Download - I Love Lucy: Day 4


Here we are, on Day 4 of the Bachelor Challenge already. Coming at you much at a significantly reduced, inexcusable pace.

Yesterday saw the redemption of Georgie in the eyes of Lucy, with him even going so far as to kiss her after their private date. In the end, Lucy sent home Phoenix, having failed to connect with him on the same level as she had with the other men.
Only four men remain in the house now. Georgie, Elm, David, and Jake. Who will win her heart?

Liam wasn't happy. Nothing he'd seen so far had made him particularly happy, but this was only going to get worse.
That was hard for her. I could tell, you know. She's getting closer to these guys.

Well, it's a bachelorette challenge. These things are never quite as simple as they appear to be when you sign the papers. But you'd know all about setting up them, wouldn't you, Miss Katy. Wouldn't you?

The look Fudge gave the woman in the corner could have cut her in half.

I don't know what you're talking about, Fudge.

Why oh why hadn't she wiped his original Desiderata memories? She needed a diversion, and quickly.
What's that, Gabe? You're hungry? I have to go feed him, guys.

Of course it would be Abe that followed her.
You always did get yourself into trouble, Abe.
How would you know? How do you know anything? Speaking of which..

Call it a hunch, but the kid. He's mine, right? He's got my mouth and you named him Gabe. I don't know how, because I've never even met him or you until a couple of days ago, but he's definitely mine.

.. How'd he do that?

Well.. yes. He is. Genetically, at least. Shame that he's almost my spitting image, though.

But I don't know you. What the heck is your deal? We fall out of the sky into your house, the time continuum is all screwed up, and nobody knows what's going on and you won't tell us.

Katy didn't know what to say to that. Abe had her pretty much cornered, and she'd always had a soft spot for him.

She could always tell him the truth.

Abe, have you ever wondered if there was anything more to life. Someone watching over you, a higher power so to speak?

You mean have I wondered if there's a god? Of course I have. Who hasn't?

Well, to put it simple, Abe? Hello. I'm god.

You're.. you're god.

Well, it made sense, didn't it? She pulled them from their respective universes into a different one, was playing with time and life in general. Of course she was god. This brown haired spectacled woman was responsible for everything that had ever happened to all of them.

He was going to go need to sit down.

Daddy went boom, mama.
Katy supposed that the entire conversation certainly could have went worse.

Back at the house, Day 4 had officially begun.
Day 4. Was it really Day 4 already? Lucy felt like she'd just gotten here.

Sending Phoenix home had been hard on her. He hadn't even done anything wrong. How was she supposed to send men she generally liked out of the door after stomping on their hearts?

For now, she was going to relax with whoever decided to join her today, the first of which was Jake.

Hey, buzzcut. What's up?I don't know. Your sense of humor?

Oooh, did somebody say sense of humor? Better not let Georgie hear you.

Elm was the next to slip into the hot tub, taking the spot across from her. She couldn't exactly say she minded the view.

Don't let Georgie hear what now?

Everyone fell to a hush and had to suppress a giggle when the man himself slid into the final spot in the hot tub next to Lucy.

Jake was quick enough in his head to change the subject.

So, you really don't know what a TV is, Georgie? Lucy, I think you're going to want someone who knows what a TV is.

The TV is the picture box, right? Or is it the box that you control with the button stick?

Lucy had been telling Georgie as much about the things that he didn't have back home when she had the chance, and he finally seemed to be picking up.
The box you control with the button stick is a video game system, Georgie. You were right on the first guess of picture box

While Lucy explained video games to Georgie, Elm quickly turned to Jake and whispered.

Pretty sure where he's from, they take trains everywhere and ride around town on horses.

Lucy overheard what he was saying and turned to Elm.

Hey, I'd love to try a train ride sometime. When we went on vacation as a kid we only ever took the plane.

All my vacations as a kid ended with my dad sticking needles in me for blood tests.
Everyone stared at Elm for awhile in silence before Jake finally broke it, You have a screwed up family, dude
Yeah. And we're inbred.

David barely overheard what they were saying in the hot tub, but he could tell they were having fun.

Leave it to be the day he misses that the hot tub with Lucy in it the one that actually wasn't filled with awkwardness and Georgie losing his ever loving mind.

So, don't we get to the kissing tomorrow, Georgie? Might be a little too much for a guy like you.
Georgie had to try not to laugh. He had no clue.

I will have you know I come from a long line of great kisser. By the way, did you know that Lucy's lipstick shade is Marvelous Magenta?

