Download - ICF TECHNOLOGY INCORPORATED · ICF TECHNOLOGY INCORPORATED October 19, 1988 Dr. Walter Lee Project Manager U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region III 841 Chestnut Building Philadelphia,


•S300 Lee HighwayFairfax, Virginia22031-1207



Dr. Walter LeeProject ManagerU.S. Environmental ProtectionAgency, Region III

841 Chestnut BuildingPhiladelphia, PA 19107

Re : Consent Agreement and OrderDocket No. III-86-12-DCScovill Site at Montross, Virginia

Dear Walter:

The purpose of this letter is to transmit soil data which we obtainedsubsequent to our September 19 letter report to you. In accordance with ourrecommendation in that letter, ICF Technology resampled soils in the old pondin order to verify the presence of elevated concentrations of lead that hadbeen reported in an initial sample; viz., TCLP of the 0-6 inch compositesample from the west side of the old pond bottom (collected on August 26) wasreported to have a TCLP concentration of lead of 3,200 ug/1.

On October 5, ICF Technology collected a composite sample from the westside of the old pond using a hand auger. Soils were taken from the same fivegrid units used on August 26 and from locations as close as possible to theoriginal auger holes. The sample was then placed in an ice filled cooler andsubmitted to Versar for TCLP analysis. As shown in the attached laboratorydata report, no lead was detected in the October 5 sample.

This resampling result, in conjunction with the fact that no otherelevated concentrations of lead were detected in the old pond, indicate to .usthat lead is not a problem in the old pond soils. The result confirms oursuspicions that the 3,200 ug/1 concentration was an anomaly, perhaps occurringduring laboratory analysis. As a result, no additional soil removal isproposed for the old pond prior to backfilling.

I am requesting your approval of this decision as soon as possible as weintend to proceed with earthwork at the site sometime in the next week.

Sincerely yours,

Gary N. /DietrichSenior Vice President

Attachmentscc: Charles Perry ARi*OI327


October 17, 1988

Ms. Claudia BrandICF Technology, Inc.9300 Lee Highway, Room 914Fairfax, Virginia 22031-1207

Reference: Versar Job No. 996.17

Dear Claudia:

Enclosed please find the analytical data for the analysis of one•sludga sample received at Versar on October 7, 1988.

Should you have any questions, please call me at (703) 642-6760.


Mark R. HammerslaProject CoordinatorLaboratory Operations




6850 VERSAR CENTER • P.O. BOX 1549 • SPRINGFIELD, VIRGINIA 22151 • TELEPHONE: (703) 750-3000 • TELEX: 901125



t: 996.17.1-10me: ICFMontrossOctober 13, 1988

This batch of one soil was received on October 7, 1988 fornination of lead. The sample was extracted on October 1Oding to Toxicity Characteristic Leachate Procedure (Federalter, Vol.51 #216,Part 268>. The extract was digested andzed by ICP on October 12. Both digestion and analysiswed methods outlined in SW-846, 3rd. Edition. As requested,was performed on the sample. All blanks were clean and allstandard recoveries were within 1054 control windows.

Prepared by: "" ." . I i., K

Danette DrewLaboratory Operations

RSAR CENTER • P.O. BOX 1549 • SPRINGFIELD, VIRGINIA 22151 • TELEPHONE: (703) 750-3000 • TELEX: 901125

Versar, Inc.Trace Metals Section

Metals Results

Project - Batch :996.17.1-10 OC Report * : 10* of Saaples : 1 TCLP Extract

FieldSample Ho.SOLDAW(0-6>

Lab No.59033









< 38.


Date : 10/12/88









Project :996.17.1-10

# of Samples :1 TCLP EXT.Laboratory : Versar, Ii. ————————9 -----------Initial Calibration -Verification

II.Preparation Blank

——— _ ———————————— ———



IV.DuplicateSample Results

V.SpikedSample Results


. Inorganic QualityQC Report #

Date1C. Batch *

ReferenceStandardSource : EPA HMO 3

Blank ValuePreparation Blank 1Preparation Blank 2Continuing CalibrationVerification 1

dUU* GCr • Cti A JlflwO

Continuing Blank 1_ —————— _ — __ —— __ —— _Continuing CalibrationVerification 2

Source :———— ————————————————————Continuing Blank 2Continuing CalibrationVerification 3Source:

__ —— _ _ _ _ _ _ — ———— _ _ _ _ _Continuing Blank 3—————— _ ———————————Continuing CalibrationVerification 4

••9UU* wCT •—— ————— __———————————————————Continuing Blank 4Duplicate 1Sample No.


