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Write answers in 100 Words

Que. What do you know about TEMPORA program?

Ans=> TEMPORA program-- This petition demands a debate in Parliament to examine the implications of GCHQ's 'Tempora' programme. recent revelations about GCHQ's 'Tempora' programme UK citizens are facing the greatest threat to their civil liberties in this country's history. Indiscriminate surveillance is being collected on the populace on a massive scale with no public mandate. if this system is allowed to exist at all at the very least it should have a mandate from both the public and parliament - with external accountability and auditing.

Que. What is Super Moon?

Ans => Super Moon- A super full moon occurs when the moons closest approach to the Earth (lunar perigee) coincides with the phase of full moon. When this happens the moon may seem bigger and brighter.The moon's position furthest away from Earth is called apogee while its closest approach to Earth is referred to as perigee.The technical name is the perigee-syzygy of the Earth-Moon-Sun system.

Que. What is Smart Mine Field Application and how is it helpful?

Ans => Smart Mine Field Application- Engineers from the Military College of Electronics and Mechanical Engineering (MCEME) have developed a Smart Mine Field application.. Mines are usually placed in several locations at a strategic site and left there for long. Sometimes, owing to rain or for some other reason, their location shift. With the help of this application which proposes to fit all mines used by the Indian Army with radio frequency tags, the detection of the friendly mines will become easier by using a computer or even a tablet. This will be easier than using a metal detector.

Que . What are Kupffer Cells?

Ans=> liver kupffer cell- Kupffer cells are the major macrophage population of the body that has direct contact with the blood. They are found in the vascular sinuses, attached to the outer surface of endothelial cells and together with those cells and fat-forming Ito cells, they form a major non-parenchymal component of the liver. The Kupffer cells would be exposed to toxic components, including bacterial endotoxns, arriving in the portal blood.

Que. What is HEVC?

Ans => - HEVC stands for High Efficiency Video video codec will compress video files to half the size possible using the most- efficient current encoding format, MPEG-4.. , HEVC will be used to compress video with 4K resolution and possibly eventually 8K resolution so it can be efficiently delivered.MPEG 2 codec that most cable-TV companies still employ.

Que. What is Tianhe-2?

Ans => Tianhe-2-- world's fastest computer.. can perform 33,860 trillion calculations a second..Tianhe-2 was built by China's National University of Defence Technology in Guangzhou.. packed more than 3.1 billion Intel Xeon E5-2692 cores. It also leverages Intel's many-core Xeon Phi coprocessors to help speed up performance.

Que. What is Citrus Greening?

Ans => Citrus Greening-- Citrus greening, also called Huanglongbing or yellow dragon disease, is one of the more serious diseases of citrus. This bacterial disease is thought to have originated in China in the early 1900s. The disease is primarily spread by two species of psyllid insects. The bacteria itself is not harmful to humans but the disease has harmed trees in asia, africa, brazil etc

Que. Sochi Olympics is a feather in Putin's cap but it may lead to increase in global tensions ...Discuss

Ans => Deterioration of the relation between the world economic giants is the sign of further instilling of tensions in other countries. In my view the grand success of Sochi Olympics really made a position of Russia on Global platform but because of the accession of Crimea, many other countries defended its presentation in game events and further it lead to increase the tension.=> G-8 countries have started sidelining Russia; they are not worried let it be the G-7 itself.They blame Russia for violation of the European treaty and accession of Cremea is at least never been justified.Anti-Russian forces are seeking a high diplomatic ambitions by let Russia down and being maligned in International platform.This act of malignation won't work out if it start getting even a petty of glory.=> The worry of diplomacy here curtails the Sochi Olympic success. Those nations aren't even favouring any kind of effort which highlights Russia in the acts like the meets and favours for an effective diplomacy. Hence, let the Russian Seclusion work-out,Sochi Olympics may be called a part tension-probe diplomacy making the tensions and concerns grow deeper and deeper.=> The main objective of Politics is to rule, while the main objective of Olympics is to Strive together towards getting better. After all, Sports and Politics never mix. Also, the country/venue for the winter Olympics was pre-determined, that has got nothing to do with diplomatic relations with the G-8 summit or the Crimean issue.

Que. Indian Diaspora in Canada ? (5 marks )

Ans => They are the people belongings to Indian descent/culture.They nearly constitute 3.4 %(50% sikhs,30% Hindus and rest others) of total Population of Canada.=> Initial migrants were veteran british soldiers, went there in search of some easy life as it is difficut to survive in India due to heavy taxation system and Zamndari.=> Now they are more developed as compared to localities, their average income is 20% more to national one, technology, mathematics, engg. field are primarily represented by Indians in Universities.=> Also the Govt.,Cabinet support them for their Linguistic,Cultural and Indian Sculptures market.=> Upon attaining the Independence of India in 1947, the immigrants also won the right to vote their, now among the few MP`s in their cabinet

Que. The only power that can stop the Chinese Juggernaut is China itself ...Elaborate

=> china fastest and presently second bigest economy some say it will surpass us in cming decade or so...but not true bcause it is getting internally torn due to corruption curtailing undamental rights, lack of chcks and balances on arbitrary use of power due to one party rule....rural urban hiatus widening.... restricted frredom on land acquisition and child bearing...islamic fundamentalism...water and resourcestarved northern issues of governance r there which may prove serious hurdles in china becoming global hegemonic power

Que. International Criminal Court is White mans burden ....Do u agree??

=> the ICC has no supremacy since it has been established by a treaty and the former tribunals have been ordained by the security council of UN charter. the members of the UN are bound to carry out the decisions of the security council relating to maintenance of international peace and security.=> under the rules of international law,states have to exercise jurisdiction over nationals of the states, if they r widin it territorial jurisdiction. but under the present statute, nationals of third states come wthin the jurisdiction of ICC when they are reffered to it.=> as the US have vehemently opposed ths provision because its nationals can be charged with crimes resulting from forcible interventions abroad or lawful peace keeping operations.we can consider a recent example i.e the commission of war crimes and human rights violations by the US forces in iraq.=> ICC's working criticised by many countries including india and some african countries....a careful look at history of ICC will tell that most of cases being investigated or prosecutions completed relate to africa which have been past colonies of european powers ...and now they want to still hav their influence by prosecuting heads of these states and install governments friendly to themFr that u shud knw what is the so called White Mans burden ...nd is it working in this neo colonial era thru instrument like ICC ...nd put fwd ur pointwhite man's burden - "The supposed or presumed responsibility of white people to govern and impart their culture to non-white people..

Que. BRICS is a novel intiative but the seeds of failure lies in the idea of BRICKS .....Do u agree ? Comment !

=> BRICS is the global groupng of countries ,, brazil ,, russia ,, india , china and south africa ,, mainly economic... => BRICKS is a proposed inclusion by Goldman Sachs..which includes South Korea as one component .=> Korea wasn't added initially to the BRIC countries because at the time BRIC was formed Korea was considered already developed.=> South Korea is one of the worlds most developed countries and including it in a list of developing countries like BRICS cannot be justified.=> It has very high Human Development Index than most other developed countries. It has a significantly higher Growth Environment Score (Goldman Sachs' way of measuring the long-term sustainability of growth) than all of the BRICS nations=> Also it has a small population size compared to the problems faced due to overpopulation by the BRICS nations. So if South Korea is added to the list then it won't show much interest in the affairs of the functioning of BRICS because most of the problems faced by BRICS countries are not a problem for it.=> Also economists have put forth a new acronym MIST Mexico Indonesia South Korea Turkey. As these countries have similar financial conditions and developmental goals.=> The members of BRICS have approx same economic background hence they understand problems faced by each other but introduction of korea which is a highly developed country will lead to problems as it may try to come up as an elder brother in the group and the problema faced by the rest of the countries would not be a problem for korea

# # North Korea remains an ENIGMA.... Elaborate.

=> history is a catalogue of mistakes and it is our duty to learn from is true for has often in past taken contradictory stands like earlier signing NPT later denouncing it...sometimes it comes to negotiating table for not using nuclear military programne but later rejecting it...last year gave threat to fire against south korea but this year wanted to hav family meeting to unite families of two it has no ideology...stand principles and a firward looking progressive leader...for them bullet and not ballot is real source of power...china can play constructiv tole it is ally and huge food grains giver so some sort of pressure applied provided cold war rivalry between chinese communists and US capitalists can be overcome..=> basically korean peninsula has been the one of the faultline of cold war eta with communists supporting north and us and western world supporting south...moreover north korea being in possession of nuke weapons hav influenxe over chinese policy makers and chinese do not want a nuke enemy immediately in their neighbourhood..also china using su basically korean peninsula has been the one of the faultline of cold war eta with communists supporting north and us and western world supporting south...moreover north korea being in possession of nuke weapons hav influenxe over chinese policy makers and chinese do not want a nuke enemy immediately in their neighbourhood..also china using supply nukes to its ally states like pak..=> also North Korea has faces droughts...this leads to hunger....millions hv repprtedly died...since North Korea shares a border with China ...such drought situations can lead to rufugees into China which wud mean unrest in avoid this...China provides food aid to North koreaAs far as South Korea is concerned ....Seoul lies just 36 miles away from North Korea...a few missiles fired into Seoul wud leave South Korea into economic woes nd stock mrkets might a result South Korea nd North Korea alwayz try to bargain wit each other.