.. Hey.. how would you know that.. Wait a minute.

Lucy had to change the subject. Now.

SO how is everyone doing food wise? Anybody hungry?

In fact, you know what. I think it's time to get out of the tub. Everyone out of the tub. Now

Lucy had barely had time to put her normal clothes back on before running back into Elm, standing right where he had been when he'd gotten out of the tub.
You know, I'm not stupid. He kissed you already, didn't he?
..I.. I didn't make him, you know.No, I get it. It's fine. You know what I have to do now though, right?

What's that?
One up him.

By the time Lucy had made her way back inside, most of the men had already sat down for their dinner without her.

Georgie had just finished when she finally got to the table.

Georgie, I just wanted you to know, I did have a lot of fun with you in the hot tub today.
You mean it, Lucy? I was so worried that I might make a fool of myself again..

Don't worry about it, a bit. In fact, I hope you'll be making it a lot more often...

Lucy trudged back up to her room after dinner with a lot of thoughts in her head. She had already kissed two of the men in the house and she wasn't even supposed to do that until tomorrow.

What was worse is that she knew Georgie was having a hard time not talking about it. And quite frankly, so was she. The last thing she wanted was to seem like she was being unfair to David and Jake, but she couldn't help it.

Either way, the instructions for the day had told her to share her interests with the men, the most pointless thing yet. Hadn't she learned enough about them already?

She had barely even sat down when Georgie came in. He must have been following her since she left the table to get there that fast.

I'm sorry if I'm intruding, Lucy. I just assumed since you were coming upstairs that it would be that time of day again?
Actually, Georgie, you're completely right.

I guess today, we're supposed to just.. talk. I know it sounds boring after all the other things we've done, but..

Boring? I'd absolutely love to talk to you, Lucy. It would be a nice change of pace.

You really think so? It seems like the only time we get any peace around here is at night.

Georgie nodded and smiled.
Well, there's nothing wrong with enjoying the nighttime, is there? Especially if it's with someone who's company you enjoy.

My Uncle Ronan and Aunt Marylin are mostly night kind of people. Actually, mostly because Ronan is.. well.. You know, actually, I'm going to save the explanation of Ronan for another day..

Georgie perked up, looking rather interested.

Hmm? Oh, do tell. Now you have my curious.

How was she supposed to explain this to someone as old fashioned as Georgie?

Have you ever seen something you couldn't explain, like.. magic, almost? Something from out of this world? .. Alright, basically what I'm trying to tell you is that my uncle is a vampire.

A.. a vampire? Well, I suppose it's not entirely out of the question. I've seen some strange things around town myself.

What kind of things have you seen around your town, Georgie? Everything you've told me seems rather old fashioned to me.

Georgie looked around, as if to make sure no one was listening.

.. Would you believe me if I told you a zombie?

Lucy almost laughed. Out of all the people to believe that her Uncle was a vampire, it was Georgie.

Lucy was thrilled with the way her date with Georgie had gone, and was honestly sad when he had to leave to make for the next man.

She was happy to see Jake, nonetheless.

So, I see you wore your hat today, Jake?

I guess I did, then. Har har, funny hat joke. I really have no idea what's up with my hat, to be honest.
What was wrong with Jake? Why was he making that face?

I know I may have beat the joke into the ground, Jake, but there's no reason to look so angry at me.

If there hadn't already been an expression of anger on his face, Lucy almost would have thought Jake looked confused.

.. What angry face?

Ohhh, that face! I.. it's a thing I do. A lot of our family does it. Sometimes we just look angry and we're not actually angry.

Lucy was suddenly reminded of something back home.

Oh! My sister, Abby!

My sister Abby does that all the time. She tries to cover it up with makeup but we can still all see when she does it. But she's also just cranky in general. I don't understand how she could be Leo's twin. Leo is the nicest out of all of us. .. Jake, you're doing it again.

Jake shrugged.

Just ignore it. It's probably for the best.

You're pretty funny, Jake. I really have liked having you around.

That was about when Jake got the strangest look she'd seen him have so far.

You have, haven't you? But.. have you really loved having me around?

What are you talking about? Of course I do, I love having you all here.
Deep down though, she knew exactly what he meant. He'd said it better than she ever would have. She just didn't want to talk about it right now.
Listen, Jake, we've been talking for awhile, I think maybe you should go get another guy for his date.

Right. I'll see you later.

Elm showed up not even 5 minutes after Jake had left.

