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“…Despite being overstretched, [Chef] Bugnard [of the Cordon Bleu cooking school] was indefinitely kind, natural if understated showman, and he was tireless in his explanations.


• gifted entertainer: somebody, especially a man, who is naturally talented in dramatic presentation or entertainment

• producer of show: a producer or promoter of commercial entertainment ventures, especially in musical theater

“To engage”

“Shelly engaged her students daily through exciting magic tricks in between school lessons – showing how physics worked with explosions.

“To engage”

involve somebody, or become involved: to involve somebody in an activity, or become involved or take

part in an activity

“To demand obedience”

“The magic dragon demanded obedience to all the nearby villagers ensuring they would never rise up one day and attack him.

“To demand obedience”

Demand: forceful request: a clear and firm request that is difficult to ignore or deny

Obedience: act of obeying: the act or practice of following instructions, complying with rules or regulations, or submitting to somebody's authority


After one of the best meals I had ever eaten, I wanted to pay my compliments to the chef.


statement of praise: something said to express praise or approval

gesture of respect or honor: something done to show respect or honor

respect: expressions of respect and good wishes


Wearing loose blue jeans, and a simple T-shirt, it was clear Karen came to the job interview not realizing her casual look was not appropriate for the work environment.

“Casual”• Lacking a high degree of

interest or devotion

• feeling or showing little concern

• done without serious intent or commitment


I did not realize how fragile my friend’s feelings was when I commented on his new haircut laughing at the style– only realizing later that day when he came to me upset and angry.

“Fragile”• easily broken: not having a strong structure or not

made of robust materials, and therefore easily broken or damaged

• not secure: unlikely to withstand any severe stresses and strains

• physically weak: in a weak bodily condition, usually as a result of illness

“Personal anecdotes”

When asked how I knew eating vegetables were good for you, I did not refer to a textbook or any formal news article, rather only relying on personal anecdotes – because hey if Mom says it’s good it must be true !

“Personal anecdotes”

Personal: relating to somebody's private life

Ancecdotes: somebody's account of something: a short personal account of an incident or event

“Chronological Order”

Telling Harry Potter to my little brother, I made sure to start in chronological order, starting at the beginning when Harry was just a little baby

“Chronological Order”

arrangement of things following one after another

in time


Gazing at the large waterfalls crashing over the rocks in front of an immense sunsets, the entire scene looked and felt unreal.


• not existing: having no substance, reality, or existence

• false: not true or genuine• imaginary: imaginary or dreamlike


“After a long three minutes, the crowd looked at the magician in anticipation, what was he going to pull out of the magic hat, and was it to be a rabbit?

“Anticipation”• expectant waiting: the feeling of looking forward,

usually excitedly or eagerly, to something that is going to happen


After taking the New York Regency test, answering every single questions and filling out all the paperwork, Frank was able to mark his progress as completed at the end of the week.


• whole: having every necessary part or everything that is wanted

• finished: having reached the normal or expected end