Download - I -~JIL · Seventh-Day Adventism Renounced (Canright) · 3.00 OHIO Gospel Advocate Commentaries AKRON - Kenmore Church of Christ, Ninth and Florida Avenues, C. A. Brannan, on th e

Page 1: I -~JIL · Seventh-Day Adventism Renounced (Canright) · 3.00 OHIO Gospel Advocate Commentaries AKRON - Kenmore Church of Christ, Ninth and Florida Avenues, C. A. Brannan, on th e


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-~JIL ~'• V olu me 3 PENSACOLA, FLORIDA - NOVEMBER 1955 No.5

The Commission By E. V. SRYGLEY, JR.

What Is It?

The Great Commission is a charge or command g iven the eleven apostles by Christ ju st prior to His ascension back to heaven. In the four accounts of the

Gospel there are various, but not contradictory, accounts of the Great Commission : Matt. 28 :18-20; Mark 16 :15, 16; Luke 24 :46, 47, and John 20 :22, 23.

In this article is an inv estiga­tion of conclusions that are impera­tive from the commission of J esus to the apostles. Th e writer makes use particularly of the account of the commission as it is given by Matthew.

Christ Died for All

According to Matt. 28 :19 and Mark 16 :15 Christ charged the apostles to pr each the Gospel to the whole world. From this it must follow that Christ died for the whole world. If provi sion had not been made for the whole world, then all the world would not have been made the territory for the discharge of the commission. This point is in harmony with such passages as these: Acts 17 :30; Heb. 2 :9; II Pet. 3 :9; I J no. 2 :1,2.

All Need It From Matt. 29 :19 we must conclud e that all the

sinful race of Adam need salvation. If all do not need salvation, there would hav e been no commission to confront all with the PRIVILEGE of salvation.

It is point ed out particularly that all the SINFUL R.A.CE of Adam need salvation. 'fhis point is made because all the rac e of Adam is not, as such, SINFUL. In Matt. 18 :3 and Mark 10 :14 Jesus teaches us that littl e children are pure and sinless. Hence, littl e chil­dren as such are no part of the sinfu l race of Adam ; therefore, little children as such do not need the

salvat ion of the commission. All other unaccountable persons are not, as such, a part of the sinful race of Adam; hence, are not in need of salvation.

Teaching Is Basic

Th e conunission makes irresistible the conclusion that teac hin g is basic and necessary in becoming a Chri st ian. In the verses under consideration the Bible simply states this truth.

Thi s conclu sion mak es certain religious notions utterly impossible and un scr iptural. In the first place, if teac hin g is basic in the plan of salvation, infant s cann ot possibly become members of the church, or saved body. In the second place, if teaching is basic in the plan of salvation , the mourners bench idea of "praying through for old-time victory" is simply ludicrous and false.

"Baptizing Them ... "

In the proce ss of making disciples, there is bap­tizing in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost . Matt. 28 :19.

Somet imes ( as in Acts 2 :38) "in the name of" means "by authority of." But in Matt. 28 :19 "in the name of'' would be translated literally '' into the name of.'' '' In the name of'' occurs (in both Greek and English" in I Cor. 1 :13 exact ly as it is found in Matt. 28 :19. 'fhe context of I Cor. 1 :13 contains proof positive that "in the name of Paul" means "into a state of discipleship to Paul." In other words, Paul told the Corinthi ans they could not be hi s disciples (Pau lites) becau se they had not been baptiz ed in his name (into his name), I Cor. 1 :12, 13.

Consid ering the use of '' in the name of'' in I Cor. 1 :13, I believe "in the name of" in Matt. 28 :19 means '' into a state of dii,ciple to.'' Hence, just as one can­not be a Paulite without having been baptized in the name of Paul, one cannot be a Chr isti an without having been baptized in the name 0£ Christ.

