Download - COUNCIL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARC]hI KRISHI BHAWAN: NEW, DELHI F. No. GAC-21-7 12017-CDN / IY Dated 17 lloremU er,20l7 ENDORSEMENT Cabinet Secretariat, Govt. of India,



F. No. GAC-21-7 12017-CDN


Dated 17 lloremU er,20l7


Cabinet Secretariat, Govt. of India, New Delhi vide its O.NI Nos. l/4lll12016-Cab. dated 30.10.2017 has forwarded copies of Election Commission of india (ECI) letter(i) 43716ll|EC|/INST/FUNCT1MCCl20l7ll99 dated 2s.10.2017 and (ii)no.437|6|||ECI/INST/FUNCT/MCCl20l71202 dated 25.10.2017 regarding action to betaken for enforcement of Model Code of Conduct after announcement of General Electionto the State Legislative Assembly of Gujarat. The above mentione,l O.Ms alongwithcopies of the letter of Election of India has been uploaded on the ICAR websiteu u u..icar' and e-office for information.

Under Secretary (GAC)

Distribution :-

l. Directors/PDs/NRCs/ATARIs.2. All Officers/Sections at ICAR Krishi Bhawan/KAB - I & IIINASC3. Media Unit for placing on the ICAR website.4. PSO to DG, ICAR/ PPS to Secretary, ICAR/ PPS to FA, D/\RIr/ICAR5. Guard file/Spare copies

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:tL_No. 11411112016-Cab




New Delhi, the 30th October, 2017


Subject: immediate action to be taken for enforcement of Model Code ofConduct aften announcement of General Election to theLegislative AssemblY of Gujrat.

The undersigned is directed to enclose herewith a copy of Election

Commission of lndia letters No. 43716/1 /ECl/tNST/FUNCT/MCC/201 7 I 199 dated

25.1 0.2017 and No. 43716/1 /EC l/l NST/F U NCT/MCC/20 1 7 1202 dated 25.1 0.2017

on the above subject for information and necessary action.

Encl: A/a(Rachna Shah)

Joint SecretaryTel: 23016576

All Secretaries to the Government of lndia

sa,q (n)-, wLt-A-

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By Spl. IVlesserger/mailEl


INDIA1 0001


No. 43716fi/ECI/INST/FUNCT/]\,fCC/, I1017

f t9?

The Cabinet Secretary,Government of India,Rashtrapati Bhawan,New Delhi.

The Chief Secretary to theGovernment of Gujarat,Gandhinagar.

The Chief Electoral 0fficer,Gujarat,Gandhinagar.

Dated: 25t1, Octob errZA|T



Subject: Iminediate action to beafter announcement ofGujarat- regarcling.


taken for enforcement of Model Code of ConciuctGeneral Election to the Legislative Assembly of

I am directed to state tl-rat the Election Commission has announced the schedule forholding General Electio, to Legislative Assenibly of Gujarat, operation ol ,M'DEL coDE 0Fc0NDucr'-comes-into elfect with the announcement of elections by trre commission. In view ofthe generaleiection t' ii" itg"ir,,"" orr.*bly of Gujarat, tire commission has given forowingdirections for effective enforcement of provisions of NICC:_

1" Defacement of Prcperty- ECI instructions contained in letters, No. 437 /6/ INST/z015-

- (oilf;r:l:rn2eth December, 2015, No. a37/6/rNSr/2012_ cc&BE dared lBu,January,I u zvLz and' No.3/T/2008 Is-tt dated 7th october, z00B , provide for prevention of

,rljnrtr"tions and to take time bou'd action as prescribed berow-[aJ Defacement of Government property' For this purpose a Government premise// would include any Government office and tire campus wherein the office building issituated' All wall writing, posters/papers or defaceme.t in any other


| 'a


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cutout/hoardings, banners, flags etc, on Government property shall be removed

within 24 hours from the announcement of elections

[bJ Defacement of pubXic property and misuse of public space- All unauthorized

political advertisement, in the form of wall writing/posters/papers of defacement inany other form, cutout/hoardings, banners flags etc. at public property and in publicspace like railway station, Bus stands, Airports, railway Bridges, Roadways, Govt.

Buses, Electric/Telephone poles , municipal/local bodies' buildings etc., shali be

removed within 48 hours from the announcement of elections by the Commission.

[c) Defacement of private property- All unauthorized political advertisement

displayed at private property and subject to local law and court's directions, if any,

shall be removed within 72 hours from the announcement of elections by the


Misuse of official vehicle- The ECI's Consolidated instructions contained in letter No.

464/INST/2014/EPS, dated l-0tt April 2014, among other things, provides,that thereshall be a total ban on use of official vehicle by any political party, candidate orany other person connected with election fexcept officials performing any

election related official duty) for campaigning, electioneering or election relatedtravel during elections fsubject to certain exception mentioned therein). The

expression official vehicle means and shall include , any vehicle used or capable of being

used for the purpose of transport, whether propelled by mechanical power or otherwise

and will include trucks, lorries, tempos, jeeps, cars, auto rickshaws, e-rickshaws, buses,

belonging to Central Government, State Government/UT Adrrinistrations, public

undertakings of Central/State Government, Join sector undertakings of Central/State

Government, local bodies, municipal corporations, marketing boards, cooperative

societies or any other body in which public funds, however small a portion of the total,

are invested. The CEOs/DEOs shall take necessary action for compliance of ECI

instructions within 24 hrs of the announcement of the elections.

,{dvertisement at the cost of public exchequer- ECI instructions contained in letters,

No. 37 /6/7/201'4-CC&BE, dated 5th March, 2014 provides that at the cost of public

exchequer in the newspapers and other media and the misuse of official mass media

during the election period for partisan coverage of political news and publicity

regarding achievements with a view to furthering the prospects of the party in power

shall be scrupulously avoided. No advertisements shall be issued in electronic and print

media highlighting the achievements of the Govt. at the cost of pubiic exchequer. If any

advertisement has already been released for telecast/broadcast or publication in the

print media, it must be ensured that the telecast/broadcast of such ads on electronic



t\: \


media is stopped forthwith and that no such ad is published in any newspapers,

magazines, etc., i.e. in print media, from the date of announcement and it should be

immediately withdrawn. The CEOs/DEOs has to take immediate action toremove/stop any advertisement , in the print/electronic media, showing the

achievements of the Government soon after the announcement of elections.

Photograph of political functionary at official website- ECI instruction contained in

letter No. 437 /6/INST /2014-CC&BE dated 2Oth March, 2014 provides that all references

of Ministers, Politicians or political parties available on central/state Government's

official website, shall be removed. The CEOs have to take irnmediate action to

remove/hide the photographs of any political functionary from olficial websites of state


Development/construction related activities- within 72 hours of announcement of

eiections, the CEO/DEO shall obtain the following list of works for reference in case of

validating any complaint on violation of MCC:

ti) List of work which has already been started on ground.

[ii) List of fresh work which has not started on ground.

Activities for Expenditure Monitoring and enforcement of MCC- Flying squad, FST,

video team, intensive checking for liquor/Cash/Contra banned drugs, flying squads of

excise department to check iliicit trafficking of Drug/Narcotics to be irilmediately

activated after announcement.

Complaint Monitoring System- The po11 going states shall have a complaint redressal

mechanism based on website and call center. The toll free number of call center is 1950.

Complaints can be registered by making calls to the toll free cali center numbers or on

the web site. Complainants will also be informed of the action taken by SMS and by the

call center, Complainants can also see the details of the action taken on their complaints.

This system should be oLerational within 24 hours of the announcement . AII

complaint should be dealt with promptly and properly. The24x7 control Room at.the

district level must be activated and sufficient deployment of manoower and other

Iogistics be ensured in particular, round the clock personnel should be deployed in the

control room and their duty roaster must be issued to avoid any evasion or confusion.

IT Application' All IT applications including official website and social media shall be

operational with the announcement.

9. Dissemination of information for Awareness of Voters and political parties.

Publicity of major election activity wouid be given through CE0/DEO/RO. For this









vii) In those cases where transfer of an officer is necessary on account of

administrative exigencies, the concerned State Government may with full

justification approach the Commission for prior clearance.

7. The receipt of the letter may kindly be acknowledged.

Yours faithfully,





, ' (].,


ELECTION CCMMISSION OF INDIANirvachan Sadan Ashoka Road, New Dellri-110001


No. 437 / 6/INST/201 s-CCS


Dated: 29th December, 2015.

The Cabinet Secretary,Cabinet Secretariat,Rashtrapati Bhawan,New Delhi.

The Chief Secretaries ofAll the States and [Jnion'l'erritories.

The Chief Electoral 0flicers ofAII the States and Union Territories.

Sul;iect: Banning use of buildirrg/civil structures ownecl by public SectorUrtdertakings(PSUs) for political advertisement dur'[ng period of Modet Code ofConduct - regarding.