# # Naujawan Bharat Sabha and its objectives..

=> The Naujawan Bharat Sabha was formed to channelise the militant nationalist movement on ideological lines in March 1926 by Bhagat Singh.=> In this task, he was ably assisted by Bhagwati Charan Vohra, Dhanwantri, Ehsan Elahi and others.=> Ram Krishna and Bhagat Singh became its first president and secretary respectively.=> Naujawan Bharat Sabha ( Youth Society of India )was an association of Indian youth that sought to foster revolution against the British Raj by gathering together worker and peasant youth.The association was declared illegal under the Criminal Law Amendment Act (1908) in September 1934.

ObjectivesThe Sabha had two-fold objectives: : - - > social and political.=> The social objectives comprised the popularization of swadeshi goods, plain living, physical fitness, inculcation of the sense of brotherhood and the stimulation of interest in Indian languages and civilization.=> The Sabha also had a definite political programme which included the following:a) to establish a complete independent republic of the labourers and peasants of the whole of India;b) to infuse a spirit of patriotism into the hearts of the youths of the country in order to establish a united Indian nation;c) to express sympathy with and "to assist the economic, industrial and social movements which, while being free from communal sentiment, are intended to take us nearer to our ideal, namely, the establishment of a complete independent republic of labourers and peasants";d) to organise the labourers and peasants. It is significant that along with British imperialism it wanted to see the end of other imperialisms also. The Sabha movement had a wider perspective; it believed in the freedom of other enslaved nations also.=> Sabha also declared socialism as its objective.

# # what does "under his hand and seal" means?

=> ''under his hand and seal'' means in one's own hand-writing and own name.. Ex. The President of India can submit his/her resignation to the Vice President under his hand and seal. It means that the resignation letter should be written by the President himself/herself in own hand-writing, & a seal must be put on..

# # The proxy war between Russia and West in Ukraine is taking a heavy toll ..Comment ! (250 words )

=> Ukraine crisis has now evidently become a battle for hegemony between Russia and US-EU slamming ukraine with an either-or choice between itself and russia , and then US and EU backing the undemocratic govt of oppositions pushed russia to move forward and militarily annex crimea after a refferndum .=> But in all this ukraine is falling deeper into a pit of chaos , with a weak govt at helm , the almost bankrupt country is facing a fear of default ,which once used to be the second most powerful economy in former soviet union .=> With crimea annexed into russia ,other pro-russian region in ukraine could possibly be provoked to demand either greater power or complete secession from it and further disintegrate ukraine .=> The unrest and anarchy in ukraine being fuelled by west will hamper their interest too as many EU member nations are heavily dependent on russia for their energy supplies ,, => the sanctions against russia by west though does not show any signifacnt impact at present .but will surely prove adverse for russian economy as well as global economy in long run .=> With russia's sluggish GDP growth rate ,and in view of its exclusion from G8 , if west decides to further intensify the sanctions , the investment flowing to russia is bound to get affected ...

# # what are Geoids ?

=> this term is used to refer to objects whose shape is like that of the earth=> The geoid is a model of global mean sea level that is used to measure precise surface elevations.. => Geoids are lumpy because gravity varies from place to place in response to local differences and variations in the density of materials in the Earth's interior. a mathematical idealized representation of physical earth

# # Pakistan Day is celbrated on 23rd March ...why ?

=> Their republic day, commemorating the Lahore Resolution of 1940=> It became the world's first Islamic republic on 23rd march 1956.

# # what is the political situation right now in Thailand ..nd what r is the background of protests der ?>

=> At present the former PM yingluck shinawatra is actng as the caretaker PM in the country ,,and with feb general election ruled invalid by the constitutional court ,,puts thailand in a fix ...=> Constitutionally still a monarch country ,, thailand became free from absolute monarchy in 1932 , with commencement of first constiution and first legislature in the country .=> .following this were decades of military rule ,ending only in 1980s ,,the first direct elections in thai history for the two houses of national assembly (parliament) was held in 1997 ,, ,,,.,,,, ,,, in 2001 general election , Mr. thaksin shinawatra ,of rak thai party came to power ,,and was again re-elected with absolute majority in 2005 general election ,,=> but he was accused of abusing state powers and violating election laws ......, in 2006 overthrowing thaksin govt , military rule was once again imposed over d country ...this was followed by massive protest for democracy in country ,...=> In july 2011 general election ,,pheu thai party led by Ms yingluck shinawatra , younger sister of thaksin , came to power . Yingluck's govt through a bill ,providing amnesty for people in 2010 protest , also cleared mr thaksin of all political crimes .=> This led to protest and demand for removal of ms yingluck's govt and end of thaksin regime . The people now demand an unelected people's council which they believe would cleanse the thai politics . => This led to dissolution of parliament , and call for fresh election ,but people and opposition protest against the election and this led to feb elections declared as invalid ..=> All said , with limited experience of democracy ,, the country which prides in itself of never been subjected to colonialism under any european country , the population here is divided on the question of democracy itself in the country ...

# # Myistone dam in news ..where is it ...nd what news it is making ??

=> Mytisone dam is a hydro-electric dam being built by China over the River Irrawady in Myanmar. Protests against it , as it is considered hazardous for the is in Kachin State ..=> It is on "Irawaddy River" in Burma...a protest march of 2400km was arising there against is construction. => A large dam is still undr cnstrctn , if completed as planned will b 15th largest hydroelectric power station in world ,, dam's dimensions as planned - 1310 long and 139.6 m high .. Being built with china assistance ,, it will provide 3600 to 6000 mgwts electricity to china primarily aftr completion ,, => Controversial issues are -dam's enormous flooding area ,, environmental impact , its location on fault line ,, and people also detest china's growing influence over burma .. 30th sept 2011 , president myanmar , Thein sein , announced suspension of the project ,, but speculations are that the construction still continues ,, but govt denies these reports ,,=> On 23rd march over a dozen people started a 2400 km march , over demand to permanent cancellation of the dam project. .=> The Kachins r a coalition of six tribes whose homeland encompasses territory in Yunnan , China and Northeast India , in addition to Kachin State in Burma. This is compartively backward area.=> The kachin indepndenc army (KIA) formed in 1961 in response to a military coup in Burma led by General Ne Win , who attempted 2consolidate Burmese control ovr regions on d periphery of the state whch were home 2 various ethnic groups.=> Originally d KIA fought fr independence, but later, official KIA policy goal shifted to autonomy within a federal union of Burma. in 2011, KIA ended d 1994's ceasefire wid d govt. in protest of Myitsone Dam whch requires d submergence of dozens of villages in Kachin state & renewed their struggl fr indepndnc...=> KIA is military wing of KIO, kachin indepndc org. KIO maintains an extralegal bureaucracy in Kachin State & has exclusive control ovr d territory. it maintains a police dept., educatnl system, immigratn dept. & many other institutions of self-government.

# # Pravasi Bhartiya Diwas in 2014 (5 marks) ?

=> Pravasi Bhartiy Diwas is celebrated on 9th january every year to mark the contributionss of overseas indian community to the development of India.. It .is being conducted in memory of gandhiji return to india from SA on 9th jan. in 1915....=> The Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs (MOIA) looks aftr its conduction.PBD 2014 was 12th edition of the celebration at new delhi with Rajkeswur Purryag, President of the Republic of Mauritius as the Chief guest.=> This year's theme was engaging diaspora : connecting across generations. This year also witnessed youth PBD held on the first day of the evnt..