Page 2: I -~JIL · Seventh-Day Adventism Renounced (Canright) · 3.00 OHIO Gospel Advocate Commentaries AKRON - Kenmore Church of Christ, Ninth and Florida Avenues, C. A. Brannan, on th e


Way of Salvation Published Monthly at 1213 East Jordan Street

Pensacola, Flo rida PERVIE NICHOLS - Editor and Publisher

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. ''CroJJfire " In an editorial under the above heading in

Grace Notes, Oct. 14, 1955, Mr. J. Gene Adkins pastor, "Grace Assemblies of God Church" (Pen~

sacola), reprimands the speakers on two Sunday afternoon te levi­sion programs, one conducted by members of the Church of Christ, the other by a Catholic priest .

Answers to questions from our televi sion audience often con­flict with the teachings on other program s, and somet imes results in the exchange of arguments and a discus sion of differences. This

PERvtE NtcHoL 9 "crossfire," says Mr. Adkins , is " ... deplorable" and "detrimental to the cause of Christ." He evidently thinks it is sinfu l to try to prove one's doctrine, or oppose what one be­lieves to be error. Did Jesus do something "de­plorable," and "detrimental" to His cause by en­gaging false teachers in debate, and exposing and refuting their errors? Was Paul's action "d eplor­able" and "detrimental to the cause of Christ" when he stood in defense of the gospel? (Phil. 1 :17); when he disputed with false teachers, con­demning and exposing their errors? (Acts 13 :4-12; 19 :1-9). Was Jude wrong in exhoting to "earnestly contend for the faith ... ?" (Jude 3) . Does the "pastor" refuse to follow the example of Christ and His disciples? Most denominational preachers refuse to engage in religious discussion, where both sides may be presented. They will de­bate against debating, dispute against disputing, contend against contending and argue against

. agruirig. Does Mr. Adkins follow suit? The "pastor" feels that he ,must "speak out"

against this "crossfire of religious opinions." He reproves us for differing with others on televi­sion, but circulates a paper in which he criticizes us for criticizing. He thinks we shou ld not refer to so-called miracl e workers as fakes and frauds. Maybe he would like to claim the two rewards I

read on televi sion. If hi s doctrine on modern miracles is true, he should have no difficulty in meetin g the conditions and collecting the $2,000.

He thinks th at public discu ssio n of differ­ences catc hes the "unch urch ed" in its "crossfire" and drive s him from the truth. But hundreds of people, including denomin atio nal preachers, have been converted through religious discussions. Gov­ern ment officials often enga ge in debate, and ex­change arguments on various issues . The y know th at this is one of th e mo st effective method s of eliciting t r uth. Hence, when both sides of a sub­jc2t are presented, and truth and error contra sted open-minded people can see the difference. N ~ "'­,vo:1J.dc:r nearly all Catholic and Protestant teach­en fear public religious discuss ions!

Mr . Adkins thinks what we preach is nothing • but ."s h ~llow, meanin gless gabble of narrow­m inded sectarianism." Will he n a me ONE THING we teach that is not tai:1ght in the Bib le? Will he appear before his congregation or a church of Christ with one of us and try to prove hi s charges ? To ch arge one with fal se teaching then refuse to try to prove it when called upon 'to do so, is to be guilty of mora l coward ice.

The "pastor" says he preaches "a positive not a negative gospel," that he preaches "the WHOLE tru th, and nothi ng but the truth." But a great pa rt of the gosepl of Christ, "t he WHOLE truth " is nega tiv e teaching. Therefore, if he does not do some negative preaching, he DOES NOT preach the "WHOLE truth ." Does he "preach . . . nothing one thousand year lit eral , earth ly reig n of Christ, use of mech ani cal instru ment al music in Christian wors hip, Holy Ghost bapti sm for Chri st ians to­day, and miraculous faith h ealing s? Maybe he will "speak out" and t ell us where these things are taught in the "WHOLE . truth" of the gospel. If he preaches the"WHOLE truth, and nothing but the truth," why is he identified with a religious group whose name, origin, organization, govern­ment and much of its worship and doctrine are not mention ed in the "WHOLE truth" of the gospel? . Catholic doctrin e is not taught in the Bible.

Hence, we believe it should be exposed and re­futed. But "Protestant" denominations are not in a position to oppo se Catholicism, for they are but branche s of the Catholic church, the apostate church, "the mother of har lots," and much of their doctrine and practice are inherited from her.