Sir/Madanr, ,

Ianr directed to invita a relet'ence to the Comrnission's circular Ietter No,3/Z /?.(tUB-lS-Il, dated 76 Ocrn!-rer,2o0B,vrherein il ltas, inter alia, clirectcci thaI tlicre shall be no displ;ry uIelection postel's, hoardings, bannel's, etc,, in any Governnient Jlrcnrises or civil str-ucLures. Ithas cotne to the notice of the Comntissirrtr ilrat political parties Itave been displ.rying/pastitrg

tlteir posters, banners, erc., at the building.s/civil structures and/or premises owned by theCovt. and Public Sector Undert;rkings (PSUs) during electio6 periocls as part of fheir electioncampaign. It is clari[ied that buildings and premiies of PSUs shall also be treated at par withGovt. premises for the purpose oI displaying political ads durirrg election period. T[eConrmission has directed that no poli[ical advertisements slrall be displayed/pasted at r.he

buildings/civil structures owtied by Public Sec[or UndcrLakings Il,SUs) or in their.premises

during the period Model Code o[Conduct is in [orce.

ln case there is no specilic prnvision in the by-laws oFPSLIs or in their agrcements withthe advertisonteltt agencies to whom they let out space [or adver[isernent for prohittitingdisplay of political advertisement, PSUs may be instructed to acld a para in tlreir commercial

agreements witlr cor;rmercial agencies/companies while proi,iding space on lease to the







adverlisernent agency for pracing commerciar advertisemen[s that "No political advertise'menc

sho, be disptayed/1:asted ot the space provided on lease for cotrtrnerciar advertisement like

airports, rairwaystotion, Inter state/Locar Bus stands, Govt' ffonsportation post offices'

Government hospitars/dispensaries etc. (except on main highways, main roads etc') during the

period of Modet code of conducc. If there is ony poritical advercisenren c r; the lro.vided

space' the



rhe above directions are compried with and to ensure that instances o[ display of politica

advertisemen* in any form do not occur in the nremises of pSUs in any election in future'

Yours faithfull

\ryfr. alalruMA









tfi't\ri. :

ilil :;i:i

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I-j)' FaVSpecd Posr.,Canrn B.rq,(5 Statesi

ELECTION COIUN4ISSION OF II{DIANiry1llgn Sadan, Ashoka Roacl, Neu, Deihi_110001

Nq.,a 3Z6nNST201 2- CC & u E

Ir,fhe C-abrnet Secretarl,Cabiner SecretanatRashti'apatr Bhan'an, New Dclhi.

The Chief Secretarres ofAII States tr'na Unlon Terrrtories

The Chief Electoral Olficers oiAll States and Union Terrrtories

Subiecr Prevention of defacement cf propert-y and other campaign related items -revised insFructions - regarding.


i arn ,.lirected to state that on tlre announcemenl of the General Elections to theL,e5,nslati'e Assembries of the states of Goa, Manipur., punjab, uttar praciesh andt-'ltiaraknand, the pror"istons of lv{odcl Code o{ Conduct have came rntcr torce n,.e.J

24h L)ecenrber, 2011. The Commission has decided to rerterate its insrructiorrs issuedvlde tts letier no. 3/7/2008/ts-Ii dated 7tr'october, 2008 (copy enclosed) contarned rn

Para 5 under the heading'DEFACEMENT oF PRIVATE PLACES,, as uncler :_


any resrricrions under any rocar law or any court orders inlorce, the political parties, candidates, their agents, workers and suiporters may putup banners, buntings, flags, cut-outs,, on their property, pro,ideI thev do so ontheir olirn volition, voluntarily and without ".,1i ir".r,r.u fro; ;n;, pary,organizatron or person, and provided further that these do lot .uL* anyinconvenience in any $anner to anyone

.erse. trf

.such disprry or Lrr,r,"ro ,]ri, ",..aims to solicit vote for any partrcular candidate, then the provisions of section lzlHof IPC would be attracted and would have to be followed. Section 171H of the trpCstipulates that whoever without the general or special authority in writing of acandidates incurs or authorizes expenses on account of the holcling of an1, fiublicrneetin5; or upon any advertisement, circular or publication, or in1n1, otie, *rv






i",&,, t_..'.;

'ii .! I



h'hatsoever for the purposc of pronroting or procuring tlrc rlection of suchcattdidates, sh-all be punished rtith finc which mal, extend to five hundred rupees:Provided thal if an)'person ltaving inctrrred any such cxpenses not excceding theamount of ten rupecs without authority obtains within ten da1,5 from the date onwhich such expenses were inctrrred the approvat in rvriting of the candidate, heshall be deemed to have incurred such expenses with tlre authority of thecancii d ate.'

Yours faith"rullv






.' "@'




Nirvaclran Sadan. Aslroka Road. Nerr Delhi- | l0()() I

No. 3/7/2008/JS-ll


Datc.l: 7'r'October, 2008

l. The Secretan to theGovernment of lndialvlinistrl' of Home AffairsNew Delhi- l 10001 .

2. The Chief Secretaries ofAll States and Union Territories.

3. The Chief Electoral Officers ofAll States and Union Territories.

Sub: Prevention of defacemenl of pronerfi' gnd olher camnaign relaled items - revisedinstructions- reqa rdins.


I am directed to invite a reference to the Commissiorr's letter No. 3t7/2OO7lls-ll, dared

l6'h Ocrober,2007, regarding prevention oIdelacement of properw in connection u,ith election


2. ln the past, the Commission has suggested the enactment of special lau,s by state

governments for dealing rvith defacement of properties elfectivell,. Some states have enacted

special legislations to govern and regulate defacernenl of properry,, r','hile the other states have

legislation that either only cover specific areas. like municipalities etc. or have no Iegislation ar

all. A tabular statement on respective positions ohtaining in the states in this respect based on

the information available in the Commission is enclosed in tlre sclredule appended to this

circular(marked as Annexure-l). Since a unilorm law throughout the country is not available,

u'hat is enforceable differi from state to state, Keeping in view the forthcoming general

election to the Lok Sabha due in 2009. it has become necessan/ to ta1, do*,n, for smooth

conduct oi campaign during elections and for clear understanding of all authorities u.ho have

the responsibiliq' lor the implementation at the field level as also of the observers who are

deputed to oversee the elections in different states/constituencies. a comprehensive set ofguidelines rr ith respect to defacenrent oI properrr .




supersession of the earlier instructions. laid dorvn the follorYing directiutrs' to the follou'ed

hl.politicalparties. candidates. indiriduals and organizations etc' durinp the election period:



erecting/displaving of cutouts. hoardings, banners flags etc' shalt be permitted on anY

Covemment premise (including civil structures therein)' For this purpose a Government

premise u,ould include an1'GoYt. office and the campus u'herein the office building is situated'


posters, etc'. or erecting cur-C]utS, hoardings, banners, political advertisement, etc., in any public


accordanee u.ith the relevant provisions of the law and subject to court orders' if any on this

suhject. lt should be ensured that any such place is not dominated/monopolized bi'ani

particular party(ies) or candidate(s). All parties and candidates should be provided equal

opportunitv in this regard'


in a pubtic place, e.g. bill boards, hoardings etc' and if such space is alreadl' let out to ant


municipalauthoriry concemed, if an1" should ensure that all political parlies and candidates get

equitable opportuniry to have access to such advertisement space for election related

adverlisements during the election period'


5. (a) ln the States u,here there is no local lau, on the subject. and subject to the restrictions

under the law where there is a law, temporary and easily removable advertisement materials'

such as flags and banners ma1' be put up in private premises with the voluntary pennission of

the occupant. Tkre permission should be an act of free willand nol extr::ted by any pressure or

threat. Such banner or flag should not create any nuisance lo others' Photo-cop1' of the

' :- --,-r.r-^ ^krni on should be submitted to thevoluntarl' pcrmtssion in rvriting obtaincd in this connecli


'l .\#


prescribed in sub-para(c) belou '


other permanent/semi-permanent defacement u'hich is not easill'removable' the sante shall not

be resorted to under an1, circumstances. eYen on the pretext of having obtained [he consent of

the o$,ner of the property. This u'ill also apply in the states u'here there is no local lau' on the

sub.iect of prevention of defacement of propert) '

(c) where the local la$' expressly permits u'all writings and pasting of posters' putting up


candidates or the political parties concemed shall obtain prior written permission from the


officer or an officer designated by him for the pur-pose, together uith a statement in the



owner of the propeffy frorn whom such pelrnission has been obtained together rr,ith expenditure

incurred or likell, to be incurred for the purpose' Nothing inflammarory or likeli' to incite

disaflection amongst communities shall be permissible in such *'ritings/display' The

expenditure incurred in this mode on specific campaign of candidate(s) shall be added to the


paqv *,ithout indicating any candidate shall not be added to candidates expenditure. The

contesting candidate shall fumish such information village/localiqv/torvn-u,ise, to the Retuming

officer, or the authorized olficer within 3 days of obtaining the requisite permission, for eas\,


conduct of elections'


political parties, candidates. their agents, workers and supporters may put up banners' buntings'



these do not cause any inconvenience in any manner to anyone else' Il such displav of

banners. flags etc. aims to solicit vote for any particular candidate, then the provisions ol

Section lTlH of the IPC u'ould he aflracled and wotrlcl have to bc follou'ed' Section lTlH ol




- ' ,n, lpc stipulates that r'hoever ri itltout the gene ral or special autlr,t itr irr r'riting ol a


upon an)'advertisement. circular or publication' or in ant'other $'av *'hatsoever for the purpose

of prornoting or procuring the eiection of such candidate' shall bre punished uith fine $'hich

mal, extend to five hundred rupees: Provided that il an)' person haYing incurred an1' such



he shallbe deemed to have incurred such expenses u'ith the authoriq'of the candidate'


6. ln the case of Halls/Auditoriums/lr4eeting venues ou'ned/controlled b1' the Governmen/

local authorities/PSUs/Cooperatives' if the larr"/guidelines governing their use do not precludc




period of meetings subject to any restrictions under the larv/guidelines in force' Such banners'


afterconclusion of the meeting. and in any case within a reasonable period after the meeting is

o'er. Fermanent/semi-permanent defacement such as wall u'riting/pasting of posters etc' shall

not be Permined in such Prernises'I


property in violation of the local lair,, if an1,' or the ahove instructions' the Returning officer,/




process shall be recovered from the political par$/association/candidate/person responsible for



provisions of the relevant law, (under the law relating to prevention of defacement, if an1,, or