# # Who are the boat people ? Why are they in news ?

=> Refuges who left country by sea.particularly vietnamese who fled to hongkong ,australia

# # What lessons can India learn from the present political imbrogolio in Thailand ?

=> The root cause behind thailand's political instability is the lack of faith over democracy in the country . With a long history in monarchy and decades of military rule , and hence a very limited experience in democracy , the elite opposition did not find it as one onerous task to arouse the people against democratic govt . .... => The political set up in the two countries , india and thailand ,are different . India is known to b the largest democracy in world ,the democracy in india is deeply rooted , and has a glorious history behind its achievement .=> The leaders of indian national movement had always maintained democracy in india as the cental issue , the success of democracy in india largely owes to their effort before and after independance ..=> With democratic political parties , a strong and competent election commission , and independent , unbiased and active judiciary ,india cannot corelate itself with current thai scenario ,.=> but yet , india is still young as a nation,and continues with the process of nationn building ,, and so it still can draw a few lessons from it . .... Though india is largely democratic but its diversity still makes it vulnerable to the various divisive factors ,, communalism , regionalism , diverse ethnicity being a few of

# # katchatheevu issue is more of a domestic political issue rather than an international issue ...Discuss(so first explain what is the issue ,,,nd than giv ur expert opinion ..

=> Katchatheevu is an uninhabited island located about 10 miles N-E of Rameswaram on the Indian side and 9 miles of south of Delft Island on the Sri Lankan side. It was handed over to Sri Lanka through an agreement in 1974...=> Fishermen of both side used to take rest there and dried their Jaals as per agrement but can not do fishing there. Many times Sri Lankan Navy interuppt there with our fishermen, claiming that is Sri Lankan area.=> last year in nov , in commonwealth summit, PM Manmohan Singh refused to attent that in SL due to some reasons but actually it was a political move to appease Tamils and Jayalalitha...and from its consequences, our foreingn relations with neighbour island getting more tensed.=> regional areamatic/public issue are so dominating over stategic and frontier ones that '' In Many Cases Our Foreign Policy runs by States".=> In present scenerio katchatheevu is a minor problem as the present foreign policy is being derieved by states any foreign matter is difficult to solve by peaceful talks.... even tought tat island was given to SL ...but giving a way a part of India thru a executive decision is invalid ..nd hence Katchatheevu secession can b proved null and void in the court of law in INdia just like in Beri Beri case ...=> .now SL has redrawn it maritime boundry & they r harasing our fishermen who enter this area ....some few years ago they used to shoot at sight but now they beat them & arrest them ....!!=> the area around island is rich in marine resources & of great economic benefits to the fishermen India has to solve this issue either by negotiating by Sri Lankan govt ...or it has to forget the island nd make constitutional amendment nd give it to Sri Lanka for the mistake which Indira Gandhi made ...or else forcibly take it up !=> It is not disputed that India must be bound by her international commitments, but the violations of international maritime and humanitarian laws by Sri Lanka and its navy have left India with no other choice but to review the agreements of 1974 and 1976.=> If the Government chooses to do so, it would be well within the purview of the Supreme Court to adjudicate the way solving this issue by SC makes it a domestic issue rather than an international.

# # What do you understand by resource mobilization? How important is it for the Indian economy? (200 Words)

=> it means improving tax to GDP ratio which at present is dismal 11% while in developed countries 35-40% b done by not increasing tax rate but by increasing tax base and giving minimum exemptions bcause if rate increased laffer curve phenomena will occur..=> also it means promoting savings and consequently investments because in India, capital output ratio is at present is 4:1 means for growth of 9pc=> India require investment of 36% of GDP .but recently it has decreasd to improvment is needed....attracting foreign investment in the form of FDI not FII...

# # Tsunami Warning System .............50 words

=> it is used to detect tsunami at initial stage so that early warning can be issued to prevent damage to life and property. it consists of two systems working in sync.=> the first system detects earthquake and detects t-waves which cause tsunamis along with rise in height of sea water with the help of height bouys.=> the second system sends alert signals along the coastal area in time to declare evacuation before tsunami hits the shore.

# # PSLV - C24=> will be launching IRNSS - 1b ...which is a series of 7 satellites to b launched => it is an indian version of Global Positioning System (GPS) => it would help in urban traffic management ..marine navigation...keeping track of doubtful activities over borders ...

# # Powell resigns as US ambassador to India...hw do u see this event ?

=> There are certain things which can be derived from actions when things happen at a diplomatic level..=> is believed that Nancy Powell had a good rapo with UPA.....but with Elections ahead the White house beleives tat der wl b change of gaurd at the centre ...=> a Modi led govt to b precise....nd US believes tat der is a need to redefine nd restructure relations with the new govt ....nd hence a new man b posted to carry out the work....=> also recent crisis in khobragade case in which powell failed miserably to handle is also reason for her removal...

# # SEBI Ordinance Securities Laws (Amendment) Bill 2013. in news ...what r the new features to it ?

=> The main purpose of the ordinance is to give SEBI more powers in order to crack down on Ponzi schemes. SEBI has been given powers of investigation and seizures and demand information relating to phone and data records during investigation=> this bill is to amend the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992, the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956 and the Depositories--PROVISIONS NEWLY ADDED BY THE ORDINANCE1. Under section 11AA of the SEBI Act, which details with the parameters of a Collective Investment Schemes, it has now been stated that "pooling of funds under any scheme or arrangement" involving a corpus of Rs. 100 crores or more shall be deemed to be a Collective Investment Scheme irrespective of whether it is registered or not registered with SEBI. Hence, registration with SEBI is no longer a prerequisite for such a scheme to fall within the regulatory purview of SEBI.=> Investigative Powers----SEBI has now been granted the right to call for information and record information that is relevant including the telephone call data records.=> Further, the power to call for information has also been granted to SEBI wherein information may be called from international sources through regulators in other countries with whom it has entered into an agreement for the sharing of information.=> These powers will prove to be extremely useful in case of Foreign Direct Investment through entities such as the Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs) where Know Your Customer (KYC) norm may not have been implemented adequately by the entities involved.=> Enforcement Methods / Remedies---Powers have been granted to SEBI to attach the violator's property, bank accounts ect...

# # What were the Supreme Court directives issued in July 2013 against Acid Attack

=> Supreme Court Directives were given on July 18, 2013. They are as follows:1. Acid retailers must maintain a register with buyer details to help keep tab on over the counter sales.2. Buyer has to produce govt. issued photo id and specify purpose of purchase3. Buyer has to submit details of purchase to local police within 3 days after buying it.4.In all educational institutions, research labs, govt. dept. and PSUs can buy acids by following certain guidelines5. In all institutions, 1 person has to be in charge of monitoring stock and sale of acid6. People leaving laboratory must be thoroughly checked.7. Details of acid stock must be given to local SDM within a fortnight of its purchasing failing which it can be seized by authorities and fine upto 50,000 can be imposed.8. Compensation to victims should be raised to 3 lakh ( 1 lakh to be given within fortnight of attack, 2 lakh within next 2 months.9. states to frame rules before 31 march 201410. no acid can be sold to ny person under 18 n all stocks must b declared wid d local sub-divisional magistrate (SDM) in 15 days.11. States must pay acid attack victims Rs. 3 lakh towards medical treatment n aftercare rehabilitation12. d institutions shld make a person accountable for possession n safe keeping of acid.

# # Panama disease

=> a plant disease of the roots of banana plants. It is a type of Fusarium wilt, caused by the fungal pathogen Fusarium oxysporum .=> The pathogen is resistant to fungicide and cannot be controlled chemically.In the 1950s, Panama disease wiped out (except in Asia) the Gros Michel banana , the dominant cultivar of bananas, inflicting enormous costs and forcing producers to switch to other, disease-resistant cultivars. => However, new strains of Panama disease threaten the production of today's most popular cultivar, Cavendish .

# # Das Kapital

(Capital: Critique of Political Economy ), by Karl Marx , is a critical analysis of political economy, meant to reveal the economic laws of the capitalist mode of production.=> In Capital: Critique of Political Economy (1867), Karl Marx proposes that the motivating force of capitalism is in the exploitation of labour, whose unpaid work is the ultimate source of profit and surplus value .=> The employer can claim right to the profits (new output value), because he or she owns the productive capital assets (means of production), which are legally protected by the capitalist state through property rights . In producing capital (money) rather than commodities (goods and services), the workers continually reproduce the economic conditions by which they labour.=> Capital proposes an explanation of the "laws of motion" of the capitalist economic system, from its origins throughout its future, by describing the dynamics of the accumulation of capital, the growth of wage labour, the transformation of the workplace, the concentration of capital, commercial competition, the banking system, the decline of the profit rate, land-rents.

# # University of Chicago in India ...what is the news ?

** opens centre in delhi..US Amabassador to India Nancy Powell inaugurated the centre.The centre will promote scholarship through three broad programmes, business, economics, law, and policy, science, energy, medicine, and public health and culture, society, religion, and arts.** The centre will also be an intellectual destination, enabling the University of Chicago to better support research and scholarship that will benefit faculty, students and society, said a statement.** Located at Connaught Place, the 17,000-square-foot centre will provide space for seminars and conferences as well as faculty offices and study areas.** It will host Indian and South Asian students and scholars, serve as a base for University of Chicago students and faculty working in India and throughout the region, and engage alumni and parents in India and South Asia.** Delhi joins the University's centre in Beijing, opened in 2010, and the centre in Paris, opened in 2004, in bringing together researchers and students to collaborate across the academic spectrum.** The centre in Delhi is a wholly-owned foreign enterprise operating under the name of 'UChicago Center' in India Private Limited.