The church of Christ is neither "Catholic" nor • "Protestant," according to the common use of th ese word s ; it is NOT a denomination. Its nam e faith, teaching, worship, organization and gov~ ernment are identical wit h the church revealed in the New Testament. Therefore, we believe that ~he chur~~ of Christ is the only religious group m a pos1t10n to oppose Catholicism, and all de­nominational error . Thus, we shall continue to

· "believe not every spir it, but try the spirits whether the y are of God : because many fal se prophets are gone out into the world" (1 Jno. 4-1), and "earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the sa int s." (Jude 3).


Alexander Campbell's Answer

' ' A corres pondent in Ken tu cky asks me, 'vVhat Campbell ism is '/' 'l'o which T amnver: It is a ni ck­nam e of repro::ich invente d and adopted by those whose view s, fee'.in g:,;, and desires are all sectarian; who cannot conceive of Chriutianity in an y other li ght tha n an I SM. 'J7he:;e lSMs are now the r eal reproach es of tho rn wh o adopt them, as they are the intended reproa ches of tbo;;e who originat e and app ly th em.

~ He that gives them wh en they are di sclaimed, vio­lates th e expre s8ecl la w of Chri st . Ile speak s evil ag ainst l1i8 bro ther , and is accounted as a rail er or rev iler, and pla ced along with hat ers of God and those

, who hav e no lot in th e kingdom of heaven . Thev who · ado pt tlwm out of choice disown the Chr ist an d ·insult llim; and th ey give the honor whi ch is due to Him al one to the creat ure of the Devil; for all sland er a'l .d detract ion s are of the crration of the Devil. If Christians were wholl y cast into th e mould of the 1 postl e 's doctr in e, they would feel th emselv es as mnc h ::iggrieved and slandered in being called by any man' s _name, as they would in bri ng called a thief, a form cator, or a drunkard. And they who bestow ~uch nam es arc actua ter1 either by th e spi rit of foolish .iestirn!', or that vengeful spir it whi ch would sacrifice t he li fe as well as the r eputation of those who deprive t hem of the means of self-a ggra ndiz ement at the ex­pem;e oE. the intell igr11ce, lib er ty, and tru e happin ess of mankmd. One un in spired man\ name weighs as much a1:1 another's when put into the scales of the i'anct ua r:v, and wlwr c good in formation and moral character exist it is ju 1:1t a;; honorabl e : but no in te lli­gent Christian could be ple ased to hr named a Panlite ·:i Cephite, thol'.gh eithe r of 1hese is a tho usand tim es'. cen thou sand tun es, more honorabl e than ;:i Calvini st or Lutheran. But neither Pa ul nor Peter would own that man as a consistent cfo;ciple of Chri st who chooses to call him self by Paul, Ano llos, or Cephas . I have always disclaimed ever y thin g sectaria n ; an d if the peop le of the differ ent sects sland er me or an y of t hose who pr efer the Scripture s to any hum an c{·eecl and th _e kingdom o~ J csus. the Messi~h, to any sect ; T s~y, if the? slander ns wit h th e names and epit hets :vh1ch w~ di savow, they mu st answer to Him who

t .1ud~es ria;hteously. But for our selves we protest agamst th e name , the precept s, th e feelin gs of any sect or schi sm in Chri ste ndom. ·

'l'hou gh some per sons use such names without the intention of slander or reproac h , and are not con­scious of doin g- wrong· , they Olwht to remember that in thi s way all sectarian nam es be 0 ·an to be approved . 'l'h e time was th at th e term s Lut l~ra n and Calvanist were a reproach. When these men die d they became honor able, and are now gloried in . This was effected by th e admirers of these men; fir st for th e sake of di st inction and to avoid cir cum locutio n , and then with acquie scence, adopting th e designation whi ch their oppos ers gave them.