, f .'






thereunder and subject to cou( orders in force, if an1" flags and stickers mai' be put on the




u'ould be aftracted and would have to be follorved'


unless such vehicle is a vehicle validly used for election campaign after obtaining the requisite

permit from the District Election officer/Returning officer and the displa5' thereof in original

on the wind screen.


be subject to the provisions of the Motor vehicles Act/Rutes and an1' other Local Act/Rules'

vehicles u,ith modifications and special campaign vehicles like video Rath etc'' used

only after obtaining the requisite permission from the competent authorities under the Motor

Vehicles Act.




local taws and prohibitory orders in force'


mask, scarf etc. may be permined. I-trowever. supply of main apparels like saree'

shirt' etc. by party/candidate is not permitted'

(c) Educational institutions including their grounds {whether covt' aided' private or

Govt.) shall not be used for political carnpaigns and rallies'


the notice of the District Election o{llcers. Returning officers and all other eleclion relaled





&,-. ,l

autlrorities. and all political psrlies in tlre state' including state unirs of recognized National

and Srate parties. and all registered utt-recognized parries based in the state' and also the



confirm thar action as required above has been takett'

Yours faithfulll.


:41 _(K.F.\\'ILFRED)



lt qb)

f-\ ,

,': -l An n gltt reJ

Extent of aPPIicabilitl'

it Extends to the entire I

Defacenrent of Pro erties - Latt'


It extends 1o the cnttre


It extends to the entire

State and come intoforce in the areas

conrprised in the

MuniciPal CorPorationlof Shimla at once and


shall come into force in

the remaining Part ofthe State on such date as

the State Gol't' maY b1'



ffiPre.,entiott of

Oirfigur.,n.n, of OPen Places unq

P.oi-,iii,io" of Obscene and

Obi.ctionable l?:tt" and

Advertisements Act, 1997'


It extends to the entirevention of

Defacement ot ProPertl' ,,tt'ArunachalPradesh It extends to the entireefacement o[

Property A.!-19!5'It extends to the entire

Vi.rpun Nivaran Adhinil'am ' 1994 is

applicable in the state

i@gdlvtheState'But it. MadhYa Pradesh SlTf 'T'


It extends to the entireement of

Propcrtl' Act, 1988 as arnended vide Act of

1992 and 2001.

Th. Hrn"*Pre"uitio" of Defacement of

Fropenry' ,A,ct' 1989 as arnended vide Act of


Haryana oPen Places

ipr..'.ntion of Disfigurement) Act' 1985'HimachalPradesh

It extends to the entireNo separate lau

Preveniion of Delacement of Properry

Act. 1985 is aprrlicable in the state'

Jha rkhand



L irL\


Jatntrttt &Kashrttir

The .lammu

Dc[acctttcnt19E-5. '

& Kaslitnir Prevention ofo1'l)ropcrtl' Act No. XIX ol

It extcnds to


the entire I



It extends to Banglore.N41'sore, Hubli,Dharu'ar.l Mangaloreand Belgaun constituted

or continued under theKarnataka MuniciPalCorporation Act - 1976,or under an1' other la'''r

on 5.5.81 and come intoforce in theMunicipalities, notifiedareas, sanitarl' Boards.

constituted or continued

under the KarnatakaMunicipalities Act

1964, or under an1'otherlau', or in anY other

local area, on such date.

as the State Gort' rna)'

bv notification

I fo Xu*rtaka Open places (Prevention

of Disfigurement) Act. l98l as amended

vide Act of 1983'


It extends to the entireState.

ffo fi4uaU'a Pradesh Sampatti Virupan

Nivaran AdhiniYam , 1994 'Madhl'aPradesh

Nothin; is sPecificalil'mentioned about theextent of apPlicabili

M"hr*thitu A.t No. Vtll of 1995 -regarding Prevention of Defacement of

It extends to the entire

State.ffiDefiacernentofPropertY Act, 1995.

It extends to the notifiedareas constituted under

the Assam Tribal Areas(Administration of Tou'Committee) regulation

1950, or in any otherlocal area or areas. on

sr-rch date. as the State

l4 of Defacement of

Proper$'Act, I985.

"f f"



17. Maharash-tra

13. Mizoram

IZ) L\h{







Govt. nra\ b-r


it extqnds to the enttrei


li extends to the entire


It extends to the entire


It extends to lhe entire

Union Tenitory of the

Andaman and Nicobar


Pun.iah i

Th. Pr"lrbI;ention of Defacement

ofProPerh Act,1998'

Tl" SlffiP*t-"iion of Defacentenl

of ProPerq' Act, 1 988'16. I skrint

ii extends to the entire

18. I TriPuraof ProPertl' Act, 1976 in

u ilh TriPura (Frevention of

of ProPer$') Amendmenl Bill'

force in the State'

ffi oP'n Places

iprlr.ntion of Disfigure1ell) Act' 1959'

as amended vide Act of l99l

ilp*, P*rention ofThe


conj unction


1998 non in

Tamil Nadu

State and shali aPPIf inthe first instance tomuniciPa'l limits ofAgartala Town, but the

State Govt. ma)' fromtime to time bi'notification in the

official Gazette, aPPl)'

to such other local areas

or areas as ma)' be

specified in the


It extends to'the entire

@revenlion of

Defacement of Public Propertl Act' 2003'Uttara-khand

flnbrt lslandsThe Andaman dt

Nicobar I Pre"*ntion of Defacement of Proper$'

R.egulation, 1987'



/\ q\,[




Chand igarh

UTl-he West


Bengalof Propefil'

Prevention olAct. 1976 has

It extends to the entire


been tnade appiicable in Chandigarh [-'t

Tl* - \i'.tt Bengal Prevention of

Defaqement of Properly Act, 1976 was

made applicable in Delhi' (A separate act

i",,-rlcr r.nnc,ideration).

It extends to the entire


Tht P""d[herD' oPen Places

(Prevention of Disfigurement) Act' 2000'It extends to whole ofthe Union Tenitory ofthe Pondicherr)'.

21. Pondicherry


,nf\T \ I

f,t ,

. 't

States in u'lrieh tlrere nos ecific Lau'on the srrhi ect

iF[ntion of Defacement of Pronertt'

N.Lp.Atlc lau' on t'he subject but

there is a provision in Section 198 olRajasthan Municipalities Act, 1959

that rvithout the consent of the o\\'ner

or occupier and in case of Municipal

property, u'ithout the permission ' in

writing of llre board' affixing an)'

poster, bill, placard or other paper or

rneans of advertisement is punishable

*'ith fine u'hich may extend to twent-r'

Nunl. of Stqte/UT

Assam No lan'/ActNo lau'/ActGuiaratNo lari'/ActNo lau'/ActNo lau'/ActMeghalavaNo lau'/ActOrissa


No lan'/ActUttar PradeshVUest Bengal Ttre earlier \\'esl Bcngal Prevention

of l)efacernent of Propertl Act, 1976'(tvVest

Bengal Act XXI ot 1976)' This Ac( has

since been rePealed'

J!o la*'/Actadra & N. Ha:gliNo law/Aclaman and DiuNo larv/Act



/(. rt"t


Siatement shou'ing the details of *'all rr ritings / posters ' n"t1:,:,1:.ltillt'llllttl, contcstirrg candidate in

displal'ed b1'Shri / Snri' / I\Is'ffi Assembll Constituencl'

Narne of the Village / Town /Localiq'

Lxpenditureincurred or likelY to

be incurred on thc

u'all-u'riting /hoarding / banner i

Posters, etc.(Rs.)

O*tuitt of Wall -Writing or

Hoardings orBanners or Poster

(Size of wallwritingi

hoarding / banner /poster shall be

ind icated

Nur. and address

of the owner olthe private PIoPertY

from u'hom

wriflen Permissionhas been obtained


. ?:


Pcriod of aPPlicrhililr -

I [.]rcse irrlstr-rctior.r s slrall conre into elfict f'ronr thc rlalc rrl'ittlll(1\ll.lccl'llcl']t ol

c lt'cl i ott s t i I I thc crrtlt p lt't i t'rtr o [' c lcct iotr s

Nlcaning o['' officirrl vtlr iclc'

l. 1'he cxprcssion 'olficial vehiclc' rr]eans, anrl shall inclr.rclc. atl-r r slliclcs tt*ed tlr

clrnlhlc ol-be irrg usccl ltrr tltc pLrrPtrse ol tInnspot.1. vvhethcr pt'opcllttl h1 rlrccltatiicill p,rrrcr t'r

rtllict'rrisr-' lrlrtl rr ill irtclLrtlc tt'ucks' Itrrrics' tetttllos' 'ieeps' cirrs' artlrl ticksltitlis' c-rickshlris'

l',irscs. br:lrrrrgirtr to thc (it C'cttrrirl ( jtlvertrtlettt. (ii) Stute (iorcrtrtlrclrtsi I' I '\tlrrrittislrltiotts'

f iiit lrtrl.lic [,nclcrflrliingr; ol- tIe ('crttrirl atrd Stittc (it'r'ettttttcttts. {ir i, 'ltrirrt Settor

I ntlcrlrrkings o{'(crrtral .rrrJ Statr.. (irlYCntntellts. (r') Local []oclics, (r'i) ]rlrrrrrinirl ('t't'prrritliorrs.