# # Critically examine the problems that are being faced in the implementation of the Right To Education (RTE) Act.

=> Right to Education was implemented under article 21A as an extension of right to life in Indian Constitution.=> Since this ammendment this right has not shown the effect which was expected by it, mainly due to lack of awareness in Indian masses especially in rural areas.=> The provision of act which entiteld students of free education in any govt aided institute was also in controversy over lack of compassiin shown by some institutions in the country over certain cases.Also, the division of students faced in some places also acts as a deterent in some places for parents sending their wards to school.=> quality of teachers ..TET eligibity tests ,student - teacher ratio., dropout problem, million primary teachers vacant seats , proximity to educ insitutes , lack of proper monitorting , not setting up of state advisory committess, resistance offered by private education institutes to provide 25 percent seats to EBCs , ASER report 2012 ...are some other problems being faced in the implementation of RTE...=> Lack of political will for effective implementation,education being in concurrent list=> Lack of Investment in education by Govt.=> Lack of commitment from the private institutions(as these institutes discriminate students in- spite govt accepting to pay for their education)=> Without providing basic amenities like drinking water,toilet. it will be far sighted dream to reach=> Flexibility is lacking while implementation of law(one can't expect children from tribal area to completely adapt) depending on the local conditions.=> .outcome of budget allocation is far less then expected

# # Is the blind implementation of social welfare schemes the only approach of governance in rural India, especially in Maoist-affected areas?

=> rural india has lot of potential and growth and development can only happen when it is equitable and empowering welfare schemes are well conceived but low on implementation and with changing needs reforms are called for..=> .merger of existing centrally sponsored schemes (at present 180 to about 50)...e technology in delivery of services...improved connectivity (the whole concept of PURA is based on connectivity...physical economic and information connectivity)...for maoist affected regions heavy hand in short term and a helping hand in long term should b the strategy

=> First of all the present maoist movement in India is very far from the maoist movement around 10 yrs back.... at that time the demand was for development. => maoists were intrested in peace talks they never used to blow up schools and public transport systems... but in present scenerio when they r blowing railway tracks schools with students inside it is evident that they r not seeking development be it social economical or any other so just implementation of social welfare schemes wont help curbing maoist activities

# # Nehruvian Foreign policy was not just IDEALISTIC but also PRAGMATIC ....Critically examine !

=> It was based on four pillars.... peace.. nuclear disarmament.. non alignment..n opposition to colonialism... if evaluated on these four aspect... peace through democratic process like india's stand on syria... india still follows non alignmnt.... opposition to neo colonialism... again syrian eg... n nuclear disramamnt... nuclear energy should be use only for peaceful purposes... and nehru even said that if someone use nuclear weapon against india thn india will not hesitate also in self defence..=>. so keeping these points it can be said that still nehrus vision is reflected in indian foreign policy but it needs to be more strict and strategic in the current scenario.=> nehru policy was a fine mix of two...he was a real politik...annexation of junagarh and hyderabad and later goa r fine xamples pf ptotecting territorial integrity and peace ...forward policy towards china may b critucised by some but actuakky china attacked out of desperation and isolationism it was experiencing as against india which was getting apperciated due to its still continues to hav relevance ..=> policy towards nuclear disarmament is getting global respect in todays world is an important component of diplomacy and more so for india in south asia where it has to shun fears of smaller states that india is adopting big brotherly attitude rather coperate with them benefitting mutual interests...

# # Revolutionaries from Afghanistan in Indian freedom struggle ?

=> Deobandi leaders- Ubaidullah Sindhi, They wre related wid popular silk letter conspiracy=> recently the govt of India in jan 2013 also released commemorative stamps in this regard acknwledging the contributions of the movement which tok place between 1913 -1920 ,,=> But it went unsuccessful since Ubaidullah Sindhi was caught by Punjab CID wit silk letters ..=> other revolutionaries which could be included from Kabul include Raja Mahendra Pratap and Barkatullah

# # Role of Dupleix in First Carnatic War

=> Dupleix, then the french governor general in India was the main strategist of battle of madras.... but his not keeping his words to return madras and fort st george made his allies of nawab of carnatic his enemies and losing trust of la bourdanais eventually led to his defeat in 1748 in pondicherry.

# # What was the Sangola Agreement ?

=> At sangola while celebrating the victory sadashiv rao bhau prevailed upon the chhatrapati to sign a agreement with the peswa apparently to regulate the senior appoinments to recognise the administrative infrastructure at this agreement the age old astha pradhan was abolished and all the inherent power and function the different ministries were taken over by the peswa.. afterthat peswa began to take all the major decisions in direct consultation with the chhtrapati..

# # Which Bengal ruler paid chauth to Marathas ?

=> Nawab of Bengal Alivardi khan ceded territory up to the river Suvarnarekha to the Marathas, and agreeing to pay Rs. 20 lacs as chauth for Bengal...

# # Public Debt Management Agency ?

=> Govt of india ready with the Public Debt Management Agency Bill and the proposed agency will established as a non-statutory body and is expected to begin work in the next fiscal.=> its objective of further reducing the debt servicing risk and to create fiscal space for developmental expenditure. principles are there-- 1. greater reliance on domestic borrowings over external debt 2. consolidation of the debt portfolio and 3. development of deep and wide market fro govt securities to improve liquidity in secondary market..

# # What is TEEB?disscuss importance of TEEB

=> The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) is a study led by Pavan Sukhdev. It is an international initiative to draw attention to the global economic benefits of biodiversity.=> Its objective is to highlight the growing cost of biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation and to draw together expertise from the fields of science, economics and policy to enable practical actions. => TEEB aims to assess, communicate and mainstream the urgency of actions through its five deliverablesD0: science and economic foundations, policy costs and costs of inaction, D1: policy opportunities for national and international policy-makers, D2: decision support for local administrators, D3: business risks, opportunities and metrics and D4: citizen and consumer ownership.=> One motive for the study was to establish an objective global standard basis for natural capital accounting. Estimates establish the cost of biodiversity and ecosystem damage expected to cost 18% of global economic output by 2050 and currently at over US$2T (for the largest 3000 companies according to Trucost), with some estimates as high as US$6T/year . The World Bank in particular has led recent efforts to include the cost of biodiversity and climate harm in national accounts .Its sponsors declare TEEB to be a "major international initiative to draw attention to the global economic benefits of biodiversity, to highlight the growing costs ..

# # new chromosome known as SynIII...wat is the news abt ?

=> It is the first ever fully functional eukaryotic cell (yeast) synthetically designed. The credit goes to Dr. Jef boeke and his team from NYU Langone medical centre's Institute for system's genetics=> Importance of this is tht researchrs will be able to more quickly develop synthetic strains of yeast that could be used in the manufacture of rare medicines, such as artemisinin for malaria, or in the production of certain vaccines, including the vaccine for hepatitis B, which is derived frm yeast.=> Synthetic yeast cud also be used to bolster development of more efficient biofuels, such as alcohol, butanol, and biodiesel. It wil also help in an effort to understand how whole networks of genes specify individual biological behaviors.

# # Vyasi Project in news ?

=> BHEL has been contracted by Uttarakhand Jal Vidyut Nigam Limited (UJVNL) to deliver electro-mechanical equipment for the 120MW Vyasi hydroelectric project in Dehradun district, Uttarakhand.The Vyasi project is a run-of-river scheme on the river Yamuna. its RS. 656 cr. project

# # coach of Indian women kabaddi team >?=> Sunil dabbas

# # R A Mashelkar the Padma VIbhushan ...his contributions ?

=> is well known globally for his path breaking research in polymer science and engineering....He has chaired 12 high powered national level committees to look into diverse issues of higher education, national auto fuel policy and measures to deal with the menace of spurious drugs.=> In the post-liberalized India, Mashelkar has played an important role in shaping India's science and technology policies. He was a member of the Scientific Advisory Council to the Prime Minister and also of the Scientific Advisory Committee to the Cabinet set up by successive governments.

# # Mr. Jens Stoltenberg

=> He will be next NATO chief=> He was prime minister of Norway for two times - from 2000 to 2001, 2005-2013

# # " I loved my motherland dearly before I went to America and England.After my return, every particle of dust of this land seems sacred to me." kisne kisase kaha ?