,Ve :vi:,;h all th e frien_ds of thP, ancient gospe l and the an cient order of thmgs, to r ememb er that our motto is, and we hope ever to be, to call no man

Master or Father, in the things pertaining to the kin gdom of our Lord.-Ed itor." (Alexander Ocirnp­bcll in The Christian Bciptist, p. 451, 452 April 15 1828) . ' '


One can hardly mention th e name the Lord gave for His indiv idual disciples to wear but that some­one is ready to shout '' 'l'here is nothin g in a name.'' ,Vhen the truth is preached concern ing this divine name denominationa l peop le get all excit ed. They aff irm that '' one nam e is as good as anot her, and all the different r eligious names are right." But with m,, their mere assertions ar e no good. vV e will accept only what th e Bib le has to say. And wh ere does th e Bible say '' 'l'here is nothin g in a nam e 1 ''

Please consider th e followin g : ' 'And the di s­ciple s were call ed Christians, first at Antioch" (Acts 11 :26), '' Almost thou persuade st me to be a Chris­tian" (Acts 26 :28), " If any man suffe r as a Chris­tian, let him not be ashamed'' (I Pet. 4 :16l, '' 'l'hey blaspheme that worthy name by which ye are call ed" ( J as. 2 :7) , " If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God" ( I Pet 4 : 11 ), "If they speak not according to this word, there is no lig·ht in them" (Isa. 8 :28) .

CALVINISM GONE TO SEED ln a town in Miss issippi two men, father and son

both und er the influence of strong drink and in ~ di spute over a disreputab le woman, shot ~ach other to death. The fathe r di ed imm edi ately; the son liv ed a. few boun:, and died at a local hospital still cursin g lus fat her, and requested even at the moment of death

· not to be buried in the same cemetery with hi s father. Th is requ est was granted by a broken-hearted moth er and wife .

I att end ed both funeral services on the same day at diffe r ent pl aces . A Primitive Bapt ist preacher conducted both serv ices, because both men had in the pa st, been identified with that body. In hi s 'ta lk at both services I h eard this pr eacher make about th e following state ment: '' I hav e known this man for years, and my associatio n with him ha s led me to be­lieve that he was one of Goel 's elect , an d if he was Goel 's elect, reg a rclless of the cir cum sta nces of his death, he will be save d."

T a~n _n?t charg~ng this genera l t eaching against the Prnmt ive Baptist people, but this littl e incident will well illu strate the demora li zing end to which a fal se theory will lead a man. If those two men do not spend eternity in hell, no one else need worry. If I am so unfortunat e as to go to hell , I expec t to find them occupying reserved seats.-A . E. Erninons, J r., The S entinel .




Page 3: I -~JIL · Seventh-Day Adventism Renounced (Canright) · 3.00 OHIO Gospel Advocate Commentaries AKRON - Kenmore Church of Christ, Ninth and Florida Avenues, C. A. Brannan, on th e



When the chm:ch was Rcattered abroad because of the great persecution that arose in ,Jerusalem, Philip went down to Samaria and preached Christ unto them (Acts 8 :5). ,Just exactly what is involvecl in preaching Christ today iR a much disputed qnes­tion. '' Why do not more people just preach Christ and not say so much about this or that?' iR a (lUes­tion asked. It seems to me that a safe way to find out what we must preach today to preach Christ as Philip did is to study the Bible and find ont what Philip preached to the Samaritans. How, then, did Philip preach Christ'? Verse 12 sayR '' Bnt when they believed Philip preaching the thingR concerning the kingdom of God, and the namr of ,J erms Christ, they were baptized both men and women. A stndy of this verse shows that Philip's preaching consisted of three things. They are: '' Things concerning the kingdom of God, '' '' the name of Jesus Christ, ' and '' baptism. ''

Things Concerning The Kingdom Of God

There were many theories concerning the king­dom of God then, and there are many theories about it today. But did Philip preach theories or did he preach the truth of God on the Rubject? Of course. he preached the truth. J esuR came to establish His. king­dom which is the church. The Jews had looked for the Messiah who would establish His kingdom, but they did not accept ,Jesus as their MesRiah. This did not keep Him from accomplishing that which He came to accomplish. Hence Philip preached the kingdom of God which was established on the first Pentecost after the resurrection of ,J esm; Christ, and that men and women may become citizens in this kingdom by obeying the gospel of Christ.