Duplicate 2Sample No.

Spike 1Sample No.

Spike 2Sample No.

Assurance A: 10

: 10/12/88: 10

FoundTrueX RecoveryResultsResults——————————————ResultsFoundTrue



ResultsFoundTrueX RecoveryResultsFoundTrueX RecoveryResults————————————————Sample ResultsDuplicate ResultsRPD ( X )Sample ResultsDuplicate ResultsRPD ( X )—————— —————————Sample Results———————————————Spike Sample ResultSpike AddedX RecoverySample ResultsSpike Results ft jSpike Added___ — — —— — ___. — _X Recovery

Pb ( ug/L )1030.1000.103. X

< 38.< 38.

< 38.1040.

1000._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

XUrt • A—————————————< 38.———————— —————

—————————— ———

———— ———————— _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ——— _

——————— ___ ————


————————— ————

_ ———————— ————

__ ——— ——— __ ———

——————— __ —— ———

i^-Q 133 j'

Wed IO--IL-: -<3<i 06 : •+ _j : Ou r

Sarnnle Name: AR ,i.X OoeT-ator:

ID RINSE.Corr. I'- act or: 1

ft 13062 fisliiSS b iL'497 L<a4S34 fcie^ij--. 00i_7 .. G0t3i2 .O021 -OOOO . ut-'Oi

-.0032" " .0103 .O043 . OOO3 . oOOi-.0023 • OOSi •-. OOOu -. OOOxi .OOOi

Co££86 O-£677 Cu3£47 Fee.001.2 . 001£ -.0006 .0018 -.0073

. 001£ .0018 --. O0££ ,OO 14 . OO'-Jo

.00112 .0006 .OOli . OOt=:£ --. O£43

MD£7_i5 Piriilii,'L r'io£Oll:3 Na5663 Mil-316. OOO4 .OO03 •. OO£2 .OOOO --.0003

. OOO4 . OOOO -. OO34 . 0000 . OOOcJ

.0004 .0007 -.0009 .0000 -.0008

.0640 .0075 .0100 ,0001 .

. 065G .0167 .0073 .OOOI .0004 . ulJ4

. O641 --.0037 .Olio .0001 . O00,_; . OOo.i

Y_,37iO 2 n 2 136. O049 . OOOc:

. 005£ - . 000i£;

. 0046 . OOOD


Analysis Report Wed 10-12-38 06:47:13 Pi'i oaa--:-

Method: C Sample Name: EPfl ,HND3 Operator:Run Time: 10/1£/3S 18:45:££Cornrnent : EPft HNO3

ie: CuNC Corr. Factor: 1

lent ftg3£8O A13082 fls!936 E<__£497 ba493<4 L;e313u Caji7_tftvge . 5O41 -.0044 .0178 --.0092 .0003 .OOOi •-. 0012

t l .5013 -.0090 .0184 -.0104 .0000 .0001 -.002:6#£ .5069 .0002 .0172 --.0081 .0006 ,0002 . 0'..'OC

Elern Cd££88 Co££86 Cr£677 Cu3£47 Fe£599 Fe£714 K. 766 +flvqe .5148 .5154 . OO3O .5174 --. O002 . OiOO . 10<+3

#1 . 5O8£ .51 £6 .OO35 .5174 .OOOO . OilLS . 634#2 . 5£14 .3163 .0025 .51 7-4- -. OO05 -.OO/U --. O/-M-/

Elern Li 6707 Mg£795 Mn£S76 Mo£0£3 Na5S89 Ni£3lL Pt't'i;.03flvge --.0010 --.0017 .5066 --.0025 .0000 .4607 1.033