(rri)Ivlurricipitlirics. (r.iiitN,larkctiug Boarcls (b1'$'lratcrer ilil[rr Lrr,rrrtt).(ix)cot'1''erati''c

Srrciclics. (x) Auttrrr6ptirls I)istrict Courlcils or an): othcr hqtly irr q lriulr pLtIlic lirnds'

Ir.*socrcr snr,ll ir por.tiorr o{'thc total. arc inr,esred and also irrcltrclc tlrrrse trclottuirrg trr tlic

I,lirristr' of I)cle ncc 'antl tlrc (entral I)ublic Orgauisations tttrtler llrc \1 irristrl' t'[' Ilc'tttc

,\ l'iliir s arrd Slalc ( irrvct'tltttcttts.

I)irectirtns of E(ll

.1 Thc Commission dir.ccts ttrat, sub.icct to exceptions mentiorrcd ltct'citl, thcre shall

hc a total and ahs,lu!r lran on llrc usc of official vchiclcs I'rlr canrpligltitrg, tlectiotrcering

.r clccti,n rctulcrl travcl tluring clcctions. l-lrere shall he a totrl p|olril'iliott tttt thc usc t'l'att)'

,clticlcs strclr as aircr;rlis. (c)iccpt as regtrlatcd hr thc ('trttttttissitrtt's tlrdcr ttn [lrc

511[,icut) car-s..icc1.'s. 31q1'111161'rilc's. brrirls. lrrrlcrcrlfls. clc.. hcirr1tgl11" ltr thu (i) ('u-nlrll

(i.r.enrniclrL. (ii) Stirrc ( iovcrnrncuti I I Aclrrrittistratiott (iii) l'trhlic ttttdcrt'tkings of tltu

('trttrltl atrd Stlr(c (itrl'crtttttcttts' (ir'1 Ir'rittL sccttlr trrt'ict-takit'r's tll'tltu ('tllltal ittrtl Stltc

(ir)\cilil.ltclils. (r.) Loctri [.,,odies. (ri) Nlarkctirrg l]ttltt'cls. (r'ii) ('o-trpr.rll(i',c ("rcrctics' triiil

E,LE,C]'IOI.'*CO}IN{ISSIONCIIIIiDI'\Nll{\' A( I I \N S'\ l)u\N' \SI IOKr\ R( )n I)' t'l:\\' I )l:l'l I I - I I {)()(} I

lrrIlrc (-'hicl [:lcctorll ( )lllccrs.l all Staf cs -' I rni1r1 I e rritot ics.

Suh: (Jencral [,lcctit,n (o (lre [,ok Sahha,2l]1.{ - Consolidltctt lttslrucliotts on usc of

vthiclts tl rr ring clctlirlrrs - rcgrtrdirlg'

Sir \laclirnr' '

'lalcs atttl otltc*tl'l'c lr.ltlct s

\\'itlr a vicrr lrr cttsttrittg lcrcl plavirrg ficld lirr Jllcancli

l,ttl lirrtltcr t. chcck thc 'itiaring r,lc ,l' ,rr,,n.' and tttisttsc .J' .[llc iirl rlrlrchincrt ' llrc

(.orrrrrrissitrrr l.lirs isstrctl irr tlrc prst ll rrirrrrbcr rlf ir.)strrrctiorts ittt 1l1c'11lr1rvc r:iter'l strlr.i ct:t l'r'r

slrkcr.l|.cllritl.uttlleltsrrcfi,rcrrcc.lltcsltttrellar,checlrct,lrst,lir]atctlalrtlxlc[rcirrS,rc-isstrctili,r corrrpliarrcc arrcl gtr iilance dttrittg all (icrrcral/l])e clcctit)lls [(] tlru Iok Sahltir'Stlrte

l.t.gislati\r-. Asscrrrhli..s urrcl all Ilicnniali Il\.c clcc(iotls ll'ottt (irar-lttirte s' llttr'l Ierrcltcrs'

eonstitrrcttci cs ol' Lcgi sl irtivc ( trtrrrci Is'

/$ 'q{"

, 4S, .

.l,'\ttltrtttrtt.tttusf)istrict(.tlr'lrrcils()ral1),,rrst],n oitlrc total. are in'cstcd l.r an1'n,,ri,.,,t tn"nectecl t'iih tl''c clccli.ns' ['i arri ,.litical

Illlt\. can(li(lirtc or attr. trtltcr pCrSl)ll ..,n,,,..,..1 rt'ith election (cxccpl ol.[le i.rIs lrcrlilrnrirtg

,,'',, .1.c1itrr1 reluted o{ticiirl dutl )'

i.J.htComrrlissitrtlfttllltcrdirectstlultheDistrictA<Jnrinistratitrttsltnllkeelraclt.'sr:\\arch r() firrd.ul it.ilnr.ot'llcial rehicle H.rn,.Isinr,::Lt,.":]Y'it' spccillcd irr thc prccctling

l,rr.a is hr.iru used lirrl elccti.necritrg purposcs' In casc it is so' t)i't''itt lrlagrstratc slrall'

rirrrhrrit'. rcc*risiti.rt;.,,;;;="to be rcqt'isitioncd such vclticlcs' alicr firll.*'irrt'' dtre p'occdtrrc'

ri,rclrcrio. *,,rx.'.,na.'r-*.i,t'n 160 of''rtt'ri"n"'"nt'atit;tr..l't.e I)e,'lc '\c1' l95l atrcl sLrclt

r.r:r-;r.tisilirrrrr.rl Iclricl.* slrirll tlot hc rclcllscd r'r,til alter t'c crrnrplt:ti"rr t'l llrc ptt'ccss ol'


('lnrifica tions

6. rr is clariricd that t'e ba, crrr t.e usc of vchiclcs u.rlr eqrr.lll'a'pr)'lrr tlrc.r'clriclcs irr

,rr lio, .rrr. Srarcs 'ror

goirg to thc polls r''' *t.rn".t:l-r':l:: arc allcnrPtctl lo hc rrsctl lirr

c,r,pirign .itt.,", op"'n'r.,a"rrinciv in any' orher State g.inu tr' Ptrll' lhc ('hicl'secrelar\

ol.eaclr Statcillnion .rcrritory/tlre Sc,:rctar,v to tlre ciovemnrerrt tll'lrrtlia irr tlrc cottccrtrccl

l)rll)ilrtl,eut. as tlic casc n-,*t ba- will bc pcrsonall, resf'onsihle li)r arr'rrlistrsc- o{'a'y 'elticlc

trndcr},linistry'/DcpartrnCnlorolanyolrt,.publicSCctolorjoirrtScct()rttttdctllkittgscrtArrt.'omous Iloclics or atraclied officcs rrucler ihat N,ti,istrv/Dep*r'trrcrrt.

'['hc officcrs unclcr

rr.lrosc clrargc strc. rcSiclcs a'e entrrstcri u,ill also bc ecluallv rcsptrrrsil.'lc lirr lrnl'r'irrlalion

l.Ilisltrrtlrcrclarillcdtlrattlrcttseol.sLrclrl.clriclcshcl.-rttrlitl(I!()ttll\,rll.lltc:c;rrrlrr.rirics h,,

^,rr,,r',..,"- irrclrrrlirq lr,li.istcrs .l't'c crcrrtral ()r u sr.irtc (i.r'c"'icnt' !-\.1:n-(lr'l

tl!l-\l]LLl].1-.]]-11]l'lilr.cartrpaigrrirrg(lr0llt()Lllscttttttcr:ledrrithc]uctitrtis[rrrtriitlrthclrllcgctlIrrrrl lrrruuslr ccrtilictl prrrposc o['ofllciitl rY0rk irr tlrcir capacitr as lrlinistcrs is (otll]r'



g T.c onl,r, csccprion from lhe prohibirion rvill bc t,c prirnc Mirristc. rrircr-glruilllit]-L-1l

prtDorlaliries. o,tl., n.,igtrr, irr viov ol c*tr.,',.,irt :-t:::aclivities arrti (lrrcat to tlreir lir,es'

r.cqtriru. scr:uritr,ol a high ttrdcr a-ntJ wltttse securitv reqtlircnrcnls arc uovcrtrt:cl h1'An1

stillLlt()r' pr,.,..isio,rs ,.,-,"i. hy tlrc l'arlianrcnt o' thc Stnte Legislatttre itt tlris lrclrnll"

g. 'l'hc ahoye rcsrlictir.'r'rs slritll alsrr rrot apply t:t .:t':.

casc of tirc I)tesidcrrt arrd \Iicc-

l,rcsiclcnr ol Inctia. Spcakcr arrd Dc-purr. .sp""1.,., .-,li-ok Sahha artcl I)e 1:Lrtr t'']i':]]':'" ol'[laivn

Srrhlia ard sucrr 't'cr clignitarics uisitiug trrc Stat.e ot.e'Starc-s. Ir.*crcr'. it is lirrt'er

clarifietr rhat in [r:e citsc or'speakcrafrcr'Depurl'spca]ie'of't-ok sabha Du'p'11'chairman

trl.Rajl,a Srhlra tlrese restricrions *,ill t ".ppii.rtrte at.t'e linre oI Gtrneral l:lcctioris to t]ru' i'ok

slrrrha h.t nrrl during LA eleclic,,,. rt is aiso clarirrecr again that such cxec' srrair n()t hc

nrilde in respect ut' tr4rnisters oIthe tJrriorl or an)'i state c-ioVcrlilrr(tlt'

l().(u)l.heCtlmmissionrvottldlikctomakeitc.lcartiratifitlrasatlt.tlrlteriillttrc]trrrhttlrlrltlrc.sscssr.r.lerlt ot-securirl,rcqrrir.ement* n*a* b1,tr:c aut'orities trncrer Spcciul r)'crio, (irottp

i\ct. l98tt or al])' otlrcr spccial etritgttrrenli instrtrctiotr of tlic Gt.rr.c-rtrtitcttl Itirt,t [rct'tt