The establishment of this kingdom was in fulfill­ment of prophecies spoken many years before. Daniel Isaiah and Micah prophesied concerning the estab­lishment of this kingdom. John the Baptist preached that '' the kingdom of God is at hand.'' The twelve and the seventy whom J eRus Rent out all preached that the kingdom of IIeavPn is at hand_ or come nigh nnto you, and ,JesnR told Ifo; disciples that some of tlH'm would not taRte of dl'ath till they saw the kingclom of God come with power. 'l'he kingdom came ,vith power on the day of Pentecost. (Acts 1 :6-8 ;2 :1-4). The Lord added to the church, or kingdom, about three thou­sand souls that day, and will still add to His church all those who comply with the terms of entrance which are found in His word.

The Name of Jesus Christ

It is not uncommon to hear people say '' there is nothing in a name,'' or '' one name is as good as an­other.' If this be true, then Philip preached "noth­ing" or else he preached "something in which there is nothing'' when he preached the name of Jesus Christ. If preachers today would preach the name of Jesus Christ as Philip did there would not be the de-

nominational names which have a great part in divid­ing people religiously. 'l'he Bible teaches there is something in a name even though men teach there is not. "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.'' ( Acts 4 :12). When men preach any other name they are not preaching Christ, and are not prPaching heayen 'R ,;alvation.


In preaching Christ Philip preached baptism. If Philip were living today and preaching Christ as h<, did then, there would, no doubt, be those who would say, '' Philip, why don't you just preach Christ and say nothing about baptism'?'' 'l'he reason Philip preached baptism when he was preaching Christ i~ that Jesus commanded His disciples to "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Ile that believeth and is baptiY.ed shall be saved: but he that believeth not shall be damned." (Mark 16 :15-16). Philip was doing what the Lord had commanded him to do when he was telling them to be baptized for the remission of their sins. This is the same message the inspired apostle Peter preached to the multitude in J ermmlem on the day of Pentecost Acts 2 :38). Paul preached Christ and Him crucified t? the Corinthians and as a result they were bap­trnccl 1 Cor. 2 :1-2; Acts 18 :5-8). The baptism Paul preached was immersion in water for the remission of sins which puts one into Christ and into His body the church. (Rom. 6 :3-5; 1 Cor. 12 :13).

For a person to preach Christ fully today he must preach the things concerning the kingdom of God that are revealed in the book of God, the Bible; he must preach the name in which there is salvation, the name of Christ; and he must preach what Christ com­man~ed His disciples to preach on the subject of baptrnm. To do more or less than this is to incur the disfavor of God upon us. (2 Jno. 9).

. Let 1~s preach Christ as the inspired preachers did m the first century that we may have the abiding presence of Goel with us and that we mav save our-1,elves and them that lwar us. ·




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Did Alexander Campbell Establish The Church

Pages might well be written on the aboYe subject, but it is my purpose to set forth the facts in a very brief form. Therefore, we will briefly define our trrnrn. By '' the church,'' we mean that institution that irs peculiar to the :t-Yew 'Testament. It is reforrecl to in volume as, '"l'he Church." Matt 18 :17; Acts 5 :11; Rom. 16-5; and many other vernes. '' 'l'he Church of Goel,'' l Cor. 1 :2; 10 :32; 11 :22; Gal. 1 :13, 11ml other Rcriptures; '' 'l'lw Church of the Lord '' Acts 20:28; "My Church," Mat. 16:18; '"1'}10 Churches,'' Acts 9 :31; '' Churches of Christ,'' Rom. 1 6 :16; '' The Bride of Christ,'' Eph. 5 :32; '' The Borly of Christ,'' Enh. 1 :22-23 ; 5 :23 ; '' 'l'he Family of Goel," 1 Tim. 3 :15. By establish, I mean rlicl Camp­bell build it, Rtart it, ori!rinate it. I am sure no nne Y."ill argne that he did. But let the facts speak.

