Download - I Make Changes


Indiana Hypnosis Center

Angie J. Hernandez,C.Ht.

Milford, Indiana

(574) 658-4686

Hypnosis Sessions for:

Weight Loss

Smoking Cessation

Pain Management


I make changes.

I remain flexible and adapt to changing conditions. I make

positive changes in my life and I keep moving forward.

I question my


I examine any distorted thinking that holds me back. I overhaul my attitude and focus on what I can control.

I start small.

I break big projects down into smaller tasks. If I want to change

my shape and fitness, I move from one step to the next.

I experiment.

I try out as many approaches as it takes to reach my goals. I give myself credit for testing my abilities instead of sitting on the sidelines. I learn from each attempt so I can keep advancing toward my goals.

I create new habits.

I save a portion of each paycheck and bring a brown bag lunch to work. I eat more vegetables and join a gym.

I reach out for support.

Working out is easier when I have a buddy. I let my friends and family know what they can do to help me.

I remember that I

deserve to be happy.

Today, I embrace changes that enrich my life.

I learn and grow.

When I open my eyes to doing things differently, I broaden my experiences.



How do I renew my motivation when I find it difficult to make a change?

What is the relationship between change and growth?

What would my life be like without any changes?

Indiana Hypnosis Center

Angie J. Hernandez,C.Ht.

Milford, Indiana

(574) 658-4686

Hypnosis Sessions for:

Weight Loss

Smoking Cessation

Pain Management