,,@ '


.rirrritcs,l ir' ,,r. urrJtrl) crccssir c rr if li thc itttcntiCrn gI prt''ntt'tirrE irrrli;cctl1 lhc clcc(orttl

i.tcrcsts rrl'a pirrtictrlar prrrtr or carrdidatc. Ilrc ('rrnnrission uill t'tr irts. tlrc ]llllttcl ttr llte ttoticc

rrl tlrc crtrrccnrcri G()\'crlrtrtcnt ltrr inltttcdiate atld appropticte crlrrectiyc Stcl)s'

10.(h) For tlris prrrposc. thc c'trmnlission nray call lor ani 1n1i",r1n1i0tr ll.trnr tlrc ('crttr0l

(iovcrnmc-nl. or thc Stirtc Govcrnrrelll concemer] u'ith regard to tlte asscssll)ellt ol'tlrc

sccrrritr. rcquircmerrts ttrlrdc itt respect of'any such perstlnalitl'' Such itt[i'rltratiln slrall he

lirrrrisirctl [ct tltc C]ontntissinn b1' the cclnccnred Govertrnlenl fortlr*'ith'

llcstri,'tirrn on conl'(,\' of vclricles

ll 'l-hc ('orrrrrrission lirrtlrcr dircct.s that cars/vchiclcs shall. ttttder lltr circttntstnnces. he

alloucd [() llr()\,1. in corrr.ovs of rrrore than lelt vehiclcs. exclttdittg thc scctqilllqhiclcs. All

Sigrcr c()t.l\.()\,s excecclipg l0 (tcn ) vehtcles slrall he brokcrr tlp. cvcll rl' tlrcr arc carrl ing attl'

lrlirristcr .l'C'entral r-rr Stirlc (irrvernnrcnt or an) other person. ltris shall. ltttr|cvcr. hc strhicct ltt

Irrrr sucuri it, ittstt'ttctirrtts isstlcd in tespect ol attl' sr'rch irrtlividLtal.

ll. II'an-t' persgp t'tlpvcs iu a convoy til- vehiclcs excecdillg thc lirrrits prcscrihctl ithrrvc. il]

spitc ol thc convo\. har ing hc.en brokcn, it shall be tlre dutl'trf tlic ltrcll aclrriinistr;tliort lo

cr..rsrrre thal sr.rch ye5iclcs arc not alltrrvecl to Lrc usecl hl,fiouting tlre C'orrrrrrissit,rr's tlirtctirrns. till

tlrr' proccss of elcctiotr is crrrrtpleted

I)urins Filins of l.lont ina(ions:

ll 'l-[c nias.inrtrur rrLrrlber of rehiclcs that will bc allori'ecl lo coltlc rr, itlrirt thc pcl'iphcrl

of'10(J nleters olReturnirrg OflicersiAssistzrnt Retunring Officers of f]cc slrall hc thrct'

[)sc of vehicles for elecf ioneering purnose

I I 'l'lrcrc is n9 linrit qrr velriclcs. rt'lriclt it canclidltc tllul ttsc lbt clcctiortccritrg pttrl'6,r,ls

l:. Rut hefore thc ci:.mDaiuninu comnrences.-hdshall have 1tr ltrnrislr thc clctails ol' strclt

r.chicles and tlrc arcas in rvhich thc1,u'ould be used lor campaign pttrposcs. to tltc Drstrict

[]lccrion Offlcer or.such othcr ofllccr(s) as ntav be specificalll'autltorisr-d b1 thc Drstrict

Uecticrn Officcr in tlris l-re:hal[. who afrcr r]cccssary scrutiny woulcl issrtc a pcrrnit.lhe original

copl (uot tlre photo coPr) ol'pernrit should bc displayed on tltc *'ittd scrcclr of the vehiclc

Nccdless ,,, ,rg;-11icrrr tlrat t[e perrrrit shor-rld be ol'suclt dintensit'rtt. lhll il catt casill' hc s.'.-tt

liont a distancc. ])enliL rrtust contain the numberot'the vehiclc, clarc o['issttc tlf'pcntrit. nllnc

ol'carrclidatc ancl the area lrvlrcre it s[all he r.rsed for campaignirrg).

16. Anv fu(her deploi'mcnt oIanl,additional vehiclcs can takc place otll.r'afic'r notice

to l[is eflect is given hl the candidate or his/her agent alrd pcrmits t'btairtccl fot tlte satrtc,

ltclorc tlie actual deplt'r1'nrent ol- tltc vehicIes.

i1. l'hc tlctails so ohtnincd slroLrld he convel'ed by I)istrict F.lcctitrn Ot'llccr to llre I:lection

l:xpelrrJiturc Ohscri,ers so that lhev can clreck that lhc cxpcltditttrc itt this regard is

c()rrectlv includcd irr tlrc expetrtlitttt'c acL:()tlnt ol'th,-'candiclatc.



{" \i

",@,'f .-I

Is t\tlr lclriclc ttsctl {irt carttPaigrrirrg githtrttt dtre ar'ttlittti''itliott'pcttttil h] tllc

ali, pf{'jcers. shall hc dccrrrcd to bc unauthoriseclll cattipirir:ttitrg [irr thc carttiidntc

:r.J rrrrl'3ltt'i.rct pcrral p;ovisirrus rrf'CItIlptcr IX A ol'thr' lndiarr I)ctrul ('otlc alrd slrlrll

tlrcrcli,rc hc irnlrrcdi.rtcl\' litkctl tlttt ol- the campaigniltg cxcrcisc.

i(). 'l hc r,clriclcs ctrrplol'ccl Ior'elcctiorr campaigtt as pel' intitrraliott ,11'q,,

crrrrdidarcs ()r thcir clcctiorr agents io the District Atlntinistt'atiott slrtlttld

rctl trisitioncd l.r' tlre adrrri rri strution.

:() l:or ar ailing thc hcnef rt ol'clause (a) oI explarta(ion ( I ) gir t'rr ttttrJcr Scc. 77 ( | ] o['

R. I,. Act. l95l hr1' thc leaders oI thc political partics. i.c.. s(ar cantpaigttcrs. lltcpcrnrission for the nroclc ol'road transport u'ill bc isstrcd ccrttrirllr hr tlrc ('lricl I:lt'cltiral

Ofllccr. irrespectil'c o1'rrlrethcr tltc satnc vchiclc is {o hc ttsed hr itttr lcatlcr lor clccti<rtt

carnpaigrring tltrouglroul thc Slale or different vehiclcs are t() hc usctl [r1 strclt partr

lcaIcr.s in djffercrrr ilrcas. T'hc pcrtriit rvi ll hc issucd agltitrst thc ttittnc ol'lhe slar

currrpaigncr corrccrncd and shall Ireed [o he displaved pronrirrentl\ on tlre sintlscrceti rr{'

tlrc vchiclc heing uscrl hr 11i1r11l.r in au1,arca.'lhc pcrrnils -.<i issttcd lt-r'thc C'EO rrill bc

t,l'tlistincll),rlilt'crcnt c<'loui I'roltr tltc pcrnrits to be isstrccl [r1'(hc DI:()s/[iOs [or othct'

crrrrprt igrr,"elriclcs o{' carrdidatcs.

I I . ()rt receipt ol' a rcclucst lirrm a recogttiz-cd political f.rtlrt\. the I)lj() rvtittltl issttc

pcrnrit Ior onc vchiclc to be usecl hrv tlre district level tll'licc hcrt'cr ol'lt rccogniz-cd prtrtl'

(pthcr tIarr tlrc star cat]rpaigncr) tor their visit to rTrultiple z\('s rtitlrin tlrc dislrict fhr

c'lcctionccring purposes.'Ihc pernril slrould be issuet'l inclicltitrg tlte ttt-tttthet'c,f tlrc

r,r.hiclc. the namc of'political leadcr antl the period for rvltich issuetl attd :'-htttrld be olcliflercnt colour so tlrat it can easili'he identified. An altestcd copi'sltirll hc pa.stcd on

u ind scrccn and origirral hc kcpl w'ith tlre drivcr [or chcckirrg hy police or rrlltcr

nsthoritics. I'hc cxpr:nditurc in this regard shall be hookcd agairtst tlre political partt arrd

rrt-rt thc carrdidates.

ll t'lre CL.,O rrru\.issuc pcrntits Iirr vehicles that can Irtor'e llrtouglrotr t Ilrc Stltc lirrtt*c ttlofficcr bcurcrs tl['rcctlgttiz'cd ptllitical parties for e]ectit)llecrillB Pulnosds ottlr' lorthc Statcs Irar,inr mtrrc lhan 100 Assembly Cionstittrencics. rr,c C'['.O tllt-r'isstte pcnnits

lirr a rrraxinruni ol live rehiclcs and Ibr retnaining Statcs/LI'fs. Ior n tttaxitttttnt ol'thrcu'

r cliiclc-* to a rec()gliised political partr'. I'he expertditttrc ort tltcsc lclriclcs shall hc

irrcurrcci h1'the political partv and not by thc candidate.