. The Church that ,Jesus built was as surely here m the days of the apostles as these men lived who wrote the Bible, because they describe the setting up of it on the day of Pentecost, (Acts 2). They tell about how it grew and spread over the world and how thousana~ were _adclerl to it and how it waR gov­erned by Christ a,; its head and elders and deacom; served in the local congregations; how men and wom­en became members of it and how they continued to live and worship faithfully in it until death.

Men added unto the plan and pattern of the Lord and changed it and marred it to the extent that the chu~ch lost its identity, and Catholicism and '' Protes­tantrnm'' prevailed. A. Campbell, his father and a number of other men had for a number of years tried to reform a number of denominational churches and h?d st:cceecl~d in so doing. But when they sa,~ the b1ckermg, b1tterneRs, and divided state of reliO'ion • they decided to try to restore the church as it w~s i~ the clays of the apostles, by teachin"' what they taui!ht b~lieving_ w!iat they believed, and doing ";hat the; ~id. Then' idea was to simnly go back to the New l'es\~1~e~t and beeomp and be what it taught men to be. l'\pither, Mr. A. Campbell himself states their pnrpose: was there the ,;lightest intention of forming a new party. (_)n the contrary, the whole design of the effo:t was, if pos~i?le, to put an end to partyism, and t? mduce the chfferent religions denominations ~~, urnte togeth~r upon the Bible as the only author­lZ( ~ rule of fa~th and practice, and to deiiist from their ~ontro;,ers1ps about mattern of more opinion and e~pecl1ency, Memoirs of Alexander Campbell Pa"'e 2.,2 of Volume No. 1. ' "'·

Mr. Campbell had been sprinkled as an infant h_ut he came to fully realize that he had not been ba ~ tized as the people were in the dav" of tl tl p , h · · ' J " 1e a pos es • so : w?s immersed by l\Iatthias Luce upon the simpl~ co~f:ss10n tl:at ,Jesus is the Christ and for the r -mrns1on of Ins sins, ju1>t as the 3,000 were on Pent:-

cost, and the Eunuch was in Acts 2 and 8. He sub­mitted to no creed and joined no church, but obeyed his master in baptism, and was added to his ehurch ,iust as those people were in the long ago. See page~ 304 and 395, Memoirs, Vol. 1.) Thus he with others sought to re:-;tore the church of the New Testamente.

But, let us note his own statement relative to the matter. Many people believed he was the founder of a new church even in his day and so stated. In this number, was the Editors of the Commercial Bulletin of N cw Orleans. We here insert the letter that he wrote them:

'' Gentlemen : Allow me to thank you for the kind and complimentary notice which you gave in your i:-;sue of the 13th inst., of my arrival in your city.

'' I also feel very grateful to the minister and members of the Methodist Church for tendering me t~e rn,e of their house of worship for Lord's day eve­n mg, and regret that it is not in my power to accept it

'.' You have done me, gentlemen, too much honor in sa"'."mg that I am the 'founder' of the denomination, qmte numerous and respectable in many portions of the West, technically known as 'Christians,' but more commonly as 'Campbellites.'

'' I have always repudiated all human heads and ~uman names for the people of the Lord, and shall feel very thankful if you will correct the erroneous impression which your article may have made in thus rep:esenting me as the founder of a religious denomi­nat10n.

" 1 1 very great respect, I am yours,

"A. Campbell." (Page 441, Vol. No. 2 Memoirs.

Thus you see Mr. Campbell never aimed to start a cht~rch and never in his life did he accept the idea. He simply wanted to be a Christian and a member of the Lord's Church. Many other quotations from his speeches and writings state the same facts. Therefore, to accuse a man of doing what he never intended to do, and what he never did do and what all of his friends ha'_'e denied that he did, and what facts and acts_deny, Is ~urely wr_ong and sinful. People accused Chrrnt of havmg a devil, but he did not and those who accused him of such were not his friends. 'l'o accuse Mr. Campbell of doing a thing he did not, is surely not the act of a friend.


