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R. Adriel VasquezEditor, writer, researcher, DJ, Most likely to secede

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(Research) topics of interest

Cultural Diplomacy

User Experience


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¿What is Cultural


“The ability to persuade through culture, values and ideas…- Milton C. Cumming

“The exchange of ideas, information…systems…and other aspects of culture with the intention of fostering mutual understanding- joseph F. Nye

“The initiation or facilitation of such exchanges with an aim to yield long-term benefits, whether they promote national interests, build relationships or enhance socio-cultural understanding.- From

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¿What is Cultural


Nation Branding

“A field of theory and practice which aims to measure, build and manage the reputation of countries.

“Effective stewardship of national identity.

- Wikipedia, search “nation branding”

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¿What is Cultural


Soft power

Obtaining “what one wants though co-option and attraction.

“contrasted with ‘hard power’, that is the use of coercion and payment.- Wikipedia, search “soft power”

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¿What is

user experience


User Experience, or UX,

“highlights the experiential, Affective, meaningful and valuable aspects of human-computer interaction and product ownership

And the

“perceptions of practical aspects such as utility, ease of use and efficiency of the system.- Wikipedia, search “User Experience”

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¿What is

user experience


“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.

“you’ve got to start with the customer experience and work back toward the technology—not the other way around.-steve Jobs

“Code is poetry- Wordpress’ slogan

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¿What is

user experience


Interface design and UX play on users’ anticipations and expectations.

In this way, ux is a highly subjective study in context, meaning and narrative.

Users’ perceived position in the system leads to immersion.

The greater immersion achieved, the more satisfying.

Good ux achieves “low cognitive resistance”, I.e. less time learning, more time doing.

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¿What is

Cybernetics?The field of cybernetics was started by norbert weiner in the 1940’s and billed it as the study of control and communication in the animal and the machine.

Cybernetics is an interdisciplinary study of adaptations and changes in environment and behavior due to “circular causal” relationships, or feedback loops.

It is essentially the study of how information is processed, reacted on, and what changes take place in a system or organization.

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¿What is


Cybernetics appeals to and is used in a broad range of fields since at its core is the study of transfers of information—and whether digital or biological, this activity is exhibited in one way or another by all self-organizing systems.

Norbert weiner, and john von neumann, applied their study of informational flows to social phenomenon and human institutions.

Informational flows in all media, self-replicating phenomena (like memes), emergent behavior and characteristics, decision making, and artificial intelligence are at the core of cybernetics.

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¿What is


Cybernetics today has found its merits in the social and behavioral sciences. Particularly in media studies; How information is deployed and in what context under what narrative has benefited from concepts found in cybernetics.

While cybernetics In the 1940’s was principally macro in perspective, cybernetics today joins epistemological, observer-dependent perspectives of the individual and society.

The field of cybernetics remains open and interdisciplinary, and includes study of man-made and non man-made systems.

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¿How do these fit together




User experience

Cultural diplomacy

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¿How do these fit together




User experience

Cultural diplomacy

¿ Cultural user communication ?

Cultural diplomacy

User experience


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¿How do these fit together


Cultural diplomacy—the importance of context, narrative structures, and organizing socio-political “life-Worlds” in which these take place

User experience—cognitive acceptance of environment, feedback, immersion; a system wherein unique behaviors emerge and re-characterize the experience

cybernetics—statistical framework to analyze, predict, adjust, and maneuver strategic communication


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¿How do these fit together


Cultural diplomacy—the importance of context, narrative structures, and organizing socio-political “life-Worlds” in which these take place

User experience—cognitive acceptance of environment, feedback, immersion; a system wherein unique behaviors emerge and re-characterize the experience

cybernetics—statistical framework to analyze, predict, adjust, and maneuver strategic communication



cybernetics—statistical framework to analyze, predict, adjust, and maneuver strategic communication

User experience—cognitive acceptance of environment, feedback, immersion; a system wherein unique behaviors emerge and re-characterize the experience

Cultural diplomacy—the importance of context, narrative structures, and organizing socio-political “life-Worlds” in which these take place

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¿what is



Cultural diplomacy—the importance of context, narrative structures, and organizing socio-political “life-Worlds” in which these take place

User experience—cognitive acceptance of environment, feedback, immersion; a system wherein unique behaviors emerge and re-characterize the experience

cybernetics—statistical framework to analyze, predict, adjust, and maneuver strategic communication

cybernetics—statistical framework to analyze, predict, adjust, and maneuver strategic communication

User experience—cognitive acceptance of environment, feedback, immersion; a system wherein unique behaviors emerge and re-characterize the experience

Cultural diplomacy—the importance of context, narrative structures, and organizing socio-political “life-Worlds” in which these take place

A mode of development characterized by the ability of individual agents to access, react upon, and manipulate information; productizing information itself. A network society and information economy result in this techno-social paradigm.

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informationalismSubstantialism vs constructivism—perspectives of culture in a network society

utopia vs dystopia—apprehensions on the future of a network society

“Real virtuality” and the phenonmenology of virtual worlds—cyberspace as a “consensual hallucination”, like culture (A “linguistic virtuality”)

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informationalismSubstantialism vs constructivism—perspectives of culture in a network society

utopia vs dystopia—apprehensions on the future of a network society

“Real virtuality” and the phenonmenology of virtual worlds—cyberspace as a “consensual hallucination”, like culture (A “linguistic virtuality”)

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