=> swami vivekanand

# # Tat Tvam Asi !!:

=> This is among four prominent mahavakyas, taken from Chandogya Upanishad meaning That art thou or That you are.In actual when we came to know through assertion of someone (Guru): You are the supreme brahman, is what tat tvam asi trying to say.

# # In India,despite having good savings rate,domestic investment is less....Why ?(200 Words)

=> The main reason people associate is the unclear and the complicated tax structure that we have, the plethora of state and central taxes creates havoc and confusion.=> The administration and bureaucracy add to the difficulty in investment with investors running pillar to post for setting up their establishment.=> Procurement of licenses, environmental clearances are not streamlined thus hamper the investors from venturing into new territories=> First of all savings in india are done in immovable assets like gold and property which in turn lead to generation of black money and blockage of money.... so we can say that in india every saving doesnt lead to investment rather it is more like blocking miney business envionment is not good tapism bureaucratic delays...confusion over areas like land aquisition...recently macrofundamentals like inflation widening cad fd bop hav been deterrence for investors...also savings hav come down bcause of inflation leading to increased spending on health and food

# # Critically comment on the Rohingya issue in Myanmar. Does it have any implications on India? Examine.

=> issue of muslim minority against buddhist majority in myanmar...though a bilateral issue between bdesh and myanmar but its fallout can b seen in india in form of bodh gaya attacks by islamic fundamentalists in retaliation..=> india is such a diverse country religiously culturally linguistically caste wise that any disturbance in neighbouthood poses a strong challenge to our law enforcement investigation and intelligence gathering agencies..=> The Rohingya conflict is one of the longest conflicts between the majority Buddhist Burmese and the minority Muslims in Myanmar. It has led to the displacement of large number of people across the Myanmar-Bangladesh border, especially from the Rakhine state.=> The tragic aspect of this issue is that about 800,000 Rohingyas in Myanmar are stateless people. They are not recognised as an ethnic indigenous minority or citizens of Myanmar.=> Many of these refugees are without jobs and could fall prey to radical ideologies. They may join the Harkat-ul- Jihadi Islam (HuJI) which has been accused of carrying out bomb blasts in Assam.=> Another aspect could be the fear of a major spill over of the conflict into Indias north-east in terms of refugee flow from across the porous Bangladesh-India border.=> The north-east is a region plagued by armed ethnic conflicts based on issues of land and identity. Further inroads by a refugee population could exacerbate the situation in the north-east.

# # Write a critical note on the impact of globalization on the rural industries of India, especially after 1990.

=> globalisation has in the past brought dividends to growth of countries across globe but whether real human prosperity has occurred or not is doubtful bcause of widening rich poor divide...indias policy of lpg suddenly in 1991 proved detrimental to micro industries bcause they were subjected to unhealthy competetion from giant againnst china and east asian tigers followed gradual policy ..first liberalise then privatise and finally allowing foreign the meantime domestic co. could expand and provided strong competition to mnc...also indian policy of import subsitution as against export promotion was flawed which has oflate been globalisation alone not to b blamed but regressive and irrational policies which marred indian manufacturing sector..=> The early 1990's was when the policy LPG was started in India which essentially meant that the trade barriers, flow of capital and labour were relaxed to a great extent. One of the many and perhaps the most significant worry was if the small scale industries would be able to compete with the large MNC's. The formation of WTO in 1995 also had a great impact on SSI's as India, being a member, had to relax itsrestrictions on import which meant that the SSI's had no option but to compete. The Annual Average Growth Rate of number of units in the pre-liberalisation period, from 1973-90 was 9.36 percent and in post-liberalisation it was 4.07 percent. The annual average growth rate of Employment which was 7.25% in pre-LPG went down to 4.26 in post-LPG. This data shows that from the perspective of rural industries LPG did not have a favourable effect and neither could the Govt.'s Small Industrial Policy of 1991.

# # Trace briefly the history of the struggle between the Chalukyas and the Pallavas. Analyze its causes and bring out its importance. (200 words)

=> The Chalukya-Pallava war began with Pulkasin II and ended with the collapse of both the dynasties singnificantly, the power that rose thereafter, the Rushtrakutas and the cholas, continued the same sort of struggle. This was because the Chalukya-Pallava struggled was to a great extent determined by the geographical loation of the Chalukya and Pallava kingdoms.=> After the first bout was over, the Pallavas agenged their defeat during the days of Narasimhavarman I. He captured the lost territories. In thie he was assisted by the king of Ceylon. He entered the capital of Bademi in 642 A.D. and assumed the title of Vatapikonda, that is, the conqueror or Vatapi.=> After that, for the next tweleve years there was a respite; the Pallavas were involved in naval wars while supporting the Ceylonese kings, and the Chalukyas were troubledby their feudatories, Afther the Chalukyan house was set in order in 655, they re-occupied the terrirtories lost to the Pallavas. This was the third phase. Soon thej tables were reversed. There was a rift in the Chalukyan royal family.=> Taking advantage of this, the Pallavas once again entered Badami. Details of relating to this compaign are to be found in the Pallava grant found near Kanchi. This was th fourth phase.=> The fifth phase started when the Chalukyas and the Gangas united in 731 to attack the Pallavas. The reigning Pallava king was killed and Kanchi was occupied. Later, the council of ministers chose Nandivarman II.=> In the last phase the ball was in the the court of Pallavas. At this time, the neighbours of the Pallavas in the south, that is, the Pandays, Joined the conflict. The Pandyas of Madura were not well disposed towards the Pallavas.=> In the meantime the Chalukyas wre threatened by the Arabs, the latter already being in occupation of Sing. While the Chalukyas were engrossed in the threat from the north, one of their feudatories Dantidurga, broke away from the but they, too, within a century ment their end, the last of the Pallavas was assassinated by the son of a feudatory

# # Ahmeddiya Andolan originated at which place??

=> kadia , gurdaspur ...punjab me hai

# # The Sattriya dance form (2 marker )

=> Ritualistic dance form from Assam.Now recognized as one of the 8 indian classical dance forms.Created by Vaishnavite saint Srimanta Sankaradev in the 15th century.=> Male monks performed on mythological themes to mark important occasions. Presently, both male and female dancers perform Sattriya and themes are not restricted to mythological stories.

# # Lai Haraoba (2 marker )

=> A manipuri festival meaniing 'Merry making of the gods'. Celebrated by Meitei people to please traditional dieties. Festival consists of plays depicting the origin of universe,evolution of plants and animals.=> The participants strictly follow celibacy during the festival. Several sports like races are also held and prizes are awarded.=> It is extended from one day to a month long celebration based on the finances ...normally clebrate around april - may

# # Purandara Dasa

=> one of the most prominent composers of Carnatic music and is widely regarded as the "Grandfather of Carnatic Music".=> Purandara Dasa addressed social issues in addition to worship in his compositions, a practice emulated by his younger contemporary, Kanakadasa.=> Purandara Dasa's Carnatic music compositions are mostly in Kannada ; some are in Sanskrit . He signed his compositions with the mudra (pen name), "Purandara Vittala" ( Vittala is one of the incarnations of the Hindu god Vishnu ).=> He introduced the raga Mayamalavagowla as the basic scale for music instruction and fashioned series of graded lessons such as swaravalis , janti swaras, alankaras , lakshana geetas, prabandhas , ugabhogas , daatu varase, geeta , sooladis and kritis .=> Another of his important contributions was the fusion of bhava, raga, and laya in his compositions.

# # Are Anti -Defections laws in India rationalized ones ? nd Why do u feel so ? ..Discuss !

=> introduced in 1985 was need of the hour to prevent so called aaya ram gaya ram india where the era is of coalition the ruling govt. runs on water thin majority and thus this law provides some sort of stability ...=> although anomalies like allowing mass defections and prohibiting minor ones was corrected in 2003 some still remain like those related to individual and nominated members ...also final decision rests with speaker or chairman as the case may b but speaker has himself expressed inability in this matter. => also issuing whips on petty issue make rights of members fettered which should b corrected nd this whip thing ...applies not only to votes that affect the stability of the government, i.e., no-confidence motions and money Bills but they apply to all votes ...=> They r applicable to even Rajya Sabha nd Legislative councils which hv no say in the Govt formation watsoever ....the effect is that the members r converted to mere numbers ..nd they hv to back the call of der party irrespective of what he thinks over a particular matter or his electors thinks ..=> this goes against the basis of a representative democracy in which the elected representative is expected to act in public interest (as understood by him) which would usually be a combination of his ideology, political party membership and constituency interests.=> Instead, the current system forces him to blindly obey the instructions of the party leadership.....The government can get any of its policies and Bills approved by issuing a whip to its party members and through backroom deals with the leadership of other political parties.=> It does not need to convince individual MPs of the merits of the proposals. Thus, our system strips the incentive for a MP to understand and think through any issue, as he has to finally just obey the party.=> For example, in December 2012, the government had to face a vote on permitting foreign direct investment in the retail sector. The members of all political parties voted (or abstained) on party lines.