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Paul in writing to 'l'imoth y says in 2 'l'im . 2 :15, '' Study to show thyself approved unto Goel, a work­man that n eedeth not to be asham ed , rightly dividing the word of Truth.' ' W e want to call attention to the latt er part of this scriptiu e where the apostl e says, "ri ght ly dividing or handlin g aright) the word of 'l'ruth. It is evident that many religious people hav e not learned how to rightly divide Goel 's word. And ' the r esult is th ey try to mix the old Mosiac L aw with the Gospe l and think they are worshipping God acceptably.

First, we ·want you to see that the Law was a schoolmast er and had a specific purpose - '' to bring us to Christ . ' '' Wh erefore the law was our school­ma ste 1· to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. But after that faith is come, we a1·e no longer und er a schoolma ster ." (Ga l. 3 :24, 25). Notice, the anostle says that after faith. or Chri st, had come they wer e 110 longer und er the schoolma ste r whieh he calls the Law.

God irnve th e Law to Isra el, throu12·h Moses:, on Mt. Sinai, shortly they had been deliv ered from Eg·yptian boncla'! e. (Exodus. chapters 20. 21, ?.2) . It was a schoolma ster to brim,· them to Christ and when he was nailed to the cross it end ed. "Blotting out the hanclwritinQ · of ordinances that wac:: a 0·ainst us, which was contrary to us . ;:u1cl took it 011t of the wav, nailino­it to his cross.'' ( Col. 2 :15). '\Vh,rn the J e,vs nniled the Lord to the cross t.hey also n:-1iler1 their law Christ. came in fulfillm ent of the law , "Think not that I am come to destroy the law . or t.lrn 1wo11hets. I am not come to clestrov. but to fu Ifill." (Mt. 5 :17). The law was i;,:iven by God to Is,·ael. server1 its JJlH ­

pose, and passed away with the death of Christ. ·

Goel ha s not spok en to people today by Moses, but by Chri st. '' For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by J esus Christ." (Ju. 1 :17l. Again, "God, who at sundry times and in divers man­n ers spoke in time past unto the fathers bv the proph ets, hath in these last days spok en unto \lS by Hi s SON, whom H e hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also "He mad e th e world s." (H eb. 1 :1, 2) .

'l'h e Son ha s spoken through the Gospel which P aul calls God's power unto Salvation. "F~r I am not shamed of the GOSPEL of Christ; for it is the POWER of God unto SAL V A'l'ION to every one that beli evet h; to the J ew first, and also to the Greek. (Romans 1 :16).

. Y,et r eligious peop le today, when they want to Justify the us e of a certain thing, oftentim es do not go to the Gospel, but will go to a law that Christ took out of the way and nailed to t_he cross. As an examp le , many today, use the lVIechamcal Instrum ent in their worship to God, an~ since it cannot be ju st ifi ed by ~!ie G_ospel th~y will run to th~, old law and say,

David used 1t, and so can we. Just r ememb er ~ocl h~s spoken today by Hi s SON, not by Moses, ancl if _Ch~·~st clo_es n~t authorize an 3:ct of worship it is vam . . But m vam they do worship me, teaching for doctrm es the commandments of men. (Mt. 15 :9) .

-Bible H erald


, 'And I, br ethern , when I came to you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom, declaring· unto you the test imony of Goel . . .. And my speec h and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom .. .. " (1 Cor. 2 :1, 4).

·when the Bible described what happ ened to Lot 's wife, it simply said: '' She became a pillar of salt . '' Some educat ed man who want ed to display his vocab­ulary, said. '' She was transformed by supernatural power into a perpendicular column of sodium chloride. ''

An illiterat e countryman got a letter, but (being unable to read) asked the postmaster to read it to him. It read: "Your Uncles Jam es, being increased with years, and debilitated both men tally and physically by reason of the frai lties of life clue to the enc roach­ment of senility, and having suffered severe financial reverse, in a moment of temporary dementia, pre­cipitated his own demise." -The postmaster saw that the man didn't get any sense out of the letter, so he explained: '' It just means that your Unc le Jim got old, lost hi s wad, went n erts, and bump ed him­self off. '' (Doubtless he und erst ood that!)

