer is pretty good. It's cold but not strong. Delicious.' "Since it's already past the lunch time, let's just look around and rest and go to the temple tomorrow morning. We will decide what to do rest of tomorrow after we come back from the temple." Illan decided. *This was pretty confusing to translate due to so many meanings that are possible but mostly because I am very bad at Hanja. Anyway I tried my best translating it or should I say I just interpreted after looking up the Hanja dictionary. Well, heres the literal translation and some basic idea of the meaning of it. Suhnyuh OkHyoung-Gyul ( ): Suhnyuh() means nymph, Ok() directly translates to a jade, but could also

translates to something beautiful, which makes more sense here. hyoung() means relating to flower, and gyul() means (in not so popular context but this makes sense the most) to form (themselves). So if you put them together it sounds like forming a beautiful florid nymph? It sounds pretty logical to me. Basically it would make Id look more feminine. OkRyongShim-Gyul ( ): This Ok is the same as the above but in this case it is not used as beautiful but more as splendid or handsome (probably handsome); ryong() relates to an extraordinary person (like a king) or sometimes mean dragon; but either way Id was trying to learn something masculine type. Shim() relates to heard or ~ freedom of will--combined with ryong it sounds like dragon's/king's strong will/purpose. Gyul is also the same as above, as in forming. So combined it means Forming a handsome dragon's/king's strong will? It sounds a bit rough than the other one. But I hope you get the general idea that its to make Id look more masculine. Posted by Jun at 12:49 PM Labels: Id Novel, Part 5 4 comments: Ariel said... Thank you very much for the translation!! September 25, 2010 9:21 PM Anonymous said... niiice! December 19, 2010 6:47 PM Anonymous said... Thank you! December 29, 2010 6:57 PM Anonymous said... i hope there will be soon more part

Id Novel p6"Now~ Since we've finished eating, please gather at the vacant lot." "Hey Id, let's just skip for today. We already memorized everything that you told us." "Exactly. You have to use it now since you memorized it. Come out already." After, Id

took everyone outside to the sizable yard next to the Inn. "This is the final test. Please use bobeop and move as fast as you can." After Id's words, each person performed everything they learned as fast as they can. 'Hm, not bad. It'll be alright with that. Illina almost mastered it perfectly. She could easily dodge normal attacks without using nae-gong*(T/N: Energy stored inside the body, another way of saying Ki).' As he said, Illina performed very fast - though only relative to the people here. And there was even a slight after image. 'I guess there won't be anyone that will be able to catch Illina if she completely master it, though there probably won't be anyone that can even catch her right now.' "Alright then! This will be enough. Please come back up to the room." They followed Id inside and soon everyone gathered in one room. "Seems everyone's used to bobeop. Now I will teach you how to use Ki, as in mana, to perform it. To do that, first we need to operate those mana." "I guess operating mana is different than magic?" "Of course. If magicians knew that, we won't need swordsmen." "Then how do we do that?" "You guys won't understand it even if I explain. So I one way I thought of is that I move the mana that are inside each of your body. Then, each of you guys will remember the order of the flow and operate it yourself." It sounded like a good idea. However, Illan thought Id was talking about using his mana to move another person's mana and asked about it. "You don't have to worry about that. I can't do the impossible things. There will be something good after doing this." "Huh? What's that?" "Gray, you don't have to be so hasty. You will know once it's over. Who want's to go first? How about Gray?" Gray looked around and then nodded. "Good! Then come sit in front of me. Keep your posture relaxed and move those legs like