# # Repealing obsolete laws is key to creating jobs in the manufacturing sector .....Discuss !

=> repealing of labour laws, factories act, acquisition already done...environment protection act 1986.... multiplicity of laws relating to centre and states....labour laws land aquisition...envionmental clearances..poorly worded laws giving wide discretion to implementors to twist law acc. to their need thus compromising accountability and transparency....reforms like gst and and single window clearances ...NeGP a good stepping stone towards SMART governance... Manufacturings gloomy performance is explained by obsolete regulationswhich go to the extent of requiring state sanction to shut down unprofitable operationsand restrictive labour regulations that affect the entry, functioning and exit of firms. Regressive labour laws that favour the entrenched interests of rent-seeking labour unions have effectively stalled the economy from utilizing the countrys cheap labour potential to build a competitive manufacturing sector. This, by the way, also largely explains the stagnation of much of the countrys workforce in the non-formal sector.

# # Write a note on Deccan Education Society

=> Deccan Education Society came into existence after Shri Vishnushastri Chiplunkar founded New English School along with Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak, in year 1880 in its present location of Tilak Road in Pune , India. => In 1884 the Deccan Education Society was formed with Shri V. S. Apte, Shri. Gopal Ganesh Agarkar, Shri V. B. Kelkar, Shri M. S. Gole, and Shri. N. K. Dharap joining them. At present DES runs 43 institutes in Maharashtra .=> Some of the prominent institutes run by the Deccan Education Society include: Fergusson College, Pune 1885, WILLINGDON COLLEGE, SANGLI 1919, BRIHAN MAHARASHTRA COLLEGE OF COMMERCE, PUNE 1943, KIRTI M. DOONGURSEE COLLEGE, MUMBAI 1954, CHINTAMANRAO COLLEGE OF COMMERCE, SANGLI 1960

# # India cannot hope for a non-inflationary economic recovery unless private sector investment revives .....Do u agree ...Critically analyse !

=> savings investment ouput growth is the reinfocing cycle in economics like any biological cycle occurring in our body to maintain good health of the economy...private sector which is sitting on huge savings is reluctant fo invest ..their investment outside india is huge which drives out any benefit brought in by fdi and fii...=> when govt is giving huge tax exemptions to tune of 7 lac cr. to corporate sector they hav moral obligation to contribute to national growth...more so when target of investment in infrastructure is 1trilliin dollar in 12 fyp half of which from pvt. sector....=> govt is also to b blamed for not crrecting macroeconomic fundamentals proving detterence to these a strong case for reforms is made out.. economic recovery is a phase of business cycle after recession...its includes high growth rate, employment, etc.....economic growthrecovery would lead to inflation demand will be more as that of for no inflationary economic recovery would only be possible if india wil increase its growth potential....=> but this is almost impossible without the private sector ... there are number of monetary policy such as increasing rate of loan and others....but this would directly impact with the revival of private sector it can be possible.=> before examining it first we need to understand that it asking for non-inflationary economic recovery..not for economic development.. there are various parameters responsible for economic recovery such as monetry policies as promulgated from time to time by RBI after a crisis of year 2010, investment both in public and private sector,general savings as it effects the investment and international trade policies.=> govt is taking a critical vigilance in terms of monetry and trade policies.. but unless the production function is nt revised and supervised in the above said direction, it is not easy to overcome the non-inflationary economic recovery. to give it a blow some major incident has happened as USFDA(United states food and drug administration) express her growing unease with d safety norms taken by ranbaxy inmanufacturing medicine.=> as US is one of largest market for Indian medicines it gave a major blow to d medicine export. here not only investment which is imp, regulatory acts for d imp private sector manufacturing industry is equally imp Economic recovery is a multi dimensional area... just going away with privatization is not the solution... manufacturing sector is weak... and there needs many internal reforms also that affect investment and india faces supply side problems and inflation will keep building if investmnt is keep goin in unproductive areas...=> a creeping inflation is always healthy for economy.. n yeah inflation will be there but it should be controlled and private sector revival is essesntial but it should be concentrated in capital and asset creation

# # Write a note on Seva Sadan ?

=> Ramabai Ranade was an Indian social worker and one of the first women's rights activists in the 19th century..Inspired by her husband Mahadev Govind Rande, Ramabai started 'Hindu Ladies Social Club' in Mumbai to develop public speaking among women.. she was also the president of the seva sadan which is the most successful of all Indian women's institution and is attended by thousands of women.=> Ramabai's pioneering work in the field of nursing through Seva Sadan deserves special praise many young girls and widows joined the nursing class in seva sadan and they helpd people alot..Ramabai vigorously worked for the next 25 years for women's education, legal rights, equal status, and general awakening. She encouraged them to enter the nursing profession.=> The first Indian nurse was the product of Seva Sadan and Ramabai took great pain to win orthodox opinion in favor of nursing as a career for women and to encourage young girls and widows to join the nursing course in Seva Sadan.

# # The principle behind the Govt of India act 1919 was DECENTRALISATION rather than FEDERALISM ...Critically examine !

=> Decentralization is the process of redistributing or dispersing functions, powers, people or things away from a central location or authority.The Act provided a dual form of government (a "dyarchy") for the major provinces. In each such province, control of some areas of government, the "transferred list", were given to a Government of ministers answerable to the Provincial Council. The 'transferred list'included Agriculture, supervision of local government, Health and Education. The Provincial Councils were enlarged.=> At the same time, all other areas of government (the 'reserved list') remained under the control of the Viceroy. The 'reserved list' included Defence (the military), Foreign Affairs, and Communication. => The Montague-Chemsford reforms (1919) brought local self-government as a provincial transferred subject, under the domain of Indian ministers in the provinces. the most significant development of this period was the 'establishment of village panchayats in a number of provinces, that were no longer mere ad hoc judicial tribunal, but representative institutions symbolising the corporate character of the village and having a wide jurisdiction..=> britishers never wanted to give control of governance to local people bcause that would hav meant an end to their rule ..what they instad did was to hav provincial dyarchy but that took only on paper and not on ground as governor had the power to veto any bill even related to transferred subjects...the most important constraint remained that of fiscal nature and a parallel can b drawn in present day context also.=> exactly at face value looked as if it was federation ....but care was taken that it remains farly Unitary the most it can b termed as the first step towards acheving federalism ...Governor General in council got the power and authority to decide whether a particular subject was central or provincial was more of a executive federalism..

# # hukou migration system

=> Method of keeping family records in china. Originated in 2100 bc by xia dynasty. In this system, the name of person, spouse, children, place of birth residence etc are kept with the govt.=> This system was used to track movement of ppl from one place to another and also kept record of taxes paid and was an efficient methods of maintaining family tree.=> Since the hukou was introduced it has been used by the Communist Party as a means of administering and organizing the Chinese population to support the Party's political, economic and social objectives. => Broadly speaking there have been three phases in its operation.1. During the first, from the 1950s to the late 1970s, the Communist Party had the dual goals of the collective transformation of agriculture and the development of Soviet-style heavy industry. Therefore, the Party used the hukou to balance the rural and urban populations. Movement was controlled by limiting access to work, food and services to people's registration location.2. During the second period, from the late 1970s to the mid 2000s, the Party's priority was to exploit China's massive rural labor surplus to support rapid economic expansion. To this end, restrictions on movement and work were lifted but other rules, such as those stopping rural hukou holders accessing urban services, were kept in place. The result was the creation of a large, mobile and crucially low-cost workforce that became the backbone of China's manufacturing and export orientated economy.3. During the third and current period, as China's economy has matured and started to move up the valuechain, it is generally agreed that the hukou system has lost its useful purpose in supporting China's development. Instead there is growing consensus that the 260 million migrant workers who now exist actually present an obstacle to the new priority of rebalancing the economy to be more consumption centric. An analysis of migrants' income, savings and home ownership rate illustrates this problem.=> Recently, in June 2013, Chinas powerful National Development and Reform Commission recommended for hukou system reforms.

# # Competition Commission of India imposes Rs. 1 crore fine on Google....why ?

=> The Competition Commission has imposed a Rs 1 crore penalty on Google for failing to provide information related to an investigation into the Internet majors alleged unfair trade practices in India.=> inke khilaf Pvt Ltd and Consumer Unity & Trust Society (CUTS) ne case file ki hai alleging that it was abusing market power in the online search and advertising markets.

# # The period between B.C. 600 and B.C. 200 is important not only for political unity of the countrybut also for cultural unity. Comment (200 Words).