So, I heard we're just talking today.Yeah. It sounded really boring to me at first, but it's gone pretty well so far.

After an akward silence, Elm finally broke the ice.

So, have you ever gone skiing?.. No, why would you ask?
I don't know, actually. Neither have I, it was just the first thing that came to my head.

Sometimes you really surprise me, Elm. Don't take that in a bad way, though.

Elm laughed, Hey, I like being surprising. It's better than being dull, anyways.

Boring? You're about as boring as professional wrestling, Elm.

.. I'm not entirely sure if that's a compliment or an insult. What kind of wrestling are we talking about here?

It's a compliment! You know, professional wrestling, with the crazy stories, and the guys in the tiny pants hitting each other repeatedly? It's actually pretty exciting. What can I say, it's a guilty pleasure.

Elm got an odd look on his face, and then burst out laughing.

Well, you'll have to make me watch it sometime.

I was always more into building things than sports. I mean, I am in good shape, though. I take pride in it. However, now I am curious to see if I could build a robot that was any good at tennis...

This conversation was turning out to be pretty hilarious.

By tennis, I am assuming you mean you're going to teach it to follow your little brother around trying to hit him in the head with the racquet, right?

I respond to these allegations by saying you can prove absolutely nothing.

Where had the time gone? The sun was already setting and she still had to talk to David.

This has been fun, Elm, but I need to finish up. Can you go fetch David for me?

Finally, David came up as the last person of the night.

I'm glad to see you, DavidAs am I to see you, Lucy. It is already getting quite late, is it not?

You do know what they say about saving the best for last, right David?

David smiled, I may have heard the phrase once or twice.

Lord, he was handsome. He needed to not disappear into the woodwork so often.

So, David, is this the first time you've been traveling? I hope you like it here.

David perked up, Oh, not the first time at all. I went some of the more exotic places around where I am from as a child, but I can say this is more strange than them all.

Well, it can't be that strange if you haven't packed up all your things and left yet, can it?

I suppose you're right. Different, yes, but not strange when you think about it.

If you think this is weird, wait until you see back home. Something is always broken or screaming or on fire. It's all over the place.

That would be one of the downsides of coming from a large family. Not a moments peace.

Lucy smiled. David and her were alike in a lot of ways.

It had been a good day. But try as she might, Lucy couldn't think of a good reason to send any of the boys home.

At least not a reason that she wanted to use.

Right now, the best idea would probably be to sleep on it. She'd done enough today and still had a lot of things to do tomorrow before finally eliminating someone.

Late to bed, early to rise. It almost seemed like she didn't sleep at all these days. Every day just got harder.

If she wasn't mistaken, in about 5 seconds, Georgie would come through the door, insistent on being the first one to get his date before she could even eat.

And there it was.
Good morning to you, Lucy! Is it time for our early date, then?Yes, Georgie, but if you'd mind, maybe you should put some clothes on first?.. Oh dear.

When Georgie got back in, she was so used to the dates by this point that there was really no time to waste.

There, now don't you feel more comfortable around me with more clothes on?Well, actually..

Georgie! I didn't know you had it in you to make a joke like that.

.. Joke?

She honestly had no idea whether he was serious at this point or not, but Lucy couldn't help but laugh.

See, I knew there was a laid back guy somewhere under that adorable face.
What can I say? You should see my mother.

She didn't know what came over her next, but she did what she did...

I wonder if you're laid back enough to let me do..

This! Haha! Honk honk!

Oh my goodness!

You constantly surprise me, Lucy.

This had been a good date.

After a quick trip to the restroom, Elm was the next person to join her for a date.

Well, good morning, handsome. You're up nice and early.

Actually, It's not that early, but since you called me handsome, I'll probably let it slide.

Has anyone ever told you that you might be slightly mean?

Maybe a few times. Alright, a lot of times.

Lucy smirked. The atmosphere of the past day had been a whole lot more lighthearted now that there were less of them around.

Which is why once again, she did what she did.

Hey, you've got something on your pants.. Honk honk!

Oh come on, you think you can use that trick on me? I think my ancestors invented that one.

I'll give it to you, though. You DID take me by surprise.
So far, so good. Only two more dates left.

Of course some things were too good to last. Jake seemed distracted as soon as he came in.

I thought your bed could use a little making. Sorry if I'm holding anything up.

Why would I be upset that there's a cute boy in my house, willing to clean up after me? I'd say that's living the Simerican Dream.