Lr. If'ant,political purti, makcs a rcquest to the Ihief lilcctoral Ol'ficcr lor granl ot'

r,clricle perurission for distrihution ol pLrblicity t:taterial tu tltcir t.atiutts partv of'liccs irt tltc

Statc. the Chiei Electoral Oflicer nlry granl. perntissittn ltrr otte vchiclc lirr :r rccogttizud

political part.. Nationirl,/Statc). I'lorvevcr. the conccrncd political p:trtr,(tltc applicanl) ti'ill

Irave to specify,the naures of the f)istricts, tlie rottte ntap and the dates for ulriclr (lte vehiclc:

rrill be rcquircd for thc ahove purposc. Iror such velricles. lhe CEO Irta-v issLtc perntissitrn, bul

cnsurc that such vehiclcs *,ill also bc sub,ieclcri to norn)al cltecks and thc) rvill not br: ttscd

lirr clcction canrpaigrring. The ernendilure 0n account of sitcli veliiclc slr;rll hc ittcttrrcd hr

tlrc political part1, and nol h1, the cundiclate.

h.' thc

n(rt hc




l1 [n casc ol- Vicico Vans ctc. t0 bc trscc{ by'a political partl lirr cuttlpaign across

tlic statcs. bcfbrc an1'pcrntissiotr to use vicleo-vans lor campuigrt is girrn' il slrould bc

crrsurcd by Clricf tjicct,,ral Ofiicer tlat such use of vehicle is in acc.rdancc *'ith the

lr.lott;r Vchiclc Act. Attcntion in this contcxt is invited to the judgntents dated 23'06'1006 and

14.01.2007 of thc Allahahad Iiigh Court in writ Pctition No. 3(148 (N'lll) ol 2006 (copies



li. A cl,clc ricl.-slra$,is also a vchicle as dctlnecl in Sccti<-rn lfiO oI licprcscntntion of

l)eople Act. 1951. u,hiclr rna1. bc rrscd (irr elcction carnpaign. Il' it is ht'irrg trscd. thcn a

catidrLlatc lras to accout'lt tbr its cxpe,d,. ''irl liis accoltnt ol'elec:litrtl c\Pcllses 'l'o ctrsttrc

tlris. tlre carrdidate s[otrld givc details of suclr rickshaws being r'rscd ibr his e lcctiotl cantpaign

Lrntl, il'thc rickshau,clt,cs rroL havc attl'Nlurricipal registratiorripetttrit [trr its idcntiflcation' the

ricksltarv driver maY bu giren a pcrrtlit irr his personal natne by'tlrc Rettrtrtirtg Of{lcer which

thc ricksharv driver shci.rld.orr-r,un his person while using tlral. rickslllrr'tbr catttpaign

Iurp0ses. I-{o$,ever. rick.shaws being used for normal purposes o1'carrf ing passengers in

ordinarl, course etc. may he exempteci. if'they are displaying oply olle p()stcr-shof ing the

namc or party Symbol of a candidate. presutning they are doing so on their orvn lir'e r\|ill'

Use of vehicles on noll dav

)6. Section l2i(5) of the Represcntutiun of rhe People Act' 1951 proridcs that the hirirrgor

pr()curing or usc ol'vchiclcs by a candidareilris agent or by anl' otllcr pe rst)tt rritli lhe crtnserlt

ol'thc candiclate or his clcclion agcnt for thc frec conve)-ance of thc vote ts to and fro tiom

thc prrlling station slr;rll hc a 'corrtlirt practicc'and it is also an clcctrttal oilcncc punishable

rrrrder section lll. u'ith firrt'rvhich t'llav cxtcnd to llve htrndrcd rtlpcus'

27. \\rith a vieu,to placing ell'cctivc curbs on tJris practice, lltc Cottttrtissictrl isstrcs the

hiI lot'ing directions:

(4,) For an election to the House of the People, each contestirtg cattclidittc' otl tlic dai' ol

polt, uillbe entitled to:

(a) Orre vehicle for his o\^,n USe in respect of the entire c()':

(b) ln addition. one vchicle for use of his election agent irl tlri Parliamentnq'


(c) In addition. olle veliicle for use of his election ag('lrl t)r n'orkers or part)

workers'aSthec.asentaybe,ineachoftheassenrhlysegnlclltst.tlntprisedint}reParl iamentarv CottstiluencY'

0l) For an clccti,n irr t5c Sl,ate l-egislative Assembll', .n the date of poll in tlat

('t:nstituencl' eaclr contesting carididatc is entitled to:

(a) Orre vehicle lbr his o\\'r'l use;

(b) One velticlc lor the usc 0f his election agc'ntl



* '.(t


L\ry\9'r \,l' r'



-lli It is clariJjcd tltat. ltcncclbrth. tlrc candidate or his agcrlt or part\ ltorl'crs or rvorkcrs

u'ill hc rllorved to usc trtllr fottrilhree/Nv'o wheeler vuhicles i'c cars (of all tvpcs) taxies' attlo

rickshuris. ricksha*s a,,,1 t,*',, r.theule's. Irl thesc fbtrr rvhccl 'chiclcs

llot l'l'lorC tltatt -5 fcr:i()lls

irrclrr,.lirtqtjrircru.rllhcilllrlrvcclton]o\.cottthcdal,olpoll.Itis{urtlrcrclarillcdtltatontlrcrrirr rl[-F()il no ollrc,r pcr.s.rr *.ilr hc uil.rrr'cr t. ilse thc \)ehicrc ali,ttctr ri,r' carrtrirlu(u's.r his

clcctir.,tl agent.s x3.:. 1.k).rcr,L.r. t,i.}e candirlatc ttr his clcctit}ll ilEiell( lrtitl' ht. i'tccr.,lt]1.;ttrictl ilr lris

clr l.\ (rtllLt'persolls sLrhicct to 5 irrcltrding tlriver'

].l..l.heperrtrits{rrrtlrct.elticlcsirrclicatetlabovc.willbei.ssucdhltlrcl)irlriutlrlagistratcil{cturninu Ol'l'iccr. 'l'l'rc crtnctidrttcs tttust [urltislr particulars.ol'thcir Yclriclc lrr bc ttscd on pt'll

tl;rr.rrr I)l.-()iR() "nr.,.1.r,,..1

attrl shall clisplal'tlrc pcrrnits i-sstrctl .tt tltc *itltl-scrcctt t'l'tlrc

rclriclcs. No othcr rl"hi.l., shall hc allowecl t<i be trsecl hy tlrc leittlcrs.l'thc ptrlitital

purtics includiltg lvl inisrers, rvorkers. agents antl sympathizcts trl'ittlr crttttlitlale. Nt'

lr...pti,,rr sliall hrl ,rirdc. irrespecti'e ol'tlte stattts oI thc cantlltlitlc'

,l\Icanin g ot' r'clricit

-10. l'hc aforcnlcntionccl rcstrictitltls slrall alpll' lo all vclriclcs propclled h1

nrcchu,ical po\\,cr',,,: ',,ii.,.r"';tc.

irrcltrcl.ilrg btll n.t iestiictccl t. rltxies',r'i'atc citts' trtrcks'

1p1gt1rr.s rr.ith rrr rvii\ottt lrai lers. arrtt,-rrck'shau's. c-ricksltil\\'s' sc(x)lcrs' tttitti huscs' stittit'n

\\ru(lns crc.. als.. u,it rtr^tt be nradc applicablc for a of'24 lt.ttts hcltrre tltt tintc

tlscr.l f,,r c:losrrrc ol'poll ancl till tlte conrpletion of'poll'

ll n.no1 .,ction. hotlr ttndcr tlrc provisiorrs olthe R'P' Act' l95l arrd {''lrrptcr IX1.\ ol'tlre

lrrrlian T'cnal Codc -.t',rtt b" takeri against anvolle t1't 2{rcrre directitrns' irt

acrrlition ro acriorr ";;, the Motor v*hi.r., act. nlt 'elricles

lreirrg usctl in *i.lriri.n .t'

llrcsc dircctiotrs shall hc r:onl'iscatcd'

ErcePt ion

ll l.lreLe is no. inlr-rrtion t-rrr rhc part of'thc Conrnrission to put a ctrlttplclc t.tlttl t'n all

vcltictrlat'traflle:,',, ti.'t 1'".,tling dar arid thcrthi'creatc difilculties or cartsc ltarassttrent lo thc

pLrhlic. Ior gcttuilte holrilllde usc for prrrposes other-thar clr:,cliott' tllc lirlltluittg tYpcs ol'

rchiclcs shall also hc alltrrr'ed to bc plied on thc t1a1, ol poll aricl tltcrc rrill lrt ntr crccplitrtt,

(a) Privatc reliiclcs being r'rsed h1'thc o*ners


(h) Priralc'r,clricles hcing rrscd hl'owners cirher {br tltcnrselvcs trr lirr ntcnlh'-'rs of-

tlrt:ir or', larrrill, lirr goirrgin tl,. polling booth to cxcrcisc tScir lianchise' hut n.t

going attvu'hcre uitlrin a raditts o1200 ntctcrs of a polling statiLrn:

(c) \/elriclcs rrsccl lbr essctttial scrvices namel,v hospital vatrs' ltnlhttIancc' nril]l

valls. watcr tankcrs, electricitl'cn'lcrgcncy dutl'r'atrs, poticc ott dttlr' olficers on

cleclion cltrtl'l

(d) Ptrl.rlic lransport carriaqes lil.c htrses plf irrg bclrrectr fixu..l lcrrrtirri .,ti trn fixcd


for fhe ir privalc tls'i' n()t c.)I)llccl:'d \" itl)

,.\)tJ \

(c l Iaris. tlrruc trlrcclut seo()[e ls- rickshlrt's ctc. lirr gtrirru ttr irir'1tirfls. ririlrr.;rrstatiotts. ilttcr stlttc bus stattds. lro.spitals fbr.iourrrey's u'lrich canroL trr: ur u,irlcd:

(f) l)rivatc vchiclcs used bi'sick or clisabled persons frrr the ir (r\\ p ssu:

(g) Vehicles i''cing rrsed hy tlre Govt. officers on clut1, to reach tlrcir drrtv point.