=> The period between B.C 600 and B.C 200 witnessed the rise of two religions the Jainism and theBuddhism which took a heavy toll on the orthodox and over-ritualistic Brahmanical culture. By the beginning of this period the Brahmins had become greedy and claimed their superiority.=> Due to their vested interests the rituals had become very complex and costly and beyond the means of a common man. The reforms led by the Kshatriyas for the poor masses led to the emergence ofJainism and Buddhism.=> Both these movements strongly opposed the orthodox procedure of rituals performed by Brahmins. Instead they emphasized on good moral life and ethical values. => Hinduism underwent many changes, uniting the rich and the poor, the upper caste and the low caste, the male and the female. These religions conveyed a message of unity and rational approach towards religion.=> Buddhism and jainism spread to other parts of the country. This served the dual purpose of political as well as cultural unification of these regions.=> Citing the above features, we can say that The period between B.C. 600 and B.C. 200 is important not only for political unity of the country but also for cultural unity.

# # What are the architectural traditions that inspired the architects of Vijayanagara? How did they transform these traditions? (200 Words).

=> Vijaynagara archt. can be classified in2 religious, courtly, civic architecture. Different architectures borrowed frm diff traditional styles like -- chalukyas ,hosyalas ,pandayas ,cholas & some from islamic infuences also. While the Vijayanagara rulers were inspired by these existing traditions of architecture, they added several new features to the temple architecture.* Royal visits to temples were now marked as important state occasions and royal portraits were placed in the temple.* Concept of gopuram higher than the central shrine was developed. Thus, the temple was visible even from a distance.* Vijayanagar rulers also added mandapams or circular pathways around the shrine in the temple complex & chariot streets made of stoneslabs.* These traditional as well as unique features of architecture of Vijayanagar period can be seen in the Vitthala & the Virupaksha temples.

# # Exercise KOMODO?

=> KOMODO is being conducted from 28 Mar-03 Apr 14 at Indonesia. The exercise participants include India, Indonesia, USA, China, Russia, New Zealand, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines and Laos. Indian Navy is being represented by INS Sukanya with integral Chetak.=> theme of the naval exercise is Multilateral Humanitarian Assistance / disaster relief (HA/DR)=> The exercise is being conducted over a duration of six days in three phases viz. harbour Phase, Sea Phase and Civic Mission Phase.

# # Indias solar power policy is now entering round two. And there is much that needs to be reviewed and reworked as the business of solar energy has seen massive turbulence in India as well as globally. Comment in the light of challenges Indian Solar mission is facing.

=> The latest World Bank report on the the state of India's solar power mission said that The report highlights several challenges that could act as a barrier to India achieving its solar targets by 2022. These include lack of access to low cost financing; inadequate solarinfrastructure; lack of raw materials for several solar PV manufacturers; and an underdeveloped supply chain leading to high inventory costs. so the commercial banks need for active participation to scale up to investments in the solar power sector coz huge money isrequired...=> Viability gap funding, which has been introduced as financing mechanism to fund solar projects under phase 2 is also raising doubts.=> Analysts sy that it may lead to inefficient solar plants.Viability gap funding is a capital subsidy that bridges the gap between the project cost dictated by the prevailing electricity rate and the price quoted by a developer.=> Also guidelines which have been issued by the ministry of New and renewable energy does not contain any safeguards for quality of production. Policy analysts say generation-based incentive(GBI) is a better mechanism to finance solar projects. GBI is an incentive given for every unit of energy generated. => For example, in case of wind energy, the government used to give 50 paisa extra for every unit of energy generated. GBI encourages the developer to put efficient systems and sustain it till the end to avail benefits,=> .the state of solar markets in US , China and EU nd those of domestic markets in India needs to b taken into consideration every place der is sorry state of solar markets nd many r shutting down such kind of instance ..the best way to deal wit it is to DUMP ur products in foregin matters ..nd exctly that all r doing ...US nd EU hv imposed anti dumping duties on Chinese products .....US is trying to dump in India nd has evn pulled India in WTO ....Indian domestic markets r in no good position ....also question talks of National Solar Mission first phase which had a target of 1000 - 2000 MW .....700 MW came frm Gujarat which was not a JNNSM state ...

# # Improving processes related to Question Hour , Debates on issues and Parliamentary Committees would go a long way in ensuring better Governance .......Elaborate

=> question hour is the first hour of every parliamentary sitting where the MPs ask questions and the ministers usually give answers. However, nowadays whenever any question is raised it generally leads to havoc in the parliament and disrupts its proceedings. the same in the case of debates.. instead of discussing and coming to a conclusion or acceptance of any bill or any issue...MPs are busy establishing their political motives and disrupting of parliamentary proceedings...resulting in wastage of country's funds and pendency of many important far as parliamentary committees are concerned they work as 'Postmortem" agencies...=> .when the work is completed they will evaluate it and present the report before the parliament...they do not have any power to act against the persons who are guilty nor can suit them in court....hence in order to improve the parliamentary proceedings....=> parliamentary committees should be given power to evaluate the work when it is in process and submit reports from time to time about its performance before the parliament...and should have the powers to act against guilty persons by filing a suit against them in court....=> as far as question hour and debates are concerned time should be made an important element to discuss the issue and reach to a conclusion in peaceful way...=> One can increase the opportunity to ask questions by increasing the time available for questions every day and increasing the number of sitting days.Also, our Parliament does not have a prime ministers question hour, where one can raise issues that cut across government departments. It may be useful to institute such a procedure. For example, the British Parliament blocks half an hour every Wednesday for this purpose.=> Most of the debates lead to chaos..but they are not voted upon. It would be useful to have recorded voting on all such debates as this will allow citizens to track the views of their representatives over time.=> The effectiveness of the standing committees can be enhanced through a few steps. These committees donot have expert research staff to help them understand complex topics. This means that they are often unable to dig deep into technical issues and find whether the action taken was the most appropriate one. committees should be given more power specially action taking power, merely advisory in nature make it more or less redundant and a proper time frame should be there for every committee for every particular issue.=> Recruiting specialist staff and regularly consulting with external experts would improve the level of scrutiny. Further, if these committees were to regularly seek expert and stakeholder inputs, they may be able to appreciate different perspectives on contentious issues. Also the proceedings of standing committees should be telecasted to ensure more transparency nd the electors can see what der representatives r actually doing !

# # Rethinking AADHAAR is the need of the hour ...Critically examine !

=> AADHAAR Card is a centralised database of Indian residents. UIDAI issue this card and have a unquie id numbers which is essensial and the most important part is that biometric information collected by the UIDAI would be used for policing purposes as well as fingerprints are there so this card also helpful in any investigation process just like mobile phones.=>.There should be a serious rethink on the idea of a centralised database linked to biometrics.. issue of privacy to b that on one hand aadhar will create database and help in identigying criminals easily but information can b misused by cyber criminals to put the national security at get it a parliamentary approval to make it more credible....=> decreasing costs involved in exercise....using aadhar for financial inclusion dbt etc. which would help in better targeting of subsidies and limit subsidies to within 1.75pc of gdp.... create data base and need parliamentry approval and should strt to get the sudsidies..and govt should annouce its mandatory..=> Der is a 0.057 percent changes of false identification... In case of UID ...but when v multiply them wit 60 crore residents ..than der r fair chances of an innocent man getting Biometric use for criminal identification is flawed enuf !!!=> Biometric Data can well b used by police personnel ,to show them a direction towards investigation, ,,,but it should not stand as a evidence in court of law ..but der r certain issues like privacy ...losing the trust of the people etc etc

# # Tax treatment of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) spends is still unclear & confusion persists on the appointment of independent directors.. Discuss !

=> The Act mandates a disclosure regarding CSR, than the CSR spend per se. The 2013 Act follows a comply or explain approach. As per the provisions of section 135, a company with a turnover of Rs 1,000 crore or more or of a net-worth of R500 crore or more or reaping a net profit of Rs 5 crore shall constitute CSR committee.. and 2013 act provide that comapny unable to spend 2% of their if they are unable to do it, they have to explain for not being able to do so.=> Under section 467 of the Act, the government has invoked the power to amend schedule VII significantly which empowered the government to prescribe any other matters, has been removed.=> there is a great deal of confusion on what is classified under CSR, any help done toward the families of the employees or the employees themselves is not counted as CSR schedule VII gives a list of activities which are listed under CSR like, protection of national heritage, art and culture, including restoration of buildings and sites for historical importance and works of art, setting up of public libraries, promotion and development of traditional arts and handicrafts, measures for the benefit of the armed forces veterans, war widows and their dependants, rural development projects, training to promote sports, funds to technology incubators, etc.=> Now companies are in the fray as they have to appoint people with the required understanding of ethics, biosafety issues , and all the clauses pertaining to CSR.=> independent directors should not include nominee directors and independent directors should not be having stock option of the co. in which employed....both these are potential areas of conflict of interest...thus to ensure good corporate governance SEBIhas recommended it....but the present law silent on this..