#1 .OOOO -.O017 .5046 --.OO16 .OOOO .4773 i,v33'#£ ~.OO£1 -.OO17 .5086 --. OO33 .OOOO .4841 . .O-io

Elern Sb£175 Sel960 Si£881 Sni899 Br4£15 T13349 iiiSOufivge -.0174 £.070 -.0134 . OO08 . OOO4 . OO04 ..-:. O6t

#1 -.0149 £.071 -.0171 .0046 .0004 .0006 2. Otiy#2 --.0199 £.069 -.0096 -.0031 .0004 . Ou02 c:. o:.yj

ern V.,.£9£4 Y_3710 Zn£138ge .4967 .O041 .0017

#1 .4933 .OO35 .OO14#2 .5O01 .O046 .O02O


analysis Report Wed 10-12-38 06:43:20 --V1

Method: C Sample Name: ICSAB , l.X ODerator:Run Time: 10/12/83 18:47:29Comment: ICB AB iMode: CONC Corr. Factor: i

El em Ag3£SO A 13082 As 1936 B.,..£497 Ba4934 Be3130 La^l/.9669 474.9 .0043 --.0393 .4780 . V5A-., n4^2.j

.9576 47£. 9 - . O398 --.0453 .4749 .4546 H460. 3

.9761 476.8 .0484 -.0334 .4811 .4605 , i46J>. ')•

Elern Cd££S8 Co££66 Cr£677 Cu3£47 Fe£599 Fee: 714 Kflvge .9502 .4575 .4944 .5339 190.0 20'J. 6 •. 34rjj

#1 .9497 .4526 .4902 .5£71 189.7 206.2 -• . -.2.',',)#2 .9508 .4624 .4985 .5407 19O.4 , ill . . 1 -. 16/..J

Elern L167O7 Mg£735 Mn£576 Mo£O£3 NaStiSS Ni ill 3 It". Pbc::2C3Avqe .01 15 H78. £G .4743 .O1O1 .3564 .6429 M-. 8o2

#1 .01 05 H7S. £5 .4706 .0042 .3651 .6350 ^2 .0126 H78. 27 .4778 .0161 .3518 .8506 -

Elern Sb£175 Be i960 Si £661 Sr.1699 Sr4£15 T 13349 iAvge . 003O --.0/06 -.0116 -.O251 .1216 -.O067 .

#1 -.0026 -. O696 -.0340 -.0416 .1210 --. OO73 .#2 . O085 -.0517 . O1O8 -. O065 . 1£22 •-. OO6i .

Elern V. £9£4 V. 37 1O Zn£13Cftvqe . 4845 . OO46 . 96O3

#1 . 46£0 .0046 .9542tt£ .4670 .0046 .9664


Wed 10-12-86 O6:-il:ti ilysis Report.' c Sample Name: ICSflB ,/20. Operator:Time: 10/12/38 18:49:50

k: 1CS AB 7£0. 2Corr. Factor: i

.em Aq3£80 A1308£ As 1936 B...2497 Ba4934 t-. .:-13O i.e^Msi,ae O521 £4. 14 --.0035 --.0004 .0245 . 024b i_:5. •:.>•.'

i .0518 £4.£O . OOO9 --. 005O . 0£5£ . 0£46 25.802 .0524 24. OS -.0079 .0042 .0238 .0247 •?:._. 74

lern Cd2£OO Co££6L Cr-£:&77 Cu3£47 Fe2599 Fe27l4 r, /Gi.,vge .0517 .O£37 .0363 .0286 11.47 11.6O l.ulo

1 .0466 .0233 .0380 .0275 11.Di 11.61 .67/t-..2 .0547 .0241 .0346 .0297 11.43 11.59 i. L.:i..-:

11 ™

vq, ,0010 I*:™- .0 .0007 -0 .04.5

- ::SSiS S:it :S£ -So :SS :Sc,b .17s 1- 60 bi£661 Sr,1699 Sr4£15 Ti334'

_lern &b^i/^ ^-1-^ <0060 -000a-.0109 .0323 -0404

-.-,<»-. 0T"=-o .0001 .0007 --.0020 -ou;'.-. 0074 . 025,:: . O^ - - Q0^ , .^ , /_. o 144 • 0394 - O^S-J . O i J .