.l-l . I)trrirrg tltc' pcriocl ol' eleclit'rtieerirru u'ith a vierv lo chccking rrrisrrsc ol- prir aterclricles hY thc candiclrrtcsi tlreir agents ancl partl leaclers antlior f,art). supportcrs fbrcartittg nltti-scrcial elcrncttt.s so as to insti ll a sense of fear in tfte lrri6rls rrl'tlie ulcctoratcllnd,'tlr to snr11**;" illicit arrns and arrrrrrunition etc. u,itlr a vicrr,to crc:rtin_{ clislurharrc:csdrrrine clcctiotts. tl:c (lrrnuttission [urther dirccts that the District i\drrrirristrali<ln shrll ker-.p aclosc t\.alch tln [lte vehiclcs trsed h1'pcrsol'rs ircconrpan]'ing thc c()lrtcsti;[l captlitlutes.rrrltltctr prtrtr''s leaclcrs lirt'lrt-r'possih)e rrri.schicf. inclLrdirrg crinrirrll lrctii,itiei likc u,rrrirrg rrl'illcgal anrrs anc! r'cap.rrs. If nrrr ol'rlresc vehicles. ei(hcr ol'a l)arr\. t>r. a pri*arc .r'.ncr. islirtrtttl to hc ittvolvc'tl irr anv such acL or fol carling arrri-sociirl clcnrcrrts *,ith a

'i(,\\ t()intirrridatinq or creatirtg tcrtor in Ihe nrincl of'the elcctorar.e. it shall he thc dutv oI tlrc krc;riadruirristratiorr to inrpq-rll .ti ll-1[g_nrrrc:cs.s o[ electiirnsis comnletcd. In addition, criminal action against ths orvrrcr. tf," i*.'.'n,.,1(r) nnrJ tlccantlidate/political partl'rvhich is involved in such illegal activities shall alsp hc taic, as pcr

lllr*, .

l)lc'asc inftrrm all cr.rnccrrred and ensur.c conrpliancc.

Yours lirithtullr./

,/,Y.-t---r sr n lii(r r rK r {l:R.rr:r:)

S [: ('lt l. I r\ I,l l,Il-rrrai I ; - srrr r r k hc1gq1,'1qc,. grlr.jtl

i. l


ECI letter No.437 l6lllZ014-CC&BE dated 56 March' 2014 addressed to the Cabinet


States and UTs.

Sub: Applicatlon of Model Code of Conduct - General Electlon to Lok Sabha '201+

and simultaneous elecdons to state Legisladve Assemblles ln the states of

Andhra Pratlesh, Odisha and Slkkim and c'ertaln bye-elections- reg'



AndhraPradesh,orissaandSik}<Imlncludingcertainbye.elecHonstotheLe$sratrve Assembges of some states (press Note No. Ecl/pNllo/?014, dated 5ih

March 2014 availahle at Commission's web-site - www'eci'gov'in)'

2,Withthisannouncemen!theprovisionsoftheModelCodeolConductfortheguidance of the Political Parties and candidates have come [nto force with immejiale

e[Iect and wtll be .in force till the completlon of the General Elections' This may be


and all other ofTices of the union Government and tJre state Government of the state'

3.Yourparticularattenlionlsdrawntotlteprovisionso[ModelCodeofConductfor the guidance of Political Parties and candidates and various instrttctiotts issued by

the Commission, which, lnter-alia, state that the parly in porver w]rether at the Centre or

in the state or states concerned, shall ensure that no cause ]s given for any complaint

that it has used its ofijcial position for the purposes o[ its election canrpaign and in

P articular:-

ti](a)TheMinistersshal}notcombinetheiroflrcialvisitwitheleu|ioneeringworkand shall not also make use of official machlnery or persortttel during the

electioneering work;

(bJ Government transport including official alr'crafts, vehicles, machinery and

personnel shall not be used for furtherance of tlr'. interest of the parry in power;


helipads for air-flights ln connection with electlons shall not be monopolised by irself'






gther parties and candidates shall be allowed tle use of such places and facilities on the

same terms and conditions on which they are used by the party in power;

[iiD Rest houses, dak bungalorvs or other Covernment accommodation where

elections have been announced or are taking place can be given to the political

functionaries who are provided securlry by the State ln Z scale or above or equivalent by

various State Governments or the Central Government under provisions of their laws, on

equitable basis. This shatl be subject to condition that such accommodati'rn is not

already alloned or occupled by election related ofTirt'ls or observers' such political

htnctionaries shall not carry out any political activity 'a'hile staying in the covernment

Guest Houses/Rest Houses or other Government accommodation etc.;

(ir] Issue of advertisement at the cost of public exchequer in the newspapers and

other media and the misuse of offjcial mass media during the election period for

partisan coverage of political news and publicity regarding achievements with a view to

furthering the prospccts ofthe parry in power shall be scrupulously avoided;

(r) Minister! and other authorities shall .not sanction grants/payments out oI

discretionary funds from the time elections are announced by the Commission; and

[vi) From the time elections are announced by Commission. lr'linisters and other

authorities shall not -

(aJ announce any financial grants in any lorm or pronrises thereof; or

[except civil servanLs) lay foundation stor]es etc. of pro.lects or sclrcnres ol'any kind;

:rn..U" any pronrise of construction oIroads, provision of drinking water facilities etc.;

[d) rnake any ad-hoc appointnrents in Government, Public Unrlertakirrgs etc. whiclr nray

have the elfect olinfluencing the voters in favouroIthe party in po$,er.

4. As will be observed from Para 3{Clause IV} above, no advertisements shall be

issued in electronic and print media highlighLing the achlevements oI the Gow. at the

cost ol public exchequer, ll any advertlsement has already been released for

telecast/broadcast or publication in the print media, it must be ensured that the

telecast/broadcast of such ads on electronlc rnedia is stopped fort}with and that no such

ad is published ln any newspapers, magazines, etc., i.e. in print media, [r'om today itsell

and it should be immediately withdrav"n.




_ t.




5. The instruclion of the Comntission contained in its Ietter No,437 /6/2009'CCBE

dated 5s March,2009 is avallable on the Commission's r+'eb-site "hffi://eci.nic'in/

under the heading 'Election Laws and ECI - lnstructions' for your information and

necessary action.

6. The Commisslon directs that there shall be a total ban on the transfer of all

officers/officials connected with the conduct of the election. These include but are not

restricted to: -

l) The Chief Electoral 0fllcer and Additional/f oint/Deputy Chief Electoral 0fficers;

li) DivisionalCommissioners;

lii) The Disrrict Electlon 0fficers, Returning 0lTlcers, Assistant Returning

0fficers'and other Revenue 0flicers connected with the Conduct of Election;

lu) Officers of the Police Department connected with the management o[

election like range [Gs and DICs, Sentor Superintendents ol Police and

Superirrtendents of Police, Sub-Divlsional Police 0fllcers Iike Deputy

Superintendents o[ Police and other Police officers who are dc'puted to the

Commission under section 2BA of the Representation of the People Act,


v) The transferorders issued in respect o[the above categories o[oliicers prior

to the date oI announcement but not implemented till date should not be

given effect to without obtaining specific permission from the Comnrission in

this regard;

vi) This ban shall be ellective till the completion of the elccfion. The

Commission further directs that the Sute Governments should refrain from

making transfers of senior offlcers r+'ho have a role in the management of

election in the State;

rll) ln those cases wlrere transfer of an officer is necessaly on account of

administrative exigencies, the concerned State Government may with full

Justification approach the Commission for prior clearance..

7. The receipt of the letter may kindly be acknowledged


. -: --D -.---ffireE6nF--r{tlrilrri.6t-i&.-..

-..- =..-?-'i-4r". -


)t".' .



':r-rtft&l{ldrrtdir:;u.*-r*, 'rlr1l'$ 'rtr< si"*r€"g' rr*" i'-ifri$nEiiDB-'7EF}i-q

.t)lc) ;





ECI lener No. 437/6/lN s'l l2ol4lcc&BE, dated 20.03'2014 addressed to lhe cabinet


Subfectr tnstructlons relatlng to deletlon of all references o. potiticians/MiniCters

on the olliciat website duriig election period of General/Bye'election to the Lok

Sabha and State Leglslative Assemblies -reg'

Iam clirected to state that the commission vide its letter No' +37 16/2407

flNST)-PLN'lll,dated2lstNovember'2007'lssuedinstructionstodeletlonofalire[erences on polrticians/Ministers 0n the official website during election period of

General/Bye-elections to tlle Lok Sabha and State Legislative Assemhlies'

It has come to the notice of the Commission tltat the aforesaid instructions of

the commlssion are not being followecl by central and state Governments during

election periorl. lt is clearly mentioned in clause vll Iiv) of ['lodel code of conduct for

guldance of Political parties and candidate:-

"VIt. PartY in Power

The party ln power whether at the centre or in the state or States concerned'

shall ensure that no cause is given for any complaint that it has used its olflcial

position for the purpose of its election campaign and in par[icular

(ivJ Issues oi advertisement at the cost of prrblic-exchequei in the newspapers attd

other rnedia and the misuse of official mass media during the election period for

partisan coverage of political news and publicity regarding achievetnents with a view

to furthering the prospects ofthe party in power shall he scruprrlously avoided "

The Commission has considered the question of various re[erences currently

avallable ln the Ministerial olfice website and in the State Government websites

pertainlng to several Department and Governrnent 0rganization highlighting their

achievements but eulogizing the same as personal achievements of


The commlssion has decided that during the period when Model code ol

conduct is in force in connection wlth General Election to the Lok sabha/state

Legislative Assemblies currcnlly going on, all references of Ministers, Politicians or

Political ParLies available Ln st,ch Central/State Government's official w'ebsite, shall be

rem oved.