this. . . yes, and move those hands. . . good. Now close your eyes and sit still and when you feel something moving in your body, you have to remember that well." After making Grey sit in zazen posture(T/N: You can Google zazen posture. Most of you probably have seen it before on TV/Movies), Id lay both of his hands onto Gray's back and performed the safest simpeop( T/N: a way to increase one's nae-gong/Ki) called Geumgangsuhn-do* (T/N: See bottom for translations...I hate this; I guess I should make a dictionary list later.) The reason Id chose Geumgangsuhn-do is because this simpeop has the least chance to cause internal body damage and clears body and spirit to increase nae-gong. Thirty minutes passed since Id had his hands on Gray until Id got up. However, Gray was still sitting on the same position. "Gray went into meridian(T/N: 3rd definition on Now, who wants to go next?" Said Id, quietly. Then Hael looked at Gray who was sitting under Mooahjigyung (T/N: the state of a spiritual state of perfect selflessness) and asked Id for the reason. "That's because all of Gray's mind is in moving his own mana. Don't worry about it." After Id's answer, Illan and then Hael entered meridian. The one's now left were a dwarf and an elf. And after Laindelph, only Illina was left for last. "Id, is it also possible for non-humans like elves and dwarfs? "Of course. Even Laindelph is doing it without any problems." "Then how long are they going to be like that? Gray has already been sitting like that for over an hour." "It's different for each person. It takes about an average of five hours, so you don't have to worry." And finally Illina sat down. Illina's, like Laindelph's, blood points (acupuncture points) weren't much different than that of humans. "Whew, it's finally done. Since it's going to take a while, I should go to bed and sleep." Even 'till dawn, there wasn't anyone who woke up. And a little after past dawn, Illan woke up first. And the first thing Illan saw after waking up was Id, who was watching him while eating a soup on his bed. "you woke up. Would you like anything to eat?" "No, thanks. But what time is it right now? And did no one else wake up yet?"

"Yes, Illan was the first one to finish meridian. And right now it's around five o'clock." "Five? Then I was sitting like that through the whole night? Impossible. It didn't feel as long. . . but why isn't Gray waking up? "That's because Gray has more Ki inside his body than Illan. Since you are a magician you don't have to discipline your body, but since Gray is a swordsman, there's more Ki inside than Illan. Anyway, he's going to wake up soon." As Illan started getting up while listening to Id, he felt his body lighten. Not only that, his mind felt clear also. It felt like his body became younger again. "Id, what happened? I feel light and clear. . . ." "That's because your body evenly distributed energy through your whole body, so your body would feel lighter while it also clears your mind. That's the good thing I was talking about." As Id and Illan were having these conversations, Gray and Hael both woke up with same expressions and questions like Illan. About an hour later Laindelph woke up, followed by Illina. And to the two who asked the same questions as Illan, Id answered them the same answers for the third time. "Now that we are all awake, let's all go down and eat so that we can go to the holy temple." After breakfast, the group gathered back at the yard because it was too early to go to the temple yet. "You guys all remember what we did last night, right? It's good to do it whenever you have some time. But you have to do it where it's quiet and no one else to bother you. This is because while you are moving your mana, your body can receive heavy internal damage if you get hurt. Gray, you should especially do this as often, since your dream of being sword master can come faster." "What! Is that true? Really?" 'He's so happy whenever I mention about sword master.' "Then try performing last night's bobeop. It will be a lot different than yesterday so be careful. Try not to hit anything. Gray started first after hearing about sword master. Id told Gray, who was positioning himself on the center of the yard, "Listen carefully, Gray. From now on, the energy from

last night will move automatically when you perform bobeop, so don't be confused. And don't panic when you move too fast and stop." Gray nodded in answer to Id and performed bobeop. He had a doubt of how fast he could move at first but then he started seeing the scenery and wind moving fast past him, though he didn't feel tired. Except for Id, everyone was surprised at Gray's movements. After seeing Gray move fast, Id thought it was good and told Gray to stop. "Grey, that's enough. Stop!" Then suddenly Gray stopped in-front of the group with an excited face. His face was full of bliss. Grey never dreamed he would meet such a great companion on his adventure and learn such things. Even with this, Gray earned a lot in this adventure. "Thanks a lot, Id!" "You don't have to say that much since we are going together." 'I'm trying to make myself feel easy. It's really irritating if people block your way.' "Then try one by one now." Each one performed as Id has said and were very pleased, especially Laindelph. His eyes became watery because it was impossible for a dwarf to move that fast without magic. However there was one figure that was ruining the moment . . . . "Ha ha ha ha! Look at that . . . D-dwarf is actually running. . . ." It was Illan. Although it would look amazing if other people saw it, because everyone here learned it and because Illan was Laindelph's friend, he was laughing after seeing Laindelph run. Because of that, Laindelph started waving around his axe. "Seems it's a good time to go to the temple now." At Hael's comment, the group realized what time it was and left the inn.

*Geumgangsuhn-do [ ()] Geum- Gold/Rare | Gang- Strong/Full of energy | Suhn- Passing On | Do- A way So it would (probably) mean a way of passing on energy in basic sense.

Again, I don't have much knowledge on Hanja, so if there's a better translation, please comment. Thanks for reading the part 6 of Id. Remember to click on the banners on the right!