V 29E4 Y....3710 r,£136 ..0263 .0041 . U5>3t,

.O275 .OO46 • 055b

.0251 .0035 .0516


ysis Report Wed 10 -12 -88 u6:55:3/ Pi'1 u-acie i

,ocJ: U Sample Name: DB1 ,i.X Gcer-ator: WTime: 10/12/88 18: 53: 46tent: DIB BLK 3?: CDMC Corr. Factor: 1

srn AgSEBO A13OS2 Asl936 B_£497 Ba4934 Le3i30 Ca2.i7_iqe .0027 -.0041 .0006 .0403 .0003 -.0001 .2466

.O011 -.0114 .0131 .0412 . OOO3 --. OOO3 . 2-4-CJ-.J

.0043 .0032 -.0118 .0393 .0003 .0001 . 246,-i

Cd££S6 Co££8& Cr£677 Cu3£47 Fe£599 Fe£714 K-. 000£ . 002O . OO20 .0022 . OO61 .0121 '.45(37

. OOO3 .O044 .OOO9 . 00££ . 005£ --.0391 .3613-. OO07 "-.0005 . OO31 .0022 .0071 . O632 . oi'-i

Li 6707 Mg£795 Mn£576 Mo£0£3 Na5SS9 Ni£316 Pb2203-.'0042 .0068 .0426 -.O030 .2091 .0042 . 022O

-.0042 . OO69 .0419 --. OO35 . £O58 . OO5S .-. O042 .0066 .0432 -.0025 .2124 . O024 .03/-+

Sb£175 Sei96O 9i£88i Snl899 Sr4£15 Ii3349 '111 906. OO29 .0405 .4781 .0344 -.0002 .0361 .0418

-.0151 .0319 .4734 .0275 --.0009 .0361 . U59L..0208 .0491 .4828 .0412 .0004 .0361 . Oe'tu

V..,29£4 V...371O 7.n£138.0019 .0046 . OO62

.OOOO .0046 .O071

. 0038 . O046 . OO54


Analysis Report Wed. 10-12-36 06:57:56 PM oaae

Method: C Sample Name: DB£ ,i.X Operator: WRun Time: iO/12/38 13:56:05Comment: EXT BLK 4JBe<de: CUiMC Corr. Factor: i

:iern Ag3£80 fllJOSc' As 1936 B....£497 Ba4934 Be313O C.a3i7r>Avge .0019 .003£ .0009 .0554 .1364 .OOvO .0652

#1 .OO11 .0032 .0072 .0594 .1367 -.0002 .0624#2 .OO27 .0032 -.OO54 .0514 .1361 .0001 .063l

Elern Cd££S8 Co££86 Cr£677 Cu3£47 Fe£599 Fe£71^ K /6i_.4-Avge -. O024 . OO39 .OOOO . OO78 •. O153 .0433 --. O'"J5o

#1 -.0033 . 00£7 . OO07 . OO76 . O16O . O385 -.3lj. j.#2 -.0014 .0051 .0009 .0078 .O146 . O48O . i l ju.

Elern L167O7 Mp£795 Mn2576 Mo £02 3 Na5689 Ni£316 Pb££O3Avge .OOOO . OiO7 .0409 --.0004 HI 592. .0061 . 028u

/#1 .OOOO . O1O7 . 04O6 .OOOI H1592. . OO06 . v'„-..>'-;*i=2 .OOOO . O1O7 .0412 --. OO08 HI593. . OO24

Elern Sb£i75 Sel96O Si £881 tin 1899 5r4£15 T13349Avge -.0033 .0231 .4445 .0410 .OO73 .O361

#1 .0008 .0428 .4548 .0347 .0074 .0355 .O£0i#£ •-• 0074 . 0034 . 4342 . 0473 . 0072 . 0367 . 0<+3 L

tlern V.._£9£4 Y_3710~" Zn2138fsqis . OOO7 .O033 .0736

#1 .OO07 .O03O . O763#2 „0007 .0046 . 0309


Analysis Report Wed 10-12-86 0/:00:13 Pvi

Method: C Sample Name: 9033 ,i.X Operator: wRun Time: 10/12/63 13:'58:22Comment: 59033 5Mode: CONC Corr. Factor: i