The above instruction o[ the commission may klndty be communlcated to all

concerned for strict comPliance.

'6'#' E(.ection Commbsirm of In[io 39|l';'gc:








Newlnstruction ,


,"Compenc{ittm tf'ln.structions orr Paid Netv"' ond RckrtecJ l4trtter.r (S'e1ttt;nitcr-2()l 5.) "W'

ELECTTOI{ COMN{ISSION OF II{DIANin'achan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi-l 10001

No. 49 I IN4CMC/20 l4lCommunication


Dateil: 24th March, 2014

Chief Electoral Officers of all States and UTs

Subject: Certification o[advertisement of political nature on elcctronic media-regarding


I am directed to relcr to the Commission order issued vide its lelter dt 15.04.2004(copy enclosed) on the subject cited and which was issued consequent upon Hon'bleSupreme Court Order dt 13.04.2004. In para 5 of the said Commission's order it was

directed that every regislered National and State political party and every contestingcandidate proposing to issue advertisement on television channel andTor cablenehvork will have to apply to the Election Commission/Officer designated by ElectionCommission not later than tfuee days prior to the date of the proposed commencementof the telecast of such advertisement anci such application shall be a$tmpanied bylwo copies of the propoSed advertisement in electronic form along witll 4 duty attestedtranscript thereof.

The Commission accordingly appointed }vledia Certification and MonitoringCommittees (MCMCs) and district level and state level and all rcgistered Nationaland State political parties approach these MCMCs, as the case may be, for thecertification of their political advertisements proposed to be issucd on electronic media(which includes TV channels, Cable network, Radio including private FM channels,Cinema Halls, audio visual displays at public places and Internet) by lollorving theCommission's said Order as specified above.

Now, for the purpose of further for facilitating politicnl parties/candidatesthe Commission has relaxed para 10 (i) of the said order, decided that apart fromadopting the existing procedure, the political parties/candidates, if they desire so, .

l':']::::::=:==:"'""'':::::'dure bv nrst submtting the transcript of the


proposed advertisement fqr certification and once the transcript is vetted/approvedby the committee the party/candidate will submit the final product in electronic formanother tirne for final certification.

2. In such case the time Iine for each stage will be as per the existing order.

3' This may brought to the notice of all the MCMCs in ir,. distrios and srates.considering that the work of MCMC is Iikery to increase, p.oponionateryadditional supporr sraffmay be suitabry deproyed *irh rt * cornmiftee,


'"^,'-irrm ol'Irtstnrc'tions on paitl News and Reritrcd rt{arer..t (,\eprember-2.r5)

Your faithfully,

(Rahul Sharma)Under Secretary

copy to: AIr recognized registered poriticar parties (as per Iist encrosed)

EL q,g,Hq s" gg ylutr s s r o rqNIRVACHAN SADAN, ASHOKA ROAD, NEW DELHI-11OOO1

Dated: 25t" O"tob er, 207.,

I'jj.l",,j:::T::::::: ,:: provisions of the Moder code of conduct for the

1 0 , u"r'r

'-,rs announcement, the provisions of the Moder code of ((\-$uidance of the poritical parties a,d car.rdidates rrave."_.,:;:;*::_ ::an, urhi-,..^,irr 1^_: < vqrrurudLes uave come into force with r




and which wili be in force tili the completior.rr rvlLt: Lrlr Lne compretion of the General Election in the above state. Thismay be brought to the notice of the cpnr-r -'^ rLU Lne notrce of the Central and State Government, allMinistries/D epartm ents/offices of the unio n Govern.r, o.r- /+r- ^ c,^ -

slrLJ/ ulllces or the union Goyernment/the state Government. A copy ofinstructions issued by you to this effect, may be sent to the cn--r-^;^.- .and record,

be sent to the Commission for its information

3' Your attention is drawn to tlie particular provisions of Moder code of conducrrelating to the 'party in power' which inter aria says that the party in power whether at trre

NO,4371617/NCI/INST/FUNCTiM CCI2O77 \' " r-ro \-r

,/ The Cabinet Secr.etary,v Government of India,Rashtrapati Bhawan,New Deihi.

The Chief Secretar.y to theGovt. of Gujarat,Gandhinagar.

The Chief Electoral Officer,Gujarat,Gandhinagar.

sub: flXJffiif:r"rt,T:*:ifii:.[.condu* - Generar Erection to trre Legisrative


i am directed to state that the Electio, comrnission has a.nounced the schedure forholding General Election to the Legislative Assembry of Gujarat [press Note No.ECI/PN/', /2017' dated 25th 0ctober, 20L7 avarrabre at the conimission,s web-site -urww,



Centre or in the States concerned, shail ensure that no cause is given for any complaint thal

ithas usedits official position forthe purposes of its election campaign and in particular:-

til [a) The Ministers sha]l not combine their officiai visit with electioneering work and

also shall not make use of official machinery or personnel during the electioneering


tb] Government transport including official air-crafts, vehicles, machinery andpersonnel shall not be used for furtherance of the interest of the party in power;

[ii) Public places such as maidans etc., for holding election meetings, and use of helipadsfor air-flights in connection with elections shall not be monopolised by itself. 0ther partiesand candidates shall be allowed the use of such places and facilities on the same terms andconditions on which they are used by the party in power;

[iii] Rest houses, dak bungalows or other Government accommodation where electionshave been announced or are taking place can be given to the political functionaries who areprovided security by the state in Z scale or above or equivalent by various stateGovernments or the central Government under provisions of their laws, on equitable basis.This shall be subject to condition that such accommodation is not already allotted oroccupied by election related officials or Observers. such political functionaries shall not carryout any political activity while staying in the Government Guest Houses/Rest Houses or otherGovernment accommodation etc.;

[i") Issue of advertisement at the cost of public exchequer i. the newspapers and othermedia and the misuse of official mass media duringthe election period forpartisan coverageof political news and publicity regarding achievements with a view to furthering theprospects of the party in power shall be scrupulously avoided;(vl Ministers and other authorities shall not sanction grants/payments out ofdiscretionary funds from the time elections are announced by the commission; and[viJ From the time elections are announced by the commission, Ministers and otherauthorities shall not -(aJ announce any financial grants in any form or promises thereof; or[bJ [except civiiservants) lay foundation stones etc. of projects or schemes of any kind; or[cJ nrake any promise of construction of roac{s, provision of drinking water faci]ities etc.; or(d) make ar-ry ad-hoc appointments in Government, public undertakings etc. which rnay

have the effect of influenci,g the voters in favour of the party in power.

! cnd.orcodu.i\lcc,2oI7; E. cr€Nc_\rac_!^.cj.ddq




4' As will be observed from Para 3{clause IV} above, no advertisements shall be issuecin electronic and print media highlighting the achievements of the Govt. at the cost of pubrirexchequer' If any advertisement has already been released for telecast/broadcast olpublication in the print media, it must be ensured that the telecast/broadcast of such ads onelectronic media is stopped forthwith and that no such ad is published in any newspapers,rnagazines' etc'' i'e' in print meclia, from today itself and it should be immediately withdrawn.5' The instruction of the commission contained in its letter No.a37 /6/2009-ccBE dated5th March, 200g is availabre on the commission,s web-si te ,,http:f under theheading 'Election Laws and ECI - instructions' for your information and necessary action, Thecommission's all other instructions are aiso available in this link for your guidance.6' The commission further directs that there shail be a total ban on the transfer of arlofficers/officials connected with the conduct of the erection. These include but are notrestricted to: -

i) The chief Electoral officer and Additio nal/Joint/Deputy chief Electorar officers;ii) DivisionalCommissioners;

iii) The District Election officers, Returning officers, Assistant Returning officers andother Revenue 0fficers connected with the conduct of Election;iv) Officers of the Police Department connected with the management of erection rikerange IGs and DIGs' senior superintendents of porice and superintendents ofPolice' sub-Divisional Police Officers Iike Deputy superintendents of porice andother Police officers who are deputed to the commission undersection zBA of theRepresentation of the people Act, 1951;

v) The transfer orders issued in respect of the above categories of officers prior tothe date of announcement but not implemented tiil date shourd not be given effectto without obtaining specific permission from the commission in this regard;vi) This ban shall be effective till the completion of the erection. The commissionfurther directs that the State Governments should r'efrain from making transfers ofsenior officers who have a role in the management of election in the state;

\l o I s.t 0r. I I 6a!.$tdi c.d. dt codu.ltaEc.!01 ?c E. o&NC- MCC-L.1 .Or.Jo.


viiJ In those cases where transfer of an officer is necessary on account ofadministrative exigencies, the concerned State G,justification approach the commission for prior crearJ::r"r'1 may with furl

The receipt of the Ietter may kindly be acknowiedged.7.

Yours fairhfully,