# # The World isn't Flat .......Comment 200 words

=> geographically .... incoming ship when observed the deck is seen first ....phenomenon of day and night is possible only bcause earth is round....distance between longitudes goes on decreasing as we move from equator towards poles...this is the reason despite having approx. 30 degree both longitude and latitude extent there is difference in indias north south and east west extent in kilometres...=> this is only possible bcause earth is not flat means there is no level playing field in doing commerce across globe...some countries hav advantage of natural resources while others hav demographic dividend while still others hav huge capital and industry...some hav favorable enviornment while others hav geography which duits their intersts and still others hsv knowledge power...=> recently bcause of digital divide getting reduced and fruits of globalisation reaching remote corners world has slowly but surely started its march towards bcoming flat...

# # What is Advance pricing agreement(APA).Examine the significance of it.

=> An APA is a contract, usually for multiple years, between a taxpayer and at least one tax authority specifying the pricing method that the taxpayer will apply to its related-company transactions.=> These programmes are designed to help taxpayers voluntarily resolve actual or potential transfer pricing disputes in a proactive, cooperative manner, as an alternative to the traditional examination process.=> The APA scheme notifies three types of APA: unilateral, bilateral and multilateral. The choice is on the applicant to choose a particular type of APA at the time of making the application.* Unilateral APA is an agreement between the Board and the applicant and this process does not involve any agreement with the treaty partner.* In bilateral and multilateral APA request, the applicant is required to make an application with the Competent Authority of India as well as the Competent Authority of the other country.=> The APA scheme has many advantages. It will provide tax certainty with regard to determination of arms length price of the international transaction with respect to which the APA has been entered into, reduce the risk of potential double taxation through bilateral or multilateral APA, reduce compliance cost by eliminating the risk of transfer pricing audit and resolving long drawn and time consuming litigation and other dispute resolution process and alleviate the burden of record keeping as the taxpayer knows in advance the required documentation to be maintained to substantiate the agreed terms and conditions of the agreement.

# # What is Reverse Vaccine? Discuss its important application. (100 Words)

=> researchers of stanford university hv cum one step closer to a cure for type-1 diabetes with their reverse vaccine, which shuts down parts of the immune system that attack these insulin-producing beta cells. => .Its a significant first step in showing that you can get a specific reduction of the pathological cells and leave the rest of the immune system intact.=> The reverse vaccine uses an engineered plasmida small, circular piece of DNA that is separate from chromosomal DNA. The plasmid expresses proinsulin, the precursor of the hormone insulin.

# # Reduce the powers government has to give licences, grant tax breaks, etc and you fix cronyism ..... Discuss

=> Cronyism is partiality to long-standing friends, especially by appointing them to positions of authority, regardless of their qualifications. Hence, cronyism is contrary in practice and principle to meritocracy.structure of levers of power/ is impossible to do business without getting clearances from the govt whether at central level or state level/

# # Indias Nuclear Liability Law is flawed Critically comment.

=> signing if 123 agreement was a watershed in elevating india in the elite club of nuke powered nations... what followed was not very much in indian intetests bcause of weak liability law providing for just 1500 cr. compensation by supplier..though it was an achievment that india managed to put onus of damage on supplier rather than operator....nucler safety authority was not made aitonomous and govt interference was huge thus diluting essence of transparency and accountability and more importantly safety of the people...

# # Gombeyaata (2 marker )

=> Gombey in kannada means doll, it is a form of shadow puppetry , the dolls are made of deer or hide skin, mainly of leather, it is bleached with caustic soda and bright colors are added so as to make it illuminate.=> The puppets are placed behind a curtain and bright light is emitted, thus causing a shadow. A lot plays such as mahabharatha and ramayana are depicted..

# # Countries should tackle climate change out of self-interest ....Comment

=> climate change is giving some unsleepy nights to island nation groups because of threat to their very existence...developed world is some what playing divide and rule policy to put pressure on annex 2 countries (developing) to reduce emmissions but equal and differentiated responsibilities should b the principle...=> .increased frequency of xtreme events floods draughts cyclones etc cause threat to loss of life and concerns bcause of increasibg risk of malaria and other tropical diseases including water borne....all these will cause social unrest affecting world peace along with transnational migration= so in short term may appear to developed countries that climate change is innocous for them but in the long term no region will be spared from nature fury and thus a collective action required=> The European Union and nine countriesled by China, the US, Russia, India and Brazilrelease 70% of the worlds greenhouse gases. If they alone could cooperate to reduce emissions, the world could make enormous progress.=> But these countries have tended to view climate-change policies as if they were arms-reduction negotiations, with the major players saying, in effect: We wont act unless you do."=> according to some credible reports offset from climate change is about 2-3% of global gdp loss also this year September the nations hv to tell UN what r they thinking nd doing as far as der efforts relating to climate change is concernd ...=> also a mention of the IPCC report recently released could also b made ...the World banks estimates suggest that it will cost $75 billion to $100 billion a year for adaptation measures in poor countries also due to this climate change ...=> .it will contribute to greater levels of political instability around the world, as traditional forms of subsistence are undermined and battles over resources wl intensify.

# # Discuss the recent achievements in the field of FGFA( Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft). (150 Words)

=> India and Russia have crossed the first milestone towards the development of the fifth generation fighter aircraft (FGFA) and they complted the primary design.. HAL signed the $295-million PDC contract in December 2010 with the Sukhoi company.=> Four T-50 aircraft, the Russian prototype of the fifth generation fighter, have already performed more than 200 test flights. FGFA will differ in mission hardware and software, as well as weapons.=> Sukhoi has also trained Indian engineers and provided HAL with the data and software needed to create a single working environment and this is the biggest ever defence project and as well as largest deal with russia..

# # What do you understand by DNA Bar-coding? Discuss its applications. (200 Words)

=> a taxonomic method dat uses a short genetic marker in an organism's dna to identify it as belonging to a particular species...Its aplications are ---->** identifying plat leaves even when flowers or friuts are not available ,** identifying insect larvae,** identifying diet of an animal, & ** identifyng products like herbal supplements...

# # China's 'Lehman moment' ?

=> There are solar cell makers missing interest payments on bonds, steel mills defaulting on bank loans and property developers going bust.=> Anyone hearing this steady drumbeat of disaster could be forgiven for thinking that Chinas star is fading, and fading fast.=> Business is getting much tougher for Chinese companies from banks to property developers, but it is facile to think that they are headed for a replay of the 2008 financial crisis.

# # Describe the salient features of RUSA along with issues of concern in its implementation? (150 Words)

Improving the overall quality of existing state higher educational institutions by ensuring conformity to prescribed norms and standards and adoption of accreditation as a mandatory quality assurance framework. Correct regional imbalances in access to higher education through high quality institutions in rural and semi urban areas as well as creating opportunities for students from rural areas to get access to better quality institutions. Setting up of higher education institutions in unserved and underserved areas. Improve equity in higher education by providing adequate opportunities to socially deprived communities; promote inclusion of women, minorities, SC/ST and OBCs as well as differently abled persons. Ensure adequate availability of quality faculty in all higher educational institutions and ensure capacity building at all levels. Create an enabling atmosphere in higher educational institutions to devote themselves to research and innovation. Integrate skill developments efforts of the government with the conventional higher education system through optimum interventions.ISSUES OF CONCERN=> 1.With State's involvement there is a danger on politicization of educational institutions2.Strain on federal character as states would require central approval, staggered funding completely at the discretion of the center.3. one more challenge centers on the very concept of a research university versus a narrower conceptualisatn of research excellence at the level of academic departments & individual faculty. If globally outstanding faculty work in departments that r not exceptional (remember that RUSA is more stringent, requiring that multiple departments be excellent), or if they work in teachingoriented departments, their chances of procuring research support under RUSA are slim. This may incentivise faculty to move to an identified research university. This could have adverse implications..

# # Urjit Patel panel report is deeply flawed .........Critically examine..

1. intro urjit patel panel=> it was formed to give effective roadmap for the scourge of inflation targeting to b done in near future ...2. bullet recomendations like,-a paradigm shift to move towards cpi as measure than is rational bcause cpi tells actual cost of burden on poor man right at bottom of also includes component of services like housing medical etc..- interest rates will remain high by 2015, if RBI accepts the recommendations of the Urjit Patel committee, which has suggested that the central bank should target inflation.-Bring CPI inflat