Elern Ag3£80 A13062 Asl936 B..2497 Ba4934 Be3i30 Ca3a?_lAvge .0011 .0382 -.0056 .1219 .3 -04 .000.: 6u. M-'J

#i .0007 .0304 -.0145 .1207 .3400 .0001 60TiV#£ .0016 .0459 .0033 .1231 .3406 .0002 tii.'.;ji

Elern Cd££88 Co££86 Cr£677 Cu3£47 Fe£539 F'e£ViJ+ K_ /'O64Avqe -.OOOI .OO33 .OO25 .0564 .O245 .007O t.wij

#1 -. OO3£ . O033 .0012 .0567 .0216 -.0196 4.400#£ .O029 .OO33 .0037 .06O1 .0272 .0338 H.63/

Elern Li 6707 Mq£795 Mn£576 Wo£0£3 Na5889 N12316 PD22O3Avqe .0037 4.321 .1522 .0004 H1674. .0275 .016-.;

#1 -. OO5£ 4.804 . 151£ .OOOO H1675. .0295 • . O'OiJO#2 .0126 4.339 .1532 .OOOO H1673. . O255 .'.i.i3

Elern 3b£i"75 Sel960 Si£861 Sni89y Sr4215 T13349 "i i i i'.>»Avge . OO88 . O651 3. £'/£ . O444 . 2515 . O3^2 . 'JO L'.)

#1 -.0062 .0514 3.237 .0363 .2511 .0332#2 .0237 .0739 3.308 .0526 .2520 .0351

Elern V.,£9£4 Y_..3710 Zn2138Avge .O01O .OO79 .1538

#1 -.0014 .O079 .1530tt£ .OO35 .OO79 .1546


Analysis Keport Weo 10-12-83 07:03:<+3 Pf\4 *

Method: C Sample Name: 9O33 ,/'::•. Operator: wRun Time: 1O/12/38 19:01:56Comment: 59O33 75. 6«" ' = : CONC Corr. Factor: i

ern Aq3£60 A13082 AE1936 B.. 2497 L«a4934 Be3130 LaJj.?'_iAvqe . OO29 -.0073 -.0139 .0321 .0720 .0001 12.76

#1 .0020 -.0060 -.0094 . O£86 .0717 . OOul#2 .0033 -.0087 -.O135 .0354 .0722 .OOOi

Elern Cd££88 Co££66 Cr£677 Cu3£47 Fe£599 Fe£714 KAvqe .0030 . OO£O --. OO05 .0134 . OO37 . OO46 . 242-J

#1 . OO5£ .OO12 --. OO£S .O122 . OO£9 . OO47#2 .0003 .0028 .0018 .0145 .0046 .0046

Elern Li 6707 Mcj£795 Mn2576 Mo£0£3 Na5389 N12316 Pbi.-.:20.iAvqe .0000 1.030 .0320 ' -.O021 363.8 .0100 . 004o

#1 .OOOO l.O£9 . 03£(.r -.OO17 364.3#2 .OOOO 1.O32 . O32O -. OO26 363.2 .Oll6

Elern Sb£175 Gel960 s Si£881 , Sni699 Sr^£15 T13349Avge .0032 .0253 ,7£15 .0149 .0534 .0065

#1 -.0095 . 0£82 .7094 .0098 .0534 .0063 .u366#£ .0158 .0224 .7337 .0199 . 053<+ .0067 . Ol-i-.i

ern V. 29£4 Y_371O Zn£138qe .0011 .0057 .035.7

-.OOO£ .OO5£ .0354.0024 .0063 .0360


= Q'-'rt Wed 10-12-33 '.>7:05:57 Pi'i^ i •>

Sample Name: AR , i.X Operator:10/12/83 19:04i06HID RINSE

Corr. Factor: 1

ft 13082 As 1936 B...£497 Ba4934- B&313O ua.3l /'-J.-. O096 -.0002 .0000 .0000 . OOOi . Oul-t