Haha. Stop it, you're killing me.

I want you to know, Lucy. I like you, I really do. Spending time with you here has been one of the most fun experiences of my life.

Lucy believed him, she really did. So what was missing, then?

Hey, stick around then. The fun is just getting started, you don't have to act like someone died.

It wasn't fair to him, but she couldn't force herself to do the same things she'd done with the other boys. It felt.. wrong.

Lucy? Are you in here?

Over by the couch, David.

David was the last one. He finally seemed to be seeking her out again, but was it too late?

He had one of those faces that you were glad to see, every single time, though.

I was wondering when you'd show up. Once again, best for last, I guess.

I've been hearing that particular phrase a lot from you lately, but what matters to me is that you mean it.

Lucy giggled, Of course I do. All of you here are the best.

But I do have to say, I'm finding you particularly handsome right now.

I must say, you are one of the more outgoing women I've met in my short lifetime. You're very different from many of the ladies back home.
What can I say? It runs in my family, and if you thought that was outgoing...

What would you think if I did this? Haha!

For a second, she thought David might be ready to jump right out of his skin out of shock. Thankfully, he didn't.

Miss Munster, you may in fact be the most forward woman I have ever met, and I should have a mind to scold you but I simply cannot bring myself to do it.

When all was said and over with, Lucy went to get the breakfast she so desperately needed while thinking about what she had to do. Meanwhile, the men, for once, got a bit of man time.

Geeze, those dates sure were grabby today, weren't they?

Not that I think we should be talking about these things with Lucy so close by, but yes, yes they were.

Jake looked up from his tiles, slightly confused.

Grabby? What do you mean, grabby?

I would've thought you'd know what we meant, Jake. I mean, she does the same things with all of us, right?

Jake thought she did.

Lucy scrubbed furiously, trying to stall as much time as possible, with her deadline fast approaching.

She didnt want to hurt any of them. She was far past the point where this was easy.

She had to think every single man over in her head one last time.

Georgie. Now that he was officially out of his shell, she couldn't get enough of him. He was charming, he was handsome, downright adorable and she never stopped wanting to talk to him.

Elm. Almost the complete opposite of Georgie, but he interested her just as much. Outgoing, funny, just as handsome, and they shared so much in common.

Jake was like someone she'd known her whole life. Someone who would fit in so easily back at home. She'd never had a problem starting a conversation with him and it was almost like they'd always been friends.

As much of a wallflower as David tended to be at times, she couldn't deny how attractive she thought she was. They came from similar families, so they never ran out of stories to tell eachother.

Lucy plopped down with a sigh on the couch where she usually made her decision, just once wishing someone could make it for her.

As if right on cue, Jake walked up in front of her.

Lucy? It's 12 o clock, isn't this usually when you send someone home?

Yeah, yeah it is. I just need a few more minutes, that's all.

Then, Jake sat down and said something she never expected.

I think it's time for me to go.

What are you talking about, Jake? I haven't even made my decision yet. I like having you here, you know that.

I know you do, and I love being here, but I can see what's happening. When you're with those other three, you're all goo-goo for them, but when we're hanging out, it's just like we're old buddies. And I think it's going to stay like that, and I don't want to make you get all stressed out about it.

He'd managed to say everything she wanted to say, and so easily. No wonder she liked him so much. And that's exactly why it had been so hard.

You're right, Jake. I'm sorry, don't hate me.

I don't hate you at all, in fact it's kind of a relief now. I don't have to worry about messing things up like I did with my last girl. I did the right thing this time. You need whichever one of these dudes is right for you, and it's not me. I'm going to get my stuff. I've had a great time. I'll see you around, won't I?

Definately, Jake. Definately.

Jake wasn't angry, not at all. Maybe a little disappointed, but he'd made a great friend. He thought it was kind of funny. Years of trouble from flirting with too many girls, and the girl he's supposed to flirt with ends up being the one he can't flirt with.

He was glad he'd done this, though. He was going out with his head high. He'd done the right thing this time, he was sure of it.

And then, that was all she wrote for Day 4.

I hated sending Jake home. Hated it. He was such an underdog, and did so much to try to keep up with the other guys. He stayed past 3 different men with more bolts for her than him, and more going for them. And Lucy did love him, but not in the same way she loved the others, I don't think.

For those interested, the scores were:Georgie 100/60, Best FriendsElm 100/56, Best FriendsDavid 100/50, Best FriendsJake 100/38, Mutual Crush