'' Avoid calcu lating the numerical quantity of your juvenile pou ltr y until the forces of incubation hav e fully mat er ialized'' .... is just another way to say ''Don't count your . chickens before they hatch.'' But it is much simpler to use the latte r form of expressio n.

·when the Bible reveals the love of Goel the state of sinful_ man, the way of salvation, the bl~ssings for the o?edrent, and the doom of sinners, it does so in the snnpl est of language. For exa mple: "He that believet h and is bapt ized shall be saved" (Mk 16 :16) c?u ld never be made plain er ! '' Repent and be bap­tized everyo ne of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins,'' ( Acts 2 :38) is just as p lain as can be. Obey Acts 2 :38 ! - Riclgeclale Reminder.


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1 Chron. 29 :5

By Tolbert F. Vaughan, Jr.

Intro: 1 The "call to service" in the text is in reference to the buildin g of the temple. Today God calls men into His service to build up the kingdom.

• Intro: 2) Christianity not only offers a bless­ing but it a lso require s a service.


0 A. "Who then is willing .... "

B. Willing: "Ready to act, unforced" (Web.)

1. U ,i--ri!ling se r vice is not acceptable to the Lord.

2. Unwilling service would be acceptable if only the service was desired but God wants affection and devotion as well.

C. Of the Macedonians it is said: "Beyond their power they were willing of them­selves." 2 Cor. 8 :3.

D. Paul said to "give, not grudgingly, or of necessity, for God loveth a cheerful g iver,"

E. Elders to take the oversight "not to con­straint, but willingly." 2 Pet. 5 :2.


A. "Who then is willing, to consecrate .... "

B. Consecrate: "To set apart or devote to the service of God." (Web.)

C. This is not necessarily a call to leave secu­la r work but to consecrate self in the work of the Lord.

1. All work secular or otherwise, should be approached with the a im of glorifying God. Gal. 2 :20.

2. A consecrated life would make better doctors, lawyers, bus drivers and ditch diggers.

3. Christian schools sho uld not be viewed as "preacher factories" but as places where youth can learn how to live a consecrated life.

D. Even though our abilities may be limited the little we are able to do can be con­secrated service, cf. Man with on talent. Mt. 25:14ff


A. "Who then is willing to consecrate his service ... "

MEE TI NGS: N. B . Hardeman of Memphis, 'l'enne ssee, will be the speak er in a meetin g conducted by the Sage Ave nu e Church of Christ, 57 North Sage Avenue, Mobile, Alabama, November 13 thru the 20th. Services during the week, 7 :30 P.lVL, Sun­days 10 :50 and 6 :00 P .M. Brother Hardeman is declared to be one of the greatest preachers of this twentieth cent ur y . If you liv e within driving dis­tance, be sure to hear him. -- Sam Hartline , who ha s r ecently begu n work with the church of Christ in Niceville, Florida, has scheduled a diff eren t speak­er each night in a ser ies of services to begin there on November 13. The theme for the lessons is Panl 's Letter To 'l'h e Churche s. Services begin at 7 :30 P.M. Sam Bink ley preached rec ent ly in meet ing with the following congregations: Vista l Church, Kno xville 'r enn., with 5 bapti sms and 4 restorations; Gastonia'. N. C., with 1 bapti sm. He has baptized 2 at East Hill (P ensacola) recently.

IT WILL MAKE A WONDERFUL GIFT Brother Wyatt Sawyer' s book , "Must The

YOUNG DIE TOO 1" seems to be sweeping the countr y like "wildfire." It is simp ly a MUST for both young· and old! It would make a wonderful gift . Price each 2.50. Ord er now and pay within 30 days. Mail orders to: WAY OF SALVATION, 1213 E. JORDAN ST. PENSACOLA, FLORIDA.

B . This is a ca ll for self-surrender. 1. "First they gave themselves to the

Lord ." 2 Cor. 8 :5. 2. We are not to volunteer for someo ne else

but are to devote our personal service to God .


A. "Who then is willing to consecrate his serv­ice this day .... "

B. The need is now, not next year. 1. "Today is the day of salvation ."

2 Cor . 6 :2. 2. We have no promise of tomorrow.

James 4 :13-14 .


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