-.003£ .0099 .000£ .OOOO .0004 .OO^D•-. 016O -.0103 -.0001 .OOOO -.OOOi -. uOi7

Co££86 Cr£677 Cu3£47 Fe£599 f e2714 K. 7664.0012 --.0009 .0022 -. OOO4 -.0219 .5445

.0012 -.0014 . OO33 . OO14 -.0291 . "/--j'-j'j

.0012 -.OOO4 .0011 -.OO22 -.0146 . ...3_'2

Mg2795 Mn£576 Mo£O£3 Na586S M2316.OO13 --.0003 --.0022 .1427 .0035

OOOO .0019 -.0007 --.0016 .1659 .0053OOOO .0019 .OOOO -.0026 .1195 .OO16

Sei960 Si£881 Sni699 Sr4£15 T1.0469 .0122 -.0100 .OOOI •-. OOOJ

0054 .0337 .0243 -. O005 .0001 -00000146 .0601 .0000 -.0195 .0001 ». OUOt,

Y 37iO Zn£138.0044 .0010

OO05 .0052 .OOO5OOOO .0035 .0015

ARl*013l*0 •

Analysis Report tved 10-12-8>j 07 j 08:1*+ K,T!

Method: C Sample Name: EPA ,HND3 Operator:Run Time: i0/12/33 19:06324Cornrnerit : EPA HN03

ie: CONC Corr. Factor: i

lern fig3£8O A13O8£ Asl93G B_.£4T«7 Ba4934 Be313OAvge .5115 •-. OO76 .O031 -. OO91 .OOOO .OOOI -. OOJu

#1 .5120 .0029 .0052 -.0066 .0000 .OOOO -.0002#2 .5109 -.0181 .0011 -.0094 .0000 .OOOi ••. O07'>

Elem Cd££88 Co2£85 Cr£677 Cu3£47 Fe£599 Fe£714 K 76u4Avqe .5130 .5207 .0007 .5153 .0027 -.0243 .7316

#1 .5105 .52O7 .OOO5 .5152 .0056 -.0121 .obui#2 .5156 . 52O7 .0010 .5183 --.OOOl --. 0366 . 60 7U

Elern L167O7 Mg£79b Mn£57G Mo2O£3 Na5889 Ni£316 Pbu'i. OvSAvqe .0052 -.0013 .5096 -.0025 .O199 .4676 i, i.-,yj

#1 .0000 -.0016 .511'ii -.0016 .OOOO .4679 i. •.'=*;•tt2 . 0105 -. 0009 . 3073 -. 0034 . 03'J8 . -<+376 I. O..i.

E1 ern Bb£ 175 Bel960 81288i Sn 1899 br4215 "i 13349Avge -.0013 2.104 -.0171 .0010 .0001 -.0002

#1 .Ol££ £. 08£ ".Ol 16 . OOO5 .OOOi . OOO4#£ - -.0147 2.125 -. O227 . OO14 .0001 -. OO06

em V.....2924 Y...3710 Zn£138.4973 .0035 .0014

.4996 .OO35 " .0020

.4'35O . OO35 .OOO 7

Analysis Report Wed 10-12-83 07:10:22 Pel oaa«

Method: C Sample Name: ICSAB ,l.X Operator:Run rime: 10/12/33 13:03:31Comment: ICB ABMode: CONC Corr. Factor: 1

Elern Aq3£80 A13O62 Asl936 B_2497 Ba4934 t;e3130 L",« .i7'aAvqe .rJ657 475. O . 015O --. O386 .4758 .4558 liM-G.-J. /

#1 .9615 474.6 --. O060 -.O359 .4744 . 45[".2 M4bi.t)#2 .9698 475.5 .0361 -.0414 .4772 .4563

Elern Cd£2S8 Co££66 Cr£677 Lu3£47Avqe .9584 .4579 .4950 .5311 190.5 209.2 -. i30O

#1 .9429 .4567 . 49£8 .5271 190.4 2O8. 6 -.i.»r^'i5#2 .9739 .4592 .4973 .5350 19O. 6 209.6 •. i*_ou

Elern Lit/7o7 Mn£795 Mn£576 Mo£023 Na5689 Ni£3l6 f'toi.'.ZuZ,Avqe .0126 H73.47 .4715 . OO03 .3817 .6555 <K .:!<+••}

#1 .0126 H78. 45 .4737 .0014 .3784 .6621 '+. cv f#2 .0126 H73. 48 .4694 -.0007 .3850 .6490 H. -jjj..-,

Elern Sb£175 Sel960 Si £881 Snl699 Sr4£15 Ti33*tO "IlTiuSAvge -.0172 -.1565 -. O4O4 -. O143 . 12O9 -.OO71 . 6'o2 /

#1 -.0202 -. £O£0 --.G414 -. 03O9 . 12G5 -. O071 . .-; /•'.'':•>ttl_ -.0142 -.1111 -. O395 .0024 .1212 -.007i . '_-o4b

Elern v_£924 Y_3710 Zn2138Avge .4643 .0044 . 964O

#1 .4623 .O041 .966O#2 . 4672 . 0046 . 'J62O

Analysis Report Wea 10-12-86 O/:12:42

Method: C Sample Name: ICSAB . 7£O. Operator:Run Time: .10/12/33 19:10:51Comment: ICS AB 7£G.Mode: CONC Corr. Factor: iC:

ilern Ag3£80 A1306£ Asl936 B...2497 Ba4934 Be3130Avgtc- . O549 £4.13 .0121 -. OO47 .0251 .0247

#1 . O529 £4. £8 .O138 -.0060 .0246 .02 +7ft2 .O569 24.O7 .01O3 -.OO35 .0255 .O247

Elern Cd££68 Co££86 Cr£677 Cu3£47 Fe£599 Fe£714 r\ ./tt.,-';Avqe . 0434 . 0282 . 0376 . O314 11. 52 11. 6'5 i. 35 i

#1 .0465 .0273 .0370 .0266 11.56 11.62 i.i/3#2 .0502 .0290 .0367 .0342 11.49 11.66 i. 53u

Elern L167O7 fin £7 95 Hn£57G Mo£O23 Na5869 N12316 Pb£i':.i.i3Avge . OO31 £6.23 .0280 -.OO13 . l06£ .O461 . L_-J4_»

ttl -.OO63 £6.£9 .0£6O -.OO1G .O9£9 .04714*2 .0126 26.16 . O280 -. O017 .1195 .O^-Gi

Elern Sb£175 Sei960 S12661 Sni699 Sr4£15 T13349Avye -.0016 -.0035 .0526 .0069 .0013 -.0013

#1 -.0005 -. O342 .0339 .0092 .0009 -. uu22 . v/6.v2 —. O026 .0233 .07" 13 .0086 .0016 •-.000''+ . 046'..;

ilern V_£9£4 Y_.371O . Zn£i.3Ofsqe .O£ 77 . OO6O . O542

.0£56 .OO57 .0549

.0293 .0053 .0536






Lab no.SampleWt. (g)

Wt. ofemptycont.

Wt. offullcant.


Wt. ofliq. phase


% Solids


/£><O '/.


A R l * O I 3 l



Project: Cff£__________ Date: /Q -/Q —


Lab No.ii

0 33

pH ( initial)




1 ————————— ,_. .._ ——————— ,

pH (final) (Extraction Fluid j

3. 6


iiiiiiIii1ii\iiiiii ii ii ii ii iiiI

pH Meter calibrated on:pH solution:

pH solution:

Comments: If init. pH < 5, extr. fluid #1. If init. pH >5,add

3.5ml l.ON HCl,heat to 5O°C for 10 min,cool.If final pH

fluid #1. If final pH > 5,extr. fluid #2.




Batch: i


iLab no.


A2 i |/^ J /VM»




. 1AL._> ac,w i

W^1C-7"'— 9 }

-t time:

Wt. (g)

fOQ. C^-




X Solids]

/SO /.








Stop td

Extr. Sol'n& ml. used



'1C LE/



S" •£( i.





ST. 3-5

5"- So


Comments & jSample description j




Description s Homogenous/ NonhoraogenousTexture-Fine, Med. or CourseWet/DryArtifacts

pH Meter calibration!

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Analytical Difficulties

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